Thursday, January 3, 2013

Popenesia in Christmas Message: Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI does not 'practise what he preach’ and he’s suffering from Vaticanesia (papal amnesia)

Updated January 20, 2013

Catholics should learn from the courage of a young 18 year old Jewish woman  who testified for 4 days against a powerful Jewish Rabbi in New York, the infamous Weberman, and she said, “He was like a God...Someone like that shouldn’t be treated with the kind of absolute respect Weberman received. He didn’t deserve it”.  WE too must say that Benedict XVI is like a God... but someone like that shouldn’t be treated with the kind of absolute respect the Pope receives because Cardinal Ratzinger’s crimes are worse than the Rabbi Weberman, read Josef Ratzinger’s crimes against humanity pending at The Hague: Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing details.

The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

The young Jewish woman had neither DNA nor physical proof about the sexual abuse she suffered for 3 years under Weberman; it was all she says, he says, and it was her word against his; but the jury believed her and convicted her predator on all counts, see news below. The crimes of Cardinal Ratzinger are not only 3 years but more than 30 years and they are well documented in more than 20,000 pages and they are all before the International Court of Justice at The Hague now. 

Every Christmas, Pope Benedict XVI delivers his most televised speech where he is dressed like a Roman Emperor and “treated like God” and revered as the “Vicar of Christ” or the “Voice of God”(who’s in the manger), and he is looked upon as the 5th Most Powerful Person whom Forbes Magazine hollered, the sole person who holds the key to the Kingdom of Heaven, and as Catholics believe, he has absolute power to condemn sinners to the Fires of Hell, read our related article: The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell

As long as we tolerate Vatican Deceits - we can never influence other religions to become more peaceful.  Vatican Deceptions cannot convert others to become Christians, after all, the Vatican Billions are an intrinsic part of the machinery of wars, read here about the history and assets of the Vatican Billions

Christ condemned the hypocrite Pharisees (who prayed on the hour, today that would be the Rosary, the Angelus and the Eucharist) and he said that they were “like their father the Devil” who is the “Father of lies”  Therefore, it is important to analyse the Vatican Last Tsar’s Christmas speech because it seems that the world is simply lazily and blindly  accepting whatever he says as he condemns the secular world and he acts and talks like he is a god himself, but the fact is, as he mocked the world, Last Tsar Benedict XVI-Ratzinger was actually speaking about himself.   Here is the analysis of his speech.
Christmas speech reveal Pope's hypocrisy

The Christmas Marketing of Old Vatican Deceits - by Forbes 5th Most Powerful Person (read here)- Pope Benedict XVI was most evident during his Christmas Message where he demonstrated that he is now having Popenesia (papal amnesia) especially when he denigrated and rebuked people of the world that in their “hectic, technology-driven lives”, they “cannot find the time and room for God and for others, for children, for the poor, for the strangers.”  Look who’s talking?  The Last Tsar of the Vatican!  Here are many proofs of Benedict XVI Popenesia or Vaticanesia (papal amnesia). Tsar Ratzinger has forgotten  that in the year 2012 (as in all his other papal years), within 365 days of his papal calendar, how very little time - in minutes, in seconds -- or practically none -- he himself actually spent with “children, the poor, the strangers”! 

In his New Year's Papal  Speech Benedict XVI likewise condemned "terrorism" and "hotbeds of tension and conflict caused by growing instances of inequality between rich and poor".  Another Popenesia - the Vatican's wealth worldwide is the main cause of "inequality between rich and poor"  Just look at the Vatican's financial empire in Italy alone which are in themselves "hotbeds" and are in themselves "an unregulated financial capitalism", see the staggering wealth of the Vatican here where they practically own every schools, hospitals, name it, they own it

Benedict went on to rattle, Those "hotbeds" also grew out of "the prevalence of a selfish and individualistic mindset which also finds expression in an unregulated financial capitalism", as well as "various forms of terrorism and crime".  Look who's talking.  News came out today that Italy has suspended the use of credit cards in the Vatican musuem and all other commercial outlets in the Vatican, read news below. The Vatican's own  unregulated financial capitalism and suspected money laundering proves Benedict XVI is a pathological liar who does not 'practise what he preach' and he goes on to rebuke the whole world when the Vatican itself is the most guilty about what he is rattling about.

The Bank of Italy suspended all bank card payments on Vatican territory from the start of
the year and ordered Deutsche Bank Italia, which manages electronic payments for the world’s smallest country, to turn off its systems.   Hoorah the Vatican Titanic is sinking!

Vatican terrorism

To demonstrate his own papal despotism, at the end of the year, Benedict XVI silenced a Jesuit who has been a good priest and a writer for 30 years, because he criticised the pope's book and questioned the Virginity of Mary.  No one is allowed to criticize the Pope under the Opus Dei control of the Vatican.

 “Father Adolfo Nicolás, the superior general of the Jesuits, has ordered Father Alfonso Llano to consider his apostolic vocation as a writer to be over, has deprived him of his freedom of speech, and is demanding that he not even say goodbye and that he keep absolute silence.” This is the form of Vatican terrorism and desperate despotic acts of the Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI, read more here  

Pope mocks and judge the people of the world for what he is most guilty of
Mammon servant Forbes Magazine advertised the doctrine of Papal Supremacy; the Pope enjoys “supreme, full, immediate, and universal power” over the souls of 1.2 billion Catholics around the world...but so what?  Ratzinger helped John Paul II to use these papal powers to cover-up thousands of pedophile priests of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and he never saved one soul among the hundreds of thousands of children sexual abused by creepy slimy bastard pedophile priests .  Those supreme powers are only being used to amass Mammon wealth for the Vatican Bank and not to save souls.  May The Hague bring Benedict XVI to trial soon - before he commits euthanasia - to avoid prosecution - for his crimes against humanity, read his crimes against humanity filed by SNAP here and Full text filed by German lawyers

Was Benedict XVI also criticizing Microsoft’s Bill and Melinda Gates who probably have the most hectic, Microsoft technology-driven lives”?  but look at all the mileage to poor countries they have traveled to, charities they have donated to, and the time they have personally spent with “children, the poor, the strangers”, see proof of their photo here.  Meanwhile, in sharp contrast as he sits arrogantly judging the world from his exclusive trillion dollars Vatican Palace, the Last Tsar Benedict XVI scores zero (0) nada in his charity for “children, the poor, the strangers”.   He had the gall to mention these three groups of people with whom he keeps the most distance, and besides, he knows that they couldn’t afford any way to dress-up and go near his presence as only millionaire investors of the Vatican Bank can, and they wouldn’t dare take a peek at the Vatican for fear those well-dressed Swiss Guard Army would only kick them out.  Read how the poor are used only as props for papal visits in Third World countries that made Tsar Ratzinger “silenced” (equivalent to jail in the Vatican Church) Jesuit Jon Sobrino . 

Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI does not 'practise what he preach’ and he himself is the living proof of Catholic Injustice and moral bankruptcy as he helms the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy as proven in his most televised speech - where he fell flat on his face within his own Papal denigration!  He mocked people of the world who for sure have spent more time (than him) with children, the poor and strangers especially those who volunteer for the Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, JRS Jesuit Refugee Service  and all other secular charities… while he only sits in the lap of luxury unreachable in his Holy Ivory Tower at the Vatican “country” population of only homosexual 800 people all rich and well-fed by the Vatican Bank

How pathetic that Forbes has lost its mind by putting Bill Gates as the 4th, and Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Persons in the World because there is very little in common in their powers and the difference between their practises of charity is like day and nightBill Gates is full of personal works of charity while Benedict XVI is empty of charity as he helms the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy.  Benedict XVI is totally heartless towards “children, the poor, the strangers” especially apathetic towards the suffering poor children victims of the JP2 Army –John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army  
Popenesia!   Billionaire Benedict XVI has forgotten the fact that he himself leads a “hectic, Vatican Billions-driven papal life” but Forbes preferred to be a Vatican Pied Piper by misleading readers citing his “spiritual” powers over the 1.2 billion “souls” of Catholics instead, read more here    Only Forbes can comprehend the staggering amount of properties the Vatican owns in Rome and Italy read here   Each time Ratzinger looks out through the Papal Balcony from his gilded Chair of St. Peter, the Vicar of Christ has superbly satisfied the Devil’s second temptation in the desert, Mathew 4:1-11
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.

The Vatican practically owns all commercial buildings in Italy that is why the movie revealing Pope Ratzinger’s role in the cover-up of pedophile priests couldn’t be shown in movie festivals in Rome and Venice and in Italian movie theatres, read

The Vatican will never allow women to be priests because they are afraid they would be able to take a peek at its mammoth wealth and try to share it with the poor.

President Obama must tax Vatican Catholic properties in USA

Like Italy, President Obama must start to impose taxes on all Vatican Catholic properties in the USA and use those tax dollars for Americans (instead of feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast).   Every American must write to their representatives in Congress and to their senators and to President Obama to tax Vatican properties in the USA.  And Catholics must now be called Vatican Catholics of the VCC Vatican Catholic Church they are no longer RCC Roman Catholic Church because Rome is a secular city of Italy…but  the Vatican is the Holy See that controls Catholics worldwide.

Even canonizations are big business for the Vatican.  Vatican insiders say that it cost religious congregations and countries 10m to 15 million dollars to canonize one saint, like Australia’s government had to make contribution of one million dollars for their most recent saint and now the government wants that money back because they discover how corrupt is the Vatican Catholic Church that systemically covered-up and transferred from one country to another pedophile priests – JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

What for and why does the Vatican need all those money from other far-away countries - when it has its own immeasurable income from the Vatican museum and the Vatican Bank and all the profits of Vatican properties in Rome and Italy and all over the world?  What GREED of the Midas Vatican Last Tsar!

Imagine the Australian government giving one million dollars for a dead nun when it could use that money for its own alive aborigines’ needs instead for a spectacle in the smallest country at the St. Peter’s Square.  The Vatican is in the business of manipulating and stage-managing dead persons making them as saints - for its own fortune and fame and global evil powers.  And it also uses sex to brainwash and control callous and stupid Catholics by imposing out-of-touch-with-reality rules against contraception, masturbation, abortion, etc.  Thank God that Melinda Gates has openly spoken against stupid Pope edicts and is distributing billions of dollars worth of contraceptives to poor women.

These misogynists Pope and his Vatican black dressed priests who live in luxury at the Vatican Palace must be shut-up once and for all.

 It is time the United Nations remove the status of the Vatican as a “country” so it can stop bullying and usurping wealth of all countries in the Name of Christ, in the Name of Mary and in the Name of God!  

10% of Vatican income in Italy - for Third World and Africa

Benedict XVI should “practise what he preach” by giving 10% of Vatican income in Italy (alone) and also from Vatican properties worldwide -- to poor Third World countries. 10% as it is said in the Bible for tithing.  And he should forfeit the collection plate from poor countries who could better use their money to feed their own families and donate to their local secular charities instead of giving to feed his medieval royalty narcissistic lifestyle at the Vatican Palace.  Catholics should emulate how brave 200 deaf and mute victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army  in Montreal are calling for boycott of Catholic Church Collection plates this Christmas, read their stories below.  They suggest giving your money to local charities instead. Read here

The Vatican Mammon should imitate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on how they distribute their wealth to eradicate diseases and help the poor to live better lives, read more here

Vatican Tsar mocks secular People of the World  

Benedict XVI as the Last Tsar of the Vatican had to find something to show-off his superiority to the rest of the world and to prove Forbes delusion of his powers  . To wag on his last papal Tsar superiority in the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy, he picked on “hectic, technology-driven lives” of people of the world; he made it look like a common enemy among secular people or against Catholics today who no longer go to church, and who refuse to believe in medieval dogmas and doctrines like the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims read /sacrament-of-confession-protects  Popenesia!  This year he picked on the “technology-driven lives” – but he has forgotten that he himself is gasping for air in the sinking Vatican Titanic by clamoring “technology-driven” Tweeter in his last attempt to hang-on to power like the Last Tsar of Russia.

American nuns and priests vis-à-vis Israelis and Palestinians

Vaticanesia!  Charity begins at home but Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI is praying for other countries when he cannot make peace within his own Vatican country.  Benedict XVI prayed that Israelis and Palestinians live in peace and freedom – but he has forgotten that he himself will not allow American nuns and Irish priests and theologians to live in peace and freedom within the Catholic Church.  By silencing them that is the form of “jail” in the Vatican Catholic Church – because there is no “freedom of speech” within the Vatican Catholic Church, read about his final despotic acts   But  Benedict XVI wouldn’t dare excommunicate Melinda Gates like the Pope did with King Henry VIII, as she openly defy his edict against contraception by distributing billions of contraception to millions of women worldwide,

Benedict XVI use God as pretext for intolerance to nuns and priests

Popenesia!  Benedict obviously does “not practise what he preach” when he said that “history has suffered through 'misuse of religion', when belief in one God became a pretext for intolerance and violence” –he has forgotten that he himself ‘misuse religion’ and the Vatican autocratic ‘belief in one God’ and how he used them as pretext to violently silence Liberation Theologians and Irish priests and right now he’s clamping on American nuns?

Joseph walked to Bethlehem vis-à-vis Italian victims of JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army walked across Italy to the Vatican

Popenesia!  In his homily, The Pope had the hypocrisy to cite the Gospel account of Mary and Joseph finding no room at an inn and ending up in a stable which sheltered the baby Jesus -– when he himself refused Italian victims who walked across at a distance probably even longer than Joseph and Mary did to Bethlehem.  Those 200 Italian children (now adults) who were victims of the JP2 Army in Italy, read their stories   Benedict XVI was like the arrogant inn-keeper, he refused to let them inside the Vatican, and he would not even offer them a cup of water like the Good Samaritan, or wash their feet like Christ.  Benedict XVI copycat his papal clone John Paul II who was not a Good Samaritan taught him.  Benedict XVI has forgotten in his that he is “full of himself’” and that in his Vatican Palace, he wouldn’t even let inside the Vatican door, SNAP who knocked at his door   

No homeless, refugees and migrants are allowed inside the Vatican “country”

Vaticanesia!   Benedict XVI had the hypocrisy to preach to other countries when the Vatican is the smallest “country” and he has forgotten that he has only 800 handpicked persons as its total population and he would never allow any “homeless, refugees and migrants” inside the Vatican.  It is time that the United Nations remove the status of the Vatican as a “country” because  The Last Tsar only mocks nations of the world:  “The great moral question of our attitude toward the homeless, toward refugees and migrants takes on a deeper dimension: Do we really have room for God when he seeks to enter under our roof? Do we have time and space for him?Popenesia again.  Again Ratzinger has forgotten that he wouldn’t allow inside the Vatican door, or “under his papal roof” and he wouldn’t even take a look at their faces those Italian victims of JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priest Army who walked across Italy to go and meet him.  Benedict XVI has no morals as he condones Cardinal Bernard Law until now in his glorious retirement in Rome and NCAA and Penn state

Papal tiara camouflage ugly evil eyes
With his Papal Midas Touch, Benedict XVI is always busy counting Vatican Gold, and like the Emperor’s Clothes, he’s busy designing with his Papal tailor how much gold to put in his Papal Tiara that’s ten times the size of his ugly face in order to camouflage and segue attention from his fierce evil eyes, see its many scary angles here

Misogynist Pope and Vatican priests wear feminine frills and laces

All that feminine frills and laces that these hypocritical men wear and they are the most misogynist GAY men in the world because they allow no voice and no role of women in the church.
Who would bother to look at ugly Benedict XVI without these ostentatious medieval gowns? 

Only the Pope and his Papal men wear such pompous feminine medieval robes to camouflage their ugly body and ugly faces.  But God’s Divine Justice shall prevail because God allowed Pope John Paul II to become so ugly at the end of his reign that he could barely speak and his tongue wobbled like a dog because God was so disgusted with his cover-up of his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophil Priests Army .  God has a plan for Benedict XVI’s ugly ending also.  God is fed up with all these “taking the Lord’s name in vain” by the Pope and the Vatican and the “Saint” John Paul II Pedophil Priests Army

Wizards of Host - Pope and priests clone Jesus versus Mary’s pregnancy

9-seconds transubstantiation versus 9-months pregnancy

Worst Popenesia – Benedict XVI has forgotten that Mary had to carry Christ 9-months in her womb to full term before she could give birth to him and that men have no wombs and can never give birth.  Christ refused to obey the Devil’s temptation in the desert to turn stone into bread but his Vicar of Christ keeps obeying the Devil -- by turning bread into the Flesh of God in the Eucharist.   The Devil tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden Tree so that “they would become like God”, today the Pope and priests are acting like demi-gods by reincarnating the flesh of God! The Eucharist is the reincarnation of Christ which takes 9-seconds versus the 9 months to full term in the pregnancy of Mary
Catholics are blind not to see or they refuse to admit the 9-month pregnancy full term of Mary versus the 9-seconds magical formula of the Eucharist recited like factories of cloning of Christ by sinful priests.

Temple of the Vatican and the Temple of Solomon

Jesus said:  Woe to Scribes and Teachers of the Law the Mathew 23

The Third Secret of Fatima predicted the total demise of the Vatican, St. Peter’s Basilica and St. Peter’s Square that, like the Temple of Solomon, not one pillar will be left standing – now we know why because this could only be brought upon by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophil Priests Army that at its 10th year anniversary, Australia is only waking up from this most heinous crimes against children that John Paul II the Great refused to deal with in his obsession for his own glory – he NEVER protected the most vulnerable children upon whom he imposed the title as their “Holy Father” .   Bring on the speedy canonization of Heil Satanas JP2 and the faster will be the demise of the Vatican like the Temple of Solomon.

 The Vatican Temple and the Temple of Solomon .  The Vatican far exceeds the wealth of Solomon in his heydays. But Christ did not care about the wealth of the Temple of Solomon and the chamber of the “Holy of Holies” entered only by the High Priests just like today the Eucharist Sorcery is performed only by men.  In fact, Christ got angry at those sellers of sheeps to be slaughtered – just like today he is angry with the “Holy Tourism of the Eucharist” that’s raking and stealing billions of dollars from the poor, read the Vatican  Billions’ history

Eucharist feeds “dysfunction, disconnection, elitism...narcissism” of Benedict XVI, therefore, Ireland must not “invite” Pope to Eucharistic Congress

Updated January 5, 2013

Below is an article about Vatican Terrorism on a Jesuit that was silenced by Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI at the end of the year, and the "mythical medieval concept claim that seeks unsuccessfully to justify historically Vatican hierarchical power of the Pope, as “Supreme Pontiff” for life and the “semi-divine infallible Vicar of Christ”,  and the things that are threatening the very survival of the “Roman Holy Empire” of the VAtican Titanic. 

Plus there's a letter about the Philly Inquirer:   Looks like the Philly Inquirer needs the permission of the Zappala Crime Family and Donald Wuerl before they can report the facts in Allegheny County or the Pittsburgh Diocese?

See news update below

Read our latest articles:
CSC Holy Cross Congregation delay $18 million compensation payout. Brother Andre & Saint JOSEPH giant GOLDEN COW STATUES could not help victims of CSC pedophiles

Oratory of St. Joseph copy Vatican Titanic. Montreal Police announce arrest of 2 Holy Cross CSC pedophile priests for 14 years sodomy at College Notre Dame

News for January 3, 2013
The Association of Catholic Priests (Ireland)

Fr. Alfonso Llano Escobar, S.J. had learned the hard way that it doesn’t pay to critique your boss’s writings. Fr. Llano, whose weekly column Un alto en el camino (“A stop along the road”) had appeared in the major Colombian newspaper El Tiempo for 30 years, has been told that his writing career has come to an end.

In a message to the editorial board of the newspaper, Fr. Llano wrote that “Father Adolfo Nicolás, the superior general of the Jesuits, has ordered Father Alfonso Llano to consider his apostolic vocation as a writer to be over, has deprived him of his freedom of speech, and is demanding that he not even say goodbye and that he keep absolute silence.”

The priest columnist earned his silencing for a November 24th column in which he offered his views on Pope Benedict XVI’s new book, Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives, and specifically on the doctrine of the virginity of Mary. The column focuses on internal debate about the subject within the theological community and is worth translating in its entirety:

The Infancy of Jesus. That’s the title of the third volume of the trilogy on Jesus of Nazareth by theologian Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI. It has been published in nine languages, including Spanish, and will be published in a first global edition of one million copies. With a series of articles in the press and interviews on radio and television, I would like to guide readers of this book by the Pope, which offers a special difficulty — the virginity of Mary — which will give theologians and the media a lot to talk about.

This is the same case as another Jesuit Jon Sobrino, our hero

Jon Sobrino described John Paul II's manipulation of the poor of South America. In El Salvador, John Paul II suppressed the poor Crucified Peoples and the Jesuits Martyrs who were working for social justice - whose anniversary is November 16.

Here is an excerpt from
Jon Sobrino's book that speaks of John Paul II's un-realistic papal attitudes and ignorant perception towards the poor. These are the paragraphs that made Benedict XVI issued the "Notification" and the Opus Dei Bishop of El Salvador "silence" Sobrino, meaning he can no longer teach or preach and help the poor to whom he has given all his life in service.

Witnesses to the Kingdom: The Martyrs of
El Salvador and the Crucified Peoples Page 141. Important ecclesial events, like a papal visit, are often organized in such a way that they too produce a feeling of unreality. In the Pope’s 1996 visit to El Salvador, it is true that most of the people who attended were poor. But all one could see of their reality was their religious enthusiasm, more or less effectively organized. One didn’t see their poverty, their fears, their discouragement and helplessness, not even their true faith and hope; one didn’t see their reality. As the event was organized, the poor served more as a backdrop than as the reality of the country; in the foreground were minorities that do not represent the reality: the government, legislators and politicians, the rich and powerful, and the Church beside them. The Pope’s visit neither reflected reality nor, to judge from the consequences, had any important effect on it.

On page 140. This applies to the allocutions and homilies of the Pope to the Congregation when he was an "adult-pope’. And that is still a serious problem: humanistas without sarx, factuality without reality (in the world of the poor). To give a few examples: one often gets a feeling of unreality from homilies, documents and messages that do not make central - although they may mention it - the poverty of reality, the injustice and corruption that cause it, and the cover-up that accompanies it. The feeling of unreality comes especially from the lack of commitment to get involved in the conflict, to struggle against injustice and to suffer the consequences. Words, words, words, as J. Comblin calls such messages in the article mentioned above. At another level, one gets the same feeling of unreality from a seminary formation that protects the seminarian from reality; or from the spiritualities and pastoral practices promoted or tolerated by movements that lead the human being into an a-historical transcendence with infantilizing consequences. (From Martyrs of
El Salvador. By Jon Sobrino)

Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino

Benedict XVI-
God's Rottweiler voracious appetite for the Jesuits

Pope Benedict XVI's first bite: the Jesuits
Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 see John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002

John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible Most Powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children`s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man as Head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 see John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002
In the 20th Century and dawn of the 21st Century this is the new statistic of the JP2 Army and American crimes which the Rosary could not defeat:

Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity

JP2 Army victims around the world

Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland

The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism

Ireland condemns Vatican secrecy on Cloyne Diocese pedophile priests.
Ireland vis-à-vis USA: the way they deal with crimes by the Vatican

Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome

The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more here

January 3, 2013

Vatican forced to halt use of foreign credit cards within its borders

Rome Reports
[with video]

January 3, 2013 ( In a bid by Italian financial authorities against money laundering, starting January 1 the Vatican will no longer accept credit card payments for many of its services.

The new measure will take its greatest toll on the Vatican Museums, where up until now visitors could pay using their credit cards, thanks to a service offered by Deutsche Bank Italia. However, other Vatican subsidiaries affected include its pharmacy, the supermarket and its post office, all of which must now depend on cash payments.

The Bank of Italy, which supervises the Italian financial sector, considers Vatican City as an extracommunitarian country, and, since it is not part of the European Union, it is therefore not integrated into the community's common standards on vigilance. As a result, it will not allow Italian banks to operate within the tiny, sovereign city-state.

Italy suspends Vatican bank card payments
BBC News

The Italian central bank has suspended all bank card payments in the Vatican, citing its failure to implement fully anti-money laundering legislation, Italian media report.

The Holy See was required to meet in full European Union safeguards on finances by the start of 2013.
Its failure means tourists will have to pay cash at its museums and shops.

A Vatican spokesman said contacts were under way and the suspension of bank card payments should be "short-lived".

Pope Benedict has promised greater transparency in Vatican finances and the operations of its bank, the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), which has in the past been implicated in major money-laundering scandals.

Italy blocks Vatican card payments over transparency concerns

By Elisa Anzolin
VATICAN CITY | Thu Jan 3, 2013

(Reuters) - Italy has blocked the use of debit and credit cards in the Vatican because of concerns over lack of transparency, in a major obstacle to one of the tiny city state's biggest sources of income, financial sources said on Thursday.

A source close to the Bank of Italy said the central bank in December denied a permit for Deutsche Bank Italy, the Vatican's previous provider of electronic payment services, because the Holy See was seen as lacking anti-money laundering controls and oversight.

"The Bank of Italy could not give the authorisation because the Vatican, apart from not respecting money laundering regulation, did not have the legal prerequisites. That is, it lacked banking and financial legislation and proper supervision," the source said.

Deutsche Bank's Italian operation needs approval from the Bank of Italy to provide the credit card service under Italian banking regulations.

Italy bans card payments in Vatican over money laundering

The Telegraph
Italian authorities have stopped all electronic payments inside the Vatican City after the Bank of Italy complained that it had failed to bring in new procedures to prevent money laundering.
By Harry Wilson, Banking Correspondent
6:21PM GMT 03 Jan 2013

The Bank of Italy suspended all bank card payments on Vatican territory from the start of the year and ordered Deutsche Bank Italia, which manages electronic payments for the world’s smallest country, to turn off its systems.

Italian newspapers reported that the action was taken after officials at the Italian central bank became worried that the Vatican was not prepared to implement new anti-money laundering rules.

The suspension of card services means that the Vatican museum, along with the territory’s pharmacy and post office, have all been unable to transfer money and accept payments.


News Update for January 5, 2013

A Taboo, a New Pope & a Truer Church

Christian Catholicism
(by Jerry Slevin, retired Wall Street lawyer)


The escalating scandal of priests sexually abusing children, and the resulting increasing legal pressures on the Vatican, appear to be threatening the very survival of the “Roman Holy Empire”. This mythical medieval concept supports the essential foundational claim that seeks unsuccessfully to justify historically Vatican hierarchical power. The Pope, as “Supreme Pontiff” for life and the “semi-divine infallible Vicar of Christ”, along with his “Imperial Staff” of Vatican Cardinals, have evidently pursued an imperial “top-down” policy for centuries, in secrecy and despite the rule of law, that seems directed too often at enhancing the power and wealth of senior Vatican officials and their subservient Cardinals and Bishops worldwide.
The Vatican implements this strategy mainly at the expense of trusting and generous lay Catholics, including their many children who continue to suffer from priest sexual abuse. Various prosecutors and survivors’ lawyers internationally are now increasingly challenging the Roman Holy Empire’s strategy with enhanced prospects for more success, in national courts and governmental investigations, as well as at the independent International Criminal Court.

The Vatican’s strategy centers on claiming monopolistic control over a “unique Eucharist” that purportedly can be offered to Catholics only by “ontologically pure celibate male priests”. These priests receive long theological preparation, but work for low wages, under the rigid control of well rewarded and exceedingly obedient Cardinals and Bishops. These hierarchs also usually serve for life in very comfortable surroundings, provided they zealously follow Vatican orders, including those relating to punishing prophetic voices among priests and nuns that could undercut absolute papal authority. A Jesuit from South America, for example, was just silenced for recently questioning a point in the Pope’s new Jesus book, even though the Jesuit relied for his point on the work of the same Scriptural scholar the Pope refers to favorably in his book. So much for the papal pleas for “religious liberty”! Liberty for anonymous Vatican officials, but not for Jesuit scholars. Really?

“Pure priests” are absolutely essential for promoting hierarchical fundraising and political influence among the docile Catholic faithful; hence, Bishops are pressured by the Vatican to supply and protect a continuous stream of priests at all costs to sustain this desired fundraising and influence. Indeed, the resulting absolute priest protection policies, apparently even some that employ illegal cover-ups at the expense of innocent child sexual abuse victims, are at the heart of the growing threat to the Roman Holy Empire.

When the reporter refers to Michael LeDoux being an administrator for a high school and university in western PA, she means Serra Catholic High School and Duquesne University.  Looks like the Philly Inquirer needs the permission of the Zappala Crime Family and Donald Wuerl before they can report the facts in Allegheny County or the Pittsburgh Diocese? Although, it should be noted that I, with the help of others, exposed Michael LeDoux weeks ago on several forums in the MOB Valley. Michael LeDoux is now the second Franciscan cleric who served at Serra Catholic High School in the 80s and 90s to be credibly accused of sexually abusing innocent children, the other was Brother Kenneth Ghastin. A fellow colleague and I exposed Ghastin. It should be noted that after Ghastin case was settled with twin brothers in the Boston Archdiocese, sadly, one of the brothers would commit suicide.   Factor in the attempted murder of my son, and the suicide of the shooter. One can only surmise the extent that the Pittsburgh Diocese, Serra administrators, McKeesport elected officials, McKeesport Police and other law enforcement officers needed to do to make sure everything was covered up.

A fellow colleague and I reported on Ghastin's abuse years ago. It should be noted that my colleague and I are not required to consult with the Zappala Crime Family or Donald Wuerl when reporting truthful information intended to protect innocent children and expose corrupt government officials and dirty cops.

Mike Ference

News on Rabbi

Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes calls Weberman case landmark vs. predators

New York Daily News

By Charles Hynes / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
The victim in this case showed extraordinary courage during her four days of testimony. This wasn’t just one victim or a case of her word against his. She was speaking for all who have suffered abuse but have been intimidated and forced into silence by scare tactics that support the abuser and discard the victim.

Certainly, it would have made for a better case if more victims were willing to press charges — but she was one of the finest witnesses a prosecutor can have.

Few people are as confident and as intelligent and as clear-thinking as this heroic, young woman. She said it very forcefully: “He was like a God.”

Someone like that shouldn’t be treated with the kind of absolute respect Weberman received. He didn’t deserve it. He was an unlicensed therapist masquerading as someone who cared, someone who wanted to help. In actuality, he was a predator.

Convicted sex assaulter Nechemya Weberman abused many other females, News finds

New York Daily News

She wasn't the only one.

Nechemya Weberman, the unlicensed Hasidic counselor slated to be sentenced Tuesday for sexually abusing a Brooklyn girl, violated at least 10 others — including teens and married women he counseled, a Daily News investigation revealed.

The self-proclaimed religious adviser even invoked Kabbalah — a form of Jewish mysticism — to convince his victims that having sex with him was kosher.

“He’s a monster,” said a man whose daughter was repeatedly brutalized by Weberman a couple of years before the victim at trial came forward.

The beautiful, 18-year-old Brooklyn woman testified how Weberman, 54, touched her private parts, forced her to perform oral sex and ordered her to reenact porn during a three-year period that started when she was only 12. The disgraced Satmar counselor was convicted of all 59 counts against him last month.

Convicted sex assaulter Nechemya Weberman abused many other females, News finds

New York Daily News

She wasn't the only one.

Nechemya Weberman, the unlicensed Hasidic counselor slated to be sentenced Tuesday for sexually abusing a Brooklyn girl, violated at least 10 others — including teens and married women he counseled, a Daily News investigation revealed.

The self-proclaimed religious adviser even invoked Kabbalah — a form of Jewish mysticism — to convince his victims that having sex with him was kosher.

“He’s a monster,” said a man whose daughter was repeatedly brutalized by Weberman a couple of years before the victim at trial came forward.

The beautiful, 18-year-old Brooklyn woman testified how Weberman, 54, touched her private parts, forced her to perform oral sex and ordered her to reenact porn during a three-year period that started when she was only 12. The disgraced Satmar counselor was convicted of all 59 counts against him last month.

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