All roads lead to Rome indeed and here is the holy trail and indelible footprints of the evil Achilles Heel of John Paul II of his left papal foot, criminal Cardinal Bernard Law, sitting as High Priest of the Santa Maria Magiorre the ‘mother of all basilicas’ in Rome and being feted on his 80th birthday with the best that only money can buy. Not just any money but Vatican money. What 80 years… that’s one year per priest among the 80 pedophile priests Cardinal Law aided and abetted and transferred from one parish to another in Boston. The Vatican proves its mighty power once again on how it is capable of manipulating and glorifying evil persons among its own and thus making the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses on Cardinal Bernard Law’s birthday bash in Rome…Vatican Holy Shit!! Read our related article, The Devil’s bowels smell like roses in the Vatican
John Paul II’s live proof that he has an evil part of his Holy Father body therefore he cannot be a saint is criminal Cardinal Bernard Law because together they both covered-up the JP2 Army of Pedophile Priests in Boston. Only John Paul II’s papal act and papal decree and papal powers - as we all saw before our very eyes - could raise the disgraced Cardinal Bernard Law after he resigned as Archbishop of Boston back to glory in Rome. Whom Boston banished from the face of the earth, Rome lovingly welcomed with open arms. Only in the Roman Catholic Church are criminals glorified, read our related articles John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified
In the secular world, secularism is the number one enemy of Benedict XVI, Cardinal Law would be rotting in jail for aiding and abetting 80 criminal pedophile priests in Boston.
Imagine that, Cardinal Bernard Law, the “Crown Prince “ of the Roman Catholic church, has spent his years as High Priest in the Santa Magiorre re-incarnating God Jesus Christ everyday in the Eucharist and forgiving people’s sins in the Confession and praying the Rosary everyday. What kind of a God is Jesus Christ -- born out of Mary the purest of all creatures -- would want to be touched by such criminal Cardinal hands who knowingly led predator priests from one parish to another to prey on more altar boys and girls by the hundreds? Jesus said in his Parable of the Millstone while pointing to the little boy in the midst of the crod, that anyone who causes the little ones such as this, it would be better than a millstone is tied to his neck and thrown to sea. And Jesus was referring to that one child, only one child, but Cardinal Bernard Law has victimized countless boys and girls. Read why the Eucharist is a Sorcery comparing it to Mary's 9 months pregnancy and the 9-seconds transubstantiation by sinful priests here
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Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable
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Opus Dei + Walesa = Catholic Communism in Poland. Behind The Media Hype of Walesa and Pope John Paul II
Tom Gumbleton Reveals Vatican Punishment of Him, While Bernie Law Throws a Big Party in Rome
William D. Lindsey
So on 4 November Tom Gumbleton was in Milwaukeee revealing that Rome removed him from pastoring his inner-city African-American parish four years ago because he testified in support of extending the statute of limitations for survivors of clerical sexual abuse.
And on that same day, in a very different world--in Rome, in fact--Cardinal Bernard Law who fled his Boston see after the world learned how he had protected priests abusing children and who now lives in "disgrace" in the Vatican, was throwing himself a party. A big one, by all accounts. Chris Livesay, John Zaremba, and O'Ryan Johnson report that Law's party at a four-star Italian hotel was lavish, with "a conclave of clerics," a mariachi band, and guests driving up in Vatican Mercedes sedans:
Beyond the gate, a cobblestone path led to the airy courtyard, where two banquet tables offered dozens of bottles of vino and meat-stuffed pastry d’oeuvres. Inside, a mariachi band played and sang the well-known ranchero refrain, “Cielito Lindo,” as guests devoured a main course of lasagna and snacked on cheese, tomatoes, vegetables and fine prosciutto, piled in a pyramid and placed on a pedestal. The party drew high clergy and laymen alike; guests sat six to a table.
"The meal was spectacular," said Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general emeritus of the Archdiocese of Rome. He twirled his hand in the air, a common Italian gesture for satisfaction. He said Law appeared to enjoy the feast as well.
"Of course," Ruini said. "He threw the party himself."
"He’s a good friend of mine," he added before heading toward his cab. Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan of Mexico was all smiles as he left in the company of two nuns.
"Everyone enjoyed the party," he said. "It was very animated. Everyone was very, very happy."
And as the band played "Cielito Lindo" and the prosciutto pyramid diminished, while cardinals feasted and twirled and animated nuns joined the fun, in Boston, where the archdiocesan Catholic newspaper The Pilot has just considerably besmirched its venerable image by publishing and then retracting a statement by a former advisor to the U.S. Catholic bishops indicating that gays are the result of devils tampering with their mothers' wombs, the very same newspaper, only a few days later, appalled survivors of clerical sexual abuse by publishing an article celebrating the cardinal's legacy that many survivors took to be a slap in the face.
"Happy Birthday, Your Eminence," the article ends, after it recites a long litany of the cardinal's accomplishments, mentioning by the way in its penultimate paragraph and the one preceding it that the dignitary being feted had also generated "a public outcry" when legal documents showed "instances" in which "the Archdiocese of Boston" had allowed priests abusing minors to continue in ministry. (I would provide readers with a link to the Pilot article, but the url for the article is now returning an error message when I click on it [another yanked article in less than a week's time?!], though the original is cached at Google and that's the text I'm citing here.)
For one bishop who dared to speak out in support of those molested by priests when they were children, harsh punishment, deprivation of the ministry that had been permitted him in an inner-city African-American parish in his retirement. For a prince of the church who protected dozens of priests who abused thousands of minors in horrific cases of serial abuse spanning years, "Cielito Lindo" and guests driving Vatican Mercedes and pyramids of prosciutto and tables laden with vino and goodies.
One church, two very different stories. And at the foundation of it all, Jesus and the message he preached. Which tells us that the poor are blessed, for they own the reign of God. And those who hunger and thirst for justice will have their fill.
And those who weep will be comforted.
I wonder at whose event we might have spotted Jesus on 4 November.
Rome’s Al Chiostro restaurant

Santa Maria Maggiore
Cardinal Law turns 80 - Pope should “accept resignation now” SNAP says
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Posted by Barbara Dorris on November 04, 2011
Tomorrow, Cardinal Bernard Law turns 80. Since resigning from his post in Boston almost a decade ago, he has continued to enjoy immense power in the literal and figurative power center of Catholicism, sitting on a number of key church panels (including the small committee that helps select bishops across the globe).
Pope Benedict has a choice. He can finally clearly and publicly acknowledge Law’s long and well-documented history of deceit, recklessness and callousness in clergy sex crimes and cover ups. Or he can delay or keep silent or refer only in the most vague way to Law’s past.
We hope Pope Benedict will choose to act with compassion and courage. We hope he’ll use this opportunity to make a small gesture that will help wounded victims and betrayed Catholics heal from the awful legacy of a corrupt cleric.
Cardinal Law's Birthday Party Reopening Old Wounds
BOSTON -- An 80th birthday gala dinner planned for Boston's former Cardinal Bernard Law is being held in Rome Friday at a restaurant near St. Mary Major, where the fallen prelate landed on his feet after he resigned in disgrace during the clergy sex abuse scandal.
The executive director of Voice of the Faithful said she was disappointed to hear about the party.
Donna Doucette said it shows how tone deaf and insensitive Law and other church leaders continue to be about the terrible hurt caused to so many victims of sexual abuse committed by priests and then covered up by church leaders.
If Law wanted to celebrate his birthday Doucette said he should have done it quietly and privately. Instead, 80 to 100 invitations were sent out.
Boston's Cardinal Sean O'Malley is in Rome but a spokesman said he is not attending the party. He is there on church business.
Vatican officials celebrate Cardinal Law’s birthday ...
SNAP Wisconsin
In an article entitled “Clerics live it up in Vatican for Law’s 80th” the Boston Herald reported on the evening of festivities that were held in recognition of Cardinal Bernard Law’s 80th birthday.
The birthday celebration was held at Rome’s Al Chiostro restaurant, and according to reports, guests arrived by way of Vatican Mercedes sedans. The Al Chiostro is located within a four star hotel called the Palazzo Rospigliosi which was constructed in the 16th century and proclaims itself as “destined to remain at the pinnacle of Roman high-society for over 400 years”. The hotel informs potential guests that “we can assure you that the Antonio Palazzo Rospigliosi is an aristocratic residence of the late Renaissance situated in Rome’s town center”.
The hotel and restaurant face the papal basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Bernard Law was appointed archpriest of the basilica, one of only four major basilicas in Rome, by Pope John Paul II in 2004. Law received this promotion following his resignation as archbishop of Boston in 2002 amid revelations that Law had knowingly concealed clergy sex crimes in the Boston archdiocese, and allowed those crimes to continue.
Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, who represents sexual assault victims, reflected on the 80th birthday extravaganza for the disgraced cleric by asking “What’s there to celebrate? He’s a public figure who represents the church, a church that allowed thousands of children to be sexually molested”. Garabedian rightly said that honoring Law was a “slap in the face to the victims”.
Phil Saviano, a victim/survivor who is a SNAP leader in Boston, commented that Law is “closing in on his remaining years, and as a man of a faith I know he believes in the final judgment. I’m curious if he’s getting nervous”. Saviano added “I wonder if he looks back on all the good he accomplished and if he thinks that…outweighs so many hundreds of kids on his watch who had to go through so much trauma and emotional pain”.
The pain inflicted on countless victims of sexual assault throughout the Boston archdiocese was clearly not on the mind of partygoers. Cardinal Camillo Ruini is quoted by the Herald as thoroughly enjoying the evening, commenting that “the meal was spectacular”. When asked if Bernard Law enjoyed the party the cardinal stated “of course…he threw the party himself”.
It is ironic that the birthday celebration, held for the former spiritual leader of the archdiocese of Boston, a diocese which is made up of countless Catholics who are able to trace their ancestral heritage to the country of Ireland, was held on the day after it was announced that Ireland would be closing their embassy to the Vatican.
In what can only be described as unprecedented, the government of Ireland announced that their embassy to the Holy See would be vacated. Dublin’s foreign minister attempted to downplay the significance of the decision, indicating that the embassy was being closed in an attempt to cut costs. An ambassador to the Vatican, who spoke on condition of anonymity, informed Reuter’s that “all things being equal, I really doubt the mission to the Vatican would have been on the list to get the axe without the fallout from the sex abuse scandal”.
Another Vatican diplomat, who wished to remain anonymous, articulated the gravity of the situation by stating “This is really bad for the Vatican because Ireland is the first big Catholic country to do this and because of what Catholicism means in Irish history”. In a prepared statement Cardinal Sean Brady, who is the senior prelate in the Irish Catholic Church, said “the decision seems to show little regard for the important role played by the Holy See in international relations and of the historic ties between the Irish people and the Holy See over many centuries”.
The events of the past week; the grand celebration of Bernard Law’s 80th birthday, and the closing of Ireland’s embassy to the Vatican, reveal the distorted sense of reality that is held by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. As the clergy sexual abuse crisis spreads like wildfire across the globe, Vatican officials choose to celebrate, in grand style, the birthday of one of the very bishops who bears responsibility for the cover up and facilitation of clergy sex crimes.
It is also worth noting that the government of Ireland, in addition to closing their embassy to the Vatican, announced that they would be closing their embassy in Iran.
Tags: cardinal law, clergy sexual abuse, irish embassy to the vatican, santa maria maggiore
Harvard's first cardinal -- Bernard Law
The Pilot
By Charles N. Bransom
Posted: 11/4/2011
The centennial of the naming of William Henry O'Connell to the College of Cardinals on Nov. 11, 1911 provides The Pilot a chance to recall and celebrate that historic event. Brief biographies will appear in this series about Boston's cardinals, native sons, or seminary alumni who received the "Red Hat" in the course of their lives.
Bernard Francis Law was born on Nov. 4, 1931 in the Mexican city of Torreón, the only child of Bernard A. and Helen Stubblefi eld Law. His father was a captain in the U.S. Army, serving in the Army Air Corps as a pilot in World War I. By 1930, he was running an airline in Mexico and it was there that he met Miss Helen Stubblefi eld, his future wife. She was a Presbyterian who later converted to Catholicism. ...
On Jan. 6, 2002, the Boston Globe published the fi rst in a yearlong series of articles publicizing instances of abuse of minors by clergy, generating a public outcry as documents released by judges and lawyers for survivors of abuse showed instances in which the Archdiocese of Boston allowed priests accused of those heinous acts to continue in active ministry.
On Dec. 13, 2002, Pope John Paul II accepted Cardinal Law's resignation as Archbishop of Boston. Cardinal Law off ered his resignation for the good of the Archdiocese and he apologized to all who have suffered "from my shortcomings and mistakes."
Cardinal Law served as chaplain to the Sisters of Mercy of Alma in Clinton, Maryland in 2003. On May 27, 2004, he was named Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore (St. Mary Major) in Rome. He participated in the conclave of April 18-19, 2005 which elected Pope Benedict XVI.
Today, Nov. 4, 2011, is Cardinal Law's 80th birthday -- Happy Birthday, Your Eminence.
Victims condemn Pilot for honoring Law
Boston Globe
By Jenna Russell
| Globe Staff
November 05, 2011
Victims of clergy sexual abuse, their lawyers, and advocates condemned the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston for publishing an uncritical profile of Cardinal Bernard F. Law on his 80th birthday yesterday.
The lengthy story chronicling the cardinal’s life, one of a series of biographies of Boston cardinals being published by The Pilot, devoted two paragraphs to Law’s role in the clergy abuse crisis and ended by wishing him, “Happy Birthday, Your Eminence.’’ It was published yesterday, as controversy was already roiling over a party held in Rome for 100 guests to celebrate the cardinal’s birthday.
“There’s more about the abuse scandal on Wikipedia than there is in this article,’’ said Nick Ingala, a spokesman for Voice of the Faithful, the Catholic reform group formed in the wake of the crisis.
Bill Oberle, abused by a Neponset priest along with his two younger brothers when he was 12, said Law’s birthday honors were disturbing but “par for the course.’’
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