SPOTLiGHT movie is HALF-TRUTH deceits by VATICAN MOST EVIL POWER on earth. VA’s worst crimes are SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks that HOARD plutocrats’ WEALTH= VA perpetuates poor nations. VATICAN OWNS/CONTROLS SWITZERLAND via SWISS GUARD ARMY. UN must end Switzerland as “neutral” country.ABOLISH ALL VATICAN CONCORDATS. UNITED NATIONS must END VATICAN as a“COUNTRY”. POPES+PRIESTS have NO WOMBS = CANNOT PRODUCE BABIES or BODIES tiny FLESH of Christ in EUCHARIST HOAX+Satanic Mass. VOTE BERNIE SANDERS
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Vatican officials ‘ASHAMED to tell people’ where they work. LOL Isn’t the Vatican the center or Mecca of Roman Catholicism where millions of Catholics go for pilgrimages?
a Vatican official and not just any low ranking priest, Archbishop Angelo
Becciu in an interview, said that Vatican
officials and employees are ‘ashamed to tell people’ where they work especially
with the recent two books by the Vatileaks Italian journalists on the Vatican
Avarice and the Merchants in the Temple – in allusion to the merchants in the
Temple of Solomon – whose tables Jesus overturned in anger as he said, “It is
written: 'My house is the house of prayer', but you have made it a den of
robbers.'”.LOL no wonder Pope Francis
has even hired a comedian, an Oscar winning actor as his official spokesperson
for his new book, The Name of God is Mercy, because people will listen more to
a Hollywood actor than to a priest.Read
more in our article, Pope Francis hires Hollywood comedian actor as
spokesperson for his book – proving Vatican and Hollywood are ‘twin cities’.Maybe he should also hire him and Spotlight
actors to say Mass and preach.
REBUTTAL to the article below: The Swiss Guard Army is the den
of thieves and the Vatican Bank is also a den of thieves. They funnel
billions of dollars to Switzerland -- where those SECRET Vatican Swiss
Banks also hoard plutocrats’ wealth – and therefore the Vatican – via the Swiss
Guards –perpetuate poor countries and oppress billions of people in poverty.Pope Francis preaching about a church for the
poor is both the arsonist and the firefighter – to use an analogy.Read our article, Ecuador
Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to
subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Archbishop says Vatican officials are ‘ashamed to tell people’ where they work
COMMENT: This archbishop and all priests and
nuns – because of their uniforms and utmost BLIND OBEDIENCE to the Pope EMPOWER
the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast
Vatican is 'not a den of thieves', says Archbishop Angelo Becciu (LOL Who are you kidding?)
The Vatican is not “a den of thieves”, and such insinuations are
an injustice to employees who are proud to serve the Pope and the
Church, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, a top official in the Vatican
Secretariat of State, has said.
Necessary economic and administrative reforms and countermeasures
have been taken to address any problems, he told the Italian weekly
Panorama in an interview published in the issue dated January 20.
“I must reiterate firmly that we are not a bunch of corrupt and
incompetent people,” he said in a lengthy interview conducted at the
“The Vatican is not a den of thieves. To represent it as such
constitutes an absolute falsehood. I find it extremely unjust that our
employees, proudly carrying out a service for the pope and the church,
have gotten to the point, for some time now, of being ashamed to tell
people they work here,” he told the weekly.
Archbishop Becciu, 67, has been substitute secretary for general
affairs in the Vatican Secretariat of State – a job similar to a chief
of staff – since 2011.
A large portion of the Q&A interview focused on accusations of
financial mismanagement illustrated in recent books by Italian
journalists Gianluigi Nuzzi, author of Merchants in the Temple, and
Emiliano Fittipaldi, author of Avarice.
The two authors are on trial at the Vatican for “soliciting and
exercising pressure” on their alleged sources in order to obtain
confidential documents and news. Also standing trial on accusations of
forming an “organised criminal association” with the aim of “committing
several illegal acts of divulging news and documents” are Spanish Mgr
Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, secretary of the Prefecture for the Economic
Affairs of the Holy See; Francesca Chaouqui, a member of the former
Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Organisation of the
Economic-Administrative Structure of the Holy See; and Nicola Maio, who
had served as personal assistant to Mgr Vallejo.
Archbishop Becciu said “stealing those documents was a crime, a deplorable act that does not help”.
“The right of journalists to publish news they come to have is not in
question. The misgivings concern the way in which this news was
obtained. There is a trial underway that will find out,” he said.
Regarding Mgr Vallejo and Chaouqui, the archbishop said their
“betrayal was a slap in the face to the Holy Father. They had sworn on
the Gospel to not reveal to anyone what they saw, heard and read in
carrying out their assignment” as members of the commission to reform
Vatican financial practices.
When asked why money donated by the faithful for Peter’s Pence is
being used primarily to fund the Roman Curia – only about two euros out
of ten donated goes to charity – the archbishop said if the Vatican were
to earmark, for example, 60 per cent of the funds to charity “we would
have to immediately fire 400 people” out of the current 4,000 Vatican
employees. “We prefer not to load the Italian government with this
further burden” of unemployment and to abide by the Pope’s request to
reform without layoffs, he said.
The charitable fund’s balance sheets are “public and approved by the
Holy Father and the council of cardinals”, adding that it can be seen
the money is used to support Vatican Radio, the Vatican newspaper and
the various Vatican diplomatic representatives abroad who channel the
Pope’s financial support to mission churches and the poor.
The archbishop was asked to comment on the fact that cardinals living
in Rome reside in very large apartments while Pope Francis has chosen
to live in a small set of rooms in a Vatican guesthouse. The archbishop
said the apartments date back to the 1930s “when the cardinals were in
effect considered princes of the church and were treated as such”.
He said Nuzzi’s suggestion of moving the cardinals into the more
modest Vatican guesthouse would be “populist bordering on the
There would be the problem of where to then house the priests who are
living at the guesthouse, he said: “We would have to build another
building to house them”, which would be a “huge waste” of resources, and
all the large cardinal residences would be left empty.
When asked why the property would be left unoccupied, the archbishop
said only Vatican citizens and employees are allowed to live in
Vatican-owned properties.
“Imagine the pandemonium that would be let loose if by accident they
ended up being rented to tax evaders or in any case individuals wanted
by the law who could benefit from immunity” by living in Vatican City
State instead of Italy, he said.
to reverse sky-high inequality? Bernie Sanders is the pragmatic choice
In my nearly 50 years in Washington I’ve learned that real change
happens only when Americans are mobilized. That’s more the case now than
ever before
Democratic contest has repeatedly been characterized as a choice
between Hillary Clinton’s “pragmatism” and Bernie Sanders’s “idealism” –
with the not-so-subtle message that realists choose pragmatism over
idealism. But this way of framing the choice ignores the biggest reality
of all: the unprecedented, and increasing, concentration of income,
wealth and power at the very top, combined with declining real incomes
for most and persistent poverty for the bottom fifth.
The real choice isn’t “pragmatism” or “idealism.” It’s either
allowing these trends to worsen, or reversing them. Inequality has
reached levels last seen in the era of the “robber barons” in the 1890s.
The only truly pragmatic way of reversing this state of affairs is
through a “political revolution” that mobilizes millions of Americans.
Is such a mobilization possible? One pundit recently warned Democrats that change happens incrementally, by
accepting half loaves as being better than none. That may be true, but
the full loaf has to be large and bold enough in the first place to make
the half loaf meaningful. And not even a half loaf is possible unless
or until America wrests back power from the executives of large
corporations, Wall Street bankers and billionaires who now control the
I’ve been in and around Washington for almost 50 years, including a
stint in the cabinet, and I’ve learned that real change happens only
when a substantial share of the American public is mobilized, organized,
energized and determined to make it happen. That’s more the case now
than ever.
The other day Bill Clinton attacked Sanders’s proposal for a single-payer health plan as unfeasible and a “recipe for gridlock.”
But these days, nothing of any significance is politically feasible and
every bold idea is a recipe for gridlock. This election is about
changing the parameters of what’s feasible and ending the choke hold of
big money on our political system. In other words, it’s about power –
whether the very wealthy who now have it will keep it, or whether
average Americans will get some as well.
How badly is political power concentrated in America among the very wealthy? A study published
in the fall of 2014 by two of America’s most respected political
scientists, Princeton professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern’s
Benjamin Page, suggests it’s extremely concentrated.
Gilens and Page undertook a detailed analysis of 1,799 policy issues,
seeking to determine the relative influence on them of economic elites,
business groups, mass-based interest groups and average citizens.
was dramatic: “The preferences of the average American appear to have
only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically nonsignificant impact upon
public policy.” Instead, Gilens and Page found that lawmakers respond
almost exclusively to the moneyed interests – those with the most
lobbying prowess and deepest pockets to bankroll campaigns.
I find it particularly sobering that Gilens and Page’s data came from
the period 1981 to 2002. That was before the Supreme Court’s 2010
Citizens United opinion, which opened the floodgates to big money in
politics, and before the explosion of Super Pacs and secretive “dark
money” whose sources do not have to be disclosed by campaigns. It stands
to reason that if average Americans had a “near-zero” impact on public
policy then, the influence of average Americans is now zero.
Americans don’t need a detailed empirical study to convince them of
this. They feel disenfranchised, and angry toward a political-economic
system that seems rigged against them. This was confirmed for me a few
months ago when I was on book tour in America’s heartland, and kept
hearing from people who said they were trying to make up their minds in
the upcoming election between supporting Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump
At first I was incredulous. After all, Sanders and Trump are at
opposite ends of the political spectrum. It was only after several
discussions that I began to understand the connection. Most of these
people said they were incensed by “crony capitalism,” by which they
meant political payoffs by big corporations and Wall Street banks that
result in special favors such as the Wall Street bailout of 2008.
They wanted to close tax loopholes for the rich, such as the special
“carried interest” tax break for hedge-fund and private-equity partners.
They wanted to reduce the market power of pharmaceutical companies and
big health insurers, which they thought resulted in exorbitant prices.
They were angry about trade treaties that they characterized as
selling-out American workers while rewarding corporate executives and
big investors.
Somewhere in all this I came to see what’s fueling the passions of
voters in the 2016 election. If you happen to be one of the tens of
millions of Americans who are working harder than ever but getting
nowhere, and you feel the system is rigged against you and in favor of
the rich and powerful, you will go in one of two directions.
Either you will be attracted to an authoritarian bigot who promises
to make America great again by keeping out people different from you and
recreating high-paying jobs in America. Someone who sounds like he
won’t let anything or anybody stand in his way, and who’s so rich he
can’t be bought off.
you’ll be attracted to a political activist who tells it like it is,
who has lived by his convictions for 50 years, who won’t take a dime of
money from big corporations or Wall Street or the very rich, and who is
leading a grass-roots “political revolution” to regain control over our
democracy and economy. In other words, you will be enticed either by a
would-be dictator who promises to bring power back to the people, or by a
movement leader who asks you to join together with others to bring
power back to the people.
Of the two, I would prefer the latter. But what about the “pragmatic” Hillary Clinton?
I have worked closely with her and have nothing but respect for her. In
my view, she’s clearly the most qualified candidate for president of
the political system we now have.
But the political system we now have is profoundly broken. Bernie
Sanders is the most qualified candidate to create the political system
we should have because he’s leading a political movement for change.
- It's hard to remember a political ad receiving the kind of praise being showered on Bernie Sanders' unconventional new TV spot, America, ...
‘Spotlight’ movie akin to Eric Gill statue of St.
Michael Archangel in Scotland: Both made by famous celebrities. Both
are half-truths. Both teach null to children and youth
is the pathetic goose egg of the Vatican
‘Spotlight’ movie akin to Eric Gill statue of St. Michael Archangel in Scotland: Both made by famous celebrities. Both are half-truths. Both teach nothing to children and youth
children and teenagers were to be shown the movie Spotlight in order for them to
learn about what, when, where and who pedophile priests are and how they cunningly and covertly
did it for decades, or about Boston’s history of 70 pedophile priests and who
and how Cardinal Bernard Law covered-them-up,
or to learn about American history of more than 6,500 pedophile priests
(Vatican statistics) in other dioceses --- they would learn little about these
histories because they would see literally nothing about them -- they were neither re-enacted nor depicted in the
Spotlight would have to be
fast-forwarded to the 2 minutes bland monologues of a couple of the victims
especially SNAP’s Phil Saviano’s cameo storyin the movie or the woman in
coffee shop talking with Rachel McAdams. Spotlight is 99.9% about a bunch of Hollywood A-list
actors and lots of zooms on their famous faces and 0.1% about victims and their
Spotlight is all talk and
no action, (strange that it fell into a drama category when it should have been
in the comedy category).Spotlight is about
5 journalists talking, talking and
talking --- without any concrete action and proof of evidence or re-enactment
-- of how Cardinal Bernard Law covered-up more than 70 pedophile priests.
Spotlight is similar to thisworst statue of St. Michael the Archangel and it was sculpted by one of
Europe’s most celebrated and famous sculptor whose sculptures grace the Westminster Cathedral in London, the BBC’s
Broadcasting House and the European HQ of the United Nations in
Geneva. But being famous and a celebrity does not make or guarantee that one an
truth-bearer; on the contrary, fame-and-fortune persons are usually the bearers
of half-truths, falsehood and deception . Artists have a “right” to
express their ideas -- but it does not mean that their ideas are “morally
right” or helpful and truthful to humanity especially to children. To
make children pray to this artistic sculpture is deceitful because it does not
depict an archangel but is a distorted image of a male warrior --
conflictingly dressed as a female in pink with long veil (which probably is
based on the artist's personal distorted sexuality because he was a covert
pedophile). Read our article in 2014 Eric Gill’s pervert statue of
St. Michael the Archangel which only idiot Catholics will touch and adore
similar to pervert St. John Paul II statues
is said that “Action speaks louder than words” and that is the case with
Spotlight.Spotlight is “all words/all talk
and no action” on how pedophile priests committed their crimes and how Cardinal
Law covered-them up for 18 years, hence, children and teenagers can learn
nothing from the movie where 99.9% are about Hollywood A-list actors talking --
and 0.1% some victims talking about their experience.Spotlight is all talk and no action and no
drama.Imagineif the story of
the Ten Commandments was made into a narrative
movie “based on a true story” -- but without any depiction and drama action
of the 10
plagues of Egypt and the 40 years in the desert of the Israelites
–and if it was only all talk from a third-person narrative, it would
turn out to be a boring and unrealistic movie.
Spotlight show very little to children and youth because the movie only show a few famous
Hollywood faces – talking about a serious subject matter– whileat
the same time – something
else is happening in the movie which are totally the opposite of what those
actors are narrating–– namely:– a rather
funny Cardinal Law dressed asa “prince
of the church” – with the thick book of Catholic Catechism and at a Catholic
charity fund-raising party – and a (feel-good scene) group of children singing
Christmas carols during a mass inside a Boston church.These three scenes are the biggest propagandas
for the Vatican – and are brainwashing tools on how to make people (deceivingly
feel-good) for Catholic criminals like Cardinal Law -- and how to (deceivingly
feel-good) for those same Catholic churches where thousands of children were
sodomized by Catholic priests who cunningly used their prowess in the Eucharist
as “magicians instantly creating the thousands of pieces of the flesh of
Christ” to ensnare children – and with those same (seemingly holy) bestial
mouths and evil hands, they sexually raped and bestially molested countless little
altar boys and little boys.
makes you feel not-repugnant and not-angry about Vatican crimes against
hundreds of thousands of American children who were raped and sexually abused
by more than 6,500 pedophile priests (Vatican statistics in the USA).
and teenagers are being duped by the movie Spotlight because what they’ll see
are their favorite actors -- (who’ll remind them of their other famous movies –
which they have already seen – and their conversation will turn around those
other movies --- hence Spotlight is smokescreen of the true dark history of Vatican crimes against
American children in the USA in half-the-20th century.
cannot teach children and youth on how to
detect pedophiles priests and pederasts priests – because all it shows are
some famous Hollywood Oscar actors who are ‘all talk and no action’ (talk is
cheap) and many zooms into their famous faces in the movie that has
unjustifiably garnered 6 Oscar nods (while no Afro-Americans were nominated and
other better movies were snubbed at the Oscars).
the story of the Ten Commandments was made into a narrative movie “based on a true story” -- but without anydepiction and drama action of the 10 plagues
of Egypt and the 40 years
in the desert of the Israelites – and if it was only all talk from a
third-person narrative, it would turn
out to be boring and unrealistic just like Spotlight with an A-list cast of
Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams (both nominated for Oscars best supporting
actors in Spotlight), Michael Keaton, Stanley Tucci, Liev Schreiber et al.Who would be interested in
listening to a bunch of Hollywood actors and actresses talking, talking and
talking on behalf of God (by zooming into their narcissistic albeit famous faces) and the Pharaohs
and the Israelites without re-enactment of the scenes?That is what Spotlight has done without
re-enactment of pedophile priests and their victims’ stories and its villain,
Cardinal Bernard Law’s actions -- thus making Spotlight an all talk and no action and no drama movie.After all the advancement of the film
industry in the 20th and 21st century,Spotlight has digressed to those olden black
and white movies when there was no voice but only actions --but worse, Spotlight is the reverse, it’s all
talk and no action.Spotlight suppressed
Hollywood film scrutiny and is the worst movie ever produced and is also the
Oscar’s worst choice ever.Money talks
and the Vatican Billions have bribed the Oscars and all film awards on the
planet especially in the USA.
truth is Spotlight is a smokescreen for the Vatican crimes against humanity’s
children in half-the-20th-century that it didn’t even include the
portrait of John Paul II who was in his 24th year as pope when
priest pedophilia broke out in Boston.And his name was not mentioned at the end and culmination of the movie –
that Cardinal Bernard Law resigned in December 2002 – and that it was John Paul
II who promoted him to Rome.By not
stating the truth, Spotlight is a pathological liar movie (sadly for eternity)
because Spotlight was produced by the Vatican to cover-up and make people
deceivingly feel-good about its Pope crimes and Vatican Evils in half-the-20th
century committed by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named
aptly after the pope who said nothing and did nothing to save and protect
children from thousands of pedophile priests worldwide under his hypocritical
“Holy see watch” as he trotted the globe promoting his narcissistic legacy as
John Paul II “the Great”.
is the Vatican Devil-in-Angel’s-clothing and Spotlight proves that the Vatican
and Hollywood are “’twin-cities’ that ‘lie for a living’”.
movie akin to Eric Gill statue of St. Michael Archangel in Scotland:Both are made by famous celebrities.Both do not depict reality and are
smokescreen for Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils hence they teach nothing good to
children and youth
that Spotlight is preparing to be shown in Europe and Asia, the
paid-journalists over there are beginning to write massive articles to explain
and promote Spotlight and so we also have to use a European allegory to make
them understand that Spotlight is half-truth and the best example to that is
the statue of St., Michael Archangel in Scotland made by famous celebrity sculptor
Eric Gill whose work is also at the entrance of the European Union UN
Headquarters in Genevaé
is the worst statue of St. Michael the Archangel and it was sculpted by one of
Europe’s most celebrated and famous sculptor but was a covert pedophile.Being famous and a celebrity does not guarantee that one is an automatic truth-bearer; on the
contrary, fame-and-fortune persons are usually the bearers of half-truths,
falsehood and deception.Because
Spotlight is now being promoted in China, Israel, New Zealand, Ireland, United
Kingdom, etc (see compilation of news
below) it’s time we use an analogy from another country – the statue of
St.Michael in Scotland -- to show the parallel between Spotlight and the statue
– in order enlighten people in those other parts of the globe.For the USA, we compared Spotlight to the
story of Bill Cosby, read our article, “Who’s funnier? Cardinal Bernard Law in
‘Spotlight’ who covered-up 70 pedophile priests or Bill Cosby who allegedly
assaulted 40 women but none are proven in court?” read more about the statue of St.
Michael in our article, . Read our
article in 2014 Eric Gill’s pervert statue of St. Michael the Archangel which
only idiot Catholics will touch and adore similar to pervert St. John Paul II statues
and Eric Gill’s statue of St. Michael Archangel have striking
similarities.First they are both made
by famous people.If you look at the New
York Times latest (7th) promo for Spotlight, it was simply addressed
“Tom McCarthy” – and that was on the eve of the Golden Globes Award.It was also NYT intention to influence also
the upcoming Oscars announcement of nominees four days later, and it succeeded
with 6 Oscar nods for Spotlight.
both are half-truths, they both contain some element of truths -- but
they are not the entire truth.Read the
definition of half- truth in our article, Spotlight is half-truth and is NOT
similar to All the President’s Men which had real footage of Richard Nixon.
Spotlight obscured Cardinal Law…and concealed John Paul II
they teach and demonstrate nothing to children and the youth. The statue does not depict St. Michael
the Archangel but a woman dressed in pink with veil and the sword is placed
above the head.Likewise Spotlight teach
nothing to children and the young on how to avoid pedophiles and pederasts – as
we have explained above, the victims spoke for two minutes of their experience,
all the Hollywood actors are like statues or wax and only their mouths were
moving – there is no re-enactment of any crime scene --- because this movie is
a propaganda for the Vatican as all our articles on Spotlight keep explaining.
the USA, we compared Spotlight’s villain Cardinal Bernard Law to Bill Cosby to
enlighten idiots American Catholics and people in general about the half-truths
of Spotlight.We have also showed two
movies that will really teach children and the youth on how pedophiles work –
as compared to the bland narratives and seemingly short monologues of the
victims of pedophile priests in Spotlight – especially SNAP’s Phil Saviano
whose story was featured for a few minutes in the movie. Phil Saviano’s story role was the ultimate Trojan Horse the Vatican
gave to trap SNAP into believing the movie Spotlight is about them and
SNAP took the bait and they feverishly promoted Spotlight in the USA – and it
will do now in Australia and other parts of the world. David Clohessy, the
director of SNAP was seen hobnobbing in New York premieres of Spotlight with
famous Hollywood A-listers.
than170 paid American mainstream media have done endlessly explaining what
Spotlight means and what those actors and writers anddirector really meant to portray in the
movie.They wrote endlessly about
Cardinal Bernard Law and some pedophile priests – but really, these criminals
were depicted in deceivingly feel-good scenes in the movie.These American journalists also succeeded in
convincing the Oscars to give Spotlight six nods – but Oscars is being
boycotted especially by Will Smith and his wife who is leading the boycott
campaign because for two years in a row, there were no Afro-American nominated
for the Oscars, and as Jeda said, “What, we can’t act”? Read our article on the OSCARS
REBUTTAL:China’s title promotes Michael Keaton and
Mark Ruffalo – and what they "play" --- and not on how children and teenagers can detect pedophiles and
Spotlight teaches nothing to children and the young . "For the sake of journalists and abuse vicitms" is a stupid excuse of Hollywood and paid promotions for Spotlight. Read more in our article -
CCTV Michael Keaton's
portrayal of investigative journalist Walter Robinson is so accurate, that
Robinson has joked he will sue the actor for identity theft! Keaton, along with
Mark Ruffalo and Stanley Tucci, stars in the film "Spotlight", which
has just premiered in the U.K. Having beaten "The
Revenant" and "The Big Short" to take home the Critics Choice
Award for Best Picture, "Spotlight" is being touted as one of this
year's Oscar frontrunners. The film has been
nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and Best Director for
Tom McCarthy.
"Spotlight" tells the true story of a team of journalists with The
Boston Globe newspaper who broke the Massachusetts sex-abuse scandal within the
Catholic Church and won the Pulitzer Prize for doing so in 2003.
New Zealand Herald
One of the child abuse victims whose story inspired Spotlight has praised
the filmmakers over their handling of the sensitive subject matter.
Phil Saviano was molested by a Catholic priest as a youngster and he later
helped a team of Boston Globe journalists break a story about child abuse
within the church. The 63 year old is
played by actor Neal Huff in the movie, which is directed by Tom McCarthy and
features an all-star cast of Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Liev
Schreiber, John Slattery, and Stanley Tucci.
Spotlight has become an awards season favourite in recent weeks.
It is tipped as a potential Best Picture winner at the upcoming Academy
Awards, and Saviano is adamant the cast and crew
deserve recognition for their work on behalf of abuse victims.
IRELAND Irish Times
Noel Whelan
I got to an early screening of the new film Spotlight before Christmas. It
was a fascinating and dramatic film, although it was disturbing on many levels.
I think it will really have an impact in Ireland as people go to see it.
The film tells of the Boston Globe’s investigation into the cover-up of
clerical sexual abuse in the local Catholic archdioceses. The similarities
between what happened in Boston and what happened in Ireland at or about the same
time are striking. The extent of the abuse and the cover-ups was the same.
The first set of revelations in Ireland culminated with the resignation of
Brendan Comiskey as Bishop of Ferns in 2002. The work of the Boston Globe’s
Spotlight investigation team was published the same year, and culminated in the
resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law.
The church on both sides of the Atlantic initially denied the problem
existed. It then saw child abuse as a moral defect rather than a criminal
activity. It placed offending priests on sick leave or shifted them from parish
to parish. When in later life victims began litigation the church sought to buy
silence in early settlements.
There was an organised pattern of resistance to disclose documents and
records, and when these ultimately had to be handed over they revealed how the
instinct almost always was to protect the institution above victims.
ndants in their cases.
drama and deceivingly feel-good scenes in Spotlight
Law giving a gift of a very thick book of the Catholic Catechism to Liev
Schreiber is the funniest scene in the movie Spotlight.Cardinal Law covered-up 70 pedophile priests
as mentioned in Spotlight. Bill Cosby had a comedy sitcom TV series for decades.
However, 40 women today allege that Bill Cosby assaulted them but none has been
proven in court and many have expired statute of limitation. In the wake of the
allegations, numerous organizations have severed ties with the comedian, and
previously awarded honors and titles have been revoked. Reruns of The
Cosby Show and other shows featuring Cosby have also been pulled from
syndication by many organizations. Twenty-three colleges and universities have
rescinded his honorary degrees.Now
Bill Cosby is counter-suing some of his alleged victims for defamation.Bill Cosby is wealthy but not as wealthy as the
Vatican Billions that easily paid $4
billion to victims across the USA and also paid $100 million to the hundreds of
victims of the 70 pedophile priests – whom Cardinal Bernard Law aided and
abetted and protected for 18 years mentioned in the 6 Oscar nominations movie
portrayal of Cardinal Bernard Law is the funniest and mildest ‘drama’ depiction
of a criminal ever made by Hollywood movie.Murder crimes, rape crimes, Mafia crimes are all seriously portrayed by
Hollywood with many precision actions and meticulous scenery and reproduction of
actual background.But Spotlight cunningly
depicted Cardinal Bernard Law without any serious scene or real drama actions
of how pedophile priests committed their crimes and how he covered-up them. Spotlight revealed Cardinal Law in an all
plain (no drama) talking strategy,a ‘he
says – she says’ spoken by the reporters and by the lawyer, portrayed by bald
head Stanley Tucci wearing a big curly wig (like a clown, really). Spotlight
was like a talk-show by victims and by the Spotlight journalists team – and it
could have easily and should have used flashback actual scenes to depict
victims’ stories -- instead of mere talk. (Talk is cheap).
Law is an indubitable basic criminal (who admitted) that he aided and abetted
70 pedophile priests with potentially 14,000 victims (one of them admitted to
having more than 200 victims) in Boston alone. Cardinal Bernard Law paid $100
million to his victims.But nowhere in
Spotlight is there one negative depiction of Cardinal Law, the poster boy of
all Catholic bishops and cardinals especially in the USA who covered-up more
than 6,500 pedophile priests according to Vatican statistics.And his cronies of similar criminal bishops paid
almost $4 billion dollars in compensation to thousands of victims in USA.
is (are) intrinsically wrong with Spotlight despite that it got 6 Oscar nods. Spotlight is the poorest choice the Oscar has
ever made in its history. Spotlight’s
half-truths are staggering and troubling.The only drama and action in Spotlight is Mark Ruffalo running up a
flight of stairs and his famous line “It’s time” (more on that later) .While Spotlight did portrayed a few minutes
depiction of Phil Saviano and a slight mention of SNAP, the Survivors Network
of those Abused by Priests – and other victims of pedophile priests being
(blandly) interviewed by (lifeless dull ) Rachel McAdams, all the actors were all very amateurish compared
to all the videos and interviews in the media and YouTube – with real victims
speaking -- in the past 21 years since 1995 when the Jesuits sex crimes were
first revealed in Los Angeles.
Vatican and John Paul II for 27 years kept denying the existence of pedophile
priests hence those thousands of pedophile priests are named aptly after him as
JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.Pope Francis in his USA visit refused to meet with SNAP – and this alone
should have been reason for SNAP to protest the movie Spotlight.But the Vatican -- through Tom McCarthy and
Josh Singer – the writers and director of Spotlight – managed to give SNAP a
small Trojan Horse with the role of Phil Saviano and a few words mention of
SNAP in the movie.And SNAP bought the
bait and SNAP’S director David Clohessy was hobnobbing with Spotlight’s actors
and director at the New York Film premieres and awards.
an attempt to explain the backlash against Cosby, Adweek reporter
Jason Lynch noted that the "media landscape has changed considerably—and
has now been joined by the far-less-forgiving social media arena."But the contrary can be said of
Cardinal Bernard »Law and the movie Spotligth where more than 170 paid
journalists and film pundits have worked and organized together for its Oscar
buzz.Read our article, REBUTTAL: New
York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’ 150 reviews by
Americans journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for money, for their
capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings)
Vatican Mammon Evil Beast bribed every board member of the Oscars to get the 6
nominations for the movie Spotlight.
It is so pathetic that
Rachel McAdams wasnominated when she barely had any facial expression got a
nomination as supporting actress. She and the other reporters were
like talking statues. She knocked on doors, walk on the street, LOL,
amateurish. Oscars gone to the dogs with her nomination.
Mark Ruffalo is the worst
deceiver in the movie, read our explanations on how Mark Ruffalo deceives
people with his yelling line – that is nowhere substantiated in the movie – in our
articles. SPOTLIGHT is a farcical drama and
May all these actors of Spotlight go burn in
hell with John Paul II and Pope Francis for deceiving humanity.
Read more evidence why Spotlight is the worst movie of this century in our many articles in the list below.
Vatican assets in the United States of America
The Catholic Church in
the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today possesses
more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and
U.S. Steel.”
- stock it controls
on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and
paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion
- There is no
accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done
in complete secrecy
- The hierarchy has
learned to act indirectly through Catholic laypersons
- The hierarchy acts
through Catholic politicians –
Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only
multiplied – exponentially –through the decades since that book
was written.
There was
NO nomination for Spotlight and NO actors in Spotlight were present!
For one night, people were FREE from
Spotlight deceptions!
HOORAH !!!!!!!
We could breathe freely and were in peace and
enjoyed watching the People’s Choice Awardsbecause Spotlight was NOT nominated and NONE of the actors in Spotlight
were present at the awards.
At least for one night, the people in the United States of America and
worldwide could enjoy one big night in Hollywood without having to tolerate, endure,
suffer and put up with the deceptions of Spotlight and its organized propaganda
for the Vatican.THANK you
PEOPLE’S Choice Awards for NOT mentioning Spotlight at all.Spotlight was totally non-existent among the nominees and winners
in the People’s Choice Awardsand that should be and must be the
same scenario in the Oscar.
Thank God, the Golden Globe did
NOT give any award to Spotlight because we’d never hear the end of Spotlight
winning it and it would perpetuate the propaganda for the Vatican and its
farcical drama that deceives people.
The Martians won the favorite dramatic film
and its portrayal according to a scientist is realistic at the TIFF
festival.He said he wouldn’t go with
Matt Damon but he would go with his character to Mars. Ellen DeGeneres was honored as year’s “Favorite Humanitarian” but of
course, the Vatican condemns same sex marriage and Ellen is married to
her wife -- yet she is far more Christian than Pope Francis and the
Vatican hypocritical hierarchy wallowing in Vatican Avarice. Read our article, Ireland gay marriage vote is a victory for humanity,
liberty and secularism; –– it’s a major defeat for Vatican Autocracy, obsolete
traditions, religious oppression
who voted in the People’s Choice
had the right reasons to NOT even nominate Spotlight for any category.Americans did not buy into the deceptions and
propaganda of those millions of dollars paid A-list actors in Spotlight.
BRAVO People’s Choice Awards because you did NOT let the
Vatican-paid mainstream media brainwash and influence you.
OMG It’s
amazing how people can have the common sense to ignore and disregard
Spotlight and its deceptions – and to ignore the bombardment and media hype by
Vatican-paid mainstream media journalists and Vatican-paid film pundits –– more
than 170 of them (still counting until
Oscar night) from the east coast to the west coast, from the Boston Globe,
New York Times (7 long NYT reviews including today’s – because the Golden
Globes is this Sunday - see it in Abuse Tracker), Washington Post – to the Los
Angeles Times -- promulgated Spotlight for an Oscar buzz.Spotlight is propaganda for the Vatican
Catholic Church and Spotlight is a cover-up to shut-up conversations about on-going
Vatican Avarice (we explain how it does it, read more below).
The People’s Choice Awards could see
through the hypocrisy and deceptions of Spotlight and therefore did not even
nominate it for any category…that’s incredible! BRAVO secular
American movie goers!
– YOU prove that there aren’t really that many Catholics in the USA (with hundreds
of Catholic churchesbeing
abandoned, closed and sold) – because they didn’t even bother to nominate
Spotlight in the People’s Choice Awards – and Catholics are not flocking to the
movie theatres to watch it either – despite SNAP(shamefully) promoting the film.
The Vatican Billions
could not bribe the People’s Choice
because they could not pinpoint who the voters
and there were too many of them.
Vatican Billions could not bribe foreign film awards like TIFF – Toronto
International Film Festival, and the Venice Film Festival because the Vatican mercenaries
especially the Jesuits who did not want to be so obvious. But it is very easy to bribe film awards in
the USA where the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team control and own the media –
just look at Pope Francis face in every magazine and every newspaper coverin his USA visit.The Vatican Billions are able to
bribe the smaller American film awards like the Gotham, L.A. Film
Critics Award – that have already given the best film awards to Spotlight –
because the voters and board members are very few, very easy to find and easy
to clandestinely bribe. What is 50K or 100K bribery when there are hundreds of
Vatican Billions of dollars
sitting idly in Wall Street?
Tom McCarthy GO ROT in HELL with John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Tom McCarthy is
a graduate of Jesuits' Boston College – so he knows the tricks and wiles of
the Jesuits when he wrote the screenplay and directed Spotlight – where he
intentionally did not show any portrait of John Paul II and did not show any
confrontation with Cardinal Bernard Law about the pedophile priests he aided
and abetted.Spotlight is the most
deceptive movie Hollywood ever made – because it is a huge propaganda for the most
evil institution-- the Vatican and its
crimes against humanity’s children in half-the-20th century and
Spotlight is there to shut-up conversations about the bestial JP2 Army – John
Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – named aptly after the pope who reigned the
longest but who said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children from
thousands of pedophile priests under his Holy see watch as he trotted the globe
to promote his narcissistic legacy as John Paul II “the Great.Read our article, --Boston College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux in
Boston Globe - the new Cult of Pope Francis.
Spotlight is a farcical drama
is a farcical drama which should have been in the pathetic comedy
category.Spotlight is a boring lifeless
dull movie with the Hollywood A-list actors acting like statues – walking and
talking statues.There is no drama
whatsoever in the movie. Rachel McAdams knocking at doors is so dull and boring.Mark Ruffalo jogging and running up the
stairs is so commonplace and ridiculous. Mark Ruffalo’s famous supposedly
dramatic line is a farce – when he yelled to Michael Keaton – “ It's time, Robby! It's time. They knew and
they let it happen to kids, okay? It could have been you, it could have been
me, it could have been any of us. We got to nail these scumbags, we got to show
people that nobody can get away with this, not a priest or a cardinal or a
freaking pope.”--- Yet nowhere in
the movie does it show the real faces and video clips of the freakingpope – yet John Paul II was in his 24th
year as pope in 2002 --- that’s into his quarter of century as pope.Spotlight is a farcical drama and pathetic
comedy that serves as advertising and propaganda for the Vatican Catholic
Church, read more below.
Spotlight is the quickest way to shut-up talks on Vatican
crimes against humanity’s children by JP2 Army in half-the-20th
is one the most deceitful productions of Pope Francis as the greatest Jesuit
Master of Deceits in the Vatican Circus of Deception that can hide Vatican
Avarice beneath his fattest papal white robe.Pope Francis really surpasses the Devil serpent who cleverly convinced
Adam and Eve (and consequently their offspring) – ‘to become like God’ – by
eating that one apple that
will give them instantly all the
knowledge of good and evil.Spotlight is like that apple
that overpowered Adam and Eve – because Spotlight also overpower and brainwash
people – by using deceivingly feel-good Hollywood A-listers –(Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Brian
d’Arcy James, John Slattery, Stanley Tucci, Billy Crudup, Liev Scriber and Mark
Ruffalo) – who make people believe that once you’ve seen that one movie Spotlight, you’ve seen all it all–– it meaning the JP2 Army– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
phenomenon worldwide.
Spotlight takes over the Vatican evil
crimes against humanity’s children committed by the JP2 Army in half-the-20th century with
systemic cover-up by Vatican hierarchy worldwide and condense them into one movie and thereby change the focus
and conversation into today’s Hollywood A-list actors and Spotlight film awards.
Francis partnered with Tom McCarthy- all actors in Spotlight should be banned
from the Oscar
Francis partnered cleverly with Hollywood which has a unique way of rewriting
evil and presenting it in the most entertaining way which it did with Spotlight
and its farcical drama scenes.
should have fallen in the comedy category.Spotlight is
deception because nowhere did Spotlight show a heinous pedophile priest
in-action in Boston nor its villains Cardinal Law and John Paul II in-action
---insteadSpotlight was all empty talks, he says, she says, bland talk-is-cheap
depictions by dull Hollywood actors who acted like walking or sitting and
talking statues.The only
thing that moved sometimes was their mouth and then zooms on their Hollywood
deadpan famous faces.
God forbid
Spotlight wins any Oscar award. Thank God,
Spotlight did NOT win any Golden Globe award.
makes you "like" Catholic criminals especially Cardinal Bernard Law
Spotlight is a farcical drama that makes you deceivingly
feel-goodabout the
Vatican Catholic church’s crimes by bestial pedophile priests worldwide –by making you laugh and like its poster boy villain Cardinal Bernard Law
– because it makes you talk more about
the thick book of Catholic Catechism he gave (to dull lifeless actor) Liev
Scriber in the most farcical scene ludicrous quasi-drama in Cardinal in Law’s
office.Spotlight comes out as
propaganda for the Vatican and its catechism. Spotlight makes you deceivingly
feel-good about Catholic charity event which Cardinal Law presided – with
Michael Keaton attending – and so consequently, Spotlight does not make you feel irate at all about Law’s crimes and as a cardinal
who aided and abetted 70 pedophile priests.Spotlight thus serves as propaganda for formal parties of Catholic
charities -- instead of making you detest its criminal bestial pedophile
priests and the cardinals and bishops who systemically protected them and
oppressed their victims.
is propaganda for Catholic church traditions
makes you deceivingly feel-good about the Vatican Catholic church via the
clever propaganda of children singing Christmas carols in a Boston church – and
so it does not move you – to ask why
– hundreds of churches are being closed and sold to the highest bidders in New
York and Boston and why hundreds of millions of Catholics are abandoning those
churches.See those before and after
sold churches in ourarticle, Jesus
Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches
shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
makes the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses
is the most deceptive movie ever made – (worse than all propagandas of Hitler)
– because it is ultimately a propaganda for the Vatican and a cover-up for
Vatican crimes in half-the-20th-century against humanity’s children and a
cover-up of its false saint John Paul II who was nowhere seen, heard nor
mentioned in the movie – despite Mark Ruffalo yelling about “a freaking
pope”.Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer indeed deserve their awards
for writing and directing Spotlight the biggest deceivingly feel-good
propaganda that cover-up the Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils in the 20th
century and 21st century and for making the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses not
only in the Vatican but worldwide.For the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and the Nazis
were both inherently all-male hierarchy born out of the Devil’s Bowels (as we
wrote on Christmas in 2010 and it’s even more relevant today) read here
And now Spotlight is there to make the world
deceivingly feel-good good about the JP2 Army forever and deceivingly feel-good
about false “saint” John Paul II and deceivingly feel-good for his evil
Achilles Heel, Cardinal Bernard Law.God
forbid Spotlight gets any Oscar award.Thank God ,Spotlight did NOT win any Golden Globes award.
comparison of Spotlight with All the President’s Men is one of the most
deceptive massive campaigns ever made by journalists today -- which prove they
are dishonest.More than 1700
journalists, still counting, from the east coast to the west coast, from the New
York Times to the Los Angeles Times including Washington Post, and were paid by
the Vatican to promote Spotlight for an Oscar buzz – paid by the secret Vatican
Billions.Read the hundreds of millions
of assets of the Vatican in the USA today, Vatican’s
wealth all over Rome and Italy and England and USA
Spotlight’s biggest deception is in what it
did NOT show -- a portrait or a video or mention of John Paul II.Mark Ruffalo famously (to Michael Keaton)
said:““ It's time, Robby! It's time. They knew and they let it happen to
kids, okay? It could have been you, it could have been me, it could have been
any of us. We got to nail these scumbags, we got to show people that nobody can
get away with this, not a priest or a cardinal or a freaking pope.”And that line brainwash Catholics as if they’ve heard it all --- and
then they leave the theatre deceived – because they are back to praying to the
false saint John Paul II.Read
our article, Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he
refused to stop his JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – and he said
nothing and did nothing to save and protect children for 27 years from his
heinous bestial JP2 Army
Spotlight is false advertising for “good investigative
is the worst farcical drama ever and you learn nothing from it and you get
deceived about “good investigative journalists” who are different today because
they are slaves of money and their plutocrat boss’ agenda.Remember, it was the media that created the
(myth) of Sadam Hussein’s weapon of mass destruction and helped lead the
deceivingly feel-good war that cost Americans $6 trillion dollars.And before our very eyes today, the paid
media gives more coverage to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton – than to Bernie
Sanders.Journalists today have very
little integrity and so they are using Spotlight to validate and justify their
deceptive profession today.Children
cannot run to journalists today if they are victims of pedophiles.
was represented pathetically in Spotlight via the character of Phil Saviano
with him holding his photo as a little boy when he was abused – a trap the
Vatican cleverly devised for a five-minutes of fame in Spotlight – to get SNAP
to promulgate the movie, read our article, SHAME on SNAP & David Clohessy–
they've sold their souls to the Devil via ‘Spotlight’ movie. Finally, SNAP took
the bait of Vatican Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team
God is Mercy is a deceptive papal ploy
Francis has announced this as the “Year of Mercy” and he wrote a book saying
that “The Name of God is Mercy”.So that
shuts-up further conversation and cover-up all Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils.Just have mercy on them – because God is mercy
God’s other name was Justice – that would incite the United States government
and other countries to open an official inquiry on pedophile abuse like
Australia in now doing in its Royal Commission.
a typical conversation and how Spotlight and mercy shut up the talk about
pedophile priests once and for all
Q.Do you know how horrible is that pedophile
Response:Oh yeah, go watch the movie Spotlight and see
how Cardinal Bernard Law covered up pedophile priests.
Q.Imagine how bad those pedophile priests were?
Response:Pope Francis said this is the Year of Mercy
and The Name of God is Mercy and therefore we must forgive those priests…. Pope
Francis has the power to forgive sins because he represents Jesus…
Spotlight &
Philippines Jesuit sex crimes. Jesuit abused young man “a few hundred
times” starting when he was 15 in Ateneo de Zamboanga, Arvisu House, Loyola
House of Studies http://
Holy Shit! Before his trial, Jozef Wesolowski the JP2 Army highest pedophile
Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp suddenly dies – mysteriously – as John Paul I
John Paul II is
worse than King Herod and his soldiers.Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he refused to
stop his JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – and he said nothing and
did nothing to save and protect children for 27 years from his heinous bestial
JP2 Army
Vatican assets in the United States of America -- are in
cahoots with the Clintons
Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100
billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined
wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”
- stock it controls
on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves,
and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion
- There
is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything
is done in complete secrecy
- The
hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic laypersons
- The
hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians , plutocrats like the owner of Boston Globe
Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has
only multiplied – exponentially –through the decades since that
book was written.
REBUTTAL: Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of Capitalism and Vicar of Vatican Empire akaVatican Mammon Evil Beast that exploits the poor.
Francis (cardinals, bishops, priests) – by the power of his papal mouth in a
few seconds – of reciting Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation
(deceit) script – cannot instantly clone the real flesh-and-blood of Jesus
Christ – because His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, had to carry 9 months in
her God-designed female womb – and then give birth (painfully) like all other
women. Pope Francis and priests
have no wombs to reproduce a child and their mouths cannot reproduce the body
of Christ either.
little white host in the Eucharist is the biggest lie of Satan since the Garden
of Eden where God forbade that mankind eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and
evil that was exclusively for God. The Eucharist makes man even greater
than God because he can reproduce His flesh and blood -- and it is the bait to
trap idiots especially stupid Americans Catholics to worship the Vatican Mammon
Evil Beast guarded by Swiss Guard Army in Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard the
ill-gotten wealth of despots, American imperialists, European imperialists,
corrupt government officials, war lords, drug lords, name it, they have
The Vatican is the most evil power on the planet that breeds corruptions
among government officials, which breed wars, violence against the poor, women
and children. Pope
Francis is the greatest thief in mankind’s history and the greatest Jesuit
Master of Deceits and he is only headed to the lake of fire where he will join
his real father of lies who came to kill, steal and destroy. Pope Francis
is the Devil turned into an Angel Pope-in-white in the Vatican Circus of lies,
deceptions and corruptions worldwide.
Hail Mary, full of
Hell Pope Francis, full of deceits
The Lord
is with
The Devil is with you
are you among women Cursed are you among all men
blessed is the
And cursed are your Vatican
The Roman Catholic Church is –– not Christ’s
Church –– but the church of the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast. Idiots Roman Catholics –
Americans –give moral and financial supports and are cooperators
in – crimes against humanity – committed by the Vatican and Pope Francis!
false to claim that “the gates of Hell shall
not prevail against the Catholic Church”
–––– because the truth is thegates of Heaven cannot prevail against the Vatican –which is the Kingdom of Satan on Earth –– with
its perpetual Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils – already with two millennium of
Vatican Evils – and now on its third millennium of crimes against humanity –
and still going strong. The gates of Heaven is helpless especially
against the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast Empire in Switzerland and its Swiss Banks
run exclusively by so called very evident ‘Pope’s Army aka God’s Army’ – the
Swiss Guard Army alumni.Read the
Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of
mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
should produce the JP2 Army RealityTV Show –
it's better than NCIS
It would span 25,000 years to
depict the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army Reality
TV show
To serve and protect children, Hollywood should
produce a reality TV crime show to depict the Vatican sex crimes by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army -- at 52 weeks a year – it would
take 25,000 years -- to cover 1.3 million episodes!
have already outperformed the 2,000 year history of the Roman Catholic church
and its Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, and The Borgias! The JP2 Army
Reality TV show would outperform the NCIS series, the Kardashans, Survivor and
all NYPD and Chicago PD shows!
Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he
said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests
Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century
The Vatican owns Switzerland and the secret Vatican Swiss
Banks are run-only by Swiss Guard Army graduates and alumni.
Pope Francis is the most evil pope in the history of
Catholicism because his crimes affect the entire globe and many nations and
billions of poor people which cause the violence against children and women all
as a result of the Vatican-imposed abject poverty.
Pope Francis and priests cannot clone the flesh of God
the Son
1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of
Christby sinful Vatican pope and priests
Pope Francis, all Popes, Cardinals, Bishops
Priests cannot clone cats and dogs
they CANNOT create Christ either.
POPES and PRIESTS are MERLIN magicians
Transubstantiation or the Mass is a
recent development
.St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles
never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the
flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow
development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the
20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the
Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that
transubstantiation became what it is today.
Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving
Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the
exclusive power to transubstantiate - or clone - God’s flesh.Because of the
Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the
burning of women and witches
“For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests,
John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the
Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish
to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed
Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II
In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy
the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an
infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate
Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can
never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in
her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in
their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are
mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of
St. PauL l
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St.
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