Inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword protects us and guide us on what to blog


And soon he will canonize another fake saint – read our article Pope Francis to canonize (half-truth saint) Mother Teresa of Kolkata who hoarded 100 million dollars in Vatican bank… (Vatileaks: price for canonization, €750,000 Euros)
We could breathe freely and were in peace and enjoyed watching the People’s Choice Awards because Spotlight was NOT nominated and NONE of the actors in Spotlight were present at the awards.
At least for one night, the people in the United States of America and worldwide could enjoy one big night in Hollywood without having to tolerate, endure, suffer and put up with the deceptions of Spotlight and its organized propaganda for the Vatican. THANK you PEOPLE’S Choice Awards for NOT mentioning Spotlight at all. Spotlight was totally non-existent among the nominees and winners in the People’s Choice Awards and that should be and must be the same scenario in the Oscar.
The Golden Globe must NOT give any award to Spotlight because we’d never hear the end of Spotlight winning it and it would perpetuate the propaganda for the Vatican and its farcical drama that deceives people.
The Martians won the favorite dramatic film and its portrayal according to a scientist is realistic at the TIFF festival. He said he wouldn’t go with Matt Damon but he would go with his character to Mars. Ellen DeGeneres was honored as year’s “Favorite Humanitarian” but of course, the Vatican condemns same sex marriage and Ellen is married to her wife -- yet she is far more Christian than Pope Francis and the Vatican hypocritical hierarchy wallowing in Vatican Avarice. Read our article, Ireland gay marriage vote is a victory for humanity, liberty and secularism; –– it’s a major defeat for Vatican Autocracy, obsolete traditions, religious oppression
Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

Read the VATICAN
Spotlight is a farcical drama
Spotlight takes over the Vatican evil crimes against humanity’s children committed by the JP2 Army in half-the-20th century with systemic cover-up by Vatican hierarchy worldwide and condense them into one movie and thereby change the focus and conversation into today’s Hollywood A-list actors and Spotlight film awards.
Deutsche Welle
A lawyer representing 231 people has alleged that his clients faced abuse by adults working with the Domspatzen, a Catholic choir in Bavaria. Several victims alleged sexual harassment.
Ulrich Weber, the lawyer representing the alleged victims, was commissioned by the church diocese to look into the cases.
In a press conference on Friday, he said: "I have here 231 reports of physical abuse." These ranged from beatings to food deprivation, sexual assault and rape, Weber told journalists.
"The reported cases of sexual abuse in Regensburg were mostly concentrated in the period of the mid-to-late1970s," he said. According to the lawyer, "50 victims spoke of 10 perpetrators" at the Regensburger Domspatzen boys' choir and two associated boarding schools between 1953 and 1992.
However, the actual number of victims could be much higher, Weber said, because at least every third child out of the 2,100 pupils in the choir had been subjected to physical violence.
Regensburg Digital
[Lawyer Ulrich Weber said they know of 231 people who were abused but they believe the number is much higher and could go to 700.]
Der Zwischenbericht von Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber zu Gewalt und Missbrauch bei den Regensburger Domspatzen straft den in der Vergangenheit behaupteten Willen des Bistums Regensburg zur Aufklärung erneut Lügen.
Ich bin unabhängig und ich sag, was ich will. Ohne es explizit auszusprechen, ist das die Botschaft die Ulrich Weber sowohl an die Verantwortlichen im Bistum als auch an die Betroffenen von Gewalt und Missbrauch bei den Regensburger Domspatzen sendet. Am Freitagvormittag hat der als Aufklärer eingesetzte Rechtsanwalt nach acht Monaten Recherche seinen ersten Zwischenbericht vorgelegt. Und es sind nicht nur die nackten Zahlen, die erneut ein beschämendes Licht auf das Verhalten des Bistums werfen. Weber legt auch klar: Die gewalttätigen und sexuellen Übergriffe waren intern bekannt, ohne dass daraus Konsequenzen gezogen worden wären. Es fällt der Name Georg Ratzinger, aber auch – auf Nachfrage – jener der Domspatzen-Ikone Theobald Schrems.
The Peninsula (Qatar)
Berlin: At least 231 children at a famous boys' choir school in Germany were victims of physical abuse, a lawyer tasked by the Catholic institution to probe allegations said Friday, giving a far higher figure than thought for the scandal, which dates back decades.
The Domspatzen, a 1,000-year-old choir in Regensburg, Bavaria, was dragged into the massive sexual abuse scandal plaguing the Catholic Church in 2010, when allegations of assaults that took place several decades ago went public.
The choir was run by Pope Benedict's elder brother, Georg Ratzinger, from 1964 to 1994 when most of the claimed abuses took place.
Ratzinger has said that the alleged sexual abuse was "never discussed" in the time that he ran the choir attached to the boarding school.
Lawyer Ulrich Weber, who had been commissioned by the diocese to look into the cases, said at a press conference Friday that his research, which included 70 interviews with victims, uncovered abuse that took place from 1945 to the early 1990s.
The Local
Fresh cases of abuse in Regensburg cathedral choir were revealed by investigators on Friday, who said at least 231 children have been abused by priests and teachers since the 1950s in a scandal that has rocked the Bavarian city.
Lawyer Ulrich Weber, who is leading the investigation in Regensburg, said on Friday that between 1953 and 1992, at least 231 children were beaten or sexually abused by priests and teachers of the diocese.
This number was much larger than previously thought - 72 cases of abuse had been reported by last April.
"The sexual abuse ranged from fondling to rape," said Weber.
He added that the number of unreported cases would bring this figure higher, estimating that around one-third of the 2,100 students during that time period were subject to physical violence.
The Domspatzen - or "Cathedral sparrows" - boys choir of St. Peter's Cathedral has been plagued by scandal since reports of sexual abuse in Church communities across the country first emerged in 2010.
At that time, a Berlin school announced that around 50 former students had reported they were sexually abused by priests. Afterward, lawyers for victims came forward with allegations of abuse at dozens of other Catholic institutions.
[The longtime head of the cathedral choir, Georg Ratzinger, must have known of the numerous cases of mistreatment in the boys' choir in the opinion of victims lawyer Ulrich Weber. Weber announced today at a press conference that overall he found 231 incidents of sexual abuse involving boys in the choir.]
Der langjährige Chef der Regensburger Domspatzen, Georg Ratzinger, muss nach Überzeugung des Opferanwalts Ulrich Weber von den zahlreichen Misshandlungsfällen bei dem Knabenchor gewusst haben. Das gab Weber heute bei einer Pressekonferenz bekannt. Insgesamt sprach er von 231 Vorfällen.
Auf die Frage, ob Ratzinger die Missstände bekannt gewesen seien, sagte der vom Bistum Regensburg als Sonderermittler eingesetzte Anwalt wörtlich: "Davon muss ich ausgehen." Der 91–jährige Georg Ratzinger ist der Bruder von Papst Benedikt. Er war 30 lang, bis 1994, Domkapellmeister und Leiter des weltberühmten Knabenchores. Ratzinger hält sich aktuell in Rom auf und war für eine Stellungnahme nicht zu erreichen.
The New York Times
JAN. 8, 2016
BERLIN — At least 231 children who sang in a boys’ choir led for 30 years by the brother of former Pope Benedict XVI were abused over a period of almost four decades, a lawyer investigating reports of wrongdoing said Friday.
The lawyer, Ulrich Weber, who was commissioned by the choir to look into accusations of beatings, torture or sexual abuse, said he thought that the actual abuse was even more widespread.
At a news conference in Regensburg, Bavaria, where the choir traces its roots to the year 975, Mr. Weber estimated that from 1953 to 1992, every third member of the choir and an attached school suffered some kind of physical abuse.
He attributed the beatings and other mistreatment mostly to Johann Meier, director of a lower school attached to the choir from 1953 until his retirement in 1992. Mr. Meier died suddenly later that year, Mr. Weber said. A 1987 investigation of reported abuse did not prompt the choir’s leaders to remove Mr. Meier or take other action, the lawyer said.
Asked whether Benedict’s brother, the Rev. Georg Ratzinger, who conducted the Regensburg choir from 1964 to 1994, had known of the abuse, Mr. Weber said, “After my research, I must assume so.”
["Domspatzen" scandal is widening]
Der älteste Knabenchor Deutschlands begeistert Menschen in aller Welt. Im Februar 2015 wird jedoch ein Missbrauchsskandal bei den Regensburger Domspatzen öffentlich. Der zuständige Anwalt korrigiert die Zahl der Opfer nun deutlich nach oben.
Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen haben Priester und Lehrer über Jahrzehnte mindestens 231 Kinder geschlagen, gequält oder sexuell missbraucht. Das gab der Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber bekannt, der von der katholischen Kirche und dem weltberühmten Chor mit der Aufklärung des Skandals betraut wurde. Die in seinem Zwischenbericht genannte Zahl der Misshandlungsfälle ist wesentlich größer als bisher angenommen. Weber geht davon aus, dass die Dunkelziffer noch deutlich höher liegt. Er rechnet damit, dass etwa jeder Dritte der rund 2100 Schüler der "Spatzen" zwischen 1953 bis 1992 unter körperlicher Gewalt litt.
Berliner Morgenpost
[More than 200 children were abused in the Regensburg cathedral choir.]
Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen wurden laut Medienbericht mehr Kinder missbraucht als bisher bekannt. Sie wurden nicht nur geschlagen .
Regensburg. Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen hat es wesentlich mehr Misshandlungsfälle gegeben als bisher angenommen. Von den 1950er bis in die 1990er Jahre hinein seien mindestens 231 Kinder von Priestern und Lehrern des Bistums Regensburg verprügelt worden, sagte der vom Bistum mit der Aufklärung beauftragte Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber auf einer Pressekonferenz am Freitag.
Weber geht in seinem vorgestellten Zwischenbericht davon aus, dass die Dunkelziffer der misshandelten Kinder noch deutlich höher liegt. Er rechnet damit, dass etwa jeder Dritte der rund 2100 Vorschüler zwischen 1953 bis 1992 unter körperlicher Gewalt litt.
Bistum Regensburg
[Bishop Voderholzer speaks of cases of sexual abuse and physical violence in the diocese.]
Liebe Schwestern und Brüder im Herrn, zu den schweren Lasten und den bedrückenden Erfahrungen des Bischofsamtes gehört die Konfrontation mit den Fällen sexuellen Missbrauchs durch Priester und kirchliche Mitarbeiter und die Fälle von körperlicher Gewalt, vor allem in der Einrichtung in Etterzhausen und Pielenhofen, die erst jüngst wieder in der Öffentlichkeit dargestellt wurden und viele Menschen auch über das Bistum hinaus tief betroffen gemacht haben und betroffen machen.
Sie dürfen mir glauben: Es schmerzt mich und tut mir in der Seele weh: jeder einzelne Fall, hinter dem ja ein Mensch steht, eine Kinderseele in diesen Fällen, schwer gequält, oft für das Leben gezeichnet. Ich kann es nicht ungeschehen machen und die Betroffenen nur um Vergebung bitten.
Bistum Regensburg
Nach achtmonatiger Untersuchungszeit ist es nun möglich, konkrete erste Ergebnisse zu den Missbrauchs- und Misshandlungsfällen bei den Regensburger Domspatzen herauszugeben. Besonders wichtig ist mir bei dieser Zwischenbilanz auch, dass die Opfer über den Weg der Offentlichkeit zum Stand meiner Arbeit informiert werden.
Die Ausgangssituation: Zum Zeitpunkt meines Einstiegs hatte das Bistum die Zahl von 72 anerkannten Opfern körperlicher Gewalt eingeräumt und konkret zwei wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs verurteilte Beschuldigte, die in Zusammenhang mit den Domspatzen standen, namentlich genannt. Für mich waren zunächst vor allem intensive Opfer-, Verantwortungsträger- und Drittgespräche wichtig, um einen eigenen Eindruck vom Umfang der Taten zu bekommen.
[Significantly more cases of abuse at Regensburg Cathedral Choir]
Priester und Lehrer des Regensburger Bistums haben mindestens 231 Kinder misshandelt, das geht aus einem Zwischenbericht zur Aufklärung der Vorfälle bei dem Domspatzen-Chor hervor. Die Dunkelziffer könnte noch deutlich höher liegen.
Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen hat es wesentlich mehr Misshandlungsfälle gegeben als bisher angenommen. Von 1953 bis 1992 seien mindestens 231 Kinder von Priestern und Lehrern des Bistums verprügelt oder sexuell missbraucht worden, sagte der von Bistum und Chor mit der Klärung des Skandals beauftragte Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber in Regensburg.
"Die sexuellen Übergriffe reichten von Streicheln bis zu Vergewaltigungen", berichtete der Rechtsanwalt. Weber geht davon aus, dass die Dunkelziffer der misshandelten Kinder noch deutlich höher liegt. Er rechnet damit, dass etwa jeder Dritte der rund 2100 Vorschüler zwischen 1953 bis 1992 unter körperlicher Gewalt litt.
To Fox News -- add the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Golden Globe and all mainstream media who have promoted Spotlight
Read our article:

The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively
a criminal,
money-laundering operation
Vatican assets in the United States of America
Eucharist is a HOAX
John Allen–New Kid on the Block is Same Old Bloke –ancient as Satanas St. John Paul II & Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. SOB

The Vatican War Room produced Spotlight




THE Government
the MEDIA,



deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy
COLD-HEART-ed Holy Father
The Popes' Master is the Vatican Mammon Beast -
and therefore




news compilation from Bavaria
Weber, the lawyer representing the alleged victims from the Regensburger
Domspatzen boys' choir in Bavaria (which
traces its roots to the year 975), said the longtime head of the cathedral
choir, Georg Ratzinger – (brother of former Pope Benedict
XVI-RATzinger ) -- must have known of the numerous cases of sexual and
physical mistreatments as he was the head of the prestigious choir from the mid-60s to the mid-90s -- during the period
of almost four decades of sex abuses. Weber said, “After my research, I must
assume so.”
Weber said, I have here 231 reports of physical abuse…. 50
victims spoke of 10 perpetrators…victims could go up to 700 because at least every third child out of the
2,100 pupils in the choir and an attached school suffered and had been
subjected to physical violence. These ranged from beatings to food deprivation,
sexual assault and rape. However, the actual number of victims could be much
when “Saint” John Paul II keep marching in
JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
marching in too
JP2 Army is named aptly after Pope John Paul II who reigned the longest for 27
years – from 1978 to 2005 – but he said nothing and did nothing to save and
protect children from thousands of pedophile priests under his Holy See watch
as he trotted the globe to propagate his legacy as “John Paul II ‘the Great’”. John Paul II apologized for many historical
Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, e.g. the Crusades, Galileo, but he did not
apologize for his own evil Achilles Heels namely, his JP2 Army and Cardinal
Bernard Law -- the poster boy of all cardinals and bishops who systemically
covered-up the JP2 Army worldwide from Europe to the USA to Australia.
King Herod’s Army, the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army spared no
little boys from their path, from the poor to the rich, as they satiated their
bestial lust as they simultaneously performed the miracle of the Eucharist. Read
our article, Eucharist is HOAX. Pope Francis and priests have no wombs to
produce a bay and their mouths cannot produce the body of Christ either.
King Herod’s Army, the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army spared no
little boy from their path, from the poor to the rich. While most of the tens of thousands of
American victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the
USA are from ordinary families and parishes, in Germany the victims are from
prestigious expensive Catholic institutions.
The Jesuits’ exclusive school, the Canisius-Kolleg Berlin settled with
victims in 2010. https://en.wikipedia.orgwiki/Sexual_abuse_scandal_in_the_Society_of_Jesus
The Jesuits are famous for their sex crimes
among the poor children in Alaska and in Los Gaboss near Los Angeles. Read our article, REBUTTAL: James Martin S.J.
“The Media Ministry”. He does not mention Los Angeles Times that pioneered journalistic reports especially on series of ‘sex
crimes by the Jesuits’ in the 1980s!
now victims are coming out from the prestigious Regensburger Domspatzen boys'
choir in Bavaria – where the former Pope Benedict-RATzinger was a bishop for five-year term from 1977, and his elder brother, Georg Ratzinger, was the head of
the choir from the mid-60s to the mid-90s -- during the sex abuses.
- "Cathedral sparrows" - boys choir of St. Peter's Cathedral prove
that holy words and saints can be so evil.
These boys sung only holy songs – as they received the Eucharist daily
and the bestial pedophile priests performed the Eucharist and were empowered by
the Eucharist. Pope Francis recently
canonized Junipero Serra who committed genocide of the American Native Indians
in California, read our article Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses
his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
And soon he will canonize another fake saint – read our article Pope Francis to canonize (half-truth saint) Mother Teresa of Kolkata who hoarded 100 million dollars in Vatican bank… (Vatileaks: price for canonization, €750,000 Euros)
The evil
stench of John Paul II’s two evil Achilles Heels covers the globe indeed from
Europe to the USA, to the Dominican Republic to Australia. The JP2 Army used their priestly privileges
to be bestial pedophile priests everywhere they went and as his reward for
covering them up, John Paul II was canonized (by the greatest Jesuit master of Deceits Pope Francis) as the
fastest saint so that his name is invoked in daily Eucharist) and his statues
in every Catholic church. And his giant
statues are in every major cities on the globe.
John Paul II’s two evil Achilles Heels are Cardinal Bernard Law and
Marcial Maciel.
Maciel --
the founder of the billionaires club Legion of Christ – was a serial pedophile
priest and the poster boy of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
– named aptly after the pope who said nothing and did nothing to save and protect
children from thousands of pedophile priests in his 27 years papacy. Read our
article, MM
Marcial Maciel piggyback ride on Mary Magdalene in Galilee – to save face of
Legion of Christ and MM billions of dollars in Vatican Swiss Banks
Cardinal Bernard Law is the poster boy of all
cardinals and bishops in the systemic worldwide cover-up of the JP2 Army. Cardinal Law is depicted in the farcical
movie ‘Spotlight’ and so John Paul II’s evil Achilles Heel is now carried
around the globe by the movie Spotlight and Hollywood. God forbid Spotlight gets any Oscar
nomination. God forbid Spotlight wins
any Golden Globe this Sunday – but of course the Vatican Billions have brined
all film awards….except those chosen by the people like TIFF and the People’s
Choice Award.
Read our
related article, People's
Choice Award had NO Spotlight! There was NO nomination for Spotlight and NO
actors in Spotlight were present! For one night, people were FREE from
Spotlight deceptions!
Investigation commissioned by the diocese
investigation was commissioned by the church diocese to look into the cases of
the famous Bavarian choir --- but don’t be fooled --- because Pope Francis want
all cases to come out and be resolved in the “Year of Mercy” so that he can
grant a general pardon – and most of all, so that people will stop talking
about bestial “pedophile priests” and simply enjoy the deceivingly feel-good
movie ‘Spotlight’ and its movie awards and those Hollywood A-Lister and their
other movies and so on and on…and then pray to false saint John Paul II. The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the
ocean of moral bankruptcy and the Roman Catholic church is evil to its core because it is ruled by
the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast aka Vatican Avarice.aka the Devil the father of
lies who came to steal, kill and destroy. Read our article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The
SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest
THIEF on earth.
American paid-journalists and film pundits including one of the actors, Mark Ruffalo have said that Spotlight can
bring healing to victims of sex abuse.
But as we have consistently proven the farcical drama of Spotlight can
neither heal nor erase victims’ lifetime of suffering. Read our related
article: ‘Spotlight’ farcical drama and Pope Francis farcical ’Year of Mercy’ are
produced by the Vatican and Hollywood – the twin cities that “lie for a living”
by using dramatic deception
Bavaria, Josef RATzinger was made Cardinal and he moved to the Vatican where he
reigned as the right hand guy to John Paul II as the Prefect of the (CDF)
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – where he ruled with an iron fist
for over 20 years as he further covered-up thousands of pedophile priests that
landed on his desk. John Paul II and
Cardinal Josef RATzinger were both the co-captains that protected the JP2 Army
– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – that sunk the Vatican Titanic into the
ocean of moral bankruptcy – with thousands of
giant millstones. Read Paris
Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s
neck then dragging him until his neck broke, and throwing him into a raging sea
of fire
our other blog--- Benedict XVI – RATzinger, God’s Rottweiler
The Germany Catholic churches can afford to settle easily with victims because they get more than a
billion Euros of revenue from religious taxes annually.
Read our articles,
Catholic Church owns 100% German Porn Industry
“Weltbild" since 30 years…so much for the Theology of the Body of Blessed
John Paul II
John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to
save and protect them for 27 years
People's Choice Award had NO Spotlight! There was
NO nomination for Spotlight and NO actors in Spotlight were present! For one
night, people were FREE from Spotlight deceptions!
Germans officially left the Catholic Church last year.
People's Choice Award had NO Spotlight! There was NO nomination for Spotlight and NO actors in Spotlight were present! For one night, people were FREE from Spotlight deceptions! HOORAH !!!!!!!
We could breathe freely and were in peace and enjoyed watching the People’s Choice Awards because Spotlight was NOT nominated and NONE of the actors in Spotlight were present at the awards.
At least for one night, the people in the United States of America and worldwide could enjoy one big night in Hollywood without having to tolerate, endure, suffer and put up with the deceptions of Spotlight and its organized propaganda for the Vatican. THANK you PEOPLE’S Choice Awards for NOT mentioning Spotlight at all. Spotlight was totally non-existent among the nominees and winners in the People’s Choice Awards and that should be and must be the same scenario in the Oscar.
The Golden Globe must NOT give any award to Spotlight because we’d never hear the end of Spotlight winning it and it would perpetuate the propaganda for the Vatican and its farcical drama that deceives people.
The Martians won the favorite dramatic film and its portrayal according to a scientist is realistic at the TIFF festival. He said he wouldn’t go with Matt Damon but he would go with his character to Mars. Ellen DeGeneres was honored as year’s “Favorite Humanitarian” but of course, the Vatican condemns same sex marriage and Ellen is married to her wife -- yet she is far more Christian than Pope Francis and the Vatican hypocritical hierarchy wallowing in Vatican Avarice. Read our article, Ireland gay marriage vote is a victory for humanity, liberty and secularism; –– it’s a major defeat for Vatican Autocracy, obsolete traditions, religious oppression
who voted in the People’s Choice
had the right reasons to NOT even nominate Spotlight for any category. Americans did not buy into the deceptions and
propaganda of those millions of dollars paid A-list actors in Spotlight.
BRAVO People’s Choice Awards because you did NOT let the Vatican-paid mainstream media brainwash and influence you.
OMG It’s amazing how people can have the common sense to ignore and disregard Spotlight and its deceptions – and to ignore the bombardment and media hype by Vatican-paid mainstream media journalists and Vatican-paid film pundits –– more than 170 of them (still counting until Oscar night) from the east coast to the west coast, from the Boston Globe, New York Times (7 long NYT reviews including today’s – because the Golden Globes is this Sunday - see it in Abuse Tracker), Washington Post – to the Los Angeles Times -- promulgated Spotlight for an Oscar buzz. Spotlight is propaganda for the Vatican Catholic Church and Spotlight is a cover-up to shut-up conversations about on-going Vatican Avarice (we explain how it does it, read more below).
BRAVO People’s Choice Awards because you did NOT let the Vatican-paid mainstream media brainwash and influence you.
OMG It’s amazing how people can have the common sense to ignore and disregard Spotlight and its deceptions – and to ignore the bombardment and media hype by Vatican-paid mainstream media journalists and Vatican-paid film pundits –– more than 170 of them (still counting until Oscar night) from the east coast to the west coast, from the Boston Globe, New York Times (7 long NYT reviews including today’s – because the Golden Globes is this Sunday - see it in Abuse Tracker), Washington Post – to the Los Angeles Times -- promulgated Spotlight for an Oscar buzz. Spotlight is propaganda for the Vatican Catholic Church and Spotlight is a cover-up to shut-up conversations about on-going Vatican Avarice (we explain how it does it, read more below).
The People’s Choice Awards could see
through the hypocrisy and deceptions of Spotlight and therefore did not even
nominate it for any category…that’s incredible! BRAVO secular
American movie goers!
– YOU prove that there aren’t really that many Catholics in the USA (with hundreds
of Catholic churches being
abandoned, closed and sold) – because they didn’t even bother to nominate
Spotlight in the People’s Choice Awards – and Catholics are not flocking to the
movie theatres to watch it either – despite SNAP (shamefully) promoting the film.
IF there are really millions of Catholics, then the Vatican-owned media, SNAP and priests have failed to mobilize them. Read our articles, REBUTTAL: New York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’ 150 reviews by American journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for money, for their capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings) Read also -- Spotlight is Deception
IF there are really millions of Catholics, then the Vatican-owned media, SNAP and priests have failed to mobilize them. Read our articles, REBUTTAL: New York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’ 150 reviews by American journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for money, for their capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings) Read also -- Spotlight is Deception
Billions bribed journalists, movie pundits
and film awards
and film awards
Vatican Billions could not bribe
the People’s Choice Awards because they could not pinpoint who the voters are
and there were too many of them.
The Vatican Billions could not bribe foreign film awards like TIFF – Toronto International Film Festival, and the Venice Film Festival because the Vatican mercenaries especially the Jesuits who did not want to be so obvious. But it is very easy to bribe film awards in the USA where the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team control and own the media – just look at Pope Francis face in every magazine and every newspaper cover in his USA visit. The Vatican Billions are able to bribe the smaller American film awards like the Gotham, L.A. Film Critics Award – that have already given the best film awards to Spotlight – because the voters and board members are very few, very easy to find and easy to clandestinely bribe. What is 50K or 100K bribery when there are hundreds of Vatican Billions of dollars sitting idly in Wall Street?
The Vatican Billions could not bribe foreign film awards like TIFF – Toronto International Film Festival, and the Venice Film Festival because the Vatican mercenaries especially the Jesuits who did not want to be so obvious. But it is very easy to bribe film awards in the USA where the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team control and own the media – just look at Pope Francis face in every magazine and every newspaper cover in his USA visit. The Vatican Billions are able to bribe the smaller American film awards like the Gotham, L.A. Film Critics Award – that have already given the best film awards to Spotlight – because the voters and board members are very few, very easy to find and easy to clandestinely bribe. What is 50K or 100K bribery when there are hundreds of Vatican Billions of dollars sitting idly in Wall Street?
our related article, THANK you TIFF, for NOT giving Spotlight the award for
Best Movie. Toronto International Film Festival has integrity. OSCAR, Golden
Globe etc must NOT award Spotlight
The British predicted Spotlight to win the Golden Globe because the Vatican and the British monarchy control the Golden Globe and Wall Street and it also control the "foreign press " and all media --

The British predicted Spotlight to win Golden Globe --
because the Vatican BRIBED the Golden Globe
and Foreign Press that give the awards
The Vatican controls all the central banks including the Rothschilds -- see this poster of the US Congress -- ADD the Vatican
Read – REBUTTAL: New York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’ 150 reviews by Americans journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for money, for their capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings)

The British predicted Spotlight to win the Golden Globe because the Vatican and the British monarchy control the Golden Globe and Wall Street and it also control the "foreign press " and all media --

The British predicted Spotlight to win Golden Globe --
because the Vatican BRIBED the Golden Globe
and Foreign Press that give the awards
The Vatican controls all the central banks including the Rothschilds -- see this poster of the US Congress -- ADD the Vatican
Read – REBUTTAL: New York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’ 150 reviews by Americans journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for money, for their capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings)

Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

WATCH Bernie Sanders speak TRUTH --
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are
Wall StreeT dinosaurs

REBUTTAL: Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of Capitalism and Vicar of Vatican Empire akaVatican Mammon Evil Beast that exploits the poor.
Read our related article, Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor
Read the VATICAN

Spotlight is a farcical drama
is a farcical drama which should have been in the pathetic comedy
category. Spotlight is a boring lifeless
dull movie with the Hollywood A-list actors acting like statues – walking and
talking statues. There is no drama
whatsoever in the movie. Rachel McAdams knocking at doors is so dull and boring. Mark Ruffalo jogging and running up the
stairs is so commonplace and ridiculous. Mark Ruffalo’s famous supposedly
dramatic line is a farce – when he yelled to Michael Keaton – “ It's time, Robby! It's time. They knew and
they let it happen to kids, okay? It could have been you, it could have been
me, it could have been any of us. We got to nail these scumbags, we got to show
people that nobody can get away with this, not a priest or a cardinal or a
freaking pope.” --- Yet nowhere in
the movie does it show the real faces and video clips of the freaking pope – yet John Paul II was in his 24th
year as pope in 2002 --- that’s into his quarter of century as pope. Spotlight is a farcical drama and pathetic
comedy that serves as advertising and propaganda for the Vatican Catholic
Church, read more below.
Spotlight is the quickest way to shut-up talks on Vatican
crimes against humanity’s children by JP2
in half-the-20th Century
is one the most deceitful productions of Pope Francis as the greatest Jesuit
Master of Deceits in the Vatican Circus of Deception that can hide Vatican
Avarice beneath his fattest papal white robe.
Pope Francis really surpasses the Devil serpent who cleverly convinced
Adam and Eve (and consequently their offspring) – ‘to become like God’ – by
eating that one apple that
will give them instantly all the
knowledge of good and evil. Spotlight is like that apple
that overpowered Adam and Eve – because Spotlight also overpower and brainwash
people – by using deceivingly feel-good Hollywood A-listers – (Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Brian
d’Arcy James, John Slattery, Stanley Tucci, Billy Crudup, Liev Scriber and Mark
Ruffalo) – who make people believe that once you’ve seen that one movie Spotlight, you’ve seen all it all –– it meaning the JP2 Army– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
phenomenon worldwide.
Spotlight takes over the Vatican evil crimes against humanity’s children committed by the JP2 Army in half-the-20th century with systemic cover-up by Vatican hierarchy worldwide and condense them into one movie and thereby change the focus and conversation into today’s Hollywood A-list actors and Spotlight film awards.
Francis partnered with Tom McCarthy- all actors in Spotlight should be banned
from the Oscar
Francis partnered cleverly with Hollywood which has a unique way of rewriting
evil and presenting it in the most entertaining way which it did with Spotlight
and its farcical drama scenes.
should have fallen in the comedy category.
Spotlight is
deception because nowhere did Spotlight show a heinous pedophile priest
in-action in Boston nor its villains Cardinal Law and John Paul II in-action
--- instead Spotlight was all empty talks, he says, she says, bland talk-is-cheap
depictions by dull Hollywood actors who acted like walking or sitting and
talking statues. The only
thing that moved sometimes was their mouth and then zooms on their Hollywood
deadpan famous faces.
God forbid Spotlight gets any Oscar nomination.
God forbids Spotlight wins any Golden Globe award.
God forbid Spotlight gets any Oscar nomination.
God forbids Spotlight wins any Golden Globe award.
makes you like Catholic criminals
especially Cardinal Bernard Law
especially Cardinal Bernard Law
Spotlight is a farcical drama that makes you deceivingly
feel-good about the
Vatican Catholic church’s crimes by bestial pedophile priests worldwide –by making you laugh and like its poster boy villain Cardinal Bernard Law
– because it makes you talk more about
the thick book of Catholic Catechism he gave (to dull lifeless actor) Liev
Scriber in the most farcical scene ludicrous quasi-drama in Cardinal in Law’s
office. Spotlight comes out as
propaganda for the Vatican and its catechism. Spotlight makes you deceivingly
feel-good about Catholic charity event which Cardinal Law presided – with
Michael Keaton attending – and so consequently, Spotlight does not make you feel irate at all about Law’s crimes and as a cardinal
who aided and abetted 70 pedophile priests.
Spotlight thus serves as propaganda for formal parties of Catholic
charities -- instead of making you detest its criminal bestial pedophile
priests and the cardinals and bishops who systemically protected them and
oppressed their victims.
is propaganda for Catholic church traditions
makes you deceivingly feel-good about the Vatican Catholic church via the
clever propaganda of children singing Christmas carols in a Boston church – and
so it does not move you – to ask why
– hundreds of churches are being closed and sold to the highest bidders in New
York and Boston and why hundreds of millions of Catholics are abandoning those
churches. See those before and after
sold churches in our article, Jesus
Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches
shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
makes the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses
is the most deceptive movie ever made – (worse than all propagandas of Hitler)
– because it is ultimately a propaganda for the Vatican and a cover-up for
Vatican crimes in half-the-20th-century against humanity’s children and a
cover-up of its false saint John Paul II who was nowhere seen, heard nor
mentioned in the movie – despite Mark Ruffalo yelling about “a freaking
pope”. Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer indeed deserve their awards
for writing and directing Spotlight the biggest deceivingly feel-good
propaganda that cover-up the Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils in the 20th
century and 21st century and for making the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses not
only in the Vatican but worldwide.
For the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and the Nazis
were both inherently all-male hierarchy born out of the Devil’s Bowels (as we
wrote on Christmas in 2010 and it’s even more relevant today) read here
And now Spotlight is there to make the world
deceivingly feel-good good about the JP2 Army forever and deceivingly feel-good
about false “saint” John Paul II and deceivingly feel-good for his evil
Achilles Heel, Cardinal Bernard Law. God
forbid Spotlight gets any Oscar nomination.
God forbids Spotlight wins any Golden Globes award this coming weekend.
comparison of Spotlight with All the President’s Men is one of the most
deceptive massive campaigns ever made by journalists today -- which prove they
are dishonest. More than 160
journalists, still counting, from the east coast to the west coast, from the New
York Times to the Los Angeles Times including Washington Post, and were paid by
the Vatican to promote Spotlight for an Oscar buzz – paid by the secret Vatican
Billions. Read the hundreds of millions
of assets of the Vatican in the USA today, Vatican’s
wealth all over Rome and Italy and England and USA
also our article, Spotlight is half-truth and is NOT
similar to All the President’s Men which had real footage of Richard Nixon. Spotlight
obscured Cardinal Law…and concealed John Paul II
– REBUTTAL: New York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’
150 reviews by Americans journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for
money, for their capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings)
biggest deception
Spotlight’s biggest deception is in what it
did NOT show -- a portrait or a video or mention of John Paul II. Mark Ruffalo famously (to Michael Keaton)
said: ““ It's time, Robby! It's time. They knew and they let it happen to
kids, okay? It could have been you, it could have been me, it could have been
any of us. We got to nail these scumbags, we got to show people that nobody can
get away with this, not a priest or a cardinal or a freaking pope.” And that line brainwash Catholics as if they’ve heard it all --- and
then they leave the theatre deceived – because they are back to praying to the
false saint John Paul II. Read
our article, Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he
refused to stop his JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – and he said
nothing and did nothing to save and protect children for 27 years from his
heinous bestial JP2 Army
is false advertising for “good investigative
is the worst farcical drama ever and you learn nothing from it and you get
deceived about “good investigative journalists” who are different today because
they are slaves of money and their plutocrat boss’ agenda. Remember, it was the media that created the
(myth) of Sadam Hussein’s weapon of mass destruction and helped lead the
deceivingly feel-good war that cost Americans $6 trillion dollars. And before our very eyes today, the paid
media gives more coverage to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton – than to Bernie
Sanders. Journalists today have very
little integrity and so they are using Spotlight to validate and justify their
deceptive profession today. Children
cannot run to journalists today if they are victims of pedophiles.
was represented pathetically in Spotlight via the character of Phil Saviano
with him holding his photo as a little boy when he was abused – a trap the
Vatican cleverly devised for a five-minutes of fame in Spotlight – to get SNAP
to promulgate the movie, read our article, SHAME on SNAP & David Clohessy–
they've sold their souls to the Devil via ‘Spotlight’ movie. Finally, SNAP took
the bait of Vatican Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team
is Mercy is a deceptive papal ploy
Francis has announced this as the “Year of Mercy” and he wrote a book saying
that “The Name of God is Mercy”. So that
shuts-up further conversation and cover-up all Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils. Just have mercy on them – because God is mercy
God’s other name was Justice – that would incite the United States government
and other countries to open an official inquiry on pedophile abuse like
Australia in now doing in its Royal Commission.
a typical conversation and how Spotlight and mercy shut up the talk about
pedophile priests once and for all
Q. Do you know how horrible is that pedophile
Response: Oh yeah, go watch the movie Spotlight and see
how Cardinal Bernard Law covered up pedophile priests.
Q. Imagine how bad those pedophile priests were?
Response: Pope Francis said this is the Year of Mercy
and The Name of God is Mercy and therefore we must forgive those priests…. Pope
Francis has the power to forgive sins because he represents Jesus…
our related article on the deceptions contained in Pope Francis prayer for the
Year of Mercy in -- ‘Spotlight’ farcical drama and Pope Francis
farcical ’Year of Mercy’ are produced by the Vatican and Hollywood – the twin cities that “lie for a living” by
using dramatic deception
our articles on Spotlight in list below:
Thank God, Michael Keaton did not win Oscar Best
Michael Keaton evangelized from Honk Kong to USA: Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of
Day. But he cannot revise the history of the JP2 Army
Committee against Torture is last hope of justice for hundreds of thousands of
children tortured sexually by bestial Vatican JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile
Priests Army
John Paul II and Adolf Hitler are permanent allies in history:
on May 1st and now on April 27th. SNAP Remembrance Day & Holocaust
Remembrance Day
vs. Vatican (half its 800 population do NOT live inside Vatican City) – so its
jurisdiction is only for 400 in-house residents?
condemns Vatican for crimes against children.. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish
the papacy and why there should never be another pope
Army in Puerto Rico! Plague of Pedophile Priests in Latin America! John Paul II
the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts & Rapists-Priests
John Allen the Devil’s Twin makes Catholics
feel-good about Pope Crimes as expertly as Satan fooled Eve in the Garden of
Martin S.J. “The Media Ministry”. He does not mention Los Angeles Times that pioneered
journalistic reports especially on series of ‘sex crimes by the Jesuits’ in the
REBUTTAL: Spotlight.
Columbia University Journalism School, “Reporting an Explosive Truth: The
Boston Globe and Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church”
Spotlight &
Philippines Jesuit sex crimes. Jesuit abused young man “a few hundred
times” starting when he was 15 in Ateneo de Zamboanga, Arvisu House, Loyola
House of Studies http://
Poynter – “Spotlight:” Boston Globe church-scandal movie spurs press
‘Spotlight’ movie is Opus Dei Beast PR stunt propaganda for the
Vatican & publicity for Boston Globe Catholic website - to salvage Vatican
Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of
mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Los Angeles
Times (NOT Boston Globe) had first investigative journalists team reporting on
clergy sexual abuse since 1985. Against mighty Jesuits & LA archdiocese –
Cardinal Law was a cakewalk!
Hollywood Reporter-Venice Film Fest: 'Spotlight' Director Calls
for Vatican Action Over Child Abuse. (FYI not even the UN can make Vatican act
for victims)
Ruffalo, FYI no Hollywood actors/movies
can heal! REBUTTAL to ‘Spotlight’ Shines; Mark Ruffalo Calls On Vatican To
“Heal Wounds” With Film – Venice
University Journalism School, “Reporting an Explosive
Truth: The Boston Globe and Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church”
‘Spotlight’ deceptive propaganda for Vatican & Boston Globe (now celebrating their movie immortality)
- as idiots Americans Catholics pay Hollywood A-list pathological liars
the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman
Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues,
&“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the
Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”
Spotlight vs. Vatileaks: continual sagas of Catholic priests’ WILD sex
- from JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army worldwide to Rome’s
Vatican-owned BROTHELS, gay saunas, massage parlours for gay priests
Vatican indicts 5 people in Vatileaks .......2 Italian journalists defy Vatican
court order. Meanwhile, in USA, 140 Americans deceptive journalists are Pied
Pipers for Spotlight
you TIFF, for NOT giving Spotlight the award for Best Movie. Toronto
International Film Festival has integrity. OSCAR, Golden Globe etc must NOT
award Spotlight
Holy Shit! Before his trial, Jozef Wesolowski the JP2 Army highest pedophile
Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp suddenly dies – mysteriously – as John Paul I
criminal justice system is a farce – made of “professors”? Trial of archbishop
/nuncio delayed due to sickness – Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of Day
Ex-nuncio’s Vatican trial won’t be criminal but a charade.
Jail in the Vatican is a joke; it’s sitting on lap of luxury of Vatican
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot
Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops
only for 1% wealthiest on earth
The Guardian, “The Catholic church must think upon its sins” by Kevin McKenna.
About the McLellan report in Scotland
Paul II’s Achilles Heels. George W. Bush’s Achilles Heels. Jeb Bush belongs to
Regnum Christi of Marcial Maciel. Bush is the curse of America
John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to
save and protect them for 27 years
News compilation from Bavaria
Over 200 children allegedly abused in Bavarian Catholic choir
GERMANYDeutsche Welle
A lawyer representing 231 people has alleged that his clients faced abuse by adults working with the Domspatzen, a Catholic choir in Bavaria. Several victims alleged sexual harassment.
Ulrich Weber, the lawyer representing the alleged victims, was commissioned by the church diocese to look into the cases.
In a press conference on Friday, he said: "I have here 231 reports of physical abuse." These ranged from beatings to food deprivation, sexual assault and rape, Weber told journalists.
"The reported cases of sexual abuse in Regensburg were mostly concentrated in the period of the mid-to-late1970s," he said. According to the lawyer, "50 victims spoke of 10 perpetrators" at the Regensburger Domspatzen boys' choir and two associated boarding schools between 1953 and 1992.
However, the actual number of victims could be much higher, Weber said, because at least every third child out of the 2,100 pupils in the choir had been subjected to physical violence.
Press TV (Iran)
Press TV (Iran)
A lawyer in Germany says 231 children suffered
physical abuse at a famous boys’ choir school in Germany over a period of
roughly 50 years in the past century.
“I have here
231 reports of physical abuse,” Ulrich Weber told a press conference on Friday,
reporting on his investigation concerning the Domspatzen school in the city of
Regensburg in southeastern Germany.
The abuses, which took place from
1945 to the early 1990s, ranged from sexual assault to rape, severe beatings,
and food deprivation, he said.
reported cases of sexual abuse in Regensburg were mostly concentrated in the
period of the mid to late 1970s,” said the lawyer, who has been commissioned by
the diocese of Regensburg to do the investigation.
“Fifty victims spoke of 10 perpetrators,” he added.
Former Pope Benedict’s elder brother, Georg
Ratzinger, was the head of the choir from the mid-60s to the mid-90s, while the
pontiff spent a five-year term as bishop there from 1977.
Bis zu 700 Gewaltopfer bei den Domspatzen
DEUTSCHLANDRegensburg Digital
[Lawyer Ulrich Weber said they know of 231 people who were abused but they believe the number is much higher and could go to 700.]
Der Zwischenbericht von Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber zu Gewalt und Missbrauch bei den Regensburger Domspatzen straft den in der Vergangenheit behaupteten Willen des Bistums Regensburg zur Aufklärung erneut Lügen.
Ich bin unabhängig und ich sag, was ich will. Ohne es explizit auszusprechen, ist das die Botschaft die Ulrich Weber sowohl an die Verantwortlichen im Bistum als auch an die Betroffenen von Gewalt und Missbrauch bei den Regensburger Domspatzen sendet. Am Freitagvormittag hat der als Aufklärer eingesetzte Rechtsanwalt nach acht Monaten Recherche seinen ersten Zwischenbericht vorgelegt. Und es sind nicht nur die nackten Zahlen, die erneut ein beschämendes Licht auf das Verhalten des Bistums werfen. Weber legt auch klar: Die gewalttätigen und sexuellen Übergriffe waren intern bekannt, ohne dass daraus Konsequenzen gezogen worden wären. Es fällt der Name Georg Ratzinger, aber auch – auf Nachfrage – jener der Domspatzen-Ikone Theobald Schrems.
At least 231 abuse victims at German Catholic choir school: lawyer
GERMANYThe Peninsula (Qatar)
Berlin: At least 231 children at a famous boys' choir school in Germany were victims of physical abuse, a lawyer tasked by the Catholic institution to probe allegations said Friday, giving a far higher figure than thought for the scandal, which dates back decades.
The Domspatzen, a 1,000-year-old choir in Regensburg, Bavaria, was dragged into the massive sexual abuse scandal plaguing the Catholic Church in 2010, when allegations of assaults that took place several decades ago went public.
The choir was run by Pope Benedict's elder brother, Georg Ratzinger, from 1964 to 1994 when most of the claimed abuses took place.
Ratzinger has said that the alleged sexual abuse was "never discussed" in the time that he ran the choir attached to the boarding school.
Lawyer Ulrich Weber, who had been commissioned by the diocese to look into the cases, said at a press conference Friday that his research, which included 70 interviews with victims, uncovered abuse that took place from 1945 to the early 1990s.
At least 200 kids abused in Regensburg choir
Fresh cases of abuse in Regensburg cathedral choir were revealed by investigators on Friday, who said at least 231 children have been abused by priests and teachers since the 1950s in a scandal that has rocked the Bavarian city.
Lawyer Ulrich Weber, who is leading the investigation in Regensburg, said on Friday that between 1953 and 1992, at least 231 children were beaten or sexually abused by priests and teachers of the diocese.
This number was much larger than previously thought - 72 cases of abuse had been reported by last April.
"The sexual abuse ranged from fondling to rape," said Weber.
He added that the number of unreported cases would bring this figure higher, estimating that around one-third of the 2,100 students during that time period were subject to physical violence.
The Domspatzen - or "Cathedral sparrows" - boys choir of St. Peter's Cathedral has been plagued by scandal since reports of sexual abuse in Church communities across the country first emerged in 2010.
At that time, a Berlin school announced that around 50 former students had reported they were sexually abused by priests. Afterward, lawyers for victims came forward with allegations of abuse at dozens of other Catholic institutions.
Georg Ratzinger soll davon gewusst haben
[The longtime head of the cathedral choir, Georg Ratzinger, must have known of the numerous cases of mistreatment in the boys' choir in the opinion of victims lawyer Ulrich Weber. Weber announced today at a press conference that overall he found 231 incidents of sexual abuse involving boys in the choir.]
Der langjährige Chef der Regensburger Domspatzen, Georg Ratzinger, muss nach Überzeugung des Opferanwalts Ulrich Weber von den zahlreichen Misshandlungsfällen bei dem Knabenchor gewusst haben. Das gab Weber heute bei einer Pressekonferenz bekannt. Insgesamt sprach er von 231 Vorfällen.
Auf die Frage, ob Ratzinger die Missstände bekannt gewesen seien, sagte der vom Bistum Regensburg als Sonderermittler eingesetzte Anwalt wörtlich: "Davon muss ich ausgehen." Der 91–jährige Georg Ratzinger ist der Bruder von Papst Benedikt. Er war 30 lang, bis 1994, Domkapellmeister und Leiter des weltberühmten Knabenchores. Ratzinger hält sich aktuell in Rom auf und war für eine Stellungnahme nicht zu erreichen.
Over 200 Members of German Choir Were Abused, Investigator Says
GERMANYThe New York Times
JAN. 8, 2016
BERLIN — At least 231 children who sang in a boys’ choir led for 30 years by the brother of former Pope Benedict XVI were abused over a period of almost four decades, a lawyer investigating reports of wrongdoing said Friday.
The lawyer, Ulrich Weber, who was commissioned by the choir to look into accusations of beatings, torture or sexual abuse, said he thought that the actual abuse was even more widespread.
At a news conference in Regensburg, Bavaria, where the choir traces its roots to the year 975, Mr. Weber estimated that from 1953 to 1992, every third member of the choir and an attached school suffered some kind of physical abuse.
He attributed the beatings and other mistreatment mostly to Johann Meier, director of a lower school attached to the choir from 1953 until his retirement in 1992. Mr. Meier died suddenly later that year, Mr. Weber said. A 1987 investigation of reported abuse did not prompt the choir’s leaders to remove Mr. Meier or take other action, the lawyer said.
Asked whether Benedict’s brother, the Rev. Georg Ratzinger, who conducted the Regensburg choir from 1964 to 1994, had known of the abuse, Mr. Weber said, “After my research, I must assume so.”
"Domspatzen"-Skandal weitet sich aus
["Domspatzen" scandal is widening]
Der älteste Knabenchor Deutschlands begeistert Menschen in aller Welt. Im Februar 2015 wird jedoch ein Missbrauchsskandal bei den Regensburger Domspatzen öffentlich. Der zuständige Anwalt korrigiert die Zahl der Opfer nun deutlich nach oben.
Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen haben Priester und Lehrer über Jahrzehnte mindestens 231 Kinder geschlagen, gequält oder sexuell missbraucht. Das gab der Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber bekannt, der von der katholischen Kirche und dem weltberühmten Chor mit der Aufklärung des Skandals betraut wurde. Die in seinem Zwischenbericht genannte Zahl der Misshandlungsfälle ist wesentlich größer als bisher angenommen. Weber geht davon aus, dass die Dunkelziffer noch deutlich höher liegt. Er rechnet damit, dass etwa jeder Dritte der rund 2100 Schüler der "Spatzen" zwischen 1953 bis 1992 unter körperlicher Gewalt litt.
Mehr als 200 Kinder der Regensburger Domspatzen misshandelt
DEUTSCHLANDBerliner Morgenpost
[More than 200 children were abused in the Regensburg cathedral choir.]
Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen wurden laut Medienbericht mehr Kinder missbraucht als bisher bekannt. Sie wurden nicht nur geschlagen .
Regensburg. Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen hat es wesentlich mehr Misshandlungsfälle gegeben als bisher angenommen. Von den 1950er bis in die 1990er Jahre hinein seien mindestens 231 Kinder von Priestern und Lehrern des Bistums Regensburg verprügelt worden, sagte der vom Bistum mit der Aufklärung beauftragte Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber auf einer Pressekonferenz am Freitag.
Weber geht in seinem vorgestellten Zwischenbericht davon aus, dass die Dunkelziffer der misshandelten Kinder noch deutlich höher liegt. Er rechnet damit, dass etwa jeder Dritte der rund 2100 Vorschüler zwischen 1953 bis 1992 unter körperlicher Gewalt litt.
Bischof Voderholzer zu Fällen sexuellen Missbrauchs und körperlicher Gewalt
DEUTSCHLANDBistum Regensburg
[Bishop Voderholzer speaks of cases of sexual abuse and physical violence in the diocese.]
Liebe Schwestern und Brüder im Herrn, zu den schweren Lasten und den bedrückenden Erfahrungen des Bischofsamtes gehört die Konfrontation mit den Fällen sexuellen Missbrauchs durch Priester und kirchliche Mitarbeiter und die Fälle von körperlicher Gewalt, vor allem in der Einrichtung in Etterzhausen und Pielenhofen, die erst jüngst wieder in der Öffentlichkeit dargestellt wurden und viele Menschen auch über das Bistum hinaus tief betroffen gemacht haben und betroffen machen.
Sie dürfen mir glauben: Es schmerzt mich und tut mir in der Seele weh: jeder einzelne Fall, hinter dem ja ein Mensch steht, eine Kinderseele in diesen Fällen, schwer gequält, oft für das Leben gezeichnet. Ich kann es nicht ungeschehen machen und die Betroffenen nur um Vergebung bitten.
DEUTSCHLANDBistum Regensburg
Nach achtmonatiger Untersuchungszeit ist es nun möglich, konkrete erste Ergebnisse zu den Missbrauchs- und Misshandlungsfällen bei den Regensburger Domspatzen herauszugeben. Besonders wichtig ist mir bei dieser Zwischenbilanz auch, dass die Opfer über den Weg der Offentlichkeit zum Stand meiner Arbeit informiert werden.
Die Ausgangssituation: Zum Zeitpunkt meines Einstiegs hatte das Bistum die Zahl von 72 anerkannten Opfern körperlicher Gewalt eingeräumt und konkret zwei wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs verurteilte Beschuldigte, die in Zusammenhang mit den Domspatzen standen, namentlich genannt. Für mich waren zunächst vor allem intensive Opfer-, Verantwortungsträger- und Drittgespräche wichtig, um einen eigenen Eindruck vom Umfang der Taten zu bekommen.
Aufklärungsbericht: Wesentlich mehr Missbrauchsfälle bei Regensburger Domspatzen
[Significantly more cases of abuse at Regensburg Cathedral Choir]
Priester und Lehrer des Regensburger Bistums haben mindestens 231 Kinder misshandelt, das geht aus einem Zwischenbericht zur Aufklärung der Vorfälle bei dem Domspatzen-Chor hervor. Die Dunkelziffer könnte noch deutlich höher liegen.
Bei den Regensburger Domspatzen hat es wesentlich mehr Misshandlungsfälle gegeben als bisher angenommen. Von 1953 bis 1992 seien mindestens 231 Kinder von Priestern und Lehrern des Bistums verprügelt oder sexuell missbraucht worden, sagte der von Bistum und Chor mit der Klärung des Skandals beauftragte Rechtsanwalt Ulrich Weber in Regensburg.
"Die sexuellen Übergriffe reichten von Streicheln bis zu Vergewaltigungen", berichtete der Rechtsanwalt. Weber geht davon aus, dass die Dunkelziffer der misshandelten Kinder noch deutlich höher liegt. Er rechnet damit, dass etwa jeder Dritte der rund 2100 Vorschüler zwischen 1953 bis 1992 unter körperlicher Gewalt litt.
To Fox News -- add the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Golden Globe and all mainstream media who have promoted Spotlight
Read our article:
New York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’ 150 reviews by
Americans journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for money, for their
capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings)

The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively
a criminal,
money-laundering operation
Vatican assets in the United States of America
The Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”
- stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion
- There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in complete secrecy
- The hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic laypersons
- The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see list below
Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only multiplied – exponentially –through the decades since that book was written.
Read the VATICAN

Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to
‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for
1% wealthiest on earth
REBUTTAL: Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of Capitalism and Vicar of Vatican Empire akaVatican Mammon Evil Beast that exploits the poor.
Read our related article, Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor

Eucharist is a HOAX
Francis (cardinals, bishops, priests) – by the power of his papal mouth in a
few seconds – of reciting Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation
(deceit) script – cannot instantly clone the real flesh-and-blood of Jesus
Christ – because His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, had to carry 9 months in
her God-designed female womb – and then give birth (painfully) like all other
women. Pope Francis and priests
have no wombs to reproduce a child and their mouths cannot reproduce the body
of Christ either.
little white host in the Eucharist is the biggest lie of Satan since the Garden
of Eden where God forbade that mankind eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and
evil that was exclusively for God. The Eucharist makes man even greater
than God because he can reproduce His flesh and blood -- and it is the bait to
trap idiots especially stupid Americans Catholics to worship the Vatican Mammon
Evil Beast guarded by Swiss Guard Army in Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard the
ill-gotten wealth of despots, American imperialists, European imperialists,
corrupt government officials, war lords, drug lords, name it, they have
The Vatican is the most evil power on the planet that breeds corruptions
among government officials, which breed wars, violence against the poor, women
and children. Pope
Francis is the greatest thief in mankind’s history and the greatest Jesuit
Master of Deceits and he is only headed to the lake of fire where he will join
his real father of lies who came to kill, steal and destroy. Pope Francis
is the Devil turned into an Angel Pope-in-white in the Vatican Circus of lies,
deceptions and corruptions worldwide.
Hail Mary, full of
Hell Pope Francis, full of deceits
The Lord
is with
The Devil is with you
are you among women Cursed are you among all men
blessed is the
And cursed are your Vatican
Of your
Opus Dei & Swiss Banks
The Roman Catholic Church is –– not Christ’s
Church –– but the church of the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast. Idiots Roman Catholics –
especially idiots
Americans – give moral and financial supports and are cooperators
in – crimes against humanity – committed by the Vatican and Pope Francis!
false to claim that “the gates of Hell shall
not prevail against the Catholic Church”
–––– because the truth is the gates of Heaven cannot prevail against the Vatican –which is the Kingdom of Satan on Earth –– with
its perpetual Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils – already with two millennium of
Vatican Evils – and now on its third millennium of crimes against humanity –
and still going strong. The gates of Heaven is helpless especially
against the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast Empire in Switzerland and its Swiss Banks
run exclusively by so called very evident ‘Pope’s Army aka God’s Army’ – the
Swiss Guard Army alumni. Read the
Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of
mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Read our
related articles: Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful
evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot
Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush
Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA
presidential election. God forbid Jeb
Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells
idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive
shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth
Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid
deeds like John Paul II
Sins and
Crimes Are Not Synonymous. Sinners and Criminals Are Not One and the Same
of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims
Mother Teresa was not a living saint - revealed in
detail by book.
John Allen–New Kid on the Block is Same Old Bloke –ancient as Satanas St. John Paul II & Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. SOB

The Vatican War Room produced Spotlight
From its "silence strategy" to Spotlight,
the Vatican continue to deceive humankind
Hollywood should produce the JP2
Army Reality TV Show –
it's better than NCIS
the Vatican continue to deceive humankind
Hollywood should produce the JP2
Army Reality TV Show –
it's better than NCIS
would span 25,000 years
to depict the JP2 Army
- John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Reality TV show
to depict the JP2 Army
- John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Reality TV show
To serve and protect children, Hollywood should
produce a reality TV crime show to depict the Vatican sex crimes by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army -- at 52 weeks a year – it would
take 25,000 years -- to cover 1.3 million episodes!
have already outperformed the 2,000 year history of the Roman Catholic church
and its Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, and The Borgias! The JP2 Army
Reality TV show would outperform the NCIS series, the Kardashans, Survivor and
all NYPD and Chicago PD shows!



Devil Serpent
Devil Serpent


THE Government
the MEDIA,
the Military
and the Police
and the Police



Read our articles John Paul II Millstone
could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the
20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century
Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims
Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John
Paul II’s neck then dragging him until his neck broke, and throwing him
into a raging sea of fire

Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ
Pope Francis is the Vicar of greedy
multi-national Plutocrats
the Vicar of Vatican Empire of Capitalists
aka Vatican Mammon Evil Beast
aka Opus Dei Beast that exploits the poor.

The Vatican owns Switzerland and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks are run-only by Swiss Guard Army graduates and alumni.
Francis is the most evil pope in the history of Catholicism because his
crimes affect the entire globe and many nations and billions of poor
people which cause the violence against children and women all as a
result of the Vatican-imposed abject poverty.
bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses
the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never
The Hague is above Pope, Vatican, Religion. The Hague
must prosecute Benedict XVI now to prove secular International Justice
reigns over ALL Religions and Despots
UN vs. Vatican (half its 800 population do NOT live
inside Vatican City) – so its jurisdiction is only for 400 in-house



The Captain and co-Captain of the Vatican
Titanic sunken
Titanic sunken
deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy



COLD-HEART-ed Holy Father
Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children
because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
Jesus of Nazareth
the poor fisherman of the Sea of Galilee

well-fed cows - ROMAN POPES
-- Popes do NOT resemble Jesus Christ
one iota
-- Popes are CON-Christs and con-artists
-- Popes are Pretenders
& Impostors of Jesus
-- Popes are LIARS &
- Popes cannot
clone Christ, ants or dogs
- Popes are sorcerers in the Eucharist
- Popes are
false magicians
-- Popes cannot clone or re-produce Jesus
the Son of God
-- Popes are fat popes cannot reincarnate Jesus
the Creator of the Universe
Pope Francis the con-artist "CON-Christ"
The Popes' Master is the Vatican Mammon Beast -
he is the owner of Switzerland
the secret Vatican Swiss Banks
hence there's the Swiss Guard Army.
HOAX of Eucharist -
instant reincarnation
of Christ's flesh and blood
is the worst Satanic Mass & sorcery of
Popes and priests have no wombs to procreate babies
and their mouths cannot procreate the Body of Christ
Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs
and therefore
they cannot clone Jesus the Son of God
the Creator
the Creator
the Universe!

It took 9-months for Jesus to be in Mary' womb before He was
Read Pope Francis in Israel clones Christ where he was born
2,000 years ago

The Vatican Concordats give the Bible to
the people
and steal their land and billions of dollars
and assets
The Vatican Concordats give the Bible to
the people
and steal their land and billions of dollars
and assets
the people
and steal their land and billions of dollars
and assets
It is time to abolish the Vatican Concordats that usurp billions of dollars from countries already buried in debts, –– read more about the Vatican Concordats here and how Spain is leading its abolition
Vatican Pope controls Wall Street
and all Stock
and all wars in nations.
Occupy Wall
Street, Occupy the Vatican
Read also the
Vatican assets here
Read the Vatican
Concordats here
Wall Street
Journal is a liar about vocations in seminaries
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and
Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by
Popes and priests have no wombs to procreate babies
and their mouths cannot make the Body of Christ either.

Vatican Pope controls Wall Street
and all Stock Exchange
and all Stock Exchange
and all wars in nations.
Occupy Wall
Street, Occupy the Vatican
Read also the
Vatican assets here
Read the Vatican
Concordats here
Wall Street
Journal is a liar about vocations in seminaries
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and
Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by
Popes and priests have no wombs to procreate babies
and their mouths cannot make the Body of Christ either.

black belt means she is pregnant
womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra
Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way
9-months gestation of Jesus - the Son of God
READ more here about the pregnancy of Our Lady
Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way



The cloning process that
produced Dolly
Pope Francis and priests cannot clone the flesh of God
the Son
1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of
Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests

1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of
Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests

Transubstantiation or the Mass is a
recent development
.St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and
never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did
was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th
century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only
in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form
and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is
The Vatican has come to use it as
its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths
that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate -
or clone - God’s flesh.Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with
all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the
Inquisition, the burning of women and witches
“For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of
the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the
Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile
priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II
Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical
proportions see the John Paul II Millstone
In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy
the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an
infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate
Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can
never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in
her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in
their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are
mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of
St. PauL l
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St.
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely
different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr
Hyde at the Vatican?

Vatican Concordats give the Bible to
the people
and steal their land and billions of dollars
and assets
Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to
the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to
subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use
contraceptives and abortion
Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John
Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to
‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1%
wealthiest on earth
How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as
the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues,
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to
canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Stupid Roman Catholic Nuns buried 800 babies in a septic tank in
Ireland! Set Jesus free from tabernacles, popes & priests Eucharist sorcery
College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux in Boston Globe - the new Cult of Pope
BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$
en-riching only arrogant priests --
while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets
of Montreal
of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian
aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’

Add caption
Pope Francis is the Papal Octopus

BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$
en-riching only arrogant priests --
while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets
of Montreal
of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian
aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’
Inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword protects us
and guide us on what to blog
Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development
.St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today.
The Vatican has come to use it as
its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths
that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate -
or clone - God’s flesh.Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with
all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the
Inquisition, the burning of women and witches
“For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of
the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the
Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile
priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II
Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical
proportions see the John Paul II Millstone
In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy
the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an
infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate
Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can
never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in
her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in
their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are
mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of
St. PauL l
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely
different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr
Hyde at the Vatican?

Vatican Concordats give the Bible to
the people
and steal their land and billions of dollars
and assets
Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to
the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to
subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use
contraceptives and abortion
Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John
Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to
‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1%
wealthiest on earth
How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as
the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues,
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to
canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Stupid Roman Catholic Nuns buried 800 babies in a septic tank in
Ireland! Set Jesus free from tabernacles, popes & priests Eucharist sorcery
College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux in Boston Globe - the new Cult of Pope
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely
different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr
Hyde at the Vatican?

Vatican Concordats give the Bible to
the people
and steal their land and billions of dollars
and assets
Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to
the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to
subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use
contraceptives and abortion
Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John
Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to
‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1%
wealthiest on earth
How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as
the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues,
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to
canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Stupid Roman Catholic Nuns buried 800 babies in a septic tank in
Ireland! Set Jesus free from tabernacles, popes & priests Eucharist sorcery
College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux in Boston Globe - the new Cult of Pope
BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$
en-riching only arrogant priests --
while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets
of Montreal
of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian
aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’

Add caption
Pope Francis is the Papal Octopus

BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$
en-riching only arrogant priests --
while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets
of Montreal
of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian
aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’
BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$
en-riching only arrogant priests --
while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets
of Montreal
of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian
aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’
![]() |
Add caption |
Pope Francis is the Papal Octopus
BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$
en-riching only arrogant priests --
while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets
of Montreal
of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian
aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’
Inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword protects us
and guide us on what to blog

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