Updated July 15, 2013 More news and images of the Vatican cover-ups by the Popes
At last, the United Nations is employing its UN power over Vatican power.
At last, the United Nations is employing its UN power over Vatican power.
At last, the United Nations is reestablishing its
UN secular power which is above
Vatican religious power.
At last, the United Nations is applying its UN secular authority
which is higher than the sacred or holy authority of the Vatican.
At last, the United Nations is reinforcing its UN secular laws
that are above Canon Laws
which are mostly out-of-touch with reality.
At last, the United Nations is exercising its UN human
powers which are more important and more relevant than the godly powers of the Vatican which
are out-of-touch with human reality.
At last the United Nations is questioning the Vatican, its hidden secret records and its church practises instead
of minimally agreeing and chanting
“Amen” in Latin. The Opus Dei
Latin deceiving days are over.
At last, the United Nations is implementing the protection of children instead
of kowtowing to the infallible voice of the pope and only-male hierarchy
who are archaic, priests predators-friendly at the Vatican.
At last, the United Nations is piercing through
and breaking down the
centuries old thick walls
of secrecy and seclusion of the Vatican country, and consequently it
will divulge and unmask all Vatican Deceits…starting with the revelation of half-century
secret files of Vatican cover-up of thousands of pedophile priests worldwide as
far as Australia. Here below, we include the recent Milwaukee pedophile priests files revealed.
UN must dissolve the Vatican “country”
call on the United Nations to annul the status of the Vatican as a “country”, in order to
render one of the final justices that the planet Earth has been waiting for for
When the Vatican will lose its status as a
“country”, other religions will watch out and wake up to their false (male monopoly) religious
powers over women and mankind.
When the Vatican country disappears, then only
will ALL religions begin to lose their artificial godly authorities and
bogus claims as (male dominance) representatives of a higher deity.
When the Vatican country disappears, the Pope
will lose his status as the sole “representative and
voice of Christ the God”. The protection of children, women and the poor will have more
importance and more coverage than the sole narcissistic papal pageantry at St.
Peter’s Square – the last one-man-show monarchy left - and the fake instant cloning
of Christ by sinful lips and evil hands of sinful priests – the magic and
sorcery of the Eucharist shall no longer sell and no longer fly! John Paul II lost that “voice of Christ” for
27 years when he said nothing to save and protect countless children from
thousands of pedophile priests, hence they are aptly named after him as JP2
Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army`!
It is time that the United Nations
topple down the Vatican totalitarian regime run
by Vatican Monarchy of the Emperor Pope and the Cardinals and Bishops who are
Princes of the Church and only-male archaic dominance, read more
here "John Allen promotes monarchy of Catholicism. As Vatican Pied Piper he announces ‘Meet the new Crown Prince of Catholicism’http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/07/john-allen-promotes-monarchy-of.html
Read how these Vatican Princes accumulate wealth and art in " Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money
laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican
greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops" http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/06/vatican-greedy-mammon-vatican-banks.html
Read our related article, "USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”? http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/02/usa-ambassador-to-vatican-for-what.html
& Bulgaria appoint new ambassador to the Holy See...to do what
exactly...with a few hundred GAY homosexual residents of the smallest
country, Vatican? http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/12/ireland-appoints-new-ambassador-to-holy.html
The Hague is above Pope, Vatican, Religion. The Hague must prosecute Benedict XVI now to prove secular International Justice reigns over ALL Religions and Despots http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/the-hague-is-above-pope-vatican.html
The United Nations is right to begin - toppling
down the Vatican bogus godly system - through the protection of
children because these are the most vulnerable members of humanity.
The Vatican has no space and no place for
children and women; therefore it should be dissolved as a “country”. The Vatican
failed to protect its most vulnerable members, the children and altar boys
worldwide. The Vatican has no more
moral authority whatsoever, no matter how Pope Francis keep preaching empty
talks from his throne in the Vatican Titanic
sunk deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy.
It is time the Vatican stopped
speaking in the brand name of Christ because Christ
never entered that gay lobby Vatican Palace like he never entered adulterer
Herod’s Palace.
It is time
Christ ceases as the victim of hoax and victim of sorcery in the Eucharist in
the hands of evil popes, evil Cardinals, evil Bishops, and evil priests.
Read our related article, "Gay adulterer Cardinal O’Brien makes King Henry
VIII an honest straight guy. O’Brien the Vatican Prince proves Vatican
Deceits and Vatican Hypocrisy inside Vatican Titanic" http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/gay-adulterer-cardinal-obrien-makes_16.html
The Vatican has no space and no
place for women and children... therefore the Vatican is NOT a COUNTRY. HELLO?!?
The Vatican is the most evil place on Earth and
it is time it loses its secular privileges and secular powers on
earth, and to begin, it must now lose its status as a “country” and as a
member of the United Nations.
Vatican should be reduced to a mere museum and a mere religious place for
stupid blind faith believing Catholics– who go to St. Peter’s Square chanting
“JP2, we love you”
and worshipping Pope Francis albeit knowing that inside the Vatican Palace walls, there are
the seething gay prelates sodomizing each other and with gay prostitutes
within sacred chambers and sacred walls that only Hell and the Devil know
the endless perpetual Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils the Vatican has
continuously amassed and successfully hidden through the centuries – all in the
Name of Jesus Christ!
Vatican Bullshit is everywhere but hundreds of
thousands of Catholics cannot smell the Papal Farts of “saint” John Paul II, Ratzinger and now Pope Francis
at St. Peter’s Square -- as they go to pray the weekly Wednesday Angelus and
where they are fooled by the biggest Magic and Sorcery of the Eucharist! The Devil’s Bowels small like roses in the Vatican and the Pope make
Lucifer smell like a white host with incense and Latin that he himself cannot
understand, read more here "Latin is not a mother tongue and therefore cannot
be the “official language” of the Vatican. Why must the Vatican Bank
be above all banks?"
Lest we forget, there is only kind of sinner,
the pedophile, whom Christ condemned with a millstone (remember, he asked those
men to cast the first stone to a prostitute, and no one did). But pedophiles and those who caused a child
to sin – which means those who aided and abetted pedophiles like Cardinal
Bernard Law and Cardinal Mahony and hundreds of Cardinals and Bishops, most of
all the two Popes, John Paul II and Benedict XVI-Ratzinger. Read more here
UN sets Benedict XVI Ratzinger’s records straight. Benedict refuses to meet Italian victims of JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army but meets with rare Cuban crocodile http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/
According to Christ in the Gospel, pedophiles
are to be tied with a millstone and thrown to the depth of the sea, that is why
John Paul II was awarded with the biggest millstone by St. Michael the
Archangel who threw down Lucifer from Heaven because Satan refused to bow down
to God. Likewise John Paul II refused to
bow down to Christ who was surrounded by children because as He said, “such is
the Kingdom of heaven”... John Paul II couldn’t see the Kingdom of
Heaven right in front of his eye filled with Opus Dei narcissistic
cataracts. Yes, Christ treasured
children the most, and thus like Lucifer who refused to kowtow to God, John
Paul II refused to protect children in his obsession as the narcissistic Vicar
of Christ, and so St. Michael who threw
Lucifer also threw John Paul II into the sea, read Paris Arrow vision here of
the giant millstone St. Michael tied to John Paul II’s neck at his last World
Youth Day in Toronto, Canada, while hundreds of thousands of people chanted “JP2, we love you”, the biggest propaganda chant since Hitler’s Youth
Army that chanted Heil, Heil Hitler!... And John Paul II is the fastest trackings
saint…it’s not a surprise coming from the Opus Dei Frankenstein creation at the
Vatican Saint Factory!!? Hello?!? “Saint” John Paul II is the Opus Dei
rebellion against Christ’s own words just like Lucifer’s rebellion! Read our
related article:
Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
The United Nations ‘Committee on the Rights of the Child’ must render final justice to
children all over the world by condemning the Vatican’s cover-up and
protection of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over half the 20th
century…even as we await the International Court of Justice at The Hague to investigate the Vatican and
Benedict XVI-Ratzinger for crimes against humanity’s children worldwide,
read more here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/09/hague-is-asked-to-investigate-vatican.html
If the rape of women in the war in Bosnia is considered
crimes against humanity,
then the rape of hundreds of thousands of Catholic
– worldwide as far as Australia
- by thousands of Catholic priests
should also be considered as crimes against humanity.
“Children sexually abused by Catholic Priests worldwide”
deserve the same status as “raped women in wars
like in Bosnia”
or “mass murdered adults in Rwanda”
or “ethnic cleansing”
in “crimes against humanity”.
Jesuits are Vatican Master Deceivers
Pope Francis, a Jesuit Pope, is evidently a
follower of St. Ignatius, the saint who’s most responsible for propagating the Pope as the Vicar of Christ regardless
of what horrendous crimes and mortals sins he has committed, like the Borgias
or these Top 10 worst criminal popes http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/04/top-worst-sins-and-crimes-of-popes-in.html. The Jesuits through the centuries have
helped the Vatican maintain an untouchable infallible image despite all Vatican
crimes especially those in cohorts with the despots of Europe. Their Jesuit universities and schools
worldwide have educated the most evil dictators like Hitler and Stalin. But their prize jewel is the Vatican institution
with the Vatican Radio which they established that brainwash the whole world in
all languages possible. That is why Fr.
Federico Lombardi was (still is) the official spokesperson of Benedict XVI who
succeeded Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the 27 years public spokesperson of John
Paul II who perhaps was the worst Opus Dei public figure of all times because
he controlled John Paul II from ever meeting a victim of pedophile
priests. Lest we forget, St. Ignatius,
who saw the evil of the Vatican wrote in his constitution ordering his
followers NEVER to take high positions in the Vatican, never to become
Cardinals and Bishops. He did not want a
“Jesuit Kingdom” but merely wanted the Jesuits to work “behind the scenes” to
help the Pope and the Vatican become and maintain itself as the most powerful organization in
the world because the Church is the Spouse of Christ. Where there is smoke, there’s fire, and a
group has been talking about the Jesuit Superior General as the Black Pope for
years, and we featured them here because they make sense, read here
Benedict XVI, Marcos Gold & Billions & Jesuits
The Vatican is not a Country as other European Countries. It’s an artificial State created by Mussolini in 1929. It now wants power in European Union http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010/08/vatican-is-not-country-as-other.html
Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”
Read our related article
Judge Elias, please release ALL confidential church records of names of vicars, bishops, others who handled reports of child sexual abuse in Los Angeles Archdiocese http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/judge-elias-please-release-all.html
Los Angeles files. Mahony must be jailed as Nazis caught in their old age and retirement http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/los-angeles-files-mahony-must-be-jailed.html
Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/11/sacrament-of-confession-protects.html
NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/ncaa-penn-state-more-moral-than-vatican.html
Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”
Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops
USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”?
about the impotent Zeus statue of St. Joseph who overlooked and did nothing during the 50 years of
sodomy in College Notre Dame here, BOYCOTT Oratory of St.Joseph in Montreal http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/boycott-oratory-of-saint-joseph-candles.html
The “Holy Father“ Pope and his copy-cat “holy fathers” Catholic priests cannot clone Dolly the sheep and therefore they cannot clone Christ either, read our related article, OC Diocese buys Crystal Cathedral as flesh-factory of Christ... for wealthy God-flesh-eating Catholics http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/oc-diocese-buys-crystal-cathedral-as.html
Well, the black magic holy words of a team of “holy priests” cannot clone Christ the Son God either, read about the Divine Trinity http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010/12/gay-trinity-of-father-son-and-holy
take a look at the worse Roman Catholic Church pedophile priests
attacks against more than 15,500 Americans … compared to the September
11, 2001 attacks against 3,000 Americans at the Twin Towers in New York.
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
Priest pedophilia - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests covered-up John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = Vatican Trinity (together with Cardinals, Bishops and Vicars worldwide)
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
Priest pedophilia - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests covered-up John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = Vatican Trinity (together with Cardinals, Bishops and Vicars worldwide)
victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden
Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/911-victims-5000-jp2-army-100000s-may.html.

Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and
protecting children from the Serpent ... compared to Pope John Paul II,
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who coverd-up pedophile

http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2008/07/letter-to-opus-dei-pope-john-paul-ii.html The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/05/full-text-of-criminal-charges-against.html
The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way
9-months gestation of Jesus the Son of God

READ more here about the pregnancy of Our Lady http://stella0maris.blogspot.ca/2010/01/magisterium-benedict-versus-holy-mary.html
The cloning process that produced Dolly

1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests

1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests
comment: Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St.
Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never
“transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did
was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the
12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century.
It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass
began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that
transubstantiation became what it is today. The Vatican has come to use
it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of
all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to
transubstantiate God’s flesh. Because of the Mass, the Vatican has
gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the
Inquisition, the burning of women and witches http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2006/11/john-paul-ii-revived-inquisition.html
“For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests,
John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who
controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile
priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul
II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of
Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone http://jp2m.blogspot.com/.
the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No
words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words
of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh.
The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create
God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her
womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in
their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests
are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great
clashing cymbal of St. Paul http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2009/11/john-paul-ii-great-clashing-cymbal-of.html.
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2009/11/benedict-xvi-to-beatify-john-paul-ii-is.html
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2009/11/benedict-xvi-to-beatify-john-paul-ii-is.html
matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man
can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the
scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic
churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John
Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone http://jp2m.blogspot.com/
call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we
have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of
criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and
out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church
a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and
John Paul II. No other American state has been able to replicate our
courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of
the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the
first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but
he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church
are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II
Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated
as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2009/12/john-paul-ii-pedophile-priests-army.html
XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the
victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is,
Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,
There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,
for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter or Paul did.
Opus Dei
Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that
all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and
forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and
persecutes their victims, read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/11/sacrament-of-confession-protects.html
BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles
Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror
News for July 12, 2013
Vitcims blast Pope’s “tiny tweaking” of abuse rule
UNITED STATESSurvivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
For immediate release: July 11, 2013
Statement by David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( 314 566 9790, SNAPclohessy@aol.com )
For the Vatican’s image, this is a successful move. For children’s safety, this is another setback.
It’s a setback because it will help foster the false impression of reform and will lead to more complacency.
In the real world, this changes virtually nothing. It’s is precisely the kind of ‘feel good’ gesture that Vatican officials have long specialized in: tweaking often-ignored and ineffective internal church abuse guidelines to generate positive headlines but nothing more.
While the headlines may proclaim “Pope makes new church rules about abuse,” the fine print makes it clear that there’s just one rule, and it purportedly makes more child sexual violence illegal on the 0.2 square miles of Vatican property.
The church hierarchy doesn't need new rules on abuse. It needs to follow long-established secular laws on abuse. And it needs to push for, not oppose, real reforms to archaic, predator-friendly secular laws (like the statute of limitations).
Victims blast pope's 'tiny tweaking' of abuse rules
VATICAN CITYGazetta del Sud
New York, July 11 - The leading US clerical abuse protest group on Thursday dismissed Pope Francis's crackdown on crimes against kids, saying it was a "tiny tweak" which would in any case only apply within the small confines of the Vatican City. In a statement, David Clohessy, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said: "For the Vatican's image, this is a successful move. For children's safety, this is another setback. "It's a setback because it will help foster the false impression of reform and will lead to more complacency.
Another heartache from the Vatican
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
To many, the headlines sound wonderful. To me, they’re heartbreaking:
“Pope Tightens Rules on Child Sex Abuse”
“Vatican broadens child abuse crimes in legal reform”
“Pope widens criminal punishment for child abuse in Vatican”
“Pope issues first penal laws for Vatican, criminalizes leaks of Vatican info, child sex abuse”
How can this be bad news?
It’s bad news because it’s deceptive. It will lead to inaction, not action, and to false security, not real security.
A closer look reveals a troubling truth: this “reform” affects .0000000007174% of the earth’s surface – the actual, physical grounds of the tiny, tiny 0.2 square mile Vatican state. That’s what it covers. Nothing more.
And like almost every other so-called Vatican “reform” about abuse, it’s words, not deeds. It’s a possibility, not a reality. I strongly suspect this “tiny tweak” (as we in SNAP have called it here) will never be used even once to punish a single wrongdoer.
Other popes have tweaked the church’s internal “age of consent” and statute of limitations on abuse.
The results have been negligible.
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
To many, the headlines sound wonderful. To me, they’re heartbreaking:
“Pope Tightens Rules on Child Sex Abuse”
“Vatican broadens child abuse crimes in legal reform”
“Pope widens criminal punishment for child abuse in Vatican”
“Pope issues first penal laws for Vatican, criminalizes leaks of Vatican info, child sex abuse”
How can this be bad news?
It’s bad news because it’s deceptive. It will lead to inaction, not action, and to false security, not real security.
A closer look reveals a troubling truth: this “reform” affects .0000000007174% of the earth’s surface – the actual, physical grounds of the tiny, tiny 0.2 square mile Vatican state. That’s what it covers. Nothing more.
And like almost every other so-called Vatican “reform” about abuse, it’s words, not deeds. It’s a possibility, not a reality. I strongly suspect this “tiny tweak” (as we in SNAP have called it here) will never be used even once to punish a single wrongdoer.
Other popes have tweaked the church’s internal “age of consent” and statute of limitations on abuse.
The results have been negligible.
The Tablet (UK)
The Tablet (UK)
10 July 2013
The UN's Geneva-based Committee on the Rights of
the Child on Tuesday issued a list of demands for detailed information from the Holy See
regarding all cases of child sexual abuse committed by clergy and Religious.
The Vatican has until January to compile the
information, in time for a meeting of the UN committee at which Vatican officials will be
The Vatican
is asked about the steps it has taken to prevent accused clergy from having
access to children, about bishops who have failed to report allegations to the
police, about what investigations the Church has run and what compensation or
counselling the Church has offered victims, and about the safeguarding measures
the Church has put in place to prevent future abuse.
Irish Independent
Irish Independent
A UNITED NATIONS committee has demanded that the
Vatican reveal potentially explosive details about the systematic cover-up of
child sex abuse by Roman Catholic clergy.
Campaigners have called on Pope Francis, who was
elected in March, to make tackling the issue of sexually abusive priests a
priority of his papacy.
The UN's Committee on the Rights of the Child said
yesterday that "given
the scale" of the sexual violence acknowledged by the Holy See, it must
provide detailed information on all cases of abuse committed by clergy and on
its investigations into such abuses.
The Vatican was told to show whether it had
implemented measures "to ensure that no member of
the clergy currently accused of sexual abuse be allowed to remain in contact
with children".
UN panel seeks Vatican abuse/cover up info
UNITED STATESSurvivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
For immediate release: Tuesday, July 7
Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 862 7688 home, 314 503 0003 cell, SNAPdorris@gmail.com)
A United Nations panel is seeking information from Vatican officials about clergy sex crimes and cover ups. We are grateful for this and hope it inspires other international institutions to take similar steps to protect the vulnerable, heal the wounded, expose the truth and prevent more heinous crimes.
The ongoing sexual violence against children by priests and the enabling of those crimes by bishops should outrage the global community. And this horror will continue until more secular authorities show insist that the Catholic hierarchy honor common sense laws and practices that prosecute those who commit and conceal child sex crimes and safeguard those who suffer child sex crimes.
In many nations, Catholic officials violate child safety laws. And at the international level, we believe, Catholic officials violate the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
They do this because they can. They get by with it because few secular authorities have the courage and strength to hold the Catholic hierarchy accountable for repeatedly reckless, callous, deceitful and self-serving actions regarding vulnerable kids, powerful prelates, and child molesting clerics.
What will Francis do?
UNITED STATESThe Worthy Adversary
Posted by Joelle Casteix on July 10, 2013
A United Nations’ committee has asked the Vatican to turn over documents pertaining to child sex abuse and cover up.
According to The Tablet:
The UN’s Geneva-based Committee on the Rights of the Child on Tuesday issued a list of demands for detailed information from the Holy See regarding all cases of child sexual abuse committed by clergy and Religious.
The Vatican has until January to compile the information, in time for a meeting of the UN committee at which Vatican officials will be questioned.
The Vatican is asked about the steps it has taken to prevent accused clergy from having access to children, about bishops who have failed to report allegations to the police, about what investigations the Church has run and what compensation or counselling [sic] the Church has offered victims, and about the safeguarding measures the Church has put in place to prevent future abuse.
The real story will be in Francis’ response. The UN has no real authority over Vatican sovereignty - in fact, Vatican officials have been giving this committee the run-around for years. The only consequences for noncompliance are sanctions. For a nation-state eye-deep in wealth and with a constant income stream from faithful Catholics worldwide, I am sure the Curia could not care less.
So Francis has three choices:
1, Pony up the documents,
2. Tell the committee to go pound sand, or
3. Stall
UN demands answers from Vatican on child sex abuse
A United Nations panel is demanding that the Vatican hand over detailed information on child sex abuse cases involving Catholic clergy.
In a document published online, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has asked the Vatican to come clean with how it addresses children's rights around the world, including what measures it takes when dealing with sexual violence.
The panel, which polices the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, wants the Catholic Church to reveal confidential records on investigations and legal proceedings against clergy members accused of sexual crimes on children.
The Geneva-based committee also wants to know what measures are being taken to ensure that clergy members accused of sexual abuses are not in contact with children and how members are told to report allegations of sexual violence.
The document mentions specific cases of abuse, including the Magdalene Laundries, which were Catholic-run workhouses in Ireland where thousands of women and girls were forced to work unpaid and under harsh conditions. The committee wants any records looking into complaints of torture and inhumane treatment as well as information on the number of babies taken away from their mothers at the laundries.
U.N. rights body poses tough questions to Vatican over child abuse
Robert Evans
July 10, 2013
GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations human rights panel has posed a list of tough questions to the Vatican about child abuse by Catholic priests, a potential embarrassment for Pope Francis a few months into his papacy.
The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) asked for "detailed information on all cases of child sexual abuse committed by members of the clergy, brothers or nuns" since the Holy See last reported to it some 15 years ago, and set November 1 as a deadline for a reply.
The request was included in a "list of issues", posted on the CRC's website, to be taken up when the Vatican appears before it next January to report on the Church's performance under the 1990 U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
It will be the first time the Holy See has been publicly questioned by an international panel over the child abuse scandal which severely damaged the standing of the Roman Catholic Church in many countries around the world.
UN wants Vatican to explain sex crimes committed against children
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child wants the Vatican to expose information about all the crimes committed by the clergy against minors. The request is published on the official website of the committee.
In addition, the committee asked the Vatican to clarify the cases when church authorities tried to cover up the actions of pedophiles and indicate what measures had been taken to protect children from sexual predators in church robes.
The committee also wondered what measures were in effect to avoid discrimination in parochial schools. To crown it all, church official want to know if textbooks still contain articles that demean the rights of children born out of wedlock and instill intersexual stereotypes. Such articles, committee officials believe, should be withdrawn from textbooks.
Groups urge Pope to open abuse files
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Groups urge Pope to open abuse files
UN panel pushes Vatican for information
SNAP & CCR call request “unprecedented”
Victims and advocates are encouraged by the move
Two organizations charge that Catholic officials violate treaty
At a sidewalk news conference, surrounded by signs and childhood photos, victims and advocates will
--applaud a United Nations committee for demanding detailed information from the Vatican about clergy sex crimes and cover ups across the globe,
--prod Pope Francis to provide all of the information promptly,
--urge other secular authorities to launch similar efforts to hold Catholic officials responsible for the church’s ongoing refusal to stop sexual violence by clergy, and
--beg anyone who has seen, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes or cover ups to report to independent sources (police, prosecutors, NGOs).
They will also explain why they believe international bodies should do more to investigate the crisis of sexual violence within the Catholic church and will discuss other recent efforts to do so.
Tuesday, July 16 at 1:00 p.m.
Outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 460 Madison Ave, New York
Leaders of two non-profit groups – the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP)
Last week, in an unprecedented move, the Geneva-based United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child released a detailed, four page list of information it wants Vatican officials to disclose about clergy sex crimes and cover ups and how Catholic officials are dealing with them. The panel set a November 1 deadline. In January, in a session that will be telecast live, Vatican staffers are expected to meet in person with the Committee to answer further questions.
The panel is charged with overseeing the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, a treaty signed by almost every nation on earth. The Convention is a “legally binding international instrument” that “incorporate[s] the full range of human rights—civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights” for children (http://www.unicef.org/crc/).
Despite ratifying the Convention in 1990, the Vatican has largely ignored its reporting requirements and is violating its principle tenets, CCR and SNAP charg
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Groups urge Pope to open abuse files
UN panel pushes Vatican for information
SNAP & CCR call request “unprecedented”
Victims and advocates are encouraged by the move
Two organizations charge that Catholic officials violate treaty
At a sidewalk news conference, surrounded by signs and childhood photos, victims and advocates will
--applaud a United Nations committee for demanding detailed information from the Vatican about clergy sex crimes and cover ups across the globe,
--prod Pope Francis to provide all of the information promptly,
--urge other secular authorities to launch similar efforts to hold Catholic officials responsible for the church’s ongoing refusal to stop sexual violence by clergy, and
--beg anyone who has seen, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes or cover ups to report to independent sources (police, prosecutors, NGOs).
They will also explain why they believe international bodies should do more to investigate the crisis of sexual violence within the Catholic church and will discuss other recent efforts to do so.
Tuesday, July 16 at 1:00 p.m.
Outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 460 Madison Ave, New York
Leaders of two non-profit groups – the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP)
Last week, in an unprecedented move, the Geneva-based United Nations’ Committee on the Rights of the Child released a detailed, four page list of information it wants Vatican officials to disclose about clergy sex crimes and cover ups and how Catholic officials are dealing with them. The panel set a November 1 deadline. In January, in a session that will be telecast live, Vatican staffers are expected to meet in person with the Committee to answer further questions.
The panel is charged with overseeing the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, a treaty signed by almost every nation on earth. The Convention is a “legally binding international instrument” that “incorporate[s] the full range of human rights—civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights” for children (http://www.unicef.org/crc/).
Despite ratifying the Convention in 1990, the Vatican has largely ignored its reporting requirements and is violating its principle tenets, CCR and SNAP charg
Image: Pope Benedict hands over the Vatican’s “Paedo-files” to Pope Francis
http://lewisblayse.net/ image source
UN panel questions Vatican record on child sex abuse
VATICAN CITYWashington Post
By Alessandro Speciale| Religion News Service, Updated: Wednesday, July 10
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican has been called to give detailed information on its record on child sexual abuse to a United Nations panel, a move that will show how Pope Francis wants to handle an issue that has deeply scarred the Catholic Church’s image in the past decade.
The Geneva-based U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child has asked the Vatican to “provide detailed information on all cases of child sexual abuse committed by members of the clergy, brothers and nuns.”
The request comes ahead of the Vatican’s scheduled appearance in front of the committee in January 2014.
All countries that have ratified the 1990 U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child must submit to a periodic evaluation of their performance on child protection. The Vatican was among the first countries to ratify the treaty.
According to the “List of Issues” submitted by the U.N. committee, the Vatican will have to explain the measures it has put in place to “ensure that no member of the clergy currently accused of sexual abuse be allowed to remain in contact with children.”
Vatican asked to provide details of abuse cases
VATICAN CITYRadio New Zealand
The United Nations has asked the Vatican to provide details of thousands of cases of child abuse committed by members of the Catholic clergy.
The request by the committee, which governs the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, comes six months ahead of Vatican representatives appearing before the UN body.
The Holy See has been asked to answer a range of questions, many of them linked to the epidemic of child sex abuse within the Church, the BBC reports.
The request for details of all abuse committed by priests, nuns and brothers over several years is accompanied by queries about support for victims and any incidents where complainants were silenced.
UN to Vatican: Hand Over Records of Child Sex Abuse Cases
VATICAN CITYInternational Business Times
By Esther Tanquintic-Misa | July 10, 2013
The United Nation's Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) wants the Vatican, the seat of the Holy See and Pope Francis' bailiwick, to hand over the Catholic church's records as to how it dealt the child sex abuse cases against the church throughout the years.
"In the light of the recognition by the Holy See of sexual violence against children committed by members of the clergy, brothers and nuns in numerous countries around the world, and given the scale of the abuses", the UNCRC believed it is high time that the Vatican should provide detailed information on all cases of child sexual abuse committed by the Catholic clergy around the world.
More precisely, the committee wants to know if the Vatican properly instituted and implemented measures "to ensure that no member of the clergy currently accused of sexual abuse be allowed to remain in contact with children." Unfortunately, it is an open secret among the Roman Catholic faithful that bishops just moved abusive priests from one parish to another to avert potential crisis and leadership breakdown.
The committee's aggressive stance follows the apparent determination of Pope Francis to crack down on allegations of corruption and money laundering within the Vatican bank. A complete opposite of his predecessor, the new pope who was installed in March is seen by many as more approachable, sensible and open.
"I think it's a good sign," Keith Porteous Wood, the executive director of the National Secular Society, was quoted by The Telegraph. "Child abuse is a major issue, along with corruption, that he needs to sort out. His legacy will be judged, I think, on his ability to deal with these immensely difficult problems."
UN questions Vatican over child abuse cases
A major UN child rights protection body has asked the Vatican to disclose details of thousands of paedophilia cases involving Catholic clergy.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) made the request ahead of its hearing with Holy See officials, scheduled for January.
It is the first time the UN has asked for such a wide-ranging appraisal.
After taking office in March, Pope Francis said cracking down on sex abuse was vital for the Church's credibility.
He said the Vatican needed "to act decisively as far as cases of sexual abuse are concerned, promoting, above all, measures to protect minors, help for those who have suffered such violence in the past (and) the necessary procedures against those who are guilty".
Vatican to be pressed for confidential records on clerical child sex abuse
Owen Bowcott
The Guardian, Tuesday 9 July 2013
The Vatican is to face tough questioning by a United Nations committee over the Catholic church's record in tackling child sexual abuse by its clergy around the world.
A detailed "list of issues" has been released by the Geneva-based Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) before the appearance of officials from the Holy See. The session is expected early next year.
The decision to ask senior Roman Catholic clerics to hand over confidential internal documents to such a high-profile inquiry marks a fresh initiative in the global debate over clerical abuse. It will present the new pontiff, Pope Francis, with a direct challenge to provide records of financial compensation given to victims of sexual abuse and disclose whether secret deals were made to preserve the church's reputation.
The UN committee's document is headed: "List of issues to be taken up in connection with the consideration of the second periodic report of the Holy See." Paragraph 11 of the CRC's document states: "In the light of the recognition by the Holy See of sexual violence against children committed by members of the clergy, brothers and nuns in numerous countries around the world, and given the scale of the abuses, please provide detailed information on all cases of child sexual abuse committed by members of the clergy, brothers and nuns or brought to the attention of the Holy See."
UN tells Vatican to hand over details of child sex abuse cases
A United Nations committee has demanded that the Vatican reveal potentially explosive details about the systematic cover-up of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy.
By Nick Squires, Rome 09 Jul 2013
Campaigners have called on Pope Francis, who was elected in March, to make tackling the issue of sexually abusive priests an urgent priority of his papacy.
The UN's Committee on the Rights of the Child released its demands for information from the Holy See on Tuesday.
The committee said that "in the light of the recognition by the Holy See of sexual violence against children committed by members of the clergy, brothers and nuns in numerous countries around the world, and given the scale of the abuses", the Vatican should provide detailed information on all cases of child sexual abuse committed by clergy.
Pope Expands Sex Abuse Laws in Response to U.N. Criticisms
by Barbie Latza Nadeau Jul 11, 2013
Faced with a demands for explanations from the U.N.’s body on children’s rights, Pope Francis expanded the Vatican’s legal system to allow broader prosecution of sex crimes.
After years of non-compliance, the Vatican is finally being taken to task by the United Nation’s Commission for the Rights of the Child about its dodgy record on child sex abuse. And it looks like Pope Francis is taking it serious.
The Holy See was given until January to submit a detailed report to the United Nations answering very specific questions and providing confidential records and documentation about how and why Catholic diocese moved predatory priests between dioceses like chess pieces. And on Thursday, Pope Francis issued a “motu proprio” extending the scope of the Vatican City legal system to bolster criminal legislation against child sex abuse, possession of child pornography and child prostitution on Vatican grounds by Vatican staff, seen as a shot across the bow to those in the Holy See who have harbored secrets of the sex abuse scandal. The extended scope of the legal system should pave the way to greater transparency and even prosecution of those who may have been the great enablers of the Church’s worst sinners.
The U.N.’s request, called the “List of Issues to be Taken Up in Connection with the Consideration of the Second Periodic Report of the Holy See” outlines a series of concerns the U.N.'s child protection arm wants addressed, including requests like “please indicate whether the Holy See still label children born outside wedlock as ‘illegitimate children’ and whether it has assessed the consequences of the use of such terminology on the rights of these children.”
The commission also asks the Holy See to clarify its procedure in investigation child sex abuse claims both regarding the recent pedophile priest scandal and the historical use of so-called “Magdalene’s laundries” as Catholic slave workhouses where women of ill repute were kept. These laundries, according to the U.N.'s accusations, were widely used in Europe and North American from the 18th to the 20th centuries, and still in use in Ireland until 1996. “Please indicate whether an investigation was conducted by the Holy see into the complaints of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and of subjection to force labor of girls held in Magdalene’s laundries run by Catholic Sisters in Ireland until 1996,” the report demands. The U.N. also wants a clear record on the number of babies taken from their mothers in the Magdalene’s laundries, and placed in Catholic orphanages or given for adoption.
UNITED STATESCatholic League
Bill Donohue comments on Pope Francis’ crackdown on sex abuse: (BILL DONOHUE IS the GOLIATH-BULLY of the VATICAN who has been attacking victims and defending criminal popes and criminal Cardinals and criminal Bishops)
As Pope Francis proved today, he has no stomach for child exploitation (this is VATICAN BULLSHIT, John Paul II stomached pedophile priests for27 years so did Cardinal Ratzinger and all cardinals and Bishops ) , or for any type of sexual abuse. His decision to revise the norms affecting these crimes, complete with more stringent penalties, is a welcome tonic. However, he does not need to be congratulated for this initiative—he needs to be supported by those in a position to do so.
Child sexual abuse is a serious worldwide problem. It affects every secular and religious organization where there is sustained interaction between adults and children. In the West, it is aided and abetted by a sick culture bent on eroticizing youth. From advertisements in magazines and on billboards, to TV shows during the day and in the evening—to say nothing of music videos and the movie industry—we are inundated with hyper-sexualized portrayals and images, the result of which is a morally debased milieu.
When it comes to racial tensions, many are quick to point to the “root causes” of poverty and injustice. But these same persons show little or no interest in addressing the “root causes” of child sexual exploitation. As we recently saw in the debate over gun control, those who were screaming the loudest for stricter gun laws were typically silent on the role Hollywood plays in fostering violence in our culture. The same is true about sexual exploitation—there is a reluctance to get Hollywood to do something about its role in furthering this problem.
(Read our related article about the twin cities Hollywood and the Vatican,
Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”
U.N. ATTACKS VATICAN (This is Goliath Bully Bill Donohue, one of the highest paid Vatican Pied Piper)
Catholic League
Bill Donohue comments on a report issued by the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child:
Last month, both Israel and B’nai B’rith International blasted a totally politicized report by the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child that condemned Israel for its treatment of Palestinians. Now the disgraced Committee has attacked the Holy See: it is demanding that the Vatican turn over every document it has on priestly sexual abuse, and wants to know what the Catholic Church has done about discrimination between boys and girls; it is concerned about sexual stereotypes in school textbooks.
The Committee should be dissolved—its moral authority is shot. Of the 18 nations that comprise this entity, Freedom House rates half of them either “not free” or “partly free.” To see what the U.S. State Department says about ten of these nations, click here. In other words, at least half of these nations have a record of oppressing its own people, many in ways that are positively shocking. And they have the audacity to point fingers at the Holy See? (This is one of the most important reason to REMOVE VATICAN AS A COUNTRY)
Catholic League
Bill Donohue comments on a report issued by the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child:
Last month, both Israel and B’nai B’rith International blasted a totally politicized report by the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child that condemned Israel for its treatment of Palestinians. Now the disgraced Committee has attacked the Holy See: it is demanding that the Vatican turn over every document it has on priestly sexual abuse, and wants to know what the Catholic Church has done about discrimination between boys and girls; it is concerned about sexual stereotypes in school textbooks.
The Committee should be dissolved—its moral authority is shot. Of the 18 nations that comprise this entity, Freedom House rates half of them either “not free” or “partly free.” To see what the U.S. State Department says about ten of these nations, click here. In other words, at least half of these nations have a record of oppressing its own people, many in ways that are positively shocking. And they have the audacity to point fingers at the Holy See? (This is one of the most important reason to REMOVE VATICAN AS A COUNTRY)
If discrimination in school textbooks is a
serious issue for this Committee, perhaps it can demand that one of its members,
Saudi Arabia, stop depicting Jews as pigs and Christians as the enemy. When
Muslims can freely convert to another religion without fear of being legally
killed for doing so, then reasonable people may listen to what this body
says. These member states have a lot of house cleaning to do, and the sooner
they attend to their human rights abuses, the better.
Vatican knew early of paedophile priest
AUSTRALIASydney Morning Herald
July 4, 2013
Catherine Armitage
Senior Writer
The Pope's representative in Australia knew of ''serious accusations'' against the notorious priest Denis McAlinden from at least 1995, the inquiry into alleged cover-ups of paedophilia by two Hunter region priests has heard.
Leo Clarke, then bishop of the Maitland-Newcastle diocese, wrote to the Holy See's diplomatic representative in Australia in 1995 seeking his help with a ''very delicate matter'' relating to ''serious accusations concerning a priest of the diocese, McAlinden'', counsel assisting the inquiry Julia Lonergan, SC, said on Wednesday.
The letter referred to steps being taken to remove McAlinden from the priesthood. It said during an interview with Father Brian Lucas, that ''Father McAlinden admitted that the allegations were true''.
Former bishop of the Maitland-Newcastle diocese: Leo Clarke. Photo: Supplied
The Manuka, ACT-based Apostolic Nuncio, as the papal ambassador is known, was also informed that McAlinden had agreed to seek counselling in England.
According to the evidence Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox asked Bishop Clarke, by then retired, about rumours he'd heard that the bishop might know about more victims of McAlinden. Bishop Clarke told him "no", Chief Inspector Fox said.
Bearing False Witness
MILWAUKEE (WI)Express Milwaukee
By Joel McNally
You’d think lawyers suing a major religion that proclaims itself to be the guiding authority on moral behavior in every aspect of life would have the easiest job in the world.
Defendants wouldn’t even need to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They’ve already declared themselves the world’s foremost authorities on the truth.
So why have thousands of victims of sex crimes by Catholic priests around the country had to fight in the courts for years to get access to the facts about sexual predators and the church authorities who covered up their crimes?
It’s because the facts slowly emerging expose the completely false picture the church is still trying to present in court that puts protecting its enormous financial assets above accepting moral or legal responsibility for horrendous crimes.
This is after years of truly unholy, hardball legal tactics of lying and attacking victims, hiding behind legal loopholes and statutes of limitations and drawing out cases through endless legal stalling to intentionally bankrupt victims seeking compensation.
Victims blast Milwaukee Catholic officials
MILWAUKEE (WI)Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee]
For immediate release: Monday, July 1
Keeping their secrets until the last possible day, Milwaukee’s archbishop finally released long-hidden records about heinous clergy sex crimes and cover ups today. He did so, however, while working hard to “spin” the documents, obscure the truth and deceive parishioners and the public about this on-going scandal.
We beg Catholics everywhere to carefully read these files. Kids are safer when cover ups are unveiled and understood. And the horrific truth is best understood when the actual writings and deeds of Catholic officials are studied, not when they are spun or summarized or sanitized by church public relations experts. We hope that Catholics and citizens will ignore the carefully crafted spin that Listecki continues to put out designed to minimize the inexcusable, recklessness, and callousness of dozens of his colleagues and supervisors.
We hope law enforcement officials will also scour these files. We suspect that there are some current or former Wisconsin Catholic officials who may yet be prosecuted for destroying evidence, intimidating victims, obstructing justice or other violations. The archaic, predator-friendly statute of limitations may prevent some (but perhaps not all) of the predators from being pursued. But we hope that police and prosecutors will work very hard to determine if any of those who committed or concealed these horrific crimes might be charged.
We hope that Catholics will look carefully at how their donations are being manipulated to deny justice to victims. We believe the records will show that millions of dollars have been deliberately – and deceptively – shifted in secrecy to funds that will enable selfish Catholic officials to hang on to them.
The records show Milwaukee church officials pretending to be powerless over predators who haven’t yet been defrocked by a callous, slow-moving Vatican bureaucracy. We believe bishops should insist that suspended predator priests live in remote, independent, secure treatment centers while still on the church payroll. Bishops act as if they can do nothing until Rome defrocks a pedophile. But that’s irresponsible. As long as a priest is a priest, his bishop can order him to live in a particular place. That place – for credibly accused child molesting clerics – is in a treatment facility, not in a neighborhood among unsuspecting families.
Victims blast Milwaukee Catholic officials
MILWAUKEE (WI)Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee]
For immediate release: Monday, July 1
Keeping their secrets until the last possible day, Milwaukee’s archbishop finally released long-hidden records about heinous clergy sex crimes and cover ups today. He did so, however, while working hard to “spin” the documents, obscure the truth and deceive parishioners and the public about this on-going scandal.
We beg Catholics everywhere to carefully read these files. Kids are safer when cover ups are unveiled and understood. And the horrific truth is best understood when the actual writings and deeds of Catholic officials are studied, not when they are spun or summarized or sanitized by church public relations experts. We hope that Catholics and citizens will ignore the carefully crafted spin that Listecki continues to put out designed to minimize the inexcusable, recklessness, and callousness of dozens of his colleagues and supervisors.
We hope law enforcement officials will also scour these files. We suspect that there are some current or former Wisconsin Catholic officials who may yet be prosecuted for destroying evidence, intimidating victims, obstructing justice or other violations. The archaic, predator-friendly statute of limitations may prevent some (but perhaps not all) of the predators from being pursued. But we hope that police and prosecutors will work very hard to determine if any of those who committed or concealed these horrific crimes might be charged.
We hope that Catholics will look carefully at how their donations are being manipulated to deny justice to victims. We believe the records will show that millions of dollars have been deliberately – and deceptively – shifted in secrecy to funds that will enable selfish Catholic officials to hang on to them.
The records show Milwaukee church officials pretending to be powerless over predators who haven’t yet been defrocked by a callous, slow-moving Vatican bureaucracy. We believe bishops should insist that suspended predator priests live in remote, independent, secure treatment centers while still on the church payroll. Bishops act as if they can do nothing until Rome defrocks a pedophile. But that’s irresponsible. As long as a priest is a priest, his bishop can order him to live in a particular place. That place – for credibly accused child molesting clerics – is in a treatment facility, not in a neighborhood among unsuspecting families.
Church sorry for 'legal abuse'
AUSTRALIABendigo Advertiser
By Barney Zwartz July 3, 2013
The Catholic Church has apologised for "legally abusing" a sexual abuse victim who lost a landmark compensation case after the church argued it could not be sued.
Asked for $750,000 in compensation for the abuse of John Ellis, the church instead spent almost exactly that sum "vigorously defending" the case, and later pursued him for those costs. Instead of giving him $750,000, it sought $755,000 from him.
Mr Ellis reveals correspondence between him and the church in a submission to the Victorian inquiry into how the churches handled sexual abuse. His evidence, posted on the parliamentary inquiry's website on Wednesday, is a reply to Sydney Archbishop Cardinal George Pell's evidence last month.
Mr Ellis says the cardinal provided "false and misleading" testimony to the inquiry about his case.
In the Ellis case, the NSW Court of Appeal found in 2007 that neither the Sydney archdiocese trustees nor archbishop were liable for child sexual abuse by a priest. Asked to identify who should answer his claim, the archdiocese refused to do so, saying the person liable was the priest who abused him.
Buddhist monk pictured on private jet has assets frozen
THAILANDTelegraph (UK)
A Thai Buddhist monk who drew criticism after being pictured on a private jet surrounded by high-end fashion accessories has had his financial assets frozen over allegations of money-laundering and fraud.
By David Eimer, Bangkok 03 Jul 2013
The monk has been attracted attention ever since a video of him flying a private jet while wearing aviator sunglasses, carrying a Louis Vuitton bag went viral last month. A widely-circulated photograph of him lying next to an apparently naked woman caused further outrage in Thailand, which has the world's largest Buddhist population, and where monks are supposed to be celibate.
The abbot has since been accused of fathering two children and having sexual relationships with at least eight women.
AMLO ordered that 16 bank accounts held by the monk and his associates be frozen after discovering that typical daily transactions involved around 200 million Baht (£4 million). 10 of the accounts are held in the abbot's name.
City man working on documentary on clergy sex abuse
[with video]
By Lyle Moran, lmoran@lowellsun.com
Updated: 07/05/2013
LOWELL -- Gary Bergeron publicly spoke about being sexually abused by the Rev. Joseph E. Birmingham, a former priest at St. Michael's in Lowell, for the first time in 2002.
Since then, Bergeron has continued to be outspoken about the abuse he suffered as a child during a three-year period in the 1970s, and the need for the Catholic church and society to address the issue of clergy sexual abuse.
Bergeron, of Lowell, has written a book about his struggles called "Don't Call Me a Victim: Faith, Hope & Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church," in 2005. He has also co-founded a group called Survivors Voice to help adult survivors of child sexual abuse speak out. His latest project is a yet-to-be titled documentary about his life as a clergy sex-abuse survivor that he is working on at Lowell Telecommunications Corp.
The Sun recently caught up with Bergeron, 51, to find out what he hopes comes from his documentary he expects to show first in October, and how he thinks the Catholic Church is doing to address clergy sexual abuse.
Q: Why did you first decide to speak out about being abused by a priest?
A: When I found out my dad had been abused by Joe Birmingham, he told my brother and I that we suffered from the sin of his silence. I immediately thought about my son, who was 3. I decided that night that there was no way this was going to happen to my son. I was going to make sure the cycle in my family was stopped.
Q: How did speaking publicly about your story help you?
A: The value in it was understanding who I was. I was not a guy who needed to be running away all the time. I was not the guy who had to go from one relationship to another relationship. I was a family man. I was somebody who was not afraid to speak truth to power. I started to listen to my inner voice as opposed to everyone else's voice. If I had not started talking about it, I probably wouldn't be alive today.
Victims blast Milwaukee Catholic officials
MILWAUKEE (WI)Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee]
For immediate release: Monday, July 1
Keeping their secrets until the last possible day, Milwaukee’s archbishop finally released long-hidden records about heinous clergy sex crimes and cover ups today. He did so, however, while working hard to “spin” the documents, obscure the truth and deceive parishioners and the public about this on-going scandal.
We beg Catholics everywhere to carefully read these files. Kids are safer when cover ups are unveiled and understood. And the horrific truth is best understood when the actual writings and deeds of Catholic officials are studied, not when they are spun or summarized or sanitized by church public relations experts. We hope that Catholics and citizens will ignore the carefully crafted spin that Listecki continues to put out designed to minimize the inexcusable, recklessness, and callousness of dozens of his colleagues and supervisors.
We hope law enforcement officials will also scour these files. We suspect that there are some current or former Wisconsin Catholic officials who may yet be prosecuted for destroying evidence, intimidating victims, obstructing justice or other violations. The archaic, predator-friendly statute of limitations may prevent some (but perhaps not all) of the predators from being pursued. But we hope that police and prosecutors will work very hard to determine if any of those who committed or concealed these horrific crimes might be charged.
We hope that Catholics will look carefully at how their donations are being manipulated to deny justice to victims. We believe the records will show that millions of dollars have been deliberately – and deceptively – shifted in secrecy to funds that will enable selfish Catholic officials to hang on to them.
The records show Milwaukee church officials pretending to be powerless over predators who haven’t yet been defrocked by a callous, slow-moving Vatican bureaucracy. We believe bishops should insist that suspended predator priests live in remote, independent, secure treatment centers while still on the church payroll. Bishops act as if they can do nothing until Rome defrocks a pedophile. But that’s irresponsible. As long as a priest is a priest, his bishop can order him to live in a particular place. That place – for credibly accused child molesting clerics – is in a treatment facility, not in a neighborhood among unsuspecting families.
Milwaukee Documents Reveal Bishop Dolan's Bankruptcy Scheme and Frustration With Rome
MILWAUKEE (WI)Huffington Post
[Cardinal Dolan deposition]
[Cemetery documents]
Michael D'Antonio
Documents released today in Milwaukee show that Catholic church leaders, including then archbishop Timothy Dolan, deliberately transferred $59 million to a trust in order to protect it from the claims of people who had been sexually abused by local priests. In a letter to a Vatican official, Dolan, now cardinal archbishop of the Archdiocese of New York, explains that the move will provide "improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability."
The Dolan letter, sent in 2007, is among 5,000 pages made public as part of a bankruptcy proceeding in which the $59 million trust is a point of contention for hundreds of people who have filed claims of clergy abuse. The files also include correspondence in which Dolan informs the Vatican that proposals to change statutes of limitations on sex abuse claims could adversely affect the Milwaukee archdiocese.
Overall, the picture of Dolan that emerges in the papers is one of an administrator struggling to protect an institution's assets while defending its reputation. Some documents confirm that payments were made to induce priests who were accused of abuse to leave ministry and give up their faculties. Others show the bishop's frustration with Vatican officials and their slow-moving response to his requests that men who were credibly accused be dismissed from the priesthood. As years pass and the cases remain unresolved he referenced legislation that would allow for more lawsuits and wrote:
"The more we can demonstrate our seriousness about purifying the priesthood, as the Holy Father has implored us to do, the more we can speak credibly about the adverse effect of such legislation. Our critics challenge us on the fact that known abusers have still not been laicized."
"Prepare to be shocked"; Milwaukee Cathloic Archdiocese to release documents on sex abuse
MILWAUKE, WI (WTAQ) - For the first time Monday, we’ll learn about numerous sex abuse incidents in the Milwaukee Catholic Archdiocese which date back for decades – and what the church did and did not do about them.
The archdiocese will release thousands of pages of documents as part of an agreement connected with the church’s two-and-a-half year old bankruptcy case.
Archbishop Jerome Listecki says we should quote, “prepare to be shocked.”
In his weekly letter to church members, Listecki said there are “terrible things described in many of the documents.”
A timeline of clergy sex abuse in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE (WI)San Francisco Chronicle
MILWAUKEE (AP) — The Archdiocese of Milwaukee plans to release thousands of pages of documents related to child sexual abuse by its priests on Monday. Here is a look at key dates in the scandal drawn from the archives of The Associated Press:
1940s — Edmund Haen abuses a child while serving at St. Lawrence Church, the priest's first parish. The child, who became a priest himself for a time, tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the abuse in 2002.
1972 — Haen abruptly transfers from a West Bend parish that he founded in 1955 to one in Mequon. Thirty years later, a West Bend businessman tells a newspaper there that he was molested by Haen as a child.
1973 — Siegfried Widera is convicted of sexual misconduct with a boy and placed on three years of probation. Within two years, another allegation is made against him.
Archdiocese of Milwaukee releases priests' personnel files, other clergy sex abuse documents
MILWAUKEE (WI)Duluth News Tribune
By M.L. JOHNSON Associated Press
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee released thousands of pages of documents related to clergy sex abuse Monday, including the personnel files of more than three dozen priests and the depositions of church leaders including New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the former archbishop of Milwaukee.
The documents were made public as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court between the archdiocese and victims suing it for fraud. Victims say the archdiocese transferred problem priests to new churches without warning parishioners and covered up priests' crimes for decades. Many pushed for the documents' release in the belief that it would be an important part of their healing.
The collection also has drawn interest because of the involvement of Dolan, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the nation's most prominent Roman Catholic official. Dolan has not been accused of transferring problem priests. He took over as archbishop in mid-2002, after many victims had already come forward. But there have been questions about his response to the crisis, including payments made to abusive priests when they left the church.
The archdiocese has characterized the money, as much as $20,000 in some cases, as a kind of severance pay meant to help priests transition out of the ministry. Similar amounts were made to men leaving the priesthood long before allegations of sexual abuse surfaced in the Catholic church, spokeswoman Julie Wolf said last year, when the payments came to light.
Archdiocese prepares to release sex abuse reports
[with video]
By Yona Gavino and Nick Montes
CREATED JUN. 30, 2013
MILWAUKEE -- On Monday, the Milwaukee Archdiocese will be releasing documents that describe sexual abuse by priests. It'll include what church leaders did in response. Archbishop Jerome Listecki states: if you decide to go and review this material, prepare to be shocked. It can shake ones' faith.
The documents will detail how abusive priests were moved from a parish or school without their histories being revealed.
"Anytime the truth comes forward, it's always a huge opportunity for healing,” explains Peter Isely, Midwest Director for Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.
The Archbishop wrote on his blog that the abuse stems back 25, 50, and even 80 years.
“These crimes live in secrecy. And so the anecdote for the healing of these crimes is to take them out of the dark shadows of secrecy and bring them into the light," adds Isely.
MILWAUKEE (WI)Jeff Anderson & Associates
[includes timelines]
• Adamsky, Raymond J.
• Arimond, James L.
• Bandle, Ronald J.
• Beck, James W.
• Becker, Franklyn W.
• Benham, Michael C.
• Bistricky, Frederick J.
• Budzynski, Daniel A.
• Burns, Peter A.
• Collova, S. Joseph
• Doyle, Andrew P., III
• Effinger, William J.
• Engel, Ronald
• Etzel, George A.
• Farrell, William J.
• Flynt, James M.
• Haen, Edmund H.
• Hanser, David J.
• Herbst, Harold
• Hopf, George S.
• Jablonowski, James N.
• Knighton, Marvin T.
• Knotek, John T.
• Krejci, Michael J.
• Kreuzer, Eugene T.
• Krusing, Oswald G.
• Lanser, Jerome E.
• Lesniewski, Eldred B.
• Massie, Daniel J.
• Murphy, Lawrence G.
• Nichols, Richard W.
• Nuedling, George A.
• O'Brien, John A.
• Peters, Donald
• Schouten, Clarence J.
• Silvestri, Vincent A.
• Trepanier, Thomas A.
• Wagner, Jerome A.
• Wagner, John C.
• Walter, Charles W.
• Widera, Siegfried Francis
MILWAUKEE (WI)Jeff Anderson & Associates
Cardinal Dolan Deposition
Cardinal Dolan Deposition Exhibits
Sklba Deposition
Sklba Deposition Exhibits
Wealkand Deposition
Weakland Deposition Exhibits
Budzynski Deposition
Cusack Deposition
Cusack Deposition Exhibits
Reinke Deposition
Reinke Deposition Exhibits
Zimprich Deposition
Zimprich Deposition Exhibits
Two facts to keep in mind about the just-released Milwaukee Archdiocese documents
MILWAUKEE (WI)Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
1) According to BishopAccountability.org, there are 66 proven, admitted, and credibly accused predators within the Milwaukee Archdiocese.
(This number does not include the perhaps dozens of relative order predators who have lived or worked--or still live or work--in the Milwaukee Archdiocese now.)
Yet after decades of secrecy and years of legal wrangling, Milwaukee Archdiocese finally released some files yesterday on 42 accused priests.
That's just 64% of the known child molesting clerics in the Archdiocese. (This of course doesn't count any of the hundreds of child molesting clerics who are or have been in the archdiocese but who work for religious orders.)
2) At the same time, Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki claims that “no organization in the world does more to combat sexual abuse of minors than the Catholic Church in the United States.”
Really? "No organization does more?"
Imagine a doctor saying "You've got cancer and I'll surgically remove just 64% of it and let's just see what happens." Or a police department saying "We've arrested 64% of the members of a violent street gang, and we're stopping here."
Too little, too late: the archdiocese of Milwaukee releases its child sex abuse files
MILWAUKEE (WI)The Guardian (UK)
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]
Sadhbh Walshe
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 3 July 2013
On Monday, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee released 6,000 pages of documents pertaining to the church's handling of decades of allegations of child sex abuse by priests. In a blog post on his website, the current archbishop of Milwaukee, Jerome Listecki, said he hoped that by "voluntarily making the documents public" they will help abuse victims and their families to understand the past, review the present and allow the church to move forward. The documents certainly offer a unique insight into the past and present, but are far more likely to confirm what survivors have long suspected: that the church is far more interested in protecting its assets and reputation than it was or is in protecting them.
It would be nice to think that the disclosure indicates a new willingness by the church to be more transparent and open about its handling of sex abuse within its ranks, but Archbishop Listecki's claim that the documents were released "voluntarily" appears to be something of a misrepresentation at best. According to Jeff Anderson, an attorney who has been working with many abuse survivors, the archdiocese only "volunteered" to release the documents (after years of fighting to keep them sealed) on the eve of a judicial hearing in bankruptcy court was likely to have compelled them to do so.
In 2011, facing 575 cases of abuse filed against them, the Milwaukee archdiocese initiated bankruptcy proceedings, prompting claims by victims' lawyers that the move was simply an attempt to avoid having to pay compensation. Some explosive disclosures in the released documents add quite a bit of substance to these claims.
In 2007 Cardinal Tim Dolan, then acting archbishop of Milwaukee, wrote to the Vatican requesting permission to move over $56mn in assets to a cemetery trust fund. The letter included this nugget:
"By transferring these assets to the trust, I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability."
Bankrupt Milwaukee Archdiocese Apparently Caught In Fraudulent Transfer
Jay Adkisson, Contributor
New documents that have recently come to in the Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal show that in 2007, the Catholic Church transferred $57 million into a trust fund “to protect it against court action”, according to an NPR Article at http://goo.gl/05N4b
In 2011, the Milwaukee Archdiocese filed its Petition for Chapter 11 protection in bankruptcy, and the judge overseeing the case ordered the documents revealing this transfer to be released for the first time.
According to the NPR Article:
One document is a letter that Dolan sent to the Vatican in June 2007 requesting permission to move $57 million into a cemetery trust fund in order to protect the funds from “any legal claim and liability.” The Vatican approved the transfer a month later, according to the documents.
During a news conference on Monday, Jeff Anderson, an attorney representing more than 500 abuse victims, said the money was to be used to “pay off some of the offenders to quietly go away.”
Dolan disagreed with the characterization of the fund in a statement released on Monday. He said it was a “perpetual care fund” from for cemeteries, not an attempt to shield money from bankruptcy.
Under Wisconsin law, Chapter 893.425, the Statute of Limitations for a fraudulent transfer is either four years from the date of the transfer, or one year after the transfer “could reasonably have been discovered by the claimant.”
Assuming that the Statute of Limitations has not run on the 2007 transfer because it just became known to claimants, this transfer would appear to be voidable as a fraudulent transfer on several grounds.
Gifts to trusts are inherently without “reasonably equivalent value”, meaning that the debtor did not get anything back that would be of any utility to creditors. If the Milwaukee Archdiocese was insolvent at the time that it made the transfer, or the transfer rendered it insolvent, then the transfer would be considered a fraudulent transfer without regard to the Church’s intent in making the transfer.
Newly Released Documents Show Milwaukee Archdiocese Shielded Pedophile Priests
[with video]
GWEN IFILL: Now: new documents that show a history of sexual abuse problems in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Ray Suarez has the story.
RAY SUAREZ: Many of the cases go back decades, and most of the 6,000 pages of documents were released publicly for the first time yesterday. The records show pedophile priests were moved from parish to parish, often protected from criminal complaints.
The documents also contain files on more than 40 priests either dismissed or restricted, including the late Father Lawrence Murphy, believed to have molested as many as two hundred deaf boys. The documents also shine a light on New York Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan, formerly the archbishop of Milwaukee. Documents show he asked for the Vatican's approval in 2007 to move nearly $57 million dollars off the diocesan books into a cemetery fund to protect church assets.
Dolan denies the claims as long discredited.
Timothy Dolan Abuse: NYC Cardinal is Still Trying to Sweep Abuse Under the Rug
Medha Chandorkar
The role of the Catholic Church is to guide and protect its followers. Except, apparently, when it’s protecting its pedophile priests instead.
According to hundreds of documents that were released this week, the Milwaukee archdiocese has ignored eight decades worth of sex-abuse scandals. Instead of investigating sexual assault claims against its priests, the Milwaukee archdiocese, headed at the time by current New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, either disregarded the claims or simply reassigned priests to unsuspecting parishes. Not surprisingly, this response did not prevent further assaults because it did nothing to address the real problem: pedophile priests.
In fact, the only people that benefited from the arrangement were the sexual assaulters themselves. Records show that one priest molested the same minor close to 40 times in the span of five years, while another assaulted over 200 boys as headmaster at a school for deaf boys. Some were moved over 11 times in 34 years, while others were stayed with the church for close to a decade after the Vatican was notified of their sexual child abuse.
If that’s not disgusting enough for you, consider the fact that Dolan and the Vatican frequently corresponded on the costs of fighting sexual assault claims in court, and when certain sex scandals threatened to surface, Dolan asked permission to move $57 million of the church’s money into a trust fund to protect it from “any legal claim and liability.” In short, prevent it from falling into the hands of those abused and violated by the church’s priests.
Overnight trips took abuse far beyond Milwaukee
WISCONSINDuluth News Tribune
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]
James Jablonski
Jablonski timeline
Franklyn Becker
Becker timeline
Michael Neuberger
Neuberger timeline
Lawrence Murphy
Murphy timeline
Oswald Krusing
Krusing timeline
Child sexual abuse by priests described in documents released this week by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee wasn’t limited to southeastern Wisconsin.
By: Robin Washington, Duluth News Tribune
Child sexual abuse by priests described in documents released this week by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee wasn’t limited to southeastern Wisconsin.
Rather, the incidents occurred from Chicago to California to the Caribbean — and also the Northland, frequently on overnight trips taken by priests and children.
Of 42 priest files released Monday by the Milwaukee Archdiocese and reviewed by the News Tribune, 22 contain references to child molestation on camping trips, a cross-state bicycle ride and at least one Caribbean cruise.
The abuse is often explicitly described. But the geographic details are less so, many noted vaguely as occurring “up north” — a generalization that sometimes refers to suburban Milwaukee, sometimes Wisconsin’s northern counties and more often left unidentified.
“When (name redacted) was in 7th grade, (redacted) felt uneasy about the amount of time (he) spent alone with Fr. Jablonowski, including at his private quarters and place up north,” reads the file on the Rev. James Jablonowski.
NY Cardinal hid €44m from sex abuse victims in US lawsuits
UNITED STATESIrish Independent
AMERICA'S most senior Roman Catholic cleric obtained permission from the Vatican to move $57m (€43.9m) of church funds into a trust to shield it from sexual abuse victims seeking compensation.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, told Vatican officials in a 2007 letter that the transfer offered "improved protection of these funds from any legal claim".
Cardinal Dolan, who is now the Archbishop of New York, has been credited with helping to root out a serious sexual abuse scandal in his previous archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
However, he has long insisted that he never deliberately sought to protect church funds from victims of abuse by clergy in the archdiocese, which he led as archbishop between 2002 and 2009.
1993 Weakland deposition caused sex abuse survivors to unite
MILWAUKEE (WI)National Catholic Reporter
Marie Rohde | Jul. 2, 2013
MILWAUKEE Publicity surrounding the 1993 release of an earlier deposition of then-Archbishop Rembert George Weakland served as the impetus for survivors of sex abuse to unite, a movement that has dogged the Milwaukee archdiocese for 20 years.
Milwaukee lawyer Robert Elliott questioned Weakland under oath as part of a lawsuit brought by victims of Fr. William J. Effinger, a priest with a history of abuse who was eventually convicted and sent to prison, where he died.
At the request of lawyers for the church, Weakland's sworn statement and others were sealed. Elliott released some of the information in a 1993 brief filed with the court. Using portions of Weakland's response to questions, Elliott said the archbishop and other church officials were aware of the problems.
After the story appeared in the Milwaukee Journal, Weakland sent letters to parish priests and other leaders in the archdiocese denying the report, which said the archdiocese did not have a policy that required allegations to be reported to civil authorities and that it had no program to educate school and parish personnel of allegations of misconduct. Many priests read his letter at weekend Masses.
Weakland: Milwaukee bishops didn't disclose accused abusers
MILWAUKEE (WI)National Catholic Reporter
[Archbishop Weakland deposition]
Kate Simmons | Jul. 2, 2013
In the 1980s, the bishops of the Milwaukee archdiocese dealt with priests who sexually abused minors in much the same way they handled those who were alcoholics or even those who had credit problems: They assumed the issue could be resolved through therapy or similar means, former Archbishop Rembert George Weakland said in a 2011 deposition released this week.
"We were probably all of us naive in thinking that it was a question of willpower and a question of self-discipline," Weakland said. "I handled cases [in the 1980s] thinking, hoping, praying that it would be the last one I would have to deal with."
He said the bishops viewed pedophilia as an "affliction" and, following practices used with other issues, did not consider it necessary to alert parishioners to previous instances of sexual misconduct.
"There are a lot of things that when you make an assignment you don't disclose," Weakland said in the deposition. "If they had alcohol problems in the past, if they had credit problems with their checking accounts ... I don't think one makes a list of the foibles and the problems that way so it would not have been customary to make that kind of a profile of a priest."
Timothy Dolan: Still Protecting Rapists and the Catholic Church
MILWAUKEE (WI)I Should Be Laughing
After years of listening to the Catholic Church sing their Deny, Deny, Deny song, this week a box of files was released by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee that shows that back in 2007, anti-gay Cardinal Timothy Dolan, then the archbishop there, requested permission from the Vatican to move nearly $57 million into a cemetery trust fund to protect the assets from victims of pedophile priests who were demanding compensation.
Let’s get that queer: Dolan asked the Vatican for permission to hide money in case monies were awarded victims of child rapists.
Still Cardinal Timmy, now the archbishop of New York, denied that he tried to hide funds, and, again, reiterated his denial in a statement just this week that these were “old and discredited attacks.” But, the files contain the actual letter, written by Dolan in 2007, to the Vatican in which he explains that by transferring the assets, “I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability.”
Wis. US Attorney: No comment on fraud request
The U.S. Attorney's office in Milwaukee confirms that it received a letter from an activist group requesting an investigation into how the Milwaukee archdiocese moved money around ahead of its bankruptcy filing.
U.S. Attorney spokesman Dean Puschnig confirmed receipt of the letter Tuesday. But he says he can't confirm or deny the existence of any investigation.
The letter was from the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. Spokesman Peter Isely says a 2007 letter released Monday shows evidence of bankruptcy fraud.
In the letter, then-Archbishop Timothy Dolan asked the Vatican for permission to move $57 million into a cemetery fund. Isely suggests that Dolan wanted to protect the money from creditors.
Broadside: Abuse in the Catholic Church
[with video]
July 2, 2013
(NECN) - New documents have shed light on the role of Cardinal Timothy Dolan in sexual abuse claims against the Milwaukee archdiocese.
Letters show that he tried to warn the Catholic Church that "the potential for true scandal is very real." Victims also claim the documents show he transferred $57 million into a trust in an attempt to protect it from abuse lawsuits, and that he devised a plan to pay abusive priests to leave the church.
Abuse survivor advocates Gary Bergeron and Anne Barrett Doyle join Broadside to discuss these revelations and what it means for Dolan and the Church.
"What's shocking is that he seems to have anticipation of this bankruptcy of the Archdiocese, to protect some funds so victims would not have access to it," Doyle said.
Bergeron was less concerned with what it means for Dolan, focusing on the lack of prominence this issue has had at the federal level.
Six Priests in Milwaukee Archdiocese Child Abuse Records Worked in Menomonee Falls
Posted by Charles Gorney (Editor), July 3, 2013
Six priests whose names appear on a list of priests removed or restricted from ministry because of substianted allegations of sexual abuse of minors worked in Menomonee Falls, according to records released Monday.
The release, partly motivated by the archdiocese's Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, includes about 6,000 pages of documents — from personnel files of priests accused of sexual abuse to depositions of high-ranking archdiocese officials, including former archbishop Timothy Dolan.
Among the names listed are:
Daniel Budzynski, assistant at St. Mary Parish, 1961-1962
Jerome Lanser, curate at St. Mary Parish, 1964-1969
Ronald Bandle, associate pastor at St. Mary Parish, 1974-1981
Daniel Massie, associate pastor at St. Mary Parish, 1980-1986
John Knotek, pastor at St. James Parish, 1968-1972
Andrew Doyle, associate pastor at St. Anthony Parish, 1984-1988
The documents were selected by the abuse survivor attorneys, archdiocese chief of staff Jerry Topczewski told Patch. Though the records were released as part of a bankruptcy agreement, Topczewski stressed that releasing the files can be part of the healing process for abuse survivors.
"Ultimately, we want them to know that the church loves them," Topczewski said. "And the church owes them a debt of gratitude for having the courage to come forward."
Priest in Milwaukee Archdiocese Child Abuse Records Worked in Caledonia
[Daniel Budzynski]
Posted by Charles Gorney (Editor), July 3, 2013
A priest whose name appears on a list of priests removed or restricted from ministry because of substianted allegations of sexual abuse of minors worked in Caledonia in the 1980s, according to records released Monday.
The release, partly motivated by the archdiocese's Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, includes about 6,000 pages of documents — from personnel files of priests accused of sexual abuse to depositions of high-ranking archdiocese officials, including former archbishop Timothy Dolan.
Among the names listed is Daniel Budzynski, who was pastor at St. Louis Parish from 1984 until 1987.
According to the Racine Journal Times, at least five of the priests named in the documents allegedly molested children in parishes in Racine County.
The documents were selected by the abuse survivor attorneys, archdiocese chief of staff Jerry Topczewski told Patch. Though the records were released as part of a bankruptcy agreement, Topczewski stressed that releasing the files can be part of the healing process for abuse survivors.
By Charles P. Pierce
And boom, as Saint Jerome once put it, goes the dynamite.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, half of which was the blog's first alma mater in the biz, has done us all an estimable service to putting online all the documents that were jacked out of the Archdiocese there as part of the bankruptcy proceedings resulting from thousands of cases of sexual abuse by priests of said Archdiocese. Needless to say, nobody comes out looking very good. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church comes out of them looking very much like an organization that should be disbanded and fed piecemeal -- hierarchy first -- into a woodchipper. One guy molested 50 people in 11 parishes before anything happened to him, and not very much did. The sheer magnitude of the criminality is stunning, and this is one archdiocese, and not the biggest one, either.
I would call your attention, though, to the documents and exhibits concerning the time spent in Milwaukee by Dolan Of New York, who has been one of the prime mouthpieces of the phony "religious liberty" argument by which HMC presumes to deny to its Presbyterian cleaning ladies their ladyparts medicine as required by the Affordable Care Act. Dolan is also one of those happy-priest nuisances who thinks he looks cute in a Yankees cap. In Milwaukee, it turns out, he was pretty much Winston Wolf.
Four years before the Archdiocese of Milwaukee filed for bankruptcy, then-Archbishop Timothy Dolan sought Vatican approval to move nearly $57 million in cemetery funds off the archdiocese's books and into a trust to help protect them "from any legal claim or liability," according to documents made public Monday.
Read more: Bad Day For Milwaukee Archdiocese - Boom Goes The Dynamite - Esquire
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Milwaukee Archdiocese Releases Documentation On Child Abuse
MILWAUKEE (WI)Wisconsin Public Radio
[with audio]
The Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee released thousands of documents related to decades of clergy members sexually abusing children today.
Critics say the items show a pattern of cowardice among the clerics.
The documents have been released as part of the bankruptcy case involving the Milwaukee archdiocese. Attorneys for abuse victims note the documents include a letter from former Milwaukee archbishop and now New York cardinal Tim Dolan, asking the Vatican for permission to move $57 million into a cemetery fund, and away from any potential victims’ claims. Other letters deal with efforts to conceal details about abusive priests.
Victims lawyer Jeffery Anderson calls it cowardice:
Anderson: “Cowardice among the clerics at the time … contrasted to the courage of the survivors, who at great risk disclosed the secret, shared it, and demanded exposure and closure.”
Peter Isely of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests says Archbishop Dolan’s efforts to move the money into the cemetery fund amounts to fraud.
Isely: “He should be under federal investigation. We’ll be emailing a letter today to the federal prosecutor of the Eastern District [of Wisconsin], asking him to investigate this fraudulent transfer and conveyance.”
Catholic Church Update: Still Terrible, Still Stacking Cash So Tall They Could Climb It
We’ve been thinking a lot about how to streamline our workload, synergize our growth goals, lifehack a four-hour work week, and generally figure out ways to be even more lazy. One of the proactive methodologies we’re considering is creating a one-touch macro so we can efficiently deploy a post every time the Catholic Church does something incredibly awful related to the pedophile priest scandal. We could save literally MINUTES by having pre-written and recycled this post because all we really need to point out is that they are being horrible again. Today’s particular flavor of horrible: moving assets around so that they could insulate themselves from legal claims from victims:
Files released by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee on Monday reveal that in 2007, Cardinal Timothy F. Dolan, then the archbishop there, requested permission from the Vatican to move nearly $57 million into a cemetery trust fund to protect the assets from victims of clergy sexual abuse who were demanding compensation….
[T]he files contain a 2007 letter to the Vatican in which he explains that by transferring the assets, “I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability.” The Vatican approved the request in five weeks, the files show.
Hiding your money in trust funds does indeed improve your protection of those delicious monies. Doing so to dick over victims is just what Jesus said to do in First Corinthiananans, right?! NOPE NOT RIGHT.
Abuse victims demand newly discovered Catholic Church funds
[with audio]
Within the 6,000-plus pages of documents released by the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee is evidence that Archbishop Timothy Dolan moved money that may have gone to victims of childhood sexual abuse into a fund for cemetery care. Dolan calls the charges "old and discredited attacks."
Among the information in new documents released by the Milwaukee Archdiocese is evidence that Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, put $57 million in a trust fund for cemeteries out of concern it could be awarded to victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests.
Dolan, the current archbishop of New York and the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, was considered a contender for the recent papal vacancy eventually filled by Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina. Dolan has long been regarded as one of the "good guys" of the Catholic Church for being an outspoken supporter of the victims of clergy sexual abuse scandals.
"When you think of what happened, both that a man who proposes to act in the name of God would have abused an innocent young person and that some bishops would have, in a way, countenanced that by reassigning abusers — that's nothing less than hideous," Dolan said on a 60 Minutes interview in 2011. "That's nothing less than nauseating,"
Dolan Pushed to Defrock Abusive Priests, Protected Church Funds From Victims
MILWAUKEE (WI)New York Magazine
By Margaret Hartmann
When Cardinal Timothy Dolan was archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002 to 2009, he was either trying to get abusive priests away from children as quickly as possible, attempting to protect the church from a growing sex abuse scandal, or some combination of the two. On Monday, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee released 6,000 pages of documents as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court with victims of sexual abuse, who are suing the archdiocese for fraud. The documents offer new details on payments Dolan offered to departing pedophile priests, and reveal that Dolan moved nearly $57 million into a cemetery trust to help protect the funds "from any legal claim or liability." What the documents say about how Dolan handled the scandal he inherited is still open to interpretation.
Dolan certainly doesn't come out looking great, but did repeatedly urge the Vatican to defrock priests who sexually abused children, only to be met with years of silence in some instances. The Wall Street Journal reports that in one case, Dolan's bosses wanted to suspend an admitted sex offender for just ten years, but he pushed for him to be defrocked, arguing that if word ever got out, "our credibility would be seriously damaged." The Vatican barred the priest from ministry indefinitely.
Dolan also approved payments of up to $20,000 for some alleged abusers who agreed to leave quietly. Critics call this a payoff, but the church claims the money was necessary to help the priests transition into secular life. Dolan defended the practice again in a blog post on Monday, writing, "like it or not, bishops do have a canon law obligation to provide basic support like health care and room and board for their priests until they have finally moved on."
Church drags feet on punishing sex-assaulting priest, but not on protecting $57M
MILWAUKEE (WI)New York Daily News
[John O'Brien]
[John O'Brien]
[John O'Brien]
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]
The Vatican took a month to give then-Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan the go-ahead in 2007 to move $57 million into a trust in anticipation of an avalanche of sexual abuse lawsuits against the Milwaukee Archdiocese. But it took six years for Dolan to get the Vatican to defrock an out-of-control priest who had been convicted of sexually assaulting a teen boy.
When then-Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan sounded the alarm on abusive priests, the Roman Catholic Church dragged its feet — but when Dolan needed to protect tens of millions of dollars, the church acted without hesitation, bombshell documents revealed Monday.
The Vatican took only a month to give Dolan the go-ahead in 2007 to move $57 million into a trust in anticipation of an avalanche of sexual abuse lawsuits against the Milwaukee Archdiocese, which Dolan ran from 2002 to 2009.
But it took six years for Dolan to get the Vatican to defrock an out-of-control priest who had been convicted of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old boy.
The stunning revelations were contained in 6,000 pages of documents released Monday by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee as part of its bankruptcy proceeding.
In 2003, Dolan — now the cardinal in New York and arguably the face of the Catholic Church in America — wrote Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, who would go on to become Pope Benedict XVI, notifying him of the Rev. John O’Brien’s criminal conviction.
“After only a few visits they began to hug each other at the end of their time together,” Dolan wrote of O’Brien and the teen victim. “Shortly thereafter, in the basement of the church building, Father O’Brien and the boy had explicit sexual contact.”
Documents: Dolan Tried to Rid Church of Problem Priests
[with video]
(KTVI) – Thousand of documents have been released by the Milwaukee Archdiocese detailing their response to decades of allegations of priest sex abuse.
St. Louis native, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, was Archbishop their from 2002 to 2009. But some church critics are now calling Dolan a criminal. They say he conspired with the Vatican to transfer $57 million from Archdiocese coffers to a new and also pay priest accused of sexual misconduct to leave the church.
Read documents released by the Milwaukee Archdiocese
Cardinal Dolan responded to some of these accusations in a statement released by the Archdiocese of New York saying:
“The accusations that priest were paid off and the he established the fund to shield church assets from lawsuits are ‘discredited attacks.’”
Dolan’s defense of fraudulent transfer in Milwaukee Bankruptcy is “Malarkey”
Dolan’s defense of fraudulent transfer in Milwaukee Bankruptcy is “Malarkey”
Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director (Milwaukee)
CONTACT: 414.429.7259
A letter that surfaced today in the Milwaukee Federal Bankruptcy Court proves that Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York transferred millions of dollars into a bogus Trust to prevent assets of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee from being accessed by survivors of clergy sexual abuse.
In a written response Dolan claims that he was forced to set up the Trust by Wisconsin state law. In a favorite word of Cardinal Dolan: “Malarkey”.
No such ridiculous requirement is found in Wisconsin law.
As today’s letter shows, the decision to establish the bogus trust was the decision of Cardinal Dolan. Under Federal Bankruptcy law it’s called “Fraudulent Conveyance” or “Transfer” and is illegal and punishable by fines, prison time, or both.
In fact, as the New York Times reported today, Dolan used his favorite word when first confronted with his fraud trust scheme in February of 2011. At the time he told the press that charges that he hid money was “terribly irresponsible, malarkey, and ridiculous and groundless gossip.”
Bishop Sklba’s never ending excuses
Bishop Sklba’s never ending excuses
21 years ago, article shows, treatment experts already discredited archdiocese claims about priest sex offender treatment
Statement by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin Director
CONTACT: 414.336.8575
With today’s devastating document release of thousands of pages of abuse related files, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, and especially Bishop Richard Sklba—who was called by former Archbishop Weakland his “go to guy” on all sexual abuse cases—is making the preposterous claim that his actions of leaving and putting pedophile clergy in parishes and schools was done “in the context of the time.” Sklba specifically enjoys offloading his criminal responsibility for being Weakland’s second man to treatment “experts” who “advised” him at the time.
But in an open letter to Weakland in 1992 from the Division IV of the Wisconsin Psychological Association, the committee of state experts that work with sex offenders (read the full 1992 story below) clearly shows this is utterly false.
“Since the early 1970s, there has been a general recognition among psychologists that pedophilia is a treatable mental illness, but that offenders should not be placed in environments where they could continue to abuse children,” the head of the APA group wrote at the time. What Weakland and Sklba were doing was “like giving an alcoholic a job in a bar.”
Deposition of Bishop Sklba released with church documents
[with video]
[Bishop Sklba deposition]
[deposition exhibits]
July 1, 2013, by Jeremy Ross
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Years ago, FOX6 News showed you the video deposition of Archbishop Rembert Weakland as it relates to clergy sex abuse cases within the Milwaukee Archdiocese. Now, we’re learning more about Weakland’s right-hand man.
The deposition of Bishop Richard Sklba was released on Monday, July 1st. Now retired, Sklba is a Vicar — or higher-ranking clergy member — at times, representing other priests.
Bishop Sklba was a priest for nearly 52 years. He knew much about the laws of church leadership. But when asked about some of the training outside of Scripture, he was at times, less knowledgeable.
In 2011 court documents, Sklba was asked if there was training to detect sexual abuse. His answers were not forthcoming. When asked if there was training for priests to manage their sexual lives so they would not engage in sexual abuse, Sklba found the tone offensive.
Eventually, Sklba admitted it was practice to report abuse to civil authorities only if the victim who reported it was under the age of 18. Further, he said if an adult came to him with a concern, he would suggest they go to civil authorities, adding it was not within his range of experience to do otherwise.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan sought to protect money from claims, struggled with Vatican t
MILWAUKEE (WI)Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By Annysa Johnson of the Journal Sentinel
Four years before the Archdiocese of Milwaukee filed for bankruptcy, then-Archbishop Timothy Dolan — now cardinal of New York — sought Vatican approval to move nearly $57 million in cemetery funds off the archdiocese's books and into a special trust to help protect them "from any legal claim or liability."
During his tenure in Milwaukee, Dolan also pleaded repeatedly with the Vatican to "laicize," or defrock, sexually abusive priests, a process that often took years.
One case dragged on for five years, even though the priest was convicted and had sought his own dismissal. At one point a Vatican official told Dolan he could not turn the case over to Pope Benedict XVI without "an admission of guilt and a sincere expression of remorse."
How Dolan — now considered one of the world's most influential Catholic prelates — and his predecessors responded to the sexual abuse crisis in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is laid out in thousands of pages of documents made public today as part of the archdiocese's bankruptcy.
Included in the documents were letters showing that the archdiocese paid abusive priests -- usually $20,000 -- to accept laicization. Critics have characterized this as a payoff or bonus to abusers. However, the church has described it as a charity payment intended to ease the priest's transition into secular life.
Milwaukee Releases Documents On How Cardinal Dolan Dealt With Local Clergy Sex Scandal
By: Jon Weinstein
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York says he worked to end a clergy sex abuse scandal and removed abusive priests when he was the leader of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, but critics say thousands of pages of material released by the archdiocese on Monday prove the exact opposite. NY1's Jon Weinstein filed the following report.
Thousands of pages of depositions, documents and letters have been released, revealing how Cardinal Timothy Dolan handled the fallout from a sexual abuse scandal when he was the top Catholic Church official in Milwaukee.
Before dozens of claims of abuse by priests led the Archdiocese to file for bankruptcy, then-Archbishop Dolan sought permission from the Vatican to move $57 million meant for cemetery care into a newly created trust separate from the archdiocese's general funds.
In a 2007 letter seeking permission from the Vatican, which he ultimately got, Dolan writes, "By transferring these assets to the Trust, I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability."
"We see very clearly in the letter that the primary concern was with the legal claims that they were facing, and growing number of legal claims by victims of sexual abuse," said Pam Spees of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
A look at the Milwaukee archdiocese's documents
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]
By The Associated Press
MILWAUKEE (AP) - The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has released thousands of pages of documents related to clergy sex abuse as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court between the archdiocese and abuse victims suing it for fraud. Here is a look at what is in the documents:
The approximately 6,000 pages of documents released by the Milwaukee archdiocese include personnel files for 42 priests with substantiated allegations of sexual abuse against them, along with depositions of church leaders including New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the former archbishop of Milwaukee, and other records. The documents show that archdiocese officials struggled to deal with problem priests, sending them to treatment and then reassigning them to new parishes where no one would know their histories, before eventually concluding the best route was to remove them from the priesthood.
The archdiocese released the files as part of a deal with victims suing it in federal bankruptcy court for fraud. Jerry Topczewski, chief of staff for Archbishop Jerome Listecki, said the archdiocese had been reluctant to release the files because of privacy concerns for the victims, those reporting crimes, officials handling the cases and others. But he said the archdiocese eventually realized that unless it made the records public, some victims would not agree to a bankruptcy settlement.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan Denies Moving Milwaukee Church Funds To Protect Them From Child Sex Victims
MILWAUKEE (WI)International Business Times
By Treye Green
on July 01 2013
Cardinal Timothy F. Dolan is challenging claims that during his time as archbishop of Milwaukee he moved close to $57 million in church funds to protect the archdioscese from clergy sexual abuse victims who were asking to be compensated.
In a statement released Monday, Dolan -- who is now the cardinal archbishop of New York, the preeminent post in the U.S. church -- has denied attempting to keep the funds from sexual abuse victims. This follows the release of files by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee which show that he asked the Vatican for permission to move the more than $57 million into a cemetery trust fund reports, the New York Times.
The communications office of the Archdiocese of New York stated Monday:
“Unfortunately, we have already seen how the release of these documents will cause some to raise old and discredited attacks — like priest-abusers having been ‘paid’ to apply for laicization, (like it or not, bishops do have a canon law obligation to provide basic support like health care and room and board for their priests until they have finally moved on) or that establishing a perpetual care fund from money belonging to cemeteries and designated for that purpose — as required by state law and mandated by the archdiocesan finance council — was an attempt to shield it from the bankruptcy proceedings. While certain groups can be counted upon to take certain statements and events out of context, the documents released show plainly that the bishops have been faithful to the promises made over a decade ago: permanent removal from ministry of any priest who abused a minor; complete cooperation with law enforcement officials; and strict, child-safety requirements.”
Daniel Budzynski case shows patterns of secrecy, parish-shifting
MILWAUKEE (WI)Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By Karen Herzog of the Journal Sentinel July 1, 2013
It took nearly 40 years from the first time Milwaukee priest Daniel Budzynski sexually abused a child until he was finally, firmly told by former Archbishop Timothy Dolan not to wear his collar in public, or present himself as a priest.
Budzynski, who told authorities that he was sexually abused as a child, was linked in 1994 to the sexual abuse of some 50 individuals at 11 different parishes between 1965 and 1994 — many of which he admitted to and described in detail.
When the first allegation from a victim surfaced in August 1973, then-Archbishop William Cousins told Budzynski to take a leave of absence because remaining in the parish could induce publicity that should be avoided.
In 1982, officials sent Budzynski to a residential treatment facility for alcohol abuse and psycho-sexual problems. But once he completed the program, he continued to offend.
His case is detailed in correspondence and internal files released Monday as part of Archdiocesan bankruptcy proceedings. The Budzynski case illustrates the church's practice of transferring documented predators from parish to parish over decades while the abuse continued and officials worried about the financial liability if victims came forward.
Church docs show priest was shuffled while abuse continued
[with video]
July 1, 2013, by Bryan Polcyn
MILWAUKEE – Father Daniel Budzynski is accused of molesting more than 40 young boys over 31 years, while the Milwaukee Archdiocese shuffled him around to a dozen local parishes. For all those years, the church never told parishioners or the public what it knew.
Timeline of events
Supporting documents
Budzynski eventually told some of his victims that he’s sorry. And according a handwritten letter he sent to one victim, he’s asked God to forgive him, too. But when the Fox 6 Investigators called on Monday, Budzynski was in no mood to discuss it.
Bryan Polcyn/FOX 6 Investigators: “Can you explain why you continued to move from parish to parish after all of those years of sexual abuse?”
Daniel Budzynksi/Former Priest: “I tell you I have nothing to say about it.”
According to documents released by the Archdiocese, Budzynski’s molestation began at St. Helen’s parish in 1956. It continued at St. Hedwig’s in 1962. In 1966, Budzynski petitioned the church to become a guidance counselor at St. Paul’s parish, because he was “especially interested in helping boys.”
He later admitted to molesting 17 of them, including an alter boy who says Budzynski “made sure to bless us after every mass,” a reference to regular sexual assaults.
Milwaukee Archdiocese releases details in clergy sex cases
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]
Article by: ROSE FRENCH , Star Tribune Updated: July 1, 2013
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee released 6,000 pages of documents related to clergy sex abuse on Monday, including the personnel files of more than three dozen priests and the depositions of church leaders such as New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, former Milwaukee archbishop.
The documents were made public as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court between the archdiocese and the hundreds of victims suing it for fraud — a majority of whom are represented by prominent St. Paul attorney Jeff Anderson.
During a news conference held at Anderson’s law offices Monday, he stood in front of the reams of church documents and accused bishops and Vatican leaders of refusing to respond quickly enough in addressing reported abuse. Victims accuse the archdiocese of transferring problem priests to new churches without warning parishioners and covering up priests’ crimes for decades.
“We see a sense of cowardice among the clerics at the top that contrasts with the courage of the [abuse] survivors who … disclosed the secret … and demanded exposure and closure,” Anderson said. “These survivors chose to stand up against them.”
Priest abuse victim has day of ‘truth’
[with video]
By Steve Chamraz
MILWAUKEE -- Details buried in thousands of pages of once-secret church files do not come as a surprise to John Pilmaier.
Rather, they reinforce the things Pilmaier came to believe about the Archdiocese of Milwaukee after he come forward as a victim of sexual abuse.
“For a faith institution to lie to the people they've hurt the most is really atrocious,” Pilmaier said in an interview Monday evening. “The documents are, really, as close to the truth as we are ever gonna get.”
Pilmaier was one of nearly 20 boys abused by Father David Hanser. As the documents in Hanser’s file show, it was abuse documented by the Archdiocese over decades.
The file also documents how church leaders continued to let Hanser move from position to position -- even after abuse came to light.
Reaction to Sex Abuse Reports
[with video]
By Alex Hagan
Dozens of priests, hundreds of victims. New documents just released by the Milwaukee Archdiocese name more than forty priests accused of molesting minors. It's all part of a deal between the church and sex abuse victims suing for fraud.
The names of all 45 offending priests including 15 spending time in Fond Du Lac and Sheboygan, now available to anyone on the Diocese's website.
People in Green Bay say it's a step forward for the Catholic Church.
"I think the church has been hiding a lot of things and i wish they hadn't," says Charlie Hagen of Green Bay.
"Alleviate the mysteriousness that people think surrounds the Catholic church," says Jaena Manson of Green Bay.
Dolan calls allegations of fraud an "old and discredited" attack
by Michele McCormack
Story Created: Jul 1, 2013
MILWAUKEE-Online documents show that back in 2007 Dolan asked for and received permission from the Vatican to move 57 million dollars into a trust fund.
The chief of staff for current Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki said the money mentioned was always set aside in a separate fund for cemetery care and moving it to a trust just formalized the that.
Dolan, who is president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the nation's most prominent Roman Catholic official, has not been accused of transferring problem priests, after taking over control of the Milwaukee church in 2002 at that point many victims had already gone public.
Back in 2003 roughly a year after becoming leader of the Milwaukee church Dolan warned then Cardinal Ratzinger back who would later become pope..
"as victims organize and become more public, the potential for true scandal is very real."
Abuse Survivors' Attorney Calls Archdiocese Revelations "Sickening"
[with video]
documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]By Tony Ullrich
Milwaukee -
The Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee released thousands of pages of documents Monday, publicly revealing how it handled sexual abuse allegations.
It released the documents -- 40,000 pages spanning several decades -- as part of a deal between the archdiocese and sex abuse victims who are suing it for fraud.
The archdiocese admits the items in the documents reveal "terrible things that happened to children" and it was ill-equipped to respond to the offenders and victims and their families.
The documents include depositions of church leaders and priests' personnel files.
A Minnesota attorney representing some of the 575 sexual abuse survivors held a news conference Monday calling the revelations "shocking and sickening."
Files Show Dolan Pushed to Defrock Priests
MILWAUKEE (WI)Wall Street Journal
By Ben Kesling, Jennifer Maloney
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, when head of the Milwaukee Archdiocese, urged the Vatican to defrock priests who sexually abused children, while also placing some $57 million of church funds in a trust that protected them from being tapped by victims through lawsuits, documents released Monday show.
The documents were part of a trove of thousands of pages released under the archdiocese’s 2011 bankruptcy case, including case files on dozens of alleged pedophile priests and depositions of senior church leaders.
In 2008, Vatican authorities recommended the imposition of a 10-year precept, or suspension, on Thomas Trepanier, a self-admitted offender. Then-Archbishop Dolan asked the Vatican to instead defrock the priest.
“If word got out that the Holy See had left the door open for a reconsideration of Father Trepanier’s case in 10 years our credibility would be seriously damaged,” he wrote in a letter to Rome. The Vatican ended up restricting the priest from ministry indefinitely.
Vatican warned of potential for 'true scandal' over sex abuse claims
The Associated Press
Published Monday, July 1, 2013
MILWAUKEE -- The cardinal of the Archdiocese of New York, in his former job, warned the future Pope Benedict XVI that "the potential for true scandal is very real" over sex abuse claims, according to documents released Monday.
Former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan -- now president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the nation's most prominent Roman Catholic official -- sought to push problem priests out of the priesthood after people began coming forward with abuse claims in the early 2000s.
Dolan wrote to then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future pope, in July 2003 asking to dismiss Daniel Budzynski. Abuse allegations against Budzynski stretched back to the 1970s, and Dolan told Ratzinger that "as victims organize and become more public, the potential for true scandal is very real."
Documents show Milwaukee archdiocese shielded pedophile priests
MILWAUKEE (WI)Chicago Tribune
Brendan O'Brien and Geoffrey Davidian
10:28 p.m. CDT, July 1, 2013
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Roman Catholic Church officials in Milwaukee vigorously shielded pedophile priests and protected church funds from lawsuits during a decades-long sex abuse scandal, according to hundreds of documents released on Monday.
The documents include letters and deposition testimony from Cardinal and Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan who, during his time as archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002 to 2009, appealed to Vatican on numerous occasions to help address the ongoing fallout from the scandal.
The 6,000 pages of documents related to eight decades of abuse cases showed in great detail the Milwaukee archdiocese regularly reassigned priests who were accused of sexual molestation to new parishes and Dolan himself asking the Vatican permission to transfer $57 million to a trust fund to protect it against court action.
In 2011, the Milwaukee archdiocese filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, citing the financial drain of settling sexual-abuse claims and acknowledging missteps by the church in dealing with pedophile priests.
Sex abuse files date back to Washburn parish in 1940s
WISCONSINDuluth News Tribune
[Oswald Krusing]
Thousands of documents released by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee on Monday include a long-ago report of an accused priest granted a temporary assignment in Washburn only to reoffend in his new location, a lawyer reviewing the files told the News Tribune and Superior Telegram.
By: Staff report, Duluth News Tribune and Associated Press
Thousands of documents released by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee on Monday include a long-ago report of an accused priest granted a temporary assignment in Washburn only to reoffend in his new location, a lawyer reviewing the files told the News Tribune and Superior Telegram.
“If he is willing to come to Superior to work for a time until he has readjusted himself to the life of a diocesan priest, I shall be happy to receive him,” Bishop William O’Connor of the Diocese of Superior wrote to Milwaukee Archbishop Moses Kiley about the Rev. Oswald Krusing in November 1942.
Mike Finnegan, a lawyer with Jeff Anderson and Associates in Minneapolis, said the letters between O’Connor and Kiley suggest the obfuscation used by bishops when writing about abuse.
“In English, it’s saying that they need to keep him away from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for some time period,” he said. “We know (there was) one person that contacted the archdiocese in 1996 who reported being abused by Krusing in Superior in the 1940s. They moved him up there on another group of unsuspecting parishioners and kids, where he abused a child after he was up there for a very short amount of time.”
Cardinal Dolan denies moving Milwaukee church money in sex abuse cases
[with video]
by Mary Murphy
NEW YORK (PIX11) – Timothy Cardinal Dolan lashed out at critics Monday who claimed he moved nearly $57 million dollars in church money into a trust, when he was Archbishop of Milwaukee, so it wouldn’t be vulnerable to lawsuits filed by Catholics who said they were abused by Milwaukee priests.
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee released more than six thousand documents Monday, part of a deal it reached in federal court with lawyers representing 570 people who have lawsuits pending against the Catholic Church there.
Dolan was appointed by the Vatican to clean up the Archdiocese in 2002, after the Church’s sexual abuse crisis among the clergy exploded in the United States, and then, around the world.
One of the documents released Monday was a letter written by then-Archbishop Dolan to the Vatican in 2007, seeking permission to transfer money from a cemetery fund into a trust. In the letter, dated June 4, 2007, Dolan wrote, “By transferring these assets to the trust, I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability.” The Vatican approved the transfer, during a time when hundreds of lawsuits were being filed against the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy protection in 2011, two years after Timothy Dolan left Milwaukee, appointed in 2009 as Archbishop of New York.
Catholics, SNAP react to Milwaukee Archdiocese sex abuse document release
[with video]
By Lacey Crisp with Jay Sorgi
MILWAUKEE - As Milwaukee's Archdiocese releases 6,000-plus pages of documents about abuse by its priests, Catholics and a group which represents abuse victims are sounding off.
“This is a shocking and stunning document, how they have concealed and moved not only predator priests, but all the money," said Peter Isely of SNAP, or Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests.
SNAP urges all Catholics to read all 6,000 pages.
“I think every Catholic in this Archdiocese should read this carefully because what it’s going to show is that they’ve been lied to,” said John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin Director.
Jeffrey Anderson is an attorney who represents most of the 500-plus victims who have filed sex abuse claims against the church.
“In order for the future to be safe, it is there and our view the past has to be known. It has to be disclosed. It has to be exposed," said Anderson.
Secret Church Documents Show Vatican’s Role In Sex Abuse
MILWAUKEE, Wis. (WCCO) — Attorneys said 6,000 pages of secret church documents reveal in detail the Vatican’s role in child sex abuse cases.
St. Paul-based attorney Jeff Anderson said the letters show an elaborate abuse cover-up in Milwaukee from the 1950s through today.
Attorneys said the Catholic Church covered up the actions of priests, preventing parishioners from knowing their history.
On Monday, the Milwaukee Archdiocese released the personnel files of 42 priests with verified claims of abuse against them — and the depositions from top church officials.
This information has been made public through a deal between the Catholic Church and sex abuse victims.
Survivors group calls record release 'day of validation'
MILWAUKEE (WI)Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By Patrick Simonaitis of the Journal Sentinel July 1, 2013
Leaders of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) and several victims of sexual abuse by priests responded Monday to the release of thousands of pages of documents relating to years of sexual abuse released by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee earlier today.
"This is a day of validation for hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of victims of child sexual abuse," said Peter Isely, the Midwest director of SNAP, said at an afternoon news conference outside of the federal courthouse. "Today is mostly a day of sadness and grief, but it has to turn into a day of accountability and responsibility."
Isely said the group is sending a letter to federal prosecutors to bring fraud charges against former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan for his role in transferring funds from the Archdiocese into a cemetery trust fund that would be protected against liability in the Archdiocese's bankruptcy case.
"In order to solve cases of state fraud, these priests committed federal fraud," Isely said. "It's long overdue that there is a federal investigation into this Archdiocese and how they have concealed and moved not only predator priests, but all the money also."
Archdiocese documents show priests paid to leave
[Payments to Priests Accused of Molesting Children - All Documents]
Associated Press
MILWAUKEE (AP) - As more victims of clergy sex abuse came forward, then-Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan developed a plan to pay some abusers to leave the priesthood after writing to Vatican officials with increasing frustration and concern, warning them about the potential for scandal if they did not defrock problem priests, according to documents released Monday.
Dolan's correspondence with Vatican officials and priests accused of sexual abuse was included in about 6,000 pages of documents the Archdiocese of Milwaukee released Monday as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court with clergy sex abuse victims suing it for fraud. Victims say the archdiocese transferred problem priests to new churches without warning parishioners and covered up priests' crimes for decades.
The documents have drawn attention in part because of the involvement of Dolan, who is now cardinal of the Archdiocese of New York and the nation's most prominent Roman Catholic official by virtue of his position as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The records provide new details on his plan to pay some abusers to leave the priesthood and the transfer of nearly $57 million for cemetery care into a trust as the archdiocese prepared to file for bankruptcy.
Victims and their attorneys accused Dolan of bankruptcy fraud, pointing to a June 2007 letter in which he told a Vatican office that moving the money into a trust would provide "an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability."
Archbishop Timothy Dolan Purposely Shuttled 57 Million Dollars Away From Sex Abuse Victims
MILWAUKEE (WI)Guardian Express
He Viewed The Victims As A Major Inconvenience
Added by Rebecca Savastio on July 1, 2013.
A portion of the proceeds from this article will be donated to SNAP-the Survivor’s Network of Those Abused by Priests. Please share this article on your social networks.
Breaking news out of Milwaukee today as thousands of pages of documents have been released from the Catholic Archdiocese there. The papers show that Archbishop Timothy Dolan bribed priests to keep them quiet about the child sex abuse scandal, purposely shuttled nearly 57 million dollars out of the Milwaukee Archdiocese before it declared bankruptcy in an attempt to avoid paying settlements to victims, and was far more concerned with accused priests’ well-being and comfort than with the victims themselves. The papers, published on the Archdiocese website as well as on the website of victims’ lawyers, detail depositions, personnel files and court papers in relation to 42 separate child sexual abuse cases.
In preparation of the publication of the documents, Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki of Milwaukee wrote a letter to his congregation, attempting to explain how the church has had to undergo an “arc of understanding” to comprehend the fact that molesting children is a criminal act. In one paragraph, he says “The arc of understanding sexual abuse of a minor progressed from being seen as a moral failing and sin that needed personal resolve and spiritual direction; to a psychological deficiency that required therapy and could be cured; to issues of addiction requiring more extensive therapy and restrictions on ministry; to recognition of the long-term effects of abuse and the need to hold the perpetrator accountable for this criminal activity.”
While most would say that sexual abuse of a minor would automatically be considered a criminal act for which the perpetrator should be held accountable, the church seems to have taken nearly 80 years coming to that conclusion. Owning up to the mistakes, Listecki said, took a long time because the church only realized that having sex with children was wrong when they looked back upon their actions. “Acknowledging our past… includes facing up to mistakes that were made, even if some of those mistakes become apparent only in hindsight” he writes.
On the Milwaukee Document Release
MILWAUKEE (WI)BishopAccountability.org
Statement by Terence McKiernan, President of BishopAccountability.org
July 1, 2013
Thanks to the determination of survivors and Judge Susan V. Kelley’s recent expressed intention to lift her protective order, a significant collection of documents and depositions has been released by Jeffrey Anderson, attorney for many of the survivors, and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The archive is large and will take time to assess, but it will clearly enhance our understanding of the sexual abuse of children by archdiocesan priests, the fraudulent conduct of the archdiocese, and in particular, the role of now-Cardinal Dolan in managing abuse cases and archdiocesan finances.
The documents provide additional evidence that, contrary to Cardinal Dolan’s repeated denials, he concluded settlements with numerous offending priests, paying them bounties if they would agree to request laicization for sexually abusing children. The archive also contains an important 2007 exchange of letters between Dolan and the Vatican on the eve of the bankruptcy filing, in which Dolan asked permission to shelter $56.9 million, envisioning “an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability.” The revelations about these actions, and Dolan’s denials, raise the question whether he is fit to lead the USCCB and the Archdiocese of New York. Documents also demonstrate that requests for laicization, which had been handled slowly by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, continued to be processed at a snail’s pace, and that children continued to be endangered thereby, after Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI.
The archive released today does not include documents on the many religious order priests accused of abusing children in Milwaukee, and the archive offers only a sample of each file that was released. But the archive deepens our knowledge of the atrocious abuse suffered by children in the archdiocese, and sheds a harsh light on the conduct of Cardinal Dolan, Pope Benedict, and others in positions of responsibility.
SNAP calling for federal investigation into Dolan’s transfer of money
July 1, 2013, by Katie DeLong
MILWAUKEE (WITI) — On Monday, July 1st, thousands of pages of documents, detailing the role of the Milwaukee Archdiocese and its officials in sex abuse cases involving clergy, and actions of the Archdiocese as it relates to finances and the Archdiocese’s bankruptcy proceedings were released. One group responding to the release is SNAP — the Survivor’s Network for Those Abused by Priests. SNAP is now calling out former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan for his role in the transferring of money from the Archdiocese to a trust.
SNAP says on June 4, 2007, then Archbishop Timothy Dolan of Milwaukee, now Cardinal of New York, sent a letter to the Vatican requesting permission to transfer nearly $57 million dollars from the assets of the archdiocese into a new “autonomous pious foundation” called a “Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust.”
SNAP says, while this was occurring, the Milwaukee Archdiocese was facing a growing number of potential claims for fraud in concealing and transferring known child sex offenders.
SNAP says the documents released on Monday show that Dolan had considered bankruptcy for the archdiocese as early as 2004.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 5:16
Dolan Applauds Release Of Deposition Taken During Milwaukee Clergy Sex Abuse Cases
MILWAUKEE (CBSNewYork/AP) – Former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan sought and received permission from the Vatican to move $57 million from a cemetery fund into a trust to provide “improved protection” as the archdiocese prepared to file for bankruptcy amid dozens of claims by victims of clergy sex abuse, according to documents made public Monday.
Dolan’s 2007 letter, which he wrote while serving as archbishop in Milwaukee, and the Vatican’s response were included in thousands of pages of documents the archdiocese released as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court between the archdiocese and clergy sex abuse victims suing it for fraud. Victims say the archdiocese transferred problem priests to new churches without warning parishioners and covered up priests’ crimes for decades.
EXTRA: Read Dolan’s Deposition (pdf) | Documents Released By Milwaukee Archdiocese
“Responding to victim-survivors, taking action against priest-abusers, and working to implement policies to protect children, were some of the most difficult, challenging, and moving events of the 6 ½ years that I served as Archbishop of Milwaukee,” Dolan said in a statement released Monday. “One of the principles that guided me during that time was the need for transparency and openness, which is why I not only welcomed the deposition as a chance to go on-the-record with how we responded to the clergy sexual abuse crisis during my years in Milwaukee, but also encouraged that it be released.”
Victims and clergy will respond ...
Victims and clergy will respond Monday, 2:30 p.m. to release of Milwaukee priest sex abuse files
Victims and clergy will respond Monday, 2:30 p.m. to release of Milwaukee priest sex abuse files
SNAP leaders join with Survivor Clergy Alliance to address document release
WHO: SNAP leaders, including Peter Isely, the longtime Midwest Director of SNAP will join with members of the Survivor Clergy Alliance, Fr. Jim Connell and survivor Monica Barrett, to address the release of over 6,000 pages of priest sex abuse files from the Milwaukee Archdiocese including the depositions of Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Emeritus Archbishop Rembert Weakland, and Bishop Richard Sklba.
WHERE: The U.S. Federal Courthouse, 517 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee
WHEN: 2:30 p.m.
DOCUMENTS: Should be posted and organized at 1:00 p.m. on the website of AndersonAdvocates.com.
SNAP Response: Updated through the day at SNAPwisconsin.com
Peter Isely SNAP Midwest Director 414.429.7259, peterisely@yahoo.com
John Pilmaier SNAP Wisconsin Director 414.336.8575, pilmaier@milwpc.com
Mike Sneesby SNAP Milwaukee Director 414-915-4374
Monica Barrett 414-704-6074, 1mlbarrett@gmail.com
Fr. Jim Connell 414-940-8054, Connellj@archmil.org
Dolan deposition made public
[Cardinal Dolan deposition]
[deposition exhibits]
MILWAUKEE —Cardinal Timothy Dolan said he found a diocese full of "hurting souls" in Milwaukee as the priest sexual abuse scandal exploded in 2002, the same year Dolan was appointed archbishop of Milwaukee.
Clergy sex abuse documents and depositions from the Milwaukee archdiocese are released as part of its bankruptcy proceedings.
Dolan's most extensive comments yet on the scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church were revealed Monday in a deposition he gave on Feb. 20, 2013, in New York City, where he is now archbishop. The deposition was part of thousands of pages of documents released in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's bankruptcy case.
Dolan told the attorney taking the deposition that he believed he had an obligation to his people.
"The souls of some people who had been damaged in a nauseating way when they were young people, they were hurting, their parents were hurting, the parishes were hurting," Dolan said in the deposition.
Dolan Sought Vatican Permission to Shield Assets
MILWAUKEE (WI)The New York Times
Documents on Clergy Offenders
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Lawyers of the Abused
Published: July 1, 2013
Files released by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee on Monday revealed that in 2007, the diocese’s archbishop at the time, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, requested permission from the Vatican to move nearly $57 million into a cemetery trust fund in order to protect the assets from victims of clergy sexual abuse who were demanding compensation.
Cardinal Dolan, now the archbishop of New York, has in the past emphatically denied seeking to shield church funds as archbishop of Milwaukee, and he reiterated in a statement on Monday that these were “old and discredited attacks.”
However, the files released Monday contain a letter he wrote to the Vatican in 2007, in which he explained that by transferring the assets, “I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability.”
The Vatican moved swiftly to approve the request, the files show, even though it often took years to remove known abusers from the priesthood.
Abuse victims demanding transparency and accountability have long pressed for the release of the documents, and the victims’ lawyers had asked a judge to compel their release. One day before a judicial hearing in April, the archbishop of Milwaukee, Jerome E. Listecki, announced his intention to release the documents.
Former Milwaukee archbishop sought money transfer from Vatican
MILWAUKEE (WI)The Guardian (UK)
[Permission to transfer funds]
Associated Press in Milwaukee
guardian.co.uk, Monday 1 July 2013
The cardinal of the archdiocese of New York, in his former job, sought permission from the Vatican to move $57m into a trust for "improved protection" as the Milwaukee archdiocese prepared to file for bankruptcy amid dozens of claims by victims of clergy sex abuse, according to documents made public on Monday.
The Vatican granted the request of former Milwaukee archbishop Timothy Dolan, who is president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the nation's most prominent Roman Catholic official.
Monday's release of about 6,000 pages of documents has drawn national attention because of Dolan's involvement.
His 2007 letter, and the Vatican's response, were among the documents the archdiocese released as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court between the archdiocese and clergy sex abuse victims suing it for fraud. Victims say the archdiocese transferred problem priests to new churches without warning parishioners and covered up priests' crimes for decades.
Dolan has not been accused of transferring problem priests, and he took over as archbishop in Milwaukee in mid-2002, after many victims had already come forward. But there have been questions about his response to the crisis.
The victims' attorneys have accused Dolan of trying to hide the $57m as the Milwaukee archdiocese planned for bankruptcy. The archdiocese denies those allegations.
MILWAUKEE (WI)Catholic League (THIS IS THE GOLIATH BULLY OF THE VATICAN PIED PIPER MEDIA EMPIRE and he continuously mocks victims of pedophile priests)
[Cardinal Dolan deposition]
Bill Donohue comments on the deposition by Cardinal Timothy Dolan that was released today regarding his tenure as Archbishop of Milwaukee; the deposition was taken in February:
Under questioning by Jeffrey Anderson, an activist lawyer, Cardinal Dolan gravely disappointed the enemies of the Catholic Church: they were denied their “gotcha” moment. Indeed, pint-sized Anderson didn’t lay a glove on the big guy.
Boring. That is the most accurate word to describe the deposition. Here is a list of the topics that Anderson pursued: the statute of limitations; a public list of accused priests; the process of handling deceased and elderly priests; laicization; false and substantiated allegations; compensation for priests let go from ministry; cemetery funds; parish finances; the scope of an archbishop’s authority; the effect of the scandal on Catholics.
Statement Of Timothy Cardinal Dolan On The Release Of His Depostion By The Archdiocese Of Milwaukee
NEW YORKRoman Catholic Archdiocese of New York
July 1, 2013
“I welcome today’s voluntary release of documents by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee that contain information and details related to sexual abuse by clergy, and how the Archdiocese of Milwaukee responded to it. I am especially grateful that my deposition of February 2013, given as part of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, is one of the documents being released.
Responding to victim-survivors, taking action against priest-abusers, and working to implement policies to protect children, were some of the most difficult, challenging, and moving events of the 6 ½ years that I served as Archbishop of Milwaukee. One of the principles that guided me during that time was the need for transparency and openness, which is why I not only welcomed the deposition as a chance to go on-the-record with how we responded to the clergy sexual abuse crisis during my years in Milwaukee, but also encouraged that it be released.
Unfortunately, we have already seen how the release of these documents will cause some to raise old and discredited attacks – like priest-abusers having been “paid” to apply for laicization, (like it or not, bishops do have a canon law obligation to provide basic support like health care and room and board for their priests until they have finally moved on) or that establishing a perpetual care fund from money belonging to cemeteries and designated for that purpose – as required by state law and mandated by the archdiocesan finance council – was an attempt to shield it from the bankruptcy proceedings. While certain groups can be counted-upon to take certain statements or events out of context, the documents released show plainly that the bishops have been faithful to the promises made over a decade ago: permanent removal from ministry of any priest who abused a minor; complete cooperation with law enforcement officials; and, strict child-safety requirements. The sexual abuse of minors is a crime and it is a sin. The Church must remain rigorous in our response when an allegation of abuse is received, and ever-vigilant in maintaining our safeguards to do all that we can to see that children are protected. It is my hope that the release of these documents will also help to show how the Catholic Church in the United States has become a leader in dealing with the society-wide scourge of sexual abuse, and help other groups and organizations who are also seeking combat this evil.”
You may read the deposition here.
Records: Dolan warned Vatican of sex abuse scandal
[Daniel Budzynski]
By M.L. JOHNSON — Associated Press
MILWAUKEE — Former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan sought to push problem priests out of the priesthood to avoid further scandal after sex abuse victims began coming forward in the early 2000s.
Many victims in Milwaukee began coming forward in 2002 after news broke about clergy abuse in Boston.
Dolan wrote to then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI, in July 2003 asking to dismiss Daniel Budzynski.
Abuse allegations against Budzynski stretched to the 1970s, and Dolan told Ratzinger in correspondence made public Monday that "as victims organize and become more public, the potential for true scandal is very real."
The Vatican removed Budzynski from the priesthood in 2004.
Dolan's letter is part documents the Milwaukee archdiocese released Monday. Dolan is currently the cardinal of the New York archdiocese.
Milwaukee documents show church was slow to act on abusive priests
MILWAUKEE (WI)National Catholic Reporter
Marie Rohde | Jul. 1, 2013
Pages and pages of paperwork documenting clergy sex abuse in the Milwaukee archdiocese were released Monday afternoon, providing insight to priest abuse cases over the years as well as New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan's request to move church assets to protect them from a bankruptcy filing before he left Milwaukee in 2009.
Jeff Anderson, a lawyer representing the victims of clergy sex abuse in the archdiocese, said in a press conference Monday that the newly released documents show that decisions were made to move $147 million to a fund for cemetery maintenance and to parishes under Dolan, then archbishop of Milwaukee. Anderson said the Vatican acted with unprecedented speed to approve the transfer of the money.
Anderson said the request to move the money was made in a June 4, 2007, letter to the Vatican and was approved July 18, 2007.
Anderson compared the speed of the money transfer to the years it took to act on abusive priests. Specifically, he said, Fr. John Wagner was accused of abusing 10 minors, and though he admitted some of the misconduct, he remained a priest for more than seven years after the allegations were made.
Dolan 2007 letter to Vatican is “smoking gun” ...
Dolan 2007 letter to Vatican is “smoking gun” proving he committed federal bankruptcy fraud, victims say
Dolan 2007 letter to Vatican is “smoking gun” proving he committed federal bankruptcy fraud, victims say
New York Cardinal conspired with Vatican while in Milwaukee to transfer nearly $57 million into new corporation for the “protection” of funds “from any legal claim and liability”
Milwaukee Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy in January 2011 not claiming Dolan’s transferred funds as assets
Survivors asking US attorney to investigate Dolan for criminal charges of “fraudulent conveyance”
Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director (Milwaukee)
CONTACT: 414.429.7259
Dolan letter to Vatican at this link:
On June 4, 2007, then Archbishop Timothy Dolan of Milwaukee, now Cardinal of New York, sent a letter to the Vatican requesting permission to transfer nearly $57 million dollars from the assets of the archdiocese into a new “autonomous pious foundation” called a “Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust.”
While this was occurring the Milwaukee Archdiocese was facing a growing number of potential claims for fraud in concealing and transferring known child sex offenders. Dolan had considered bankruptcy for the archdiocese as early as 2004.
According to the letter to Cardinal Claudio Hummes, Prefect of the powerful Congregation of the Clergy in Rome, Dolan said he had already established the Trust on May 4, 2007, after “extensive study and consultation” and was seeking permission from the Vatican to make the transfer.
Dolan then clearly states his intent for creating the Trust: “By transferring these assets to the Trust, they will be protected by any legal claim and liability.”
On July 1, 2007 the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled unanimously that civil cases for fraud against the Milwaukee Archdiocese could proceed.
Two weeks later, on July 18, 2007 Dolan got his approval from Rome and the money, presumably, was then transferred.
Church aware of paedophiles
AUSTRALIAMaitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 2, 2013
Senior church officials knew Denis McAlinden abused an 11-year-old girl in 1953 and still allowed the priest to move between Hunter parishes where he continued to sexually abuse children over four decades, a sex abuse inquiry has heard.
The shocking facts were recounted by counsel assisting – Julia Lonergan SC – who told the special commission of inquiry, internal church correspondence showed clergy members had “extensive knowledge dating back to the 1950s of the serious risk to children posed by McAlinden”.
Part two of the inquiry, which began yesterday, will for the next three weeks examine whether church officials hindered police investigations into paedophilia by failing to report offences, discouraging witnesses from coming forward, alerting offenders about possible police action and destroying evidence.
One of the men who knew of the priest’s paedophilia, Monsignor Patrick Cotter, extracted a confession from McAlinden in 1976 after he sexually abused a primary school student in Forster.
Judge denies priest's effort to exclude alleged admissions of child molestation from trial
CALIFORNIASacramento Bee
By Andy Furillo
Published: Wednesday, Jul. 3, 2013
Sacramento Superior Court Judge Eugene L. Balonon denied efforts by the Rev. Uriel Ojeda to exclude his alleged admissions of child molestation to Catholic Sacramento diocese officials at his upcoming trial.
Ojeda's attorney, Jesse Ortiz, had argued that the young priest believed his statements to a church official and a private investigator were confidential and should be excluded.
Ojeda is accused in a seven-count complaint of molesting a girl younger than 14 while he worked at parishes in Woodland and Redding.
Six Priests in Milwaukee Archdiocese Sex Abuse Records Worked in Waukesha
Six priests named in the sexual abuse files worked at three different churches in Waukesha from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Posted by Charles Gorney (Editor), July 3, 2013
Six priests whose names appear on a list of priests removed or restricted from ministry because of substianted allegations of sexual abuse of minors worked in Waukesha, according to records released Monday.
The release, partly motivated by the archdiocese's Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, includes about 6,000 pages of documents — from personnel files of priests accused of sexual abuse to depositions of high-ranking archdiocese officials, including former archbishop Timothy Dolan.
Among the names listed are:
David Hanser, faculty at Catholic Memorial High School, 1961-1970
Donald Peters, faculty at Catholic Memorial High School, 1967-1969
George Hopf, assistant at St. Mary Parish, 1962-1966
Ronald Bandle, pastoral team member at St. Mary Parish, 1983-1989
John Wagner, associate pastor at St. William Parish, 1973-1974
Franklyn Becker, associate pastor at St. William Parish, 1974-1975
The documents were selected by the abuse survivor attorneys, archdiocese chief of staff Jerry Topczewski told Patch. Though the records were released as part of a bankruptcy agreement, Topczewski stressed that releasing the files can be part of the healing process for abuse survivors.
Five Priests in Milwaukee Archdiocese Sex Abuse Records Worked in Brookfield
David Hanser was associate pastor at St. John Vianney Parish in the 1970s, and James Flynt, Vincent Silvestri, Charles Walter and Thomas Trepanier were associate pastors at St. Dominic Parish.
Posted by Charles Gorney (Editor), July 3, 2013
The release, partly motivated by the archdiocese's Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, includes about 6,000 pages of documents — from personnel files of priests accused of sexual abuse to depositions of high-ranking archdiocese officials, including former archbishop Timothy Dolan.
Among the names listed are:
David Hanser, associate pastor and temporary administrator at St. John Vianney Parish, 1972-1978
James Flynt, associate pastor at St. Dominic Parish, 1987-1989
Vincent Silvestri, associate pastor at St. Dominic, 1983-1993
Charles Walter, associate pastor at St. Dominic, 1984-1987
Thomas Trepanier, associate pastor at St. Dominic, 2000-2002
The documents were selected by the abuse survivor attorneys, archdiocese chief of staff Jerry Topczewski told Patch. Though the records were released as part of a bankruptcy agreement, Topczewski stressed that releasing the files can be part of the healing process for abuse survivors.
"Ultimately, we want them to know that the church loves them," Topczewski said. "And the church owes them a debt of gratitude for having the courage to come forward."
But according to press releases from SNAP Wisconsin, the local arm of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, the documents have some major implications for the archdiocese.
MILWAUKEE (WI)Jeff Anderson & Associates
Archbishop of Milwaukee, Jerome Listecki, is arguing the Hierarchy’s choices to protect priests first and children second should be viewed under the arc of understanding.
“The arc of understanding sexual abuse of a minor progressed from being seen as a moral failing and sin that needed personal resolve and spiritual direction; to a psychological deficiency that required therapy and could be cured; to issues of addiction requiring more extensive therapy and restrictions on ministry; to recognition of the long-term effects of abuse and the need to hold the perpetrator accountable for this criminal activity.”
When you look at the history of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee you see an Ark filled with understanding regarding the causes, identification and suppression of the scandal of childhood sexual abuse by the clergy.
Here are a few highlights to consider.
1939 – Father Clement Hageman is admitted to the Alexian Brothers Hospital “to do penance, and give proof of his sincerity to do penance for that which I was forced to dismiss him from the Diocese.”
1947 – The Bishops open the Saint John Vianney Institute in the East and the Servants of the Paraclete in the West to care for problem priests.
1952 – Father Gerald Fitzgerald sP, founder of the Servants of the Paraclete, flew to Rome for a personal audience with Pope Pius XII.
1962 - Father Gerald Fitzgerald sP tells Pope John XXIII on April 11th, “On the other hand, when a priest has fallen into repeated sins which are considered, generally speaking, as abnormal (abuse of nature) such as homosexuality and most especially abuse of children, we feel strongly that such unfortunate priests should be given the alternative of a retired life within the protection of monastery walls or complete laicization.”
Listecki defends transfer of funds off archdiocese's books
MILWAUKEE (WI)Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
[WTMJ-AM interview]
By Annysa Johnson of the Journal Sentinel
Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki on Tuesday defended his predecessor's transfer of $57 million off the Roman Catholic archdiocese's books and into a special cemetery trust, saying Archbishop Timothy Dolan, now cardinal of New York, was simply ensuring that the funds would be used for their intended purpose.
"The cemetery funds have always been seen as an asset in trust, and Cardinal Dolan perpetuated that," Listecki told WTMJ-AM on Tuesday.
A document released Monday as part of the bankruptcy shows Dolan sought Vatican approval for the transfer in June 2007, saying it would help protect the funds "from any legal claim or liability."
Victims and their attorneys have called the move a fraudulent transfer that is illegal under U.S. bankruptcy code, which prohibits moving assets in a way that benefits one class of creditors over another. Dolan and the archciocese deny that the transfer was unlawful.
The letter was written just weeks before a Wisconsin Supreme Court decision that allowed sex abuse victims to sue religious institutions for their actions in response to sexual abuse allegations under the state's fraud statute.
Clergy abuse case filled with silent bystanders
CALIFORNIALos Angeles Times
Long before Father Donald Patrick Roemer was charged with molesting a young boy, his behavior had been observed by churchgoers, fellow priests, school officials and police authorities. Yet none of them did anything.
June 26, 2013
They stared at each other, the detective and the priest. Kelli McIlvain found interrogating him somewhat surreal. She had been raised Catholic and taught that a man in a black clerical shirt and white collar was nothing less than an emissary of God.
Father Donald Patrick Roemer was 5 feet 5, maybe 150 pounds. Hazel eyes. Blondish hair. A Ventura County Sheriff's Office report described him that night as "cooperative, seems stable," though McIlvain remembered how he repeatedly buried his head on the desk and wept.
To her surprise, his confession came easily. Yes, he said, he molested the 7-year-old boy.
McIlvain lit a cigarette. She hushed her voice, slowed her cadence to match his. Were there others, she asked. Yes, he said, according to court papers, and offered name after name.
"Where do I go from here?" he asked as midnight neared.
Cardinal Dolan and the sex abuse scandal
MILWAUKEE (WI)Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]
Tragic as the sexual abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church has been, it is shocking to discover that Cardinal Timothy Dolan, while archbishop of Milwaukee, moved $57 million off the archdiocesan books into a cemetery trust fund six years ago in order to protect the money from damage suits by victims of abuse by priests.
Dolan, now the archbishop of New York, has denied shielding the funds as an "old and discredited" allegation and "malarkey." But newly released court documents make it clear that he sought and received fast approval from the Vatican to transfer the money just as the Wisconsin Supreme Court was about to open the door to damage suits by victims raped and abused as children by Roman Catholic clergy.
"I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability," Dolan wrote rather cynically in his 2007 letter to the Vatican. The letter was released by the Milwaukee Archdiocese as part of a bankruptcy court fight with lawyers in 575 cases of damages claims. The archdiocese filed for bankruptcy protection in 2011. The law bars a debtor from transferring funds in a way that protects one class of creditors over another.
The release of about 6,000 pages of documents provided a grim backstage look at the scandal, graphically detailing the patterns of serial abuse by dozens of priests who were systematically rotated to new assignments as church officials kept criminal behavior secret from civil authority.
It is disturbing that the current Milwaukee leader, Archbishop Jerome Listecki, said last week that the church underwent an "arc of understanding" across time to come to grips with the scandal - as if the statutory rapes of children were not always a glaring crime in the eyes of society as well as the church itself.
Milwaukee archdiocese files show pressure on New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan
MILWAUKEE (AP) - - As the national clergy sex abuse scandal mounted following revelations in Boston in 2002, New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan faced increasing pressure as the archbishop in Milwaukee to cut costs by defrocking problem priests and pushback from his staff when he hesitated, according to newly released records.
Clergy sex abuse victims have harshly criticized Dolan for payments made to at least seven abusive priests who were forced out of the church; they view the money as bonuses given to criminals. The archdiocese has said it long provided money to priests leaving the priesthood as a means of helping them transition into new lives; most were not accused of wrongdoing.
While victims have faulted Dolan for the payments, documents released July 1 show that others in the archdiocese also were pushing to get rid of the priests as a way to ensure that money was focused on caring for victims and church operations. Dolan and others likely saw the payments as a cost-effective way to speed up the priests' departure.
The documents were made public as part of a deal reached in federal bankruptcy court between the archdiocese and victims suing it for fraud.
Most Wis. Clergy Abuse Victims Get Little
By M.L. JOHNSON Associated Press
MILWAUKEE July 5, 2013 (AP)
Clergy sex abuse victims have long accused the Archdiocese of Milwaukee of spending more money on lawyers to protect itself than to care for those who suffered at the hands of abusive priests. An Associated Press analysis of documents released this week found most of the $30 million the archdiocese paid out through mid-2012 went to victim settlements and therapy, but the bulk of it went to just a few victims — while hundreds of others got no money at all.
The archdiocese released the records as part of a deal with victims suing it for fraud in federal bankruptcy court. The documents cover 88 settlements worth at least $6.6 million and provide the first detailed look at which victims were paid, how much and when. Until this week, the archdiocese had only released annual totals.
The records support victims' longtime claim that Wisconsin for many years was among the more difficult states for them to get compensation. The main reason was a 1995 Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that made it nearly impossible to hold the church responsible for its priests' actions. The court said the church was protected from negligence lawsuits by the First Amendment. No longer afraid of litigation, the archdiocese established a no-settlement policy that lasted until the national clergy abuse scandal erupted in 2002.
"It was an appalling decision," said Peter Isely, a longtime activist who now serves as the Midwest director for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. "Because (Milwaukee victims) were raped and sexually assaulted by a priest, unlike anywhere else in the country, they could not exercise their civil rights and file their case in court."
Improved Protection
MILWAUKEE (WI)National Survivor Advocates Coalition
[the documents - Jeff Anderson & Associates]
[the documents - Milwaukee archdiocese]
Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s letter to the Vatican asking permission to transfer $57 million from the cemetery fund to a trust fund as the archdiocese moved toward filing for bankruptcy included the then Archbishop Dolan persuasive phrase for his request, “By transferring these assets to the Trust, I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability.” Within a month the Vatican agreed.
As late into the crisis as 2007 when the letter was written Dolan assumed the letter would never be read beyond the chancery building and the stone castle walls of the Vatican.
Seems dead men can indeed tell tales when there is persistent, courageous and dedicated work by sexual abuse victims to get to the truth. SNAP leaders in Milwaukee, Peter Isley and John Pilmaier who have worked diligently on this issue cannot be over commended for their dedication, persistence and courage.
The truth is in the documents.
Documents reveal ...
WISCONSINJournal Times
Documents reveal details of former Racine County priests’ misconduct
[Michael Benham]
[Michael Benham]
[Benham timeline]
[Jerome Lanser]
[Jerome Lanser]
[Jerome Lanser]
[Lanser timeline]
[Eugene Kreuzer]
[Kreuzer timeline]
[Daniel Budzynski]
[Daniel Budzynski]
[Daniel Budzynski]
[Budzynski timeline]
[Raymond Adamsky]
[Raymond Adamski]
[Adamski timeline]
[Oswald Krusing]
[Krusing timeline]
ALISON BAUTER alison.bauter@journaltimes.com
MILWAUKEE — Thousands of documents released Monday detail allegations against 42 Milwaukee Archdiocese priests accused of sexually assaulting minors, including at least six who allegedly molested children in Racine County parishes.
In many instances, the priests have admitted to all or some of the charges, and several cases resulted in settlements with the church and received no media coverage at the time.
Former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan made 45 names public in 2004, identifying each with substantiated allegations of sexually abusing one or more minors; documents released Monday as part of the regional archdiocese’s bankruptcy process detailed 42 of those cases.
Six former Racine County parish leaders on the list allegedly abused minors while serving here.
A series of letters from then-Archbishop Dolan detail his efforts to de-frock Michael Benham, formerly an associate pastor at St. John Nepomuk Parish in Racine, who admittedly repeatedly sexually abused an 11-year-old there in the mid-1970s. The church stripped Benham of his title in 2009.
As was the case with many of the 42 priests, the documents detail
Benham’s struggle with alcoholism. In several of those cases the alcohol abuse reportedly intersects with instances of same-sex child abuse, as with Jerome Lanser, formerly of Racine’s Sacred Heart Catholic Church, where a police report states he sexually abused an eight- or nine-year-old boy from 1975 to 1976.
Children at St. John the Baptist in rural Union Grove reportedly feared former Pastor Eugene Kreuzer during his two-decade career there, which included multiple alleged abuses of teenage boys.
Daniel Budzynski, formerly of Caledonia’s St. Louis Catholic Church, references an “unfortunate incident” with a young boy during a church retreat, which Budzynski in a 2001 letter identified as “horsing around.” He transferred parishes shortly thereafter, and over the years allegedly abused multiple boys between age 7 and 16.
Catholic church concealed pedophile priest Denis McAlinden's abuses
AUSTRALIAThe Australian
DAN BOX From: The Australian July 01, 2013
THE Catholic church received repeated reports that a pedophile priest was abusing children, some as young as four, but failed to pass these on to police for decades, an inquiry has heard.
Church authorities instead actively concealed his abuse and encouraged the priest, Father Denis McAlinden, to move to other dioceses in Australia and overseas, where he was able to continue abusing children.
Even after NSW Police issued a warrant for the priest's arrest in 1999, the inquiry heard, church authorities did not initially provide his address, and the priest ultimately died six years later without being charged.
The NSW Special Commission of Inquiry has heard that the first recorded report of McAlinden's abuse was in 1953, when the parents of one his victims reported it to the then-Bishop of Maitland.

JP2 Army
The Cardinals and Bishops who enabled the Vatican sex maniac rapists priests

CSC Holy Cross Congregation delay $18 million compensation payout.
Brother Andre & Saint JOSEPH giant GOLDEN COW STATUES could not help
victims of CSC pedophiles http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/csc-holy-cross-congregation-delay-18.html
Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without
Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God
will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they
are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy
billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”
ZEUS GIANT SAINT JOSEPH did NOTHING to stop pedophile priests of the Congregation de Sainte-Croix happening right before his very eyes for 50 years
you live in Los Angeles, or elsewhere in the USA or in the world, and
are planning a “pilgrimage” to the Oratory of St. Joseph or flying to
the Vatican, DON'T GO and instead DONATE that pilgrimage money to the Red Cross or your local charity - or
sponsor a poor student and pay for his or her school supplies and
school lunch for a year, or feed a homeless person for a year at
McDonald's, instead of flying to Montreal to see the Oratory or the Vatican Mammon Beast - and God will listen more to your prayers in your act of mercy rather feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast or St. Joseph Oratory Mammon Beast copying the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy. http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/oratory-of-st-joseph-copy-vatican.html
are better sex educated reading the Los Angles files rather than wasting
their time to attend the wizardry of the Mass where priests ceaselessly
reiterate those old horrid stories of extinct people in the Bible, read
here the Immoral Bible http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010_12_01_archive.html.
It’s more important and more relevant for children to know the story of Eleuterio Ramos and all JP2 Army Vatican sex maniac rapists priests of the 20th
century - than the ancient Bible stories irrelevant mythical figures
like Jonah being swallowed by a whale, read here the Los Angeles Files http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/los-angeles-files-mahony-must-be-jailed.html
BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles
CSC Holy Cross Congregation delay $18 million compensation payout.
Brother Andre & Saint JOSEPH giant GOLDEN COW STATUES could not help
victims of CSC pedophiles http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/csc-holy-cross-congregation-delay-18.html
People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”
ZEUS GIANT SAINT JOSEPH did NOTHING to stop pedophile priests of the Congregation de Sainte-Croix happening right before his very eyes for 50 years

People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”

If you live in Los Angeles, or elsewhere in the USA or in the world, and are planning a “pilgrimage” to the Oratory of St. Joseph or flying to the Vatican, DON'T GO and instead DONATE that pilgrimage money to the Red Cross or your local charity - or sponsor a poor student and pay for his or her school supplies and school lunch for a year, or feed a homeless person for a year at McDonald's, instead of flying to Montreal to see the Oratory or the Vatican Mammon Beast - and God will listen more to your prayers in your act of mercy rather feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast or St. Joseph Oratory Mammon Beast copying the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy. http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/oratory-of-st-joseph-copy-vatican.html
are better sex educated reading the Los Angles files rather than wasting
their time to attend the wizardry of the Mass where priests ceaselessly
reiterate those old horrid stories of extinct people in the Bible, read
here the Immoral Bible http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010_12_01_archive.html.
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