The United Nations has no god or religion and is a totally secular group. Therefore the Vatican must not be a part of it.
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Why the Vatican's diplomatic immunity days are numbered
By Eamonn McCann
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Now you Holy See him, now you don't. One minute, Benedict XVI is a head of state, like Elizabeth II, Omar al-Bashir or Emperor Akihito.
Then, in an instant, shazam!, he's the leader of a religious organisation, on a par with the Dalai Lama, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rev Ron Johnstone.
Maybe he cannot be in two places at the one time, but he can be two personages in the one place.
His sojourn to Britain, beginning on Thursday week, will have the status both of a state visit and a pastoral journey.
On some stopovers he will be the representative of a state recognised at the UN and enjoying diplomatic relations with, at the last count, 156 countries.
His role at other engagements will be as leader of a religion with 1.2 billion followers scattered across the planet.
The potential political advantages of this double status are fairly obvious. But it does raise the question: how come?
Why is it that, uniquely among religious leaderships, the Holy See can also bestride the world of diplomacy and politics?
The common explanation is that the Pope has head-of-state status because he's the top representative of Vatican City, the 108.7-acre independent jurisdiction enclosed within Rome. But not so.
If Vatican City were a state like any other, its internal regime would be a human rights scandal. Saudi Arabia, China and, certainly, Iran are beacons of freedom and equality by comparison. But the Vatican is never cited for these human rights violations at the UN or when the Pope meets with representatives of other states: one reason for this being that it's not Vatican City which is recognised as a state, but the Holy See, an altogether less corporeal affair.
The Holy See has existed in one form or another since the early days of Christianity, whereas Vatican City came into existence only in 1929, as a result of the Lateran Treaty between the Holy See and Mussolini's fascist regime.
Whatever the confusions in the outside world, the two entities themselves have always made their distinct and separate existences plain.
The Holy See refers to the global government of the Church - the Pope, the curia, the radiance of cardinals and bevies of bishops. It has no territorial expression.
One of the advantages for the Church of its split personality is that it can switch from one alias to the other as needs arise.
Responding to attempts by lawyers for victims of clerical child abuse to compel it to answer for its role in covering up crimes and facilitating the escape of alleged perpetrators, the Church has been able to revert to its status as a state and to claim diplomatic immunity. In the US, Church lawyers cite the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA).
There are signs, however, that this stratagem might not wash much longer.
In Washington in June, the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from the Church claiming immunity in the case of John V Doe -v- the Holy See.
The ruling was on a matter of procedure, not on substance: but even so, it was a step on the way to removing the protection of the FSIA from the Church. Among the first to welcome the ruling was attorney Daniel Shea, representing one of three boys who say they were sexually molested by seminarian Juan Carlos Patino-Arango. The seminarian fled from Texas after being indicted.
Shea argues that Benedict, as Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the relevant congregation within the Church, had been involved in "a conspiracy to hide Patino-Arango's crimes and to help him escape prosecution".
He quotes Ratzinger's May 2001 letter to bishops warning that Church investigations of clerical sex abuse were to be reported direct to his office, not to the secular authorities.
The Church is now arguing that Ratzinger/Benedict cannot be called to account by US courts because he represents, in legal terms, not the Church which employed Patino-Arango and put children in his care and then helped him flee the scene of his alleged crimes, but, rather, a state which has diplomatic relations with the US from which flows an entitlement to immunity.
The Church's dual status suits its broader ambitions, too. It has used its position at the UN - which it simply assumed and which has never been endorsed by vote - to throw its weight around at international gatherings like a minor super-power, making common cause with Protestant fundamentalist interests and Islamic states, particularly in relation to gay and women's rights.
The only sustained challenge to the Church's devious behaviour in these matters appears to come from lay Catholic groups in the US. Strange.
1. The facilitation of sexual violence by clergy on children
This sexual violence included rape, buggery, & sodomy.
2. The facilitation of physical violence by Religious Orders on children
This physical violence included the use of such implements as wheel braces, table legs, cat-o-nine tails, hurley sticks to beat little children, and included deliberate burning, the shaving of heads, public floggings.
3. The facilitation of child slave labour by Religious Orders
4. The facilitation of child starvation by Religious Orders
5. The cover-up of sexual violence by clergy on children
6. Baby selling. The babies of unwed mothers were sold on to rich American or Irish Catholics.
7. Life time imprisonment of women who had children out of wedlock. with no right of appeal.
Read more:

7 billion actions
World's population soon to hit 7 billion
By CBC News,, Updated: July 10, 2011 4:22 PM
My how we've grown since July 11, 1987 — as a global population. Back then there were five billion of us crowding this planet. The United Nations declared July 11 of that year "Five Billion Day" to mark the estimated date on which we reached that milestone.
Two years later, the UN declared every subsequent July 11 to be World Population Day as an effort to increase awareness of issues such is the importance of family planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health, and elderly care.
Sometime this year — the UN figures around Oct. 31 — global population will hit seven billion. That's a growth of 40 per cent in just over 20 years. The planet's population has doubled since 1968.
In 1804, there were one billion people in the world. It took 123 years for that number to double.
The UN Population Division expects the population to keep growing until the middle of this century, despite dramatic declines in fertility rates around the world.
The vast majority of current population growth is in the developing world. Approximately 97 out of every 100 people are born in countries that are already struggling to meet the needs of their citizens.
"Whether we can live together on a healthy planet will depend on the decisions we make now," Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, executive director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), said in a news release.
"The date we reach the next billion — and the ones after that — depends on policy and funding decisions made now about maternal and child health care, access to voluntary family planning, girls' education, and expanded opportunities for women and young people."
Osotimehin adds that 215 million women in developing countries don't have access to effective family planning.
That's part of the message for World Population Day 2011. UNFPA and its partners are kicking off a campaign to raise awareness of the seven key issues they've identified as the most important as the world's population hits seven billion. Among the issues that the 7 Billion Actions campaign addresses are:
- Breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality to help slow population growth.
- Engaging young people to transform global politics and culture.
- Protecting reproductive health and rights to ensure that every child is wanted and every birth is safe.
- Planning for an increasingly urban planet as the next two billion people will live in cities.
- Planning for an aging population as population growth slows.
However, protecting reproductive rights takes more than words in a campaign. In the days leading up to World Population Day, The Lancet published an editorial criticizing another branch of the UN, saying it "buckled" to the efforts of the U.S.-based group Family Watch International (FWI) at the UN High-Level Meeting on Aids in June.
The group fought and won concessions on language surrounding sex education. The group described programs to improve awareness of sex and its relation to health as "insidious" and said educational initiatives promoted promiscuity.
The Lancet warned that by making the changes, "25 years of progress in strengthening the rights of women to equitable access to health services are now under threat."
United Nations Population Fund
Canada rejects Palestinian statehood bid at UN
Canada is rejecting a Palestinian effort to win recognition at the United Nations as an independent state.
The move is not surprising given that the Harper government has forcefully highlighted its loyalty to Israel and the United States. Both oppose the Palestinian initiative.
The Palestinian Authority, which controls most of the West Bank, launched a campaign last month that will see it pursue a vote on statehood at the United Nations General Assembly in September — an effort borne out of its frustration over a peace process that is stalled.
The top Palestinian diplomat in Canada says her official delegation will still push hard for the support of Ottawa.
"On the conflict, we would like to see the Canadian government taking a neutral stand, supporting the creation of the state of Palestine, supporting the recognition of Palestine as a full member state in the UN in September," Linda Sobeh Ali, head of the Palestinian delegation, told The Canadian Press.
Sobeh Ali also said her delegation is pushing Canada to recognize Israel's pre-1967 borders — something Prime Minister Stephen Harper forcefully opposed, and managed to block from being part of the final communique of G8 leaders at their recent May summit in France.
"Our government's long-standing position has not changed. The only solution to this conflict is one negotiated between and agreed to by the two parties," said Chris Day, the spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird.
"One of the states must be a Jewish state and recognized as such, while the Palestinian state is to be a non-militarized one."
The Palestinians are trying to win the requisite two-thirds support in the assembly — 128 votes among the 192 member countries — before the matter is considered by the Security Council. They have reportedly won the support of more than 100 countries.
Harper's stand at the G8 pitted him against U.S. President Barack Obama, who only a week earlier said in a major speech that the pre-1967 border should be a starting point for the resumption of stalled peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians.
But Washington last week reiterated its opposition to the Palestinian push for UN recognition of its statehood.
A State Department spokeswoman said the Palestinian move would not be helpful to getting the parties back to the bargaining table.
Canada echoes that view.
We will monitor developments at the UN and respond appropriately," said Day. "As G8 leaders declared at Deauville, unilateral action is ultimately unhelpful."
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is to host a meeting Monday of the UN Secretary General, the European Union and Russian foreign ministers — the so-called "quartet" of Middle East peacemakers.
Harper's reputation
The Harper government has been widely criticized for siding slavishly with Israel and turning a blind eye to the suffering of Palestinian people.
Rami Khouri, a leading Mideast analyst based in Lebanon, said in a recent interview that Canada has been traditionally viewed in the region as a country that has had a "sense of decency and fairness in its foreign policy."
But that can be compromised, he added, by siding too much with Israel.
"I think the critical point for any Western government — Canadian, American, British — is to differentiate between supporting the security of Israel and opposing the colonization polices of Israel. Israel within its 1967 borders is a phenomenon the world accepts, even the Arabs," Khouri said.
"Any real friend of Israel should tell Israel, `we support you, your security but we don't support what you're doing'."
Leaked Israeli diplomatic cables, obtained by the newspaper Haaretz, give details about its foreign ministry's diplomatic offensive to counter the Palestinian UN campaign.
Israel's marching orders to its embassies are to lobby politicians, and use Jewish groups and the local media to make its case.
"The goal is to get the country in which you serve to vote against recognizing a Palestinian state," said the memo given to Haaretz. "Your plan must include approaching the most senior politicians, mobilizing the relevant force multipliers (such as local Jewish communities, non-governmental organizations) using the media, influencing local public opinion, and public diplomacy aimed at all relevant communities."
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