Saturday, September 28, 2013

FRANCIS UPDATES:John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers toot Francis-mania…while Hans Kung points out “the Pope and his ‘double’” shadow pope Ratzinger!

Updated March 4, 2014

Read our new blog:  Pope Francis the CON Christ. Pretender & Impostor of Jesus. Merlin hoax CANNOT CLONE JESUS or dogs

Our latest  related article about New Jersey "Bling"  Bishop Myers

Updated December 20, 2013

Time’s Person of the Year Pope Francis.  Archbishop John C. Nienstedt suggests St. Josephine and Eucharist to solve clergy abuse. Baloney, David Quinn! (Again)

Pope Francis the miser of dark secrets vs. Edward Snowden the herald of truths
Francis lives in the Vatican Palace surrounded by PR media stunts army vs. Snowden living in asylum at the kindness of an atheist country Russia

The sharp contrast between Time’s Person of the Year, Pope Francis, and its runner-up, Edward Snowden, are morally apart:  Pope Francis perpetuates Vatican secrecy and its cover-up of thousands of bestial pedophile priests in all Catholic churches worldwide…while Edward Snowden reveals the NSA’s Top Secret files about all Americans and all peoples and all nations worldwide.   Pope Francis preserves the Vatican criminal pedophile files by rebuffing the United Nations and refusing to answer the questionnaire regarding the Holy See’s progress report for a UN Treaty on the right of the Child which it ratified in 1990.  The last report filed by the Vatican was decades ago in 1994 during the early years papacy of John Paul II.  Read our related article, Vatican rebuffs UN!     

Time's Person of the Year

Pope Francis the miser of dark secrets


Edward Snowden 

 Time's runner-up as Person of the Year - Edward Snowden - the Herald of Truth

 The International League of Peoples' Struggle, praise the heroic act of Edward Snowden in exposing PRISM, a secret national security electronic surveillance program operated by the US National Security Agency (NSA) since 2007. We applaud his noble and democratic purpose of making the exposure in order to defend the privacy rights of American citizens and the people of the world.”  


Pope Francis and his double shadow Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 

 Pope John Paul II by Danish cartoonist 

 In 2002, (thanks to the Red Devil, Cardinal Bernard Law, see his image below) priest pedophilia erupted in Boston a few months before the last World Youth Day of John Paul II in Toronto and as history has recorded, he said nothing and did nothing to protect children, .  And now he will be canonized a saint by Pope Francis perpetuating Vatican Deceits to its utmost and the world is going to worship another Vatican Golden Cow in all Vatican Catholic Churches worldwide?  As our motto says:  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for (enough) good men - and good women - to do (and say) nothing.  We may be few but Jesus was alone too when he pointed out the social evils of the religious organization of his time, those hypocrite Pharisees who prayed like robots on the hour were “white sepulchers” as he called them.  As Frederick Douglass, an American slave said, “One and God are a majority”, read here So our blogs and God are a majority also.  

The Pharisees had the social media empire similar to the Francis-mania hype orchestrated by the Vatican Titanic Deceits Media Empire today.   Read our related article on Benedict XVI Master Manipulator of Media  Christ cursed the Temple of Solomon saying that “not one pillar will be left standing” and so did his mother, Lady of Fatima cursed the Vatican at the Third Secret of Fatima (which is why it will never be revealed or there’ll be a countdown at St. peter’s Square).  . She saw thousands of pedophile priests burning in Hell which confirms the pedophile altars of Catholic Churches worldwide and the Hoax of the Eucharist  performed by Houdini Popes and Merlin priests who cannot clone cats and therefore cannot clone Christ either, see images and more below. There’s a plan to expose the bones of St. Peter again as a Vatican Titanic Deceits ploy to use dead people to hard despots ill-gotten wealth and to oppress poor countries via the Vatican Concordats, read our related article here Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
Another miser of pedophile priests’ files is Archbishop John C. Nienstedt suggests St. Josephine and Eucharist to solve clergy abuse.  Ironically, after his deceitful homily of apology, he has immediately stepped aside from the public eye due to sexual allegations during a Confirmation ceremony being investigated by police, see news updates below.

 Time Magazine is part of the Vatican Titanic Media Empire

Pope Francis and his double Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI-Ratzinger have made it both in the cover of Time Magazine.  This year Pope Francis is Time’s Person of the Year and in 2008, Time’s cover was “America’s Pope” Benedict XVI on the occasion of his visit to the USA, see images below.  The two upcoming saints, John Paul II and John XXIII were also Time Magazine’s Persons of the Year, see images below.  According to Aljazeera America article “The fallacy of papal change under Pope Francis”: “Francis’ rapid transformation into universally celebrated celebrity figure — despite promulgating familiar church doctrines under a more easygoing guise — is ultimately a testament to the current Vatican PR operation, headed by former Fox News reporter Greg Burke. A member of the ascetic Opus Dei order, Burke is wedded to lifelong celibacy and professional communications services. Prior to Fox, Burke did a stint as the Rome correspondent for — you guessed it — Time magazine.

John XXIII  Jan 4, 1963

 John Paul II in Dec. 26, 1994  read

With so many men and women out there serving mankind and putting their lives in the line of fire, Time Magazine instead chose a man living in the lap-of-luxury inside the largest palace  at the Vatican well guarded by the ceremonial Swiss Guard Army, who leads a life of theatrics and political photo-ops, is CEO of the Vatican Bank with questionable criminal dealings and transactions, who’ll canonize the worst Pope who presided over the longest papacy of 27 years and said nothing and did nothing to save children from thousands of bestial pedophile priests named aptly after him as the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests of Biblical Proportions!

It’s disconcerting that Time Magazine (or any American magazine) would choose to put in its cover the face of the leader of the church that has the largest numbers of pedophile priests of Biblical Proportions which could only be brought to light in the USA where we have the justice system to do so and the Vatican Catholic Church (not Roman anymore) has paid more than 3 billion dollars as compensation to victims that numbers more than 15, 750 that’s five times more than the victims of 9/11.   In 2011, we wrote an article, Pope Benedict XVI, Master Manipulator of the Media.  It isn’t a surprise his double Pope Francis is the same, and even worse, read our related article, Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

So Time Magazine has chosen Pope Francis the Christ Pretender and the Merlin magician of Christ’s flesh and blood.  Hollywood and the Vatican are twin cities that “lie for a living” and Time Magazine is part of the Vatican Titanic Deceits Empire of lies and deceits employing Hollywood strategies of publicity stunts to keep blinding Catholics and the world so that they will “feel-good” and continue to keep feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast – especially during the Christmas season. The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy that photo-ops of Pope Francis are all it has left and so now it is employing the familiar media circus of Pope Francis in the likes of Linsey Lohann drunk driving court appearances and Justin Beiber hype.  The Vatican Pied Pipers which includes Time Magazine will orchestrate and use the media to show the superficial shallow Pope Francis the Christ Pretender and Houdini of Christ’s flesh in his white costume --   naked like the Emperor’s Clothes.  See images of Pope Francis and Merlin the magicians below.  Read our related article, Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”

It’s not a surprise that the magician Pope Francis Christ’s Pretender is in Time Magazine cover because it is owned by the Vatican as a major stockholder through the Opus Dei.   There are major newspapers owned by Opus Dei members, and there are lawyers and judges in the Supreme Court, senators in the USA who are Opus Dei members, read more here Opus Dei Mafia of Bishops and Cardinals…Pope Francis and his papal G-8 are phony reformers, recycling and remarketing the same old Vatican Deceits
 The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy and so it is trying to salvage itself in whatever media empire the Opus Dei have left, read our related article – Vatican rebuffs UN!
Opus Dei controlled every word and every action of John Paul II so they had a lot of practise to control Francis I. And as usual they are employing the most professional journalists to spin he heads of Catholics so that they will not see the truth of the moral bankruptcy of the Vatican Mammon Beast and instead be as rats in a maze of deceits and spins of what the Pope wear and say and photo-ops with…just like John Paul II “the Great” had photos with all world leaders, children in clean costumes, wealthy investors of the Vatican Bank (whose accounts have mysteriously been closed this year leaving questionable trail to Moneyval to give it a passing grade so as not to shut it down because the world finance cannot afford to  as the Vatican Bank, secret Swiss Banks control the world economy.  

The first runner-up Snowden would have been a better choice as the cover of Time Magazine because Snowden is a hero according the ILPS -  The International League of Peoples' Struggle, praise the heroic act of Edward Snowden in exposing PRISM, a secret national security electronic surveillance program operated by the US National Security Agency (NSA) since 2007. We applaud his noble and democratic purpose of making the exposure in order to defend the privacy rights of American citizens and the people of the world.”   Snowden video interview

But no surprises here, Time Magazine is owned by the Opus Dei and the Vatican and its readership is also sinking heavy with all the Vatican DECEITS it carries sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy.  We NEVER read Time Magazine but Christ inspires us to point out all the Vatican Deceits out there especially in the USA – because President Obama should spearhead the annulment of the Vatican as a “country” at the United Nations located in New York.

Aljazeera America
By Michael Tracey @mtracey December 13, 2013

Since ascending to the throne of St. Peter last spring, Pope Francis has been showered with praise by an unlikely cohort, the American secular media.

“Even atheists love the pope,” one recent CNN article announced. “The awesomeness that is Pope Francis,” a Daily Beast headline affirmed. His selection this week as Time magazine’s vaunted person of the year completed the canonization. “I may not be religious, but I damn sure love this pope,” avowed one Twitter user, echoing the remarks of countless others. Undoubtedly, small talk about Catholicism in waiting rooms and grocery-store checkout lines will see an exponential increase this week.
The popular read on Francis is that he represents a welcome break from grim-faced pontiffs of yore — a raw, refreshingly modern reflection of Catholic virtue. In proclaiming that his overriding spiritual concern is care for the poor, Francis has infused the Vatican with long-awaited humility and grace after years of scandal. ...
Francis has managed to fashion himself as something fresh and appealing, but he did not become Time’s person of the year by radically reimagining anything. He did it by mastering the art of gesture and symbolism. Herein lies the crucial component to understanding Francis’ image: his keen eye toward public relations as matter of theology.

Francis’ rapid transformation into universally celebrated celebrity figure — despite promulgating familiar church doctrines under a more easygoing guise — is ultimately a testament to the current Vatican PR operation, headed by former Fox News reporter Greg Burke. A member of the ascetic Opus Dei order, Burke is wedded to lifelong celibacy and professional communications services. Prior to Fox, Burke did a stint as the Rome correspondent for — you guessed it — Time magazine.

Baloney, David Quinn!  (again)

Francis isn't asked about abuse because he reminds us of Jesus  (COMMENT:  This is one of the most idiotic headlines of the Vatican Titanic Deceits Empire!   In this headline, Jesus must not be asked about abuse and therefore his Vicar or Pretender or Imposter Pope Francis must not be asked about this subject matter.  The John Paul II Millstone blog was created to keep a track record of John Paul II and his millstone that St. Michael the Archangel tied around his enck in his last World Youth Day – because he adamantly refuse to speak and do something about clergy abuse – hence the thousands of pedophile priests, in record number in the USA are called the JP2 army – see our blogs here and here
 Jesus was constantly speaking out against abuse on women, the poor and children.  His greatest judgement was on those who abused children that there be a millstone hung around his neck and be cast into the depths of the sea – hence our blog the John Paul II Millstone  and the Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies! Cardinal Dziwisz book: “JPII knew nothing” about bestial pedophile priest Fr. Maciel is Vatican Titanic Deceits 

David Quinn is a well-paid Vatican Pied Piper like John Allen, the Devil’s Twin.  Our COMMENTS are in red and in parenthesis right after each sentence.  Read our related article on David Quinn in 2012 Baloney, ‘David Quinn: The beliefs of the church are not going to change by poll’...but the Pope apologizes centuries later for Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils
David Quinn is the same old Devil liar and he hasn’t change in mind, he was baptized and will die a Vatican Pied Piper and will join John Paul II in HELL to worship the Vatican Mammon Beast , read our relaed article in February 13, 2010 What planet are you from, David Quinn: Time to commend Pope for response to abuse is baloney -- Benedict XVI condoned & covered-up priests pedophile

Irish Independent

It is a remarkable thing that in the various interviews he has granted to date, Pope Francis hasn't been asked to reflect in any substantial way at all on the clerical child abuse scandals.  (COMMENT: SNAP President David Clohessy spent time and money waiting to meet the new Pope Francis in Rome during and after the conclave in Rome.  Other SNAP members were not allowed to protest inside St. Peter’s Square - Pope Francis NEVER met with any survivors abused by priests and worst, he is canonizing John Paul II who said nothing and did nothing during his longest tenure 27 years as pope with all his powers – and ALL papal interviews are pre-approved and no question must be asked about any pedophile priest - the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – in the presence of “His Holiness” – so that he is never caught off-guard)

On his flight back from World Youth Day in Brazil a few months ago, he spent 80 minutes answering questions from journalists and the matter did not come up. (COMMENT: ALL papal interviews are pre-approved and no question must be asked about the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – named aptly after John Paul II who said nothing and did nothing during his longest tenure 27 years as pope with all his powers)

When he granted a lengthy and widely reported interview to various Jesuit publications more recently, again, he was not asked about it.  ((COMMENT: ALL papal interviews are pre-approved and no question must be asked about the JP2 Army – THE JESUTIS ARE THE MASTER OF DECEITS – read our related article – Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

And when the atheist founder of one of Italy's leading newspapers, 'La Repubblica', interviewed him shortly after that, it did not occur to the interviewer to bring it up. ((COMMENT: ALL papal interviews are pre-approved and no question must be asked about the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priest Army )

Here in Ireland, the Catholic Church's child protection office has published its latest audits of the child protection procedures of a selection of the country's dioceses and religious orders. …
For his part, John Paul II was an excellent and devoted pastor. When appointed to his first parish as a young priest in Poland in 1948, for example, he gave away almost all of his meagre possessions to the poor of the parish and always lived a frugal life.  (COMMENT: John Paul II spent his 27 years papacy feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon Beast.  John Paul II had one obsession during his 27 years papacy – to become the fastest tracking saint as John Paul II “the Great” and that his papacy was unsullied and therefore he never said a word and he did not protect one child among the thousands sodomized by bestial pedophile priests, hence they are aptly named after him as the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  Most of all he built the Vatican Banks in Switzerland being the perfect conduit for despots ill-gotten wealth as he trotted around the globe, read here John Paul II was not frugal during his 27 years papacy, he traveled and spent poor countries moneys and usurp billions of dollars from them with the Vatican Concordats, read our related article here Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
John Paul II was a greedy pope who encouraged Fr. Marcial Maciel to fool people to donate billions of dollars and deposit them in Vatican SECRET Swiss Banks, read here The reason why John Paul II ignored all the bestial serial pedophile crimes of Fr. Marcial Maciel is because of the countless billions of dollars Maciel brought into the secret Vatican Swiss Banks, read here INTEGER & Vatican Swiss Banks accounts: Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ secret Vatican wealth
 That is why the Legionaries of Christ cannot be dissolved no matter how evil are their roots like a rotten tree, despite the evil crimes of their founder because they are the major stockholder of the Vatican Bank and secret Vatican Swiss Banks.
Read our related articles on 9-11 and JP2 Army 
9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day
Ultimately it is a mistake to see Francis as either a 'conservative' or a 'liberal'. He is simply a deeply Christian man who reminds us of Jesus. There is no higher praise than that. It's what makes him so appealing.  (COMMENT:  This is sheer Vatican Holy Shit.  Pope Francis is a Jesus Imposter and fake Merlin Magician cloning the flesh of Christ!  Read our related article 7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!

It is also why journalists don't ask him about the scandals. We know what Jesus would have thought of the abuse of children and how he would have dealt with the perpetrators. We think the same about Francis.  (COMMENT:  Vatican Pied Piper twin of John Allen who is the Devil’s Twin  - Pope Francis has a giant millstone on his neck because he said nothing and did nothing to save children from pedophiles and the oppressors in Argentina, read our related article, Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”
Irish Independent

 Homily of Archbishop John C. Nienstedt at Our Lady of Grace parish

Our Lady of Grace parish
Our Lady of Grace, Edina
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Proclaim the greatness of God,
Rejoice in God, my Savior
Rejoice in God, my Savior! 

(COMMENT Read our related article --  about the Joy of the Gospel as Pope Francis response to Australia's JP2 Army -- 7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!
Today is commonly known as Gaudete Sunday, as the entrance antiphon to this Third Sunday of Advent begins with the Latin word “Gaudete,” which means “rejoice.”: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!” The cause of our joy is, of course, the three comings of the Lord at Christmas, namely: his birth at Bethlehem, His triumphant return at the end of the world, and finally His Presence here with us today in the Blessed Sacrament. In many ways our joy is a direct result of our hopes and expectations to meet the Lord whenever He comes. As I reflected on the Scriptures today, it seemed to me that a common thread in all of these readings is our call to be men and women of hope.  (COMMENT:  The underlying message here is that, “Rejoice, that no matter how evil a priest is, no matter how bestial his hands are, he is a priest forever having the power to clone Christ in the Eucharist.  Just focus on the white host and you’ll be blinded to the truth that the Popes are pretenders of Christ and priests are Merlin magicians of God and just give us your hard-earned money so we can live in “bling” palaces.)

Take, for example, our second reading from St. James. The Christians of his day wanted the second coming to happen soon. They couldn’t wait. The apostle counsels them to be like farmers expecting a harvest. They plow the field, plant the seed and then wait with great hope for that seed to burst forth as a growing plant that will bear fruit with corn, beans, sugar beets, or whatever had been planted.
The first reading gives us a very dramatic and idealized vision of this same reality: the parched land of the desert suddenly blossoms forth with abundant flowers. Those who were blind now see; the deaf hear; the lame leap and the mute speak. This is the hope that the Old Testament people nourished during the reign of King Hezekiah, which began with great promise, but ended in disappointment. Because their faith in him floundered, the Jewish nation saw more clearly their need for faith in God who is able to heal them and restore them to wholeness. ...

My dear friends, I suggest to you Saint Josephine as a patroness, an intercessor for the trials that we have been going through these past ten weeks here in the Archdiocese.  (COMMENT :  Read our full article here   Oratory of SaintJoseph pedophile priests! Montreal: Second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross cannot protect children!

The negative news reports about past incidents of clerical sexual abuse in this local Church have rightly been met with shame, embarrassment and outrage that such heinous acts could be perpetrated by men who had taken priestly vows as well as bishops who failed to remove them from ministry. (COMMENT:  You should resign, if you really mean this, and all those priests should be excommunicated immediately)
With your prayer and God’s grace, I believe that we will emerge from this difficult period to become a stronger, more focused, more prayerful and more purified local Church. But the key to that process lies in our ability to remain a people of hope—hope not in our own resources, but rather hope in the person of Jesus Christ, who can make all things new. (COMMENT:  Christ has been used as an excuse for Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils for centuries and the canonization of John Paul II is the worst Vatican Titanic Deceits that proves “Only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified, read our related article here

My brothers and sisters, the Holy Eucharist that we receive today is not just informative, assuring us that we are loved by the Lord in a personal and intimate way. This Holy Eucharist is also performative, meaning that it can make us a people of action who can address past wrongs and find ways to do better in the future. (COMMENT:  Catholics are the most stupid people on the planet as they believe in the HOAX of the EUCHARIST and therefore are cohorts of the Vatican Evils of the Vatican Concordats that oppress poor countries and usurp annually billions of dollars from poor nations who are already buried in debts.  The United Nations must annul the Vatican as a country because it is only one building for 8-00 people – that’s half a USA High School.  ALL ARCHBSIOPS AND BISHOPAS AND PRIESTS ARE SLAVES OF SATAN AND THE VATICAN MAMMON BEAST…and they have a giant millstone to their neck, read more here  .

Updated November 30, 2013

 John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers toot Francis-mania…while Hans Kung points out “the Pope and his ‘double’” shadow pope Ratzinger!  

While John Allen and the Vatican Pied Pipers are all tooting Francis-mania worldwide, Hans Kung is hitting the bull’s eye of the 'Evangelii Gaudium' Latin for “Joy of the Gospel”, the new Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis.  Hans Kung’s analysis is entitled "The Pope and his ‘double’" (Italian, Il papa e il suo “doppio”) and like a prophet, he points out what the Vatican Pied Pipers are not saying (must not say) and what the 1.2 billion Catholics cannot see (must not see) --- that Pope Francis is acting on the directive of his “shadow pope” Ratzinger – God’s Rottweiler  Benedict XVI.  At the beginning of Kung’s article, there’s a big photo of the two white popes face to face almost kissing each other (creepy creepy photo of the two very very old males ‘Brides of Christ’ in white!)  Hans Kung points out that Pope Francis’ “indiscriminate rejection of abortion and women priests should arouse criticism” and that “his dogmatic scope is limited because Francis is under pressure of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and its prefect, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller?” (Read the English translation of his article below – with our highlights in yellow).

The answer of Pope Francis to victims of JP2 Army’s half century bestiality

To all 15,750(plus) victims in the USA victims of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army - and its hidden hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide and to their parents who are all suffering a ‘living Hell’, the answer of Pope Francis is the canonization of John Paul II next April and the “Joy of the Gospel” or 'Evangelii Gaudium' …meaning “be joyful in your ‘living Hell’ that John Paul II left behind and chant 'JP2, we love you!'” 

To the newly released Australia Victorian Inquiry (750 pages) and the Premier of Victoria who said when it was tabled that “The Catholic Church leaders should hang their heads in shame”, the answer of Pope Francis is the “Joy of the Gospel” or 'Evangelii Gaudium' …meaning “be joyful in your ‘living Hell’ that John Paul II left behind!”  Read our related article - 7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!

 Pope Francis and his shadow Pope Ratzinger

 The first embrace of two old old white popes of the Vatican Catholic Church! (VCC)
 With this ring I thee wed??

The two very very old ugly GAY Brides of Christ in white!!

The two old GAY bridegrooms worshiping the false cloned flesh of Christ in the tabernacle -- the Eucharist the the worst HOAX on the planet earth -- for how can mortal men clone the immortal God?  read more below

The official white robe of the octogenarian bride and 76 years old bride  very very old Popes Brides of Christ!  White robe of MAGICIANS HOUDINI POPES
The golden ring to cover-up the ugliness of the two very very old Brides of Christ in white male bridal gown!!!
(Christ must have a better taste for his GAY bride?  Francis I and Benedict XVI do not allow women to have a voice in the Vatican Catholic Church, it's not Roman Cahtolic anymore, read more why it must be called Vatican Catholic Church below)

John Allen the foremost Vatican Pied Piper

This post tracks Pope Francis updates, his new 'Evangelii Gaudium', and John Allen and (both female and male) Vatican Pied Pipers’ recent articles especially on their coverage of Pope Francis and how they brainwash and mislead readers with their catchy jargons such as “the slum-pope”, etc.  Our comments are in parenthesis and in yellow highlights directly within the text of their articles found in Abuse Tracker (becuase we do not go to the Catholic toxic delusion columns of John Allen in NCR)  

On November 25, 2013, John Allen wrote that the “Vatican abuse prosecutor says Rome ‘well aware’ of accountability problem” and on November 26  'Evangelii Gaudium' amounts to Francis' 'I Have a Dream' speech  - which appeared in Abuse Tracker.  The Holy Spirit inspires us to tell the world about John Allen’s deceiving tactics and other Vatican Pied Pipers’ brainwashing strategies on Catholics. The Vatican no say and no power in Rome and in the Italian Senate… and vice versa, Italian elected officers and Rome’s politicians  have nothing to do with the Vatican country and its JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  Therefore, for John Allen to put the Vatican and Rome both in his title --- Vatican abuse prosecutor says Rome ‘well aware’ of accountability problem” --- is to correlate both cities to the clergy abuse scandal --- which is an outrageous lie and Vatican Deceits par excellence, read more analysis below.

Now John Allen has plagiarized again another historical event, aside from the G-8, now it is Martin Luther King’s speech “I have a Dream”.  This is what idle Vatican Mammon money can buy with Vatican Pied Pipers like John Allen as they twiddle diddle with their million dollar pens and copycat history in order to cover-up the evils inside the Vatican especially the fastest tracking “saint John Paul II”, read our analysis of John Allen’s masterpiece in Newsweek about JP2 here, which is his pattern .  John Allen continues to cheapen history and historical figures and events by “stealing” their titles and mimicking them to cloak over the charades of Pope Francis at the Vatican Titanic sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy. 

We also expose here female Vatican Pied Pipers, below is UK’s Cristina Odone promoting “Francis-mania.  Women are the bulwark of worshipers and so the Vatican has to try to brainwash in order to keep them because if Catholic women ever wake up and see the light of day and start boycotting the churches, the Vatican will easily fall down like a house of cards. Read our related latest article, “John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies!  and JP2 Army in Nunavut, Canada

John Allen makes Vatican and Rome synonymous: a Vatican Titanic Deceit

In the 21st century, the city of Rome is the secular democratic city of Italy with 2,753,000 population  - while the Vatican is the smallest albeit religious autocratic country with only 800  people population  (because that’s the only space it has to house this number that’s half the population of a USA High School).  The Vatican owns most of the infrastructures, buildings and commerce in Rome and Italy - but it has no political power in Italian parliament. Italy has 60,9200,000 million people (2012). Read the assets of the Vatican here which will be taxed this year 2013 that will rake in more than 600 million Euros to 1 billion Euros for Rome and Italy 

This the first time in history that Vatican will start paying taxes for its businesses properties in Italy.  Hopefully all nations will follow suit.  The littlest country Vatican, however, have powers to suppress women worldwide even in the UN, read our related article here and to oppress poor countries, read here the Vatican Concordats. (Women can topple down this Vatican power since they are the bulwark of Catholic churches worshippers). 

To prove that the Rome and Italians  do not give a care or shit about the Pope, in the Vatican’s own backyard, when Benedict XVI was newly elected pope, the young Italian university students and professors of La Sapienza in Rome, a few miles nearby the Vatican, refused to let him set foot and preach to them, read our related article here Benedict XVI rejected by Rome's Sapienza University students and professors
So for John Allen to put both the `Vatican and Rome in his title so as to keep saying Rome -- is the same as the Vatican -- is an outrageous lie or a “Catholic toxic delusion” (to borrow the vocabulary of the recent Australia’s Victorian Inquiry, read our related article  here - 7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!)

For John Allen to associate Rome ‘well aware’ of accountability problem” is a ruse Vatican Pied Piper leading his readers to a cave of deception - because this title incites his readers to think that it is Rome who has the accountability problem - and not the Vatican.  The Parliament government of Rome and its elected Italian Roman officers such as Berlusconi or the Italian Senate have absolutely nothing to do with the cover-up of the bestial JP2 Army – but rather it’s the Vatican appointed Cardinals and Bishops who have accountability problems for covering up the – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army!  

 But by mingling the two cities of Rome and the Vatican, John Allen latent intention is to confuse his readers to recall of their romantic voyage to the big city of Rome and not to reflect on the current corrupt evils going on inside the Vatican thick walls -- especially the “Gay Lobby” gay bestial orgies which are being committed unstoppable by the new Pope Francis because these are the same gay prelates who know the ins and outs of the Vatican administration and he can’t get rid of them or else the Vatican will collapse without their inherent service. (What does he know, after all he spent most of his life in far away Argentina? He depends on these gay prelates, whether he likes it or not).  By constantly intermingling Rome and the Vatican, John Allen makes Catholic readers forget especially the most recent pope crimes in history to which they are living witnesses namely John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger Benedict XVI who were the pair of masterminds who covered-up thousands of files of bestial pedophile priests during half the 20th century hence they aptly called JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here .   

Here are our comments (highlighted also in yellow inside his text) on John Allen’s latest Vatican Deceits tactics in his article “Vatican abuse prosecutor says Rome ‘well aware’ of accountability problem” (on November 25,2013 in Abuse Tracker since we do not go to his column “All Things Catholics” toxic delusions (to use Australia’s Parliamentary inquiry vocabulary, read our related article,  7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church! 

 John Allen’s strategy to mislead Catholics and his readers are apparent immediately in his subliminal titles -- as we have pointed out especially in his Newsweek masterpiece This latest John Allen article is no exception for by saying 3 words that are false: “Rome” and ‘well aware’-- he toots for the Vatican Titanic Deceits Empire more cleverly than all Vatican Pied Pipers combined.    

On the same day as John Allen’s  article, on November 25, 2013, Alan Howe, an Australian journalist for HERALD SUN published his article (which is in sharp contrast and antithesis of John Allen)  entitled Two priests' stories shows Catholic Church's warped priorities.  Alan Howe’s first paragraph sums it all and is one of journalism’s honest and finest:
THE Catholic Church has long had problems with sex and marriage. Its popes still preach that sex outside marriage is a sin, despite so many unmarried priests regularly having sex - much of it criminal. (Our highlight and comments:  In this first paragraph, Alan Howe is able to put immediately the entire picture into proper true perspectives, read more below)

The way the Devil’s Twin John Allen writes his title is very clever like the Devil in the Garden of Eden.  Look at his first three words, “Vatican abuse prosecutor” ---  he makes it appear as if the Vatican has one when in fact   from the top down, from Pope John Paul II and down the Vatican hierarchy have been guilty of the abuse of human rights for over half a century as Amnesty International named it among the guilty countries, read here  .  The Vatican has not met the deadline for their UN Report on child abuse. So Allen tries to praise this new idle position created to pacify people who are on the verge of a French Revolution to take over the Vatican, read more here
Catholic Church is not the world’s moral authority. The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy

By giving the first three words in his title to praise the Vatican, John Allen segue the attention of crimes and evils committed by the Vatican…and cunningly associate “Rome” with the accountability problem ---as if Rome had committed all those accountability problem of John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, Cardinal Bernard Law, Bishops and Cardinals worldwide --- all their Catholic hierarchy crimes of accountability has been shifted away from them at the Vatican and have gone to the city of “Rome” (romantic Rome).

This is the subliminal message of John Allen title:

Vatican prosecutor –versus – Rome’s accountability problem

John Allen is an innate Devil in his journalistic skills that is why he is aptly called the Devil’s Twin because Catholics eat his Vatican Holy Shit which comes from the Opus Dei the Devil’s asshole which has given him and instructed him to do since he is the highest paid journalist on the planet.  In his Opus Dei book, he cleverly disparaged in very subtle ways the Jesuits especially Pedro Arrupe –read here  but look who is trying to salvage the Vatican Titanic now – the Jesuits – trying to clean up the mess the Opus Dei defecated during their 27 years papacy of Satanas JP2 – John Paul II, the Patron of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists priests, read our related article here 

The Vatican is not Rome.  The Vatican has no right using this word and this city.  John Allen has no right using the word Rome for the crimes of the Vatican.  Even students of Rome’s largest university in Europe, the La Sapienza refused to open its doors to the then new Pope Benedict XVI  and he never dared step foot inside it during his entire papacy until now see here

Read our related article,  UN commands Vatican to reveal cover-ups/info

Vatican abuse prosecutor says Rome 'well aware' of accountability problem

National Catholic Reporter
John L. Allen Jr. | Nov. 25, 2013 NCR Today   (Our Comments:  John Allen is the Devil’s    Twin, the greatest Vatican Pied Piper of them all and the highest paid journalist on earth. This is what was found in Abuse Tracker since we do not go into John Allen’s toxic delusional All Things Catholic columns in NCR)

The Vatican's top prosecutor for sex abuse cases says Rome is "well aware" of how frustrated many people are with perceived confusion about how to hold bishops accountable when they're accused of failing to make a "zero tolerance" policy stick and hopes a solution will emerge from debates over curial reform under Pope Francis.  (Our Comments:  John Allen is the Devil’s Twin who keeps saying “Rome” when it should be “Vatican” only -- because the Vatican is a country of its own. The city of Rome has nothing to do with the Vatican administration and hierarchy of cardinals and bishops and the autocracy of the Pope.   But when it comes to referring or sweet coating to Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, John Allen keeps plagiarising and using the city of Rome to cover-up Vatican filth, just like John Allen also plagiarizes the G-8 summit of nations…when these nations are all democratic and hard-working leaders --while the Vatican is theocracy and totalitarian and all Cardinals are appointed (not elected) and only the Pope has the authority and no one has a voice in it whatsoever especially women and children.   John Allen is the Devil’s Twin is the cleverest liar using laymen’s terminology to cover-up religious evils of the Vatican.  The Rome elected officers have nothing to do with the Bishops and Cardinals’ accountability problem of aiding and abetting thousands of bestial pedophile priests of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly the longest reigned pope who said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children in the latter part of the 20th Century.  So to say that the “Vatican abuse prosecutor…says…Rome ‘well aware’ of accountability problem” is more clever than the Devil in the temptation in the Garden of Eden, that is why John Allen is the Devil’s Twin! )

Fr. Robert Oliver, a New York native who helped lead recovery efforts from the abuse crisis in the Boston archdiocese before being appointed as the Promoter of Justice in the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in late 2012, spoke to NCR on Friday.  (SNAP was against his appointment because he was the assistant of Cardinal Bernard law the RED DEVIL, see his photo and captionbelowe)

He made the comment on accountability in the context of a question about Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., who was convicted in September 2012 of Our Comments: Bishop Finn is a convicted Opus Dei Bishop who has his eyes to be a Cardinal one day.  So he refuses to resign even if he is a criminal, only in the Vatican Catholic Church are criminals glorified, read more here

This week, Oliver will be in the United Kingdom for a series of talks as well as meetings with abuse victims and child services professionals. It marks a fairly rare public outing for the 53-year-old canon lawyer, who so far has not developed the same high profile as his predecessor, Charles Scicluna, a Maltese cleric who became the face and voice of the cleanup effort on sex abuse under Pope Benedict XVI before returning to Malta as an auxiliary bishop a year ago.   (Our Comments:   “series of talks”, empty words full of Vatican Deceits, read here John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies

Other highlights from his NCR interview:

* Oliver asserted that recent reports suggest "a dramatic drop in incidents of abuse" committed by Catholic personnel, confirming, in his view, that "the church has made great strides in all parts of the world." (Our Comments:  “A dramatic drop” because now the whole world knows and is aware and closely watching all Catholic priests in the lens of a microscope or telescope.  But this does not excuse the half-a century bestiality of the JP12 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – and that he will be the fastest tracking saint is still the biggest Vatican Deceits in this century)

* He conceded that in some instances, processing abuse cases both at the local level and in Rome "takes too long" and said his office is working on the problem. (Our Comments:   It’s the Vatican , not Rome, that takes too long because it wants to forget the whole bestial JP2 Army and by not talking about it, they hope the whole world will also forget about it.)

* Oliver said in an average month today, the number of abuse cases reported to Rome is in the dozens, most dating from the distant past. (Our Comments:   The Australian commission Victorian Premier said “The catholic leaders should hang their heads in shame” read more here

* He commends the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child for taking an interest in child sexual abuse, including the Vatican's record on the problem, despite suspicions in some Catholic circles that it's an excuse for attacking the church. He confirmed that the Vatican is preparing a response for the committee ahead of a scheduled Jan. 16 hearing in Geneva. (Our Comments:: Now John Allen is throwing a new Vatican Deceits strategy of anti-Catholicism when he writes  “it's an excuse for attacking the church”.  That is a new oen – the “persecution of the Christian Church” when people brings out the evils committed by popes and priests, read here

* Without commenting directly on recent charges of abuse against a papal nuncio in the Dominican Republic, Oliver said such situations offer a reminder that the problem "never goes away" but also that "the changes the church has made are working."( Our Comments: Of course he won’t “commenting directly” because that Polish Archbishop was ordained by John Paul II which proves John Paul II not only have 2 evil Achilles Heels but also evil hands that ordained this bestial Vatican Ambassador, read more here

* Oliver said it's legitimate for church leaders to be concerned about the impact of litigation related to the abuse scandals, but they need to make clear that "our main concern is not about protecting the church's money."(Our Comments:  this is the biggest lie; it’s always about the money of the Vatican Mammon Beast!   Just look at Los Angeles and the Opus Dei Archbishop Gomez who spent thousands to lobby the government and buy the soul of Ex-Jesuit Governor Jerry Brown to veto bill SB 131, read more here

Ex-Jesuit Gov.Jerry Brown vetoes SB131,invokes Roman law, perpetuates cover-up of 20th Century JP2 Army who stabs the heart of Jesus’ mother

  Just look at all the dioceses declaring bankruptcy protection to avoid paying compensation to  victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army -- it's all about preserving Vatican Mammon Beast!

Here is how the Opus Dei and the Vatican perpetuate poor countries and poor peoples....the evil Opus Dei Vatican White Popes. Read more here 

Two priests' stories shows Catholic Church's warped priorities  (Comment: A GOOD truthful journalist - the antithesis of John Allen)

Herald Sun 
THE Catholic Church has long had problems with sex and marriage. Its popes still preach that sex outside marriage is a sin, despite so many unmarried priests regularly having sex - much of it criminal.
For centuries priests married freely, but the church came to view women with suspicion - clearly it still does - and it slowly changed its mind.
Today priests must not marry. But St Peter had a missus at the dawn of Christianity and it seems he coped, despite the distractions. (Our Comment:  Priests do not want to marry because they have sexual attraction for women but instead are lusting for little boys or are homosexual.  An ex-cleric of the Oratory of St. Joseph in Montreal for example said that ALL those priests at the Oratory are homosexual, read here

We know he was married because the Bible records Jesus curing Saint Peter's mother-in-law of a fever. It's not recorded if the first Pope thought that a good thing or not.

 'Evangelii Gaudium' amounts to Francis' 'I Have a Dream' speech (Our comments: SHAME on John Allen for using our American heroes such as Martin Luther King who shed his blood for this great country – compared the little country of the Vatican and the new Pope who ahs questionable track records on human rights in his native Argentina and on a new Pope who has done nothing for the tens of thousands of victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the USA and refuse to meet with American SNAP David Clohessy, read here )

National Catholic Reporter
John L. Allen Jr. | Nov. 26, 2013
ANALYSIS Dreams can be powerful things, especially when articulated by leaders with the realistic capacity to translate them into action. That was the case 50 years ago with Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech, and it also seems to be the ambition of Pope Francis' bold new apostolic exhortation, "The Joy of the Gospel."  (Our Comments: It's remarketing and repackaging of old Vatican Deceits, read our related article,  

In effect, the 224-page document, titled in Latin Evangelii Gaudium and released by the Vatican Tuesday, is a vision statement about the kind of community Francis wants Catholicism to be: more missionary, more merciful, and with the courage to change. (Our Comments:  This is all Jesuit lies, lies, lies because it is the Vatican -- through the Jesuit missionaries (ironically)  that is perpetually oppressing poor countries to be poor through the Vatican Concordats, read our related article here 

Francis opens with a dream.  (Our Comments:   Pope Francis is now sitting in the lap of luxury out-of-touch with reality and depending on his Opus Dei ghost writers and Jesuit Janitors.  His “dream” is all a Vatican Deceits ploy to segue people’s attention from the Vatican Concordats, this is what Catholics should be studying and fighting for their countries - to cut ties with the Vatican State, read more here -- Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

"I dream of a 'missionary option,' " Francis writes, "that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the church's customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today's world, rather than for her self-preservation." (Our Comments:   BIG LIES.  The Vatican is only interested in its self-preservation of its Vatican Mammon Beast and they’ll use God’s words and the Gospel to keep on oppressing and deceiving poor countries and poor peoples!)

In particular, Francis calls for a church marked by a special passion for the poor and for peace.
(Our Comments: VATIAN DECEITS PAR EXCELLENCE “passion for the poor” is Vatican Bull Shit!! Pope Francis is using the poor as his props and photo-ops in order to deceive the poor, here’s what Jon Sobrino said and it applies today to the “words, words, words” and empty words of his fellow Spanish Bergoglio.  Sobrino is the Jesuit who was silenced by Benedict XVI when he criticized how John Paul II using the poor as his papal props , read more here

There will never be “peace” because the Vatican Mammon Beast is part of the machinery of war!  And the Vatican Concordats which were written by the Jesuits will continue to suppress the poor and steal billions of dollars annually from poor countries unless the Vatican ceases to be a “country, read here about Marcos Billions stolen by the Jesuits as conduits as a group insist the Black Pope was the Superior General of the Jesuits who was the conduit of Vatican theft in each countries.  But now the Pope is both the Black and White Pope, irony that the Last Pope is a Jesuit which was the most responsible for the propagation of the Vatican worldwide and brainwashing of peoples through the Jesuit Universities – which were at first despised by the Opus Dei but are now dependent on the Jesuits for their OD survival!!!)


Vatican - More Vatican governance promises that ignore the church’s central crisis

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP)
For immediate release: Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013
Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( 314 862 7688 home, 314 503 0003 cell, )
Today, there are more headlines from the Vatican about self-governance. But there’s still no action from the Vatican on clergy abuse.
It’s more minimal tinkering around the edges instead of directly confronting the most devastating scandal in the church: widespread and horrific crimes against kids being concealed and enabled by bishops.
Most neutral observers would admit that the central crisis that has roiled the Catholic church and continues to roil the Catholic church is violence against kids by clerics and cover ups of that violence by bishops. Eight months into the papacy of Pope Francis has brought absolutely no progress on the scandal that most hurts Catholics at the bottom, and ironically, also at the top of the church hierarchy.
Pope Francis can ride all the buses and carry all the suitcases and make all the gestures and write all the letters he wants. But until he disciplines his corrupt colleagues and underlings who protect their reputations instead of their flocks, no meaningful reform will happen.

Timothy McGrath
November 18, 2013

Maybe we should think twice before buying into the hype.

 This week GlobalPost showed why so many people are digging on Pope Francis. He loves the sick and the poor. He lives a simple life that reflects his values. He has criticized the Catholic church for its alienating obsession with social issues. And he has called out global capitalism for the greed it has produced and the social devastation it has wrought.
Sounds good? Not so fast.
Here are some reasons we should think twice before hopping on the Pope Francis bandwagon.

1) Unanswered questions about the Dirty War in Argentina

The past is good place to start when questioning the hype surrounding Pope Francis.

Specifically, what was he doing during the Dirty War in Argentina, when the military junta that ruled from 1976 to 1983 was undertaking the systematical mass murder of so-called “subversives,” all under the Western-supported banner of “anti-Communism.” As few as 9,000 and as many as 30,000 men, women, and children were killed or “disappeared” in the course of the purge
The Catholic Church was complicit in many ways. Archibishop Juan Carlos Aramburu openly supported the military junta and its murderous purge. Some priests gave last rights to men and women as they were headed to execution.

So what was Pope Francis, then known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, doing during all this?

He was the Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus from 1973 to 1979, meaning he was the boss of the Jesuits in Argentina. His role in the Dirty War is hazy. According to some reports, he was a willing collaborator: at worst, pointing out liberal ministers to the military and, at least, refusing to protect priests who were seized. He denies all of this, insisting that he secretly helped priests who had been targeted.

So, Pope Francis, a leading Catholic figure at a moment when Argentina needed strong voices of opposition, was, at best, silent, and at worst, complicit.

We might never uncover all the facts about what happened. But there is enough there to at least be a little skeptical of Francis, his past, and his character.

2) Poor handling of the Church's child sex abuse crisis

Francis has made some headway on the child sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. He’s spoken out on the problem and instituted some new laws governing Vatican officials and employees.
That's a start, but there is much more to be done when it comes to putting words into actions.
This is especially true in Latin America, where some have questioned Francis' handling of molestation cases in Argentina, Chile, the Dominican Republic and Peru.

He has been largely silent on four shocking cases.

1. Dominican Republic: When the Vatican discovered that its envoy in the Dominican Republic was paying underage boys for sex, it responded by secretly firing him.

2. Peru: More secret and non-transparent handling of child sex abuse has taken place in Peru, where an auxiliary bishop went on the lam after child sex allegations against him surfaced. The Vatican’s only action was, again, to secretly dismiss him from his post. The Archbishop of Lima, Juan Luis Cipriani, even criticized journalists covering the story and said that the abuser deserved “mercy.”

3. Chile: When a congressional committee began investigating sexual abuse at Catholic children’s homes, the Archbishop of Santiago refused to appear before the committee. He bravely claimed separation of church and state, despite the fact that Chile’s agency for child welfare partly subsidizes the homes. Quite a show of strength from the Vatican’s top dog in Chile.

4. Argentina: In Francis’ home country, an imprisoned priest, Father Julio Cesar Grassi, is now appealing his 15-year sentence for sexually abusing boys. You’d think a convicted and imprisoned child rapist in the Pope’s home country would offer a low-risk opportunity for the Vatican to take a strong stand against child sex abuse in the church. Not so. One bishop in Argentina has openly claimed that Grassi is innocent, and the archdiocese released a statement pointing out that of 17 charges leveled against Grassi, he had been found not guilty of 15. Great.

So when we applaud Pope Francis for his vocal opposition to poverty, inequality, and global capitalism, we should remember the pernicious things he’s not opposing as vocally.

3) His new tone on abortion and gay marriage is really new

Francis’ softened tone on gay marriage and abortion is one of the things drawing admiration from socially liberal folks. He said that the Church shouldn’t “interfere spiritually” in the lives of gay men and women. And he warned that the Catholic ministry had become “obsessed” with abortion.
He hasn’t always held such views, it seems.
Just before Argentina legalized same-sex marriage, as recent as 2010, Francis called the bill “a plan to destroy God’s plan” and “a move by the fathers of lies to confused and deceive the children of God.”
And he has urged a fairly obsessive commitment to fighting abortion, telling Catholics in 2005 that they should protect life even if “they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you.”

So the less conservative tone is new for Pope Francis. We'll need to wait and see whether it translates into doctrinal change.

4) He’s continuing the Vatican “inquisition” against American nuns

Under the harrowing reign of Pope Benedict, the Vatican cracked down on the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), an organization that represents most American nuns. A Doctrinal Assessment by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) accused the LCWR and American nuns of promoting “radical feminist themes” by tempering or even opposing the Vatican’s positions on gay rights and abortion. 

The CDF determined that a Vatican-appointed overseer should govern the LCWR to keep the nuns in line. Some critics called the measure an “inquisition.”

When Pope Francis took over for Benedict, he had the opportunity to reverse or change the CDF’s controversial decision. Instead he “reaffirmed the findings."

So maybe Francis was feeling some pressure as a new Pope in the unusual circumstances of evaluating decisions made by a living predecessor. Either way, he had an opportunity to do end a witch-hunt against American nuns and didn’t.

 5) He might have performed an exorcism on live TV

In the scheme of things, this one isn’t nearly as important as Francis’s take on Church doctrine or his willingness to combat child sex abuse. But it’s disturbing enough to join this list.

During a Mass in St. Peter’s Square in May, TV cameras filmed Francis praying over a man in a wheelchair. They exchanged words and Francis placed two hands on the man's forehead for several seconds while then man appeared to convulse slightly and gasp for breath.

Almost immediately, people began to speculate that Francis, who often talks of demons and devils in his sermons, had performed an exorcism.

The Vatican released a statement denying it. Gabriel Amorth, formerly a chief exorcist for the Vatican, saw it differently.

“That was a real exorcism and what is more,” he told reporters, “the boy the pope exorcized came to me today. His name is Angelo and he is possessed by four demons. I performed a long exorcism on him.”
Huh. Not a great sign for people who'd like to see the Catholic Church, one of the most powerful institutions in the world, enter the 21st century as a force of progress.

Maybe it wasn't an exorcism. Or maybe it was an accidental exorcism that Pope Francis was an unwilling party to. Judge for yourself.

7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!

Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
Paris Arrow
Updated November 18, 2013
When the Victorian Inquiry 750-page report was tabled last November 13, 2013, it made 15 sweeping recommendations and it particularly savaged the Catholic Church because, as committee member Andrea Coote said in her speech to Parliament, the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church was the focus of the vast majority of testimony (estimated 95% of the pedophile crimes discovered in the inquiry were committed by pedophile priests) and the report made clear, that members of the committee were unimpressed by the testimony of Catholic leaders – especially Cardinal George Pell - who trivialized and minimalized - the most heinous crimes against children committed by bestial priests - covered-up by him and his colleagues of Catholic Cardinals and Bishops for decades – to protect the “godly” reputation and hidden wealth of the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church. One headline by The Tablet read: “Australian report finds ‘substantial criminal child abuse’ in Church” meaning the Vatican Catholic Church (it’s not “Roman Catholic”, read why and see news compilation below).

Vatican Pied Pipers (female and male)


Pope says power should be moved away from Vatican

Telegraph (UK)
Pope Francis uses first major document of papacy to call for fundamental reform of "confined" Church and attack global capitalism  (OUR COMMENTS:  Vatican Deceits because the Vatican is the glue of global capitalism as Papal Nuncios, Bishops and Cardinals are used to smuggle money like the Italian Bishop and Vatican Bank Accountant caught smuggling 20 million Euros in a private plane from Switzerland to Rome, read here  

By Nick Squires, Rome 26 Nov 2013

Pope Francis called for the Vatican to place mercy above an "obsession" with moral doctrine, using his first major document of his papacy to lay out a radical blueprint for a Catholic Church that was "bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets".

The "slum Pope" as Francis has been nicknamed for his work in the shanty towns of his native Argentina, also attacked global capitalism, saying that rising levels of inequality and poverty could "explode" into conflict unless addressed by world leaders.  (OUR COMMENTS:  The “slum pope” is Vatican Deceits using the poor to oppress the poor and to keep them poor)  

"The poor are accused of violence, yet without equal opportunities the different forms of aggression and conflict will find a fertile terrain for growth and eventually explode," he said.

Pope Francis calls for power to move away from Vatican

BBC News
Pope Francis has called for power in the Catholic Church to be devolved away from the Vatican, in the first major work he has written in the role.
In the document, he says he is open to suggestions to changes in the power of the papacy.
He also warns that rising global economic inequality is bound to explode in conflict.
Since becoming Pope in March, Francis has struck a markedly different tone to his predecessor on several issues. ...
David Willey
BBC News, Rome

The new document did not address some of the key ethical reforms called for by Catholic progressives and ruled out any change in the Church's teaching on abortion or the exclusion of women from the priesthood. However, the Pope has already set up an advisory council of eight cardinals who are due to gather in Rome for their second plenary meeting next week.  (OUR COMMENTS:  These are the same RED DEVILS Cardinals made of the same cloth as Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston.)

He has also set up new mechanisms for reform of the Vatican bureaucracy. the main thrust of Pope Francis' pontificate, as outlined in this document and in his many homilies, is that he wants to see a less Vatican-centred Church whose greatest concern is for the poor and the marginalised, victims of an unjust global economic system that puts profit before people.  (OUR COMMENTS:   This line is total Vatican Bullshit -  this is just a segue to the attention of the Vatican EVILS – and focus on the poor – to give them some BAND-AID treatment to the poverty which are caused by the Vatican Concordats usurping billions of dollars from countries already buried in debts, read here our related article

In addition, Pope Francis says that ties with Islam have taken on great importance for the Catholic Church because of the growing number of Muslim immigrants now residing in many traditionally Catholic countries. "We Christians," he says, "should embrace Muslims with affection and respect in the same way that we hope and ask to be respected in countries of Islamic tradition."

In his "apostolic exhortation", Pope Francis said he preferred a Church that was "bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security".  (OUR COMMENTS:  Nothing could be further from the truth because the Vatican is clinging to its financial security worldwide and its power together with multinational corporations.  Vatican LIES par excellence!  Those Papal Nuncios and Cardinals have diplomatic immunity and they are the conduits of billions of dollars being usurped from Third World countries!)

Pope Francis: No more business as usual (OUR COMMENTS:  The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in moral bankruptcy and so Pope Francis is once again trying to use the “Gospel” Brand

By Daniel Burke, Belief Blog Co-editor  (OUR COMMENTS: a Vatican Pied Piper like John Allen trying to brainwash readers to be robotic Francis-mania stupid Catholic heads!) 
(CNN) - Pope Francis on Tuesday called for big changes in the Roman Catholic Church – including at the very top – saying he knows it will be a messy business but he expects his flock to dive in feet first.
"I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security," the Pope said in a major new statement.

"I do not want a Church concerned with being at the center and then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures." (OUR COMMENTS:  Well, well, isn’t the canonization of John Paul II part of the Vatican web of obsessions and procedures??)  

The Pope's address, called an "apostolic exhortation," is basically a pep talk from the throne of St. Peter. But Francis' bold language and sweeping call for change are likely to surprise even those who've become accustomed to his unconventional papacy. (OUR COMMENTS:  “Sweeping call for change” is VATICAN LIES -- when women have no voice in the church and criminal Bishop Finn is still a Bishop, the Papal Nuncio wanted in the Dominican Republic is still hiding in the Vatican the safest haven for criminals and where criminals are canonized and glorified?, read our related articles -- ) 

Pope says power should be moved away from Vatican

Telegraph (UK)
Pope Francis uses first major document of papacy to call for fundamental reform of "confined" Church and attack global capitalism
By Nick Squires, Rome 26 Nov 2013
Pope Francis called for the Vatican to place mercy above an "obsession" with moral doctrine, using his first major document of his papacy to lay out a radical blueprint for a Catholic Church that was "bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets".
The "slum Pope" as Francis has been nicknamed for his work in the shanty towns of his native Argentina, also attacked global capitalism, saying that rising levels of inequality and poverty could "explode" into conflict unless addressed by world leaders.
"The poor are accused of violence, yet without equal opportunities the different forms of aggression and conflict will find a fertile terrain for growth and eventually explode," he said.


Vatican Information Service
Vatican City, 26 November 2013 (VIS) - “The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus”; thus begins the Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”, by which Pope Francis develops the theme of the proclamation of the Gospel in the contemporary world, drawn from, among other sources, the contribution of the work of the Synod held in the Vatican from 7 to 28 October 2012 on the theme “The new evangelization for the transmission of the faith”. The text, which the Holy Father consigned to a group of thirty-six faithful following the closing Mass of the Year of Faith last Sunday is the first official document of his pontificate, since the Encyclical “Lumen fidei” was written in collaboration with his predecessor, Benedict XVI. “I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come”, he continues. It is a heartfelt appeal to all baptized persons to bring Christ’s love to others, “permanently in a state of mission”, conquering “the great danger in today’s world”, that of an individualist “desolation and anguish”.

The Pope invites the reader to “recover the original freshness of the Gospel”, finding “new avenues” and “new paths of creativity”, without enclosing Jesus in our “dull categories”. There is a need for a “pastoral and missionary conversion, which cannot leave things as they presently are” and a “renewal” of ecclesiastical structures to enable them to become “more mission-oriented”. The Pontiff also considers “a conversion of the papacy”, to help make this ministry “more faithful to the meaning which Jesus Christ wished to give it and to the present needs of evangelization”. The hope that the Episcopal Conferences might contribute to “the concrete realization of the collegial spirit”, he states, “has not been fully realized”. A “sound decentralization” is necessary. In this renewal, the Church should not be afraid to re-examine “certain customs not directly connected to the heart of the Gospel, even some of which have deep historical roots”. (OUR COMMENTS:  “Conversion of papacy” must be the NO-canonization of John Paul II because he is not a saint when he was alive and now that he is dead, he is the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists , read here  If Pope Francis canonizes JP2, he is a LIAR and misleading the world in Vatican DECEITS as usual carried over from the lies of the John Paul II 27 years papacy.) 
A sign of God’s openness is “that our church doors should always be open” so that those who seek God “will not find a closed door”; “nor should the doors of the sacraments be closed for simply any reason”. The Eucharist “is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak”. These convictions have pastoral consequences that we are called to consider with prudence and boldness”. He repeats that he prefers “a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church … concerned with being at the centre and then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures. If something should rightly disturb us … it is the fact that many of our brothers and sisters are living without … the friendship of Jesus Christ”. (OUR COMMENTS:  The Eucharist is a HOAX, the sorcery and black magic of the worst of divination – falsely claiming the cloning of Christ’s flesh when popes and priests cannot even clone cats and dogs, therefore they cannot clone God either.  BIG LIE -- the new Pope Francis refused to meet with president of SNAP, David Clohessy who represented more than 15,750 victims in the USA alone -- victims of bestial pedophile priests -- he has been waiting for weeks at the Vatican to meet with the new pope – never got a “Hi” with all that time and money spent in expensive Rome.  The Vatican is a closed church, it silence any critic - so only those who are ROBOT CATHOLICS who “PRAY, PAY, OBEY are welcome inside) 

The anguish of being Catholic

By Elizabeth Nagel
Last week more than 300 Catholics gathered together. One by one, they came forward to an open microphone, giving their names and the parish to which they belong. I heard anger, pain, frustration – and yes, anguish.
Their perspectives varied. Some told about incidents of abuse. Others, who work for parishes, spoke about the strict standards to which they adhere in doing background checks on volunteers wishing to work with children. But they are unable to do the same with priests assigned to their parishes. Another area addressed in this debacle is the degree of pain experienced by good and decent priests in this archdiocese. Everyone present related how events relating to this scandal have deeply affected them.
There was one area of agreement. Committing sexual acts involving a child is reprehensible enough. But much of the anger went beyond the molestation of children, and instead was directed at actions of Archbishop John Nienstedt and those who work for him. Questions were raised if he is even capable of bringing about healing and necessary changes — much less whether he is willing to do so.

 Vatican Female Pied Piper in UK

November 17th, 2013

In this post we will track Vatican female Pied Pipers who are professional journalists who write for the mainstream media. 

Goliath-bully Bill Donohue of Catholic League is the most brutal among the Vatican Pied Pipers and like any Hollywood mortal beast, he will try to terrorize any papal or bishops’ critics especially critics on his favorite Opus Dei criminal Bishop Finn who just won’t resign because he was made a bishop with the goal of becoming an Opus Dei Cardinal someday, read about him here :
GUILTY verdict! Bishop Finn must resign: A compilation. Bishop Finn is Finn-ished. Finnsanity... Insane KC STAR CAMPAIGN HITS by Catholic League fanatic Bill Donohue propagating Bishop Finn

The Vatican also employs female Pied Pipers who are there to increase adulation for Pope Francis especially to influence and brainwash women who are the bulwark worshipers in Catholic churches.  Really, women should boycott the church and the Vatican will become a house of cards fallen down.  It’s women who attend the Mass, the Greatest Show on Earth who consequently feeds the wealth of the Vatican Mammon Beast via the Vatican Concordats, read more here Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

We have exposed Australia’s Vatican Pied Piper, Anne Lastman, read about her here  --
Australia JP2 Army! Anne Lastman the false witness to “the limping Christ towards Calvary”… she camouflages John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Here we expose the United Kingdom’s Vatican female Pied Piper, Cristina Odone, and her article,
There are many types of female prostitutes, those who sell their bodies and those who sell their souls which are the journalist-whores who sell their soul to the Devil of the Vatican Mammon Beast, in more diplomatic jargon, the Vatican female Pied Pipers. 

In every country, the Opus Dei Vatican employ women to deceive women – because women are the bulwark of Catholic worshipers  the stupid Vatican robots who pray the Rosary even if the
Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century

UK - Vatican Female Pied Piper Cristina Odone promotes “Francis-mania”

Today, the UK comes out with its female Vatican Piped Piper, Cristina Odone, who writes another Vatican Titanic Deceits, “Pope Francis, the poster boy for today’s Catholics” – all ghosts written by Opus Dei’s The Plan – and Jesuit cohorts.

In her Vatican Deceits, Cristina Odone wrote to knock down the new Judi Dench film Philomena and the Magdalene Sisters.  Can people recall the Opus Dei production of The Passion of the Christ that grossed a billion dollars only to hear the director, Mel Gibson, slur at Jews a few months later?  Cristina Odone is the partner in the UK of Goliath-bully Bill Donohue in the USA, read about him here

Goliath Bill Donohue, Catholic League, Bishop Myers’ tactics to suppress freedom of speech in the USA

So Opus Dei uses Cristina Odone to toot for Pope Francis and create a new “Culture of Francis I’.  Now Opus Dei uses women journalist in mainstream media like The Tablet and chose Opus Dei (a Cooperator) Cristina Odone to toot for Pope Francis and create new “Culture of Francis I’ by using the words “Francis-mania”, humble, warm-hearted, and inclusive: simpatico, as Italians would say. She writes that “He has opted for a modest lifestyle – living in a hostel, driving a second-hand Peugeot” – so what’s the big deal about the car – it is all for show to continue hoarding billions of dollars from poor countries through the Vatican Concordats, read our related article Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

Cristina Odone’s Vatican Deceits also were the special mention of many selfless and inspiring nuns were risking their lives in Latin America or Africa – but she failed and intentionally not mention the Vatican attacks on American Nuns, read our related article
Middle Ages Vatican condemns New Age American Nuns: The Celestine Prophecy come true! Sisters in Crisis book mocks LCWR Sisters in Christ

CNN also showed a photo of Pope Francis’ embrace of a severely physically disfigured man on Wednesday at the General Audience – in imitation of St. Francis of Assisi’s embrace of leper – but they fail to mention that Francis never wanted to become a priest and perform the hoax cloning of Christ in the Eucharist which is the epitome of sorcery and black magic.

As long   female journalist-whores will sell their souls to the Vatican Mammon Beast, stupid women Catholic worshipers will continue to pray the robotic rosary and receive the fake flesh of Christ and the Vatican Concordats will oppress women and poor countries and steal their annual billions when these countries are already buries indebts, read more here Vatican Concordats, read more here Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

The Vatican Opus Dei are the most coward religious organization because they never come out in the front line but always hire others to do the dirty job for them. The only time they came out in public was during the 27 years papacy of John Paul II when the main controller was Opus Dei numerary (equivalent to celibate brothers) Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls when they created their Opus Dei Pope number one --  John Paul II, the monstrous Frankenstein Opus Dei creation - and look at the mess they made with the JP2 Army – the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly the longest reigned pope who for 7 years said nothing and did nothing to protect and sae children from bestial pedophile priests – and to cover-up their Opus Dei crimes, they are canonizing John Paul II. It’s amazing what fiction can do! 

Then for the 6 years papacy of Benedict XVI, they hired the veteran Jesuit Vatican Deceivers with 4 centuries of experience of brainwashing people worldwide and usurping their money to feed the Vatican mammon Beast, the Jesuit Fr. Frederico Lombardi as the pope’s janitor before the press of the world, read our related article,

Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

  Today, the Opus Dei has put a Jesuit as Pope to finally be the final face of the papacy and the Last Pope according to the prophecy of St. Malachy.  No he did not choose the name “Peter the Roman” but St. Francis of Assisi whose original name has a “Peter” in it ---  Frances di Pietro di Bernardone - Pietro is a variant of Peter!

Most important book for Catholic to read

Vatican Female Pied Pipers = the journalist-whores who sell their soul to the   Vatican Mammon Beast

Pope Francis, the poster boy for today’s Catholics

By Cristina Odone

When I read about the new Judi Dench film Philomena, my heart sank. Here was another tear-jerker which, like the earlier The Magdalene Sisters, exposed the abuse that unwed mothers suffered at the hands of the Catholic nuns who took them in. The image of the Church as a misogynist institution would have such a firm hold on the public’s imagination, no one would point out that many selfless and inspiring nuns were risking their lives in Latin America or Africa; no one would pay tribute to the teaching orders that had schooled millions of girls from the poorest families, filling them with ambition and the self-confidence to achieve it.
As the film premiered, I donned a tin hat and prepared myself for an open season on “cruel” Catholics. Except that it didn’t come. In its place, I have witnessed a dizzying, breathless love-fest. Its object, miraculously, is the new head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis. Francis-mania has swept Catholic countries such as Italy, where churches are filling, and his native Argentina, where his name, Francisco, is now the most popular for newborn boys.

Part of the Pope’s extraordinary popularity is down to his charm. From the moment he stood on the balcony in St Peter’s Square, cracking a joke and inviting his audience around the world to go with him on a journey, Francis has appeared humble, warm-hearted, and inclusive: simpatico, as Italians would say. He has opted for a modest lifestyle – living in a hostel, driving a second-hand Peugeot, dispensing with bodyguards – which confirms that as far as he is concerned, “we are all in this together”.

Pope John Paul II: La-la-la-la-la-la — I can't hear those things you're saying about sex abuse

the old ugly pope John Paul II: I am the greatest — I can't hear those things you're saying about my JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for my longest papacy of 27 years controlled by Opus Dei  

JP2 - the youngest pope in modern times obsessed with his legacy as John Paul II "the GREAT"

On 31 October 1992 John Paul II apologized to 17th century Galileo… but ten years later, in July 2002 in his last World Youth Day in Toronto, he refused to meet and apologize to 20th century victims of the 80 pedophile priests whom Cardinal Bernard Law aided and abetted and the victims of beast serial pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel, the founder of the wealthiest religious congregation, the Legionaries of Christ. John Paul II apologized to Medieval Ages victims of the Catholic Crusades - but not to the victims of 20th Century JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly after him who said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children, read here Paris arrow vision

John Paul II knew about the existence of thousands of victims of 80 pedophile priests that Cardinal Bernard Law aided and abetted in Boston. When the laity successfully dethroned and forced Cardinal Law to resign as Archbishop of Boston, John Paul II promoted him to go to Rome and be the High Priest of the St. Mary Major and be in other high posts at the Vatican where both together would see each other very often.

Vatican Deceits use Cardinal Dziwisz to hide Maciel Billion$$

To justify his John Paul II’s papal silence on priest pedophilia – Vatican Pied Pipers now say that he did not know anything about it and therefore he did not write about it and could not apologize to the victims -- especially victims of his two evil Achilles Heels, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston and Fr. Marcial Maciel, his beloved companion to his favorite most visited pilgrimage, the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico, read here Beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel together in their journeys to Guadalupe: Both were great founders and great deceivers alike



 John Paul II had lots of time to meet with the victims of Fr. Marcial Maciel and especially those of Boston, from 2002 until 2005, his euthanasia, but he chose to lie and lie and pretend that priest pedophilia never happened because of his narcissistic goal was becoming John Paul II “the Great”. Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston is his live evil Achilles Heel, just look at the pathetic guy, the Red Devil of St. Mary Major!


the "slimy bastardCardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep." But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the Achilles Heel of John Paul II

But no matter how the Vatican Titanic’s religious Vatican Pied Pipers lie and lie that John Paul II “knew nothing”, secular history does not lie and secular history - especially Google -- has recorded that John Paul II has two evil Achilles Heels, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston and Fr. Marcial Maciel, and money cannot buy or erase this evil papal history and fact, read more

The Magic of the Eucharist and the chanting of the Rosary can be so intoxicating that Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests are heartless and cold in the face of evil and their victims.Restore image of priests for obsolete doctrines,Vatican Concordats, narcissist “saint” John Paul II, Mass fake cloning of Christ religious spectacle?

It is time for 1.2 Catholics to wake up and see the HOAX of the EUCHARIST, that Popes, Cardinals and Bishops and priests cannot clone cats and dogs and Dolly the Sheep, and therefore they cannot clone Christ either.

It is time for the United Nations to end the Vatican as a country and all 175 countries to unite for the abolition of the Vatican Concordats that usurp billions of dollars annually from these countries that are already buried in debt, read more here
The Vatican cannot be saved by the BLACK MAGIC of the EUCHARIST – the Pope and Cardinals and Bishops and priests CANNOT CLONE CATS and therefore they cannot CLONE CHRIST either. It is that simple. No mystical theology of transubstantiation can refute this IMPOTENCY of the Pope and priests, read here Black Magic of the Eucharist

The “Holy Father“ Pope and his copy-cat “holy fathers” priests cannot clone sheep and they cannot clone Christ either, read our related article
Restore image of priests for obsolete doctrines,Vatican Concordats, narcissist “saint” John Paul II, Mass fake cloning of Christ religious spectacle?
The Catholic Church is not the world’s moral authority. The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy
Does anyone remember the cloned sheep Dolly?  It was the cream of the crop top team of scientists who cloned her. Well, the black magic words of a team of “holy priests” cannot clone Christ the Son God either, read about the Divine Trinity
The Vatican Titanic is sinking in moral bankruptcy and there is no way to salvage it as it has been hit by huge moral icebergs around the world, read our related article here
The Vatican cannot be saved by the Sacrament of Confession which protects criminals and persecutes their victims – read our related article here

Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent  ... compared to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who coverd-up pedophile priests

 The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!

The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church 
The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way


 The cloning process that produced Dolly



1-MINUTE  black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests 
Our comment: Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today. 

The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate - or clone - God’s flesh. Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches “

For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone

In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. Paul

See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone
Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. 

No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified


Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,





They came sick and they left sick.

There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,

for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter or Paul did.

Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here
Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims
Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.

The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Pope has no authority in Rome.

The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.

The Pope has no power in Rome.

The Vatican is not part of Rome.

The Pope is not a citizen of Rome.

The allegiance of Catholics is to the Pope and the Vatican or the Magisterium… 
The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore, it is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.

Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis has no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman. 

The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read here .

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.

But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powers

Give your Catholic money to

Red Cross

Doctors without Borders
100 Huntley Street daily TV

Joel Osteen
Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Life Today

Dr. David Jeremiah

Christ like oxygen is free, available and equal to all – reference Quebec Charter of Values

Jesus is greater than religion
Jesus > Religion
Crossroads Christian Communications
Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 - Program #hunt-9489

Jefferson Bethke
In Jesus > Religion, Bethke unpacks similar contrasts that he drew in Spoken Word that went viral on Youtube. In his new book, Bethke highlights the differences between teeth gritting and grace, law and love, performance and peace, despair and hope. With refreshing candor he delves into the motivation behind his message, beginning with the unvarnished tale of his own plunge from the pinnacle of a works-based, fake-smile existence that sapped his strength and led him down a path of destructive behavior. Bethke is quick to acknowledge that he
s not a pastor or theologian, but simply a regular, twenty-something who cried out for a life greater than the one for which he had settled. Along his journey, Bethke discoveredthe real Jesus, who beckoned him beyond the props of false

 Zeus:  supreme authority on earth and on Mount Olympus
I am Zeus the supreme god of the Olympians. 



I am the Holy Father of Jesus, Son of God.
Enabler of Pedophile Priests
St. Joseph with candles in the Votive Chapel of the Oratory of St. Joseph
Giant Saint Joseph could NOT help young students victims! 
Oratory candles could not stop CSC pedophiles and bestial lust for 50 years from 1950 to 2001. 
Give your money to the homeless shelters of Montreal
Stop lighting candles! God does not need candles. 
The poor need to eat. The homeless need a shelter. Homeless people NOT allowed in Oratory! 
It’s acts of mercy that I want, says the Lord, not material sacrifices and candles! 
God does not need your candles!
Saint Joseph does not need your candles.

People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY of St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. 

God will listen more to your prayers - through your acts of charity - because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre.   

God said in the Bible:  It isn’t material sacrifice that I want, but acts of mercy.  

 If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, buthow many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”   

Christ also said, when you pray, go to your room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret, and he will hear your prayers

STJOSEPH DU MONT-ROYAL - L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal


News for November 18, 2013

The Embrace of the Disfigured

National Survivor Advocates Coalition
There is no attempt in this space or by this writer to negate or lessen in any way the impact upon the world of Pope Francis’ embrace of a severely physically disfigured man on Wednesday at the General Audience nor to negate or lessen the immensely heavy burden that this physically disfigured man carries day in and day out.
If you are not aware of this event, here is a link to a news story:
What we have to say is simply this:
Holy Father, this is what the survivors of sexual abuse by priests and nuns look like on the inside.
Embrace their suffering.
Listen to them.
Hear them.
Know them.

Irish Central
Tom Deignan
Much attention was paid this week when rumor spread that an Irish academic named Linda Hogan may well become the first female cardinal in Rome.
“She’s married and a feminist to boot, but Irish theologian Linda Hogan is being touted as a candidate to become the first female ‘prince’ of the Catholic Church,” is how the New York Daily News breathlessly reported the rumor.
While canon law says only men can become cardinals, the pope is free to ignore such rules. A papal spokesperson said, “No nomination of women cardinals are due.”
Nevertheless, the rumor seemed to confirm the feeling that Pope Francis may indeed support radical change within the Vatican.
What did not receive much attention this week was an actual appointment Pope Francis made. Leonard P. Blair, the bishop of Toledo, was named archbishop of Hartford.
What’s the connection?
Just over a year ago, a group of nuns led by Irish American Pat Farrell were causing some trouble by speaking out on women’s issues and the church.

Popular pope, but same old church

By Brian Cahill, Special to CNN
updated 8:34 PM EST, Fri November 8, 2013
Editor's note: Brian Cahill is the retired executive director of San Francisco Catholic Charities. He is a volunteer suicide prevention trainer with the San Francisco Police Department. He writes occasionally for the San Francisco Chronicle and the National Catholic Reporter.
(CNN) -- It is impossible to ignore the impact of Pope Francis, a modern-day pope who operates with humility and directness, who lives simply, who prefers to spend his time with the poor and the marginalized, and who sees his role as pastor, compassionate friend and fellow sinner on the Christian journey.
The photos of Pope Francis embracing a man disfigured by neurofibromatosis and the scene of the little boy on the stage in Vatican Square as Francis addressed pilgrims tell us all we need to know about the humanity and accessibility of our new Pope.
Some bishops are desperately trying to reassure their followers that nothing is changing. But that's a tough sell when the head of the Roman Catholic Church tells his bishops that they are obsessed with abortion, contraception and same-sex marriage and when he says he doesn't judge gays and lesbians. Something is changing. But is this change simply one of tone?
Francis' comments on the appointment of bishops suggest that his criteria has less to do with loyalty and orthodoxy and more to do with pastoral experience and compassion. But in his first American appointment, one that was not in the pipeline before his papal election, he named Bishop Leonard Blair as the new archbishop of Hartford, Connecticut.

 Pope Francis is launching a Vatican Spring

The Independent
Paul Vallely
It ought to have been, for Pope Francis, a day of happiness. It was the first visit of his life to Assisi, the home of the saint whose name the new pontiff chose as a kind of mission statement. But the news came in that as many as 300 migrants were feared dead after the sinking of an overloaded boat off the coast of the southern island of Lampedusa. “Today is a day for crying,” he said instead.
Yet that was apt too. Lampedusa, the first European port of overcrowded call for many people fleeing poverty and war in Africa, was the first place to which Francis travelled outside Rome as Pope. The great saint of Assisi, who cast off a pampered life as the son of a rich merchant to live among the destitute, may be the great exemplar of embraced poverty. But it is in places like Lampedusa that the reality of involuntary poverty in this globalised world is made manifest.
As Pope Francis showed, however, you do not have to travel far to encounter the marginalised. At the Serafico Institute, a charity for seriously disabled children, the Pope stopped to greet every child – more than 100 individuals — kissing some, bending to hear a whispered greeting, embracing those unable to speak. By the time he left this first appointment he was already 45 minutes behind schedule. Itineraries do not matter so much as people, was the implied message.
He was more overt when he entered the room where St Francis had stripped himself of his rich clothes to embrace a life of poverty. The local archbishop asked the Pope to say the Lord’s Prayer there, as St Francis had done eight centuries before. “The Our Father?” the Pope replied. “But I want to talk about what the Church today need to strip away to emulate the gesture Francis made.”

There is no ‘democratic revolution’ in the Vatican

Catholic Herald

By FR ALEXANDER LUCIE-SMITH on Monday, 7 October 2013
Paul Vallely has written an article for the Independent which requires a response.
First of all, the headline, which Mr Vallely did not write, but was written by someone working for the paper. ‘Vatican Spring’ suggests that the reform of the Roman Curia is akin to the overthrow of the tyrants who until recently held sway in the Middle East. Now, I myself have said that the Roman Curia is not fit for purpose, and needs reform: but this snide comparison between the Curia officials and, let us say, President Mubarak, is going a bit far. Not only does it malign some perfectly respectable people, it also belittles the sacrifices made by those who rebelled in the Middle East. The Vatican Spring/Arab Spring echo represents a cheap journalistic trick.
The tone of the article is unfortunate: take this quotation, which suggests that the Pope holds prayer, indeed the most ancient of Christian prayers, in contempt:
The local archbishop asked the Pope to say the Lord’s Prayer there, as St Francis had done eight centuries before. “The Our Father?” the Pope replied. “But I want to talk about what the Church today need to strip away to emulate the gesture Francis made.”
Here you have the perfectly false dichotomy, which the Pope certainly has never intended, between prayer and action. The Pope knows, as do we all, that the more one prays, the more one will change oneself and the world; but the mindset of the Independent seems to be that prayer is an excuse for inaction.

Has Pope Francis a major blind spot regarding the role of women in the Church?

Association of Catholic Priests

Brendan Butler argues that by excommunicating an Australian priest for supporting the ordination of women, Pope Francis displays the same blind spot as his predecessors.
Father Greg Reynolds is the first priest to be excommunicated during the first six months of Pope Francis’s pontificate. At one stage as stated on the NCR website (Sept 27), one of the reasons put forward for his excommunication was that he had given communion to a dog. This allegation is totally untrue and accepted as such by the Archbishop of Melbourne Denis Hart. This reported incident only serves to divert attention from the primary reasons as outlined by the Archbishop and presented in a letter of excommunicated from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith which was approved by Pope Francis.
The letter, in Latin, stated that the ‘decision by Pope Francis to dismiss Fr. Reynolds from the clerical state and to declare his automatic excommunication has been made for his public teaching on the ordination of women contrary to the teaching of the Church and his public celebration of the Eucharist when he did not have the faculties to act publicly as a priest. This is a final and unappealable decision’ .
In his Jesuit magazine interview, Pope Francis did reiterate the traditional theological principle, argely ignored by the last two Popes, that there is a ‘hierarchy of truth’ in the catholic tradition.
Obviously if a Christian denies a basic fundamental truth of Christianity, such as the divinity of Christ, such a denial puts one outside of the Church. But how can dissension from a Papal pronouncement such as that the ‘door is shut on the ordination of women’ , as recently stated by Pope Francis, be on a par with the denial of a basic Christian truth and be equally subject as grave matter for excommunication for such dissent? Placing the ordination of women on the same doctrinal level such as the divinity or humanity of Christ is a literal subversion of truth. Dogma and theological opinion are now interchangeable .

Pope Francis and a Catholic Springtime? But What About the Abuse Crisis and Women's Role in the Church?


William D. Lindsey
As I listen to Leonardo Boff predict a new springtime in the Catholic church due to Pope Francis (see here and here), I don't want to take my eyes off what has happened up to now with the new pope vis-à-vis the biggest crisis the church has faced since the Reformation. This is the crisis provoked by sexual abuse of minors by Catholic religious authority figures.
What has happened with Francis so far on this front is, lamentably, almost nothing at all. As Anne Barrett Doyle and Terence McKiernan recently wrote for Bishop Accountability,
He [Francis] has expressed solidarity with nearly every vulnerable population except for those who were sexually abused within the church.
In a recent article noting Francis's lack of substantial action on the issue of sexual abuse, veteran Vatican watcher John Allen cites Barbara Dorris, SNAP leader, who says,
Like all of his predecessors, Pope Francis is acting belatedly, secretively and recklessly [i.e., in addressing cases of sexual abuse of minors by priests].
As Allen adds,
In other words, some critics charge that the "Francis revolution" -- generally understood to mean a more transparent, accountable and compassionate church -- has not yet arrived vis-à-vis the abuse crisis.
In a recent posting at his Christian Catholicism site, Jerry Slevin notes that at the very same time Allen published his National Catholic Reporter article about Francis and the abuse crisis, the council of eight cardinals selected to advise Francis on reforming the church ended its meeting in Rome without having said a thing about the abuse crisis--and with convicted criminal Bishop Robert Finn still holding his episcopal seat in Kansas City. At the same time, as Jerry also points out, President Obama praised the new pope, while news broke that Father Kevin McDonough, brother of Obama's Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, may have been involved in covering up abuse cases in the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese. Kevin McDonough was vicar general of the archdiocese prior to Msgr. Peter Laird, who has just resigned that position after his role in covering up abuse cases became known.

A 'Francis imprint' on US bishops may take time  

National Catholic Reporter

John L. Allen Jr. | Oct. 7, 2013
Arguably, nothing a pope does is more decisive in shaping Catholic culture than appointing bishops, and that's especially true for one who wants change. Francis has sketched a beguiling vision of a more merciful and compassionate church, one less invested in the culture wars, but pulling it off will require finding bishops to match.

As critical as that task is, it may be a while yet before Francis truly puts his imprint on the Catholic bishops of the United States.
The pope has laid out his notion of church leadership several times, most notably in a June 21 speech to his nuncios, or ambassadors, who play a lead role in recommending new bishops. Francis told them to seek "pastors who are close to their people, fathers and brothers, who are meek, patient and merciful."
He also said that he doesn't want prelates with the "psychology of a prince."
In the United States, Francis inherits 450 active and retired bishops, and many at least seem to realize he's steering them in a new direction. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York has said Francis "wants to shake us up," while Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, who heads the bishops' Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, acknowledged a new caution about appearing strident on matters such as abortion, gay marriage and contraception.

News updates for November 30, 2013

The Pope and his "double"

the Republic

Despite the courage with which Francis is shaping the reform of the Church , sometimes you get the impression that Ratzinger - by his men - acting as a sort of " shadow pope ." The credibility of the new pontiff would be immensely damaged if the reactionaries in the Vatican prevented him from quickly translate into action his words and gestures.

Hans Küng, from Republic , November 27, 2013

The reform of the church proceeds : in the Apostolic Exhortation " Evangelii Gaudium " Pope Francis not only reiterates his critique of capitalism and the rule of money , but it also declares unequivocally in favor of ecclesiastical reform " at all levels ". It beats concrete for structural reforms such as decentralization to dioceses and parishes, a reform of the ministry of Peter , the revaluation of the laity and against the degeneration of clericalism , for an effective representation of women in the church , especially in decision-making bodies . It is declared as expressly favorably to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, especially with Judaism and Islam.

All of this will find a broad consensus beyond the scope of the Catholic Church . The indiscriminate rejection of abortion and women priests should arouse criticism.

Show the limits of this dogmatic Pope Or maybe Francis is under pressure of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and its prefect , Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller ?

The latter expressed his ultra-conservative position in a long speech in L'Osservatore Romano ( October 23, 2013 ), which reiterates the exclusion from the sacraments of the divorced and remarried . Given the sexual nature of their relationship supposedly living in sin, unless you live together "like brother and sister " ( ! ) From the Bishop of Regensburg , Mül - ler , the source of numerous conflicts with pastors , theologians, and lay the bodies of the Central Committee German Catholics for his positions ultraclericali , was discussed and frowned upon. The fact that in spite of what he had been appointed by Pope Ratzinger , as a loyal supporter and editor of his collected works , prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , not surprisingly, was surprised how much time it was immediately confirmed in this position by Pope Francis .

And while observers worried , wondering if the Pope Ratzinger through the archbishop emeritus Müller and Georg Gänswein , his secretary , who was also appointed archbishop and prefect of the pontifical household , actually does not act as a sort of "Papa - shadow . " In the eyes of many, the situation seems contradictory : on the one hand, the reform of the church and the other the attitude of the divorced and remarried .

The Pope wants to go forward - the " prefect of faith" brakes .

The Pope has in mind the concrete humanity - especially the prefect traditional Catholic doctrine . The pope wants to practice charity - the prefect appeals to the holiness and justice of God.
The Pope wants episcopal synods October 2014 and trovassero practical solutions to the problems of the family on the basis of the consultation of the laity - the prefect is based on traditional dogmatic theses in order to maintain the status quo , without charity.
The Pope wants the episcopal synods undertake new attempts at reform - the prefect , former professor of dogmatic theology , think they can block outgoing with his stance . One wonders if the Pope still controls this sentinel of his faith .

It must be said that Jesus himself has expressed in no uncertain terms against divorce . "What God has joined together no man put asunder" (Matthew 10:9). But he did it mainly for the benefit of women in the society of the time was penalized in legal and social and against the man, who in the Jewish world was the only one to be able to submit a request for divorce. So the Catholic church, as successor of Jesus , even in a social situation changed completely , strongly confirms the indissolubility of marriage , which guarantees to their spouses and their children stable and durable.

The New Testament Christians do not consider the words of Jesus about divorce law , but an ethics directive . The failure of the marriage union clearly does not match the design of creation . But only the dogmatic rigidity can not admit that the words of Jesus about divorce already in the apostolic era was used with some flexibility , that is, in the case of " lust " (cf. Mt 5:32; 19.9 ) and in the case of separation between a Christian and a non- Christian partner (cf. I Cor . 7:12-15 ) . It is evident that already in the early church it was realized that there are situations in which to continue living together becomes unreasonable .

And the credibility of Pope Francis would be immensely damaged if the reactionaries in the Vatican prevented him from quickly translate into action his words and gestures imbued with charity and pastoral sense . The enormous capital of trust that the Pope has accumulated during the first months of his pontificate should not be squandered by the Curia . Countless Catholics hope that the Pope to examine the questionable position of theological and pastoral Müller ; binding on the Committee for the Defence of the faith to its line theological pastoral that the commendable consultation of bishops and laity in view of the upcoming synod on the family lead to decisions equipped with a biblical foundation and close to reality.

Pope Francis has the necessary qualities to lead by captain the ship of the church through the storms these days , the confidence of the faithful will support . Will the wind of the curia and often must proceed in a zig zag pattern , but the hope is that by relying on the compass of the gospel (not that of the canon law ) will stay the course in the direction of renewal, ecumenism and openness to the world . " Evangelii Gaudium " is an important step in this direction , but is not the point of arrival.

Il papa e il suo “doppio”

La Repubblica

Nonostante il coraggio con cui Francesco sta delineando la riforma della Chiesa, a volte si ha l'impressione che Ratzinger – tramite i suoi uomini – agisca come una sorta di “papa ombra”. La credibilità del nuovo pontefice verrebbe immensamente danneggiata se i reazionari del Vaticano gli impedissero di tradurre presto in azioni le sue parole e i suoi gesti.
di Hans Küng, da Repubblica, 27 novembre 2013
La riforma della chiesa procede: nell’esortazione apostolica “Evangelii Gaudium” Papa Francesco ribadisce non solo la sua critica al capitalismo e al dominio del denaro, ma si dichiara anche inequivocabilmente favorevole ad una riforma ecclesiastica «a tutti i livelli » . Si batte concretamente per riforme strutturali come la decentralizzazione verso diocesi e parrocchie, una riforma del ministero di Pietro, la rivalutazione dei laici e contro la degenerazione del clericalismo, per una efficace presenza femminile nella chiesa, soprattutto negli organi decisionali. Si dichiara altrettanto espressamente favorevole all’ecumenismo e al dialogo interreligioso, soprattutto con l’ebraismo e l’Islam.
Tutto questo troverà ampio consenso ben oltre l’ambito della chiesa cattolica. Il rifiuto indiscriminato dell’aborto e del sacerdozio femminile dovrebbero suscitare critiche.

Pope Francis’s progressive statement opens questions on abuse cases, women


Jason Berry
November 27, 2013
Pope Francis stands as a rare figure on the global stage, speaking truth to the power of a globally interconnected financial system and governments of the developed world as he puts continuing stress on social responsibility to the poor.  (OUR COMMENTS:  “rare figure” indeed because he is the face of the Vatican Mammon Beast that control the wealth of more than 175 countries, read more here 
 7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!

In a document released yesterday, which the Vatican said the pope wrote in August, Francis calls the global economic system “unjust at its root” for promoting a “survival of the fittest” mentality. (OUR COMMENTS:  Look who is talking   -- the Opus Dei and the Jesuits are now untied for the first time to be the “fittest mentality” in order to survive the Vatican Titanic sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy, but they have to keep on the charade via Pope Francis because all that Vatican Mammon Beast wealth are at stake, read wealth and assets of Vatican here  The Vatican Bank is only a small piece of pie and only window dressing to the most ciorrupt finanacial institution on earth – the Vatican Swiss Banks!) 

He remarks on “widespread corruption” and “self-serving tax-evasion” – coincidentally, less than a week after JPMorgan Chase agreed to pay a $13 billion fine, negotiated with the Justice Department, for selling faulty mortgages in the 2008 economic meltdown. The bank’s CFO, Marianne Lake, said in a conference call with reporters that “$7 billion of compensatory [damages] payments will be deductible for tax purposes.” ...
He addresses sexual abuse in the context of human trafficking as a form of slavery: “This infamous network of crime is now well established in our cities, and many people have blood on their hands as a result of their comfortable and silent complicity.” (OUR COMMENTS:  Again, Pope Francis is contradicting his own statements because he will soon canonize the pope who had the longest “silent complicity” on the half century priest pedophilia – hence they are aptly named after him as John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – JP2 Army.  And the Vatican is the most “infamous network of crime is now well established” in all countries in the world! )  
A certain risk seems inevitable with language of this kind, given the continuing crisis of clergy sex abuse that damaged the bishops’ moral authority in recent years, and which Francis inherited from Pope Benedict.
Francis’s reference to a church “clinging to its own security” came on the same day a clergy abuse survivors’ group in Milwaukee, Wis. released a letter drafted by Father James Connell, a canon lawyer and former diocesan official, to the Congregation for Clergy in Rome, asking the Vatican to nullify a controversial $57 million transaction by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, as archbishop of Milwaukee six years ago, burying the money in a cemetery trust to avoid paying settlements to clergy abuse victims.

In 2007, Dolan shifted the $57 million from general funds into a special cemetery trust as lawsuits by abuse victims mounted. Dolan soon went to New York to become archbishop and subsequently a cardinal. In Milwaukee, the diocese faces 550 victim cases. The diocese filed for federal bankruptcy relief three years ago in an effort to bargain down the settlements; the bankruptcy turned into grinding litigation in which church lawyers challenged the validity of the victims’ claims.
A group of sympathetic clergy rallied to the cause of the victims. The letter that Father Connell wrote as part of the Survivors and Clergy Leadership Alliance, asks the Vatican to rescind the $57 million transfer, approved by Cardinal Claudio Hummes, who was prefect of Congregation for Clergy at the time.

The Vatican policy on clergy abuse, such as it is, encourages bishops to report crimes to law enforcement and work within a given country’s laws. But with bishops bound by canon law to seek approval for shifts of funds over $5 million from Congregation for Clergy, the Vatican is in a position of de facto micromanaging certain decisions that bear on large settlement issues.

News updates for December 18, 2013

Edward Snowden offers to help Brazil over US spying in return for asylum

NSA whistleblower says in letter he is willing to help in wake of revelations that President Dilma Rousseff's phone was hacked

Edward Snowden

Brazilian senators have asked for Edward Snowden’s help during hearings about the NSA’s aggressive targeting of the country. Photograph: Uncredited/AP
Edward Snowden has offered to help Brazil investigate US spying on its soil in exchange for political asylum, in an open letter from the NSA whistleblower to the Brazilian people published by the Folha de S Paulo newspaper.

"I've expressed my willingness to assist where it's appropriate and legal, but, unfortunately, the US government has been working hard to limit my ability to do so," Snowden said in the letterwrote.
"Until a country grants me permanent political asylum, the US government will continue to interfere with my ability to speak out."

Senator Ricardo Ferrão, chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, said on Twitter: "Brazil should not miss the opportunity to grant asylum to Edward Snowden, who was key to unravelling the US espionage system."

Fellow committee member Senator Eduardo Suplicy said: "The Brazilian government should grant him asylum and the US government must understand that the NSA violated rights protected in Brazil's constitution."

But a spokesman for the foreign ministry said it was not considering Snowden's appeal, because it had not yet received a formal asylum request.

In his letter, Snowden – currently living in Russia, where he has been granted a year's asylum until next summer – said he had been impressed by the Brazilian government's strong criticism of the NSA spy programme targeting internet and telecommunications worldwide, including monitoring the mobile phone of the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff.

Revelations of US spying have stirred outrage in Brazil. Leaked documents have shown that the NSA spied on Rousseff's emails and phone calls, tapped the communications of Brazil's biggest oil company, Petrobras, and monitored those of millions of citizens.

Rousseff has been one of the most vocal critics of the spying revealed by Snowden. In September she launched a blistering attack on US espionage at the UN general assembly, with Barack Obama waiting in the wings to speak next.

The following month, she cancelled a visit to Washington that was to include a state dinner, and she has joined Germany in pushing for the UN to adopt a symbolic resolution that seeks to extend personal privacy rights to all people.

Rousseff has also ordered her government to take measures including laying fibre-optic lines directly to Europe and South American nations in an effort to "divorce" Brazil from the US-centric backbone of the internet that experts say has facilitated NSA spying.
Brazilian senators have asked for Snowden's help during hearings about the NSA programme's aggressive targeting of Brazil, an important transit hub for transatlantic fibre-optic cables.

In his letter, Snowden used Brazilian examples to explain the extent of the US surveillance he had revealed.
"Today, if you carry a cellphone in São Paulo, the NSA can track where you are, and it does – it does so 5bn times a day worldwide.

"When a person in Florianópolis visits a website, the NSA keeps track of when it happened and what they did on that site. If a mother in Porto Alegre calls her son to wish him luck with his exam, the NSA can save the data for five years or longer. The agency can keep records of who has an affair or visits porn sites, in case it needs to damage the reputations of its targets."

He added: "Six months ago, I revealed that the NSA wanted to listen to the whole world. Now the whole world is listening, and also talking back. And the NSA does not like what it is hearing."

Snowden's offer comes a day after the White House dashed hopes that the US might be considering an amnesty for the whistleblower, insisting he should still return to the US to stand trial.

Asked about weekend comments by senior NSA official Richard Ledgett suggesting that an amnesty was "worth talking about" if Snowden returned the missing NSA documents, White House spokesman Jay Carney said: "Our position has not changed on that matter – at all. He [Ledgett] was expressing his personal opinion; these decisions are made by the Department of Justice."

Also on Monday a US district judge ruled that the NSA's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records probably violates the US constitution's ban on unreasonable search. The case is likely to go all the way the supreme court for a final decision. Snowden responded to that decision with a public statement that said: "Today, a secret programme authorised by a secret court was, when exposed to the light of day, found to violate Americans' rights. It is the first of many."

The Guardian first published accounts of the NSA's spy programmes in June, based on some of the thousands of documents Snowden handed over to the Brazil-based American journalist Glenn Greenwald and his reporting partner Laura Poitras, a US filmmaker.

Following the publication of Snowden's letter, David Miranda, the partner of former Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, started a petition on the Avaaz activist website calling for Brazil to grant asylum. Miranda wrote: "We have to thank a person for bringing us the truth and helping us fight the aggressive American espionage: Edward Snowden. He is public enemy No 1 in the US. He is someone I admire.

"Edward is running out of time. He is on a temporary visa in Russia, and as a condition of his stay there he cannot talk to the press or help journalists or activists better understand how the US global spying machine works.

"If Snowden was in Brazil, it is possible that he could do more to help the world understand how the NSA and its allies are invading the privacy of people around the world, and how we can protect ourselves. He cannot do it in Russia."

A Failed Bishopric: The Servants Strike Back?

Nick Coleman: The State I'm IN

Posted by Nick Coleman on Dec 16, 2013 in Catholics, Featured | 14 comments
Update: With comic good timing, the Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis has now been accused of playing patty fingers with the Holy Water…only it’s nothing that amusing. Instead, the Saint Paul police have opened an investigation into an allegation that John Nienstedt fingered a boy inappropriately (there are not really many ways to finger a kid appropriately) at a Confirmation ceremony in 2009.
Ish, Bish.
Really, there is no way of knowing at this point whether the charge is true, and I will put my trust in the cops to sort it out. But this is exactly the kind of thing that happens when a House of Cards is collapsing: Fingers start pointing in the darnedest directions. Whether the charge has merit, it clearly indicates disarray and skullduggery in the Bishop’s Bunker, otherwise known as The Chancery, across Summit Avenue from the great Cathedral of Saint Paul. Just Sunday, Nienstedt seemed to try to throw blame on his staff for the growing scandal in his administration. Now the staff may have struck back: It seems likely the charge that Nienstedt was careless with his Bishop’s staff may have come from his other staff, the folks who may not like the prospect of being thrown under the bus by an imperious and tone-deaf prince of the Church who has made a complete cock-up of things.
Here’s a column I wrote for a defunct newspaper in 2007 about the in-coming Archbishop’s hard-line attitude towards gays and his convicting them of mortal sin… Is that the Pot calling the Kettle black?
Stay tuned.
More later. Meanwhile, here is the post I published yesterday: The dude in the Top Hat has to go; now more than ever.
That derisive laughter you heard Sunday was the response of many Twin Cities Catholics to Archbishop John Nienstedt’s pre-Christmas “apology” for letting down his flock — again. As reported by local media with a straight face, Nienstedt’s humbug homily was supposed to be taken as an effort to come clean by a guy who seems to have missed the past 30-year history of efforts to rein in sexual abuse in the Church. Nienstedt’s words weren’t an apology; they were just another cover up. This time, it was his own back end he was trying to cover.

MN - SNAP to Catholics: “Don’t Donate until Fr. McDonough is defrocked”

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

For immediate release: Wednesday December 18, 2013
Statement by Bob Schwiderski, SNAP Minnesota director ( 952 471 3422, )
Enough is enough. Catholic officials should start defrocking Fr. Kevin McDonough. And Catholic parishioners should donate elsewhere until this happens.
Fr. McDonough knows more about clergy sex crimes and cover ups than anyone else in the archdiocese. His name and fingerprints are on many church records about concealing known and suspected crimes.
But the final straw came late yesterday when St. Paul’s police chief named Fr. McDonough as one of the archdiocesan clerics who refuse to be questioned by police.
[Pioneer Press]
By this decision, Fr. McDonough has lost any shred of or claim to any moral authority he may have once had.
And by tolerating this, Archbishop Nienstedt and Bishop Piche - and every other chancery office staffer - are also besmirching themselves and the church they purport to love.
It’s absurd for them to claim that they “cannot speak for Fr. McDonough and his choice not to speak with the police.”



Minneapolis Archbishop John Nienstedt, who launched a mass mailing campaign of 400,000 anti-gay DVDs in 2010, created a special "marriage prayer" to support for the anti-gay amendment on the state's ballot last November, told the mother of a gay son that she must reject him or risk burning in hell, and said Satan is behind gay marriage, has been accused of inappropriately touching a minor, KSTP reports:
Archbishop John Nienstedt denies the allegations, but is removing himself from ministry pending an investigation.

The archdiocese says the incident allegedly occurred in 2009 after a confirmation ceremony. Nienstedt is accused of inappropriately touching an underage male on the buttocks during a group photography session.

The archdiocese learned of the allegation last week and instructed the person who brought it forward to go to police.


A Failed Bishopric: Farewell, John Nienstedt

Nick Coleman

Posted by Nick Coleman on Dec 16, 2013
That derisive laughter you heard Sunday was the response of many Twin Cities Catholics to Archbishop John Nienstedt’s pre-Christmas “apology” for letting down his flock — again. As reported by local media with a straight face, Nienstedt’s humbug homily was supposed to be taken as an effort to come clean by a guy who seems to have missed the past 30-year history of efforts to rein in sexual abuse in the Church. Nienstedt’s words weren’t an apology; they were just another cover up. This time, it was his own back end he was trying to cover.
This was an attempt to pass the buck for a lack of due diligence by a church leader who came to the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis in 2007 with a very specific agenda in mind — an agenda that was not focused on protecting the most vulnerable members of the church but on destroying the liberal bent of an archdiocese that some in Rome — including former Pope Benedict XVI — wanted to quash. Nienstedt, appointed by Benedict to replace the liberal Archbishop Harry Flynn, was just the man for the job. He already had smashed the liberal legacy of the late bishop of the Diocese of New Ulm, Minn., Raymond Lucker, who strongly supported women in the church and recommended that married men be eligible for ordination. In St. Paul, Nienstedt wasted no time cracking down on dissenters in the Twin Cities church, his actions largely focused against gays and homosexual support groups: He supported an outfit that claimed to be able to “cure” gay Catholocs, refused Communion to gay activists, ordered St. Joan of Arc in Minneapolis to cease holding a “Rainbow Mass” during Twin Cities Pride week and even wrote a cranky letter to the University of Notre Dame opposing the school’s decision to invite “anti-Catholic” gay rights supporter Barack Obama to speak. At one point, the bully in the pulpit even told an anguished mom that she better be careful about supporting her gay child or she could end up in hell.


St. Paul cops: Archdiocese not cooperating in investigations


By Brian Lambert
You know the old adage about how if you find yourself in a hole, you should stop digging …? Following Tuesday’s news out of the archdiocese, Tom Scheck and Madeleine Baran at MPR write: “St. Paul Police Chief Tom Smith said the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is not cooperating with an ongoing criminal investigation into clergy sexual abuse. … In a statement released after the news conference, archdiocese officials said they hope to better understand police requests for information at Wednesday's meeting.”
The PiPress story, by Nick Woltman and Emily Gurnon, says: “A clearly frustrated St. Paul Police Chief Thomas Smith said Tuesday that investigators have not gotten cooperation from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis on sexual abuse cases. ‘We have through written and verbal requests made clear our desire to speak to individuals connected with the archdiocese, and we've been told no,’ Smith told reporters at a news conference. At the same time, the archdiocese has made repeated statements that it is working to assist police on the abuse cases, Smith said. If that's the case, ‘you need to have access to individuals that work within that institution,’ the chief said. … During Tuesday's press briefing at police headquarters, Chief Smith named one archdiocesan official who had declined — through his attorney — to talk with police. That official is the Rev. Kevin McDonough, who served for years as vicar general, the archbishop's top deputy, and was deeply involved in many of the archdiocese's decisions about accused priests.”


Cops Trying To Investigate Sex Abuse At St. Paul Archdiocese: ‘We Have Been Told No’

New Civil Rights Movement

An accusation of inappropriate touching of a minor against one of America’s top Catholic Archbishops has opened the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota Archdiocese to national attention, and it’s not looking good.
Yesterday, Archbishop John Nienstedt voluntarily stepped aside as he was accused of inappropriately touching the buttocks of a young boy in 2009. He denies the charges.
Now, the nation is learning that there are other sex abuse investigations taking place by police of Nienstedt’s archdiocese — and they are being stalled by an uncooperative church.
“I want to let the public know one thing: let me be very clear on this,” St. Paul Police Chief Tom Smith told reporters yesterday. “We have through written and verbal requests made clear our desire to speak to individuals connected to the archdiocese and we have been told no.”


Police say Catholic officials are NOT cooperating - SNAP responds

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

For immediate release: Tuesday, Dec. 17
David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( 314 566 9790, )
According to the Pioneer Press, “St. Paul police Chief Thomas Smith said Tuesday that investigators have not gotten cooperation from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis on sexual abuse cases.”
[Pioneer Press]
This is, in our view, the most serious and damning disclosure yet in the Twin Cities Catholic crisis – that even now, even to law enforcement, Catholic officials say one thing and do another, and that even now, Catholic officials refuse to do the absolute bare minimum – responding to questions from the police.
We’re deeply saddened but not the least bit surprised by this. For decades, and even now, Catholic officials make and break promises – to parents, parishioners, police and prosecutors. They will say almost anything to gain a short term public relations advantage, knowing that when they later break their pledges, there are rarely any repercussions.
It’s easy for Catholic officials to banter around words like “cooperation.” But it’s apparently very hard for them to break decades-old patterns of self-serving secrecy.
It takes a stunning degree of arrogance and callousness to rebuff police inquiries about known and likely child molesters. How corrupt must these Catholic bishops and priests be – that they would refuse direct questioning by police?
This revelation should be the most severe “wake up call” yet to Minnesota law enforcement officials – it’s time for a full-court press to expose the truth and pursue the wrongdoers in the church, including both those who commit and those who conceal child sex crimes.


St. Paul Police Chief Says Minn. Archdiocese is Uncooperative


[with video]
By: Megan Stewart
St. Paul Police Chief Tom Smith said Tuesday archdiocesan officials have not been very cooperative on priest sex abuse cases. He urged the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and St. Paul to be more forthcoming with information on previous allegations of sex abuse.
In a news conference he said, “I want to let the public know one thing: let me be very clear on this," Smith said. "We have through written and verbal requests made clear our desire to speak to individuals connected to the archdiocese and we have been told no."
Smith says police have not had the access to interview clergy members in recent investigations into the previous allegations. As late as last week, Smith said they were told no.
"In order for us to bring these cases to the next step in the process of concluding investigations and to bring them to closure, we again, now publicly, call upon those individuals to speak with us," Smith said.

"That’s why we are here today.”

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