Saturday, October 12, 2013

Restore image of priests for obsolete doctrines,Vatican Concordats, narcissist “saint” John Paul II, Mass fake cloning of Christ religious spectacle?

Updated March 4, 2014

Read our new blog:  Pope Francis the CON Christ. Pretender & Impostor of Jesus. Merlin hoax CANNOT CLONE JESUS or dogs

Our latest  related article about New Jersey "Bling"  Bishop Myers

Christ is like oxygen - free, available and equal to all

Because of their permanent files in evidences of pedophile priests of Biblical proportions in the USA since 2002, and which have swept also through Europe and now in Australia, what Catholics must do is NOT to restore the image of the priest – but to demote him from his holy pedestal – so that they can elevate the dignity of all (voiceless) children and women and  will become at par with the priest -- before Christ and IN Christ – because Christ is like oxygen free and equal to all.   And all are equal before Him.

Like oxygen, Christ is the same here, there and everywhere for every living person…Christ is the same for children, women and men…Christ is free and available for all 7 billion people (and more) regardless of their religion.  The Vatican Popes and Cardinals and priests cannot breathe-in more oxygen more than women and children, or more than lay Catholics and non-Christians.  Christ like oxygen is not the exclusive possession of the Popes and priests.  Christ is not the exclusive God to 1.2 billion Catholics of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.  Christ is not the slave of the Popes and priests so that He only goes where they tell Him to go, or be who, where, when they tell Him to be.  

Christ is not caged in pure gold tabernacles or in the 150 Million dollars diamond studded chapel of Mother Angelica of EWTN, read more 

Diamond Bride Mother Angelica

here that even surpass the 2.9 million Euros chapel of the “Bling” Bishop of Germany, read here

According to some missionaries, priest pedophilia “is like a plague” in South America but they do not have our justice system in the USA and Europe, and the stigma for the entire family and shame in their cultures are preventing them and cannot help them to come out to reveal their Catholic Church pedophile experiences.  In, there are news and files of famous pedophile priests in Chile and Peru, etc.  A few weeks ago, in the poor country of the Dominican Republic, parents and people started to fight for justice and for the abolition of the Vatican Concordat as their Papal Nuncio and his aide, another Polish priest, fled the country after being caught paying prostitutions with minor boys, and the world is now watching what the Vatican will do in its typical travesty for justice, read more here

“Restoring the image of the priest”

A special to the Kenosha News entitled “Restoring the image of the priest” was published on October 27, 2013 and its core message couldn’t be further from the truth.  J.J. Steinhoff wrote that (emphasis ours):

There is nothing that can be done to remove the pain of each victim, their families and all of those who were involved in this scandal. However, it's time to move on and look at some current facts about today's Catholic Church, and specifically its priests.

Almost all accusations against Catholic priests date from many decades ago, and nearly half of all abuse accusations concern priests who are already long dead….

This article echoes Goliath-bully Bill Donohue and the Vatican Modus Operandi “to move on” and “forgive-and-forget” all that pedophile priests Vatican shit and simply canonize John Paul II speedily and the Vatican Catholic Church can simply have a nice party and feast on the Eucharist cloned flesh of Christ and chant “JP2, we love you”! That is why we keep asking SNAP to start the bi-annual memorial days for all victims of pedophile priests September 11 and in May 1 or Divine Mercy Sunday (every year) to coincide with the canonization of John Paul II, read more here
If there is no memorial day for victims of pedophile priests, Goliath-bully Bill Donohue and the Vatican will easily blow away like “Dust in the wind” or dust in Catholic Church history books!  Read our related article SNAP as Dust in the Wind

Just like this article  special to the Kenosha News entitled “Restoring the image of the priest” is doing, from the citations above, Opus Dei Catholics will simply campaign – that Bishop-Accountability files date from many decades agoand they concern priests who are already long deadtherefore FORGET them!  This is the Modus Operandi of the Vatican and all Bishops that even Governor Jerry Brown is enslaved by them and intoxicated by the Sorcery of the Eucharist, read our related article

Ex-Jesuit Gov.Jerry Brown vetoes SB131,invokes Roman law, perpetuates cover-up of 20th Century JP2 Army who stabs the heart of Jesus’ mother

The permanent files of thousands of pedophile priests in can easily be papal farted through spectacles of priestly robes in the magic of the fake cloning of Christ’s flesh in the Eucharist!   Read our related article, 

OC Diocese buys Crystal Cathedral as flesh-factory of Christ... for wealthy God-flesh-eating Catholics

Like Adam, JP2 Army was many decades ago

Benedict XVI blamed the (oldest guy in the Bible) Devil for tempting 20th Century and 21st Century  thousands of pedophile priests and admitted that the Smoke of Satan has penetrated the Vatican just like Eve blamed the Serpent for tempting her to eat of the forbidden fruit – only one fruit.  She and her partner Adam (who aided and abetted her) were banished from the Garden of Eden. That sin or crime happened thousands or millions or billions of years ago and were committed only by two persons of mankind …but its consequences continue to affect – all her children – and the 7 billion people of today.   God even put an Angel with a flaming sword to guard that garden so that Eve and all her children would never be able to enter it again.   Now, Goliath-bully Bill Donohue   and his army of Opus Dei Catholic League are all scurrying to save the priesthood by endlessly saying “Almost all accusations against Catholic priests date from many decades ago, and nearly half of all abuse accusations concern priests who are already long dead.”  FYI, Adam and Eve too are already long dead and their sin happened millions of years ago.

But one thing is sure, John Paul II was very much alive and at the pinnacle of his papal pow
er in the longest reign of 27 years as “the Great” pope when he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children from the 80 pedophile priests whom Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston aided and abetted for decades until 2002, and he refused to meet with the victims of then much alive serial pedophile Fr. Marcial Maciel.  

Therefore, like Adam, John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Cardinal Ratzinger and all Cardinals and Bishops were all “partners” in crimes, protecting all those heinous criminal priests though religious Canon Laws, hence they are aptly called JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  And on the eve of his canonization, God has revealed to us - that the hands of John Paul II are evil as well - because he ordained a Polish Bishop who was the current (until August 2013) Papal Nuncio to the Dominican Republic who was pimping boys between ages 13 to 18, the new poster boy of the JP2 Army in the 21st Century, alive and active despite all that Vatican Deceit of “a pure and clean church”.  This Papal Nuncio is very much alive in his early 50’s, and his cohort in pedophile crimes in the Dominican Republic was also a young Polish priest - who fled to Poland but was caught by Interpol, read more here Vatican Concordats

The Jesuits and the Opus Dei are working together for the first time and are scurrying to save their jobs as priests before 1.2 billion Catholics wake up to the truth that will finally set them from the Eucharist Hoax…and the whole world shall become free as well especially from the Vatican Concordats…for Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.   Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” and the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and priests are all imposters of Christ performing the Sorcery of the Eucharist of the counterfeit cloning of Christ’s flesh, read more here Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits .

When Amnesty International first listed the Vatican or Holy See for its violation rights against humanity’s children, the Vatican downplayed it by saying that there are onlya few percentage of pedophile priests among the 55,000thousands of  priests worldwide.  More than 5,000 priests gathered at St. Peter’s Square for the “Year of the Priests” with Benedict XVI, read here 

Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood

One of the Opus Dei Vatican Pied Piper in the USA, J.J. Steinhoff, recently posted, “Restoring the image of the priest” in Wisconsin campaigning for the Vatican by saying 

However, it's time to move on and look at some current facts about today's Catholic Church, and specifically its priests.” 

This is very dangerous not only for 1.2 billion Catholics, but for the whole world and many nations, 175 nations under the Vatican Concordats who will continue to be enslaved and exploited by the Vatican and their cohorts. After all the things Google and Bishop   have revealed to us for over a decade, mankind cannot afford “to move on” in the way that the Vatican and it Pied Pipers are misleading (again) the world to do.  The fact is, read our article, the Catholic Church is not the moral authority of the world 

The Catholic Church is not the world’s moral authority. The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy

For centuries, the world tolerated the Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils because the Pope and priest in their mesmerizing sacred robes performed the Back Magic of the Eucharist.  Mankind had no Google and were only brainwashed by the Jesuit missionaries, their Jesuit universities and Jesuit mission worldwide and the powers of priests who claimed to hold the exclusive powers to decide what or when is mankind’s salvation to Heaven or condemnation to Hell.

Priests cannot restore to their former image especially with the outrageous lie that John Paul II is a “saint” and are required by Opus Dei to quote him in all their Masses and all sunday Mass worldwide.

Children cannot go on like in the past and be altar servers and not be careful that every priest is a potential pedophile priest.

Children and women cannot go on like before giving all the sacred powers to priests in the Eucharist and all the other sacraments.

Priests are not closer to Christ just because they have spent time reading theological books because Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive

The price that 1.2 billion Catholics pay for the Sorcery of the Eucharist have to stop because that is the seat of the power of the Vatican in the Vatican Concordats with 175 countries where they usurp billion of dollars annually and these Catholics do not benefit from them – just like the Third World countries and the Catholics in the Dominican Republic, read more here

Abolish Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pimping Vatican Ambassador - pedophile Papal Nuncio to secular justice (not religious Vatican pseudo-justice) 

The lies of the Catholic Church and the Catholic religion have to stop and end in this 21st Century. 

Catholics do not need to donate 10% of their income to the Catholic Church for the Hoax of the Eucharist or be buried in a Catholic cemetery.  That is a lot of money going to a chosen few Opus Dei priests, 5.2 billion Euros annually in Germany  that is a lot of money going to a chosen few Opus Dei priests, 5.2 billion Euros annually in Germany.  6.2 billion Euros in Spain, read here 

Germany“Bling” Bishop’s 42 million Euros palace renovations…15 thousand Euros bathtub? Vatican Holy Shit! 

The poor women and children in this world must take back all that money from the secret Vatican Swiss Banks and must stop forever giving to the Vatican and the Catholic Church.  The Vatican has more money than all institutions and governments in this world that will last them till the end of time.

It is time for the end of the Hoax of the Eucharist and it’s time for the Vatican to end as a “country” and it’s time for the abolition of all Vatican Concordats in the world.

Priest’s captivating costumes makes Catholics their captives

Those princely black robes of Cardinals and regalia of Bishops, those Opus Dei prelates and the black suits  and white collars of priests, the white costume of the Popes are like the Emperor’s Clothes, they cannot  hoard-in more grace or they cannot breath-in more oxygen of Christ.  Christ never wore white like the Pope. Christ never lived in a palace like the Vatican that rivals the castles of Europe.  Christ never spoke in Latin and he hated the redundant robotic on-the-clock prayers of the Pharisees and he cursed their bejwelwed Temple of Solomon which the Vatican Temple now surpasses.  So Our Lady of Fatima cursed the Vatican and the Pope for thousands of heinous pedophile priests covered-up in the Vatican archives.

It is time to knock priests down from their holy thrones especially the Popes and Princes of the “Vatican Catholic Church”, especially those ostentatious “Bling” Cardinals and Bishop worldwide.  Scientists who know all the analysis of oxygen cannot breathe-in more oxygen than people who do not know the chemistry or components of oxygen.

The Popes and priests are not “closer to Christ” just because they have read a certain number of spiritual books published by the Opus Dei exclusive Scepter or they read John Paul II’s writings, read our related article, Theology and John Paul II are heartless

 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves (Matthew 7:15).

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Mark 13:22).

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:13).

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).

The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer -- more important than the Eucharist and the Rosary
JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army before me, JP2 Army behind me,
JP2 Army in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army above me,
JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left,
JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down
JP2 Army when I ariseSee origin of JP2 Army Prayer
To remember the JP2 Army is protect children forever from predator pedophile priests and from all kinds of pedophiles so that they are able to pierce through their theological mask as "representative of Christ" and it will empower children to see through John Paul II writings which are heartless, read our related article Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive... and they also made complicit Cardinal Bernard Law thrive, read our related article here

Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

JP2 Army – 100,000 victims - 6,100 pedophile priests (Los Angeles, Boston, etc)- John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity

Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland

Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent ... compared to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who coverd-up pedophile priests The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

The black belt means she is pregnant

The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way


The cloning process that produced Dolly


1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests

Our comment: Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today.

The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate - or clone - God’s flesh. Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches “For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone

In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. Paul

See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul

No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone

Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified

Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,

They came sick and they left sick.

There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,

for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter or Paul did.

Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here

Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims

Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops


The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.

The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Pope has no authority in Rome.

The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.

The Pope has no power in Rome.

The Vatican is not part of Rome.

The Pope is not a citizen of Rome.

The allegiance of Catholics is to the Pope and the Vatican or the Magisterium… The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore, it is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis has no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman.

The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read here .

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powers 

The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable

John Allen will come out as foremost Vatican Pied Piper at his best list of possible pope candidates, read more about him here John L. Allen Jr. Pied Piper of John Paul II deceives Catholics with his essay Fast-Track Saint in Newsweek -- with Vatican lunacy & Satanic timeline 

and here John L. Allen Jr the Devil's twin the 21st century deceiving Catholics and the world

We do not pray the robotic Rosary or the Divine Mercy.Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe inspires us that she cannot stand these Catholic robotic prayers that remind Her so much of John Paul II who spent years on the fabrication of the new Luminous Mysteries but at the same time he covered-up 27 years of heinous crimes of his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – the largest numbers who are in California.

The 5 new Mysteries of Light written by John Paul II proved the “JP2 Mysteries of Darkness” during his 27 years papacy wherein he said nothing and did nothing to protect children and to stop thousands of pedophile priests.John Paul II is the most traveled pope but it was all for his narcissistic self glory as John Paul II “the Great” and now we are seeing that the JP2 Army tsunami really infested the whole world as far as Australia. And now the Polish Papal Nuncio in the Dominican Republic was quietly sacked after families discover he has been pimping young prebucent boys, see news below.

Read our related article, Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century

Give your Catholic money to

Red Cross

Doctors without Borders

100 Huntley Street daily TV

Joel Osteen

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Life Today

Dr. David Jeremiah

Christ like oxygen is free, available and equal to all – reference Quebec Charter of Values 

Jesus is greater than religion 

Jesus > Religion
Crossroads Christian Communications 
Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 - Program #hunt-9489

Jefferson Bethke
In Jesus > Religion, Bethke unpacks similar contrasts that he drew in Spoken Word that went viral on Youtube. In his new book, Bethke highlights the differences between teeth gritting and grace, law and love, performance and peace, despair and hope. With refreshing candor he delves into the motivation behind his message, beginning with the unvarnished tale of his own plunge from the pinnacle of a works-based, fake-smile existence that sapped his strength and led him down a path of destructive behavior. Bethke is quick to acknowledge that he
s not a pastor or theologian, but simply a regular, twenty-something who cried out for a life greater than the one for which he had settled. Along his journey, Bethke discovered the real Jesus, who beckoned him beyond the props of false religion.

News for October 27, 2013
Kenosha News
By J.J. Steinhoff
Special to the Kenosha News
In the last few years I've noticed that many of the Catholic churches in Kenosha have reduced their Mass schedules. Even with these reductions, many parishes appear to be only half full during their weekly services and those in attendance seem to be more old than young. As a lifelong Catholic, I often wonder why so many people have left the church and what we can do to get them back. In my view, the first steps are to restore the image of the Catholic priest and to also make the public aware that the church has cleaned up its act.
To be clear, I was as disgusted as anyone when the sexual abuse scandals rocked the church back in 2002. The cover-up and subsequent payoffs by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee made it even worse. When the Kenosha News ran their front page story in July on the 10 local abusive priests, I studied documents on each one for hours. Some of the priests were alcoholics with emotional problems and some never should have been ordained to begin with. One in particular was nothing more than a monster who used his position of power to terrorize others. There is nothing that can be done to remove the pain of each victim, their families and all of those who were involved in this scandal. However, it's time to move on and look at some current facts about today's Catholic Church, and specifically its priests.
Almost all accusations against Catholic priests date from many decades ago, and nearly half of all abuse accusations concern priests who are already long dead. The 10 priests who were featured in the Kenosha News over the summer fit this profile. None of them had performed Mass in this area for many years, yet judging by their pictures on the front page, it appeared as if they were current and active priests. Nationally, in today's Catholic Church, accusations against current clergy are very rare and averaged only eight per year between 2005-2012. With an overall Catholic population of 77 million people, this is a very low number.
=== WE need a May 1 or Divine Mercy Sunday to coincide with John Paul II's canonization and September 11 anniversaries for SNAP 


Jeff Anderson and Associates


It’s Halloween and you should be scared in Minnesota. There are dozens of credibly accused clerical offenders of children whose names are only known to the Catholic bishops and kept secret. You don’t know who they are, and you don’t know where they are. What we do know is that they could harm our children and that the hierarchs in Minnesota from Duluth to St. Cloud to New Ulm, to Winona and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis know and have already determined the clerical offenders to be “credibly accused” of abuse of minors. But with only the desire to protect themselves, the Catholic hierarchs in Minnesota continue to worry more about their reputation than the well-being of the children. I wish we could say this was just a Halloween hazard, but this is a hazard that has been ongoing for a long time and will continue until these names are disclosed and made known to the communities in which these people are living and working. Our firm is working vigorously with survivors to force the disclosure of these names and of these lists across the state. Until they do, there is every reason to be scared on Halloween and on every day until there is a full and open disclosure.

Former Promoter of Justice for Congregation of the Faith Addresses Canon Law Society about Abuse Situation: For Whom Is Canon Law Designed?


William D. Lindsey
In my previous posting, I referred to a report Fr. Thomas Reese has published at National Catholic Reporter regarding Bishop Charles Scicluna's recent address to the Canon Law Society of America. Scicluna was previously the Promoter of Justice for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican. In that capacity, he was, as Reese notes, roughly the equivalent of the Vatican's "chief prosecutor" for cases of clerical abuse in the Catholic church.
As I read what Scicluna has to say about how canon law addresses abuse cases, I'm struck by the following:
1. The emphasis of Scicluna's reading of canon law (and this reflects the emphasis of canon law itself) is far and away skewed in the direction of protecting the rights and serving the needs of clerics--while the rights and needs of lay Catholics, and notably of lay Catholics abused by clerics, are only distantly addressed by canon law.
2. Scicluna notes that canon law envisages three ends in any process considering the guilt of a cleric: these are "reparation of scandal, restitution of justice and the conversion of the accused." Only the second of these ends can in any way be said to address the needs of those abused by priests, and it does so only in a glancing way.
3. What's very clear in Scicluna's presentation is that canon law itself sees the primary problems in an abuse case as tamping down all reports that can lead to scandal and as "converting" the priest himself. Canon law has almost no room at all for considering the needs of lay Catholics who have been sexually abused by a priest, or for addressing the hurts and mending the injuries done to those who have been abused.

Middle Ages Vatican condemns New Age American Nuns: The Celestine Prophecy come true! Sisters in Crisis book mocks LCWR Sisters in Christ

Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...

Paris Arrow
Below we cite an excerpt from the book The Celestine Prophecy that describes what is going on before our eyes in the USA today - between the Medieval Vatican and its obsolete doctrines and irrelevant dogmas - and the New Age American nuns who have evolved with the American people. The Machiavellian strategy of all male despots and male autocrats including and specially the Vatican is to suppress, kill, mock, banish or silence their members who disobey or disagree with their totalitarian obsolete decrees because these members consequently and effectively expose their monarchical deceits and crimes. With its Dark Ages doctrines, the Middles Ages Vatican is fearful of the New Age American nuns who are more in numbers than the dying breed of Catholic priests because these nuns have first-hand influence on the populace while the Vatican and its princes of Bishops and Cardinals are far-flung in Rome or are living in the lap of luxury in their Episcopalian palaces out-of-touch with reality away from its people. So the way they control these nuns is by final condemnations, destructions of their reputations and excommunication or banishments - exactly as the Celestine Prophecy describes.


Posted on by skipshea
There are certain times in an artists life that are used as milestones. I’m about to achieve one. My horror short, “Ave Maria“, will screen at the Interiora Horror Film Festival in Rome, Italy.  

“Ave Maria” has already had its share of success and good fortune with film festivals having already screened at the Leamington Underground Cinema Film Festival in the UK, the Pawtucket film Festival in Rhode Island, the Horrible Imaginings Film Festival in San Diego, CA and Rock and Shock in Worcester, MA – which was also a milestone. 

It is also still scheduled to screen at Germany After Dark Film Festival in Gronau, Germany and Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival in Buffalo, NY. All accomplishments I’m very proud of. But Rome…

It’s no secret but I’m often told I need to remind people that I am a survivor of clergy sexual abuse by a ring of Catholic priests in the Diocese of Worcester, MA. Survivor, victim etc. All words I can’t stand. But such was may path. And it has shaped the statements I make as an artist. 
On November 2nd I’ll make a statement in Rome. It seems that, at least here in America all of these crimes are forgotten. People think it is over and done with. So much so that the likes of Cardinal Dolan of NY get to yuk it up with Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report or get a special seat at the dinner table with men who would be presidents, or at least wanted to be.

People forget that while serving in Milwaukee he paid sexually abusive priests up to $20 thousand dollars to leave, and inevitably abuse kids elsewhere instead of reporting these crimes to the police and then, with approval from Rome, hid assets from victims/survivors as he filed bankruptcy for the Diocese. The Diocese wasn’t actually financially bankrupt. But it was morally.

Nothing has changed but the spin. Those in power are not held accountable and are still celebrated. If we are to believe the press that under Pope Francis things will be different, remember who voted him into power. Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Mahony, Cardinal George, etc. It does not serve in their best interest to elect someone who will hold them accountable for the covering up crimes of sexual abuse of children and protecting the criminal. It was this group of men who voted in Francis, not the Holy Spirit.

Pope Francis recently said the church is unduly obsessed with condemning abortion, gay marriage, and contraception. He then excommunicates a priest in Australia who is pro-gay marriage. I think the old adage actions speaks louder than words applies here. How many pedophile priests has he excommunicated? Zero. It’s all the same.
In “Ave Maria” we strip bare other abuses and crimes of the churches past. To show that this pattern has existed for centuries and won’t change, regardless of PR spin.

And then cut their balls off.
Metaphorically speaking. 
I’ll see you in Rome!

Will Pope Francis Be Ready For His Reform Meetings With Cardinals?

Christian Catholicism

Does Pope Francis Understand What “Reform” Means ?
Jerry Slevin
The optimistic hopes of many Catholics about the upcoming meetings next week of Pope Francis and his eight man Cardinals’ reform committee are beginning to fade. Various new Vatican reports, leaks, etc., are playing down the meetings as very preliminary, only advisory and mostly secret. So what else is new?
Pope Francis has little time left to reform the Catholic Church. He cannot afford to procrastinate, in my considered view as an international lawyer. If he fails now , he also will likely be compelled to resign like his predecessor, ex-Pope Benedict, ignominousily had to. The Vatican’s “house of cards”, as Francis realistically described it, will then probably collapse. If that happens, Cardinal Rigali’s Secretary, Monsignor Lynn, may have some hierarchical company in prison before his sentence is completed. It’s that bad. Some hierarchs from outside Pennsylvania will likely find accomodations at their local jails.
Francis must promptly make the Church’s leaders accountable to the faithful, the Gospels and civil law, especially with respect to protecting defenseless children. He must initiate and enforce specific and effective policies to do this, before government prosecutors from Australia, Ireland, the Dominican Republic, the USA, Peru, Chile, Argentina, the Phillipines, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, or from dozens of other countries, do so for him.
Prosecutors dictated to Kansas City’s criminal, but continuing, Bishop Finn the specific policies he must follow, as nearby Federal prosecutors buried Finn’s protected pedophile priest with a 50 year prison term. Prosecutors eventually can be expected to dictate to other bishops and even to Francis himself, no matter what Francis may be advised otherwise. Government regulators are already dictating to Francis how he must manage the hierarchy’s finances. Government lawyers can, and I expect soon will, dictate to him how he must manage the hierarchy’s approach to predatory priests, if Francis fails to get effective control of the bishops’ flawed approach first. Priests may not be the pope’s “employees”; but bishops are another story.

Incoming Catholic Archbishop Speaks Of Inclusion And Healing

The Hartford Courant

The Hartford Courant
10:06 p.m. EDT, October 29, 2013

BLOOMFIELD — A decade ago in his first year as bishop of Toledo, Ohio, Leonard P. Blair faced a number of flashpoints: priest sex abuse scandals, parish mergers and closings and the arrest of one of the diocese's priests in the murder of a nun decades earlier.
But Blair, appointed Tuesday as the fifth archbishop of Hartford, said the best way for the Catholic Church to heal from the "very sad, tragic things that have happened in recent years" is to be faithful to its mission, stay close to Christ and address people's material and spiritual needs.
"I am very struck by Pope Francis' image of the church being a field hospital for the wounded in today's world," Blair said. "There are so many people that are hurting, spiritually as well as materially."

The archbishop-designate joined Hartford church officials at a mid-morning press conference at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, about three hours after the Vatican formally announced his appointment to lead the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford. He was introduced by the man he will succeed, Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, who, at 76, has passed the retirement age for archbishops.

Open Tabernacle: Here Comes Everybody
Earlier this year I wrote that the credibly of the new Pope may depend on how he lives up to his claim of having a zero tolerance policy regarding child sex abuse
What measure of tolerance shall we say that the Pope is giving to Bishop Robert Finn, who was convicted over a year ago of failing to report suspected child abuse by a priest under his authority and still leads the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri? A federal judge deemed the child porn charges of which pedophile priest Fr. Shawn Ratigan was convicted to be so serious that he sentenced Ratigan to 50 years in prison.
I am one of those Catholics who has been cheered by the new pope’s refreshing tone and his embracing of tolerance and humility. Indeed, his recent comments about the Church’s recent obsession with culture war issues may have pulled the rug out from under the Republican Party Auxiliary we generally call the Catholic Right. His recent statements clearly indicate that he may lead the Church to an approach to economic and social justice that transcends Roman Catholicism and embraces the entire world.
But the longer he waits to act on the problem of sex abuse in the Church, the greater the risk that the good will he had earned, and the hope he has given to many millions of Catholics (and non-Catholics) will be lost.

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
September 30, 2013
Dear Archbishop Nienstedt:
You and your top staff have acted recklessly, callously, deceptively and secretively in the case of Fr. Curtis Wehmeyer. These hurtful acts cannot be “un-done.” But you can – and should – act now to prevent more irresponsible and harmful behavior by your staff in the future, by
---disciplining at least three church employees over how they handled Fr. Wehmeyer and
---holding an open meeting to answer questions from parishioners and the public about this case.
In your heart of hearts, Archbishop, we believe you know that Fr. Kevin McDonough, Deacon John Vomastek and Greta Sawyer have all acted in ways that protect Fr. Wehmeyer, themselves and you, ways that were and are at best in appropriate and at worst very damaging to innocent children, wounded victims and trusting parishioners.
Fr. McDonough knew of Fr. Wehmeyer’s sexual misdeeds in 2004. Yet in 2011, he urged that the allegations against Fr. Wehmeyer be kept secret (despite years of bishops’ pledges to be “open” in clergy sex cases). And in 2012, when police knew about the accusations, before they arrived, McDonough - along with Deacon John Vomastek - took one of Fr. Wehmeyer’s computers.
We believe this could amount to tampering with evidence. But regardless of whether either man is criminally charged, you know it’s wrong for church staff to take evidence in a criminal case.

Un niño y dos padres


Por Daniel Coronell
OPINIÓNUno de los anuncios del padre Jaime, cuando asumió su curul, fue que tramitaría una ley para castigar con 25 años a los curas pederastas. Tres años después no ha presentado el proyecto.
En medio de la pobreza se las arreglaba para ser feliz. Cuenta Francisco que sus problemas arrancaron cuando ya había cumplido 13 años. Su mamá, acosada por las necesidades, fue a pedir ayuda a una institución de la Iglesia en San José del Guaviare. El director de la Pastoral Social en el pueblo era un amable sacerdote llamado Jaime Alonso Vásquez Bustamante.
Según Francisco, el padre Jaime y su hermano, el también cura Carlos Fernando Vásquez Bustamante, han abusado de él por 16 años.
Todo empezó cuando el padre Jaime convenció a la mamá de Francisco para que el niño fuera a ayudarle en la oficina en las tardes, después de las clases. Pronto se integró a un grupo de acólitos que trabajaba para el religioso en la iglesia del Divino Niño.
Una de esas tardes, de acuerdo con la narración de Francisco, el padre Jaime le pidió que le ayudara a mover unas cajas de una habitación. Antes le ofreció un jugo que lo hizo sentir mareado. En la habitación no había cajas. El padre Jaime le dijo a Francisco que quería confesarlo. No hace falta entrar en detalles. Según Francisco, ese día el padre lo violó por primera vez.
El niño llegó llorando a su casa. Sangrando. No sabía si él era la víctima o el culpable. Si ese adulto, amable hasta hace unas horas, cumplía la voluntad de Dios o se aprovechaba de su inocencia. Incapaz de contar la verdad y ocultando la sangre, le dijo a su mamá que se había peleado con otros niños y que el padre Jaime lo había regañado.


“Con el menor sólo hubo una amistad”: cura Vásquez


El sacerdote y congresista Jaime Alonso Vásquez Bustamante está en la boca del lobo. En su última columna, Daniel Coronell narra la historia de un joven que asegura que ha sido violado durante 16 años por dos sacerdotes de San José del Guaviare, uno de los cuales es el representante a la Cámara y el otro es su hermano Carlos Fernando.
Francisco Javier Bohórquez Franco, el joven que ahora tiene 29 años, asegura que denunció al sacerdote ante la Fiscalía y entregó pruebas de las presuntas relaciones sexuales no consensuadas, que se realizaban desde que él tenía 13 años, como le explicó a Coronell.
Este lunes, el representante dio la cara. En una extensa entrevista en BluRadio, el congresista Vásquez indicó él es simplemente un amigo al que acude Francisco Javier cuando este tiene necesidades.
“Ha habido una amistad que cuando nos llama se le ha escuchado. Muchas veces no lo he atendido, pero él es muy insistente. Ha llegado como adulto, entonces que no diga nada como menor de edad. Estoy seguro de que él no tiene ninguna prueba de abuso sexual y de violación”, afirmó el religioso.


Representante a la Cámara sería expulsado de la iglesia católica

El Pais

Durante la inuguración del VI Congreso Nacional de Reconciliación, organizado por la Iglesia Católica de Colombia, el arzobispo de Bogotá, monseñor Rubén Salazar se refirió a las denuncias presentadas en contra del representante a la Cámara por Guaviare y sacerdote católico, Jaime Alonso Vásquez Bustamante por supuesto abuso sexual contra un menor residente en la capital de ese departamento.
La denuncia fue presentada ente la Fiscalía por Francisco Javier Bohórquez, de 29 años de edad, quien afirma que, desde que tenía trece años, había sido abusado por el entonces sacerdote Jaime Alonso Vásquez y su hermano, el también sacerdote, Carlos Fernando Vázquez Bustamante.
Según la víctima, la razón por la que no denunciaba nada ante su familia fueron las amenazas que el representante Vázquez le hacía, para que guardara silencio.


Iglesia dice tolerancia cero con abusos sexuales

El Nuevo Herald


[Summary: Gardinal Ruben Salazar, president of the Columbia Episcopal Conference, said Monday that the Catholic Church has a zero tolerance policy for child abuse. In cases of clergy sexual abuse, the church has intervened immediately to punish the guilty, he said. Neither the cardinal nor the CEC keeps track of how many of the 8,000 Colombian priests have been the subject of abuse complaints.
His latest remarks came as legislator Jaime Alonso Vazquez, who was a priest, has been accused of child sexual abuse. Vasquez is now a legislator. According to journalist Daniel Coronell in the latest edition of Semana magazine, Vazquez before coming to Congress in 2010 is alleged to have molested a child under age 13 when he was a priest in the late 1990s in San Jose de Guaviare. The community is in the south of Colombia. He has denied the allegation. The alleged victim, now 29, recently went to the attorney general with the allegation.]

BOGOTA, Colombia -- La Iglesia Católica colombiana tiene tolerancia cero con la pederastia, destacó el lunes el cardenal Rubén Salazar, presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Colombiana, al conocerse una nueva denuncia sobre un presunto abuso sexual.
"La posición de la Iglesia es perfectamente clara: es tolerancia cero y por lo tanto en casos concretos de abusos sexuales de parte de sacerdotes, la Iglesia inmediatamente ha intervenido para iniciar procesos que lleguen al castigo del culpable", dijo el cardenal a la prensa durante un foro multisectorial sobre reconciliación nacional.
Ni el cardenal ni la CEC llevan un registro de cuántos de los 8.000 curas colombianos han sido objeto de denuncias de abusos.
El más reciente señalamiento surgió en contra del legislador Jaime Alonso Vásquez, quien fue sacerdote y está suspendido debido a su participación en política.


Priest Gets 50 Years for Child Porn – Bishop Who Knew Remains Bishop

Open Tabernacle: Here Comes Everybody

Earlier this year I wrote that the credibly of the new Pope may depend on how he lives up to his claim of having a zero tolerance policy regarding child sex abuse
What measure of tolerance shall we say that the Pope is giving to Bishop Robert Finn, who was convicted over a year ago of failing to report suspected child abuse by a priest under his authority and still leads the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri? A federal judge deemed the child porn charges of which pedophile priest Fr. Shawn Ratigan was convicted to be so serious that he sentenced Ratigan to 50 years in prison.
I am one of those Catholics who has been cheered by the new pope’s refreshing tone and his embracing of tolerance and humility. Indeed, his recent comments about the Church’s recent obsession with culture war issues may have pulled the rug out from under the Republican Party Auxiliary we generally call the Catholic Right. His recent statements clearly indicate that he may lead the Church to an approach to economic and social justice that transcends Roman Catholicism and embraces the entire world.
But the longer he waits to act on the problem of sex abuse in the Church, the greater the risk that the good will he had earned, and the hope he has given to many millions of Catholics (and non-Catholics) will be lost.

To Archbishop Nienstedt

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

September 30, 2013
Dear Archbishop Nienstedt:
You and your top staff have acted recklessly, callously, deceptively and secretively in the case of Fr. Curtis Wehmeyer. These hurtful acts cannot be “un-done.” But you can – and should – act now to prevent more irresponsible and harmful behavior by your staff in the future, by
---disciplining at least three church employees over how they handled Fr. Wehmeyer and
---holding an open meeting to answer questions from parishioners and the public about this case.
In your heart of hearts, Archbishop, we believe you know that Fr. Kevin McDonough, Deacon John Vomastek and Greta Sawyer have all acted in ways that protect Fr. Wehmeyer, themselves and you, ways that were and are at best in appropriate and at worst very damaging to innocent children, wounded victims and trusting parishioners.
Fr. McDonough knew of Fr. Wehmeyer’s sexual misdeeds in 2004. Yet in 2011, he urged that the allegations against Fr. Wehmeyer be kept secret (despite years of bishops’ pledges to be “open” in clergy sex cases). And in 2012, when police knew about the accusations, before they arrived, McDonough - along with Deacon John Vomastek - took one of Fr. Wehmeyer’s computers.
We believe this could amount to tampering with evidence. But regardless of whether either man is criminally charged, you know it’s wrong for church staff to take evidence in a criminal case.

MN- SNAP to Catholic task force: “Resign now”

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

[the letter]
For immediate release: Tuesday, Oct. 29 2013
Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( 314 862 7688 home, 314 503 0003 cell, )
Archbishop John Neinstedt’s new abuse “task force” is a farce. We’ve felt so from the outset. Now it’s clear.
We call on members of that panel to end their complicity in this charade and resign in protest now.
Neinstedt claims his “task force” – headed by Fr. Reginald Whitt, a priest and lawyer who was hand-picked by Neinstedt - will somehow be “independent.” A new letter, however, has already been disproven this claim.
Last week, Neinstedt publicly said:
“The Task Force will have unprecedented authority to examine any and all issues associated with clergy sexual abuse."
And last week, Whitt privately said:
“Access to these files will be within my control and limited only to what is necessary for the task force to be able to make an informed decision.”
So Catholic officials shout “independent move” in public while maintaining control in private.
We have seen the same pattern over and over again in diocese across the country and saw the same pattern at the national church level a decade ago.
In 2002, America’s bishops claimed they adopted a “tough” abuse policy. But as the limelight faded, Vatican officials quietly gutted much of it.
Time and time again, Catholic officials say almost anything to get themselves out of a jam. Then, as public attention begins to wane, they quietly backpedal. And soon it’s “business as usual” again.

Murphy commission ‘fell far short’ when it came to slamming Church over sexual abuse cases

Irish Central

[Commissions of Investigation and Procedural Fairness - Association of Catholic Priests]
[Murphy Report - via]
By PATRICK COUNIHAN, IrishCentral Staff Writer
Ireland’s Association of Catholic Priests is to release a damning report into the findings of the tribunal set up to examine the church’s reaction to clerical sex abuse.
An ACP review of the Murphy commission report into the Catholic church’s handling of clerical sex abuse cases in Ireland says it ‘fell far short’ of meeting the requirements of natural and constitutional justice.
The review commissioned by the ACP says that the ‘practices and procedures’ of the Murphy commission left a lot to be desired where Catholic clergy called before it were concerned.
The Irish Times reports that the ACP review says the Murphy commission ‘veered off the tight rails imposed by the 2004 Commissions of Investigation Act and wandered into an adversarial arena that concentrated, to an alarming degree, on naming and shaming those clerics whom the Commission found wanting in child protection at that time.'

Priest sued in abuse of West St. Paul girl, 8, in the 1980s

Star Tribune

Article by: JEAN HOPFENSPERGER and TONY KENNEDY , Star Tribune staff writers Updated: October 30, 2013
The case of a West St. Paul second-grader in the 1980s is the 18th in Minnesota since state law changed to allow more time for such suits.
A Catholic priest who served churches in St. Paul, West St. Paul and Hopkins was accused in a lawsuit Tuesday of abusing a girl in West St. Paul, bringing to 18 the number of suits filed against Minnesota Catholic clergy and leaders since May.
The lawsuit against the Rev. Robert Thurner, 87, and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis also alleges that the archbishop of St. Louis — former Twin Cities auxiliary bishop Robert Carlson — was among church officials who were informed that Thurner had sexually abused another child before he was transferred to the girl’s church in 1983.
The lawsuit comes as the archdiocese reels from recent allegations of sexual misconduct among its clergy and lack of disciplinary action in the chancery. On Wednesday, archdiocese priests will gather for an all-day meeting that is expected to include discussion of the sexual abuse issue.
According to the latest complaint filed in Ramsey County District Court, Thurner admitted to archdiocese authorities in 1982 that he bought liquor for a 16-year-old boy and sexually abused him.
Carlson and former Twin Cities Archbishop John Roach were among four top archdiocese leaders who were privy to the admission, archdiocese internal memos indicate.


Archbishop Carlson Named in Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit


[lawsuit and documents]
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) - St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson has been named in a civil lawsuit filed in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. accusing him of covering up a child sex abuse case when he was an assistant to a St. Paul archbishop in the 1980s.
The lawsuit claims Fr. Carlson was one of four top officials at the Twin Cities diocese who knew that Fr. Robert Thurner had admitted buying liquor for a 16-year old boy and then sexually abusing him.
“Instead of reporting it to law enforcement as he was required to do, he made a choice to conceal it and allow Thurner to go to other parishes,” Jeff Anderson, an attorney for the plaintiff in the case, alleges.


Woman files suit against archdiocese, alleges sexual abuse


By Brian Lambert

Another day, another lawsuit filed against the archdiocese. Madeleine Baran of MPR reports: “A Minnesota woman sued the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis [Tuesday] for allegedly failing to protect her from an abusive priest. The woman said she was sexually abused by the Rev. Robert Thurner at St. Joseph Catholic Church in West St. Paul when she was seven to eight years old. She is not named in the complaint, which was brought under a new state law that gives victims more time to sue. … Internal church documents released by attorneys representing the woman show top church leaders knew in 1982 that Thurner had sexually abused a minor. … The lawsuit filed today seeks damages and asks a judge to unseal a list of 33 priests accused of abuse. Lawyers for the archdiocese had provided the names in an earlier Ramsey County civil case, but a judge ordered the names be kept private.”

Fr Tony Flannery ‘unlikely’ to return to active ministry

Limerick Leader

by Anne Sheridan
Published on the 29 October 2013

A FORMER rector of the Redemptorists in Limerick and a best-selling author believes his “days of being an active priest are over” - unless “the unpredictable” nature of Pope Francis turns in his favour.
Fr Tony Flannery has been barred from his ministry by the Vatican over his written views on women priests, contraception, celibacy and homosexuality.
The 66-year-old has been a Redemptorist priest for over forty years and was rector at Mount Saint Alphonsus in Limerick for six years. Speaking at the Limerick signing of his book Question of Conscience, he said his future as a ministering priest lies in the hands of the Pope.
“I have been forbidden to administer as a priest for the last 18 months, and the conditions that they have laid down for me to come back are such that I cannot accept, as I have laid out in my book. I don’t see the circumstances arising where I will ever come back into ministry again. The one proviso is that it’s a bit unpredictable what Pope Francis will do. Maybe there’s a glimmer of hope but I’d say that’s about all. The likelihood is that my days of being an active priest are over,” he said.

The Secret Gay Life of the Vatican: Inside a Hidden Netherworld of the Catholic Church

Vanity Fair

As rumors of a powerful “gay lobby” within the Vatican make headlines and a new Pope promises reform, Vanity Fair contributing editor Michael Joseph Gross interviews dozens of current and former priests, gay monks, veteran Vatican journalists, Italian aristocrats, and gay men at Roman gyms, bars, nightclubs, sex clubs, and restaurants and finds that “to be gay in the Vatican is no guarantee of success, mark of belonging, or shortcut to erotic intrigue. Most basically it is a sentence of isolation,” a life “in a closet that has no door.”
According to Gross’s piece in the December issue of Vanity Fair (on stands today), a significant number of gay clerics at the Vatican are in positions of great authority, but they inhabit a secretive netherworld because homosexuality is officially condemned. The principal requirement of their power and priesthood is silence about who they really are—at least in public. According to Gross, “Clerics inhabit this silence in a variety of ways. A few keep their sexuality entirely private and adhere to the vow of celibacy. Many others quietly let themselves be known as gay to a limited degree … sometimes they remain celibate and sometimes they do not. A third way, perhaps the least common but certainly the most visible, involves living a double life.

Gross goes on to describe the codes and signals by which gay priests navigate life in the Vatican. “Camp is perhaps the most powerful and pervasive” code, with ironic, effeminate self-mockery allowing priests to “exercise some limited rebellion against their own isolation and invisibility.” One former gay priest describes clerical camp to Gross as “a natural way of expressing [gay identity] while celibate.” Yet in the Church, as in Italian society, Gross writes, “the right appearance—la bella figura­—is all.... Parties celebrating appointment to the Vatican and other high Church offices can be lavish … with many clerics in attendance being ‘gay men wearing everything handmade, perfect, queer as it comes,’” as a prominent figure in the Roman art world tells Gross. Still, Gross finds an every-man-for-himself dynamic in Rome’s gay clerical culture: gay clerics often fail to help one another, says a gay former seminarian who was robbed one night in a park while numerous men stood by, because solidarity entails the risk of being outed.

For clerics who break the vow of celibacy, gay saunas are good places to meet other gay priests and monks (though some gay celibate clerics use the saunas not for sex but to experience a sense of fellowship with others like themselves), according to Gross.

If a gay clergy member makes a connection, it’s possible to use your monastery cell for sexual assignations, as long as you don’t make much noise. “You can sneak people in, no problem,” one gay monk tells Gross, “but try to avoid consistent patterns of movement.” That said, a former monk tells Gross that “no one has sex” with other residents of his own monastery, “because it is like a Big Brother house. Everyone knows everything.” 


Opus Dei Bishop Finn (above image, see more here of Kansas City guilty of aiding and abetting 50 years in federal prison Reverend Father Ratigan - still cloning Christ in the Magid and Sorcery of the Eucharist

Opus Dei Golden Cow John Paul II statues worldwide vis-a-vis Paterno statue gone from Penn State. Only the Catholic Church glorifies criminals

BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles

Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror

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