SPOTLiGHT movie is HALF-TRUTH deceits by VATICAN MOST EVIL POWER on earth. VA’s worst crimes are SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks that HOARD plutocrats’ WEALTH= VA perpetuates poor nations. VATICAN OWNS/CONTROLS SWITZERLAND via SWISS GUARD ARMY. UN must end Switzerland as “neutral” country.ABOLISH ALL VATICAN CONCORDATS. UNITED NATIONS must END VATICAN as a“COUNTRY”. POPES+PRIESTS have NO WOMBS = CANNOT PRODUCE BABIES or BODIES tiny FLESH of Christ in EUCHARIST HOAX+Satanic Mass. VOTE BERNIE SANDERS
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Paul VI the Imposter Pope and 3 Ugliest Catholic sculptures of Christ in Vatican Paul VI Hall and Fatima new basilica. Thanks to Paul VI who will soon be canonized another DEVIL SAINT with John Paul II
Updated August 31, 2017
No wonder the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army thrived in his 27 years papacy and right after Vatican II. Those pedophile priests were under the Satanic apostasy of Pope Paul VI and his reptilian hall where Pope Francis now presides with all his mockery of Christ. Follow the blog of Novus Ordo and watch these videos below. Read about the FALSE POPES including Francis 1. The false popes begun with false "saint" John XXIII. To understand why Francis speaks and behave like a lunatic pope, follow Twitter of Novus Ordo
Blasphemy at Fatima: The “Basilica of the Holy Trinity”
On May 13, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. While most people are probably familiar with the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary at the site of the apparitions, constructed from 1928-1953, many people may be unaware of the Modernist monstrosity that the Vatican II Sect has placed right across from the traditional basilica. It is officially called the “Basilica of the Holy Trinity” and was opened in 2007. In 2004, when construction was just beginning, “Pope” John Paul II gave a fragment of the Vatican’s tomb of St. Peter to be used as the foundation stone for this blasphemous house of horrors:
The following snapshots of the “basilica” speak for themselves. They are photos that need to be seen to be believed.
The first picture shows a bird’s-eye-view of the pancake-griddle-shaped “church”. The inside reminds one of the United Nations meditation room or security council chamber more than a Catholic sanctuary. The grotesque stick-figure abomination outside the building is supposed to be a “Crucifix”.
Click on each image for a larger view.
For those who are interested in more than just still shots of the site, we also have some video showing the “Basilica of the Holy Trinity”, incl. some footage of its dedication ceremony 13 years ago:
The ugliness of it all speaks volumes: It is the architectural expression of the Novus Ordo religion. For this reason alone it cannot be anything other than ugly.
That the “Basilica of the Holy Trinity” should be located right across from the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary is very fitting. After all, “right across from” means it is directly opposite the true Basilica, thus unwittingly expressing even in its very location that it stands in opposition to Our Lady of Fatima. This is an accurate reflection of the anti-Fatima attitude of the Novus Ordo Church, which was most recently displayed again by “Pope” Francis in his visit to the site.
Two recent blog posts on the Modernist architectural abomination at Fatima are worth reading:
The official web site of what is collectively known as the “Sanctuary of Fatima” can be accessed here.
May Our Lady of Fatima intercede for us, deliver us from the apostate Novus Ordo Sect, and restore to full view and glory the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Roman Church.
The Facts About “Pope Paul VI” – Giovanni Battista Montini
What You Need To Know About the Man who Claimed to be the Pope from 1963-1978
“Paul VI”
On August 6, 1978, Bishop Giovanni Battista Montini, the man who claimed to be the Pope of the Catholic Church from 1963 to 1978 under the name of “Paul VI”, was called by God to judgment. It was Paul VI, more than any other of the Conciliar papal pretenders, who visibly transformed the Holy Roman Catholic Church into the Modernist Novus Ordo Sect of the Second Vatican Council, whose documents he alone approved and promulgated. More than anyone else, Vatican II is the work of Montini. The church he left behind on August 6, 1978, was and looked nothing like the Catholic Church Pope Pius XII had bequeathed to the college of cardinals less than 20 years before, and whose transformation had already been prepared and begun by Paul’s immediate charlatan predecessor, John XXIII.
Given the key role “Blessed” Paul VI has played in the subversion of the Catholic Church, as well as the curious circumstances surrounding his death, it is useful to call to mind the person of Giovanni Montini, an anti-Catholic deceiver of the worst sort, whose “reign” brought nothing but apostasy, heresy, sacrilege, impiety, confusion, chaos, and destruction. This is more important now than ever, for it is now that the New Church is getting very close to declaring Paul VI a saint. Yet Holy Scripture directs us: “…by their fruits you shall know them” (Mt 7:20).
So, what else does it take? What more proof do people need that an organization that can “beatify” and recognize “heroic virtue” in an impious apostate monster like Paul VI cannot possibly be the Roman Catholic Church, the Spotless Bride of Christ?
Semi-Traditionalist John Vennari exposes the ridiculous idea of a “Saint” Paul VI, yet still refuses to acknowledge that these lies and impieties cannot come from the Roman Catholic Church, which is spotless, infallible, and indefectible. These horrific shenanigans are being perpetrated by the Novus Ordo Church, the ape of the Catholic Church, prophesied by the Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich as the “Church of Darkness” which we must beg God “to leave Rome”. The Novus Ordo Church is nothing but a sewer of apostasy, heresy, and impiety.
In the New Church of Vatican II, you can institute and preside over the Great Apostasy, let loose a deluge of heresy, impiety, and sacrilege on the faithful – and get rewarded with “sainthood” and recognition of “heroic virtue” in the end. This says all you need to know about the abominable Vatican II Sect. To say that this impious cult could be the product of the Holy Ghost, the Roman Catholic Church, is blasphemy!
Since the creation of the Novus Ordo Church in 1958, every single deceased “Pope” has been either “beatified” or “canonized”, or is on his way to either. What’s going on here? It’s clear: They want to and need to “canonize” the Vatican II council and the New Church. Though the Catholic Church only produced 2 canonized saint Popes between 1566 and 1958 (Pius V and Pius X), the Novus Ordo church claims, essentially, to have had nothing but “sainted Popes” since then. How much more laughable can it get?!
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities.” (Apoc 18:4-5)
The Death of Paul VI: “As though he had Exploded from Within”
August 6, 1978
Paul VI’s biographer, Peter Hebblethwaite, relates the following about the soul-destroying Antipope’s death, in his 1993 book:
“As Mass ends Paul has a massive heart attack. It is as though he had exploded from within. [Rev. John] Magee thinks he would have been thrown out of bed had his hand not been held” (Peter Hebblethwaite, Paul VI: The First Modern Pope, p. 710).
Let us never forget the hideous and blasphemous so-called “Broken Cross” Paul VI introduced and used as his crozier. It is a bent cross with Our Lord’s Body displayed in a repulsive fashion. This impious crozier has also been used by John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, and, after a hiatus, has recently been brought back by Francis.
Before the funeral, Paul VI’s body had to be injected with more formaldehyde because it was already decomposing as it was being transported a mere 15 miles from Castelgandolfo to St. Peter’s!(Source: TIME Magazine, “In Search of a Pope”, Aug. 21, 1978) Verbatim: “With the Pope garbed in a red chasuble, slippers and gloves and a gold-and-white miter on his head, some 60,000 mourners filed past his body. Then, with more than 5,000 soldiers and police standing guard against Italy’s unpredictable terrorists, a hearse drove the body along the 15-mile route to St. Peter’s. For a time the body was sealed in its casket. But when Cardinals arriving in Rome voiced disappointment, it was again put on view—in front of the high altar, where only the Pope or his delegate may say Mass. (The body had to be injected with more formaldehyde because it was already decomposing in the late summer heat.)”
Quick Novus Ordo Watch comment on the above: Pope St. Pius X also died in the hot summer month of August (1914) and did not decompose — he, a true saint (canonized by Pius XII in 1954), is incorrupt! (More info here) See this beautiful photo of St. Pius X shortly after he went to His Eternal Reward — what a contrast to the rotting and rotten Paul VI!
This is an exposition of the False New Church — the Vatican II Church — of Giovanni Battista Montini, otherwise known as “Pope” Paul VI, published first in 1971
About the author: Mexican Fr. Saenz y Arriaga was perhaps the first publicly sedevacantist priest. He was “excommunicated” by the Novus Ordo Church for exposing Montini/Paul VI and his new religion. In 1973, Saenz published a follow-up work called Sede Vacante: Paulo VI no es Papa legítimo (Sede Vacante: Paul VI is not a legitimate Pope), a sedevacantist manifesto. Read more about Fr. Saenz y Arriaga and his work here.
Reality Check: “Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you.” (Mt 5:10-12)
Voici une image qui parle d’elle-même. Ce « Crucifix » qui se trouve à Fatima pue la franc-maçonnerie. Qui d’autre peut oser blasphémer à ce point ? A noter que François Bergoglio et son équipe sont à Fatima pour «fêter» le centenaire des apparitions de notre Sainte Vierge.
Jésus-Christ est décalé de sa Croix.L’horrible église de la Très Sainte Trinité de Fatima
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