Scout badges
Boys and Girls, BE VERY AFRAID of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army of ‘Holy Father’ Priests, Brothers…and Boy Scouts Leaders!! Be Very Afraid of uniformed ‘Holy Father’ Priests and Brothers, and even nuns and your Scouts Leaders! Be aware that each one has an Achilles Heel of pedophilia, theft and crimes just like – Bishop Finn is the live Achilles Heel of Benedict XVI…while Cardinal Bernard Law is the live Achilles Heel of John Paul II http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/bishop-finn-is-live-achilles-heel-of.html and Spain’s theft and trafficking of 300,000 babies, read about it here http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/opus-dei-staffed-francos-regime-that.html
Canada and the USA are reeling from the first-time exploding news about a prominent Boy SCOUTS leader (and many others) who was covered-up by the Boy Scouts international organization and transferred between Canada and the USA for years. The Boy Scouts administration also paid many scouts victims - to silence them and then simply transferred the Boy Scouts leaders who were sexual predators into other groups -- exactly the same modus operandi of the Vatican and Benedict XVI who transferred pedophile priests and brothers from one parish to another and from one country to another - which is why Amnesty International named the Vatican guilty of violation of human rights particularly those of children and Benedict XVI’s crimes against humanity are now brought at The Hague, read about them here http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2011/05/amnesty-international-names-vatican-in.html, read more Boys Scout below.
The troubling connection between John Paul II to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts is the JP2 patch and Blessed John Paul Award for the entire Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, read their pamphlets below wherein they require 25 HOURS for each scout to participate and brainwash them with false ideas about the life of John Paul II, see JP2 patch below with slogan "Be Not Afraid". It says that, The purpose of this program is to further the understanding of the life, legacy and meaning of Pope John Paul II’s challenge to youth, “Be Not Afraid.”
It is incredible how John Paul II continues to be the JP2 Pied Piper of Pedophiles even from his grave as he mislead boys and girls to “feel-good” towards their sexual predators – just like he did with the thousands of victims of the JP2 Army and especially the 80 pedophile priests whom Cardinal Bernard Law covered-up and transferred from one parish to another. John Paul II is the Pied Piper of Pedophiles through his JP2 Rosary and Latin Mass that make Catholics feel-good about the Pope and his thousands of Pedophile Priests and numb people’s consciences and therefore manipulate them from pursuing these evil ‘Holy Father’ evil priests and send them to jail instead of allowing them to continue performing the Sorcery of the Eucharist. Read how the Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/10/rosary-could-not-defeat-jp2-army-john_06.html. Read how and why the Eucharist is sorcery and magic here http://stella0maris.blogspot.com/2010/01/magisterium-benedict-versus-holy-mary.html Read how 'forgiveness' in the Sacrament of Confession is a tool of injustice http://jp2army.blogspot.com/2010/03/forgiveness-is-gizmo-of-injustice-to.html
The Pope John Paul II award for scouts must be stopped and removed
The John Paul II Award for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts is despicable and should be stopped and the JP2 patches discarded immediately because it is -- the subliminal guide of John Paul II as the Perpetual Pied Piper of Pedophiles and Pederasts leading boys and girls to the hidden cave of pedophilia and pederasty. The holy face of John Paul II is the face of pedophilia because he never flinched in the presence of the most notorious pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel, read about it here Faces of Rapists-Priests: from Father Marcial Maciel covered-up by John Paul II and the Eucharist http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/03/faces-of-rapists-priests-from-father.html.
John Paul II’s papal heart was callous and his papal conscience was immoral towards the hundreds if not thousands of victims of the 80 pedophile priests whom Cardinal Bernard Law transferred from one parish to another. John Paul II elevated Cardinal Bernard Law as ArchPriest in the Santa Maria Magiorre Basilica after Law resigned as Archbishop of Boston. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts should not be wearing the face of an evil Pope who said and did nothing to protect children during his 27 years papacy on earth; that more than quarter of a century, there is no excuse, read the Vatican’s reason for the fast-track saint JP2 here http://jp2army.blogspot.com/2011/05/john-lallen-jrthe-pied-piper-of-john.html.
Read about the vision of Paris Arrow at the World Youth Day in Toronto about how a giant millstone was tied to the neck of John Paul II when he refused to speak about the pedophile priests in Boston and so he was dragged by St. Michael the Archangel until his neck broke and was thrown into a raging sea of fire while the WYD youth were chanting “JP2, we love you.”http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/09/911-decade-and-jp2-millstones-9th.html.
Patron Saint of Pedophiles and Pederasts and child abusers
John Paul II is the Holy Patron Saint of Pedophiles and Pederasts and his alive proof is Cardinal Bernard Law who aided and abetted 80 pedophile priests in Boston -- during John Paul II’s 27 years papacy as the most powerful man and holiest “Holy Father” on earth. Read about the most notorious JP2 Army of pedophile priests here http://jp2army.blogspot.com/ Read about Cardinal Bernard Law in our related article, Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html.
Read in 3 languages Prayer to John Paul II: the saint of pedophiles and pederasts, rapists and abusers of children here http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/prayer-to-john-paul-ii-saint-of.html
BE VERY AFRAID, all Boys and girls of the world
Boys and Girls, BE VERY AFRAID of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army of ‘Holy Father’ Priests, Brothers…and Boy Scouts Leaders!! Do not be deceived by prayers to the saints that will numb your consciences like this Pied Piper Prayer in the Blessed John Paul II Program:
Dear God, we thank You
for the example of the
Saints now in heaven with
You. We thank You for the
Saints who live among us now.
May we learn from their
example how to love others
in Your name. Amen
This scouts prayer is TOTAL DECEPTION for children to "imitate" unrealistic Catholic saints - who could do nothing to stop the JP2 Army just like the Rosary and the Eucharist could not help children from pedophile priests.
The "example of the saints" is a method of the Vatican to control Catholics and people to "pray, pay, obey" the Pope and Holy Father priests.
The full John Paul II Award is below.
and it requires 25 HOURS from each Scout to qualify

“My dear young people….of every continent, do not be afraid to be the saints of the new millennium. Be contemplative, love prayer; be coherent with your faith and generous in the service of your Brothers and Sisters, be active members of the Church and builders of peace. To succeed in this demanding project of life, continue to listen to His word.” — John Paul II, XV World Youth Day, 2000
The Blessed Pope John Paul II award is designed for all Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers, regardless of faith. The program was created by members of our Catholic Committees, Religious, Priests, Deacons, Principals, Educators, and the Staff at the Catholic Youth Apostolate and the Office of Catholic Scouting. The program was approved by Most Reverend Raymond Burke, Archbishop of St. Louis in June 2007.
Please view the documents attached to this page to find out more about the program.
Attachment Size
Attachment Size
Be-Not-Afraid-Legal-Pamphlet.pdf 117.39 KB
Be-Not-Afraid-Letter-Pamphlet.pdf 118.26 KB
http://www.catholicscoutingstl.org/awards/pope-john-paul-ii-program-0 READ ENTIRE PROGRAM BELOW It is full of Vatican deceptions and Opus Dei propaganda.
Protest in London against Benedict XVI in 2010
CBC piece on Boy Scout Abuse
Tim Kosnoff was intereviewed extensively for this newspiece by the CBC regarding sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts. Below is a link to the CBC page where you can view the entire video yourself (the "geo-fence" around the site has been taken down temporarily to allow American viewers access.)
Investigating sexual abuse in Scouts Canada
For young people across North America, Scouting offers fun, adventure and new friendships. But, given the nature of Scouting, the organization sometimes attracts men who prey on children.
In a co-investigation with the Los Angeles Times, the fifth estate looks at Scouts Canada's controversial system for recording the names of pedophiles who have infiltrated its ranks and been removed the organization. It was known as the Confidential List.
Host Diana Swain asks the question: have all of those allegations, going back decades, been shared with proper authorities?
The fifth estate's groundbreaking investigation follows a very public legal battle in the U.S. where the Boy Scouts of America were forced to reveal that it often did not inform police when allegations of sexual abuse were made.
The Boy Scouts of America has since paid out millions in legal settlements.
Read our new article Occupy The Vatican... like Occupy Wall Street http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/ows-otv-occupy-wall-street-occupy.html
Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-john-paul-ii-is-opus-deis-patron.html
Diamond bride Mother Angelica’s EWTN acquires Fr. Marcial Maciel’s National Catholic Register: same God and Mammon, same hypocrisy http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/01/diamond-bride-mother-angelicas-ewtn.html
The true Cross of the Vatican Trinity: John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei
September 11 = 5,000 victims. Belgian Catholic Church = 5,000 victims. John Paul II the Great Pedophile Priests Army keeps marching on in Europe !! http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/06/september-11-5000-victims-belgian.html
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/05/spiritual-healing-eucharist-and-rosary.html
Totus Tuus Marie pathological lie of John Paul II

See this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent but John Paul II gave countless thousands of little boys to the Serpent of Sodomy to be sodomized and raped by his John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army for over 26 years during his glorious papacy as John Paul II the Great

The Danish cartoonist of the prophet Mohammed portrayed John Paul II as the Pope of Pedophilia with the inscription "I am not for homosexuality but for pedophilia".
In this Danish cartoonist image, John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible most powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children"s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man. See more on the Danish cartoonist describing about John Paul II on Danish radio http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2007/10/john-paul-ii-portrait-by-danish-artist.html.

Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 -- Read John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002 http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2006/08/john-paul-ii-pope-of-sodomy.html

John Paul II in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Rome

The original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico revered by beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel who built the Legion of Christ Guadalupe Basilica in Rome where is now buried see http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2008_07_01_archive.html
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/05/full-text-of-criminal-charges-against.html
Benedict XVI smells Devil's Bowels as roses at the Vatican - just like John Paul II and all Vatican Pied Pipers
read our related article
Saint? John Paul II slept in peace at the Vatican knowing that Fr. Marcial Maciel plus thousands of pedophile priests were raping thousands of boys http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/02/saint-john-paul-ii-slept-in-peace-at.html
Joseph Ratzinger as a youth member of Hitler's Army
Pedophile Bishops
John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinal Bernard Law - the living Achilles Heel of Pedophile Priests of John Paul II
Full text
Pope John Paul II Award
“My dear young people….of every continent, do not be afraid to be the saints of the
new millennium. Be contemplative, love prayer; be coherent with your faith and
generous in the service of your Brothers and Sisters, be active members of the
Church and builders of peace. To succeed in this demanding project of life, continue
to listen to His word.”
XV World Youth Day, 2000
The Pope John Paul II award
is designed for all Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers, regardless of faith.
Archdiocese of St. Louis
Catholic Youth Apostolate
Office of Catholic Scouting
Catholic Committees on Scouting
“Do not be afraid to be the saints of the new millennium.”
Requirements for 1st and 2nd grade
Choose one Saint to read about, answer all 5 questions and read the prayer daily with your family.
A Saint is a special person who lived a holy life. The life of a Saint shows us how to follow Jesus. As we follow Jesus, we try
to live and act like Jesus. We pray together, share and help people in need. By following Jesus, we become like His mother
Mary and His friends, the Saints.
1. Why did you choose this Saint?
2. Where and when did the Saint live?
3. What did your Saint do that was special?
4. When is the feast day for your Saint?
5. How can you live like this Saint? Tell two specific things you can do.
“Be contemplative, love prayer; be coherent with your faith and generous in the service of your brothers
and sisters.”
Requirements for 3rd through 5th grade
Complete all questions.
1. Define what it means to be a martyr.
2. Why were Christians willing to give their life for their faith?
3. From the following list of martyrs, select 5 martyrs of your choice to research.
For each of the five martyrs that you select, provide the answers for the following questions:
a. In what part of the world did this Saint
b. What is the story of this person’s life
and death?
c. How did this Saint express his/her faith?
d. When is this Saint’s feast day?
e. What can you do in your life to live like this saint?
*Agatha *Barbara *Felicity * Lucy *Agnes
*Cecilia *Joan of Arc *Catherine of
*Andrew * George *Stephen
*Issac Jogues *Sebastian
*James the Greater *Jean de Brebeuf
His Life
“Be active members of the Church and builders of peace.”
Requirements for 6th through 8th grade
1. Write a brief biography of John Paul II.
(500 – 1,000 words)
2. Obtain a copy of his coat of arms and explain its meaning. If you had one, what would your coat of arms include? Explain
the symbols you use.
3. How many times did someone try to assassinate John Paul II? Describe his visit with Mehmet Ali Ağca in prison two
days after Christmas, 1983. How do you treat someone who has hurt you?
4. John Paul II had a love for the youth of the world. How can the youth of today be an active part of the Catholic
5. John Paul II opened communication with people of many faiths. How can his efforts help you heal wounds in your
6. John Paul II suffered physically due to a number of health issues. Some felt he should retire but he felt that by
remaining active he was a good example to the sick and elderly. How will you support someone who is sick or elderly in
your community?
7. What did John Paul II have to go through in his life in Poland to be ordained a priest? How much would you endure for
your faith?
8. Have you ever considered the priesthood or religious life? If so, tell about it.
9. John Paul II steadfastly opposed communism and many believe his opposition led to its downfall. How will you show the
world what your beliefs are?
10. John Paul II led a rich prayer life. Name one way you will improve your prayer life.
His Legacy
“To succeed in this demanding project of life, continue to listen to His word.”
Requirements for 9th thru 12th grade or Venturers until 21 years of age
Part 1-Research and write five essays, one on each of the 5 topics below. Each essay is to be 500 words or more.
Part 2- Service-Complete the service project.
1. What was the Solidarity Movement? What role did John Paul II play in the Solidarity Movement?
What was the effect of this movement on the whole world? How can you play a role in this movement today?
2. John Paul II was the most traveled Pope of all time. What was the purpose of all his travels? Name one country from
each continent that he visited.
3. Research John Paul II’s love of the Eucharist and in your report, indicate how your love for the Eucharist can impact your
life and help bring you closer to Christ.
4. In 1984 John Paul II established World Youth Day.
He and young people developed a very special bond.
Find one of his talks directed to youth and tell how his words can impact your life.
5. John Paul II wrote many books and encyclicals.
Read one and discuss with a friend or relative.
Provide a brief written summary of the chosen
encyclicals or your discussion.
SERVICE-Part 2- You can make a difference in the lives of people. Create a service project for younger children in the
4th - 8th grades that will help them establish a feeling of helping others. This project should be at least 25 hours.
Document each step of the project.
Before starting -you must receive approval of your service project by submitting to the OCS via. Email, fax, mail or in
person a detailed outline of your project.
A reply will be given in one week to ten days to proceed. When completed-Provide a copy of your detailed written work
for review to the OCS. The Committee will review your work and a reply will be given. You may be asked to come in before
a review board to share your under-standing of the subject matter and to relate how it has helped you grow in your faith.
Order in person, online, fax or mail
Office of Catholic Scouting
20 Archbishop May Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63119
catholicyouthstl.org Fax 314-792-7619
#___ John Paul II Patches $______
4.00 each
#___ Saints segments $______
1.00 each
#___ Martyrs segments $______
1.00 each
#___ His Life segments $______
1.00 each
#___ His Legacy segments $______
1.00 each
Total Order $______
Check_________ Catholic Youth Apostolate
Credit Mc or Visa__________________
Exp. Date_____
Mail____________Pick up______________
Indicate number of youth and type of program.
Girl Scouts________Cub Scouts_______
Boy Scouts_______ Venturers_________
Contact and payment Information
Pope John Paul II order form
Karol Jozef Wojtyla, known as John Paul II, was born in Wadowice, Poland, a small city 50 kilometers from Krakow on May 18, 1920. He was the second of two sons born to Karol Wojtyla and Emilia Kaczorowska. His mother died in 1929. His eldest brother Edmund, a doctor, died in 1932 and his father, a non-commissioned army officer, died in 1941.
He made his First Holy Communion at age 9 and was confirmed at 18. Upon graduation from Marcin Wadowita High School in Wadowice, he enrolled in Krakow’s Jagiellonian University in 1938.
In 1942, aware of his call to the priesthood, he began courses in the clandestine seminary of Krakow, until his priestly ordination in Krakow on November 1, 1946. He finished his doctorate in theology in 1948.
In 1948, he returned to Poland and was vicar of various parishes in Krakow, as well as chaplain for the university students until 1951. Later, he became a professor of moral theology and social ethics in the major seminary of Krakow and in the Faculty of Theology of Lublin.
On July 4, 1958, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Krakow by Pope Pius XII and was consecrated on September 28, 1958. On January 13, 1964, he was nominated Archbishop of Krakow by Pope Paul VI, who made him a cardinal on June 26, 1967.
During his Pontificate on October 16, 1978, he began 104 pastoral visits outside of Italy. His principal documents include 14 encyclicals, 15 apostolic exhortations, 11 apostolic constitutions and 45 apostolic letters. John Paul II presided at 147 beatification ceremonies (1338 blessed proclaimed) and 51 canonization ceremonies (482 Saints) during his pontificate.
He was an influential figure not only in the history of the Catholic Church, but will also be remembered as a world leader who played an intricate role in shaping world history. His personal courage, faith, strength and charisma shaped his life. His greatest legacy may be that he taught by personal example.
Pope John Paul II, the charismatic pontiff who led the worlds’ one billion Catholics for 26 years, died on April 2, 2005 at his home in Vatican City. His successor, Pope Benedict XVI, announced at Rome’s Basilica of St. John Lateran on May 13, 2005, “The cause for beatification of John Paul II is open.” With this announcement the process for canonization to sainthood for Pope John Paul II began.
Biography of Pope John Paul II
What is the purpose of this program?
The purpose of this program is to further the understanding of the life, legacy and meaning of Pope John Paul II’s challenge to youth, “Be Not Afraid.”
Do I have to be Catholic to earn this award? No.
Do I have to be a scout to earn this award? Yes.
Who approves the requirements?
Approval process for 1st through 8th grade is done by scout leaders, parents, priests, deacons, religious, or catechists who can verify the completeness and correctness of the answers.
Approval process for 9th through 12th grade and Venturers to 21 yrs of age is done by the Office of Catholic Scouting and a Review Committee. Send your detailed written work, the application, and a check for your patch to the OCS.
Do I have to come before a review board?
This is not a requirement, but we may ask, from time to time, for some scouts to come in and share their experiences.
Where can I get more award program flyers?
Flyers can be printed off the website at www. cycstl.net. Follow the link to the Boy Scout or Girl Scout home page or contact the Office of Catholic Scouting.
How much time do I have to complete each section?
There are no time requirements. You must complete the sections according to the grade or age level.
Is the patch one piece?
No, the center patch is separate and each segment, as it is earned, can be placed around the center patch.
Some helpful websites: www.catholicyouthstl.org
www.blestarewe.com www.vatican.va www.nfcym.org
Additional questions? Contact: Ann Lederman
Office of Catholic Scouting (OCS)
Voice: 314.792.7608 E-mail: annlederman@archstl.net
Website: catholicyouthstl.org Fax: 314-792-7619

Benedict XVI smell Devil's Bowels liek roses at the Vatican
The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI they both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell http://jp2army.blogspot.com/2011/03/nazis-of-hitler-and-roman-catholic.html
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
JP2 Army victims around the world http://jp2army.blogspot.com/
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/amnesty-international-report-vatican.html
The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/nazi-gold-and-vatican-how-rome-saved.html
Ireland condemns Vatican secrecy on Cloyne Diocese pedophile priests. Ireland vis-à-vis USA: the way they deal with crimes by the Vatican http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/07/ireland-government-condemns-vatican.html
Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/john-paul-ii-patron-of-pederasts-and.html
The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more here http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/05/911-victims-5000-jp2-army-100000s-may.html
Read our related article The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2011/02/nazis-of-hitler-and-roman-catholic.html
John Paul II the "Rosary Pope" used the Rosary to cover-up and FEEL-GOOD about his own JP2 Army crimes
October 21, 2012
Wisconsin advocacy group calls for additional Boy Scout files
[national database - Attorney Kelly Clark]
A southeastern Wisconsin advocacy group for sex abuse victims is asking the Boy Scouts of America to release more information about Wisconsin cases.
Earlier this week a judge ordered the Boy Scouts of America to release thousands of documents related to abuse allegations against scouting volunteers.
The Associated Press reported the files identify 29 Wisconsin men as alleged abusers.
The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, has asked the BSA to release all the information they have regarding the Wisconsin allegations. They are also encouraging any other abuse victims to come forward.
"No matter when you've been harmed, it does not matter, " said Peter Isely of SNAP. "Make a report and see if they can find out where this individual is."
[national database - Attorney Kelly Clark]
A southeastern Wisconsin advocacy group for sex abuse victims is asking the Boy Scouts of America to release more information about Wisconsin cases.
Earlier this week a judge ordered the Boy Scouts of America to release thousands of documents related to abuse allegations against scouting volunteers.
The Associated Press reported the files identify 29 Wisconsin men as alleged abusers.
The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, has asked the BSA to release all the information they have regarding the Wisconsin allegations. They are also encouraging any other abuse victims to come forward.
"No matter when you've been harmed, it does not matter, " said Peter Isely of SNAP. "Make a report and see if they can find out where this individual is."
'Safe-guarding the Scouts is the number one priority'
October 19, 2012|By C.J. LOVELACE | cj.lovelace@herald-mail.com
In the wake of the release of decades of confidential sexual-abuse allegations within the Boy Scouts of America, a local Scouting official said Friday that the organization remains committed to protecting youth and providing a safe environment above all else.
“Safe-guarding the Scouts is the number one priority for the Scouting organization,” said Mark Barbernitz, Scout executive for the Mason-Dixon Council of the BSA, which oversees approximately 2,300 kids and about 100 troops of Scouts in Washington County as well as parts of Franklin and Fulton counties in Pennsylvania. ...
The Rev. Tim Leighton, pastor of Church of the Holy Trinity UCC in Halfway since 2006, said their congregation will continue to support Boy Scout Troop 136 and the Cub Scout pack that meet at the church.
“The congregation as a whole has been very supportive of Scouting, both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, for a number of years,” Leighton said. “The Scout troop has done several service projects.”
Leighton, who also took part in the Scouts as a kid, said the church has not considered re-evaluating its relationship with the organization despite the abuse allegations, adding that Troop 136 leaders are very conscientious of the parents and adults that work with the kids.
October 19, 2012|By C.J. LOVELACE | cj.lovelace@herald-mail.com
In the wake of the release of decades of confidential sexual-abuse allegations within the Boy Scouts of America, a local Scouting official said Friday that the organization remains committed to protecting youth and providing a safe environment above all else.
“Safe-guarding the Scouts is the number one priority for the Scouting organization,” said Mark Barbernitz, Scout executive for the Mason-Dixon Council of the BSA, which oversees approximately 2,300 kids and about 100 troops of Scouts in Washington County as well as parts of Franklin and Fulton counties in Pennsylvania. ...
The Rev. Tim Leighton, pastor of Church of the Holy Trinity UCC in Halfway since 2006, said their congregation will continue to support Boy Scout Troop 136 and the Cub Scout pack that meet at the church.
“The congregation as a whole has been very supportive of Scouting, both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, for a number of years,” Leighton said. “The Scout troop has done several service projects.”
Leighton, who also took part in the Scouts as a kid, said the church has not considered re-evaluating its relationship with the organization despite the abuse allegations, adding that Troop 136 leaders are very conscientious of the parents and adults that work with the kids.
Boy Scout "perversion files" list several ex-leaders from area troops
The Eagle-Tribune
[national database - Attorney Kelly Clark]
By Mark E. Vogler mvogler@eagletribune.com The Eagle-Tribune
In early 1977, allegations about an assistant scoutmaster having sex with boys rocked the old St. Joseph’s Church in Haverhill, then home for Boy Scout Troop 27.
Stories grew rampant about the 27-year-old scout leader inviting boys to stay overnight at his home, where indecent exposure and fondling were common. One boy accused the troop leader of performing “an unnatural act” on him.
A father who was on the troop committee consulted with a lawyer and the police for assistance after reporting that his son was a victim of sexual abuse by an adult leader “who should not be allowed to stay in scouting.”
But despite the controversy, police never prosecuted the assistant scoutmaster for the alleged sexual crimes. Neither he nor the Boy Scouts were named as defendants in any lawsuits.
The Eagle-Tribune
[national database - Attorney Kelly Clark]
By Mark E. Vogler mvogler@eagletribune.com The Eagle-Tribune
In early 1977, allegations about an assistant scoutmaster having sex with boys rocked the old St. Joseph’s Church in Haverhill, then home for Boy Scout Troop 27.
Stories grew rampant about the 27-year-old scout leader inviting boys to stay overnight at his home, where indecent exposure and fondling were common. One boy accused the troop leader of performing “an unnatural act” on him.
A father who was on the troop committee consulted with a lawyer and the police for assistance after reporting that his son was a victim of sexual abuse by an adult leader “who should not be allowed to stay in scouting.”
But despite the controversy, police never prosecuted the assistant scoutmaster for the alleged sexual crimes. Neither he nor the Boy Scouts were named as defendants in any lawsuits.
Kentucky Boy Scout leaders failed to report allegations of sexual abuse to police, reports sho
The Courier-Journal
[national database - Attorney Kelly Clark]
[with video]
Written by
Andrew Wolfson
The Courier-Journal
When a 47-year-old Louisville Boy Scout leader attempted in 1967 to molest a boy in a tent during an outing, scouting officials promised that they would keep the matter strictly confidential and say only that the leader resigned.
“The Scout office will make no general announcement,” Scouting Executive Hal Cory wrote on Nov. 6, 1967, to Boy Scouts of America headquarters, which promised to put the report in its “confidential file.” ..
Cal Pfeiffer, a founding member of the local chapter of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the disclosures show how pervasive sexual abuse of children is in society “in one group after another after another.”
He said the Boy Scouts at least forced accused leaders to resign rather than moving them from parish to parish, as the church often did. But like the church, the Scouts didn’t refer leaders for prosecution, he said, potentially allowing them to continue to prey on children in other capacities.
The Courier-Journal
[national database - Attorney Kelly Clark]
[with video]
Written by
Andrew Wolfson
The Courier-Journal
When a 47-year-old Louisville Boy Scout leader attempted in 1967 to molest a boy in a tent during an outing, scouting officials promised that they would keep the matter strictly confidential and say only that the leader resigned.
“The Scout office will make no general announcement,” Scouting Executive Hal Cory wrote on Nov. 6, 1967, to Boy Scouts of America headquarters, which promised to put the report in its “confidential file.” ..
Cal Pfeiffer, a founding member of the local chapter of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the disclosures show how pervasive sexual abuse of children is in society “in one group after another after another.”
He said the Boy Scouts at least forced accused leaders to resign rather than moving them from parish to parish, as the church often did. But like the church, the Scouts didn’t refer leaders for prosecution, he said, potentially allowing them to continue to prey on children in other capacities.
Boy Scout ‘perversion files’ include 12 St. Louis cases
[with video]
by Russell Kinsaul / News 4 and KMOV.com staff
ST. LOUIS (KMOV) -- Confidential files kept for years by Boy Scouts of America detailing allegations of sexual abuse against boys include 47 cases from Missouri.
A majority of the Missouri cases included in files released Thursday come from troops in St. Louis and Kansas City or their suburbs, but cases also were reported in such places as Neosho, Fort Leonard Wood and Chillicothe.
The Boy Scouts released about 14,500 pages of what are being called “perversion files” on cases across the country dating from 1959 to 1985. ...
But it’s unclear from the records of those four cases whether scouting leaders ever notified police.
“Unless those who conceal sexual abuse are revealed and punished then they’ll continue to do it,” said SNAP’s David Clohessy, who works with survivors of abuse.
[with video]
by Russell Kinsaul / News 4 and KMOV.com staff
ST. LOUIS (KMOV) -- Confidential files kept for years by Boy Scouts of America detailing allegations of sexual abuse against boys include 47 cases from Missouri.
A majority of the Missouri cases included in files released Thursday come from troops in St. Louis and Kansas City or their suburbs, but cases also were reported in such places as Neosho, Fort Leonard Wood and Chillicothe.
The Boy Scouts released about 14,500 pages of what are being called “perversion files” on cases across the country dating from 1959 to 1985. ...
But it’s unclear from the records of those four cases whether scouting leaders ever notified police.
“Unless those who conceal sexual abuse are revealed and punished then they’ll continue to do it,” said SNAP’s David Clohessy, who works with survivors of abuse.
List of 1,200 suspected child abusers barred from volunteering with Boy Scouts includes 45 Mass. men
Boston Globe
This story was reported by Travis Andersen and Martin Finucane of the Globe staff and Globe correspondents Colin A. Young, Melanie Dostis, and Liam O’Kennedy. It was written by Andersen.
Forty-five people from Massachusetts are listed in the secret “perversion files” maintained by the Boy Scouts of America that were released Thursday by an Oregon legal team under an order from the Oregon Supreme Court.
The hometowns of Massachusetts residents listed in the Scouts’ ineligible volunteer files were spread across the state, from South Boston to Pittsfield. The files contained 44 names and one person listed as unknown. ...
In addition, a former Catholic seminary student from Dorchester who admitted to sexually assaulting an 11-year-old Scout at Thompson’s Island in 1969 was listed with the names released, according to his file.
He also admitted to committing lewd acts in front of scouts at various time during troop meetings, the filing states. The man received a suspended prison sentence for his actions and was later treated by a therapist, he wrote in a letter to scout officials asking to be admitted to a South Boston troop. That request was denied.
“I admit I did something terribly wrong, and never have denied that fact,” the man wrote in his letter. “But through therapy, I was able to see the underlying causes. … I can assure you there is no further problem and can document this. How many other Scoutmasters can?”
The Globe did not name the man because it could not determine on Thursday night if the man was ever charged.
Boston Globe
This story was reported by Travis Andersen and Martin Finucane of the Globe staff and Globe correspondents Colin A. Young, Melanie Dostis, and Liam O’Kennedy. It was written by Andersen.
Forty-five people from Massachusetts are listed in the secret “perversion files” maintained by the Boy Scouts of America that were released Thursday by an Oregon legal team under an order from the Oregon Supreme Court.
The hometowns of Massachusetts residents listed in the Scouts’ ineligible volunteer files were spread across the state, from South Boston to Pittsfield. The files contained 44 names and one person listed as unknown. ...
In addition, a former Catholic seminary student from Dorchester who admitted to sexually assaulting an 11-year-old Scout at Thompson’s Island in 1969 was listed with the names released, according to his file.
He also admitted to committing lewd acts in front of scouts at various time during troop meetings, the filing states. The man received a suspended prison sentence for his actions and was later treated by a therapist, he wrote in a letter to scout officials asking to be admitted to a South Boston troop. That request was denied.
“I admit I did something terribly wrong, and never have denied that fact,” the man wrote in his letter. “But through therapy, I was able to see the underlying causes. … I can assure you there is no further problem and can document this. How many other Scoutmasters can?”
The Globe did not name the man because it could not determine on Thursday night if the man was ever charged.
Boy Scout Ineligible Volunteer Files (Perversion Files) (1965 – 1985)
Kelly Clark, Attorney
The information contained in the ineligible volunteer ("IV") files is being made public pursuant to a court order from The Honorable John Wittmayer, Multnomah County Circuit Judge for the State of Oregon, in the case of Lewis vs. Boy Scouts of America, Case No. 0710-11294. The Oregon Supreme Court upheld the ruling on June 14th, 2012.
By the terms of Judge Wittmayer's order, the names and contact information of persons identified as victims of sexual abuse and those that reported the abuse were redacted. If the person identified as an abuse reporter was a professional Scouter, i.e., an individual employed by the Boy Scouts of America or an affiliate, then the name was not redacted.
The information in the IV files concerns allegations of child sexual abuse. In a number of the cases, the allegations were later substantiated by court proceedings. However, in a great many cases no such substantiation ever occurred. Consequently, the law firms of O'Donnell Clark and Crew LLP and Paul Mones, and any agent or representative thereof, make no representations or suggestions that any of the allegations in these files are in every case true. In fact, we are in no position to verify or attest to the truth of these allegations as they were compiled by the Boy Scouts of America. The incidents reported in these documents attest to notice of potential child abuse given to the Boy Scouts of America and its affiliates and their response to that notice.
Kelly Clark, Attorney
The information contained in the ineligible volunteer ("IV") files is being made public pursuant to a court order from The Honorable John Wittmayer, Multnomah County Circuit Judge for the State of Oregon, in the case of Lewis vs. Boy Scouts of America, Case No. 0710-11294. The Oregon Supreme Court upheld the ruling on June 14th, 2012.
By the terms of Judge Wittmayer's order, the names and contact information of persons identified as victims of sexual abuse and those that reported the abuse were redacted. If the person identified as an abuse reporter was a professional Scouter, i.e., an individual employed by the Boy Scouts of America or an affiliate, then the name was not redacted.
The information in the IV files concerns allegations of child sexual abuse. In a number of the cases, the allegations were later substantiated by court proceedings. However, in a great many cases no such substantiation ever occurred. Consequently, the law firms of O'Donnell Clark and Crew LLP and Paul Mones, and any agent or representative thereof, make no representations or suggestions that any of the allegations in these files are in every case true. In fact, we are in no position to verify or attest to the truth of these allegations as they were compiled by the Boy Scouts of America. The incidents reported in these documents attest to notice of potential child abuse given to the Boy Scouts of America and its affiliates and their response to that notice.
SNAP officials take on Boy Scouts
[with video]
By Alex Fees
St. Louis (KSDK) - Officials with SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, are weighing-in on the Boy Scouts child sex abuse scandal.
They say the documents made public Thursday by civil suits show the same kind of callous, reckless maneuvers by scouting officials that SNAP called attention to in other contexts, such as the Catholic Church and Penn State.
"The sad truth is many institutions value their own reputations over the safety of the kids they serve," said David Clohessy, with SNAP in St. Louis.
Regarding the release of confidential, so-called "perversion" files kept by Boy Scout officials, Clohessy said, "We in SNAP are calling upon law enforcement officials to look through these files and use their bully pulpits and beg victims, witnesses, and whistle-blowers of scout abuse to come forward. Obviously most of these cases are from years and years ago. And the statute of limitations has probably run and nothing can be done, legally, but we believe it's reckless to make that assumption."
[with video]
By Alex Fees
St. Louis (KSDK) - Officials with SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, are weighing-in on the Boy Scouts child sex abuse scandal.
They say the documents made public Thursday by civil suits show the same kind of callous, reckless maneuvers by scouting officials that SNAP called attention to in other contexts, such as the Catholic Church and Penn State.
"The sad truth is many institutions value their own reputations over the safety of the kids they serve," said David Clohessy, with SNAP in St. Louis.
Regarding the release of confidential, so-called "perversion" files kept by Boy Scout officials, Clohessy said, "We in SNAP are calling upon law enforcement officials to look through these files and use their bully pulpits and beg victims, witnesses, and whistle-blowers of scout abuse to come forward. Obviously most of these cases are from years and years ago. And the statute of limitations has probably run and nothing can be done, legally, but we believe it's reckless to make that assumption."
Boy Scouts' 'perversion files' list local men
Lowell Sun
By Lisa Redmond, lredmond@lowellsun.comlowellsun.com
Posted: 10/20/2012
BOSTON -- One of the 45 Massachusetts residents listed in the Boy Scouts' newly released "perversion files" is a former Pepperell resident and Level 3 sex offender who is in prison serving time for his fourth child sex-assault conviction.
Due to an Oregon Supreme Court ruling, the Boy Scouts of America on Thursday released a list of 1,250 "ineligible volunteers" from across the country who were accused of child molestation as far back as 1965. ...
On the published list is Donn Kruger, of Pepperell, who was listed as an "ineligible volunteer" in 1983. Also listed as ineligible volunteers are Normand R. Harnois, of Lowell (1989); Steven A. Conti, of Burlington (1988); Alden R. Farrar, of Ayer, (1978); and the Rev. Walter N. Stone, of Fitchburg (1989). ...
According to published reports from 1989, Stone was a Congregational minister in Fitchburg when he was charged with rape and sexual abuse involving children in his parish and in
In a July 28, 1978 letter from George Fraquair, Scout executive of the Nashua Valley BSA Council, to the BSA Registration Service, Fraquair asked that Alden R. Farrar, of Ayer, be "placed on the confidential list. He has admitted to a morals offense against one of our scouts. The family, including the scout, fortunately have decided not to prosecute."
Stone, of the Rollstone Congregational Church in Fitchburg, was sentenced to seven to 15 years in state prison after being convicted of eight counts of indecent assault and battery on a child. Two victims testified that Stone befriended them during church counseling and activities.
Lowell Sun
By Lisa Redmond, lredmond@lowellsun.comlowellsun.com
Posted: 10/20/2012
BOSTON -- One of the 45 Massachusetts residents listed in the Boy Scouts' newly released "perversion files" is a former Pepperell resident and Level 3 sex offender who is in prison serving time for his fourth child sex-assault conviction.
Due to an Oregon Supreme Court ruling, the Boy Scouts of America on Thursday released a list of 1,250 "ineligible volunteers" from across the country who were accused of child molestation as far back as 1965. ...
On the published list is Donn Kruger, of Pepperell, who was listed as an "ineligible volunteer" in 1983. Also listed as ineligible volunteers are Normand R. Harnois, of Lowell (1989); Steven A. Conti, of Burlington (1988); Alden R. Farrar, of Ayer, (1978); and the Rev. Walter N. Stone, of Fitchburg (1989). ...
According to published reports from 1989, Stone was a Congregational minister in Fitchburg when he was charged with rape and sexual abuse involving children in his parish and in
In a July 28, 1978 letter from George Fraquair, Scout executive of the Nashua Valley BSA Council, to the BSA Registration Service, Fraquair asked that Alden R. Farrar, of Ayer, be "placed on the confidential list. He has admitted to a morals offense against one of our scouts. The family, including the scout, fortunately have decided not to prosecute."
Stone, of the Rollstone Congregational Church in Fitchburg, was sentenced to seven to 15 years in state prison after being convicted of eight counts of indecent assault and battery on a child. Two victims testified that Stone befriended them during church counseling and activities.
Herald-Whig Staff Writer
Information about three cases concerning local Boy Scout leaders were among the 14,500 pages of secret "perversion files" released Thursday by order of the Oregon Supreme Court.
The Associated Press reported an array of local authorities -- police chiefs, prosecutors, pastors and town Boy Scout leaders among them -- quietly shielded scoutmasters and others who allegedly molested children. The files document sex abuse allegations across the country, from a small town in the Adirondacks to downtown Los Angeles, from 1959 to 1985.
The local cases involved a Memphis, Mo., minister in 1960, and incidents in the 1980s in both Quincy and Fort Madison, Iowa. ...
º The Rev. Dean Jones, a pastor at Christian Church in Memphis, Mo., was accused of oral sodomy in June 1960, according to papers filed by The Great Rivers Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The Boys Scouts' memo said Jones "failed to deny or admit (the charge) but immediately resigned his position in the church."
Jones, 28 at the time, was the cubmaster for Pack 97 in Memphis. His file does not indicate if he was ever charged. The memo stated that "sufficient evidence has been collected to verify the major complaint."
Click here to view documents related to the Jones case.
Herald-Whig Staff Writer
Information about three cases concerning local Boy Scout leaders were among the 14,500 pages of secret "perversion files" released Thursday by order of the Oregon Supreme Court.
The Associated Press reported an array of local authorities -- police chiefs, prosecutors, pastors and town Boy Scout leaders among them -- quietly shielded scoutmasters and others who allegedly molested children. The files document sex abuse allegations across the country, from a small town in the Adirondacks to downtown Los Angeles, from 1959 to 1985.
The local cases involved a Memphis, Mo., minister in 1960, and incidents in the 1980s in both Quincy and Fort Madison, Iowa. ...
º The Rev. Dean Jones, a pastor at Christian Church in Memphis, Mo., was accused of oral sodomy in June 1960, according to papers filed by The Great Rivers Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The Boys Scouts' memo said Jones "failed to deny or admit (the charge) but immediately resigned his position in the church."
Jones, 28 at the time, was the cubmaster for Pack 97 in Memphis. His file does not indicate if he was ever charged. The memo stated that "sufficient evidence has been collected to verify the major complaint."
Click here to view documents related to the Jones case.
The Boy Scout Files
National Survivor Advocates Coalition
The Boy Scouts of America, on order of the Oregon Supreme Court, yesterday released over 15,000 pages of files detailing child sexual abuse by scoutmasters and other volunteers from 1959 through 1985.
The pattern that is revealed is the same as that within the Roman Catholic Church and at PennState.
Our question is: will the response be the same or will there finally be an uprising of men and women of goodwill that will protect children and provide access to justice for survivors?
Don’t children matter?
If members of a religious organization that was proclaimed a moral pillar of the planet can’t lead in this fight to protect the innocent, guard the vulnerable and say and mean enough is enough can society in general?
National Survivor Advocates Coalition
The Boy Scouts of America, on order of the Oregon Supreme Court, yesterday released over 15,000 pages of files detailing child sexual abuse by scoutmasters and other volunteers from 1959 through 1985.
The pattern that is revealed is the same as that within the Roman Catholic Church and at PennState.
Our question is: will the response be the same or will there finally be an uprising of men and women of goodwill that will protect children and provide access to justice for survivors?
Don’t children matter?
If members of a religious organization that was proclaimed a moral pillar of the planet can’t lead in this fight to protect the innocent, guard the vulnerable and say and mean enough is enough can society in general?
US - BSA releases files, SNAP responds
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Posted by Barbara Blaine on October 18, 2012
Where is the list of scout officials who’ve been fired, demoted, disciplined and denounced by Scout executives for hiding child sex crimes of their colleagues? When Scout executives post that list on their websites, voluntarily, that’s when we’ll believe progress is happening.
Virtually every single fact about abuse that is publicly known about abuse and cover-ups in scouting has been made known despite, not because of, the Scout hierarchy. When scout officials claim that 60% of the cases in the newly released files had “some degree of public knowledge,” that’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is what percentage of those cases was made public voluntarily by Scout leaders. Scout executives should answer that today.
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Posted by Barbara Blaine on October 18, 2012
Where is the list of scout officials who’ve been fired, demoted, disciplined and denounced by Scout executives for hiding child sex crimes of their colleagues? When Scout executives post that list on their websites, voluntarily, that’s when we’ll believe progress is happening.
Virtually every single fact about abuse that is publicly known about abuse and cover-ups in scouting has been made known despite, not because of, the Scout hierarchy. When scout officials claim that 60% of the cases in the newly released files had “some degree of public knowledge,” that’s irrelevant. What’s relevant is what percentage of those cases was made public voluntarily by Scout leaders. Scout executives should answer that today.
US - Victims back call for Congressional probe into Scouts' abuse/cover up
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Posted by David Clohessy on October 19, 2012
Two attorneys who represent child sex abuse victims are calling on Congress to audit the Boy Scouts after more than 20,000 documents have been released focusing on the more than 1,200 of the Scout “ineligible volunteers.”
We at SNAP echo this call. According to US Code Chapter 309 (http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/36C309.txt), the BSA is a congressionally chartered organization, which means their activities can fall under the purview of the government. We agree with attorneys Kelly Clark and Paul Mones that Congress has ample reason to investigate the Scouts.
Child sex abuse and cover-ups thrive in largely private and male-dominate, institutions with few or no external checks and balances, like churches and the Scouts. Because of this, outside oversight is critical. That's why Congressional audits and hearings are so important here.
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Posted by David Clohessy on October 19, 2012
Two attorneys who represent child sex abuse victims are calling on Congress to audit the Boy Scouts after more than 20,000 documents have been released focusing on the more than 1,200 of the Scout “ineligible volunteers.”
We at SNAP echo this call. According to US Code Chapter 309 (http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/36C309.txt), the BSA is a congressionally chartered organization, which means their activities can fall under the purview of the government. We agree with attorneys Kelly Clark and Paul Mones that Congress has ample reason to investigate the Scouts.
Child sex abuse and cover-ups thrive in largely private and male-dominate, institutions with few or no external checks and balances, like churches and the Scouts. Because of this, outside oversight is critical. That's why Congressional audits and hearings are so important here.
In at least 51 Wisconsin cities, scout sex offenders may have assaulted youngsters
SNAP Wisconsin
Statement by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin Director
CONTACT: 414.336.8575
The Boy Scout’s so-called “perversion files,” court ordered released yesterday by the Oregon Supreme Court, reveals that in Wisconsin alone, some 51 cities had troops where scouting officials quietly removed adult leaders or volunteers that were determined to have committed various sex crimes against children.
Of the over 1,200 case files spanning from 1947-2005, according to a database created by the Los Angeles Times, sex offending scout leaders litter the landscape of Wisconsin touching nearly every area of the state.
These cities include: Sheboygan, Black River Falls, Marinette, Milwaukee, Mosinee, Schofield, Madison, Janesville, Delavan, Cedarburg, Long Lake, La Crosse, Oxford, Appleton, Racine, Greendale, West Allis, Mondovi, Oneida, North Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Sun Prairie, Pewaukee, Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Shorewood, Phelps, West Bend, Waupaca, Avery, Green Bay, Monroe, Colgate, River Falls, Beloit, Wausau, Tomah, Mukwonago, Lake, Jackson, Wisconsin Dells, Stoughton, Reedsburg, Rio, Rice Lake, Two Rivers, Wauwatosa, Marshfield, Rhinelander, Cuba City, and Gratiot.
SNAP Wisconsin
Statement by John Pilmaier, SNAP Wisconsin Director
CONTACT: 414.336.8575
The Boy Scout’s so-called “perversion files,” court ordered released yesterday by the Oregon Supreme Court, reveals that in Wisconsin alone, some 51 cities had troops where scouting officials quietly removed adult leaders or volunteers that were determined to have committed various sex crimes against children.
Of the over 1,200 case files spanning from 1947-2005, according to a database created by the Los Angeles Times, sex offending scout leaders litter the landscape of Wisconsin touching nearly every area of the state.
These cities include: Sheboygan, Black River Falls, Marinette, Milwaukee, Mosinee, Schofield, Madison, Janesville, Delavan, Cedarburg, Long Lake, La Crosse, Oxford, Appleton, Racine, Greendale, West Allis, Mondovi, Oneida, North Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Sun Prairie, Pewaukee, Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Shorewood, Phelps, West Bend, Waupaca, Avery, Green Bay, Monroe, Colgate, River Falls, Beloit, Wausau, Tomah, Mukwonago, Lake, Jackson, Wisconsin Dells, Stoughton, Reedsburg, Rio, Rice Lake, Two Rivers, Wauwatosa, Marshfield, Rhinelander, Cuba City, and Gratiot.
‘Perversion files’ show locals helped Boy Scouts cover up
Wichita Eagle
[Search the Boy Scout 'perversion files' database]
WASHINGTON — The publication Thursday of 20 years worth of secret records kept by the Boy Scouts of America reveal a widespread effort by the organization to cover up a scandal involving allegations of sexual abuse against 1,200 scout leaders.
The records, known within the Boy Scouts itself as the “perversion files,” cover the years 1965-1985 and detail the names of the alleged perpetrators, their hometowns and other information.
The list contains the names of 14 men in Kansas, with dates when the files on them were started, from 1961 to 1985. Six of the men were living in Wichita, one in Newton and one in Arkansas City. Also: two in Leavenworth, and one each in Hoisington, Manhattan, Olathe and Kansas City, Kan.
Three of the names listed from Wichita and Arkansas City matched names of men who years later were convicted of sex crimes, including crimes against children, according to an initial check of state corrections records.
Wichita Eagle
[Search the Boy Scout 'perversion files' database]
WASHINGTON — The publication Thursday of 20 years worth of secret records kept by the Boy Scouts of America reveal a widespread effort by the organization to cover up a scandal involving allegations of sexual abuse against 1,200 scout leaders.
The records, known within the Boy Scouts itself as the “perversion files,” cover the years 1965-1985 and detail the names of the alleged perpetrators, their hometowns and other information.
The list contains the names of 14 men in Kansas, with dates when the files on them were started, from 1961 to 1985. Six of the men were living in Wichita, one in Newton and one in Arkansas City. Also: two in Leavenworth, and one each in Hoisington, Manhattan, Olathe and Kansas City, Kan.
Three of the names listed from Wichita and Arkansas City matched names of men who years later were convicted of sex crimes, including crimes against children, according to an initial check of state corrections records.
R.I. individuals on Boy Scouts' list of those suspected of sex abuse
Providence Journal
By Richard C. Dujardin
A newly-released trove of confidential papers collected by the Boy Scouts of America to help weed out men and women suspected of sexual abuse shows that over decades Scout leaders in Rhode Island expelled at least 47 individuals who were placed on their "ineligible volunteer list."
The 14,500 pages of secret files were ordered released Thursday by the Oregon Supreme Court.
Although nearly all names of suspected individuals were redacted before being released, the records show that those listed in Rhode Island had been dropped from the rolls or denied participation in at least 52 Scout packs or troops statewide over several decades until early 2005.
Two names left unredacted belong to men who would later face accusations of sexual abuse: the Rev. Edmond C. Micarelli, a chaplain at the Camp Yawgoog Boy Scout reservation in Hopkinton during the 1970s, and William Lazzareschi, who was an assistant scoutmaster for Troop 22 in Providence.
Providence Journal
By Richard C. Dujardin
A newly-released trove of confidential papers collected by the Boy Scouts of America to help weed out men and women suspected of sexual abuse shows that over decades Scout leaders in Rhode Island expelled at least 47 individuals who were placed on their "ineligible volunteer list."
The 14,500 pages of secret files were ordered released Thursday by the Oregon Supreme Court.
Although nearly all names of suspected individuals were redacted before being released, the records show that those listed in Rhode Island had been dropped from the rolls or denied participation in at least 52 Scout packs or troops statewide over several decades until early 2005.
Two names left unredacted belong to men who would later face accusations of sexual abuse: the Rev. Edmond C. Micarelli, a chaplain at the Camp Yawgoog Boy Scout reservation in Hopkinton during the 1970s, and William Lazzareschi, who was an assistant scoutmaster for Troop 22 in Providence.
Sparta ex-priest on Boy Scouts' list of abusers
New Jersey Herald
An array of local authorities -- police chiefs, prosecutors, pastors and town Boy Scout leaders among them -- quietly shielded scoutmasters and others nationwide who allegedly molested children, according to a newly opened trove of confidential files compiled from 1959 to 1985.
At the time, those authorities justified their actions as necessary to protect the good name and good works of Scouting. But as detailed in 14,500 pages of secret "perversion files" released Thursday by order of the Oregon Supreme Court, their maneuvers protected suspected sexual predators while victims suffered in silence.
The files document sex abuse allegations across the country, from a small town in the Adirondacks to downtown Los Angeles.
The only Sussex County individual on the list is the Rev. William N. Cramer, who, according to the entry, was "Catholic priest who admits to fondling two boys in the bedroom of their home (ages 11 and 14)."
At the time, Cramer was an associate pastor with Our Lady of the Lake Church in Sparta, where he was first assigned in 1977.
New Jersey Herald
An array of local authorities -- police chiefs, prosecutors, pastors and town Boy Scout leaders among them -- quietly shielded scoutmasters and others nationwide who allegedly molested children, according to a newly opened trove of confidential files compiled from 1959 to 1985.
At the time, those authorities justified their actions as necessary to protect the good name and good works of Scouting. But as detailed in 14,500 pages of secret "perversion files" released Thursday by order of the Oregon Supreme Court, their maneuvers protected suspected sexual predators while victims suffered in silence.
The files document sex abuse allegations across the country, from a small town in the Adirondacks to downtown Los Angeles.
The only Sussex County individual on the list is the Rev. William N. Cramer, who, according to the entry, was "Catholic priest who admits to fondling two boys in the bedroom of their home (ages 11 and 14)."
At the time, Cramer was an associate pastor with Our Lady of the Lake Church in Sparta, where he was first assigned in 1977.
Tracking decades of allegations in the Boy Scouts
Los Angeles Times
[Note: The records can only be accessed by using Firefox, Chrome or Safari.]
This database contains information on about 5,000 men and a handful of women who were expelled from the Boy Scouts of America between 1947 and January 2005 on suspicion of sexual abuse. The dots on the map indicate the location of troops connected in some way to the accused. The timeline below shows the volume of cases opened by year; however, an unknown number of files were purged by the Scouts prior to the early 1990s.
Los Angeles Times
[Note: The records can only be accessed by using Firefox, Chrome or Safari.]
This database contains information on about 5,000 men and a handful of women who were expelled from the Boy Scouts of America between 1947 and January 2005 on suspicion of sexual abuse. The dots on the map indicate the location of troops connected in some way to the accused. The timeline below shows the volume of cases opened by year; however, an unknown number of files were purged by the Scouts prior to the early 1990s.
Banned Scouts List Contains Former Sparta Priest
By Rick Burchfield and Zak Koeske
The name of a former Sparta priest is among thousands of Boy Scout leaders across the country, and more than 100 in New Jersey, on a confidential list kept for decades by the organization to document suspected molesters within their ranks.
Rev. William Cramer's name appears on the list, known colloquially to Boy Scouts executives as the "Perversion Files."
Cramer pleaded guilty in 1988 to two count of endangering the welfare of a child. Cramer was a priest at Our Lady of the Lake in Sparta when he was indicted during the 80s on charges he touched two township boys.
Catholic Church officials also said in 2002 they had reassigned him to St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Paterson after the case, but then removed him from the position later that year.
By Rick Burchfield and Zak Koeske
The name of a former Sparta priest is among thousands of Boy Scout leaders across the country, and more than 100 in New Jersey, on a confidential list kept for decades by the organization to document suspected molesters within their ranks.
Rev. William Cramer's name appears on the list, known colloquially to Boy Scouts executives as the "Perversion Files."
Cramer pleaded guilty in 1988 to two count of endangering the welfare of a child. Cramer was a priest at Our Lady of the Lake in Sparta when he was indicted during the 80s on charges he touched two township boys.
Catholic Church officials also said in 2002 they had reassigned him to St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Paterson after the case, but then removed him from the position later that year.
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