Thursday, May 17, 2012

More JP2 Legion of Christ Pedophile Priests: A compilation

The Vatican is investigating several Legion of Christ Pedophile Priests in the USA, below is a compilation of news articles that are rocking the conservative group founded by criminal Father Marcial Maciel, the left foot Achilles Heel of John Paul II.  Read Mexico mounts a worldwide campaign against the beatification of John Paul II, they should for they are the people of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive
Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
Hypocrite Benedict silenced Fr. Tony Flannery, Brian D'Arcy – A compilation… but he does not silence Cardinal Bernard Law and JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests

Vatican Legion reform in doubt with revelations

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The Associated Press

VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI's ability to reform the troubled Legion of Christ has again been thrown into doubt following revelations that a half-dozen priests are under Vatican investigation for allegedly molesting children and that the order's leadership knew its most prominent priest had fathered a child yet did nothing to prevent him from teaching and preaching about morality.

The Vatican on Thursday expressed confidence in Benedict's delegate running the congregation but acknowledged that the process of reform is "certainly long and complex precisely because it aims to be profound." Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi rejected suggestions that the revelations proved that the reform process wasn't working and that the Legion was too flawed to be saved.

On the contrary, he told The Associated Press, the revelations showed that the Legion under papal delegate Cardinal Velasio De Paolis is doing the right thing by taking action once the revelations became known.

"Even the recent public communications about the Legion seem to be new and a positive sign of transparency," he said. "There is no reason then not to have confidence in the way Cardinal De Paolis is guiding this complex path of renewal."

The nightmare is not over yet for the Legion of Christ

Vatican Insider

The Legion needs to break away from an embarrassing past. Cardinal De Paolis is working hard to purify a body that has been tainted by some very serious misdoings
Giacomo Galeazzi
Vatican City

There is no peace in the Legion which the Pope has placed under the supervision of the Pontifical delegate, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis. The process of “purification” wanted by Benedict XVI is shedding light on further abuses, offences and betrayals on the part of the religious order which had become one of the pillars of the universal Church, particularly the Latin American one, during Karol Wojtyla’s pontificate.

“All the new things that are emerging are showing that this issue will not simply be resolved by the order severing its ties with its founder because other representatives of the Legion are guilty of the same offences,” a qualified source told Vatican Insider. “All remaining irregularities need to be removed in order to save the majority within the Legion of Christ which did not have double standards.”

For a long time now, the pact of steel between the Legion’s leaders and some elders of the Roman Curia has guaranteed “extensive moral exemption” which Joseph Ratzinger put an end to the minute he was elected Pope. However, the recovery process is far from over, as has been proven by the latest scandals which have broken out in the order. Seven Legionaries of Christ are being investigated by the former Holy Office and in at least one of the cases, it was found that the abuse was committed recently.

Finally, Vatican Investigates Legion Of Christ Sex Abuse Allegations

The Hartford Courant

At long last, the Roman Catholic Church is taking action to investigate allegations concerning priests from the Legion of Christ, whose U.S. headquarters is in Connecticut.
Although the Vatican assumed direct leadership of the scandal-plagued religious order two years ago, this is the first evidence that the church will actually do something about accusations that seven of its priests sexually abused minors.
The Legion (also known as Legionaries of Christ) runs a seminary in Cheshire. It has acknowledged that its founder, the Mexican-born Rev. Marcial Maciel Degollado, abused underage Legion seminary students over the years and fathered at least one child out of wedlock. But all along, despite complaints to the contrary, the order has insisted that any Legion-based crimes were isolated incidents committed by Father Maciel alone.
Now, to its credit, the Legion has referred the cases of seven priests accused of abusing minors to the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which investigates sex crimes.

Accusations of offenses committed by Legionaries reviewed by CDF

Legionaries of Christ

Over the past few years, in several countries, the major superiors of the Legion of Christ have received some allegations of gravely immoral acts and more serious offenses (delicta graviora) committed by some Legionaries.
The Legion of Christ is firmly committed to receive and examine all accusations presented, reaching out to possible victims and always safeguarding the rights of all those involved.
When a territorial director or the general director receives an allegation of this nature, or when there are well-founded suspicions, the civil laws of the country are observed. If civil authorities allow it, a preliminary internal investigation is also carried out for each case (cf. canon 1717 §1). In the U.S., when an allegation involves a minor, the policies established by Praesidium, Inc., an independent accreditation entity, are followed.

May 12, 2012

Vatican 'probes Legion of Christ priests over child abuse'

BBC News

The Vatican is reported to be investigating seven priests of the Legion of Christ order in connection with allegations of child abuse.
In a statement to the AP news agency, the Mexican order said seven cases had been referred to the Vatican's department that deals with sex crimes.
The Legion of Christ's founder, Marcial Maciel, sexually abused many boys and young men over a period of 30 years.
He was disciplined by the Vatican in 2006 over the abuse.

José Murillo y casos de abuso sexual: “La Iglesia debe concentrarse en reparar a las víctimas”

Bio Bio

Sábado 12 mayo 2012 | 9:35
Publicado por Alejandra Jara
Durante 2010 se conoció públicamente una de las denuncias que para muchos marcó un antes y un después en la Iglesia Católica. Tres reconocidos profesionales, provenientes del sector más acomodado de nuestro país, daban a conocer sus testimonios donde aseguraban haber sido víctimas de abuso sexual por parte del ex párroco de la Iglesia El Bosque, Fernando Karadima.

Tras cerca de dos años de investigación por la justicia civil, finalmente se sobreseyó al sacerdote, pero se comprobó que había cometido los delitos de abuso sexual por los que fue acusado.

Priests investigated over Legionaries' child sex abuse

The Irish Times

The Holy See senior spokesman, Fr Federico Lombardi, last night confirmed media reports that cases of clerical child abuse in the disgraced, ultra-conservative Legionaries of Christ movement have been reported to the Vatican.
“The relevant superiors followed the norms in force, signalling to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) some cases that have come to light from several decades ago,” Fr Lombardi told reporters.
Vatican insiders say the CDF is investigating paedophilia accusations against seven Legionary priests. Founded in Mexico in 1941 by the late Marcial Maciel, the movement has been at the centre of bitter controversy in recent years after it was revealed that Fr Maciel had himself been a serial paedophile who had children by at least two women.

Vatican Inquiry Reflects Wider Focus on Legion of Christ

The New York Times


Published: May 11, 2012

VATICAN CITY — The Legion of Christ, a powerful but troubled worldwide religious order whose late founder became enmeshed in a sex scandal years ago, said Friday that the Vatican was investigating seven Legion priests for alleged sexual abuse of minors.
The investigation cast a new shadow upon an order already struggling to move beyond revelations that its charismatic founder, the Rev. Marcial Maciel Degollado, had fathered several children and molested underage seminarians.
On Friday, the Legion said that after looking into “some allegations of gravely immoral acts and more serious offenses” committed by some Legionaries, internal preliminary investigations “concluded that seven had a semblance of truth.” Those cases were forwarded to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office that handles investigations of sexual abuse, the Legion said in a statement.
The Vatican confirmed that the Congregation was investigating “cases of abuse” carried out by Legionaries but did not address the allegations. The inquiry was first reported by The Associated Press.

Vatican Opens Investigation Into Legion of Christ Priests

The Wall Street Journal

ROME—The Vatican has launched an investigation into whether seven priests in the Legion of Christ sexually abused minors, the Vatican and the Legion said on Friday, opening a new chapter in the prominent religious order's struggle to recover from a scandal that disgraced its founder.
The Legion, an order of priests founded in Mexico in 1941, said in a statement that it had reported the cases of alleged abuse to the Vatican's watchdog, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, after a preliminary investigation by the order concluded that the allegations had "a semblance of truth." One of the cases involved alleged abuse that occurred recently while the other cases involved alleged abuse from decades ago, the Legion said.

The Legion said other priests in the order—in addition to the seven under investigation by the Vatican—had faced allegations of sexual abuse. Investigations by church officials and, in some cases, civil authorities cleared those clerics of wrongdoing, the Legion said.

Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi confirmed an investigation was under way, adding that the Legion had complied with Holy See rules requiring church officials to report credible allegations of abuse to the Vatican and to restrict the ministry of the priests involved.

Vatican opens investigation into 7 Legion priests, SNAP responds

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

Posted by Barbara Dorris on May 11, 2012
For months or years, Catholic officials have put kids at risk by staying silent about these credible allegations of heinous crimes. Each of them should have been publicly announced the moment they were deemed credible. And in each case, high ranking church officials should have publicly begged anyone who saw, suspected or suffered these clerics' crimes to call police and get help.
Instead, for their own callous, selfish reasons, Catholic authorities - perhaps dozens of them - said nothing. Their silence and inaction gave each of these predators even more time to destroy evidence, fabricate alibis, intimidate victims, threaten witnesses, discredit whistleblowers and even flee to other nations.

Shame on every Catholic Church employee or member who knew or suspected these crimes and chose self-serving, comfortable silence over their duty to protect the vulnerable.

And given the Legion's long, alarming track record with children's safety, we frankly do not believe these child molesting clerics are being kept away from kids.

Vatican investigates seven cases of priest abuse


VATICAN CITY — The ultra-conservative Legion of Christ movement on Friday said it had reported seven suspected cases of child abuse by its priests to the Vatican for investigation under new anti-abuse rules.
Six of the cases "are from decades ago" and one "refers to recent events," the movement said in a statement, adding that it had taken precautions such as "restricting the priestly ministry of the accused" to protect children.
The Legion did not give further details about the cases but said it had received allegations about abuse "in several countries" and that internal preliminary investigations found that seven "had a semblance of truth."
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said: "The relevant superiors (of the movement) followed the norms in force, signalling to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith some cases that have come to light from decades ago."

Legion of Christ confirms Vatican probe into sexual abuse allegations

RTE News

The Vatican is investigating seven priests from the Legion of Christ religious order for alleged sexual abuse of minors and another two for other alleged crimes.

In a statement, the Legion confirmed it had referred seven cases of alleged abuse to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

All but one of the seven cases involves alleged abuse dating from decades ago; one case involves recent events, the Legion said.

A preliminary investigation cleared two other priests accused of abuse, the order said.

Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandal: Vatican Investigates 7 Legion Of Christ Priests For Allegedly Assaulting Minors

Huffington Post

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican is investigating seven priests from the troubled Legion of Christ religious order for alleged sexual abuse of minors and another two for other alleged crimes, The Associated Press has learned.
The investigations mark the first known Vatican action against Legion priests for alleged sexual assault following the scandal of the Legion's founder, who was long held up as a model by the Vatican despite credible accusations – later proven – that he raped and molested his seminarians.
The Legion, which is now under Vatican receivership, has insisted that the crimes of its late founder, the Rev. Marciel Maciel, were his alone.
But the Vatican investigation of other Legion priests indicates that the same culture of secrecy that Maciel created within the order to cover his crimes enabled other priests to abuse children – just as abusive clergy of other religious orders and dioceses have done around the world.

Vatican 'Investigating Legion Of Christ Priests For Alleged Child Sex Abuse'

Huffington Post UK

Huffington Post UK | By Felicity Morse
Seven priests from the secretive Catholic religious order the Legion Of Christ are being investigated by the Vatican over claims of child sex abuse, the Associated Press has reported.
Two other priests from the conservative order are also being investigated for other alleged crimes, according to the news agency, after the Legion issued a statement to AP.
The Legion of Christ has already been forced to cope with a wave of scandal after it was proved that the order's late founder, Reverend Marcial Maciel Degollado, had abused and raped students of the Legion.
In the wake of the revelations, the Vatican insisted that the crimes of Degollado, who was also a close ally of Pope John Paul II, had been his alone, and the Legion was to continue under their leadership.

Vatican 'Launches Child Sex Investigation'

Eagle Radio (United Kingdom)

The Vatican is investigating seven priests from the troubled Legion of Christ religious order for alleged sexual abuse of minors, according to the Associated Press news agency.
All but one case involves alleged abuse dating from decades ago, the Legion said.
Two other priests are also under investigation for alleged sacramental violations, believed to involve using spiritual direction to have inappropriate relations with women.
It is the first time the Vatican is known to have taken action against Legion priests for alleged sexual assault following the scandal of the order's founder.

Vatican 'Launches Child Sex Investigation'

Sky News (United Kingdom)

The Vatican is investigating seven priests from the troubled Legion of Christ religious order for alleged sexual abuse of minors, according to the Associated Press news agency.

All but one case involves alleged abuse dating from decades ago, the Legion said.

Two other priests are also under investigation for alleged sacramental violations, believed to involve using spiritual direction to have inappropriate relations with women.
It is the first time the Vatican is known to have taken action against Legion priests for alleged sexual assault following the scandal of the order's founder.
The church had previously insisted the crimes of the late Reverend Marcial Maciel were his alone.

AP: Vatican eyes Legion priests on abuse

Poughkeepsie Journal

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican is investigating seven priests from the troubled Legion of Christ religious order for alleged sexual abuse of minors and another two for other alleged crimes, The Associated Press has learned.
The investigations mark the first known Vatican action against Legion priests for alleged sexual assault following the scandal of the Legion's founder, who was long held up as a model by the Vatican despite credible accusations — later proven — that he raped and molested his seminarians.
The Legion, which is now under Vatican receivership, has insisted that the crimes of its late founder, the Rev. Marciel Maciel, were his alone.
But the Vatican investigation of other Legion priests indicates that the same culture of secrecy that Maciel created within the order to cover his crimes enabled other priests to abuse children — just as abusive clergy of other religious orders and dioceses have done around the world.

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