Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Famous LC priest fathered a child. Fr. Thomas Williams, prominent Legion of Christ priest, TV personality and best seller author fathered a child ! VIDEO

Tall, Holy white and Handsome famous Legion of Christ priest Fr. Thomas Williams just revealed that he has fathered a child and that he will take some time a year off public ministry “to reflect on my commitments as a priest...” No, not really, it’s to hide  in seclusion while the media tracks down his child and mistress who will now become famous like Arnold Schwarzenegger and his son born from Maria Shriver’s  long-time maid.   The higher they are the harder they fall and now Fr. Williams will join the rank and file of the Legion of Christ’s criminal head Fr. Marcial Maciel in the on-going saga of “scandal in the family” of the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy.    Ratzinger Benedict XVI is the criminal head of the Mystical Body of Christ, read more here Thomas Williams wrote the book  Greater Than You Think: A Theologian Answers the Atheists About God  to counter attack the atheists best seller books God Delusion and God is Not Great.  Watch interview about his book below.   It was easier for him to go around combating atheists than his own carnal lust covered-up by the priestly black suit and a white collar.  Just like it was easier for John Paul II to go trotting the globe and promote criminal Cardinal Bernard Law to Rome rather than fight the 80 pedophile priests of Boston and the thousands of pedophile priests during his reign of 27 years as pope, hence they are aptly called JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  Blessed John Paul II is the BIGGEST LIE of the Vatican and the biggest Opus Dei Golden Cow that children should never pray to, read more here  Fr. Thomas Williams of course covered his funeral and Benedict XVI's election.  He is the Legion of Christ priest closest to the Pope as it can get...and he fathered a child!

During this TV interview (see video ) he already had his child born out of wedlock.   Fr. Thomas Williams is the poster boy of all priests who have fathered a child and there are thousands of them especially in Third World countries and we shall see how the wealthy Vatican handles his case and how they’ll ignore completely his mistress and his child forbidding them visitation rights and financial support so that Fr. Williams can go on his eternal priestly duties of reincarnating Christ into little pieces of meat in the Daily Eucharist.   He said that he will “reflect on his commitment as a priest” – but what about his commitment to the child he has brought into this world (read his statement below).  The hypocrisy of the Vatican in fighting abortion  and defending the invisible unborn or the invisible dead in the Vatican saint-factory is reflected in priests who are literally “aborting” (ignoring) their own biological children who are alive.   Fr. Willaims is "an American Moral Theologian living in Rome. He teaches Ethics and Catholic Social Doctrine" -- what a total hypocrite when he has no morals himself. 
Like Holy Father like Holy Sons
Fr. Thomas Williams is a " holy son" just like his "Holy Fathers" Fr. Marcial Maciel and Benedict XVI who are prolific writers but they are both criminals, read more here

All Legion of Christ have 2 Holy Fathers like the Opus Dei, their founder Josemaria Escriva and John Paul II, GAY “Holy” parents , read more here 
Fr. Marciel Maciel, fathered three children and sexually abused one of them and  his young seminarians – with the blessings of John Paul II.  Maciel died in 2008 and in 2009 the Legion admitted to his crimes.  It isn’t easy for the Vatican to dissolve the Legion of Christ because the LC is one of the main co-owner of the Vatican Bank with more than 50 Billion dollars (or more) personally given by Fr. Marcial Maciel -- from fooling wealthy despots a real estate of Heaven if donated to his castle-in-the-sand Legion of Christ, read our related articles below.  So the victims of Maciel have a long fight in their hands to try to see the end of the Legion of Christ because  the Vatican Titanic is ruled by Mammon, not Christ.  Christ is only used as a password for the Vatican and the Pope to commit more crimes and oppress the poor and perpetuate the rape of women and children in poor countries. 
The reason why Cardinal Ratiznger silenced the Liberation Theologians is because their persona of Christ would have liberated the poor from their poverty and caused the greatest non-violent revolution since Gandhi by awakening the poor of their God-given rights to their lands, but of course, the Vatican Titanic cavort with despots and their ill-gotten wealth and the Vatican would have depleted their main source of income if the poor toppled down their despots.  That is why John Paul II traveled around the world and have his photos taken with dictators and thieves like Marcos and Pinochet wooing their billions into the Vatican Bank.  When Jon Sobrino wrote that John Paul II only used the poor as backdrop for his Papal Mass in El Salvador, Cardinal Ratzinger condemned his book in the pretext that Christ the Liberator is not the Vatican’s Jesus Christ, read more here Jon Sobrino
In this TV interview promoting his anti-atheist book, Fr. Williams said that Benedict XVI has already “done everything possible” to solve the clergy sexual abuse on children, yeah right - who is he kidding?obviously he is another Vatican Pied Piper worshipping the Opus Dei Golden Cow Benedict XVI and downplaying the B16 Army – Benedict XVI Pedophile Priests Army named  aptly for he covered-up all pedophile priests  during 27 years in the longest reigning papacy of Opus Dei Golden Cow John Paul II, read more here

Fr. Thomas Williams famous works
Father Thomas D. Williams, LC, ThD, is an American Moral Theologian living in Rome. He teaches Ethics and Catholic Social Doctrine at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum, and has served as Vatican Analyst for NBC News, CBS News, and Sky News in the UK. This biography was provided by the author or their representative.

His works are impressive: Thomas D. Williams, LC, ThD, is Vatican Analyst for CBS News and a professor of theology at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome. He has also worked extensively for NBC News and Britain's Sky News, covering church and ethical issues, including the final illness and death of Pope John Paul II, the 2005 papal conclave, and the election of Pope Benedict XVI. Father Williams also regularly appeared in the MSNBC series The Ethical Edge and is author of several books and dozens of articles, both scholarly and popular.

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