The JP2 Army a.k.a B16 Army Benedict XVI Pedophile Priests Army has more American victims than Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks combined and therefore these American child victims deserve a monument, a museum and a memorial like Pearl Harbor and the new "national tribute of remembrance and honor to the men, women and children killed in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York City".
9/11 Memorial, visit and find a name in the National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
JP2 Army and B16 Army victims around the world
The 9/11 Decade and the JP2 Millstone 9th anniversary of Paris Arrow's vision of the death of John Paul II at the World Youth Day
Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland
The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism
Ireland condemns Vatican secrecy on Cloyne Diocese pedophile priests. Ireland vis-à-vis USA: the way they deal with crimes by the Vatican
Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and also control now the papacy of Benedict XVI and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome
The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more here
Read our related article The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell
Read our related article Is the Vatican a state or country? It is only one building and one public square but it is a country like the vast USA, Russia, China???
Read our related article: Holy Heist! John Paul II WYD had no role with Arab youths who liberated Egypt from Mubarak who stole then deposited billions into Vatican Swiss Banks
It is more important to bring Benedict XVI to trial at The Hague than the son of Gaddhafi because he is young and Benedict XVI is old. There will always be murderers but there is only one pope who helps these despots succeed behind the scenes. England mentioned 2.5 billion dollars asset of Gaddhafi which they are freezing, the USA mentioned also 2.5 billion, Canada mentioned 1.2 billion, etc. But Gadhaffi was a despot for 40 years, at 2 billion dollars a year, 10 billion is an underestimate. 80 billion is more accurate but where are they? In the SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks!!!!!!!
Fr. Marcial Maciel, the serial pedophile priest and founder of the Legion of Christ and beloved companion of John Paul II was able to bring in 35 billion dollars to the Vatican Swiss Banks through Cardinal Sodano, read our related articles John Paul and his crime syndicate: Part I, Fr. Maciel and INTEGER & Vatican Swiss Banks accounts: Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ secret Vatican wealth and Boston hosted former Swiss Guard’s seminar -based on the new “Vatican Trinity”.. Swiss Guards are the financial Navy Seals of the Vatican Bank
Read our related article Benedict XVI Master Manipulator of the Media…the Pied Piper of Children deceiving them away from truth of his Crimes Against Humanity at The Hague
Amnesty International names Vatican in 2011 report on human rights violations - it's time the UN end the Vatican status as a "secular" state
Tthe USS Arizona Memorial helps honor sailors who lost their lives 70 years ago today at Pearl Harbor.
The Star’s editorial | Pearl Harbor’s real lessons
As world’s leading power, America must not sit on the sidelines
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor marks its 70th anniversary today. The event still has much to teach beyond the obvious one of the need for military preparedness.
America’s entry into World War II also marked the abject failure of isolationism.
When World War I came to a close, America was suddenly revealed as the world’s dominant power. The relentless slaughter that came with trench warfare left Europe prostrate and heavily indebted. Yet the United States was not psychologically ready to assume the burdens of leadership.
The Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles and membership in the League of Nations. War-weary Britain and France were essentially left alone to police a weakened security system.
In the Depression years, Italy, Germany and Japan turned to militarism. Italy invaded Ethiopia. Japan invaded Manchuria. Germany, in clear violation of the treaty, reinstated conscription and began rearming. All these moves met with little response from the League. A major step was taken when Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland. Once again, the world was sliding toward war.
A contributing cause was the failure of the United States to lend leadership and support to the effort to keep the peace. By the time Pearl Harbor arrived, the stakes had risen enormously and the ultimate cost was staggeringly high.
Today’s Pearl Harbor observance comes as war weariness has strengthened the voices of those who again suggest America should hold itself remote from the world’s problems and conflicts. One sign is the still-buoyant candidacy of the libertarian Rep. Ron Paul.
But it won’t do. America is the pre-eminent world power and the world will come calling whether we like it or not. To end foreign aid or overseas U.S. deployments, as some suggest, would send a clear signal to powers eager to take the United States down a peg or two, or worse. It doesn’t take much imagination to see how such a course would read in Tehran or Beijing.
The essential lesson of Pearl Harbor is the risks that accrue when a world power tries to sit on the sidelines.
Copyright 2011 . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Posted on Tue, Dec. 06, 2011 06:18 PM
Bin Laden, Bush Serve the Same Master
November 25, 2002
The headquarters of Islamic terrorism is London, England, where the Anglo-American Establishment sponsors the radical "Muslim Brotherhood" in order to advance its long-term goal of plutocratic global dictatorship.
These globalists have fabricated a bogus "war on terror" to crush the remaining vestiges of nationalism and democracy in both Muslim countries and the West. Expect more incitements like the current "Miss World " imbroglio to convince both sides the other endangers its way of life.
In a comprehensive online report, the perceptive Hawaii-based researcher Peter Goodgame concludes: "Osama bin Laden is not, nor has he ever been, the leader of the international Islamist movement which is directed by the International Muslim Brotherhood."
Goodgame continues: "Osama bin Laden has been used effectively as a figurehead for the Brotherhood's militant branch to take responsibility for its atrocities, but he is not the mastermind... By the same token, the Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance."
Goodgame cites former British Intelligence Officer, Dr. John Coleman, who says the Muslim Brotherhood is a secret freemason order set up by the great names of British Middle East Intelligence, T.E. Lawrence, Bertrand Russell and St. John Philby to "keep the Middle East backward so its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted."
The Muslim Brotherhood has been used to check nationalist movements led by such figures as Nasser, Bhutto and the Shah of Iran who tried to develop their countries. Without the British, "radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous," Goodgame says.
The Muslim Brotherhood is now a powerful faction in the global oligarchy. Goodgame cites Robert Drefuss, author of "Hostage to Khomeini" (1980):
"The real Muslim Brothers are ... the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.
And the Muslim Brotherhood is money. Together, the Brotherhood probably controls several tens of billions of dollars in immediate liquid assets, and controls billions more in ...everything from oil trade and banking to drug-running, illegal arms merchandising, and gold and diamond smuggling. By allying with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Anglo-Americans are not merely buying into a terrorists-for-hire racket; they are partners in a powerful and worldwide financial empire..."
By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.
The globalists have long been using wars to subvert, demoralize and destroy Western civilization. They backed the Nazis and the Soviets in World War Two. They created the Punch and Judy show that was the Cold War. They tied U.S. hands while backing Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam.
Who are they? Also called the illuminati, they represent a recrudescence of the alliance of Rothschild finance and European aristocracy secretly coordinated by a Satanic dogma hidden in freemasonry.
They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich served by a technocracy. The whole world will resemble a repressive third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank.
The globalists are headquartered in London and centred on the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The American branches include the Council on Foreign Relations, CIA and the Rockefeller foundations which all ensure the American people continue to finance and enforce one-world tyranny. The Bush family has owed its prominence to this cabal ever since grandfather Prescott Bush helped arrange financing for Nazism.
Zionism is supposed to represent the "West" in this sham war with Islam. Americans are being groomed to become like Israelis, victims of daily acts of "Muslim terror." Last week, when another suicide bomber struck in Jerusalem, Benjamin Netanyahu said, "Whether the explosion takes place in Bali, Moscow, New York or Jerusalem we are all united in a war against a common terrorist enemy."
According to Swiss journalist Richard Labeviere ("Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam" 2000) radical Islam is an essential "complementary enemy" to Zionism, which also seeks regional hegemony. According to the "Yinon Memorandum" (1982) Israel intends to splinter the Arab countries into several small cantons along ethnic lines. None of these will be able to challenge Israel, which, like the US is a disposable implement of the globalist agenda. (207)
The Palestinian terrorist "Hamas" movement is a product of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Labeviere, it serves the interests of the Israeli right wing, and has received secret financial support from the Israeli "Shin Beth." (203-205). Thus, Palestinian suicide bombers play straight into Ariel Sharon's hand.
Meanwhile, back in the USA, "Muslim terrorist attacks" are an excuse to lay the foundations of a police state. These attacks, which could become nuclear or biological, might serve as a pretext to declare martial law, suspend elections and round up dissidents, i.e. anyone who is not buying the lie.
This may seem incomprehensible to Americans now when the economy is still being propped up. Once the US has done the globalist's dirty work, interest rates could rise and debt ridden Americans could be stripped of their assets, as they were in the Depression.
The Homeland Security Act is designed to control all US law enforcement agencies so that elements in the CIA and Mossad can target Americans with impunity, like they did on Sept. 11. American agencies were designed to remain independent so they could serve as a check on each other.
The Act is also designed to allow George W. to place his henchmen in positions of control. Remember, he is a product of a secret Satanic cult, the "Skull and Bones." This sounds gruesome but the Twentieth Century provided many precedents. The illuminati was behind both Nazi and Communist mass slaughter and terror. Our position is akin to the European Jews who disbelieved warnings of the holocaust.
There is even a provision in the Homeland Security Act against whistle blowers. Why? Another provision allows mandatory vaccinations while giving vaccine manufacturers immunity from prosecution. Why? The "Total Information Awareness" program will "red flag" troublemakers by monitoring all personal communications and financial transactions, even your library records. You didn't attack the WTC. Why are you targeted?
What is the justification for this destruction of freedom, which Bush supposedly protects? In 14 months since Sept.11, 2001, there has been not one Muslim terrorist attack in the US despite the bloody American invasion of Afghanistan. If "Al Queda" were capable of pulling off Sept. 11, don't you think it would have planned an encore? Don't get me wrong: I am grateful to the Mossad and CIA for sparing us. But Americans simply don't deserve freedom if they accept this obvious ruse and its ominous consequences.
In conclusion, mankind is in the clutches of a diabolical multi generational conspiracy. A Satanic, criminal cartel has subverted all social institutions and is slowly crafting a brutal global dictatorship. Our political and cultural leaders are witting and unwitting pawns. They are fabricating a phony war between Islam and the West in order to accomplish the degradation of both.
I realize this vision seems incredibly bleak. The mass media holds us in a powerful illusion of normalcy. However, expecting the worst means you will never be disappointed. If you are wrong, you are relieved. If you are right, you are prepared.
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