At the same time that Pope Benedict XVI announces his new World Domination Plan for a Vatican creation of a new “Central World Bank”, read about it here and his former Swiss Guard, himself a CEO of multinational corporations, gives a seminar in Boston on “the Pope and the CEO” news explode that the Roman Catholic Church owns 100% of the German porn industry “Weltbild" since 30 years – about the same time John Paul II became Pope and Cardinal Ratzinger became head of the CDF-- which confirms the Vatican’s financial modus operandi is indeed serving two masters God and Mammon. Benedict XVI want to establish a new world financial body so that the Vatican Bank will be out of the jurisdiction of existing SECULAR financial body of the IMF International Monetary Fund… and his first example is the corrupt Catholic Church that owns 100% of the porn industry!? This means that during his last trip to Germany, those German Cardinal and Bishops who performed the reincarnation of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist for 60,000 people at the Berlin Olympic Stadium are all serving both God and Mammon because they own the German porn industry “Weltbild" since 30 year! We are running out of adjectives to describe the Vatican, at first we thought of Vatican deceits and Vatican lies but Vatican Evils, the epitome of bad, could only fit it like a glove.
The Vatican is the smallest country on earth – and the wealthiest - and it will never know recession. The Vatican is the wealthiest institution on the planet and it has a guaranteed 52 billion dollars income every year – if 1.2 billion Catholics give a dollar each Sunday collection to have a taste of the reincarnation of Jesus Christ in the little host of the Eucharist. Many Catholics give thousands and millions of dollars to the Church. And Germany, the wealthiest country among the European Union, is also largely owned by the Roman Catholic Church. This latest news that the German Catholic Church owns the porn industry in Germany is one proof and is only the tip of the iceberg.
Benedict XVI’s crimes seem to be confirmed continously by his own countrymen. The first charges laid against his crimes against humanity at The Hague were done by two German lawyers, read the full text here And now as he want to leave a legacy as Pope of a new global financial body, news that from his own country of Germany – which he recently visited – confirms the financial evils of the Vatican. Benedict XVI’s number one enemy is secularism which has neither god nor religion but his religion is proving itself to be worse than secularism – the Roman Catholic Church is as evil as the businesses it controls. It is for a special reason that Protestants call the Vatican the “Whore of Babylon” because she as Mother Church is sleeping with all kinds of evil multinational corporations.
The faster Benedict XVI proclaims that John Paul II is a “saint”, likewise the faster both their heinous crimes are being revealed to the world. John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger were partners who ruled the Vatican for over a quarter of a century. While the right hand of John Paul II was blessing the world, his left hand Cardinal Ratzinger was busy managing the corrupt governance of the Vatican. We had to start this new blog to focus on the Vatican Evils alone while our other blogs focus on the individuals of John Paul II, his JP2 Army of Pedophile Priests, Benedict XVI-Ratzinger, and the Sorcery of the Eucharist. And now as we start this new blog on Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, confirmations are erupting continuously especially with the most recent news that the Vatican owns 100% the German porn industry of “Weltbild", read more news details below.
Vatican Evil number 1 is the complicit cover-up of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army that committed the Preistly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions that infested the Roman Catholic Church during the latter half of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century with the most recent discovery of Opus Dei Bishop Finn of Kansas City who was indicted by the secular government of Kansas, read our related article Bishop Finn is the live Achilles Heel of Benedict XVI…while Cardinal Bernard Law is the live Achilles Heel of John Paul II If the tens of thousands of boys – and girls – victims waited for their day in court at the Vatican and prayed, paid and obeyed Cannon Law and hoped for an audience with Pope John Paul II – who reigned for 27 years – or with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger now Benedict XVI, they would have never tasted justice which only the secular courts gave to them – to some a few thousands dollars, to a few a million dollar settlements with Catholic Dioceses across the USA and Europe. Vatican Pied Pipers especially Bill Donohue and George Weigel keep piping that “it’s all about money”, the lawyers and victims were only after the money of the Roman Catholic Church. But then to the Vatican it is only about these German Conference of Bishops prove with their 100% possesion of the porn industry in Germany.
So much for the preaching of the virginity of Mary and the purity of Blessed John Paul II who wrote the Theology of the Body while knwoing full well that his beloved companion to Guadalupe Fr. Marcial Maciel was one of his most notorious pedophile priests and he elevated criminal Cardinal Beranrd Law as Archpriest of St. Mary Magiorre, and now eh will celebrate his 80th birthday in grand Opus Dei style. The Opus Dei is managing the Vatican wealth worldwide including Germany. So much for the hypocrisy of the Beendict XVI and the Opus Dei, the Escriva echelon of "pure" numeraries and supernumeraries. Read the sorcery of the Eucharist here
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Catholic Church Makes A Fortune In The German Porn Business
Weltbild, one of Germany’s largest publishing companies, happens to be owned and operated by the Catholic Church. But that has not stopped it from publishing books that many of the faithful find offensive.
"Weltbild," Germany’s largest media company, sells books, DVDs, music and more -- and also happens to belong 100% to the Catholic Church. Few people knew about this connection until this month when Buchreport, a German industry newsletter, reported that the Catholic company also sells porn.
A Church spokesman responded: “Weltbild tries to prevent the distribution of possibly pornographic content.”
Well, it's prevention efforts have apparently not been so successful. For more than 10 years, a group of committed Catholics has been trying to point out what is going on to Church authorities, and they are outraged at the hypocrisy of the spokesman's statement. In 2008, the group sent a 70-page document to all the bishops whose dioceses have shared ownership of Weltbild for 30 years, detailing evidence of the sale of questionable material.
Today, the Augsburg-based company employs 6,400 people, has an annual turnover of 1.7 billion euros, and an online business in Germany second only to Amazon. Weltbild is also Germany’s leading book seller, controlling 20% of the domestic bookstore market. Profits are regularly reinvested in the company with an eye to rapidly increase the market share – an increase that is only possible if Weltbild continues to sell materials that are not compatible with the teachings of the Church.
The 2,500 erotic books in their online catalogue, including those from Blue Panther Books, an erotic book publisher owned by Weltbild, are only one example. Their titles include: “Anwaltshure” (Lawyer’s Whore), “Vögelbar” (F—kable) and “Schlampen-Internat” (Sluts’ Boarding School).
The Church also owns a 50% share in publishing company Droemer Knaur which produces pornographic books, and so indirectly is also a publisher of pornographic material, titles including “Nimm mich hier und nimm mich jetzt!” (Take Me Here, Take Me Now!), and “Sag Luder zu mir!” (Call Me Slut!).
Read the full article in German
Photo - cover of "Anwaltshure"
All rights reserved ©Worldcrunch - in partnership with Die Welt
Comment: The hypocrisy and corruption riddling the Catholic Church apparently knows no bounds. Money and power are their true gods.
"most bishops ignored the communications, not even bothering to reply." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
LifeSiteNews, the Catholic news site, is harsh:
German Catholic author Gabriele Kuby, who has for years pointed out to bishops various shortcomings in the Catholic Church in her nation, said that the worst thing about the current public scandal is the hypocrisy. Each of the affected bishops received 70 pages of documentation in 2008 detailing the fact that the publishing company was selling the pornographic titles, Kuby told LifeSiteNews. She noted that most bishops ignored the communications, not even bothering to reply. The Archdiocese of Munich did reply, said Kuby, but she says their response was “arrogant and spiteful.”
The bishops can’t possibly not have known. How is this possible that they justified this? Because of the money it made? Be aware that Weltbild is not a porn producer by its nature. It’s like an outfit. It just happens to have a rather large collection of pornography in its catalog. And it is wholly owned by the Roman Catholic Church in Germany.
"AUGSBURG, Germany, November 2, 2011 ( – In a press release, the major German publishing company owned by the Catholic Bishops of Germany says the company is considering suing the “slanderers” who have accused it of profiting from porn, because the “erotica” sold on its website does not meet the legal definition of pornography."
Posted by SAG13 on Nov 2, 2011
What’s really shocking to me is that these are the Bishops from the same country as our Pope! So now, tell me Pope Benedict XVl is not aware of this travesty of morality and authority and is as blindsided as was John Paul ll concening all the clergy involved in decades of child abuse and homosexual conduct? Well If anyone said to me ” I’m sure these two Popes are blameless” I would say…‘not a chance, they just lack the courage to reign in bad Priests and excommunicate if necessary. ’ It’s like corruption and decadence is as welcome in the Catholic Church as is holiness and virtue. So many Judas’ sad for our dear Savior to see HIs Church so foul and putrid! We must remember to make reparation to our darling Savior!
German bishops’ company: Its not porn, just erotica, so we’re suing the ‘slanderers’
by John-Henry Westen
Wed Nov 02, 2011 16:36 EST
AUGSBURG, Germany, November 2, 2011 ( – In a press release, the major German publishing company owned by the Catholic Bishops of Germany says the company is considering suing the “slanderers” who have accused it of profiting from porn, because the erotic offerings sold on its website does not meet the legal definition of pornography.
Last week the secular media in Germany reported that the company WELTBILD, 100% of the shares of which are held by German dioceses and the bishops conference, carries 2,500 porn titles. The press also reported that the bishops had ignored the pleas of faithful Catholics who had tried to have the matter corrected internally for a decade.
Following the publication in the German media, LifeSiteNews verified that there were hundreds of pornographic images - mostly book-covers – on the WELTBILD site. Some of the covers featured full frontal nudity and explicit photos typical of the covers of pornographic magazines like Playboy.
As one example, one book title cached by LifeSiteNews depicts a photo of a female from the neck to knees, breasts fully exposed and hands over the crotch. A translation of the German-language teaser of the book on the WELTBILD site gives a relatively tame preview of what is actually more explicit sexual content in the book:
A dark forest and a creature of the night ... A strict mistress and a willing slave ... a young woman and the desires of her boss ... A man who would do anything for his friend ... Sensual women reveal their most secret fantasies! And so these stories are extremely, wickedly seductive, uninhibited passion and delicious. There are exciting dreams shamelessly crossing all boundaries! Lustful Dreams - written by women for women!
Other websites offering or reviewing the same titles present much more sexually graphic excerpts from the books sold by WELTBILD.
WELTBILD was also found to be carrying DVD’s that would be deemed pornographic by normal Christian standards, but may not meet a legal definition of hard-core pornography in Germany.
But since the story broke in the German media, the publishing company has been removing offensive pages from its website and disabling search engine functions for searches on its website using words such as ‘erotic.’
“It should be noted,” said WELTBILD in its press release, that “’pornography’ is a clearly defined legal term.” They add that according to that definition, “WELTBILD offers no pornography and has never done so before.”
German Catholic faithful who attempted to work behind the scenes to have the bishops correct the situation say they are incredulous about the ‘shoot the messenger’ tactics the company has taken.
The bishops’ company press release states that less than 0.02% of its annual turnover comes from the erotic offerings of the company and thus headlines such as ‘Catholic Church makes a fortune with porn’ are “simply untrue and defamatory.”
Catholic observers say they are wondering why, if the profit margin from the “erotic” offerings is so slim, the bishops failed to get rid of the controversial material after years of documented concerns expressed by faithful Catholics.
Ownership of WELTBILD is divided between the Bishops’ Conference (24%), the Archdiocese of Munchen and Freising (13%), the diocese of Augsburg (13%) and 11 other diocese with percentage ownerships ranging from two to seven percent.
Contact information:
German bishops conference
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:
His Eminence William Joseph Levada, Cardinal, Prefect
His Excellency Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, S.J., Secretary
Piazza del S. Uffizio, 11, 00193 Roma, Italy
Congregation for Bishops
Marc Cardinal Ouellet, Prefect
Palazzo della Congregazioni,
Piazza Pio XII, 10
Roma, Italia
Previous article
German Bishops caught in massive porn scandal - why didn’t they listen to the faithful?
by John-Henry Westen
Pur magazine cover story on the scandal
COLOGNE, October 31, 2011 ( - After ten years of being internally warned by faithful Catholics, including in a 70-page dossier sent to all of Germany’s main bishops, the scandal of the German bishops’ ownership of a publishing company that sells a large volume of porn has hit the mainstream media.
Last week the mainstream media outed the fact that the German bishops are 100% owners of one of the most profitable book companies in Germany. The huge company, in addition to offering many religious and other ethical books and items, also peddles 2500 porn titles and additional books highly offensive to Christian principles.
A spokesman for the bishops promised immediate corrective action. However, the false pretense of ignorance about the situation has only served to add to the scandal, especially for faithful Catholics who were treated with silence and even disdain when they repeatedly attempted for years to bring the scandal to an end out of public view.
WELTBILD, is the second largest bookselling company in Germany. It is wholly owned by the German bishops and has a $1.7 billion annual turnover. Its 2,500 porn titles (with covers too sexually explicit to reproduce) include perverse sexual fantasy of every type. WELTBILD also sells books promoting Satanism, the occult, esoterism, and anti-Christian atheist propaganda.
More than that, the bishops are also 50% owners in another company - Ver-lagsgruppe Droemer Knaur - which actually produces the pornographic novels.
German Catholic author Gabriele Kuby, who has for years pointed out to bishops various shortcomings in the Catholic Church in her nation, said that the worst thing about the current public scandal is the hypocrisy. Each of the affected bishops received 70 pages of documentation in 2008 detailing the fact that the publishing company was selling the pornographic titles, Kuby told LifeSiteNews. She noted that most bishops ignored the communications, not even bothering to reply. The Archdiocese of Munich did reply, said Kuby, but she says their response was “arrogant and spiteful.”
In reaction to questioning from the mainstream press, church officials claimed it was a filtering problem which resulted in the oversight, adding that the matter will be dealt with.
Another faithful Catholic, Bernhard Mueller, the editor-in-chief of the Catholic magazine PUR, was himself involved in trying to have the bishops resolve the scandal internally. Now, PUR’s front page story covering the current state of affairs is titled “Bishops as porn producers.”
In his coverage of the now-public scandal, Mueller describes the 10-year-long attempt to convince the bishops to take action on the matter. He concludes: “But over the years, all internal efforts to bring the scandal have come to nothing.”
The reaction from the public, as can be seen in reader comments beneath the mainstream media reports, has been to ridicule the Catholic Church. Mueller summed up the public view succinctly with the phrase: “Preach chastity and sell pornography.”
Follow-up article
German bishops’ company: Its not porn, just erotica, so we’re suing the ‘slanderers’
by John-Henry Westen
Wed Nov 02, 2011 16:36 EST
Comments (18)
Tags: pornography AUGSBURG, Germany, November 2, 2011 ( – In a press release, the major German publishing company owned by the Catholic Bishops of Germany says the company is considering suing the “slanderers” who have accused it of profiting from porn, because the erotic offerings sold on its website does not meet the legal definition of pornography.
Last week the secular media in Germany reported that the company WELTBILD, 100% of the shares of which are held by German dioceses and the bishops conference, carries 2,500 porn titles. The press also reported that the bishops had ignored the pleas of faithful Catholics who had tried to have the matter corrected internally for a decade.
Following the publication in the German media, LifeSiteNews verified that there were hundreds of pornographic images - mostly book-covers – on the WELTBILD site. Some of the covers featured full frontal nudity and explicit photos typical of the covers of pornographic magazines like Playboy.
As one example, one book title cached by LifeSiteNews depicts a photo of a female from the neck to knees, breasts fully exposed and hands over the crotch. A translation of the German-language teaser of the book on the WELTBILD site gives a relatively tame preview of what is actually more explicit sexual content in the book:
A dark forest and a creature of the night ... A strict mistress and a willing slave ... a young woman and the desires of her boss ... A man who would do anything for his friend ... Sensual women reveal their most secret fantasies! And so these stories are extremely, wickedly seductive, uninhibited passion and delicious. There are exciting dreams shamelessly crossing all boundaries! Lustful Dreams - written by women for women!
Other websites offering or reviewing the same titles present much more sexually graphic excerpts from the books sold by WELTBILD.
WELTBILD was also found to be carrying DVD’s that would be deemed pornographic by normal Christian standards, but may not meet a legal definition of hard-core pornography in Germany.
But since the story broke in the German media, the publishing company has been removing offensive pages from its website and disabling search engine functions for searches on its website using words such as ‘erotic.’
“It should be noted,” said WELTBILD in its press release, that “’pornography’ is a clearly defined legal term.” They add that according to that definition, “WELTBILD offers no pornography and has never done so before.”
German Catholic faithful who attempted to work behind the scenes to have the bishops correct the situation say they are incredulous about the ‘shoot the messenger’ tactics the company has taken.
The bishops’ company press release states that less than 0.02% of its annual turnover comes from the erotic offerings of the company and thus headlines such as ‘Catholic Church makes a fortune with porn’ are “simply untrue and defamatory.”
Catholic observers say they are wondering why, if the profit margin from the “erotic” offerings is so slim, the bishops failed to get rid of the controversial material after years of documented concerns expressed by faithful Catholics.
Ownership of WELTBILD is divided between the Bishops’ Conference (24%), the Archdiocese of Munchen and Freising (13%), the diocese of Augsburg (13%) and 11 other diocese with percentage ownerships ranging from two to seven percent.
Catholic Church faces hardcore porn shame
New Zealand Herald
Germany's biggest Catholic-owned publishing house has been rocked by disclosures that it has been selling thousands of pornographic novels with titles such as Sluts Boarding School and Lawyer's Whore with the full assent of the country's leading bishops.
The revelations made in the publishing-industry newsletter Buchreport concern Weltbild, a company with an annual NZ$3bn turnover and 6,400 employees. It is Germany's largest bookseller after Amazon and wholly owned by the Catholic Church.
Buchreport revealed that Weltbild's massive assortment of titles available to customers online includes some 2,500 "erotic" books with unmistakably lewd titles including Call Me Slut!, Take Me Here, Take Me Now! and Lawyer's Whore, to name a few. The publisher's website also pictures the titles' lascivious dust jackets that feature colour photographs of scantily clad women in high heels and erotic underwear
Yesterday, Carel Haff, Weltbild's managing director, was quoted as saying that the revelations had provoked "a very intense and critical dialogue" within the company. He said discussions were under way about possibly limiting the assortment of titles that would be available in future.
Catholic bishops responded with a statement claiming that "a filtering system failure" at the publishing house had allowed the books to stray on to the market. "We will put a stop to the distribution of possibly pornographic content in future," they said.
But Bernhard Mller, editor of the Catholic magazine PUR, dismissed the clerics' reaction as grossly hypocritical. He alleged that the pornography scandal at Weltbild had been going on for at least a decade with the Church's full knowledge.
Mr Mller said that in 2008, a group of concerned Catholics had sent bishops a 70-page document containing irrefutable evidence that Weltbild published books that promoted pornography, Satanism and magic. They demanded that the publisher withdraw the titles.
But their protests appear to have been completely ignored. Writing in the Die Welt newspaper, Mr Mller said most of the bishops refused to respond to the charges. "The sudden proclaimed astonishment of many church leaders that pornographic material is being distributed by their publishing house, is play acting - bad play acting," Mr Mller said. "Believers have been complaining to their bishops about this for years."
The Catholic Church bought Weltbild more than 30 years ago. The publisher has gradually transformed itself into one of Germany's largest media companies with the help of millions in Catholic Church tax levied on believers. To increase its profits, in 1998 the company merged with five other publishing houses that market pornographic titles.
One of them is Droemer Knaur, which is 50 per cent church-owned. Another is Blue Panther Books, which was excluded from the list of participating publishers at this year's Frankfurt Book Fair allegedly because of the pornographic content of is titles.
It emerged yesterday that in an attempt to clear itself of potential embarrassment over the sale of porn, the Catholic Church tried to sell Weltbild in 2009. But the bishops apparently abandoned the idea after they failed to get the price they were asking.
SPOTLiGHT movie is HALF-TRUTH deceits by VATICAN MOST EVIL POWER on earth. VA’s worst crimes are SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks that HOARD plutocrats’ WEALTH= VA perpetuates poor nations. VATICAN OWNS/CONTROLS SWITZERLAND via SWISS GUARD ARMY. UN must end Switzerland as “neutral” country.ABOLISH ALL VATICAN CONCORDATS. UNITED NATIONS must END VATICAN as a“COUNTRY”. POPES+PRIESTS have NO WOMBS = CANNOT PRODUCE BABIES or BODIES tiny FLESH of Christ in EUCHARIST HOAX+Satanic Mass. VOTE BERNIE SANDERS
Monday, October 31, 2011
Opus Dei control USA SUBPRIME COURT & Koch Brothers...Occupy the Koch Brothers and Stop the American Nightmare !
Understanding, like a puzzle, piece by piece, how the Opus Dei controls the United States Supreme Court and the Koch Brothers to serve their WORLD DOMINATION Agenda
No, that is not a misspelling. It is the rubric earned by the third branch of our government as they march forward burning up all respect for the institution that was created to keep government honest.
Once upon a time, the Supreme Court was viewed at the last resort for the citizen — a place where the lowest among us could go and be heard, a place where the rights of the individual would be honored, a power that could and would impartially enforce the constitution without imposing a political agenda upon the litigants, an impartial and neutral arbiter of disputes.
No longer. Recently, a series of anti-worker, anti-consumer, anti-citizen, pro-corporation rulings (Citizens United, AT&T Mobility and Walmart) have made quite clear that this is a court with a political agenda. All pretense of partiality have been brushed aside and the court right now is running off the fumes of respect it had earned throughout our history.
Over the past several decades, right-wing Republicans waged a campaign alleging that the Supreme Court was rife with judicial activism and that Democratic presidents were appointing tokens to fill quotas. In a harkening back to “if you smelt it, you dealt it” chants from high school, that is exactly what they did whenever they had the opportunity, and the Democratic Party, after its traumatic conflict in the Bork nomination process, enabled them.[1] But apparently the right-wing nominees are not held to the same rigorous standards of political orthodoxy.
Now, on the Subprime Court, we have three “justices” who look like they might be somehow affiliated (if not members, at least “cooperators”[2]) with a secretive, reactionary, Catholic cult group, Opus Dei: Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and John Roberts.
Antonin Scalia
If you are unfamiliar with Opus Dei, here’s a brief rundown[3]: Opus Dei was started in 1928 by Spanish priest Josemaria Escriva. Escriva was a Franco fascist in Spain. Pope John Paul II, a right-wing pope canonized him a few years back overlooking longstanding procedures. Escriva’s so-called miracle, that qualified him for canonization was the spontaneous remission from cancer of a Carmelite num in the nineteen-seventies that a single Catholic doctor, nearly twenty years later declared was “unexplainable scientifically.” Opus Dei prevented critics of Escriva from testifying at church tribunals called to investigate his life. During the pontificate of John Paul II, two members of Opus Dei, Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne and Julián Herranz Casado, were made cardinals. Benedict XVI, the current pope and former member of the Hitler Youth, is a strong supporter of Opus Dei and of Escriva. Perhaps the reason is that Escriva has been quoted as saying: “Hitler ha(s) been unjustly accused of killing 6 million Jews. …In fact he had killed only 4 million.”
Opus Dei has always supported right-wing governments and dictators such as Franco and Pinochet. While the group is small, its members and friends disproportionately hold powerful positions both in the Vatican and the Subprime Court. Former FBI director Louis Freeh is suspected of membership. Former Senator Rick Santorum is a member. Also, in a curious twist. FBI mole Robert Hanssen was a member.
There are over 3,000 Opus Dei members in the United States. Opus Dei has more than 60 centers in or near 19 cities in the U.S.: Boston; Chicago; Dallas; Delray Beach, FL; Houston; Los Angeles; Miami; Milwaukee; New York; Pittsburgh; Princeton, NJ; Providence; St. Louis; San Antonio; San Francisco; South Bend, IN; South Orange, NJ; Urbana, IL; and Washington, DC. Additionally, Opus Dei conducts activities in many other cities. Many of the centers are located near large college campuses, where Opus Dei attracts new members. Opus Dei operates five high schools in the United States: The Heights (for boys) and Oak Crest (girls) in Washington, D.C., the Montrose School (girls) in Boston, and Northridge Prep (boys) and The Willows (girls) in Chicago. They have retreat houses in Pembroke, Mass., near Houston and near San Francisco. By some counts, there are also as many as 500 cooperator communities.
Opus Dei has secretly carried on the former Vatican “Index of Forbidden Books.” It maintains a list of some 6,892 books with the highest rating of “6” which means they are totally banned. (There are lesser classifications requiring “permission” to read from various levels of Opus Dei leadership.) Examples of authors who have some of their books TOTALLY banned are: Woody Allen, Isabel Allende, Margaret Atwood, Judy Blume, Joseph Campbell, Gustav Flaubert, Allen Ginsberg, Mary Gordon, Gunter Grass, Herman Hesse, John Irving, James Joyce, Carl Jung, Jack Kerouac, Stephen King, Milan Kundera, Harold Kushner, Doris Lessing, Sinclair Lewis, Mary MacCarthy, Somerset Maugham, Toni Morrison, Alice Munroe, Vladimir Nabokov, V.S. Naipaul, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, Harold Pinter, Marcel Proust, Philip Roth, John Updike, Voltaire, Alice Walker, Gary Wills and Tennessee Williams.
There are some first-hand accounts that seem to give credence to some of the allegations of cult-like behavior of the group. Author, Véronique Duborgel in her book Inside the Hell of Opus Dei, describes the techniques of psychological isolation similar to those sometimes used by sects that she experienced during 13 years she spent as a member of the group. A recent UK Daily Mail On Line had an article about an Opus Dei “Numerary” Sarah Cassidy, 43, single, celibate, who admits to using a cilice — a wire chain around her upper thigh with sharp prongs that dig into the skin and flesh to suppress her desires and atone for her sins. There are numerous reports that Opus Dei makes candidates for membership sleep on boards. It restricts Numeraries’ ability to communicate with the outside.
The organization does not identify its members. Apparently it will deny that a person is a member if it can do so plausibly. None of the “justices” in question will confirm or deny his relationship with the group; giving the appearance that membership is not something to brag about. But the connections between these three “Justices” and Opus Dei are just too close to ignore.
Scalia “attends St. Catherine of Siena Church in Falls Church, Virginia, St. Catherine’s has a strong Opus Dei presence. It is the parish for many Opus Dei members and cooperators, such as former Senator Rick Santorum. Scalia’s wife reportedly attends Opus Dei functions on a regular basis. Scalia has already tipped his hand when it comes to his political persuasions affecting his legal decisions, particularly when it comes to equal rights and civil liberties.[4]
When Clarence Thomas converted to Roman Catholicism, the conversion was handled by the Opus Dei “priest to the political stars” John McCloskey, with the assistance from Paul Scalia, another OD priest, and son of ‘Justice” Scalia.
Chief “Justice” John Roberts sends his children reportedly attend an Opus Dei school in Maryland.
Nor are these three Opus Dei fellow-travelers immune from a conflict-of-interest laden agenda. Scalia has acknowledged a friendship with Dick Cheney and admits flying to Louisiana as a guest of Cheney on an Air Force plane for several days of duck hunting with Cheney and an energy company executive. Both Scalia and Clarence Thomas have had dealings with David and Charles Koch, key sponsors of tea party conservative groups, and have been guests of the brothers at resorts. Clarence Thomas gave a private speech at an event hosted by the Koch brothers which he failed to disclose. Between 2003 and 2007, Virginia Thomas, Justice Thomas’ wife, earned $686,589 from the Heritage Foundation, according to a Common Cause review of the foundation’s IRS records. Thomas failed to note the income in his Supreme Court financial disclosure forms for those years, instead checking a box labeled “none” where “spousal non-investment income” would be disclosed. Virginia Thomas founded a political group, Liberty Central, that’s predominately hews to the Tea Party’s vague philosophies of limited government, free enterprise, national security, and personal responsibility, and is also funded charitably by Koch Industries.
“Justice” Roberts’ financial-disclosures admit to ownership in at least seventy-eight stocks including Dell Computer, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, Intel, Agilent, Cisco, Novellus, Hewlett-Packard, Lucent, Nokia, Pfizer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Hillenbrand, Becton, Dickinson, Time Warner, Disney, Blockbuster and Citigroup. As a lawyer, Roberts represented Fox Television, Peabody Coal, the National Mining Association, Litton Industries Toyota, Chrysler and NBC. As recently as August 2010, Roberts sold his stock in Pfizer Inc. just so he could rule on an important case it had before the Subprime Court. Obviously, he is not above manipulating his stock holdings in the context of his judicial activities.
That means that three out of nine justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are not only prone to corruption but have some direct connection with Opus Dei and support the same right-wing causes as the organization. With a U.S. Opus Dei membership of about 3,000 that’s quite a coincidence. Being generous, let’s say that the three “justices” in question are simply cooperators and not members of Opus Dei. There are 500 cooperator communities. Perhaps it would be reasonable to put the number of cooperators in the hundreds of thousands. But even then it would mean membership in Opus Dei was less than one-tenth of one percent of the total population but miraculously one-third of the Subprime Court.
I usually steer away from conspiracy theories, but the sheer improbability of such a confluence of Opus Dei association (three of nine) is staggering. And it is simply not a good thing for collaborative jurisprudence to have three “justices” who invariable vote in lockstep. They are irretrievably welded, politically and religiously to a corporate first, anti-civil rights political agenda. Imagine the hue and cry if somehow three members (or fellow-travelers) of the Communist Party managed to get appointed to the Supreme Court.
No worker, environmentalist, civil libertarian or progressive of any kind is going to get a fair hearing from this group. This is not a fair court. It is not an impartial court. It is not an untainted court. Nor is it a court that is concerned with precedent or justice. It is merely a right-wing political brake on any progressive reform that people are able to wring out of the system and a means of transferring even more power to the wealthy. Being a big corporation or a religious outfit in this context is to hold the highest of trump cards.[5] Being a mere worker, poor, and without resources means that justice for you will be denied, despite the merits of your grievance. It is not therefore a court to be respected.
[1] Recently, the nomination of Professor Goodwin Liu for a U.S. Judgeship was a abandoned by the Democrats in the face of a Republican filibuster because he had been a member of the A.C.L.U. and because he criticized the nomination of Samuel Alito, another right-wing justice who has a long string of pro-corporate votes.
[2] “Cooperators” of Opus Dei are non-members who collaborate in some way with Opus Dei — usually through praying, charitable contributions, or by providing some other assistance.
[3] The information on Opus Dei was obtained from the attached research track: The Opus Dei In the US Government number of opus dei cooperators in united states – Google Search number of opus dei cooperators in united states – Google Search America Magazine Types of membership of Opus Dei – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ODAN – What is Opus Dei Opus Dei – FAQ opus dei membership united states – Google Search. Much of the information came from the website of the organization itself. Some other material was obtained from Only neutral material was used, although I do admit to editorializing a teensy weensy bit. For instance, when I describe the governments of Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet as “right-wing dictatorships.”
[4] In a dissent in the case of Lawrence vs. Texas, in which the court invalidated laws criminalizing sodomy among consenting adults, Scalia accused his colleagues of having signed on to “the so-called homosexual agenda” and “taken sides in the culture war” against people who simply want to protect “themselves and their families from a lifestyle that they believe to be immoral and destructive.
[5] Three recent cases attest to this. In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, a 5–4 decision (Scalia, Thomas and Roberts in the majority) held that corporations had the same free-speech rights as real people. In another 5-4 decision AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion, the court, with the same cast, gave corporations the right to refuse to do business with anyone who refuses to sign away their right to bring a class action lawsuit. Then in yet another corporate give away, Walmart v. Dukes, the court eviscerated workers’ rights to bring a class action, with Scalia finding facts where none were found in the record. As far as the majority is concerned, all a corporation has to do is say it and it is true.
Antonin Scalia, AT&T Mobility, Charles Koch, Citizen's United, Clarence Thomas, Cooperators, David Koch, Dick Cheney, Fox Television, Goodwin Liu, Heritage Foundation, John Roberts, Josemaria Escriva, Koch brothers, Liberty Central, Louis Freeh, National Mining Association, Numeraries, Opus Dei, Paul Scalia, Peobody Coal, Pfizer, Pope John Paul II, Rick Santorum, Robert Hanssen, St. Catherine of Siena Church, Tea Party, Virginia Thomas, Walmart
This entry was posted on June 22, 2011, 3:12 and is filed under Essays, Politics, What's New. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Campaign for America's Future
Op-EdPublished: Thursday 3 November 2011
“We cannot allow the Koch brothers’ so-called ‘American dream’ to continue to be our national nightmare.”
Occupy the Koch Brothers and Stop the American Nightmare
The very name of a Washington conservative conference this weekend is the height of subterfuge. It's called the "Defending the American Dream" conference, which is not about defending the actual American dreams of most Americans (the focus of our own "Take Back the American Dream" conference), sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, which is not an organization that promotes what is needed for broad American prosperity.
This actually is the latest effort by the billionaire Koch brothers, founders and key funders of Americans for Prosperity, and their corporate and political allies to hijack our democracy and pillage our economy. It's their attempt to perpetuate an American nightmare of continued income inequality and a government held hostage to the whims of elites. It is thus a perfect target for the latest Occupy-style protest.
The Other 98% and Health Care for America Now are sponsoring a "Koch Brothers Guerrilla Drive-In" Friday evening at the Washington Convention Center, where the conference is being held. The plan is to have an outdoor showing of a documentary on how the Kochs are using their fortune to pursue their grotesque mangling of American democracy.
The conference itself brings together many of the players in and elements of their grand scheme. For example, there is James O'Keefe, the person who dressed up as a pimp in a scheme to get damaging video footage for his scurrilous slander of the group ACORN, doing a lecture on "investigative journalism." There's Grover Norquist on a panel on "pro-growth tax reform." (He's lately been championing Texas Gov. Rick Perry's "flat tax" plan, which would allow the wealthy to slash their tax payments and would explode the federal deficit, forcing Norquist's longtime shrink-government-and-drown-it-in-the-bathtub objective.) There's Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, on a panel on the Environmental Protection Agency's "job-crushing regulatory assault"; he will be speaking on behalf of the Koch brothers, his leading campaign contributor, and the oil and gas industry, his biggest source of campaign cash. At least two Republican presidential candidates, Mitt Romney and Herman Cain, are also scheduled to appear.
NationofChange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit funded directly by our readers. Please make a small donation to support our work.
No conservative conference is complete without the deification of Ronald Reagan, and there will be plenty of that going on at the Friday night "Tribute to Ronald Reagan" dinner, which will be followed by a screening of "Atlas Shrugged." (No, I am not making this up.)
But what makes this conference significant is not the tired repetition of right-wing bumper-sticker slogans, the over-the-top characterizations of Obama administration policy or the pathetic preening of presidential candidates to show off how extreme they can be. It is the very real damage that the Koch brothers and the forces that this conference is assembling are doing to our economy and to the 99 percent of us for whom the American dream of economic security is becoming increasingly out of reach.
Consider what the Koch brothers have actually been "defending":
•Their $45 million effort to buy control of Congress. That's the amount of money Forbes magazine says Americans for Prosperity spent in the 2010 elections. That money helped Republicans control the House with the most extreme group of conservatives elected in modern history. With this group firmly in control, every effort by the Obama administration to move legislation to revive the economy has been thwarted and previous successes in health care and financial reform have come under unrelenting attack. The stream of anti-regulation, anti-labor legislation passed by the Tea Party-besotted House is pretty much lifted straight from the Koch brothers legislative agenda.
•The destructive efforts of the American Legislative Exchange Council to co-opt state and local governments. Rather than promoting state and local governments as entities that are particularly equipped to respond to the public interest because of their proximity to the people, ALEC mounts campaigns that leave state and local governments facilitating private greed rather than serving the public good. In August The Nation's Lisa Graves explained that "of all the Kochs’ investments in right-wing organizations, ALEC provides some of the best returns: it gives the Kochs a way to make their brand of free-market fundamentalism legally binding." Examples include legislation that allows energy companies to avoid fines for polluting, that push privatization of public education, and that prevent states and localities from regulating the rogue behavior of financial institutions.
•ALEC's efforts to suppress voter turnout. The Koch brothers' fingerprints are all over the efforts by various Republican governors and legislatures to pass voter ID laws that use trumped-up allegations of voter fraud to deliberately disenfranchise voters most likely to oppose their agenda. "It was ALEC’s draft legislation that inspired a spate of recently passed voter ID laws that, if allowed to stand, are expected to marginalize the impact of students and people of color at the polls in Texas, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Kansas," Adele Stan reported for the AFL-CIO blog. Patrick Caldwell at the American Prospect wrote that "the rules are often configured specifically to favor the Republican base at the expense of excluding likely Democrats."
•Their assault on public workers. Scott Walker won the governorship of Wisconsin and the ability to execute his attack on public workers there with the help of $43,000 in direct contributions from the Koch Industries political action committee and indirectly through the $1 million that Koch's PAC gave to the Republican Governors Association. The Kochs are also major supporters of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who earlier this year credited "the strong support" of Americans for Prosperity for his now faltering attempt to strip Ohio state workers of their bargaining rights.
•The dominance of extremist candidates in the 2012 presidential race. Koch bothers money can be found in the pockets of at least three of the most extreme Republican presidential candidates: Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and, especially, Herman Cain. Rachel Maddow reported that the Cain connections include a campaign manager from the Wisconsin chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a now ex-spokesperson from another Americans for Prosperity affiliate, and the economic advisor who came up with Cain's infamous "9-9-9" tax plan, who was a member of Americans for Prosperity's advisory board. This is no surprise, because, as the Associated Press has reported, Cain has historically been a shill for the Americans for Prosperity legislative agenda. The Kochs have said they will pour at least $200,000 into the 2012 presidential campaign. "At least" is the operative phrase; expect the Kochs to funnel millions of dollars into the 2012 campaign through a variety of channels, most of which—thanks in part to the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling—will be unrestricted and largely untraceable.
•Their ability to violate the law with impunity, and to punish those who hold them accountable. A Bloomberg Markets magazine investigation published in October calls it "the Koch method," in which employees of the brothers' oil and gas companies "were shown by their managers how to steal and cheat." The stealing and cheating, according to Bloomberg, ranged from not paying royalties for oil extracted from federal land to bribing foreign officials to win contracts—and firing the company compliance officer who discovered the bribes and called them to the attention of top corporate officials. "For six decades around the world, Koch Industries has blazed a path to riches -- in part, by making illicit payments to win contracts, trading with a terrorist state, fixing prices, neglecting safety and ignoring environmental regulations. At the same time, Charles and David Koch have promoted a form of government that interferes less with company actions," the magazine wrote.
Unregulated, unaccountable corporations. Extremist elected officials who disdain the concept of a government serving the common good. Workers stripped of the ability to negotiate collectively for fair pay, working conditions and benefits. Hundreds of millions of corporate dollars drowning out the voices of working-class and middle-class people. Voters forced to jump over ever-higher obstacles to vote for candidates who represent them, assuming those candidates can even get on ballots. This is the Koch brothers' dystopia. What they are defending is indefensible.
For at least a few hours on Friday evening, the Washington Convention Center should be the focus of Occupy movement and its allies, for the Koch brothers embody just about everything the Occupy movement is against—members of the 1 percent who act as if our economy and our democracy should be their personal servant, and that the 99 percent should feel satisfied with the crumbs off their table.
It is time for us to declare that we are the real Americans for prosperity, those of us who believe that workers should receive a fair wage for a fair day's work and be treated with dignity; that companies should be accountable for the harm that they do to people and the environment; that health care is a basic right for every person; that the education of our children shouldn't be turned into yet another corporate profit center; that government can and should work for all of the people, not the privileged few; that our democracy is the property of the people and cannot be owned by those with the most money.
We cannot allow the Koch brothers' so-called "American dream" to continue to be our national nightmare.
No, that is not a misspelling. It is the rubric earned by the third branch of our government as they march forward burning up all respect for the institution that was created to keep government honest.
Once upon a time, the Supreme Court was viewed at the last resort for the citizen — a place where the lowest among us could go and be heard, a place where the rights of the individual would be honored, a power that could and would impartially enforce the constitution without imposing a political agenda upon the litigants, an impartial and neutral arbiter of disputes.
No longer. Recently, a series of anti-worker, anti-consumer, anti-citizen, pro-corporation rulings (Citizens United, AT&T Mobility and Walmart) have made quite clear that this is a court with a political agenda. All pretense of partiality have been brushed aside and the court right now is running off the fumes of respect it had earned throughout our history.
Over the past several decades, right-wing Republicans waged a campaign alleging that the Supreme Court was rife with judicial activism and that Democratic presidents were appointing tokens to fill quotas. In a harkening back to “if you smelt it, you dealt it” chants from high school, that is exactly what they did whenever they had the opportunity, and the Democratic Party, after its traumatic conflict in the Bork nomination process, enabled them.[1] But apparently the right-wing nominees are not held to the same rigorous standards of political orthodoxy.
Now, on the Subprime Court, we have three “justices” who look like they might be somehow affiliated (if not members, at least “cooperators”[2]) with a secretive, reactionary, Catholic cult group, Opus Dei: Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and John Roberts.
Antonin Scalia
If you are unfamiliar with Opus Dei, here’s a brief rundown[3]: Opus Dei was started in 1928 by Spanish priest Josemaria Escriva. Escriva was a Franco fascist in Spain. Pope John Paul II, a right-wing pope canonized him a few years back overlooking longstanding procedures. Escriva’s so-called miracle, that qualified him for canonization was the spontaneous remission from cancer of a Carmelite num in the nineteen-seventies that a single Catholic doctor, nearly twenty years later declared was “unexplainable scientifically.” Opus Dei prevented critics of Escriva from testifying at church tribunals called to investigate his life. During the pontificate of John Paul II, two members of Opus Dei, Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne and Julián Herranz Casado, were made cardinals. Benedict XVI, the current pope and former member of the Hitler Youth, is a strong supporter of Opus Dei and of Escriva. Perhaps the reason is that Escriva has been quoted as saying: “Hitler ha(s) been unjustly accused of killing 6 million Jews. …In fact he had killed only 4 million.”
Opus Dei has always supported right-wing governments and dictators such as Franco and Pinochet. While the group is small, its members and friends disproportionately hold powerful positions both in the Vatican and the Subprime Court. Former FBI director Louis Freeh is suspected of membership. Former Senator Rick Santorum is a member. Also, in a curious twist. FBI mole Robert Hanssen was a member.
There are over 3,000 Opus Dei members in the United States. Opus Dei has more than 60 centers in or near 19 cities in the U.S.: Boston; Chicago; Dallas; Delray Beach, FL; Houston; Los Angeles; Miami; Milwaukee; New York; Pittsburgh; Princeton, NJ; Providence; St. Louis; San Antonio; San Francisco; South Bend, IN; South Orange, NJ; Urbana, IL; and Washington, DC. Additionally, Opus Dei conducts activities in many other cities. Many of the centers are located near large college campuses, where Opus Dei attracts new members. Opus Dei operates five high schools in the United States: The Heights (for boys) and Oak Crest (girls) in Washington, D.C., the Montrose School (girls) in Boston, and Northridge Prep (boys) and The Willows (girls) in Chicago. They have retreat houses in Pembroke, Mass., near Houston and near San Francisco. By some counts, there are also as many as 500 cooperator communities.
Opus Dei has secretly carried on the former Vatican “Index of Forbidden Books.” It maintains a list of some 6,892 books with the highest rating of “6” which means they are totally banned. (There are lesser classifications requiring “permission” to read from various levels of Opus Dei leadership.) Examples of authors who have some of their books TOTALLY banned are: Woody Allen, Isabel Allende, Margaret Atwood, Judy Blume, Joseph Campbell, Gustav Flaubert, Allen Ginsberg, Mary Gordon, Gunter Grass, Herman Hesse, John Irving, James Joyce, Carl Jung, Jack Kerouac, Stephen King, Milan Kundera, Harold Kushner, Doris Lessing, Sinclair Lewis, Mary MacCarthy, Somerset Maugham, Toni Morrison, Alice Munroe, Vladimir Nabokov, V.S. Naipaul, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, Harold Pinter, Marcel Proust, Philip Roth, John Updike, Voltaire, Alice Walker, Gary Wills and Tennessee Williams.
There are some first-hand accounts that seem to give credence to some of the allegations of cult-like behavior of the group. Author, Véronique Duborgel in her book Inside the Hell of Opus Dei, describes the techniques of psychological isolation similar to those sometimes used by sects that she experienced during 13 years she spent as a member of the group. A recent UK Daily Mail On Line had an article about an Opus Dei “Numerary” Sarah Cassidy, 43, single, celibate, who admits to using a cilice — a wire chain around her upper thigh with sharp prongs that dig into the skin and flesh to suppress her desires and atone for her sins. There are numerous reports that Opus Dei makes candidates for membership sleep on boards. It restricts Numeraries’ ability to communicate with the outside.
The organization does not identify its members. Apparently it will deny that a person is a member if it can do so plausibly. None of the “justices” in question will confirm or deny his relationship with the group; giving the appearance that membership is not something to brag about. But the connections between these three “Justices” and Opus Dei are just too close to ignore.
Scalia “attends St. Catherine of Siena Church in Falls Church, Virginia, St. Catherine’s has a strong Opus Dei presence. It is the parish for many Opus Dei members and cooperators, such as former Senator Rick Santorum. Scalia’s wife reportedly attends Opus Dei functions on a regular basis. Scalia has already tipped his hand when it comes to his political persuasions affecting his legal decisions, particularly when it comes to equal rights and civil liberties.[4]
When Clarence Thomas converted to Roman Catholicism, the conversion was handled by the Opus Dei “priest to the political stars” John McCloskey, with the assistance from Paul Scalia, another OD priest, and son of ‘Justice” Scalia.
Chief “Justice” John Roberts sends his children reportedly attend an Opus Dei school in Maryland.
Nor are these three Opus Dei fellow-travelers immune from a conflict-of-interest laden agenda. Scalia has acknowledged a friendship with Dick Cheney and admits flying to Louisiana as a guest of Cheney on an Air Force plane for several days of duck hunting with Cheney and an energy company executive. Both Scalia and Clarence Thomas have had dealings with David and Charles Koch, key sponsors of tea party conservative groups, and have been guests of the brothers at resorts. Clarence Thomas gave a private speech at an event hosted by the Koch brothers which he failed to disclose. Between 2003 and 2007, Virginia Thomas, Justice Thomas’ wife, earned $686,589 from the Heritage Foundation, according to a Common Cause review of the foundation’s IRS records. Thomas failed to note the income in his Supreme Court financial disclosure forms for those years, instead checking a box labeled “none” where “spousal non-investment income” would be disclosed. Virginia Thomas founded a political group, Liberty Central, that’s predominately hews to the Tea Party’s vague philosophies of limited government, free enterprise, national security, and personal responsibility, and is also funded charitably by Koch Industries.
“Justice” Roberts’ financial-disclosures admit to ownership in at least seventy-eight stocks including Dell Computer, Microsoft, Texas Instruments, Intel, Agilent, Cisco, Novellus, Hewlett-Packard, Lucent, Nokia, Pfizer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Hillenbrand, Becton, Dickinson, Time Warner, Disney, Blockbuster and Citigroup. As a lawyer, Roberts represented Fox Television, Peabody Coal, the National Mining Association, Litton Industries Toyota, Chrysler and NBC. As recently as August 2010, Roberts sold his stock in Pfizer Inc. just so he could rule on an important case it had before the Subprime Court. Obviously, he is not above manipulating his stock holdings in the context of his judicial activities.
That means that three out of nine justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are not only prone to corruption but have some direct connection with Opus Dei and support the same right-wing causes as the organization. With a U.S. Opus Dei membership of about 3,000 that’s quite a coincidence. Being generous, let’s say that the three “justices” in question are simply cooperators and not members of Opus Dei. There are 500 cooperator communities. Perhaps it would be reasonable to put the number of cooperators in the hundreds of thousands. But even then it would mean membership in Opus Dei was less than one-tenth of one percent of the total population but miraculously one-third of the Subprime Court.
I usually steer away from conspiracy theories, but the sheer improbability of such a confluence of Opus Dei association (three of nine) is staggering. And it is simply not a good thing for collaborative jurisprudence to have three “justices” who invariable vote in lockstep. They are irretrievably welded, politically and religiously to a corporate first, anti-civil rights political agenda. Imagine the hue and cry if somehow three members (or fellow-travelers) of the Communist Party managed to get appointed to the Supreme Court.
No worker, environmentalist, civil libertarian or progressive of any kind is going to get a fair hearing from this group. This is not a fair court. It is not an impartial court. It is not an untainted court. Nor is it a court that is concerned with precedent or justice. It is merely a right-wing political brake on any progressive reform that people are able to wring out of the system and a means of transferring even more power to the wealthy. Being a big corporation or a religious outfit in this context is to hold the highest of trump cards.[5] Being a mere worker, poor, and without resources means that justice for you will be denied, despite the merits of your grievance. It is not therefore a court to be respected.
[1] Recently, the nomination of Professor Goodwin Liu for a U.S. Judgeship was a abandoned by the Democrats in the face of a Republican filibuster because he had been a member of the A.C.L.U. and because he criticized the nomination of Samuel Alito, another right-wing justice who has a long string of pro-corporate votes.
[2] “Cooperators” of Opus Dei are non-members who collaborate in some way with Opus Dei — usually through praying, charitable contributions, or by providing some other assistance.
[3] The information on Opus Dei was obtained from the attached research track: The Opus Dei In the US Government number of opus dei cooperators in united states – Google Search number of opus dei cooperators in united states – Google Search America Magazine Types of membership of Opus Dei – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ODAN – What is Opus Dei Opus Dei – FAQ opus dei membership united states – Google Search. Much of the information came from the website of the organization itself. Some other material was obtained from Only neutral material was used, although I do admit to editorializing a teensy weensy bit. For instance, when I describe the governments of Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet as “right-wing dictatorships.”
[4] In a dissent in the case of Lawrence vs. Texas, in which the court invalidated laws criminalizing sodomy among consenting adults, Scalia accused his colleagues of having signed on to “the so-called homosexual agenda” and “taken sides in the culture war” against people who simply want to protect “themselves and their families from a lifestyle that they believe to be immoral and destructive.
[5] Three recent cases attest to this. In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, a 5–4 decision (Scalia, Thomas and Roberts in the majority) held that corporations had the same free-speech rights as real people. In another 5-4 decision AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion, the court, with the same cast, gave corporations the right to refuse to do business with anyone who refuses to sign away their right to bring a class action lawsuit. Then in yet another corporate give away, Walmart v. Dukes, the court eviscerated workers’ rights to bring a class action, with Scalia finding facts where none were found in the record. As far as the majority is concerned, all a corporation has to do is say it and it is true.
Antonin Scalia, AT&T Mobility, Charles Koch, Citizen's United, Clarence Thomas, Cooperators, David Koch, Dick Cheney, Fox Television, Goodwin Liu, Heritage Foundation, John Roberts, Josemaria Escriva, Koch brothers, Liberty Central, Louis Freeh, National Mining Association, Numeraries, Opus Dei, Paul Scalia, Peobody Coal, Pfizer, Pope John Paul II, Rick Santorum, Robert Hanssen, St. Catherine of Siena Church, Tea Party, Virginia Thomas, Walmart
This entry was posted on June 22, 2011, 3:12 and is filed under Essays, Politics, What's New. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Campaign for America's Future
Op-EdPublished: Thursday 3 November 2011
“We cannot allow the Koch brothers’ so-called ‘American dream’ to continue to be our national nightmare.”
Occupy the Koch Brothers and Stop the American Nightmare
The very name of a Washington conservative conference this weekend is the height of subterfuge. It's called the "Defending the American Dream" conference, which is not about defending the actual American dreams of most Americans (the focus of our own "Take Back the American Dream" conference), sponsored by Americans for Prosperity, which is not an organization that promotes what is needed for broad American prosperity.
This actually is the latest effort by the billionaire Koch brothers, founders and key funders of Americans for Prosperity, and their corporate and political allies to hijack our democracy and pillage our economy. It's their attempt to perpetuate an American nightmare of continued income inequality and a government held hostage to the whims of elites. It is thus a perfect target for the latest Occupy-style protest.
The Other 98% and Health Care for America Now are sponsoring a "Koch Brothers Guerrilla Drive-In" Friday evening at the Washington Convention Center, where the conference is being held. The plan is to have an outdoor showing of a documentary on how the Kochs are using their fortune to pursue their grotesque mangling of American democracy.
The conference itself brings together many of the players in and elements of their grand scheme. For example, there is James O'Keefe, the person who dressed up as a pimp in a scheme to get damaging video footage for his scurrilous slander of the group ACORN, doing a lecture on "investigative journalism." There's Grover Norquist on a panel on "pro-growth tax reform." (He's lately been championing Texas Gov. Rick Perry's "flat tax" plan, which would allow the wealthy to slash their tax payments and would explode the federal deficit, forcing Norquist's longtime shrink-government-and-drown-it-in-the-bathtub objective.) There's Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, on a panel on the Environmental Protection Agency's "job-crushing regulatory assault"; he will be speaking on behalf of the Koch brothers, his leading campaign contributor, and the oil and gas industry, his biggest source of campaign cash. At least two Republican presidential candidates, Mitt Romney and Herman Cain, are also scheduled to appear.
NationofChange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit funded directly by our readers. Please make a small donation to support our work.
No conservative conference is complete without the deification of Ronald Reagan, and there will be plenty of that going on at the Friday night "Tribute to Ronald Reagan" dinner, which will be followed by a screening of "Atlas Shrugged." (No, I am not making this up.)
But what makes this conference significant is not the tired repetition of right-wing bumper-sticker slogans, the over-the-top characterizations of Obama administration policy or the pathetic preening of presidential candidates to show off how extreme they can be. It is the very real damage that the Koch brothers and the forces that this conference is assembling are doing to our economy and to the 99 percent of us for whom the American dream of economic security is becoming increasingly out of reach.
Consider what the Koch brothers have actually been "defending":
•Their $45 million effort to buy control of Congress. That's the amount of money Forbes magazine says Americans for Prosperity spent in the 2010 elections. That money helped Republicans control the House with the most extreme group of conservatives elected in modern history. With this group firmly in control, every effort by the Obama administration to move legislation to revive the economy has been thwarted and previous successes in health care and financial reform have come under unrelenting attack. The stream of anti-regulation, anti-labor legislation passed by the Tea Party-besotted House is pretty much lifted straight from the Koch brothers legislative agenda.
•The destructive efforts of the American Legislative Exchange Council to co-opt state and local governments. Rather than promoting state and local governments as entities that are particularly equipped to respond to the public interest because of their proximity to the people, ALEC mounts campaigns that leave state and local governments facilitating private greed rather than serving the public good. In August The Nation's Lisa Graves explained that "of all the Kochs’ investments in right-wing organizations, ALEC provides some of the best returns: it gives the Kochs a way to make their brand of free-market fundamentalism legally binding." Examples include legislation that allows energy companies to avoid fines for polluting, that push privatization of public education, and that prevent states and localities from regulating the rogue behavior of financial institutions.
•ALEC's efforts to suppress voter turnout. The Koch brothers' fingerprints are all over the efforts by various Republican governors and legislatures to pass voter ID laws that use trumped-up allegations of voter fraud to deliberately disenfranchise voters most likely to oppose their agenda. "It was ALEC’s draft legislation that inspired a spate of recently passed voter ID laws that, if allowed to stand, are expected to marginalize the impact of students and people of color at the polls in Texas, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Kansas," Adele Stan reported for the AFL-CIO blog. Patrick Caldwell at the American Prospect wrote that "the rules are often configured specifically to favor the Republican base at the expense of excluding likely Democrats."
•Their assault on public workers. Scott Walker won the governorship of Wisconsin and the ability to execute his attack on public workers there with the help of $43,000 in direct contributions from the Koch Industries political action committee and indirectly through the $1 million that Koch's PAC gave to the Republican Governors Association. The Kochs are also major supporters of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who earlier this year credited "the strong support" of Americans for Prosperity for his now faltering attempt to strip Ohio state workers of their bargaining rights.
•The dominance of extremist candidates in the 2012 presidential race. Koch bothers money can be found in the pockets of at least three of the most extreme Republican presidential candidates: Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and, especially, Herman Cain. Rachel Maddow reported that the Cain connections include a campaign manager from the Wisconsin chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a now ex-spokesperson from another Americans for Prosperity affiliate, and the economic advisor who came up with Cain's infamous "9-9-9" tax plan, who was a member of Americans for Prosperity's advisory board. This is no surprise, because, as the Associated Press has reported, Cain has historically been a shill for the Americans for Prosperity legislative agenda. The Kochs have said they will pour at least $200,000 into the 2012 presidential campaign. "At least" is the operative phrase; expect the Kochs to funnel millions of dollars into the 2012 campaign through a variety of channels, most of which—thanks in part to the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling—will be unrestricted and largely untraceable.
•Their ability to violate the law with impunity, and to punish those who hold them accountable. A Bloomberg Markets magazine investigation published in October calls it "the Koch method," in which employees of the brothers' oil and gas companies "were shown by their managers how to steal and cheat." The stealing and cheating, according to Bloomberg, ranged from not paying royalties for oil extracted from federal land to bribing foreign officials to win contracts—and firing the company compliance officer who discovered the bribes and called them to the attention of top corporate officials. "For six decades around the world, Koch Industries has blazed a path to riches -- in part, by making illicit payments to win contracts, trading with a terrorist state, fixing prices, neglecting safety and ignoring environmental regulations. At the same time, Charles and David Koch have promoted a form of government that interferes less with company actions," the magazine wrote.
Unregulated, unaccountable corporations. Extremist elected officials who disdain the concept of a government serving the common good. Workers stripped of the ability to negotiate collectively for fair pay, working conditions and benefits. Hundreds of millions of corporate dollars drowning out the voices of working-class and middle-class people. Voters forced to jump over ever-higher obstacles to vote for candidates who represent them, assuming those candidates can even get on ballots. This is the Koch brothers' dystopia. What they are defending is indefensible.
For at least a few hours on Friday evening, the Washington Convention Center should be the focus of Occupy movement and its allies, for the Koch brothers embody just about everything the Occupy movement is against—members of the 1 percent who act as if our economy and our democracy should be their personal servant, and that the 99 percent should feel satisfied with the crumbs off their table.
It is time for us to declare that we are the real Americans for prosperity, those of us who believe that workers should receive a fair wage for a fair day's work and be treated with dignity; that companies should be accountable for the harm that they do to people and the environment; that health care is a basic right for every person; that the education of our children shouldn't be turned into yet another corporate profit center; that government can and should work for all of the people, not the privileged few; that our democracy is the property of the people and cannot be owned by those with the most money.
We cannot allow the Koch brothers' so-called "American dream" to continue to be our national nightmare.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Boston hosted former Swiss Guard’s seminar -based on the new “Vatican Trinity”.. Swiss Guards are the financial Navy Seals of the Vatican Bank
Updated November 27, 2011
When a Swiss Guard makes an oath, he raises his right hand with his thumb, index, and middle finger extended along three axes, a gesture that symbolizes the Holy Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit. But now there is also a new "Vatican Trinity": Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and St. Josemaria Escriva, the Founder of Opus Dei as this former Swiss Guard will speak about in Boston
John Paul II is the new Vatican Idol, the new Golden Calf of Catholics as they blindly chant "JP2, we love you" inspite of the hsitorical fact that for over a quarter of a century he was the formost leader of the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Yeah, you go Boston! Boston was the first state and pioneer in 2002 to expose the phenomenon of the JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army that led to the $3 billion settlements with victims by Catholic dioceses across the USA. Boston is the home state of Cardinal Bernard Law who is the live proof that John Paul II has an evil Achilles Heel and therefore can never be a “saint”. Boston is also the first and only state to have successfully forced its Archbishop to resign for aiding and abetting 80 pedophile priests and banish him from the face of earth by sending him into permanent exile to never come back to Boston. Kansas should learn from Boston and also force its Bishop Finn to resign and banish him from the face of the earth. No Boston priest sold his soul to the Devil or the Vatican as they got rid of grandiose Cardinal Bernard Law (unlike those coward priests of Los Angeles who did not once raise their voice against Cardinal Mahony who covered-up more than 600 pedophile priests). Unfortunately the fast-track saint John Paul II elevated his live Achilles Heel Cardinal Bernard Law as a “crown prince of Rome” the High Priest of the “mother of all basilicas in Rome” the Santa Maria Magiorre where he now say the Mass in Latin and pray the Rosary everyday but Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century, read it here Sadly from his grave John Paul II continues to deceive people especially children to ‘feel-good’ towards their predators – by asking them to “imitate the saints” like him – an unrealistic, unhealthy and deceitful goal, read our analysis of the prayer and program of Blessed John Paul II misleading Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts here
So Boston is now pioneering again something new, a first, something very original that will reveal the new “Vatican Trinity” – Father Son, and the Holy Ghost - namely John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Opus Dei St. Josemaria Escriva - in that order. Boston will host a seminar given by a former Swiss Guard with the topic, The Pope and the CEO.
When: Thursday November 03, 2011, 7:30 - 8:40 AM.
Where: Putnam Investments, One Post Office Square, 2cnd Floor
Cost: $10 With Contintental Breakfast
See the Swiss Guard's photo and read more details here
God and Mammon = the Pope and the CEO
God and Mammon = the Vatican and Opus Dei…or vice versa
Jesus Christ is proven wrong, very wrong by the new “Vatican Trinity” who says you can indeed serve BOTH God and Mammon.
And their way to serve God is -- to ‘pray, pay and obey’ the Mammon.
Anyone who doubts the existence of the new Vatican Trinity which we (are the first) have been exposing should go and attend to see for themselves how those tall and handsome Swiss Guards are an army of financial elite – the Vatican Mammon Navy Seals! (as you all know, the Navy Seals are the top guns of the CIA) The hundreds of young Swiss Guard are now in the Vatican to cement their roots and pledge absolute allegiance to the Pope-only and then later on they will go on to control the Vatican Bank and its multinational corporations and the Swiss Banks. Switzerland is a neutral country owned and controlled by the smallest country the Vatican and the Swiss Guard Army is their major link and major main finance manpower of CEOs, hundreds of young only-Swiss men…this Vatican secret surpasses Ripley’s Believe it or not!!
The Swiss Guard Army are the financial Navy Seals of the Vatican. Those tall and handsome Swiss Guards are not there as Rome’s tourism actors donning on costumes or for papal theatrics only who will later on return to Switzerland to make Swiss chocolates. No, they are highly educated men who are first and foremost members of the Opus Dei – like the speaker of this Boston seminar. These are laymen who are now celibates for a short period of time so they can receive the CIA style indoctrination by Opus Dei and brainwashed with tactical Opus Dei precisions on how to carry-on their "special missions" in life. They are in the Vatican to learn the covert Vatican world agendas and study St. Josemaria Escriva and John Paul II papal books which were written or commissioned by Opus Dei – which they will preach to the world later on – as this Boston seminar speaker is now doing and these sacred books are like the flute of the Pied Piper that will sweeten and deceive people’s minds and hearts.
Swiss Guards are between 19 and 30 years of age and at least 174 cm (5 ft, 8.5 in) tall, see more history below. When they leave their post as Swiss Guards because they have finished their indoctrination, they will go on to marry Opus Dei women members and produce more children who will follow their footsteps back to the Vatican. These former Swiss Guards will form part of the elite laymen of Opus Dei who will help control the multinational corporations and financial investments of the Vatican especially the SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks.
These Swiss Guards are wizards of finance and international law who are in the Vatican to establish deep their Vatican roots and sealing their absolute and lifetime allegiance to the Pope so that later on they will go on to do “God’s Will” meaning the “Vatican Trinity’s Will” for the political and financial WOLRD DOMINATION of Opus Dei and the sole Rule of St. Josemaria Escriva. For anyone who would like to see the proof of how all these are related, please go and attend this seminar in Boston this on Thursday November 03, 2011, 7:30 - 8:40 AM, read details below.
The irony is while spending their formative years at the Vatican, these Swiss Guards become like their Master the Pope as out-of-touch with reality as they live in the lap of luxury and the ivory tower of the monarch Pope surrounded by gigantic arts and handling mammon wealth beyond imagination, read the Vatican billions here
With their daily Latin Mass and daily Rosary, these Swiss Guards believe that they have secured a permanent place for themselves in the real estate in Heaven as long as they maintain this daily routine of prayer later on in life and as long as they “obey the Pope” through their superiors the Opus Dei priests – to whom they must go to confession alone, they must never go to confession to other priests. That is why the Latin Mass has to come back – because the Opus Dei and their papal Swiss Guard Army must be always special and be “apart” from the common people. Common people couldn’t be bothered with Latin. Besides Latin is not a mother tongue and therefore cannot be the “official language” of the Vatican. Why must the Vatican Bank be above all banks? read our related article here So Latin is a strategy to make Opus Dei members like Hollywood stars and celebrities – always apart and better and at a distance from common people of the world.
That is why Opus Dei needed to have their founder canonized as soon as possible so that they can go around the world indoctrinating people with the sweet feel-good theology writings of “Saint” Josemaria Escriva making people passive followers of the Pied Piper. Sainthood is the peak of the Catholic echelon and Escriva would not have it any other way. Escriva worked his way in Spain amassing peak secular titles to his name, read it here St. Ignatius Loyola denounced all his natural-born royal nobility titles but the peasant-born Josemaria Escriva only sought worldly secular titles for himself.
The Opus Dei and their elite members are holier-than-thou in everything they do. Their founder wanted to create a new Catholic “superior race” just like Hitler wanted the Germans to be the superior race. Opus Dei will use the most deadliest force against their critics just like Job Sobrino was silenced by Cardinal Ratzinger when he criticized the Opus Dei arranged papal tour in El Salvador, read the paragraph below that cost Sobrino his tongue and also here here
DETAILS of the former Swiss Guard Seminar in Boston here
Where: Putnam Investments, One Post Office Square, 2cnd Floor
Cost: $10 With Contintental Breakfast
Read more details below
Top 10 Questions to ask the former Swiss Guard
If you’ll attend the seminar ask these questions.
A must read BEFORE you attend the seminar, the Vatican Billions
INTEGER & Vatican Swiss Banks accounts: Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ secret Vatican wealth
John Paul and his crime syndicate: Part I, Fr. Maciel
OPUS DEI: THE VATICAN-PENTAGON CONNECTION. How Opus Dei controls the USA, the multinational corporations & the Vatican Swiss Banks
Links to our related articles are beside each of the questions to ask.
1. Try to ask questions to the Swiss Guard speaker about the plight of the poor who are victims of the Pope and the CEO of multinational corporations, read how the Opus Dei are controlling despots like in Peru, read Opus Dei Numerary apologist for atrocities committed by military and police in Peru
2. Ask questions about Liberation Theology and Jon Sobrino or about the Jesuit Refugee Service who helps the poor victims of multinational corporations -- and you will notice his automatic subtle fuming anger beneath that hypocritical smile. Read
3. Ask him about Occupy Wall Street and he will either downplay it or ridicule it. Read Occupy the Vatican…like Occupy Wall Street
4. Ask him about the Pope -- Benedict XVI’s crimes against humanity at The Hague, read
5. Ask him about Integer and the 35 billions of the Legion Christ and Cardinal Sodano who helped him deposit it in a Swiss Bank, read articles below. Why is a “Holy” Cardinal helping such Mammon transactions, read Integer
Cardinal Sodano and Vatican Swiss Banks and Fr. Marcial Maciel from the links above
6. Ask him about Opus Dei and Franco and their founder’s letter to the dictator, read
7. Ask him why John Paul II is a Blessed when he did and said nothing for 27 years Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
8. Ask him why they have Mass in Latin when Latin is not a mother tongue and therefore cannot be the “official language” of the Vatican.
9. Ask him why the Vatican is a state when there are no women and children who can reside in there
10. Ask him the detailed steps on how from, being a Swiss Guard – what are their daily routine – how did he become a financial guru and preacher for the Vatican Mammon
* Notice that - he will always manipulate you to be a “pray, pay, obey” the Pope kind of person…
The former Swiss Guard will always be like the Pied Piper sweetly manipulating you to pray, pay, obey the Vatican Trinity of John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei St. Josemaria Escriva
When: Thursday, November 03, 2011 7:30 - 8:45AM
Where: Putnam Investments, One Post Office Square, 2cnd Floor
Cost: $10 With Contintental Breakfast
Contact: or
About the Leadership Forum
The Leadership Forum was established twelve years ago by a group of downtown Boston professionals as a way to encourage men to live unity of life, integrating their faith into their professional, family and social lives.
The Leadership Forum takes its inspiration from documents of the Second Vatican Council, the writings of Pope John Paul II and St. Josemaria Escriva, the Founder of Opus Dei. The Leadership Forum is in its twelth season.
Vatican Trinity and the Temple of Solomon
Vatican Trinity, BE AWARE! The irony is Christ condemned the financial and religious elite of his days, the Pharisees, and he condemned the Temple of Solomon which the Pharisees exclusively controlled and overturned their monetary tables in his feat of anger, the only anger he displayed. Jesus was not impressed with the colourful uniforms of the Pharisees like the black uniform and white collar priests of today and the Pope’s and Cardinal vestments and mitres. Jesus had no desire to preserve the vast wealth of the Temple of Solomon for future generations – like the Vatican hoards art and is the wealthiest institution on earth today. Jesus cursed the Temple where he himself once worshipped his Father, he cursed it and predicted that not one pillar will be standing and had no regrets when the enemies would one day destroy all its arts and diamonds and sapphires and precious stones, read more here
In Mathew 21:12, Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out all the people buying and selling animals for sacrifice. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.'” Think again that the Holy spirit's symbol is the dove, no effect on Jesus at all.
Vatican Trinity, BEWARE! Jesus condemned the wealthy High Priest Pharisees who faithfully prayed just like the Opus Dei also faithfully pray today. The Pharisees prayed, “Lord I thank you that I am not like them… I tithe, I pray regularly each day…” But Christ called these "Holy Rabbi" Pharisees “white-washed tombs
1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries[a] wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.
27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Mathew 23
The Third Secret of Fatima condemned the Vatican into rubbles that is why the Popes will not revealed it for fear of a countdown in St. Peter’s Square by the media, see Freak thunderstorm lashed at Benedict XVI & fanatic World Youth Day pilgrims in Madrid, forcing him to cut short his speech VIDEOS, PHOTOS
Note that in his parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus showed the Levite priest too preoccupied with his religious routine that he had no time for the poor and the victim of theft. Opus Dei priests and the Pope are like the Levite priest, read our related article on John Paul II was not a Good Samaritan - to victims of priest pedophilia
One of the biggest proof that Opus Dei are the modern day callous Pharisees is the Opus Dei spokesperson of Blessed John Paul II, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls who said the statistics of pedophile priests and their victims are really insignificant and too small and he compared priest pedophilia to a woman’s bodily part, read it here
Read our related articles on the Swiss Banks
Vatican Swiss Banks $25 billion owned by Legion and Fr. Marcial Maciel who went frequently to Thailand for 7 and 8 year old boys
Opus Dei Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists : Prayer to Saint John Paul II = Opus Dei Pope #1.... Benedict XVI is Opus Dei Pope #2
The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels
The Devil’s bowels smell like roses in the Vatican
The Opus Dei fabricates “The Age of Benedict XVI” in Rome... Belgian Police raid Archbishop’s Palace and Catholic Headquarters in Brussels
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
JP2 Army victims around the world
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland
The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism
Ireland condemns Vatican secrecy on Cloyne Diocese pedophile priests. Ireland vis-à-vis USA: the way they deal with crimes by the Vatican
Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome
The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more here
Read our related article The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell
John Paul II the "Rosary Pope" used the Rosary to cover-up and FEEL-GOOD about his own JP2 Army crimes
Jon Sobrino says John Paul II used poor as his photo props
Below is an excerpt from Jon Sobrino's book that speaks of John Paul II's un-realistic papal attitudes and ignorant perception towards the poor. These are the paragraphs that made Benedict XVI issued the "Notification" and the Opus Dei Bishop of El Salvador "silence" Sobrino, meaning he can no longer teach or preach and help the poor to whom he has given all his life in service.
Witnesses to the Kingdom: The Martyrs of El Salvador and the Crucified Peoples
Page 141. Important ecclesial events, like a papal visit, are often organized in such a way that they too produce a feeling of unreality. In the Pope’s 1996 visit to El Salvador, it is true that most of the people who attended were poor. But all one could see of their reality was their religious enthusiasm, more or less effectively organized. One didn’t see their poverty, their fears, their discouragement and helplessness, not even their true faith and hope; one didn’t see their reality. As the event was organized, the poor served more as a backdrop than as the reality of the country; in the foreground were minorities that do not represent the reality: the government, legislators and politicians, the rich and powerful, and the Church beside them. The Pope’s visit neither reflected reality nor, to judge from the consequences, had any important effect on it.
On page 140. This applies to the allocutions and homilies of the Pope to the Congregation when he was an "adult-pope’. And that is still a serious problem: humanistas without sarx, factuality without reality (in the world of the poor). To give a few examples: one often gets a feeling of unreality from homilies, documents and messages that do not make central - although they may mention it - the poverty of reality, the injustice and corruption that cause it, and the cover-up that accompanies it. The feeling of unreality comes especially from the lack of commitment to get involved in the conflict, to struggle against injustice and to suffer the consequences. Words, words, words, as J. Comblin calls such messages in the article mentioned above. At another level, one gets the same feeling of unreality from a seminary formation that protects the seminarian from reality; or from the spiritualities and pastoral practices promoted or tolerated by movements that lead the human being into an a-historical transcendence with infantilizing consequences. (From Martyrs of El Salvador. By Jon Sobrino)
On the Lot: MR. John Paul II and MRS. Josemaria OD
Swiss Guards or Schweizergarde is the name given to the Swiss soldiers who have served as bodyguards, ceremonial guards, and palace guards at foreign European courts since the late 15th century. They have had a high reputation for discipline, and loyalty to their employers. Apart from household and guard units, regular Swiss mercenary regiments have served as line troops in various armies; notably those of France, Spain and Naples up to the 19th century. In contemporary usage, the name Swiss Guards generally refers to the Pontifical Swiss Guard of Vatican City.
The history of the Swiss Guards has its origins in the 15th century. Pope Sixtus IV (1471–1484) already made a previous alliance with the Swiss Confederation and built barracks in Via Pellegrino after foreseeing the possibility of recruiting Swiss mercenaries...
During the time of the Borgias, however, the Italian Wars began in which the Swiss mercenaries were a fixture in the front lines among the warring factions, sometimes for France and sometimes for the Holy See or the Holy Roman Empire....
Recruitment and service
Recruits to the guards must be Catholic, single males with Swiss citizenship who have completed basic training with the Swiss military and can obtain certificates of good conduct. Recruits must have a professional degree or high school diploma and must be between 19 and 30 years of age and at least 174 cm (5 ft, 8.5 in) tall....
When his name is called, each new guard approaches the Swiss Guard's flag, grasping the banner in his left hand. He raises his right hand with his thumb, index, and middle finger extended along three axes, a gesture that symbolizes the Holy Trinity, and speaks:
"Ich, [Name des Rekruten], schwöre, alles das, was mir soeben vorgelesen wurde, gewissenhaft und treu zu halten, so wahr mir Gott und seine Heiligen helfen."
"I, [name of the new guard], swear diligently and faithfully to abide by all that has just been read out to me, so grant me God and so help me his Saints."
The term of service is between 2 and 25 years.
Other issues
Swiss Guards in the VaticanAfter the May 13, 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Ağca, a much stronger emphasis has been placed on the Swiss Guards' functional, non-ceremonial roles. This has included enhanced training in unarmed combat and small arms.
On May 4, 1998, the Swiss Guard experienced one of its greatest scandals in over 100 years when the commander of the Guard, Alois Estermann was murdered in unclear circumstances in Vatican City. According to the official Vatican version,[citation needed] Estermann and his wife, Gladys Meza Romero, were killed by the young Swiss Guard Cédric Tornay, who later committed suicide. Estermann had been named commander of the Swiss Guard the same day.
Members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Bronze Door in Vatican City...the same door blessed by John Paul II that would give a Plenary Indulgence to anyone who passed through it during the special Holy Year.
John Paul II was busy with ceremonies at the Vatican that he developed the most callous heart toward children abused by his other army the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army read about them here
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Totus Tuus Marie pathological lie of John Paul II
See this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent but John Paul II gave countless thousands of little boys to the Serpent of Sodomy to be sodomized and raped by his John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army for over 26 years during his glorious papacy as John Paul II the Great
The Danish cartoonist of the prophet Mohammed portrayed John Paul II as the Pope of Pedophilia with the inscription "I am not for homosexuality but for pedophilia".
In this Danish cartoonist image, John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible most powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children"s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man. See more on the Danish cartoonist describing about John Paul II on Danish radio
Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 -- Read John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002
John Paul II in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Rome
The original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico revered by the Opus Dei and beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel who built the Legion of Christ Guadalupe Basilica in Rome where he is now buried see
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
When a Swiss Guard makes an oath, he raises his right hand with his thumb, index, and middle finger extended along three axes, a gesture that symbolizes the Holy Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit. But now there is also a new "Vatican Trinity": Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and St. Josemaria Escriva, the Founder of Opus Dei as this former Swiss Guard will speak about in Boston
John Paul II is the new Vatican Idol, the new Golden Calf of Catholics as they blindly chant "JP2, we love you" inspite of the hsitorical fact that for over a quarter of a century he was the formost leader of the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Yeah, you go Boston! Boston was the first state and pioneer in 2002 to expose the phenomenon of the JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army that led to the $3 billion settlements with victims by Catholic dioceses across the USA. Boston is the home state of Cardinal Bernard Law who is the live proof that John Paul II has an evil Achilles Heel and therefore can never be a “saint”. Boston is also the first and only state to have successfully forced its Archbishop to resign for aiding and abetting 80 pedophile priests and banish him from the face of earth by sending him into permanent exile to never come back to Boston. Kansas should learn from Boston and also force its Bishop Finn to resign and banish him from the face of the earth. No Boston priest sold his soul to the Devil or the Vatican as they got rid of grandiose Cardinal Bernard Law (unlike those coward priests of Los Angeles who did not once raise their voice against Cardinal Mahony who covered-up more than 600 pedophile priests). Unfortunately the fast-track saint John Paul II elevated his live Achilles Heel Cardinal Bernard Law as a “crown prince of Rome” the High Priest of the “mother of all basilicas in Rome” the Santa Maria Magiorre where he now say the Mass in Latin and pray the Rosary everyday but Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century, read it here Sadly from his grave John Paul II continues to deceive people especially children to ‘feel-good’ towards their predators – by asking them to “imitate the saints” like him – an unrealistic, unhealthy and deceitful goal, read our analysis of the prayer and program of Blessed John Paul II misleading Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts here
So Boston is now pioneering again something new, a first, something very original that will reveal the new “Vatican Trinity” – Father Son, and the Holy Ghost - namely John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Opus Dei St. Josemaria Escriva - in that order. Boston will host a seminar given by a former Swiss Guard with the topic, The Pope and the CEO.
When: Thursday November 03, 2011, 7:30 - 8:40 AM.
Where: Putnam Investments, One Post Office Square, 2cnd Floor
Cost: $10 With Contintental Breakfast
See the Swiss Guard's photo and read more details here
God and Mammon = the Pope and the CEO
God and Mammon = the Vatican and Opus Dei…or vice versa
Jesus Christ is proven wrong, very wrong by the new “Vatican Trinity” who says you can indeed serve BOTH God and Mammon.
And their way to serve God is -- to ‘pray, pay and obey’ the Mammon.
Anyone who doubts the existence of the new Vatican Trinity which we (are the first) have been exposing should go and attend to see for themselves how those tall and handsome Swiss Guards are an army of financial elite – the Vatican Mammon Navy Seals! (as you all know, the Navy Seals are the top guns of the CIA) The hundreds of young Swiss Guard are now in the Vatican to cement their roots and pledge absolute allegiance to the Pope-only and then later on they will go on to control the Vatican Bank and its multinational corporations and the Swiss Banks. Switzerland is a neutral country owned and controlled by the smallest country the Vatican and the Swiss Guard Army is their major link and major main finance manpower of CEOs, hundreds of young only-Swiss men…this Vatican secret surpasses Ripley’s Believe it or not!!
The Swiss Guard Army are the financial Navy Seals of the Vatican. Those tall and handsome Swiss Guards are not there as Rome’s tourism actors donning on costumes or for papal theatrics only who will later on return to Switzerland to make Swiss chocolates. No, they are highly educated men who are first and foremost members of the Opus Dei – like the speaker of this Boston seminar. These are laymen who are now celibates for a short period of time so they can receive the CIA style indoctrination by Opus Dei and brainwashed with tactical Opus Dei precisions on how to carry-on their "special missions" in life. They are in the Vatican to learn the covert Vatican world agendas and study St. Josemaria Escriva and John Paul II papal books which were written or commissioned by Opus Dei – which they will preach to the world later on – as this Boston seminar speaker is now doing and these sacred books are like the flute of the Pied Piper that will sweeten and deceive people’s minds and hearts.
Swiss Guards are between 19 and 30 years of age and at least 174 cm (5 ft, 8.5 in) tall, see more history below. When they leave their post as Swiss Guards because they have finished their indoctrination, they will go on to marry Opus Dei women members and produce more children who will follow their footsteps back to the Vatican. These former Swiss Guards will form part of the elite laymen of Opus Dei who will help control the multinational corporations and financial investments of the Vatican especially the SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks.
These Swiss Guards are wizards of finance and international law who are in the Vatican to establish deep their Vatican roots and sealing their absolute and lifetime allegiance to the Pope so that later on they will go on to do “God’s Will” meaning the “Vatican Trinity’s Will” for the political and financial WOLRD DOMINATION of Opus Dei and the sole Rule of St. Josemaria Escriva. For anyone who would like to see the proof of how all these are related, please go and attend this seminar in Boston this on Thursday November 03, 2011, 7:30 - 8:40 AM, read details below.
The irony is while spending their formative years at the Vatican, these Swiss Guards become like their Master the Pope as out-of-touch with reality as they live in the lap of luxury and the ivory tower of the monarch Pope surrounded by gigantic arts and handling mammon wealth beyond imagination, read the Vatican billions here
With their daily Latin Mass and daily Rosary, these Swiss Guards believe that they have secured a permanent place for themselves in the real estate in Heaven as long as they maintain this daily routine of prayer later on in life and as long as they “obey the Pope” through their superiors the Opus Dei priests – to whom they must go to confession alone, they must never go to confession to other priests. That is why the Latin Mass has to come back – because the Opus Dei and their papal Swiss Guard Army must be always special and be “apart” from the common people. Common people couldn’t be bothered with Latin. Besides Latin is not a mother tongue and therefore cannot be the “official language” of the Vatican. Why must the Vatican Bank be above all banks? read our related article here So Latin is a strategy to make Opus Dei members like Hollywood stars and celebrities – always apart and better and at a distance from common people of the world.
That is why Opus Dei needed to have their founder canonized as soon as possible so that they can go around the world indoctrinating people with the sweet feel-good theology writings of “Saint” Josemaria Escriva making people passive followers of the Pied Piper. Sainthood is the peak of the Catholic echelon and Escriva would not have it any other way. Escriva worked his way in Spain amassing peak secular titles to his name, read it here St. Ignatius Loyola denounced all his natural-born royal nobility titles but the peasant-born Josemaria Escriva only sought worldly secular titles for himself.
The Opus Dei and their elite members are holier-than-thou in everything they do. Their founder wanted to create a new Catholic “superior race” just like Hitler wanted the Germans to be the superior race. Opus Dei will use the most deadliest force against their critics just like Job Sobrino was silenced by Cardinal Ratzinger when he criticized the Opus Dei arranged papal tour in El Salvador, read the paragraph below that cost Sobrino his tongue and also here here
DETAILS of the former Swiss Guard Seminar in Boston here
Where: Putnam Investments, One Post Office Square, 2cnd Floor
Cost: $10 With Contintental Breakfast
Read more details below
Top 10 Questions to ask the former Swiss Guard
If you’ll attend the seminar ask these questions.
A must read BEFORE you attend the seminar, the Vatican Billions
INTEGER & Vatican Swiss Banks accounts: Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ secret Vatican wealth
John Paul and his crime syndicate: Part I, Fr. Maciel
OPUS DEI: THE VATICAN-PENTAGON CONNECTION. How Opus Dei controls the USA, the multinational corporations & the Vatican Swiss Banks
Links to our related articles are beside each of the questions to ask.
1. Try to ask questions to the Swiss Guard speaker about the plight of the poor who are victims of the Pope and the CEO of multinational corporations, read how the Opus Dei are controlling despots like in Peru, read Opus Dei Numerary apologist for atrocities committed by military and police in Peru
2. Ask questions about Liberation Theology and Jon Sobrino or about the Jesuit Refugee Service who helps the poor victims of multinational corporations -- and you will notice his automatic subtle fuming anger beneath that hypocritical smile. Read
3. Ask him about Occupy Wall Street and he will either downplay it or ridicule it. Read Occupy the Vatican…like Occupy Wall Street
4. Ask him about the Pope -- Benedict XVI’s crimes against humanity at The Hague, read
5. Ask him about Integer and the 35 billions of the Legion Christ and Cardinal Sodano who helped him deposit it in a Swiss Bank, read articles below. Why is a “Holy” Cardinal helping such Mammon transactions, read Integer
Cardinal Sodano and Vatican Swiss Banks and Fr. Marcial Maciel from the links above
6. Ask him about Opus Dei and Franco and their founder’s letter to the dictator, read
7. Ask him why John Paul II is a Blessed when he did and said nothing for 27 years Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
8. Ask him why they have Mass in Latin when Latin is not a mother tongue and therefore cannot be the “official language” of the Vatican.
9. Ask him why the Vatican is a state when there are no women and children who can reside in there
10. Ask him the detailed steps on how from, being a Swiss Guard – what are their daily routine – how did he become a financial guru and preacher for the Vatican Mammon
* Notice that - he will always manipulate you to be a “pray, pay, obey” the Pope kind of person…
The former Swiss Guard will always be like the Pied Piper sweetly manipulating you to pray, pay, obey the Vatican Trinity of John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei St. Josemaria Escriva
When: Thursday, November 03, 2011 7:30 - 8:45AM
Where: Putnam Investments, One Post Office Square, 2cnd Floor
Cost: $10 With Contintental Breakfast
Contact: or
About the Leadership Forum
The Leadership Forum was established twelve years ago by a group of downtown Boston professionals as a way to encourage men to live unity of life, integrating their faith into their professional, family and social lives.
The Leadership Forum takes its inspiration from documents of the Second Vatican Council, the writings of Pope John Paul II and St. Josemaria Escriva, the Founder of Opus Dei. The Leadership Forum is in its twelth season.
Vatican Trinity and the Temple of Solomon
Vatican Trinity, BE AWARE! The irony is Christ condemned the financial and religious elite of his days, the Pharisees, and he condemned the Temple of Solomon which the Pharisees exclusively controlled and overturned their monetary tables in his feat of anger, the only anger he displayed. Jesus was not impressed with the colourful uniforms of the Pharisees like the black uniform and white collar priests of today and the Pope’s and Cardinal vestments and mitres. Jesus had no desire to preserve the vast wealth of the Temple of Solomon for future generations – like the Vatican hoards art and is the wealthiest institution on earth today. Jesus cursed the Temple where he himself once worshipped his Father, he cursed it and predicted that not one pillar will be standing and had no regrets when the enemies would one day destroy all its arts and diamonds and sapphires and precious stones, read more here
In Mathew 21:12, Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out all the people buying and selling animals for sacrifice. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.'” Think again that the Holy spirit's symbol is the dove, no effect on Jesus at all.
Vatican Trinity, BEWARE! Jesus condemned the wealthy High Priest Pharisees who faithfully prayed just like the Opus Dei also faithfully pray today. The Pharisees prayed, “Lord I thank you that I am not like them… I tithe, I pray regularly each day…” But Christ called these "Holy Rabbi" Pharisees “white-washed tombs
1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. 4 They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.
5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries[a] wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others.
27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Mathew 23
The Third Secret of Fatima condemned the Vatican into rubbles that is why the Popes will not revealed it for fear of a countdown in St. Peter’s Square by the media, see Freak thunderstorm lashed at Benedict XVI & fanatic World Youth Day pilgrims in Madrid, forcing him to cut short his speech VIDEOS, PHOTOS
Note that in his parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus showed the Levite priest too preoccupied with his religious routine that he had no time for the poor and the victim of theft. Opus Dei priests and the Pope are like the Levite priest, read our related article on John Paul II was not a Good Samaritan - to victims of priest pedophilia
One of the biggest proof that Opus Dei are the modern day callous Pharisees is the Opus Dei spokesperson of Blessed John Paul II, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls who said the statistics of pedophile priests and their victims are really insignificant and too small and he compared priest pedophilia to a woman’s bodily part, read it here
Read our related articles on the Swiss Banks
Vatican Swiss Banks $25 billion owned by Legion and Fr. Marcial Maciel who went frequently to Thailand for 7 and 8 year old boys
Opus Dei Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists : Prayer to Saint John Paul II = Opus Dei Pope #1.... Benedict XVI is Opus Dei Pope #2
The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels
The Devil’s bowels smell like roses in the Vatican
The Opus Dei fabricates “The Age of Benedict XVI” in Rome... Belgian Police raid Archbishop’s Palace and Catholic Headquarters in Brussels
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
JP2 Army victims around the world
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland
The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism
Ireland condemns Vatican secrecy on Cloyne Diocese pedophile priests. Ireland vis-à-vis USA: the way they deal with crimes by the Vatican
Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome
The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more here
Read our related article The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell
John Paul II the "Rosary Pope" used the Rosary to cover-up and FEEL-GOOD about his own JP2 Army crimes
Jon Sobrino says John Paul II used poor as his photo props
Below is an excerpt from Jon Sobrino's book that speaks of John Paul II's un-realistic papal attitudes and ignorant perception towards the poor. These are the paragraphs that made Benedict XVI issued the "Notification" and the Opus Dei Bishop of El Salvador "silence" Sobrino, meaning he can no longer teach or preach and help the poor to whom he has given all his life in service.
Witnesses to the Kingdom: The Martyrs of El Salvador and the Crucified Peoples
Page 141. Important ecclesial events, like a papal visit, are often organized in such a way that they too produce a feeling of unreality. In the Pope’s 1996 visit to El Salvador, it is true that most of the people who attended were poor. But all one could see of their reality was their religious enthusiasm, more or less effectively organized. One didn’t see their poverty, their fears, their discouragement and helplessness, not even their true faith and hope; one didn’t see their reality. As the event was organized, the poor served more as a backdrop than as the reality of the country; in the foreground were minorities that do not represent the reality: the government, legislators and politicians, the rich and powerful, and the Church beside them. The Pope’s visit neither reflected reality nor, to judge from the consequences, had any important effect on it.
On page 140. This applies to the allocutions and homilies of the Pope to the Congregation when he was an "adult-pope’. And that is still a serious problem: humanistas without sarx, factuality without reality (in the world of the poor). To give a few examples: one often gets a feeling of unreality from homilies, documents and messages that do not make central - although they may mention it - the poverty of reality, the injustice and corruption that cause it, and the cover-up that accompanies it. The feeling of unreality comes especially from the lack of commitment to get involved in the conflict, to struggle against injustice and to suffer the consequences. Words, words, words, as J. Comblin calls such messages in the article mentioned above. At another level, one gets the same feeling of unreality from a seminary formation that protects the seminarian from reality; or from the spiritualities and pastoral practices promoted or tolerated by movements that lead the human being into an a-historical transcendence with infantilizing consequences. (From Martyrs of El Salvador. By Jon Sobrino)
On the Lot: MR. John Paul II and MRS. Josemaria OD
Swiss Guards or Schweizergarde is the name given to the Swiss soldiers who have served as bodyguards, ceremonial guards, and palace guards at foreign European courts since the late 15th century. They have had a high reputation for discipline, and loyalty to their employers. Apart from household and guard units, regular Swiss mercenary regiments have served as line troops in various armies; notably those of France, Spain and Naples up to the 19th century. In contemporary usage, the name Swiss Guards generally refers to the Pontifical Swiss Guard of Vatican City.
The history of the Swiss Guards has its origins in the 15th century. Pope Sixtus IV (1471–1484) already made a previous alliance with the Swiss Confederation and built barracks in Via Pellegrino after foreseeing the possibility of recruiting Swiss mercenaries...
During the time of the Borgias, however, the Italian Wars began in which the Swiss mercenaries were a fixture in the front lines among the warring factions, sometimes for France and sometimes for the Holy See or the Holy Roman Empire....
Recruitment and service
Recruits to the guards must be Catholic, single males with Swiss citizenship who have completed basic training with the Swiss military and can obtain certificates of good conduct. Recruits must have a professional degree or high school diploma and must be between 19 and 30 years of age and at least 174 cm (5 ft, 8.5 in) tall....
When his name is called, each new guard approaches the Swiss Guard's flag, grasping the banner in his left hand. He raises his right hand with his thumb, index, and middle finger extended along three axes, a gesture that symbolizes the Holy Trinity, and speaks:
"Ich, [Name des Rekruten], schwöre, alles das, was mir soeben vorgelesen wurde, gewissenhaft und treu zu halten, so wahr mir Gott und seine Heiligen helfen."
"I, [name of the new guard], swear diligently and faithfully to abide by all that has just been read out to me, so grant me God and so help me his Saints."
The term of service is between 2 and 25 years.
Other issues
Swiss Guards in the VaticanAfter the May 13, 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Ağca, a much stronger emphasis has been placed on the Swiss Guards' functional, non-ceremonial roles. This has included enhanced training in unarmed combat and small arms.
On May 4, 1998, the Swiss Guard experienced one of its greatest scandals in over 100 years when the commander of the Guard, Alois Estermann was murdered in unclear circumstances in Vatican City. According to the official Vatican version,[citation needed] Estermann and his wife, Gladys Meza Romero, were killed by the young Swiss Guard Cédric Tornay, who later committed suicide. Estermann had been named commander of the Swiss Guard the same day.
Members of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Bronze Door in Vatican City...the same door blessed by John Paul II that would give a Plenary Indulgence to anyone who passed through it during the special Holy Year.
John Paul II was busy with ceremonies at the Vatican that he developed the most callous heart toward children abused by his other army the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army read about them here
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Totus Tuus Marie pathological lie of John Paul II
See this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent but John Paul II gave countless thousands of little boys to the Serpent of Sodomy to be sodomized and raped by his John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army for over 26 years during his glorious papacy as John Paul II the Great
The Danish cartoonist of the prophet Mohammed portrayed John Paul II as the Pope of Pedophilia with the inscription "I am not for homosexuality but for pedophilia".
In this Danish cartoonist image, John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible most powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children"s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man. See more on the Danish cartoonist describing about John Paul II on Danish radio
Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 -- Read John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002
John Paul II in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Rome
The original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico revered by the Opus Dei and beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel who built the Legion of Christ Guadalupe Basilica in Rome where he is now buried see
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church