John Allen’s title may sound a little bit sour
“Phase 2 of the Pope Francis era: The
honeymoon is over” – but actually it’s sweet-and-sour (like a popular food
flavor) because he is actually defending Pope Francis and the recent Synod of
Bishop – via Philadelphia’s
Archbishop Charles Chaput – who will be hosting the World
Synod of Bishop next year in Philadelphia and Pope Francis’ 2015 visit to the
USA. John Allen’s articles are to
prepare and brainwash idiot American Catholics to book their plane tickets and
hotels to go and attend the Eucharist sorcery of Pope Francis in Philadelphia
and in the east coast and donate millions of dollars to the Vatican Mammon
Beast (aka Opus Dei Beast).
Vatican and Bible blame the Devil
Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood

What Einstein said that, “The difference between
stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits” applies precisely to 1.2
billion Catholics. The stupidity of
idiot Catholics – especially stupid American Catholics – has no limits. 1.2 billion Catholics refuse to see that Pope
Francis and priests have no wombs – and therefore by natural law and divine law
they cannot reproduce babies – and their mouths (and words) cannot reproduce
the flesh-and-blood of Christ. 1.2
billion Catholics refuse to see that their donations of millions of dollars
goes to feed the voracious Vatican Mammon Beast that is controlled and
inherited by only a few oligarchs childless GAYS misogynists cardinals, bishops
and popes in the fake country of the Vatican.

What Einstein says, “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits” – applies to Opus Dei Beast’s most renowned Vatican Pied Piper John Allen’s genius that has its limits because we can point out his devilish deceptions. But idiot Catholics’ stupidity is limitless – thanks to the Jesuit mercenaries who have brainwashed them in all countries for over half a millennium, read more about the Jesuits’ control of the most powerful and wealthiest Catholic group on the planet, the secret society of the Order of Malta, here
Since the American election will take place in a few days, here are our
related articles for idiot Catholics’ comatose conscience to read:
Pope Francis met Joel
Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in
Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics,
beware of Jeb Bush
Pope Francis buys souls
of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential
election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush
is the curse of America
Why is Pope Francis
silent on ISIS if he had media votes for Nobel Peace Prize? Is ISIS created by
USA & NATO to control Middle East oil?
John Allen’s article.
John Allen’s paragraphs are in italics. Our rebuttals are below each paragraph.
Foremost Vatican Pied Piper SOB ‘Same Old Bloke’
John Allen is at it again brainwashing and deceiving the 1.2 billion idiot
Catholics – especially idiot American Catholics – on what they must believe to
be stupid slaves of the Vatican Mammon Beast aka Opus Dei Beast.
Read our related article: Boston College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux - the new Cult of Pope
Francis. A rebuttal to “Cardinal O’Malley at Crux” by priest, Mr. Dwight
POLICE in Dominican Republic
‘Spotlight’ movie is Opus
Dei Beast PR stunt propaganda for the Vatican & publicity for Boston Globe
Catholic website - to salvage Vatican Titanic
By John L. Allen Jr.
Associate editor October 28, 2014
Associate editor October 28, 2014
Read our article: John Allen–New Kid on the
Block is Same Old Bloke –ancient as Satanas St. John Paul II & Octopus Dei
Beast PR Deceits Team. SOB
Vatican Circus in South
Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but
Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth
A kerfuffle broke out last week
over a lecture given by Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput and sponsored
by First Things magazine,
generally considered the smartest journal of conservative Catholic opinion in
First Things magazine – is one of the oldest Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits
Team tentacles in the USA. So Vatican
Pied Piper John Allen is praising another Octopus Dei Beast PR First
Things. Media tentacles of Opus Dei
Beast praise and kiss each other’s ass.
In itself it may not loom
especially large, but it’s illustrative of something broader. We are entering
Phase Two of Francis’ papacy, in which a period of good feelings has given way to an era of edge.
“An era of edge” – is a Vatican false romantic
way of stating it. REBUTTAL -- Read our articles
Nobel Peace Prize did not sell its soul to Vatican Mammon Beast and did not buy Opus Dei Beast PR media campaign for Pope Francis to win
In his first phase era, Pope Francis was all over the magazine cover on
the planet –Time Magazine, Rolling Stone and all media outlets of the Murdoch
media empire that couldn’t published enough his face worldwide, read our
article on Time Magazine cover
Thank God, the Nobel committee members refused to sell their souls for
millions of dollars in secret Vatican Swiss Banks set up already in their
personal accounts – if only to award to Pope Francis the most prestigious award
on the planet.
St. Michael the Archangel prodded us strongly on his feast day to write the
following articles:
set Christ free from Eucharist Satanic Mass. Set all nations free from Vatican
Concordats. End Vatican as “country”. End VA Swiss Banks
secrecy. Read more
Jesus Christ is liberated
from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off,
converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
Two-faced Pope Francis:
Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his
inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
That was September 29, 2014, and the Nobel Peace Prize announced the
winners on October 10, that’s 11 days later.
In hindsight, St. Michael inspired and impelled us during the height of
debates and deliberations within the Nobel Committee on who should be the most deserving
recipients of this year. St. Michael was
also battling the Opus Dei Beast lobbyists who were busy bribing the judges
with millions of dollars set up in secret Vatican Swiss Banks.
And the Opus Dei Beast media empire was in cahoots with Murdoch media
empire who were also rousing public opinion that Pope Francis is the number one
people’s choice awardee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Read our related articles:
GOD FORBID NOBEL PEACE PRIZE goes to Pope Francis the biggest thief in mankind’s history and worst pathological liar-Jesuit actor of mass deception
Nobel Peace Prize did not sell its soul to Vatican Mammon Beast and did not buy Opus Dei Beast PR media campaign for Pope Francis to win
Before moving on, a caveat: This analysis
largely applies to the West. People in, say, Ukraine or Nigeria or the Philippines – all with
large Catholic populations – aren’t necessarily having the same conversation.
John Paul smelled Devil`s Bowels as roses for 27 years as he deified Father Marcial Maciel and deified Cardinal Bernard Law
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses were written because he was closest to the
Vatican and he could see first-hand the Vatican Mammon Beast in action as
Vatican prelates traveled all over Europe selling papal indulgences to build
St. Peter’s Basilica.
American IMPERIALISM in Philippines:U.S.TROOPS OUT NOW!!! AQUINO IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. Independence Day history. Shocking Amount of Wealth and Power Held by 0.001% of the World Population
about the Philippines Catholic Church book Altar of Secrets
Though Chaput’s speech was not on
the 2014 Synod of Bishops in Rome, he took a question about it from the
audience. Stressing that he hadn’t been there and wanted to talk to bishops who
had before reaching conclusions, Chaput nevertheless said that the “public image” of the event had
created confusion, and that “confusion
is of the Devil.”
Since time immemorial, the Vatican and the Strategy of the Opus Dei
Beast PR Deceits Team – is always to “Blame it all on the Devil”
What the Vatican and Opus Dei want are “Amen” “Yes-Father” 1.2 Billion idiot Catholics – who are idiot and stupid Catholics who take in – without critical
thinking and question what the oligarch gay hypocritical Bishops “Princes of
Church” and their Holy Father Pope Francis say from their Vatican Thrones – to
simply OBEY the Opus Dei beast PR Deceits Team pathological lies which they
concoct daily from the luxury of the Vatican billions throne.
We don’t go into John Allen’s website because soon
as we see his article in Abuse Tracker, the Devil and his demons are already
dancing on his misleading title and first
paragraphs where he brainwash immediately idiot Catholics. But St. Michael the Archangel inspires and
impels us to rebuttal his article because Abuse Tracker cites enough paragraphs
of John Allen’s deceptive words.

The Vatican and governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking
Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of
mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and
other pedophile Polish priests to justice
John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to
save and protect them for 27 years
Stupid Catholic Women. Legion of Christ. Opus
Dei. Pope Francis Hypocrisies
Vatican assets in the United
States of America
The Catholic Church in the United
States, with “assets of more than $100
billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General
Motors, and U.S. Steel.”
- stock it controls
on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property,
gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50
billion to $60 billion
- There is no
accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done
in complete secrecy
- The
hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic laypersons
- The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see
list below
Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only
multiplied – exponentially –through the decades since that book was written.
Read the VATICAN

Read Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics
to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1%
wealthiest on earth
Cardinal Burke's "demoted" to Malta is Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of Day as hypocrite ploy to cover-up Burke’s hands-on management of the Vatican Billions
REBUTTAL to Mark Peterson “Is the story of the Catholic Church distorted?” Reply - No, it isn’t distorted; it’s just disintegrating
Why is Pope Francis silent on ISIS if he had media votes for Nobel Peace Prize? Is ISIS created by USA & NATO to control Middle East oil?
St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$ millions of dollars of wax while 30,000 homeless people starve in the cold streets of Montreal
Bishops ‘drama’ & pretence debate over gays in tiny rich Vatican ‘country’ while West Africa, USA, Canada fight against Ebola. Hypocrite Gay Bishops!
Rules ? Pope Francis Faces ‘Old Power/New Sex’ Crises and a Solution
UNITED STATESChristian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
The sexual and democratic revolutions are steadily advancing over the Vatican’s barricades. In response, Pope Francis so far has created a “holy mess” with his two-step, top down and coercive Synod strategy. It appears evident, after the first Synod step recently, that (1) there are at present no attainable satisfactory solutions, even in sight, to the sexual and structural challenges under review, and (2) a couple of hundred celibate “sons of the Church” in medieval costumes, as the only voting participants, cannot possibly find and agree on real solutions merely by means of a media “staged” Synod.
Many Catholics worldwide are now very confused by this “mess”. Who now decides for Catholics what is “sinful” and how “sinners” are to be treated in this life by the Catholic Church? The Pope? The Ex-Pope? A Synod of Bishops? The “People of God” (all Catholics collectively)? The conscience of of each purported “sinner”? What if some of them disagree? Why have a Synod then? Who is now the final word? Are any of them really “infallible”? Will it really matter much to over a billion Catholics? Pope Francis must step up now, no?
Pope Francis showed, as a younger Jesuit leader at risk, in his dealings with a murderous military in Argentina, that he can act decisively under pressure. He has enough power now, but must apply it to a papal management process that has a real chance of succeeding. Another Synod, without more, cannot possibly succeed, as I endeavor to explain below.
If Francis does not adjust his management process now, I can only then infer he is merely going through some public relations motions in all likelihood. I outline below how he can efficaciously and readily adjust his process, if he is serious about needed reforms and a solution. If he is not serious, outside governments will likely continue to press to reform the Vatican’s sexual morality and organizational structural flaws soon enough, as they already have begun to do in the financial corruption area.
Several competing factions among the Catholic hierarchy appear to be already pressing now ever harder for adoption, at the second Synod step next October, of even more inconsistent and inadequate positions on Church “sexual morality doctrines” and on Church structural reforms.
Pope Francis’ almost desperate attempt at the initial Synod: (1) to “cherrypick” the agenda issues and the bishop participants, (2) to try to control the Synod managers and Synod report draftsmen, and (3) to spin the media with arcane “graduality” and similar discussions and “natural family planning” cheerleaders, has failed completely.
Meanwhile, the unrelenting tsunami of sexual and financial scandals and government investigations and prosecutions is steadily swamping the Vatican in digital filth. Also, Francis’ political and biological clocks are seemingly running out, as the Vatican almost blindly seeks to avoid escalating outside government pressure on Pope Francis, (1) to share power, as the earliest popes did for centuries, with the other 99.9% of the Catholic “People of God” not participating at the Synods, and (2) to make the hierarchy transparently accountable to these Catholics generally, and to the rule of law honestly.
Who Rules ? Pope Francis Faces ‘Old Power/New Sex’ Crises
UNITED STATESChristian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
Two significant recent UK developments have just come to my attention that bears considerably on “who rules”. Please note that no less than Pope Francis’ main UK competitor, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, whom the Vatican does not “rule”, has just been reported as having had the courage to call, in effect, as evil, the priest child abuse cover-up, etc., instead of trying so far mainly to just bury it in a “go slow” captive advisory abuse commission, as Pope Francis appears to have done, no?
Canterbury also has, so far, an 84 year “jump” on Rome on approving of contraception. Same New Testament, but different “reads”, apparently. No big deal for celibate Catholic bishops, unlike Archbishop Welby, who is married and has fathered six children. He understands the precious value of each child. See:
[Sunday Mail]
And please also note that an influential Oxford University journalism professor, John Lloyd, has captured the “Synod moment” well at Reuters recently. Lloyd is Director of Journalism at Oxford’s prestigious Reuters Institute, where coincidentally Pope Francis’s new media adviser, Lord Patten, is on the Advisory Board.
Lloyd stated so perceptively and succinctly, in pertinent part, as follows: “This month, Pope Francis had to come clean. Time’s Man of the Year for 2013 {‘s}… honeymoon as the Amiable Argentinian is over.”
Lloyd added: “… the largest problem for the Church is twofold: first, as it recognizes, many Catholics in the West simply ignore the more severe teachings, or where they are applied, prefer to leave the church than submit.”
“Second, and more seriously, the modern eye, and the eye of most media see in the synod a gathering of ageing men with no experience of active sexuality (presumably) or marriage, attempting to enforce prohibitions on those who have, and who have developed ways of integrating these troublesome matters into their lives. At the same time, these ageing men did — and still do — have a serious sex scandal within their ranks – one which they have, in the main, dealt with badly. …” See:
And yet the sexual and democratic revolutions, that swept the UK a long time ago, are still steadily advancing over the Vatican’s barricades. In response, Pope Francis, so far in a reactionary mode, has created a “holy mess” with his two-step, top down and coercive Synod strategy. It appears evident, after the first Synod step recently, that (1) there are at present no attainable satisfactory solutions, even in sight, to the sexual and structural challenges under review, and (2) a couple of hundred celibate “sons of the Church” in medieval costumes, as the only voting participants, cannot possibly find and agree on real solutions merely by means of a media “staged” Synod.
is accused of violent sex abuse
MALTATimes of Malta
Sunday, October 26, 2014
by Matthew Xuereb
A 54-year-old priest from Rabat is due in court to face charges of violent sexual abuse against a mentally unstable patient.
He is also being accused of holding the woman against her will and committing indecent acts in public.
The incidents are alleged to have taken place at various locations over a period of years. The woman, in her 40s, was receiving treatment following a suicide attempt at the time the sexual assaults allegedly took place.
The police are also investigating claims of sexual abuse against the priest made by other women.
McCarthy Publishes a Paean to NCR ...
William D. Lindsey
Colman McCarthy Publishes a Paean to NCR As Vehicle of Free Speech, and I Think of Jerry Slevin's Censorship: "The Upstart NCR Was Itself An Effort at Free Speech"
Today, National Catholic Reporter has published a powerful statement by Colman McCarthy noting that, in its very inception some 50 years ago,
At its core, the upstart NCR was itself an effort at free speech -- against the controlled speech found in the pages of diocesan newspapers overseen by local prelates and assorted ecclesiastics who had little understanding, much less regard, for independent journalism.
McCarthy says that the free speech he has most cherished in NCR's pages has been the letters to the editor, which "create a forum for diversity that can't fail to energize readers to take their antiphonal turn," and which allow those contributing to this forum to see themselves "as valued members of a team where if we don't always see eye to eye we can always speak heart to heart."
As I read Colman McCarthy's paean to NCR's dedication to free speech, how can I possibly avoid thinking (as Alexandra does as well in a comment she has just left in response to the article) of NCR's choice some weeks ago to ban Jerry Slevin from commenting (and here, here, here, here, and here) in its discussion forum? As Alexandra's comment notes, while Jerry Slevin reports that he found himself inexplicably shut out from leaving any comments at all at the NCR site — with no explanation on the part of NCR until he and others made a fuss about this — NCR has continued to permit some posters whose comments are repeatedly flagged by others as abusive attacks to keep on commenting at the NCR site.
The disparity between the treatment some people posting at NCR receive, and the treatment handed out to Jerry Slevin and others, is deeply troubling. As I've repeatedly noted, the system of censorship at the NCR site is simply not transparent, and there is very little accountability about it to the NCR constituency. How censorship appears to be taking place in the NCR comboxes undercuts NCR's claim to make a valuable contribution to American Catholic discourse by offering an alternative to the "controlled speech fround in the pages of diocsean newspapers."

Read this most enlightening statement from ILPS about ISIS that is in reality created and trained by the USA and NATO. (Ripley’s Believe It or Not is zilch compared to this statement!) Excerpts:
--- The ILPS condemns the super-terrorist US for creating the ISIS monster
--- We condemn Turkey for collaborating with the US in creating, arming and coddling this horde of terrorists.
--- ISIS is part of US over-all scheme to remake the Middle-East against countries …Libya and Syria that have dared to assert their national sovereignty against imperialist plunder and war
--- ISIS terrorists have been trained by US Special Forces in secret NATO bases inside Turkey and Jordan
--- The US is remaking the Middle-East in order to consolidate its hegemony in this oil-rich region
--- The US has pretended to adopt a policy of opposing ISIS and carrying out bombing raids against ISIS. In fact, the US is still thereby using the ISIS as the pretext to violate the national sovereignty of Syria
--- The US war planes are actually bombing food granaries and buildings in Syria which are away from ISIS positions. (Read full statement with highlights below)
American Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush and Republicans who are obsessed with oil hegemony greed - in the coming elections! Please ignore their campaign against abortion and contraception because the Catholic Church through Pope Francis has consolidated their religious power base with Republican televangelists – to suppress women’s access to abortion and contraceptive. BEWARE of the Republicans – they will deceive Americans and the world – they serve only the Republican oil hegemony which propelled the George W. Bush Iraq war that killed thousands of young soldiers and maimed even thousands more. The Bush family is the curse of America because they stand for imperialist plunder of oil by means of war.
Read our related articles: Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush
Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America

A picture paints a thousand words and this image shows the gigantic pope holding the swastika cross with his right hand and below are two small puppets, a banker with an attaché case overflowing with cash and a soldier with a machine gun. The message of this cartoon is that Pope Francis controls Wall Street and wars because the Vatican owns the secret Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard despots’ and imperialists’ loots. Therefore Pope Francis has something to do with ISIS - which was created by the USA and trained in secret NATO – for the purpose of toppling down countries in such countries as Libya and Syria that have dared to assert their national sovereignty against imperialist plunder of oil.

Office of the Chairperson
International League of Peoples' Struggle
Postbus 475
3500AL Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 30 8895306
Fax: +31 30 2322989
International League of Peoples' Struggle
Postbus 475
3500AL Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 30 8895306
Fax: +31 30 2322989
Support the Kurdish people's resistance against ISIS, Condemn US and Turkey for creating and using ISIS
Chairperson, International League of Peoples' Struggle
14 October 2014
We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), salute the heroic resistance of the Kurdish people and their army in Rojava, the YPG/YPJ – People’s Protection Units – against the criminal gangs of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) in Kobane, one of the self-governing cantons of West Kurdistan (Rojava) in Syria.
We call on all the more than 300 ILPS member-organizations in 38 countries around the globe to take initiative and express their solidarity and support to the Kurdish people's resistance in Kobane and the whole of Rojava, or join the demonstrations being organized by the Kurdish liberation movement in different parts of the world.
The ILPS condemns the super-terrorist US for creating the ISIS monster that has rampaged through parts of Syria and Iraq, committing hideous crimes against the people in areas that they have overrun. We condemn Turkey for collaborating with the US in creating, arming and coddling this horde of terrorists.
ISIS and similar extremist Islamist terrorist groups like the Al Qaeda and Al-Nustra have been created by the US as part of its over-all scheme to remake the Middle-East, by carrying out regime change in such countries as Libya and Syria that have dared to assert their national sovereignty against imperialist plunder and war. For its part, the Turkish government is using ISIS to attack the Kurdish liberation struggle led by the PKK.
ISIS terrorists have been trained by US Special Forces in secret NATO bases inside Turkey and Jordan. For the last year and a half, the US has been developing what the world has now come to know as ISIS. Turkey has allowed safe passage through its borders of jihadists from different parts of the world to join ISIS, and has facilitated the transport of wounded ISIS terrorists to be treated in hospitals in the Turkish province of Urfa and other cities in Turkey.
The US is remaking the Middle-East in order to consolidate its hegemony in this oil-rich region. It is using the ISIS in the same manner as it has used Neo-Nazi gangs in the Ukraine to stir up trouble and force regime change, toppling the duly-elected president, and replacing him with a pro-Western president and a fascist military junta as part of US-NATO strategy to encircle and pressure Russia.
In the wake of the hideous crimes of the ISIS, including the massacre of Shiites and Christians, and the beheading of Western journalists, the US has pretended to adopt a policy of opposing ISIS and carrying out bombing raids against ISIS. In fact, the US is still thereby using the ISIS as the pretext to violate the national sovereignty of Syria.
The US war planes are actually bombing food granaries and buildings in Syria which are away from ISIS positions. They are now in a position to attack the forces of the Syrian government. Turkey has also exposed its real dirty agenda to attack the Kurdish liberation struggle by bombing PKK forces in Oramar (Daglica) near the border with Iraq, relieving ISIS from the successful counter-attacks of the Kurdish fighters and allowing the ISIS to block humanitarian aid from Iraqi Kurdistan.
The Kurdish resistance forces in Kobane have said that they can defeat the ISIS without any need for foreign intervention such as that falsely offered by the US and Turkey. All they need from Iraqi Kurdistan are sufficient weapons and ammunition against the tanks and vehicles mounted with big guns of the ISIS terrorists.
The terrible crimes being perpetrated by the ISIS and the support given them by the US and Turkey have aroused the anger of freedom-loving people throughout the world. At the same time, the heroic resistance of the YPG/YPJ – the People’s Protection Units – composed of Kurdish men and women, has inspired the people of the world to rally in support of the Kurdish liberation struggle.
The acknowledged leader of the Kurdish liberation struggle, Abdullah Ocalan, has called on the entire Kurdish nation to mobilize in support of the resistance in Kobane. Kurds throughout the world have responded by organizing demonstrations in many countries calling for international support.
We must show our solidarity to the Kurdish people in their hour of need and give them all-out support until victory.
We must show our solidarity to the Kurdish people in their hour of need and give them all-out support until victory.
U.S. is Responsible for the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: Liberian Scientist
Global Research, October 17, 2014
A History of Guatemala’s Syphilis Experiment: How a U.S. Led Team Performed Human Experimentations in Central America
Dr. Cyril Broderick, A Liberian scientist and a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry says the West, particularly the U.S. is responsible for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Dr. Broderick claims the following in an exclusive article published in the Daily Observer based in Monrovia, Liberia. He wrote the following:

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March.
Is it possible that the United States Department of Defense (DOD) and other Western countries are directly responsible for infecting Africans with the Ebola virus? Dr. Broderick claims that the U.S. government has a research laboratory located in a town called Kenema in Sierra Leone that studies what he calls “viral fever bioterrorism”, It is also the town where he acknowledges that is the “epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.” Is it a fact? Is Dr. Broderick a conspiracy theorist? He says that “there is urgent need for affirmative action in protecting the less affluent of poorer countries, especially African citizens, whose countries are not as scientifically and industrially endowed as the United States and most Western countries, sources of most viral or bacterial GMOs that are strategically designed as biological weapons.” He also asks an important question when he says “It is most disturbing that the U. S. Government has been operating a viral hemorrhagic fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Sierra Leone. Are there others?”
Well, Mr. Broderick’s claims seem to be true. After all, the U.S. government has been experimenting with deadly diseases on human beings for a long time, history tells us so. One example is Guatemala. Between 1946 and 1948, the United States government under President Harry S. Truman in collaboration with Guatemalan President Juan José Arévalo and his health officials deliberately infected more than 1500 soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and even mental patients with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chancroid (a bacterial sexual infection) out of more than 5500 Guatemalan people who participated in the experiments. The worst part of it is that none of the test subjects infected with the diseases ever gave informed consent. The Boston Globe published the discovery made by Medical historian and professor at Wellesley College, Susan M. Reverby in 2010 called ‘Wellesley professor unearths a horror: Syphilis experiments in Guatemala.’ It stated how she came across her discovery:
Picking through musty files in a Pennsylvania archive, a Wellesley College professor made a heart-stopping discovery: US government scientists in the 1940s deliberately infected hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis and gonorrhea in experiments conducted without the subjects’ permission. Medical historian Susan M. Reverby happened upon the documents four or five years ago while researching the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study and later shared her findings with US government officials.The unethical research was not publicly disclosed until yesterday, when President Obama and two Cabinet secretaries apologized to Guatemala’s government and people and pledged to never repeat the mistakes of the past — an era when it was not uncommon for doctors to experiment on patients without their consent.
After Reverby’s discovery, the Obama administration apparently gave an apology to then-President Alvaro Colom according to the Boston Globe:
Yesterday, Obama called President Álvaro Colom Caballeros of Guatemala to apologize, and Obama’s spokesman told reporters the experiment was “tragic, and the United States by all means apologizes to all those who were impacted by this.Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had called Colom Thursday night to break the news to him. In her conversation with the Guatemalan president, Clinton expressed “her personal outrage and deep regret that such reprehensible research could occur,’’ said Arturo Valenzuela, assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs.

The Commission said some 5,500 Guatemalans were involved in all the research that took place between 1946 and 1948. Of these, some 1,300 were deliberately infected with syphilis, gonorrhoea or another sexually transmitted disease, chancroid. And of that group only about 700 received some sort of treatment. According to documents the commission had studied, at least 83 of the 5,500 subjects had died by the end of 1953.
Washington’s reaction to the report is a farce. The apology made to Guatemala’s government was for the sake of public relations. Washington knows about its human experimentations in the past with deadly diseases conducted by government-funded laboratories that are known to be harmful to the public. The U.S. government is guilty in conducting numerous medical experiments on people not only in Guatemala but in other countries and on its own territory. As the Boston Globe report mentioned, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study occurred between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the “natural progression” of untreated syphilis in the African American population. The U.S. Public Health Service and the Tuskegee Institute collaborated in 1932 and enrolled 600 poor sharecroppers from Macon County, Alabama to study the syphilis infection. However, it was documented that at least 400 of those had the disease (they were never informed that they actually had syphilis) while the remaining 200 did not. They received free medical care, food and even free burial insurance for participating in the study. Documents revealed that they were told that they had “bad blood” which meant that they had various medical conditions besides syphilis. The Tuskegee scientists continued to study the participants without treating their illnesses and they also withheld much-needed information from the participants about penicillin, which proved to be effective in treating Syphilis and other venereal diseases. The test subjects were under the impression that they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government while they were deliberately being lied to by the same administrators who were conducting the tests. Washington is fully aware of its human experimentations with deadly diseases. The government of Guatemala also knew about the Syphilis experiments according to the Boston Globe:
A representative of the Guatemalan government said his nation will investigate, too — looking in part at the culpability of officials in that country. The records of the experiment suggest that Guatemalan government officials were fully aware of the tests, sanctioned them, and may have done so in exchange for stockpiles of penicillin.
However, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services published the study ‘Fact Sheet on the 1946-1948 U.S. Public Health Service Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Inoculation Study’ and was forced to admit what happened in Guatemala during the syphilis experiments:
While conducting historical research on the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis, Professor Susan Reverby of Wellesley College recently discovered the archived papers of the late Dr. John Cutler, a U.S. Public Health Service medical officer and a Tuskegee investigator. The papers described another unethical study supported by the U.S. government in which highly vulnerable populations in Guatemala were intentionally infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The study, conducted between 1946 and 1948, was done with the knowledge of Dr. Cutler’s superiors and was funded by a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (which became the Pan American Health Organization) to several Guatemalan government ministries. The study had never been published.
The U.S. government admitted to its wrongdoing, 62 years too late. What Dr. Broderick wrote is not conspiratorial in any sense. The U.S. government has been involved in bioterrorism; Guatemala is a case in point. Dr. Broderick summarized what average people can do to prevent governments, especially those from the West from creating and exposing populations from diseases they experiment with in laboratories:
The challenge is global, and we request assistance from everywhere, including China, Japan, Australia, India, Germany, Italy, and even kind-hearted people in the U.S., France, the U.K., Russia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and anywhere else whose desire is to help. The situation is bleaker than we on the outside can imagine, and we must provide assistance however we can. To ensure a future that has less of this kind of drama, it is important that we now demand that our leaders and governments be honest, transparent, fair, and productively engaged. They must answer to the people. Please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.
After Guatemala’s ordeal with the U.S. government who deliberately infected people with syphilis, West African nations should be extremely skeptical about the U.S. government’s actions combating Ebola. Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois, College of Law questions the Obama administration’s actions in West Africa. RIA Novosti recently interviewed Boyle and he said the following:
US government agencies have a long history of carrying out allegedly defensive biological warfare research at labs in Liberia and Sierra Leone. This includes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is now the point agency for managing the Ebola spill-over into the US,” Prof. Francis Boyle said.Why has the Obama administration dispatched troops to Liberia when they have no training to provide medical treatment to dying Africans? How did Zaire/Ebola get to West Africa from about 3,500km away from where it was first identified in 1976?”
That’s a good question for Washington, but would the public get any answers? Not anytime soon, since it took more than 62 years for the Guatemala syphilis experiments to be exposed to the public, not by the US government, by a medical historian.
Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
Stupid Catholic Women. Legion of Christ. Opus Dei. Pope Francis Hypocrisies
Vatican assets in the United States of America
The Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”
- stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion
- There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in complete secrecy
- The hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic laypersons
- The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see list below
Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only multiplied – exponentially –through the decades since that book was written.
Read the VATICAN

Read Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth
Pervert priests who posed nude for gay websites...
ITALYDaily Mail (UK)
Pervert priests who posed nude for gay websites, sexually harassed parishioners and stealing Communion cash in Italy are set to be investigated by the Pope
Pope Francis has ordered a secret sex inquiry into an Italian bishop who has presided over a diocese of 'playboy priests', it has been reported.
An independent investigator has been called in to the Albenga-Imperia diocese in northern Italy, which has been rocked by scandal after scandal.
Priests have variously been caught naked pictures of themselves on Facebook, having affairs with parishioners and moonlighting as barmen.
Others, more seriously, have been investigated or convicted for child abuse.
Pope Francis has sent an apostolic visitor to assess the capability of Bishop Mario Oliveri, who has been in charge for 25 years.
The decision follows a primary investigation by a papal Nuncio sent in after Francis was warned about the wayward diocese, La Repubblica reported.
The bishop is accused of having welcomed aspiring priests into the seminary without discernment, including former models, reality stars, priests with tattoos, bodybuilders and trainees who had been expelled from the seminary, generated a body of 'weak' priests, the newspaper reported.
Pope Francis launches probe into ‘priests who posed naked online and got tattoos’
ITALYIrish Independent
Pope Francis has launched an investigation into a Catholic diocese in Italy where priests have posted naked photos of themselves on gay websites, stolen money from church coffers and sexually harassed parishioners, according to Italian media.
The Pope has despatched a special envoy to the Albenga-Imperia diocese, in northern Italy, which has hosted a string of “playboy priests” moon-lighting as barmen, stealing parish funds and getting tattooed.
Led by Bishop Mario Oliveri (70), Albenga-Imperia has been described as “most gossiped about diocese in Italy”. While the bishop is not accused of any wrong-doing himself, the recruitment standards have been strongly criticised - with priests with very chequered pasts appearing in the diocese.
Some of the scandals which have enveloped the diocese include a priest who was found guilty of running an under-age prostitution ring and others who posted nude photos of themselves on Facebook and gay websites.
Other priests associated with the diocese have been accused of openly having gay relationships, stealing Communion money and sexually harassing mass-goers.
The scandals hit the headlines in Italy last month after Luisa Bonello, a doctor who lives in the diocese, committed suicide. She had written to the Pope last February to express her horror at what was going on in the diocese.
Pope to investigate scandal-ridden Italy diocese
ITALYPress TV (Iran)
[with video]
The Catholic Church has been hit with another sex scandal as a special envoy to Pope Francis is to investigate an Italian diocese for alleged sexual harassment of parishioners and involvement in pornography.
Pope Francis is set to send the envoy to the northern city of Albenga in the region of Liguria to assess the allegations that the diocese has hosted a group of “playboy priests.”
The priests in the diocese are accused of sexually harassing parishioners, posting naked photos of themselves online and raiding church coffers as well as moonlighting as barmen and stealing parish funds.
In addition, a priest working for the diocese has been found guilty of organizing an underage prostitution ring.
The Albenga diocese has been run for the last 25 years by Bishop Mario Oliveri, aged 70, and has been described by Italian media as “the most gossiped about diocese in Italy.” According to local media, Oliveri is expected to be replaced by an auxiliary bishop.
Popes and priests have no wombs that by “natural law” can reproduce babies and that their mouths and words cannot also reproduce the flesh of Christ.
By human nature, by natural law and by divine law – it took the purest creature of God, the Blessed Mary, to carry Jesus 9 months – and only women have wombs to reproduce babies.
By human nature, by natural law and by divine law popes and priests do not have wombs and they cannot reproduce babies.
By human nature, by natural law and by divine law the mouths popes and priests cannot reproduce any natural matters, ants, dogs, examples, the stars in the sky, therefore their words and mouths cannot reproduce the flesh-and-blood of Christ either.
By human nature, by natural law and by divine law popes and priests not as pure as Blessed Mary and they have no wombs and their mouths cannot create anything – therefore the Eucharist is the highest form of Satanic Mass because it is the highest form of pathological lie on earth – making mankind greater than God his creator – which Satan Lucifer wanted to do in the first place…hence the Eucharist is Satanic.

It took 9-months for Jesus to be in Mary' womb before He was born
Read Pope Francis in Israel clones Christ where he was born
2,000 years ago
read more
HOAX of Eucharist - instant reincarnation of Christ's flesh and blood
is the worst Satanic Mass & sorcery of mankind
Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore
they cannot clone Jesus the Son of God the Creator of the Universe!

Read our related article: Bishops ‘drama’ & pretence debate over gays in tiny rich Vatican ‘country’ while West Africa, USA, Canada fight against Ebola. Hypocrite Gay Bishops!
Idiot Catholics should stop condoning these selfish misogynists popes and bishops and work for the abolition of the Vatican as a “country”, the end of the Vatican Concordats and the end of Vatican secret Swiss Banks that hoard despots and imperialists’ loot from poor Third World countries.
Idiot Catholics should join the JESUS REVOLUTION – set Christ free from Eucharist Satanic Mass. Set all nations free from Vatican Concordats. End Vatican as “country”. End VA Swiss Banks secrecy. Read more
Read about the disintegration of the Roman Catholic Chruch here --- Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
Read our related articles:
Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush
Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence and ending of its $1B religious tourism with Oratory of St. Joseph
Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
Jesus never baptized anyone in the Sea of Galilee or in the River Jordan and there was plenty of water for everyone He and His Apostles met
Is the Vatican a state or country? It is only one building and one public square but it is a country like the vast USA, Russia, China???
The Vatican Billions. Two thousand years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age.Its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror
Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
Stupid Catholic Women. Legion of Christ. Opus Dei. Pope Francis Hypocrisies
John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies! Cardinal Dziwisz book: “JPII knew nothing” about bestial pedophile priest Fr. Maciel is Vatican Titanic Deceits
Heil SatanasJP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
Melinda Gates versus Benedict XVI: who’s more “like Christ”? Melinda Gates saves lives of 200 million women while Benedict XVI sits in out-of-touch-with-reality Vatican Throne
Vatican Vipers attack UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The Failure of the Sacraments. Letter to a Christian Nation (USA) - read our related article
Silence of Pope Francis-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio on Argentina accused 42 pedophile priests. Online records in Where was YOUR “transparency and responsibility”?
UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children..HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope
JP2 Army in Puerto Rico! Plague of Pedophile Priests in Latin America! John Paul II the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts & Rapists-Priests
Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century
Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims
Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s neck then dragging him until his neck broke and then threw him into a raging sea of fire
Occupy The Vatican... like Occupy Wall Street
NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy

Crucifixion of Jesus with crown of thorns and thousands of wounds
Mathias Grünewald, Crucifixion, Isenheim Altarpiece, c.1512/15
Opus Dei PR STUNT of Day - Cardinal Burke
"DEMOTED" to Malta
"DEMOTED" to Malta
Cardinal Burke's "demoted" to Malta is Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of Day. Do not be fooled that it is a demotion but in fact it is a promotion because Burke will handle Vatican Billions as the “Nobility forms the backbone of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta; more than 40 percent of its 10,000 constituents are related to Europe’s oldest and most powerful Catholic families” Read more below.

For centuries, various military-style orders and societies have been used as fronts by the Roman Catholic Church to protect the papacy from bad-press. In my last post, I briefly discussed the history and prominence of the Jesuit Order. In this post, I would like to explore the orders of Rome and their implications…
The Knights of Malta
Founded in around 1048 AD, the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (also known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta or the Knights of Malta) are a chivalrous order which: “…has maintained the values of chivalry and nobility”.[i] Following the end of the Knights Templar’s, Pope Clement V issued a Papal Bull known as Ad providam in 1312, which handed over the Templar’s assets to the Knights of Malta.
Headquartered in Rome, this ancient and mysterious Order, is considered a sovereign
state and is the smallest country in the world (it doesn’t rule over any territory). Aside from issuing its own passports and postage stamps and holding permanent observer status at the United Nations, the Order marks the intersection between the U.S elite and the Vatican.[ii]
Headquartered in Rome, this ancient and mysterious Order, is considered a sovereign

According to author Martin A. Lee: “Nobility forms the backbone of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta; more than 40 percent of its 10,000 constituents are related to Europe’s oldest and most powerful Catholic families.
Wealth is a de facto prerequisite for a knightly candidate, and each must pass through a rigorous screening. Protestants, Jews, Muslims and divorced or separated Catholics are ineligible”.[iii]
The Order were ejected from the island of Malta in 1798 but they still retain sovereignty under international law and can offer diplomatic immunity to the Grand Master and members of the Sovereign Council – many of the Knights demonstrate a fidelity towards the Order, above any commitment to their own nation. In alliance with the Vatican and the Red Cross, the Order helped many Nazi war criminals escape Germany at the end of the Second World War, of which, Britain and Canada took in around 8,000 Waffen-SS members.

Here we see King Juan Carlos kissing the hand of Bishop James Harvey. The highest class of the Order is that of Knight of the Collar – King Juan Carlos of Spain has been awarded the Collar of the Order, as was his late father, the Count of Barcelona. Stated on UnHived Mind forum: “The Jesuits installed King Juan Carlos as head of Spain in 1975. From this time onwards King Juan Carlos took over the power of the Temple Bar and masters the physical bodies of the slaves as well as the Commonwealth Crown. The Jesuits and King Juan Carlos of Spain control the ancient city of Londinium (City of London).”
This article was composed by: Benjamin Nehemiah, author of Quantum Prophecies: Babylon Resurrected

Benedict XVI’s phony sorrow, superficial shame & crocodile tears in Malta; how long will he continue his Papal lies and Papal parody?

Bishops ‘drama’ & pretence debate over gays in tiny rich Vatican ‘country’ while West Africa, USA, Canada fight against Ebola. Hypocrite Gay Bishops!
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow
Pope Francis keeps preaching about the Gospel of the Poor yet he is nowhere near poor West Africa in the fight against Ebola. If Pope Francis really means it about helping the poor other than lip-service to them, he should partake in the fight against Ebola after all the Vatican Roman Catholic Church is the wealthiest institution on the planet and he should donate some billions of dollars – looted from hundreds of countries through the years via the Vatican Concordats, read more here Pope Francis should dip a small bucket of maybe 2 or 3 billion dollars – especially from the hundreds of billions of dollars and assets of the Vatican in the USA. Francis must walk the talk from his Vatican Circus and show not only his teeth but the Vatican Billions that can make a difference in the lives of the poor.
Paris Arrow
The problem of the Roman Catholic Church today is not gays, divorcees, schism, blasphemy or heresy but – extinction and total annihilation – and no Council of the Vatican or of Constance and Synod of Bishops can turn back the clock of time that’s leading to St. Peter’s Basilica turning into another Parthenon where giant statues as those of Zeus and festivals and incenses are a thing of the wistful past. This extinction and annihilation is already happening with the mass exodus of millions countless Catholics who no longer go to church or are formally asking for their “de-baptism” especially in the continents of Europe as best exemplified in The Netherlands, in Germany, and in North America in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where hundreds of Catholic churches are shut down and sold because of empty pews and disappearance of Roman Catholic believers, read more and see PHOTOS of extinct churches here – Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
‘Married couples are stealing show at Synod of Bishops’ - John Allen writes to make idiot Catholics feel-good about all-male Vatican oligarchy
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils
Paris Arrow
Updated October 14, 2014
Washington Post (predicted Pope Francis win Nobel) says ‘Vatican stuns Catholic world ...
Paris Arrow
The “gay” issue announced by Vatican Pied Pipers as “earthquake, gray areas, do-over, gradualism, stuns Catholic world, stirs controversy” in the Synod of Bishops is Vatican Circus for idiot Catholics at its most ludicrous. The Washington Post belongs to the Vatican Mammon Beast aka Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team and look at how its title (like John Allen of Crux always cleverly does) deceive Catholics: “Vatican stuns Catholic world with greater openness toward gays and lesbians”. This title is so ludicrous and loaded with pathological lies that it can build a higher Tower of Babylon!
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow
The Nobel Peace Prize sided with children this year and not with old Pope Francis the head of complicit cardinals and bishops of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read more in Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
The Norwegian Nobel Committee chose the two winners of the Nobel Peace Prize “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.” The Nobel Committee did not choose Pope Francis because he is the head of state of the Vatican fake country, the Holy See that has been found guilty of crimes against humanity’s children twice by the United Nations. Read our related article, UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope
Paris Arrow
Pope Francis preaches what his police practise the contrary
Pope Francis in his opening speech told the all-male celibate misogynists bishops to "speak with parrhesia -- meaning to speak candidly or boldly, and without fear – while outside at St. Peter’s Square lay demonstrators carrying a sign that says , “Families must have vote in family synods” are surrounded by police restraining and intimidating them.
Pope Francis is using the 8 powers to control his all-male oligarch bishops who are in the Vatican for the Synod on Families. In his opening speech he told the bishops that they should "speak with parrhesia and listen with humility." What this means is, those bishops assigned by the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team must speak without parrhesia and the rest must listen and simply say “Amen” humility as show of idiot-obedience for the 1.2 billion Catholics to emulate.
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow
Read our related article: USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”?
The Holy See a.k.a. VCS Vatican City State of 800 adults homosexuals misogynists gays popes and priests repeated again its ruse reply today – to the UN CRC Committee on the Rights of the Child that found the Holy See guilty last May. Here’s the crux of the VCS stratagem reply: “Therefore, the obligations of the Convention and its Optional Protocols refer to Vatican citizens, as well as, where appropriate, the diplomatic personnel of the Holy See or its Officials residing outside the territory of Vatican City State.
The Dark Side of the Papacy: Pope Crimes Revealed
The world is discovering the truth about the global organization known as the "Catholic Church": it is the mother of all abominations on Earth, the root cause of all world suffering, poverty, crimes.
With their false appearance of 'mercy' and 'holiness' they have managed to fool the masses into believing they are representatives of Christ, presenting the world with an expired doctrine that brings death.
A statistical report shows proof of over 10 million crimes committed by priests and nuns in the nations, since these evil and perverse men (and women) proclaim "celibacy" which is a doctrine of demons that has led to sexual abuse of thousands of innocent children and women around the world.
Pope Francis and the previous Pope "Benedict XVI" aren't the only corrupt and evil "popes"...the Vatican has a long track record of criminal popes, starting with the first one - Peter. For this purpose, we highlight a book that sheds light into the dark side of the Papacy, so that you can learn the facts:

This post and blogs are inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword defends us from Goliath bullies of Opus Dei Beast Mafia. St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain. Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”. Beware, Francis-Maniacs for the demise of the Vatican Temple akin to the Temple of Solomon is at hand!

and Opus Dei Beast and
Jesuits Mercenaries are Demons' Angels
St. Michael the Archangel stands over the Vatican Mammon
Beast now ruled by Pope Francis and the heads of the Beast =
John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Opus Dei & Jesuits
Two-faced Pope Francis
: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
There are two opposite faces of Pope Francis, has anyone notice? When he laughs in front of crowds and when he says the Eucharist Satanic Mass.
Look at these photos he had in South Korea as he showed all his teeth laughing - versus - when he holds a crucifix in the procession and at the Eucharist Satanic Mass, he looks very grim.

Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina as the Godfather in the Dirty Wars - Silence of Pope Francis-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio on Argentina 42 pedophile priests.
WHAT THE JESUITS CONTROL. Chilling Facts You Need To Know About the Jesuits. Francis: First Jesuit Pope

Pope Francis pointing at his loco crazy head
ruled by Opus Dei Beat PR Deceits Team
GRIM LIAR Pope Francis - Popes and priests have no powers to re-produce or manufacture ants and dogs - and therefore they cannot reproduce or clone Christ's flesh-and-blood either in the mass - hence it is Eucharis Satanic Mass because popes and priests claim to be greater than God that they can "re-create" God Himself!. Satan's pride is smaller than Pope Francis's pride.

In Israel, Pope Francis clones Christ’s flesh & pleas for children’s protection after canonizing 2 popes who protected JP2 Army pedophile priests in 20th century

Laughing THIEF
When Pope Francis laughs, he is in his role as a thief – because he is laughing all the way to the bank - secret Vatican Swiss Banks with his biggest theft in mankind’s history – and as he enslaves nations and billions of poor people with the Vatican Concordats, read more in our related article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
When he is grim, he is in his role as the Opus Dei Beast’s pathological liar, the pretender and impostor of Jesus, because he cannot re-produce ants and dogs and therefore he cannot clone Christ’s flesh-and-blood in the Eucharist either.
Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
LIAR Pope Francis, skip ‘forgive’ BS. Set poor nations free by returning your loot hidden in secret Vatican Swiss Banks. Set Jesus free from Vatican & Eucharist
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence and ending of its $1B religious tourism with Oratory of St. Joseph
Pope Francis is like the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican fake country.
Francis in-name-only
Pope Francis, YOU took Francis of Assisi’s name – but that’s all there is, isn’t it? You are “in name only” – nothing else. There’s nothing similar in essence or substance or in person between you and St. Francis - and if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are already preparing for your sainthood like they did with documents for John Paul II’s 27 years papacy, you’re being duped big time. You should have retired into a simple cave like poverello St. Francis of Assisi – who even refused to be a priest to clone the flesh of Christ because he knew as he wrote his canticle to the moon and stars - that no one can clone the Creator of those millions of stars in the firmament. Ever saw these images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”? Can you clone one of these with your papal infallible words? You cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either.

Images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”

The "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula, as seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Image credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/Arizona State University
› Larger view

The "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula, as seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Image credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/Arizona State University
› Larger view
You cannot clone an ant or a dog or one of the stars
therefore you cannot clone Jeus the Son of God
either in the sorcery of the Eucharist.
therefore you cannot clone Jeus the Son of God
either in the sorcery of the Eucharist.
St. Francis denounced the wealth of his merchant father while you embraced and vowed to the Vatican Mammon Beast worse than a Satanic Mass. St. Francis embraced a leper but you exploit the sick for your political photo-ops (and at your age caught their virus). You hypocritically preach about the poor but you actually mock them because at the same time, behind closed doors in the Vatican art chambers, you have private audiences and photo-ops with royalties of Europe who are the 1% wealthiest of the globe, photos with despots and imperialists like President Obama who steal the wealth of Third World countries, read here how the Philippines protested Obama’s visit as he plants more bases only to serve American hegemony, read here - .
Why do you think your founder St. Ignatius Loyola specifically wrote in the constitution of the Jesuits that no Jesuits must accept to be a high ranking bishop or cardinal? Jesuits were meant to be companions of Jesus, not companions of the Devil, the father of lies who came to steal, kill and destroy. Ignatius had no choice 500 years ago to go to the world to proclaim the Good News that he needed the ships of the Vatican and the European monarchy. But today, the Jesuits have amassed more wealth than any religious congregation, you have all the universities and schools you want or need. There is no need to continue serving the Pope, the Father of Lies the reincarnation of the Devil! But you set your sight on the highest throne in the Catholic Church and now the favorite words of St. Ignatius haunts you: What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, if he suffers the loss of his soul? …and you have committed the worst Pope Crimes more than all popes combined – you canonized John Paul II despite his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
Jesus the Jew vs. Roman Pope Francis
Amazing how Jesus has lose his Middle East roots and Jewish identity (albeit born in Bethlehem, Palestine, a Muslim country) and lose His Biblical mission as a poor itinerant preacher for He has become Roman Catholic and hostage of the most tiny country - the Vatican City where He is also the most caged captive in gold tabernacles by tyrant evil popes – those 2,000 year old chameleons Pretenders and Impostors of Jesus and con-artists CON-Christ popes.
From mass murderers, thieves, pedophiles, gays, adulterers like the Borgias, to John Paul II the Great Saint of Pedophiles, to Pope Francis the Worst Thief of Mankind – all popes use Christ as their mask, disguise and bait to serve one master alone –the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast ruling in the Vatican Palace - with only one goal - to preserve the Vatican Billions in secret Vatican Swiss Banks because the Vatican owns Switzerland. Hence there’s the unique Swiss Guard Army wherein all Swiss young men are required to go and serve at the Vatican before they can become bankers, investment managers and civil officers in Switzerland because the Vatican pope is its sole monarch. Believe it or not!
Pope Francis, the two new pope saints John XXIII and John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and all popes definitely do not resemble one iota Jesus the Poor Carpenter of Nazareth and Poor Fisherman in the Sea of Galilee! All movies portray Jesus as tall, lean and handsome but all popes, his assumed ‘Vicar of Christ’, have been FAT like COWS podgy, white and really hideous and repugnant they need the long white papal robe to constantly segue attention from their ugliness. Just look at the porky ass of Pope Francis that control 1.2 billion Catholics and the media world with his duck dance of wibble wobble Opus Dei Beast PR stunts. Look at this gigantic poster in Rome of porky ass Pope Francis with the two fat popes new saints he canonized –John XXIII and John Paul II the 27 years globetrotting narcissistic pope – who said nothing and did nothing to protect children from his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army aptly named after his 27 years globetrotting papacy - and 1.2 billion stupid Catholics now adore them as their new fat Catholic Golden Cows.

Jesus of Nazareth
the poor fisherman of the Sea of Galilee

3 FAT well-fed cows - ROMAN POPES
-- Popes do NOT resemble Jesus Christ one iota
-- Popes are CON-Christs and con-artists
-- Popes are Pretenders & Impostors of Jesus
- Popes cannot clone Christ, ants or dogs
- Popes are sorcerers in the Eucharist
- Popes are sorcerers in the Eucharist
- Popes are false magicians
-- Popes cannot clone or re-produce Jesus the Son of God
-- Popes are fat popes cannot reincarnate Jesus the Creator of the Universe
The Popes' Master is the Vatican Mammon Beast -
because he is the owner of Switzerland
and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks
- hence there's the Swiss Guard Army.
HOAX of Eucharist - instant reincarnation of Christ's flesh and blood
is the worst Satanic Mass & sorcery of mankind
Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore
they cannot clone Jesus the Son of God the Creator of the Universe!

It took 9-months for Jesus to be in Mary' womb before He was born-
Read Pope Francis in Israel clones Christ where he was born 2,000 years ago

Read the VATICAN

Christ wants to be set free from Vatican and popes and priests
Christ inspires and tells us that he wishes to be freed from the slavery of the Eucharist and be freed from the golden tabernacles in all Vatican Catholic churches worldwide – because all these are tools of the Vatican Mammon Beast to subdue people with feel-good theology – which are only pathological lies – that perpetuate their poverty and injustice and violence - via the Vatican Concordats, read more here in our article, Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
This post and blogs are inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword defends us from Goliath bullies of Opus Dei Beast Mafia. St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain. Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”. Beware, Francis-Maniacs for the demise of the Vatican Temple akin to the Temple of Solomon is at hand!

and Opus Dei Beast and
Jesuits Mercenaries are Demons' Angels
St. Michael the Archangel stands over the Vatican Mammon
Beast now ruled by Pope Francis and the heads of the Beast =
John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Opus Dei & Jesuits


I am John Paul II the GREAT – I refuse to hear about my JP Army
– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
- I hide them in my Achilles Heels - no one can see them
Read Pope Francis the CON-Christ and biggest THIEF of mankind
Read more here - John Paul II Millstone, read here
The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer
-- more important than the Eucharist and the Rosary
JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army before me, JP2 Army behind me,
JP2 Army in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army above me,
JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left,
JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down
JP2 Army when I arise
See origin of JP2 Army Prayer -
The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable - read more here -
Mary with John Paul II
$ 180.55
€ 119.00
$ 180.55
€ 119.00
Many statues of John Paul II are being carved to equal those of Mary, Jesus and St. Joseph...the narcissim and grandiosity of John Paul II can only be equal to that of the Devil who refused to bow down to Jesus but wanted to be his equal on this earth.
John Paul II is LUCIFER reincarnated :" He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result he takes his seat in God's temple, displaying himself as God. (2 Thessalonians: 2-4)
See more images here
Our Lady wants to be set free from the
of Satanas John Paul II who has usurp her
Jesus from her arms
TWO-FACES of Pope Francis

Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
Rear more -
Francis in-name-only
Pope Francis, YOU took Francis of Assisi’s name – but that’s all there is, isn’t it? You are “in name only” – nothing else. There’s nothing similar in essence or substance or in person between you and St. Francis - and if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are already preparing for your sainthood like they did with documents for John Paul II’s 27 years papacy, you’re being duped big time. You should have retired into a simple cave like poverello St. Francis of Assisi – who even refused to be a priest to clone the flesh of Christ because he knew as he wrote his canticle to the moon and stars - that no one can clone the Creator of those millions of stars in the firmament. Ever saw these images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”? Can you clone one of these with your papal infallible words? You cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either.

Images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”

The "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula, as seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Image credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/Arizona State University
› Larger view
You cannot clone an ant or a dog or one of the stars therefore you cannot clone Jeus the Son of God either in the sorcery of the Eucharist.
St. Francis denounced the wealth of his merchant father while you embraced and vowed to the Vatican Mammon Beast worse than a Satanic Mass. St. Francis embraced a leper but you exploit the sick for your political photo-ops (and at your age caught their virus). You hypocritically preach about the poor but you actually mock them because at the same time, behind closed doors in the Vatican art chambers, you have private audiences and photo-ops with royalties of Europe who are the 1% wealthiest of the globe, photos with despots and imperialists like President Obama who steal the wealth of Third World countries, read here how the Philippines protested Obama’s visit as he plants more bases only to serve American hegemony, read here - . Your photo-op with Obama actually perpetuates American Imperialism in the Philippines and in other Asian and European countries.
Why do you think your founder St. Ignatius Loyola specifically wrote in the constitution of the Jesuits that no Jesuits must accept to be a high ranking bishop or cardinal? Jesuits were meant to be companions of Jesus, not companions of the Devil, the father of lies who came to steal, kill and destroy. Ignatius had no choice 500 years ago to go to the world to proclaim the Good News that he needed the ships of the Vatican and the European monarchy. But today, the Jesuits have amassed more wealth than any religious congregation, you have all the universities and schools you want or need. There is no need to continue serving the Pope, the Father of Lies the reincarnation of the Devil! But you set your sight on the highest throne in the Catholic Church and now the favorite words of St. Ignatius haunts you: What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, if he suffers the loss of his soul? …and you have committed the worst Pope Crimes more than all popes combined – you canonized John Paul II despite his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
Please take a look at the worse Roman Catholic Church pedophile priests attacks against more than 15,500 Americans … compared to the September 11, 2001 attacks against 3,000 Americans at theTwin Towers in New York .
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
Priest pedophilia - 15,750+ victims - 6,100 pedophile priests covered-up by John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = the Vatican Trinity.
9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day
CRUX is a new attempt to make it like EWTN in the web
Read Mother Angelica Diamond Bride of Christ-
the "slimy bastard" Cardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep." But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the evil Achilles Heel of John Paul II
the "slimy bastard" Cardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep." But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the evil Achilles Heel of John Paul II
Satanas John Paul II and serial pedophile priest Marcial Maciel,
his evil Achilles Heel -- read more here

Satanas John Paul II and serial pedophile priest Marcial Maciel,
his evil Achilles Heel -- read more here
Christ wants to be set free from
Catholic Vatican tabernacles worldwide
-- because popes and priests have NO
powers to clone ants
and dogs and God!

Wall Street Journal brainwash idiot Catholics for Pope Francis’s visit - to attend his Eucharist Satanic Mass & stupidly give millions of dollars to Vatican Mammon
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow
Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: Wall Street Journal “Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S.” to goad big American business donors and American idiot Catholics to give millions to Vatican Mammon Beast.
It’s very easy to detect the American journalists who are part of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team at the Vatican – they all speak positively and fanatically about Pope Francis -- in order to brainwash and entice American idiot Catholics to give blindly and stupidly millions of dollars to the voracious evil Vatican Mammon Beast. Take the Wall Street Journal title Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S. and its first paragraph to instantly programme American idiot Catholics that there is an “’intense’ speculation” of Pope Francis’s visit (see news articles below with our comments and emphases). Its purpose is to incite a pop star hype - to attend Pope Francis's Mass - like attending a concert of porno naked singer Miley Cyrus.
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow
Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: Wall Street Journal “Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S.” to goad big American business donors and American idiot Catholics to give millions to Vatican Mammon Beast.
It’s very easy to detect the American journalists who are part of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team at the Vatican – they all speak positively and fanatically about Pope Francis -- in order to brainwash and entice American idiot Catholics to give blindly and stupidly millions of dollars to the voracious evil Vatican Mammon Beast. Take the Wall Street Journal title Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S. and its first paragraph to instantly programme American idiot Catholics that there is an “’intense’ speculation” of Pope Francis’s visit (see news articles below with our comments and emphases). Its purpose is to incite a pop star hype - to attend Pope Francis's Mass - like attending a concert of porno naked singer Miley Cyrus.
Philippines idiot Catholics. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day “Pope Francis: No to clergy sex abuse” is a pack of pathological lies
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow
The Vatican circus for idiot Catholics stretches far and wide as if the Octopus Dei Beast Tentacles has engulfed the four corners of the globe. Across the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand (to placate the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army earthquake being unraveled by the Royal Commission in Australia) to the Philippines, the Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team is brainwashing millions of idiot Catholics keeping them ignorant about truth of Vatican Evils and making them feel-good Francis-Maniacs about their podgy ass fattest-clown-in-white Pope Francis. Last month, it was in New Zealand. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war against terrorism”.
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow
The Vatican circus for idiot Catholics stretches far and wide as if the Octopus Dei Beast Tentacles has engulfed the four corners of the globe. Across the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand (to placate the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army earthquake being unraveled by the Royal Commission in Australia) to the Philippines, the Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team is brainwashing millions of idiot Catholics keeping them ignorant about truth of Vatican Evils and making them feel-good Francis-Maniacs about their podgy ass fattest-clown-in-white Pope Francis. Last month, it was in New Zealand. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war against terrorism”.

Stupid Catholic nuns
worshipping the Opus Dei Beast
new Golden Cow ROMAN Saint John Paul II.
Vatican assets in the United States of America
The Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”
- stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion
- There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in complete secrecy
- The hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic laypersons
- The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see list below
Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only multiplied – exponentially –through the decades since that book was written.

Read Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

The Pope and Vatican Swiss Banks control Wall Street and Wars
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?

The Vatican Concordats give the Bible to the people
and steal their land and billions of dollars and assets
and steal their land and billions of dollars and assets
Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
Ex-nuncio’s Vatican trial won’t be criminal but a charade. Jail in the Vatican is a joke; it’s sitting on lap of luxury of Vatican Billions
Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush
Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence on complicity in court and ending of its $1B religious tourism
Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
‘Spotlight’ movie is Opus Dei Beast PR stunt propaganda for the Vatican & publicity for Boston Globe Catholic website - to salvage Vatican Titanic
Christ wants to be set free from the Vatican and all gold tabernacles in all Catholic churches worldwide because priests and popes have no power to clone Christ’s flesh-and-blood in the Eucharist Satanic Mass.
Irish Times cartoon shows duplicity of priests. Sacrament of Confession’s absolute choice to protect pedophiles. Priests’ callousness towards children’s security and well being - read here
"Do not use, out of order"
Remarks: System broken
Signed: J.C.
The "odious" sacrament
The Failure of the Sacraments
There’s an elephant quietly sitting in the nave that everyone on all sides of the clergy sex abuse crisis have been diligently ignoring, even the victims themselves. No clergy or even would-be reformers have really remarked on it yet, although it should be more obvious with each and every sad story. More importantly, it is a troubling issue that touches on the very heart and soul of Catholicism.
The monstrous truth is simply this: what the clergy sex abuse crisis clearly demonstrates is that the sacramental system has failed.
This is not just a case of hierarchical reneging of responsibility.There’s more to this than some bad apples. This is nothing that a few reforms can fix, some screening of seminarians or more pastoral responses by bishops. It is nothing less than a fundamental challenge to the entire Catholic Church, and it shows that the spiritual principles the whole structure is supposedly based on simply do not work.
Think about it. The offenders here are Roman Catholic priests, highly trained men. But unlike other professionals, these men are supposedly set apart and dedicated to lives of the spirit. They claim to have the power to forgive sins and make God appear.
They not only administer the sacraments to others, but also receive them themselves daily. That means, among other things, frequent confession to other priests. Moreover, many of these men belong to religious orders or are otherwise under close spiritual direction. They are supposed to confide everything to their confessors and superiors and to obey them unquestioningly.
So what went wrong? When an abusive priest goes to confession, does he start, “Bless me, father, for I have sinned: I buggered an altar boy three times this week”? And does the confessor tell him to say 3 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys and not to do it again?
According to their own theory, confessors have the power to forgive sins, but also to refuse to do so if sorrow is insufficient. Moreover, they are to appoint penances – if they wish, they can require satisfaction or significant signs of reform from the penitent before absolution. Some sins – such as solicitation for sex in the confessional – are even deemed so serious that only higher prelates, sometimes only the Pope or his appointed delegate can forgive them.
Yet the abusers continue to abuse. So are the sexually active priestslying to their confessors? This would mean that not only do the perpetrating priests remain in a state of mortal sin and are automatically excommunicated, they perform the sacraments in that state which is itself a grave sacrilege.
Or, even worse, are all the abusive priests linked? Do they only go to confession to like-minded perps who will understand? Is there then an organized network of sexually perpetrating priests, all busily enabling each other? This adds collusion and conspiracy to the sinand would indicate that the very structure itself is rotten to the core.
The evidence available suggests that perhaps both scenarios are true to varying degrees in different situations. Either way, however, the result is much the same.
The sacraments are meant to unite believers with Christ. Not just to remove the accumulations of sin like the weekly laundry, but togradually improve the recipient. They are intended to sanctify and uplift the faithful, increase devotion to God, charity to fellow humans, and moral stamina in the face of evil.
If the sacraments actually worked like this, wouldn’t we hear ennobling stories of clerical reform, of some molester inspired to truly repent and devote himself to the cause? But rather, the stories are depressingly the same, of priests caught time and again, transferred, treated, and now finally, laicized often against their will, with no regret or even acknowledgement of their evil.
What this means, each person must decide in their own conscience. But perhaps the fall off in confessions over the years itself tells the story. Why should anyone, lay or not, risk a ritual that seems so impotent in promoting reform and may, instead of granting grace, actually expose them to greater human wickedness?
The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer
-- more important than the Eucharist and the Rosary
JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army before me, JP2 Army behind me,
JP2 Army in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army above me,
JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left,
JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down
JP2 Army when I arise
To remember the JP2 Army is protect children forever from predator pedophile priests and from all kinds of pedophiles so that they are able to pierce through their theological mask as "representative of Christ" and it will empower children to see through John Paul II writings which are heartless, read our related article Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive... and they also made complicit Cardinal Bernard Law thrive, read our related article here
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
JP2 Army – 100,000 victims - 6,100 pedophile priests (Los Angeles, Boston, etc)- John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland

Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent ... compared to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who covered-up pedophile priests The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland
John Paul II's official spokesman Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls reveals the true reasons why there's the Pope and the Pedophile Scandal should shut down – it’s operated by the Legion of Christ whose founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel is member of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
John L. Allen glorifies U.S. bishops' thinker-in-chief propaganda the Catholic Church's totalitarian ways
Premier Vaticanista John L. Allen Jr describes his unlimited access into the Vatican and Papal apartments
John Paul II Titanic Ship hit not only by American iceberg of priest pedophilia, also Irish iceberg, German iceberg, Austrian...Canadian icebergs....
John Paul II miraculously cures his German barber of hernia in Rome… as the John Paul II Pedophile Priest Army jolts Germany
John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy. Vision of Paris: St. Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at World Youth Day in 2002
New book shows un-saint-liness of John Paul II and his major flaws and faults: Crossing the Threshold of Confusion
The Roman Catholic Church is no longer « Holy ». All Catholic churches, sacristies, rectories are not «holy» but potential priestly pedophile places
Reasons why priest pedophilia is eternal: John Paul II the Great “Saint”, “The Conscience”of the ‘Age of Benedict XVI’, “Holy Father” Marcial Maciel
The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels

Vatican Pope controls Wall Street and all Stock Exchange and all wars in nations.
Occupy Wall Street, Occupy the Vatican
Read also the Vatican assets here
Read the Vatican Concordats here
Wall Street Journal is a liar about vocations in seminaries
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests

The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra
Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way
Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way
9-months gestation of Jesus - the Son of God

READ more here about the pregnancy of Our Lady


The cloning process that produced Dolly

1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests
1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests

Pope Francis, all Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and
priests cannot clone cats and dogs and therefore
they cannot clone Christ either.
priests cannot clone cats and dogs and therefore
they cannot clone Christ either.

Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today.
The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate - or clone - God’s flesh.Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches
“For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone
In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. PauL l
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone
Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified
Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,
They came sick and they left sick.
There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,
for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter or Paul did.
Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here
Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.
The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.
The Pope has no authority in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.
The Pope has no authority in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Vatican is not part of Rome.
The Pope is not a citizen of Rome.
The allegiance of Catholics is to the Pope and the Vatican
or the Magisterium…
The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore,
is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman.
The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read here .
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powers
- Oratory of Saint Joseph pedophile priests! Montreal: Second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross cannot protect children!
St. Joseph Oratory10,000 candles burn $$$$$$$ millions of dollars while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets of Montreal
IDLE SAINT JOSEPH (Oratory) versus First Nations Idle No More native people.
- Looking Left: No tangible progress in combating Catholic sexual abuse
Washington Square News
Posted on March 7, 2014 | by Nina Golshan
It has been almost one full year since Pope Francis was elected to take Pope Benedict XVI’s place in the Vatican. He has been hailed by both the Catholic community and its critics for his openness to bringing much needed reform to the outdated ethos of the church. His forthcoming attitude has alleviated some concerns about how the Vatican can reconcile its beliefs with those of its more youthful and liberal followers. However, for all of his efforts to reconnect, Francis has failed to truly address the patterns of sexual abuse and exploitation by clerics supported by the Vatican.
In a recent interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Francis made comments defending the church’s response to reports of sexual abuse, claiming that it is “the only public institution to have acted with transparency and responsibility. No other has done more. And, the church is the only one to be attacked.” It is true that the church has been under scrutiny for quite some time — last month, a UN committee issued a report criticizing the Church’s policies on a range of issues, calling for the removal of any known sexual abusers and release of records of sexual assault allegations against clerics.
It is also true that he has publicly acknowledged the problem, and in December he created a committee to evaluate methods to protect sexually abused children and more effectively screen men seeking to become priests for sexual deviance. This committee, however, is strictly advisory, and there is almost no information available regarding how it has gone about measuring the breadth of the problem. The “transparency” Francis speaks of does not exist.Read our compilation of articles defying Pope Francis statements in his interview, Who’s the liar: Pope Francis or UN? Vatican secret thousands/files covered-up by Bishops versus UN open/thorough investigators. Francis Pinocchio nose getting bigger
Women.Legion of Christ.OpusDei.Francis Hypocrisies...Legion of Christ feeds Vatican Mammon Beast. Opus Dei Mafia of Cardinals and Bishops. G-8 Cardinals are phony reformers recycling old Vatican Deceits Vipers attack UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The Failure of the Sacraments. Letter to a Christian Nation (USA) - read our related article of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice rebuffs UN! Catholic Church not the moral authority of the world. Holy See defies UN Convention it ratified in 1990. Vatican Titanic sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy condemns Vatican for crimes against children.. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope Paul II portrait by Danish artist Marcial Maciel's Swiss Bank accounts: Angelo Sodano with Carlos Slim´s help has set his nephew up in business with a swiss registered company ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”? Paul II the Holy Father of Lies! Cardinal Dziwisz book: “JPII knew nothing” about bestial pedophile priest Fr. Maciel is Vatican Titanic Deceits SatanasJP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children protects criminals and persecutes their victims Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s neck condemns Vatican for crimes against children Bank closes thousand accounts/criminal transactions BURNT to leave no trail of crimes further/future investigations...drowned by loud Francis-maniacs at St. Peter’s Square XVI –Ratzinger, God’s Rottweiler The Vatican... like Occupy Wall Street
NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy the Vatican-owned 23 million Euros gay apartment with the largest gay sauna in Europe where a Vatican Cardinal lives right on the first floor to welcome those wealthy gay clients of Rome and Europe .Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns as Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s deceitful to say “Roman Pontiff” of “Roman Catholic Church” is here our latest articles - Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”’s wealth all over Rome and Italy narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable
- Vatican assets in the United States of AmericaThe Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today (1983) possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”- stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion- There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in complete secrecy- The hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic laypersons- The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see list belowNote that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only multiplied – exponentially – through the decades since that book was written in 1983 – that’s 41 years ago.Read more excerpts on the Vatican Billions and updates here
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