Today is International Women’s Day and there should have been a women’s march in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican - to protest the zero tolerance for women - by the all-male mysogynist Papal Conclave at the gay infested Vatican Titanic.
SNAP list "Dirty Dozen" worst papal candidates, see news updates below. SNAP says Cardinals who are members of the Vatican Curia (not Roman Curia) must not be elected pope.
The picture says a thousand words - Canada's TV priest Thomas Rosica sits besides Vatican spokeperson Lombardi - which proves the Vatican has prepared and chosen Cardinal Ouellet as its leading papal horse, see news and photo updates below.
Rosica's blogs are full of traditional photos that represents Vatican Deceits strategies to brainwash and deceive Catholics to be "pray, pay, obey" blind followers and give their hard-earned money to feed the Vatican Mammon Beast voracious appetite for more Vatican Billions, read here
Rosica, of course is a member of the Opus Dei, the pathetic inexpeirenced power-hungry Octopus Dei that controls the Vatican and the Pope and Cardinals. All appointments of Bishops and Cardinals are yes-men chosen by Opus Dei and Cardinal Ouellet is the head of the Vatican Curia that appoints them - which was his preparation to become pope.
Read our updated articles: Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims
The conclave will begin March 12 and there's a plan for the new pope to be announced on the feast of St. Joseph on March 19, read here about the Vatican largest basilica to St. Joseph
This post features
The conclave will begin March 12 and there's a plan for the new pope to be announced on the feast of St. Joseph on March 19, read here about the Vatican largest basilica to St. Joseph
BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph & Brother Andre CANNOT PROTECT CHILDREN from CSC pedophiles
This post features
- The “Billion Dollar Christ and his Apostles in Red” live production at the Vatican
- To seek Christ this Holy Lent, the worst place to find Him is in the Vatican
- The “Vicar of Christ” does not resemble Christ one iota - inside and outside – the list is endless.
- Evil impact of the Papal Conclave: the epidemic violence against women and girls, and the perpetuity of poor countries
Our first commentary -
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns as Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s deceitful to say “Roman Pontiff” of “Roman Catholic Church” is here
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns as Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s deceitful to say “Roman Pontiff” of “Roman Catholic Church” is here
The next pope has already been chosen, brainwashed and trained just like Josef Ratzinger was selected, long prepared and cloned by John Paul II. Remember that the Vatican is "not a democracy" but a dictatorship; therefore, those old yes-men Cardinals are there to vote exactly on what they are told to do. Everything else is a sham. Nothing is left to chance or guesswork of the Holy Spirit when it comes to managing the world’s largest Vatican Mammon Empire of the Vatican Billions. The (not Roman VCC) Vatican Catholic Church in the United States alone, with assets of more than $100 billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel. The stock the VCC controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion. There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in complete secrecy, read more here So whether a white, black, brown or yellow skin pope is elected is irrelevant and mere media hypocrisy trying to cash-in and pass the time until the white smoke appears. Whether he is European, African, North American South American, or Asian, he will be made of the same cloth as Ratzinger and a hand-puppet of the Vatican Mammon Beast.
In 1939,Pope Pius IX said: ‘The Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, has become a monstrosity. That was an understatement because the reality of the 21st century is that the head of the Mystical Body is the Billion Dollar Christ presiding over his Apostles in Red Cardinals who manage the Vatican Billions that oppress and perpetuate the poor countries and poor peoples around the globe! And the Billion Dollar Christ and his Apostles in Red are playing live at the Vatican for the Papal Conclave! This is the Vatican Treasure they have safeguard at all cost and at all Vatican Deceits Media Empire -- the Vatican Billions
The Papal Conclave spectacle, the Vatican Pied Pipers daily speculation especially that by John L. Allen Jr. and the black and white smoke are all charades and utmost hypocrisy of the Vatican Deceits Media Empire trying to patch the holes of the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy. People’s appetite for romanticizing red-robed lace clothed flimsy old cardinals and well-paid pundits of the pathetic papal conclave aren’t worth it because the lives of millions of poor women, millions of poor girls, millions of poor boys, hundreds of poor countries out there are at stake. So stop chanting Heil JP2 or Heil Ex-Benedict or Heil Rat-zinger or Heil viva il papa! our latest related articles:
UN sets Benedict XVI’s records straight. Benedict XVI refused to meet with Italian victims of JP2 Army
Los Angeles files. Mahony must be jailed as Nazis caught in their retirement and old age.
Seek Christ in the New Testament, not in the Vatican
Papal Conclave: The “Billion Dollar Christ and his Apostles in Red” live production at the Vatican
To seek Christ this Holy Lent, the worst place to find Him is in the Vatican unless you want to see the “Billion Dollar Christ and his Apostles in Red” live production at the Vatican during the Papal Conclave this Holy Week and Easter. The “Billion Dollar Christ” is portrayed by the Pope and “his Apostles in Red” are the Cardinals who are in the Vatican because Benedict XVI just resigned and they have to pretend and ceremonially cast their vote to whoever has long been chosen and prepared - just like Ratzinger was pre-chosen, long pre-trained and papal cloned by John Paul II.
This “Billion Dollar Christ” will make you feel-good because he will “clone” Christ before your eyes like Harry Potter magic movies, see images below of the Black Magic of the Eucharist. But at the end of the day, as he retire into his secret papal chamber, the “vicar of Christ” is just like any actor of Hollywood, he is an ordinary guy who has no supernatural powers and he is getting sicker than ever and will decompose like any mortal into skeleton and ashes. Last Christmas, in his most televised speech, Benedict XVI already demonstrated Popenesia or papal amnesia, read here
The sinking Vatican Titanic is clinging desperately on to Rome for a last papal conclave spectacle of those scarlet robed Cardinals billowing around a restored Circus Maximus parade… The Vatican will charter the Roman Coliseum and parade the Cardinals like ancient Roman gladiators - except that these (Roman) Vatican Catholic Cardinals are flimsy and not strong like the gladiators - and they are covered in red and feminine lace to disguise their stocky podgy old ugly features.
At the papal Way of the Cross, it’ll be the sheer mockery against Christ in the New Testament – because at their Roman procession at the Roman Coliseum, the red robed Cardinals are actually carrying light plastic crosses Made in China but the truth behind the scenes is, they are actually laying the real heavy Cross burden on their poor people, poor women and poor children in Third World countries continually oppressed and exploited for centuries since their colonization by Vatican missionaries serving the Pope and feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast , read here the most important history of the Vatican Billions that every Catholic and the whole world must know Those red- robed Cardinals are the embodiment of the paramount hypocrisy of the Vatican Pontiff of the Vatican Catholic Church (formerly Roman Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church – their deceitful titles)
The “Vicar of Christ” does not resemble Christ one iota - inside and outside
The Vatican Last Tsar Pope Benedict XVI, the self-claimed infallible “Vicar of Christ” does not resemble Christ one iota - inside and outside – the list is endless. Look at the pompous Vatican Pontiff (formerly “Roman Pontiff”) Benedict XVI and you won’t see Christ in him – at all. Benedict XVI wears only red shoes, white robes, expensive papal robes and expensive papal tiaras and meets only with royalties and the wealthy. Christ never wore red shoes. Christ never wore white robes or a papal tiara. The only crown Christ wore over his head was a real crown of thorns. The people Christ hanged out with were the poor people in the street, the fishermen, and the sick whom he healed majority of his time. Benedict XVI only sits in the lap of luxury at the trillion dollar Chair of St. Peter at the Vatican as he meets with wealthy investors of the Vatican Bank and he never walks amidst the poor people and the only time he has a minute glimpse on them is when he sits in a popemobile on his way to perform the Black Magic of the Eucharist – to “clone Christ” when he can’t even clone Dolly the sheep, see images below.
Christ healed the sick constantly but the “Vicar of Christ” the Pope, Benedict XVI could never heal anyone; neither did he bother to visit them in the hospital, see image below. Benedict read his resignation in Latin and says the papal Mass in Latin. Christ never spoke in Latin. Benedict’s book Jesus of Nazareth was criticised by an old Jesuit and he “silenced” him last Christmas so that his final God’s Rottweiler Ax would fall on the Jesuits, read articles below. Benedict and John Paul II wrote complicated theology books. Christ only spoke in parables. Theology and John Paul II were heartless as they made pedophile priests thrive, read here Benedict XVI covered-up pedophile priests and threatened anyone who exposed them with excommunication in his Crimen Solicitationis . Christ condemned anyone who causes a child to sin with a millstone, like the John Paul II Millstone
Benedict XVI lives in the Vatican Palace that rivals the Buckingham Palace and royal palaces of Europe. Christ never lived in a palace, he said, foxes have dens but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” If Christ were to come back today, he would refuse to enter the Vatican and refuse to sleep in the papal bed! Christ never entered the Palace of Herod “the Great” (like John Paul II “the Great”) and he never partook in those Supreme Roman Pontiff lavish parties. In fact Christ cursed the Temple and Palace of Solomon – just like the Third Secret of Fatima cursed the Vatican that will have the same fate as the Temple of Solomon. Imagine that, Christ cursed the Temple of Solomon filled with sapphires and jewels and art history, where he went to pray according to his “religious traditions”, and his mother in Fatima also cursed the Vatican with all its jewels, arts and its Catholic traditions! That’s why the Vatican refuses to reveal the Third Secret of Fatima or there’ll be a countdown at St. Peter’s Square 24/7 and no one will bother to go and “pay, pray and obey” the weekly Wednesday Angelus with the Pope or waste their money for pilgrimages to the Vatican or the Oratory of St. Joseph, read here Anyone planning to go to the Vatican or the Oratory, here’s our suggestion so God will listen more to your payers
Christ was never surrounded by any bodyguard or an army. The Pope has the wealthy Swiss Guard Army, Most of all, Christ was never wealthy. The Pope is the CEO of the Vatican Bank and billions of dollars stolen from poor countries through the centuries, read the most important history of the Vatican Catholic Church here Christ would be very angry if he were to come back today and he sees the Vatican just like he overturned the tables of the merchants at the Temple of Solomon because the Vatican is not a house of prayer but a den of thieves! The Vatican resembles more the Palace of King Herod rather than the itinerant Jesus Christ.
.Christ revealed himself in the New Testament, not in Rome and not in the Vatican.
.Christ revealed himself in the New Testament, not in Rome and not in the Vatican.
Those self-acclaimed High And Mighty Pope and College of Cardinals are total anti-thesis of the Twelve (12) Apostles of Christ. As a retired Wall Street lawyer writes: Popes were selfish autocrats who interpreted the Gospels for personal advantage or with incomplete information. Moreover, some papal statements cannot clearly be reconciled with the Gospel message. Popes since 1869 claim to be infallible, but Pope Benedict’s error-prone performance as Pope, and now especially his unexpected resignation, suggest otherwise… Where in the Gospels did Jesus say predatory priests are to be protected before innocent children? Where did Jesus instruct his followers to wear $30,000 outfits? Where did Jesus tell his followers to launder money? Prosecutors are steadily moving in and soon, new Pope or not, one Pope or two, international courts will resolve these major contradictions. Hence, current “bad news” for the Pope and his Vatican Cardinals’ clique that should undermine the Vatican’s ideological, self-serving and unsupportable interpretation of the Gospel message ...
The Vatican Deceits Media Empire will capitalize on Holy Week and pull out all the stops to get free world coverage to brainwash the world one last time about the Vatican Last Tsar, read our article below on February 11 when Benedict XVI resigned.
The Vatican Deceits Pied Pipers are out in full force. The foremost Vatican Pied Piper is John L. Allen Jr. who is the Devil’s Twin when it comes to deceiving and making Catholics feel good about their criminal pope and criminal Cardinals and criminal bishops. John Allen’s clever journalistic writing skill is born out of the Devil’s Bowels and can make you feel good about criminal Bernard Law despite his crimes - and make you adore John Paul II, Cardinal Mahony, and all those Catholic vicars who had callous hearts towards Catholic children sodomized by bestial Vatican pedophile priests of Biblical Proportions, the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army read here
The College of Cardinals at the Papal Conclave are cut from the same cloth as their poster boy, criminal Cardinal Bernard Law as they worship and protect the Vatican Mammon Beast
Evil impact of the Papal Conclave: the epidemic violence against women and the perpetuity of poor countries
An article published last Feb. 14 by Feminist Studies in Religion in the USA entitled “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” makes some very important points worth pondering about the upcoming Papal Conclave most evil consequences which is the epidemic violence against women and girls. Here are the main points of the article that prove why “the whole framework and process of the conclave are wrong”. We’ve arranged it in outline form for easier understanding and according to subtopics and added our ideas and the comments of others - in brackets. The entire article is posted below with yellow highlights and its link.
The Papal Conclave: For Men Only
- The papal conclave is a men’s scene without any questions asked
- the explicit—message is that men are in charge: men confect the sacred mysteries, men decide whom to elect, men pray, men reflect the divine, men have it all under their control
- Men have it all under their control. This carries over into the larger culture as well. It is no wonder violence against women is epidemic.
- When the smoke subsides after the Conclave, there will still be a single man at the helm.
- When a few men vote without accountability to anyone and when power is centered at the top, the whole framework and process are wrong.
- Left unquestioned, it will reinforce and reinscribe the worst forms of privilege and domination.
- Male entitlement in the world, including the violence done to women and girls, is baptized and confirmed by this symbol system. It has the pernicious impact of making the male-only power model seem holy.
Patriarchy reinforced
- Patriarchy will get unimaginable amounts of free publicity for the next month
- The whole package will serve to reinforce the patriarchal patterns of a religious tradition
- Unrivaled displays of kyriarchy will be beamed into our homes as reporters will explain piously the ancient rituals of a men’s club cloning its own head.
- The outcome of this election is pretty clear from the outset. Handicapping the race to the tiara is a parlor game, not a serious theo-political analysis. Cardinal electors have been handpicked to reflect a conservative ideology. Even if they decide on a candidate from a developing country, the chances are good that he (no women, remember) will be cut from the same cloth.
- (Comment by emily_culpepper... on Feb 15, “Saint Hilarious is all too appropriate for this. What a sight their lace & skirts are. Take any chance, those of you with access to the press & print have, to point out the deadly effects their male hierarchy & doctrine enforcement have on women, and children, and yes, many men too. As Mary Daly wrote, "patriarchy is the religion of the planet," & these guys are its hatchet men”)
Women have no voice or vote
- No woman will have a voice or a vote in the Conclave
- (Half of the 1.2 billion Catholics are women and they should have a voice on how their Catholic faith affects their lives and their children and families. Almost all countries now can have female presidents, female judges, female doctors, female priests, etc. But then the Vatican Church is a dictatorship and not a democracy)
- Men have it all under their control. This carries over into the larger culture as well. It is no wonder violence against women is epidemic.
(Perpetuity of the poor)
- (A comment in the same article by Carla on Feb 15 said: "Churches" are the only stable "community" that millions have---esp. the poor, the elderly, and the powerless. Any change in "community" is difficult and must be undertaken with great care.
- (OUR REPLY: This is the very irony of the poor - when they adhere and desperately cling to the “stable” Catholic Church who is equally their “stable” Oppressor as they – after being brainwashed by religion and consequently in their ignorance - allow their countries to be continually eaten away by the voracious Vatican Mammon Beast of the Vatican Billions since their colonization by Vatican “missionaries” who brainwashed people into slaves as the conquistadors plundered their country and exported wealth into foreign Spain and Vatican. Today the diplomatic immunity of Cardinals do the same thing in today’s means.
Read here about priests John Paul II and Ratznger oppressed because the Vatican feared their voices
Read here about priests John Paul II and Ratznger oppressed because the Vatican feared their voices
- (The reason why Cardinal Ratzinger and John Paul II silenced all the Liberation Theology priests and nuns was not their definition of Christ the Liberator but because the Christ of the Poor would have awakened the poor from their despondency and dependency on the Vatican. Their Catholic Eucharist cloning of Christ by the magical powers of priests and Catholic holy prayers only reinforced their poverty and Christ the Liberator would have awakened them to claim their rights to their lands instead of giving them blindly to their Vatican colonizers. Even Mother Teresa fell into the trap of the Vatican Billions, instead of using the donations of 100 million dollars to build a hospital and a medical university in India, she hoarded all of it instead.
Evil consequences of the papal conclave
- (The perpetuity of the poor countries and poor peoples, including rape of women and proliferation of child soldiers)
- the epidemic violence against women and girls
- some women’s birth control and abortions are at stake
- some young LGBTIQ people will commit suicide because of this crowd
- Abuse survivors live with the consequences of acts perpetrated by priests and covered up by these bishops, cardinals, and now popes (plural). Sounds dramatic, but sadly it is true
- Those scarlet robed cardinals will continue to perpetuate Vatican Deceits with their theatrics but the Vatican Titanic days are numbered because Our Lady has had enough of having the Supreme Pontiff abused her name for centuries by turning the Vatican into the Whore of Babylon
- Call foul on the process. First, this is not about a pope but a process. We do not get a lot of windows of opportunity when the press is attentive to things theological. The issue is not a new pope, whether from a developing country or not. In fact, foisting a sinking ship on a person whose community has been marginalized is an old trick, and it does not work. Rather, what is needed is a wholesale deconstruction of a hierarchal church and the reconstruction of a community that is based on radical equality
- Change the subject and deflect such discussion and focus instead on the needs of the world—economic, ecological, and social. Imagine a billion people really empowered to do justice. We could make a real difference. Instead, if Catholics are left to think that their leaders will do justice work for them because they do everything else (like vote for top leadership) that energy will never gather. The world will be the worse for it.
- It is time for this global institution, this multinational business called Catholicism to be horizontally integrated with teams of ministers and managers, teachers, and preachers.
- Beginning in local communities, every adult member would have voice and vote with younger people brought along to participate as their abilities allow. Jobs would rotate so no one would have to be stuck with one task forever.
- The patriarchal religious media-show-on-steroids will play out in the month ahead. Left unquestioned, it will reinforce and reinscribe the worst forms of privilege and domination. But if feminists and friends raise tough questions along the way, we will have seized the moment for some education and social change. But if feminists and friends raise tough questions along the way, we will have seized the moment for some education and social change.
- (It is vital to build a renewed model of empowered, vibrant inclusive, egalitarian communities… That is what we in the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests are trying to do in our grassroots communities. Yes, and let's not forget to laugh too!
- Embrace humour
- (Comment by JEB Feb 15: religion is going to be the death of the human race if we don't wake up to reality, and stand up against all of the pre-scientific make believe and wishful thinking of the magicians!)
- (It’s time for the Third World countries “Christ the Liberator” theologians to rise up and speak up for the freedom of the poor, read about them here
- The Third Secret of Fatima will deliver the final justice on the Vatican total demise when it will become like the Temple of Solomon wherein not one pillar at St. Peter’s Square will be left standing
We hope Mary Hunt doesn’t mind our frog dissection of her good article. Her full article is in the news update below with link.
Read our original commentary the resignation of Benedict XVI
Final “holy” spectacles of “Holy” Week for Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI
On Holy Thursday, watch out for the hypocrisy of the ceremonial washing of the feet of the twelve apostles by Benedict XVI when it was more important that he should have washed the feet of Italian victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army who walked across Italy to the doorstep of the Vatican but he refused to welcome them in. Benedict XVI was not a Good Samaritan because he didn’t even bother to take a peek at how they looked like, the suffering faces of children sodomized by the Bestial Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions committed by the JP2 Army– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army of the his confrere, John Paul II whom he hurriedly beatified, read here
On Holy Thursday, watch out for the hypocrisy of the ceremonial washing of the feet of the twelve apostles by Benedict XVI when it was more important that he should have washed the feet of Italian victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army who walked across Italy to the doorstep of the Vatican but he refused to welcome them in. Benedict XVI was not a Good Samaritan because he didn’t even bother to take a peek at how they looked like, the suffering faces of children sodomized by the Bestial Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions committed by the JP2 Army– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army of the his confrere, John Paul II whom he hurriedly beatified, read here
The Vatican is the smallest theocratic, autocracy, ‘it is not a democracy’ country while Rome is the secular city of the democratic state of Italy, read more here
the "slimy bastard" Cardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep."
But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the Achilles Heel of John Paul II
But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the Achilles Heel of John Paul II
Well, the black magic holy words of a team of “holy priests” cannot clone Christ the Son God either, read about the Divine Trinity
The black belt means she is pregnant

The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way
9-months gestation of Jesus the Son of God

READ more here about the pregnancy of Our Lady
The cloning process that produced Dolly

9-seconds black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests

9-seconds black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests
Our comment: Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiated” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today. The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate God’s flesh. Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches “For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone
In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. Paul See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone
Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified
Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,
They came sick and they left sick.
There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,
for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter or Paul did.
Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here
Benedict XVI had “no use for women”
We also post an article of the New York Times on February 11, 2013 Farewell to an Uninspiring Pope that speaks also about Benedict XVI’s “no use for women”. Here is an excerpt:
POPE BENEDICT XVI quit. Good. He was utterly bereft of charm, tone-deaf and a protector of priests who abused children. He’d been a member of the Hitler Youth. In addition to this woeful résumé, he had no use for women.The Roman Catholic Church, which in so many ways has been a great boon to the City of New York, has been choked and bludgeoned into insignificance by a small group of men based in Italy.
Priests cannot marry. Why? I will tell you why. Priests cannot marry because they would have to marry women. Women cannot be priests.
Why? Women cannot become priests because of a bunch of old men. These old men justify their beliefs with a brace of ridiculous arguments that Jesus would have overturned in a minute. “Do unto others as you would have them do to you.” What about that is hard to understand? If you can become a priest, I can become a priest. Period. Equality.
Read more chosen articles in the news update below…but most of all, meditate upon the 9-months pregnancy of Our Lady, the cloning of Dolly the sheep, and the Black Magic of the Eucharist by sinful priests.
NEWS for FEBRUARY 20, 2013
Feminist Studies in Religion
Posted by Mary E. Hunt on Feb 14, 2013
Feminist Studies in Religion
Posted by Mary E. Hunt on Feb 14, 2013
Patriarchy will get unimaginable amounts of free publicity for the next month as the Roman Catholic Church reshuffles the papal deck. Media commentators will fawn over the proceedings triggered by the unexpected resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Unrivaled displays of kyriarchy will be beamed into our homes as reporters explain piously the ancient rituals of a men’s club cloning its own head. It will be hard to ignore and difficult to make sense of, even though the outcome is clear. When the smoke subsides after the Conclave, there will still be a single man at the helm.
As a media extravaganza full of color and pageantry, the rituals will be hard to beat. The whole package will serve to reinforce the patriarchal patterns of a religious tradition whose billion adherents deserve better, patterns that are alive and well beyond the walls of Rome. No woman will have a voice or a vote in the Conclave. Sisters and consecrated laywomen will care for the elderly pope, but otherwise this is a men’s scene without any questions asked. The explicit—not just implicit, but explicit—message is that men are in charge: men confect the sacred mysteries, men decide whom to elect, men pray, men reflect the divine, men have it all under their control. This carries over into the larger culture as well. It is no wonder violence against women is epidemic.
Sensible feminist friends ask why I worry about such things. I reply that some women’s birth control and abortions are at stake; some young LGBTIQ people will commit suicide because of this crowd. Abuse survivors live with the consequences of acts perpetrated by priests and covered up by these bishops, cardinals, and now popes (plural). Sounds dramatic, but sadly it is true. Moreover, male entitlement in the world, including the violence done to women and girls, is baptized and confirmed by this symbol system. It has the pernicious impact of making the male-only power model seem holy. Ditto for the racist, heterosexist dimensions as well, not to mention the Euro-centrism and moneyed assumptions that underlie the proceedings.
So how should feminists deal with the endless hype of the next month? I have a four-part strategy that I will be following.
1. Call foul on the process.
First, this is not about a pope but a process. We do not get a lot of windows of opportunity when the press is attentive to things theological. The issue is not a new pope, whether from a developing country or not. In fact, foisting a sinking ship on a person whose community has been marginalized is an old trick, and it does not work. Rather, what is needed is a wholesale deconstruction of a hierarchal church and the reconstruction of a community that is based on radical equality.
This is a mouthful in a sound bite era. But the important thing is to call foul on the process. When a few men vote without accountability to anyone and when power is centered at the top, the whole framework and process are wrong. If a pope can resign and his colleagues make up the rest as they go along, then a structure can be redesigned. Tradition has no claim on injustice.
2. Change the subject.
The outcome of this election is pretty clear from the outset. Handicapping the race to the tiara is a parlor game, not a serious theo-political analysis. Cardinal electors have been handpicked to reflect a conservative ideology. Even if they decide on a candidate from a developing country, the chances are good that he (no women, remember) will be cut from the same cloth.
The best approach is to deflect such discussion and focus instead on the needs of the world—economic, ecological, and social. Imagine a billion people really empowered to do justice. We could make a real difference. Instead, if Catholics are left to think that their leaders will do justice work for them because they do everything else (like vote for top leadership) that energy will never gather. The world will be the worse for it.
3. Be creative.
Now is a time to think the edgiest thoughts and articulate them broadly. I will start.
I imagine that this is the end of the papacy as we know it. Gary Wills in his new book Why Priests?: A Failed Tradition (Viking, 2013) sketches the end of priesthood. The pope was a priest last time I checked, ergo the end of the papacy as currently conceived. Imagine that.
It is time for this global institution, this multinational business called Catholicism to be horizontally integrated with teams of ministers and managers, teachers, and preachers. Beginning in local communities, every adult member would have voice and vote with younger people brought along to participate as their abilities allow. Jobs would rotate so no one would have to be stuck with one task forever. Take a lesson from the retiring pope who is now hinting that he may start to frequent his favorite Roman restaurants again when he is freed from his tasks! Other churches and many religious communities operate this way and it works just fine.
4. Embrace humor.
Religion is a common human experience, which reflects both deeply held beliefs and absurd nonsense. As such, it is rich fodder for humor. The humor need not be nasty or cynical, but it can be hysterical as we enjoy the foibles of our shared humanity. I say laugh until you cry at some of this stuff that Saturday Night Live writers could not make up.
Read feminist comedian Kate Clinton on the papal resignation. Observe the deep theological answer to the question that one calls a former pope: “Ex Benedict” with apologies to the popular brunch food. See what cartoonists are saying. Hey, maybe the Pope resigned because he wants to get married, how do I know! He is resigning on the feast day of Pope Hilarius. Stop me!
The patriarchal religious media-show-on-steroids will play out in the month ahead. Left unquestioned, it will reinforce and reinscribe the worst forms of privilege and domination. But if feminists and friends raise tough questions along the way, we will have seized the moment for some education and social change.
Submitted by Bridget Mary Meehan on Feb 14, 2013
Amen! Excellent advice to survive" papalmania" during the next month. No women will elect for sure! And yes, it is vital to build a renewed model of empowered, vibrant inclusive, egalitarian communities. That is what we in the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests are trying to do in our grassroots communities. Yes, and let's not forget to laugh too!
Submitted by carla cothran on Feb 15, 2013
Play to your audience: keep it simple:
Average adult reading level in U.S. is 9th grade
Average adult attention span is 15 minutes.
Average adult reading level in U.S. is 9th grade
Average adult attention span is 15 minutes.
Take your sentences: "Morover, male entitlement in the world, including the violence done to women and girls, is baptized and confirmed by this symbol system. It has a pernicious impact of making the male-only model holy." & "It is no wonder violence against women is epidemic." Can you simplify them and still make the same point?
For example: The male-only power structure is baptized by the Catholic church. It is no wonder that violence against women and girls is epidemic.
Good summary, but too "academic" for general public.
Also, the "multinational business called Catholicism" is understandable & "Beginning in local communities, every adult member would have voice and vote..." is good.
"Churches" are the only stable "community" that millions have---esp. the poor, the elderly, and the powerless. Any change in "community" is difficult and must be undertaken with great care.
As a poor, elderly, powerless, Protestant, I applaud your efforts. Methodism is also undergoing upheavals and loss of membership and focus---the current trend is to pay "church consultants" large sums of money to "save us".
Submitted by Pam on Feb 15, 2013
Ecclesia sempre reformada est. (The Church is always in need of reform.)
Submitted by Bob Schwiderski on Feb 15, 2013
Here’s a list of 228 accused clerics, nuns and staff - [updated]
--- Added: --- Fr. Martin A. Brady, TOR (Franciscan friar); Little Falls, MN
--- Added: --- Fr. Martin A. Brady, TOR (Franciscan friar); Little Falls, MN
Submitted by emily_culpepper... on Feb 15, 2013
Saint Hilarious is all too appropriate for this. What a sight their lace & skirts are. Take any chance, those of you with access to the press & print have,
to point out the deadly effects their male hierarchy & doctrine enforcement have on women, and children, and yes, many men too. As Mary Daly wrote,
"patriarchy is the religion of the planet," & these guys are its hatchetmen.
to point out the deadly effects their male hierarchy & doctrine enforcement have on women, and children, and yes, many men too. As Mary Daly wrote,
"patriarchy is the religion of the planet," & these guys are its hatchetmen.
Submitted by JEB on Feb 15, 2013
I swear, religion is going to be the death of the human race if we don't wake up to reality, and stand up against all of the pre-scientific make believe and wishful thinking of the magicians! Simple openness to and insistance upon it is liberating.
Send in the Clones
By Vinnie Nauheimer
Suppose you had a guaranteed lifetime job, long flowing red robes, more bling than you could wear, servants, secretaries (handsome ones at that), hundreds of millions of people believing that you are the spiritual descendants of the apostles and were an intermediary between them and God! Would you give that up to become more Christ like? Not a chance! Therein lies the cardinal lack of motivation to elect anyone other than a clone to fill Benedict’s Prada shoes.
Baptized in the River of Denial, delusional, self-absorbed, uttering snippets to the press about the pressing issues of the poor and third world countries, the cardinals gather, feast sumptuously and strategize about who will be the next Vicar of Christ on Earth and what they will wear for the new pope’s, if not their own, inauguration. It’s the Vatican’s version of America’s Red Carpet Club. Yet, these same men, the cardinals, are the first to condemn the evils of materialism while totally oblivious to the fact that they are the polar opposites of their founder.
VATICAN DECEITS to mask Vatican Billions
Pope to retire with pension of 2,000 pounds a month
The Pope could receive a pension of 2,150 pounds a month once he steps down on Feb 28 and goes into retirement within the walls of the Vatican.
The Vatican has indicated that the most likely title for Benedict after his resignation will be Bishop Emeritus of Rome. That would entitle him to a pension of 2,500 euros a month. The Vatican would not confirm the arrangement but its spokesperson, Fr Federico Lombardi, said last week that the Pope would want for nothing. "We will ensure he can live a dignified existence," he said.
UN denouncement of clerical Child abuse in the US will be a huge embarrassment to Pope and not easy reading for Cardinal Mahoney
UNITED STATESNational Secular Society (United Kingdom)
[note: This release does not link to the NSS Web site.]
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has expressed deep concern to the US Government about “sexual abuse committed by clerics and leading members of certain faith-based organizations and religious institutions on a massive and long-term scale amounting to sexual slavery or servitude of children”.
Concerned that the failure of the US authorities to prosecute the sexual abuse, it has urged them to investigate all cases of “sexual abuse of children whether single or on a massive and long-term scale, committed by clerics”.
The condemnation (shown in full below) was made as part of a cyclical five yearly review of states by the committee, and followed evidence given by the (UK) National Secular Society focussing on the Catholic Church. NSS Executive Director, Keith Porteous Wood commented:
“$2 billion has been paid out to abuse victims in compensation by the Catholic Church in the US indicating a massive scale of abuse. Yet very few clerical perpetrators have been convicted and only one official has been convicted for facilitating the abuse. Hundreds if not thousands of clerics have wrongly escaped incarceration due to the continuing secrecy of the Church and the issue being almost ignored by law enforcers.
“That so many perpetrators have escaped justice is yet a further abuse of the victims whose whole lives have often been ruined as a result.
“The Pope has been responsible since 1981 for the policing of the Church, and with it, child abuse, and many think, as I do, that no one is more responsible than him. He has hushed up abuse accusations to protect clerics, the Church’s reputation and funds. He has obstructed secular justice rather than encouraged it. We can only hope that his successor opens the secret files and treats victims with the respect they deserve.
“Prosecuting authorities have some very awkward questions to answer, and I hope they too take to heart the UN’s stinging criticism, where they mention ‘inaction and/or corruption’. This is relevant to the proceedings relating to Cardinal Mahoney.
“I acknowledge that child abuse in religious institutions is not confined to the RC Church, but there is no doubt that it has occurred within the RC church at a much greater level than any other religious institution.”
What the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child concluded:
[Click here for the UN report]
35. The Committee is deeply concerned at information of sexual abuse committed by clerics and leading members of certain faith-based organizations and religious institutions on a massive and long-term scale amounting to sexual slavery or servitude of children and about the lack of measures taken by the State party to properly investigate cases and prosecute those accused who are members of those organizations and institutions.
36. The Committee urges the State party to take all the necessary measures to investigate all cases of sexual abuse of children whether single or on a massive and long-term scale, committed by clerics, to issue clear instructions to all relevant authorities to actively prosecute those cases and to engage in a dialogue with faith-based organizations religious institutions and their leaders, in order to enlist their active and open collaboration to prevent, investigate and prosecute cases. The State party should also draw the attention of law enforcement authorities to the sanctions that may be imposed on them in case of inaction and/or corruption.
Scandal-hit Vatican bank tries to make clean start but again stumbles
The Vatican appointed a German lawyer to head its bank, but the bid to turn the fortunes of the scandal-hit institution was clouded by his business links to a military shipbuilder.
The appointment, made by a commission of cardinals, was approved by Pope Benedict and is likely one of his last major decisions before he resigns at the end of the month, a move he announced last week, stunning Catholics around the world.
As chairman of the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), Ernst von Freyberg will head efforts to improve the image of the Vatican's bank which is under investigation for money laundering and has been without a head for nine months.
But within minutes of announcing his appointment, the Vatican faced a new public relations challenge when asked to explain Freyberg's chairmanship of Blohm + Voss, a Hamburg-based shipbuilder in which he is a minority shareholder.
Pope struggled to lift sacred secrecy of Vatican finances
VATICAN CITYWashington Post
By Anthony Faiola
Published: February 15
VATICAN CITY — Inside a 13th-century monastery in a sleepy village north of Rome, the Rev. Salvatore Palumbo was allegedly serving more than one higher authority. Italian prosecutors say a Ferrari-driving lawyer who defrauded insurance companies used the priest as a frontman, with Palumbo stashing the illicit cash inside the secretive Institute for Works of Religion.
A.k.a. the Vatican Bank.
The arrests over the past six months of Palumbo and the 34-year-old lawyer, Simone Fazzari, highlight one major source of the scandals and power struggles that observers say contributed to Pope Benedict XVI’s historic resignation this week — the murky world of Vatican finances.
With ATMs offering transactions in Latin and a castle-like headquarters protected by spear-toting Swiss Guards, the financial arm of the Vatican has never been a run-of-the-mill bank. But a sense of crisis has been building around it and other Vatican financial dealings. ...
Evidence suggests the outgoing pope sought to shed light on the dark Vatican books, but that effort yielded even more controversy. The former president of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, was forced to resign in May, alleging he was fired for getting “too close to the truth.” Last year, other documents leaked by the pope’s butler and other sources revealed the depth of the internal tug of war over financial transparency, with Vatican reformers pitted against traditionalists who appeared to believe the church should answer only to a higher power.
On Friday, the pope backed a decision by a commission of cardinals to name Ernst von Freyberg to head the Vatican Bank. The German-born lawyer and member of the ancient Knights of Malta was selected, the Vatican said, because of “his vast experience.” However, Italian commentators were quick to question why the choice was not left to the incoming pope.
NEW GOSPEL: Bad News For Popes? Is It “Good News” For Catholics?
UNITED STATESChristian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
If “bad news” for this month’s and next month’s Popes restores the Catholic Church closer to its original consensual structure, it is “good news” for Catholics worldwide by making the neglected Gospels the “New Gospel” once again.
Catholicism is based principally on the broad guidelines left by an actual historical person, Jesus. But he left nothing in writing for his followers. Decades after Jesus’ crucifixion and oral devotional reports of his unique “after death experience”, several writings, called Gospels or “Good News”, began to appear in different communities about Jesus’ message and unique experience. The Gospels were written for purposes, by persons, and used sources, all mainly unknown with certainty today. These often impressionistic reports have errors and inconsistencies. They are contained in thousands of often conflicting copies of key manuscript fragments that were transcribed in multiple languages centuries later often in ancient language idioms. Over the centuries, these reports were included with other similarly problematic, often unrelated and sometimes inconsistent writings into the New Testament. Moreover, at the insistence mainly of Constantine and his imperial successors, these various and often Palestinian scriptural strands were prematurely squeezed into mandatory creeds using Greek philosophical terminology.
Problematic or not, Jesus’ message overrides all Popes’ statements, of course, especially since church history indicates many Popes were selfish autocrats who interpreted the Gospels for personal advantage or with incomplete information. Moreover, some papal statements cannot clearly be reconciled with the Gospel message. Popes since 1869 claim to be infallible, but Pope Benedict’s error-prone performance as Pope, and now especially his unexpected resignation, suggest otherwise.
Among some of the relevant guidelines generally ascribed to Jesus are that he was opposed to a self-important, excessively scrupulous and overly indulgent religious hierarchy and that he thought children should be protected from harm. These points have neither been consistently understood nor respected in the Vatican for decades, even for centuries. The “Good News”, or the Gospels, have often been disregarded by the Catholic hierarchy where a Renaissance culture of opulence and celibate incomprehension of children still predominate today. Where in the Gospels did Jesus say predatory priests are to be protected before innocent children? Where did Jesus instruct his followers to wear $30,000 outfits? Where did Jesus tell his followers to launder money? Prosecutors are steadily moving in and soon, new Pope or not, one Pope or two, international courts will resolve these major contradictions. Hence, current “bad news” for the Pope and his Vatican Cardinals’ clique that should undermine the Vatican’s ideological, self-serving and unsupportable interpretation of the Gospel message is “good news” for Catholics. ...
We all have a moral obligation to protect children and signing a petition is a simple, yet potentially effective, way towards meeting that obligation. Please take a minute and sign it at:
[Click here for the petition.]
BEFORE New Pope Arrives, Cardinals Must Begin Church Reform Or Else
UNITED STATESChristian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
The Vatican Titantic is sinking rapidly. The key 85 year old “Captains”, Pope Benedict and Cardinal Sodano, spent their formative years under Hitler and Mussolini and know how to survive a sinking ship. They, with their octogenerian Vatican clique, are now trying to commandeer a personal lifeboat by ramming through quickly a subservient new Pope who will do their bidding for their few remaining years, leaving younger Cardinals, Bishops and worldwide Catholics to swim for themselves thereafter. The Pope and his architects have been planning his nearby “refurbished convent” for many months, yet Cardinals are now being stampeded to vote early. Will all Cardinals be so shortsighted to fall for this? Will at least one-third of them slow the election process down and still salvage the Church (and themselves) instead? There is a way they can do this as described below.
Captains Ratzinger and Sodano, however well intentioned, have for three decades misdirected the Church after hitting the iceberg of priest child abuse, amidst increasing irrelevance to world Catholics. All Cardinals need to act now to begin to fix the Church first before it is too late, especially before an ineffective new Pope is installed for life to bail out the reckless Captains. Prosecutors are increasingly moving into the Church, while Catholics are steadily moving out, and all will continue to do so if the Church is not fixed promptly.
President Obama’s new Catholic chief of staff, Denis McDonough, just said on Meet The Press, in effect, that the Church will do fine if it does the right things. And what if it continues to do some bad things? President Obama and a U.S. Presidential investigation commission, similar to Australia PM Julia Gillard’s new commission, would have the clout to compel much of the fix needed. Will Cardinals instead try to fix the Church themselves now or risk sitting in future prison cells, as some of them very well may be doing soon, wishing they had fixed it when they could have.
Here’s what Cardinals can and should do. They need to block by a one-third vote any papal candidate that will not agree publicly now to take the following three actions:
(1) Serve only a three year term subject to re-election thereafter. Pope Benedict just proved by resigning that the papacy is not a lifelong position.
(2) Appoint now a special committee to identify and recommend within nine months needed structural and pastoral changes, as described in my April 2010 Washington Post web column warning Pope Benedict what he was facing, that he failed to acknowledge, and which is linked here at:
[Washington Post]
(3) Implement the needed changes so identified at a worldwide council held away from Rome within six months of receipt of the special committee’s recommendations as described in my Washington Post column. ...
We all have a moral obligation to protect children and signing a petition is a simple, yet potentially effective, way towards meeting that obligation. Please take a minute and sign it at:
[Click here for the petition.]
UN Criticism of Obama DOJ & Italian Vote; Popes & Pols; Kids & Sighs
UNITED STATESChristian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
Leaders can show real empathy, especially in front of cameras. Ireland’s Prime Minister seemed genuinely sad today about the young women and children abused in prison laundries run mainly by nuns. Pope Benedict seemed similarly sad in his brief meetings with a few survivors of priest child sexual abuse. President Obama also seemed sad for the children raped at Penn State. But sad sighs are not enough for leaders. They must be linked to effective and adequate efforts (1) to obtain justice for innocent victims, (2) to assure the accountability of wrongdoers, including aiders and abettors, and (3) to minimize recurrences. Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard skipped the sighs and just went straight to an exemplary fully funded and staffed national royal commission.
On that score, PM Gillard gets an A+, PM Kenny passes so far, the Pope fails and, at best, the jury may still be out on the President. As noted today by SNAP Wisconsin’s usually well informed Peter Isely, the much respected UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva, the leading voice internationally for protecting children, has indicated that President Obama’s Justice Department (DOJ) and the U.S. Congress recently got poor grades on protecting children from sexual abuse in religious settings, especially in the U.S. Catholic Church. SNAP also reported that its efforts to get the DOJ to act goes back a decade. Very disappointing and disturbing, to say the least.
If no one is held to account, the violation of children will just continue. Tens of thousands of innocent children have been raped in religious organizations in the USA alone. Vatican conference experts last year estimated that over 100,000 children so far have been abused by Catholic priests in the USA alone. Where have our political and religious leaders been? Where are they now? No U.S. Cardinal or Bishop has been locked up to date for child endangerment. Will that ever change, Mr. President?
In the midst of a close Italian election campaign ending this weekend, the Pope suddenly announced his resignation that apparently had been in the works for several months at least. The Pope also plans to meet after the election, but before his resignation is finalized, with a senior Italian governmental official. Italian media have recently focused more on the Pope’s resignation than on the Italian elections. Knowledgable observers have indicated this has already given the Pope’s favored candidate, Prime Minister Monti, a needed boost. Just a coincidence? We should know better within ten days whether a carefully timed papal immunity deal is under consideration. ...
We all have a moral obligation to protect children and signing a petition is a simple, yet potentially effective, way towards meeting that obligation. Please take a minute and sign it at:
[Click here for the petition.]
U.N. body says U.S. lax on clerical sex abuse cases
By Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor
VATICAN CITY | Mon Feb 18, 2013
A U.N. committee has accused U.S. legal authorities of failing to fully pursue cases of child sex abuse in religious groups, an issue especially troubling the Roman Catholic Church.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child wrote this month that it was “deeply concerned” to find widespread sexual abuse by clerics and staff of religious institutions and “a lack of measures … to properly investigate cases and prosecute them”.
Britain’s National Secular Society, which drew attention on Monday to the little-noticed report, said it hoped the Catholic pope to be elected next month would open Church files to help prosecute as yet undiscovered cases of clerical sexual abuse.
The scandal of predator priests has haunted the pontificate of Pope Benedict, who will resign on Feb 28. The pope has apologized for the abuse and met victims in several countries, but cases and damning internal files are still coming to light.
After years of legal battles, the Los Angeles archdiocese bowed to a court order last month and released 12,000 pages of files showing its former head, Cardinal Roger Mahony, had sent accused abusers out of state to avoid justice in the 1980s.
"The committee is deeply concerned at information of sexual abuse committed by clerics and leading members of certain faith-based organizations and religious institutions on a massive and long-term scale," said the report, which gave no details.
It said it also found a "lack of measures taken by (U.S. legal authorities) to properly investigate cases and prosecute those accused" and urged them to order law enforcement officials to step up efforts to uncover and bring charges against abusers.
The National Secular Society, which campaigns at the United Nations against privileges for religious groups, accused Benedict of hushing up abuse cases and obstructing justice.
"We can only hope that his successor opens the secret files and treats victims with the respect they deserve," its executive director Keith Porteous Ward said in a statement.
The abuse crisis is expected to be among issues cardinals discuss before they enter the Sistine Chapel in mid-March to elect a new pope, but the secrecy of their consultations means it is not clear how much of a role it will play in their choice.
The committee, which drew its conclusions after a routine review of U.S. compliance with the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted its report in Geneva on Feb 1.
The Church and its insurance companies in the United States have already paid more than $2 billion in damages to victims. Clerics from other faiths have also been accused or convicted of sexual abuse of children, but on a lesser scale than Catholics.
Catholic dioceses with known abuser priests have staff files on them and correspondence with the Vatican about some of them. These are confidential but courts and government inquiries in several countries have forced some of them to be opened.
Sexual abuse cases in the Catholic Church began coming to light in the 1980s and became a major crisis in 2002, when U.S. media began reporting systematic cover-ups for abusive priests.
Ireland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands have grappled with similar scandals after official or Church-led reports exposed abuse in schools and church organizations.
The Church in many countries has set up new guidelines to deal with past abuse, prevent new cases, report abuse to police and stop potential abusers from entering the priesthood.
But campaigners say there is much still to be discovered about how the Church behaved in the past and want more bishops who were aware of abuse to be held responsible.
"Hundreds if not thousands of clerics have wrongly escaped incarceration due to the continuing secrecy of the Church and the issue being almost ignored by law enforcers," Porteous Wood said. "Prosecuting authorities have some very awkward questions to answer, and not just in the U.S."
Boston's Cardinal Bernard Law resigned after scandals were exposed there but was named to a prestigious Church post in Rome. Mahony, who had already retired as Los Angeles archbishop, was stripped of his public ministry when files were opened there.
Victims' groups have tried to establish a legal link between abuse cases in countries such as the United States and Germany and the Vatican, which in some cases appeared more concerned about protecting the Church's image than helping the victims.
Before his election in 2005, Benedict headed the Vatican's doctrinal office and took over handling of sexual abuse cases in 2001. Supporters say Vatican infighting kept him from responding decisively but he took a tougher stand once he was pope.
Critics say he failed to take effective action. "He publicly spoke about the crisis more than his predecessor but that alone is no achievement," SNAP, an abuse victims' advocacy group, said after he announced his resignation on Feb 11.
In 2010, Benedict was named as a defendant in a U.S. law suit alleging that he failed to take action as a cardinal in 1995 when he was allegedly told about a priest who had abused boys at a school for the deaf decades earlier.
The lawyers withdrew the case last year and the Vatican said it was a major victory that proved the pope could not be held liable for the actions of abusive priests in their dioceses.
(Editing by Alison Williams)
UN committee 'deeply concerned' as US lets sexual abuse slide in religious groups
At a moment of turmoil for the Catholic Church following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, a UN committee is accusing American law enforcement of being soft on child sex abuse in religious groups – a problem infamously associated with the Church.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child stated in a February 2013 report that it was "deeply concerned" by systemic sexual abuse by higher-ups and staff of religious institutions. Most troubling was a "lack of measures taken by [American legal authorities] to properly investigate cases and prosecute those accused," partially because of "a lack of measures … to properly investigate cases and prosecute them."
The report, adopted in Geneva during a routine review of US compliance with the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child on February 1, urged American law enforcement officials to create such measures in order to get to work revealing cases of sexual abuse and taking predators to court.
Authorities from various religions have been accused and convicted of sexually abusing children, but none on the scale of the Catholic Church, which in the US alone has paid out some $2 billion in damages to victims of sexual abuse over the years. The End of Days or the End of Catholic Daze?
By Vinnie Nauheimer
Prophecies from Malachy to Fatima and every one in between, including the rarely mentioned prophecy of a Japanese nun from Akita, Japan, Sister Sasagawa have predicted the end of days. However, Sister Sasagawa quoting the Blessed Virgin has a prophecy that has hit the bulls eye, with no interpretation needed, that describes current Vatican events. She said she was told, “The work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops.” It wouldn’t stretch anybody’s mind (except maybe a bishop’s) to believe that the Blessed Mother was prophesying the scenario currently surrounding Benedict’s resignation.
My personal favorite prophecy is from her son, Jesus: Luke 12:1-3
He began to say unto his disciples first of all, “Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees (Hierarchy), which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.”
Is there anything more compelling than the fulfillment of Jesus’ own prophecy? Is there anyone out there that doesn’t or can’t see the hand of the Holy Spirit moving to cleanse his church? (Present hierarchy excluded) How many times was Jesus pressed for miracles? How many Doubting Thomases’ are there? How much more proof is needed? Survivors of sexual abuse, mere men and women, took on a two thousand year old church with more money and power than most global corporations and they brought the church to its knees. Could that have happened without divine assistance?
Roger Cardinal Mahony spent hundreds of millions of dollars on lawyers, PR firms and hush money. One might say he did everything humanly possible to prevent the diocesan records from being made public, but in the end all his money and power were spent in vain. Over 12,000 pages of documents outlining what many consider criminal behavior, which is the antithesis of what Jesus preached on earth, were released. In Philadelphia a monsignor sits in prison because his cardinal boss died before he could be indicted. In Kansas City a bishop was convicted of failing to notify authorities about a priest he knew was taking lurid pictures of little children! “Words that have been spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light!”
The prophecy of Jesus is reverberating through the Vatican. “That which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” The closeted words are now global headlines! The dam is showing strain and the once impenetrable wall of red cloaks is cracking. Vati-leaks, Swiss guards killed, the butler done it, money laundering, mob connections, power plays, Cardinal Mahony silenced, the pope’ resignation and now we read there is a homosexual contingent in the Vatican. Well bowl me over with a feather boa! Homosexuals in the Vatican! That’s about as surprising as finding sand in your shoes after a day on the beach. The difference is; is what has been known for a long time has been very publicly shouted from the housetops!
The gates are opened with more to come as sharks, smelling blood in a sea of red, jockey for the pole position in the race for the white hat. In addition to outing the homosexual contingent this past week, other notable cracks have come from: Cardinal Zen who has said that the Vatican should have taken a tougher stand on the Chinese government. While he, in the past, has spoken out against the government of China, he has never before broken ranks and spoke out against the Vatican’s lack of action. Then there is Cardinal Keith O’Brien, who heads the Church of Scotland. He laid down a very public anti-Vatican bombshell when he said that priests should be given the option of getting married. This is in direct opposition to Benedict who in April of last year slammed priests who favored removing the requirement of celibacy and in 2010 sent a letter to seminarians world-wide extolling the virtues of celibacy. More interesting is the lack of a public Vatican reprimand for O’Brien. Rome is too busy countering the “homosexual contingent” to even bother with Cardinal O’Brien. O’Brien is a man who knows how to time his contradictions to papal policy. End of Daze?
The glue of secrecy appears to be drying up and with it the adherence to the “Don’t say anything in opposition oath.” Maybe there are a few non-delusional, selfless cardinals left in the church; Men who realize its “do or die time,” time to take a stand and give the church the cleansing and overhaul it needs to make it a spiritual rather than a power based entity. If they don’t, their dwindling church will shrink to the level of a historical monument. The Vatican claim of having over one billion Catholics worldwide is both laughable and pathetic. The statement should read, “Over one billion baptized” The idea that there are over a billion practicing Catholics in the world is as ludicrous as saying there is no evil residing in the Vatican. Under the last two pontiffs, the number of practicing Catholics in Europe and the United States has dropped dramatically. More important to the Vatican, is the coinciding drop in revenue. Tentacles will have to be lopped off and no cardinal wants it to be their arm of the Vatican. Red hats are seeing red and are prepared to do what they have to do to survive.
If the above isn’t proof enough of the coming end, consider the youth. The largest numbers of non-practicing Catholics come from the under thirty group. The Vatican knows they have no way of replacing the Cradle to Grave Catholics as they age out along with the priests who serve them. In Ireland, former priest exporter extraordinaire to the world, the Church ran a multi-million dollar, multi media campaign last year. This very expensive effort garnered a mere twelve vocations. Without fresh blood or a miracle, the days of the Vatican led church are certainly numbered.
It is a safe bet that the Vatican financial people have already projected the numbers and know within a couple of years when the end of days will occur. Business as usual will only hasten both the end of daze and their end of days. Stay tuned and remember Mary’s words to the good sister, "the work of the devil will infiltrate even the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops.” Stay tuned!
Send in the Clones
By Vinnie Nauheimer
Baptized in the River of Denial, delusional, self-absorbed, uttering snippets to the press about the pressing issues of the poor and third world countries, the cardinals gather, feast sumptuously and strategize about who will be the next Vicar of Christ on Earth and what they will wear for the new pope’s, if not their own, inauguration. It’s the Vatican’s version of America’s Red Carpet Club. Yet, these same men, the cardinals, are the first to condemn the evils of materialism while totally oblivious to the fact that they are the polar opposites of their founder.
So why would anyone in their right mind harbor the slightest inkling that things will change?Jesus said his church would last forever is one answer!

Who is to say that this is his church anymore? It was written in Thomas’ Gospel that the church lives in those who keep Jesus in their heart. Did Jesus drive around in a golden chariot? Did he spend lavishly on hats and shoes? Did either he or his apostles wear fourteen to twenty foot silk capes known as Cappa Magnum? Or, did Jesus chastise the rich and their lavish life styles saying it was harder for them to get into heaven than to get a camel through the eye of a needle? What’s that you say, “Bishops and cardinals have no money of their own; it is church money freely given?” Eating lavishly at the trough filled by the labor of others is the bigger disgrace!
Well what about the Holy Spirit! Surely he will reinvigorate and bless the conclave?
No, the Holy Spirit is too busy keeping the spark of justice alive in the thousands of abuse survivors. The Spirit has imbued survivors and their supporters with the tremendous strength and unwavering courage needed to take on a universally corrupt institution with global tentacles. Only the Holy Spirit could have sustained the survivors of clergy sexual abuse while they bore and still bear the brunt and full measure of a mega monolithic church attempting to crush them. Please pause here to remember those who didn’t survive, those whose spirits were willing to come forward, but whose minds were not able to withstand the intense pain brought on by the onslaught of a ruthless church, its high powered lawyers, and their high pressure tactics. No, the Holy Spirit is too busy tending to the suffering and giving them the courage to speak about the unspeakable atrocities committed on their bodies. The Spirit doesn’t have the time for those who have co-opted Christ’s church.
You speak of hierarchy as though they are incorrigible. Do you truly believe that?
Those that are not criminals themselves have opted to keep silent about the ones who are. There is nothing else to say. If they haven’t committed crimes of commission, they have committed crimes of omission. As Jesus said, “Bad trees don’t produce good fruit!” Which cardinal who has himself committed a crime is going to vote to have himself removed? Which cardinal who sat by silently will now publicly rebuke his red-hatted brothers? Bring in the clones!
Look at the headlines currently surrounding any number of cardinals.
They include but are not limited to money laundering, fronting for the mob, perjury, failure to report sex crimes to civil authorities, failure to remove sexually abusing priests, interfering with judicial processes and those are only the ones we know about. Would the Jesus in the Gospels have men like Bernard Law, Roger Mahony, Edward Egan, Donald Wuerl, Francis George, George Pell, Sean Brady as apostles? Jesus would more than likely have fitted them for millstones for turning children away from Him as three of the four Synoptic Gospels tell us.
Send in the clones; it’s business as usual!
News updates for March 8, 2013
Holding signs and childhood photos, at a news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will release a list of the 12 “worst” prelates who’ve been identified at likely papal candidates, based on their records in dealing with clergy sex crime and cover ups. They will also urge the College of Cardinals to
--elect no one on their list as the next pope, and
--stop pretending the crisis has abated, since it remains deeply hidden in the vast majority of nations (where most Catholics live), and has really only become widely known- and barely addressed - in the US about a decade ago and in a few European countries even more recently.
TODAY, Wednesday, March 6 at 10:30 a.m.
Two leaders of an international support group for clergy sex abuse victims called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, including the organization’s long-time executive director
The Orange Hotel at 86 Via Crescenzio in Rome (+39 06 686 8969)
Two or three dozen prelates have been publicly named in credible and multiple mainstream media reports and on betting websites as serious contenders for the papacy. Based largely on news accounts, legal filings and victims’ experiences, SNAP has compiled a list of 12 of them that the group considers the worst choices in terms of protecting kids, healing victims, and exposing corruption.
The list includes prelates from ten nations: Honduras, Mexico, Canada, Ghana, Australia, Italy, Argentina, the Czech Republic and the US.
Three Cardinals on the list have been strongly and recently criticized by SNAP (Turkson, Mariadeiga, and Dolan.) Several others are considered by some to be “reformers,” but SNAP contends they have largely benefited from outstanding public relations and from being in jurisdictions where criminal and/or civil legal action against complicit church officials and child molesting clerics is very restricted.
Earlier this week, SNAP opposed the election of any member of the Roman Curia. The group feels no current Vatican “insider” has the will to truly “clean house” in the Vatican and elsewhere. SNAP also maintains that promoting a Curia member would discourage victims, witnesses, whistleblowers and advocates from reporting wrongdoing. (This includes “papabiles” Ouellet, Turkson, Sandri, Bertone, and Pell. For a full list of Curia members:
Today’s list contains only church officials whose names have been reported as serious or likely papal possibilities in at least two recent mainstream news sources.
There are other Cardinals who are not generally considered ‘papabiles’ who SNAP would also oppose. They include: Connell (Ireland), Brady (Ireland), O’Brien (Scotland), Sodano (Italy), Re (Italy), Danneels (Belgium) and the following from the US: Egan, Rigali, Burke, Law, Maida, Levada, Mahony, and O’Brien.
SNAP will also criticize church officials for misleading parishioners and the public by claiming the crisis is largely over. History, psychology and common sense all indicate that the vast majority of clergy sex crimes and cover ups in the developing world are yet to be exposed. Further, SNAP believes that tens of thousands of predatory priests across the world still live and work among unsuspecting families and flocks. (Church officials admit that there are 6,100 accused predator priests in the US alone.)
We hear less about clergy sex crimes and cover ups in Africa, Asia, and South America, SNAP maintains, because there tends to be less funding for law enforcement, less vigorous civil justice systems, less independent journalism, and an even greater power and wealth difference between church officials and their congregants.
CONTACT (in Italy) David Clohessy's Italian cell 339 215 7504 (, Barbara Dorris' Italian cell 334 791 2239 ( Our hotel: NH Villa Campagna, Via Pio IV, 6 – Phone 39 393731 - Clohessy-Room 220, Dorris-Room 320)
CONTACT (in US) Peter Isely (on Central US time) 414 429 7259, - Joelle Casteix (on Pacific US time) 949 322 7434, - Becky Ianni (on Eastern US time) 703 801 6044,
Canada's television priest sits besides Vatican spokesman Lombardi - which is a sign the Vatican has prepared and chosen Cardinal Ouellet as a potential Pope.
Thomas Rosica, founder of Canada's Catholic television Salt & Light, sits at the left of Jesuit Lombardi (probably outgoing press secretary)

The Truth commented 1 day ago · Flag
First, Lemieux-Levebvre said he was proud of the way his ex-boss handled the problem, now he says that he had nothing to do with it. Clearly he has no clue about what happened and is only intent in defending the omerta. He thinks it is a debate, while everybody else knows it is criminal. Getting upset about words when you have such a dirty mind only shows his big fragile ego. I guess he can’t handle the truth.
But really, it shows that it is the ones in the shadows that cover those things and foster the culture of abuse.

News updates for March 8, 2013
ITALY - Victims release "dirty dozen" list
- Victims release “Dirty Dozen” list
- “None of them should be next pope,” they say
- All 12, from 10 nations, are considered ‘papabile’
- Group blasts prelates “who pretend the worst is over”
- Scandal has yet to surface in most nations, victims contend
- It’s ‘shameless spin’ & ‘deliberate deception’ to claim otherwise,” they say
Holding signs and childhood photos, at a news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will release a list of the 12 “worst” prelates who’ve been identified at likely papal candidates, based on their records in dealing with clergy sex crime and cover ups. They will also urge the College of Cardinals to
--elect no one on their list as the next pope, and
--stop pretending the crisis has abated, since it remains deeply hidden in the vast majority of nations (where most Catholics live), and has really only become widely known- and barely addressed - in the US about a decade ago and in a few European countries even more recently.
TODAY, Wednesday, March 6 at 10:30 a.m.
Two leaders of an international support group for clergy sex abuse victims called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, including the organization’s long-time executive director
The Orange Hotel at 86 Via Crescenzio in Rome (+39 06 686 8969)
Two or three dozen prelates have been publicly named in credible and multiple mainstream media reports and on betting websites as serious contenders for the papacy. Based largely on news accounts, legal filings and victims’ experiences, SNAP has compiled a list of 12 of them that the group considers the worst choices in terms of protecting kids, healing victims, and exposing corruption.
The list includes prelates from ten nations: Honduras, Mexico, Canada, Ghana, Australia, Italy, Argentina, the Czech Republic and the US.
Three Cardinals on the list have been strongly and recently criticized by SNAP (Turkson, Mariadeiga, and Dolan.) Several others are considered by some to be “reformers,” but SNAP contends they have largely benefited from outstanding public relations and from being in jurisdictions where criminal and/or civil legal action against complicit church officials and child molesting clerics is very restricted.
Earlier this week, SNAP opposed the election of any member of the Roman Curia. The group feels no current Vatican “insider” has the will to truly “clean house” in the Vatican and elsewhere. SNAP also maintains that promoting a Curia member would discourage victims, witnesses, whistleblowers and advocates from reporting wrongdoing. (This includes “papabiles” Ouellet, Turkson, Sandri, Bertone, and Pell. For a full list of Curia members:
Today’s list contains only church officials whose names have been reported as serious or likely papal possibilities in at least two recent mainstream news sources.
There are other Cardinals who are not generally considered ‘papabiles’ who SNAP would also oppose. They include: Connell (Ireland), Brady (Ireland), O’Brien (Scotland), Sodano (Italy), Re (Italy), Danneels (Belgium) and the following from the US: Egan, Rigali, Burke, Law, Maida, Levada, Mahony, and O’Brien.
SNAP will also criticize church officials for misleading parishioners and the public by claiming the crisis is largely over. History, psychology and common sense all indicate that the vast majority of clergy sex crimes and cover ups in the developing world are yet to be exposed. Further, SNAP believes that tens of thousands of predatory priests across the world still live and work among unsuspecting families and flocks. (Church officials admit that there are 6,100 accused predator priests in the US alone.)
We hear less about clergy sex crimes and cover ups in Africa, Asia, and South America, SNAP maintains, because there tends to be less funding for law enforcement, less vigorous civil justice systems, less independent journalism, and an even greater power and wealth difference between church officials and their congregants.
CONTACT (in Italy) David Clohessy's Italian cell 339 215 7504 (, Barbara Dorris' Italian cell 334 791 2239 ( Our hotel: NH Villa Campagna, Via Pio IV, 6 – Phone 39 393731 - Clohessy-Room 220, Dorris-Room 320)
CONTACT (in US) Peter Isely (on Central US time) 414 429 7259, - Joelle Casteix (on Pacific US time) 949 322 7434, - Becky Ianni (on Eastern US time) 703 801 6044,
Canada's television priest sits besides Vatican spokesman Lombardi - which is a sign the Vatican has prepared and chosen Cardinal Ouellet as a potential Pope.
Thomas Rosica, founder of Canada's Catholic television Salt & Light, sits at the left of Jesuit Lombardi (probably outgoing press secretary)
Canada- Victims respond to criticism over Cardinal Ouellet
We are a staff of three abuse victims working very hard to protect kids, help victims, expose wrongdoers and deter cover ups in a huge, powerful, global institutions. We simply are incapable of monitoring how a 40 year old movie title translates into multiple languages and slang expression.
We hope Catholics and citizens, in Canada and elsewhere, will focus on what we believe really matters:
--Accounts in credible mainstream media that Cardinal Ouellet refused to meet with victims in Canada.
--Cardinal Ouellet’s recent bragging about the church’s abuse response
--Cardinal Ouellet’s widely reported – and thus far un-refuted – brokering of a deal with a Scottish church official who retired a few weeks early after denying and then admitting sexual misconduct with several seminarians and young priests.
Let’s address these one by one
1. We don’t doubt that Ouellet met with Irish victims. Canadian press reports say he refused to meet with some Canadian victims.
2. We believe Catholic officials should focus less on burnishing their images and more on protecting their flock. It’s hurtful when church officials overstate their belatedly and grudgingly adopted policies and procedures that may look good on paper but rarely translate into actual behavior.
3. Cardinal Ouellet’s conduct with Cardinal O’Brien is more of what church officials have done for decades: acting slowly, tepidly and deceptively in sexual misconduct cases. Ouellet has known of the allegations for months. He kept them silent for months. He let an admitted wrongdoer devise his own light penalty. And perhaps most worrisome, he refused to be honest. He hasn’t said, in a clear way, “O’Brien abused his power and trust for selfish sexual ends and we deplore this and are disciplining him because of his hurtful misconduct.” He hasn’t urged anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered O’Brien’s misdeeds to call therapists or self help groups or police or prosecutors or other independent and trustworthy sources of support.
In short, in this high profile case, at this critical time, Ouellet took slow, secretive and slight steps that seem primarily designed to protect the reputation of the powerful instead of the safety of the vulnerable.
Read the story here,
We hope Catholics and citizens, in Canada and elsewhere, will focus on what we believe really matters:
--Accounts in credible mainstream media that Cardinal Ouellet refused to meet with victims in Canada.
--Cardinal Ouellet’s recent bragging about the church’s abuse response
--Cardinal Ouellet’s widely reported – and thus far un-refuted – brokering of a deal with a Scottish church official who retired a few weeks early after denying and then admitting sexual misconduct with several seminarians and young priests.
Let’s address these one by one
1. We don’t doubt that Ouellet met with Irish victims. Canadian press reports say he refused to meet with some Canadian victims.
2. We believe Catholic officials should focus less on burnishing their images and more on protecting their flock. It’s hurtful when church officials overstate their belatedly and grudgingly adopted policies and procedures that may look good on paper but rarely translate into actual behavior.
3. Cardinal Ouellet’s conduct with Cardinal O’Brien is more of what church officials have done for decades: acting slowly, tepidly and deceptively in sexual misconduct cases. Ouellet has known of the allegations for months. He kept them silent for months. He let an admitted wrongdoer devise his own light penalty. And perhaps most worrisome, he refused to be honest. He hasn’t said, in a clear way, “O’Brien abused his power and trust for selfish sexual ends and we deplore this and are disciplining him because of his hurtful misconduct.” He hasn’t urged anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered O’Brien’s misdeeds to call therapists or self help groups or police or prosecutors or other independent and trustworthy sources of support.
In short, in this high profile case, at this critical time, Ouellet took slow, secretive and slight steps that seem primarily designed to protect the reputation of the powerful instead of the safety of the vulnerable.
Read the story here,
First, Lemieux-Levebvre said he was proud of the way his ex-boss handled the problem, now he says that he had nothing to do with it. Clearly he has no clue about what happened and is only intent in defending the omerta. He thinks it is a debate, while everybody else knows it is criminal. Getting upset about words when you have such a dirty mind only shows his big fragile ego. I guess he can’t handle the truth.
But really, it shows that it is the ones in the shadows that cover those things and foster the culture of abuse.
By Joann Fitzpatrick
For The Patriot Ledger
Posted Mar 09, 2013
For The Patriot Ledger
Posted Mar 09, 2013
Traditionally the election of a new pope gives the Roman Catholic hierarchy a chance to remind the world of one of its great religions and of how much influence the Vatican has.
Until fairly recently, the gathering of cardinals, the procession of red hats into St. Peter’s Basilica, crowds waiting for the puff of white smoke to indicate that a new leader has been chosen – all the attendant rituals and the secrecy of the process made for great theater. A sense of the mystique of the church pervaded.
Not this time. A measure of inscrutability is present in all religions and helps sustain them and their followers in the modern world. But events in recent years have stripped the Vatican of the mystery cloak that sheltered it so securely.
We always knew there was intrigue; it’s been the stuff of lore and literature for centuries. Now we know of financial scandal and, most alarming, of the persistent and worldwide cover-up of sexual abuse by priests.
What happens at the Vatican no longer stays at the Vatican, and what happens in the conclave to select a new pope is of far less interest than it used to be, even among the faithful. The men who run the church may use Twitter, but their outlook remains rooted in another time. They refuse to acknowledge that their efforts to keep Catholics tightly controlled have failed. Most Catholics practice their faith as they know and feel it, distanced emotionally and theologically from the Vatican managers who are so removed from the lives of their followers. These men rail against contraception as though they don’t know that the vast majority of Catholics in developed countries turn a deaf ear. Italy has one of Europe’s lowest birth rates, and it’s not because of the Mediterranean diet.
Until fairly recently, the gathering of cardinals, the procession of red hats into St. Peter’s Basilica, crowds waiting for the puff of white smoke to indicate that a new leader has been chosen – all the attendant rituals and the secrecy of the process made for great theater. A sense of the mystique of the church pervaded.
Not this time. A measure of inscrutability is present in all religions and helps sustain them and their followers in the modern world. But events in recent years have stripped the Vatican of the mystery cloak that sheltered it so securely.
We always knew there was intrigue; it’s been the stuff of lore and literature for centuries. Now we know of financial scandal and, most alarming, of the persistent and worldwide cover-up of sexual abuse by priests.
What happens at the Vatican no longer stays at the Vatican, and what happens in the conclave to select a new pope is of far less interest than it used to be, even among the faithful. The men who run the church may use Twitter, but their outlook remains rooted in another time. They refuse to acknowledge that their efforts to keep Catholics tightly controlled have failed. Most Catholics practice their faith as they know and feel it, distanced emotionally and theologically from the Vatican managers who are so removed from the lives of their followers. These men rail against contraception as though they don’t know that the vast majority of Catholics in developed countries turn a deaf ear. Italy has one of Europe’s lowest birth rates, and it’s not because of the Mediterranean diet.

JP2 Army
The Cardinals and Bishops who enabled the Vatican sex maniac rapists priests

CSC Holy Cross Congregation delay $18 million compensation payout. Brother Andre & Saint JOSEPH giant GOLDEN COW STATUES could not help victims of CSC pedophiles
People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”
ZEUS GIANT SAINT JOSEPH did NOTHING to stop pedophile priests of the Congregation de Sainte-Croix happening right before his very eyes for 50 years

People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”

If you live in Los Angeles, or elsewhere in the USA or in the world, and are planning a “pilgrimage” to the Oratory of St. Joseph or flying to the Vatican, DON'T GO and instead DONATE that pilgrimage money to the Red Cross or your local charity - or sponsor a poor student and pay for his or her school supplies and school lunch for a year, or feed a homeless person for a year at McDonald's, instead of flying to Montreal to see the Oratory or the Vatican Mammon Beast - and God will listen more to your prayers in your act of mercy rather feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast or St. Joseph Oratory Mammon Beast copying the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy.
Children are better sex educated reading the Los Angles files rather than wasting their time to attend the wizardry of the Mass where priests ceaselessly reiterate those old horrid stories of extinct people in the Bible, read here the Immoral Bible
BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror
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