As Amnesty International in Ireland releases its report in more than 400 pages of documentation, that the Vatican clergy's abuse of children “included acts that amounted to torture and inhuman and degrading treatment”, Benedict XVI announced in his pompous state visit in Germany 'the building of a Catholic network and the "Mission Metropolis" project due to organise a unifying religious date in 12 large European cities in 2012'. Benedict XVI is really out-of-touch with regards to his Crimes against Humanity during the last quarter of the 20th Century when he reigned as the mighty Cardinal Joseph Ratzigner. He can go on wearing the Emperor's clothes with his papal mitre and white papal robes, but he is definitely a criminal as seen in the eyes of Amnesty International and in the eyes of victims, the tens of thousands of children sexually abused in epic proportions by the JP2 Army named aptly after John Paul II who had 27 years, together with Cardinal Ratzinger, who said and did nothing to stop the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions of the 20th century. Because of Amnesty International's pursuant of the Vatican and Benedict XVI as committing Crimes against Humanity, we will now likewise call the JP2 Army as the Vatican Army and the B16 Army of Pedophile Priests , see our related blogs here,
The "Mission Metropolis" may sound impressive except that Benedict XVI is running out of mask every time he speaks before the world that he is really sounding like the little boy who cried Wolf, Wolf, three times that nobody believed him in the end. This time Benedict XVI used Hitler as his mask when he spoke before the German Parliament, because by speaking how bad Hitler and the Nazis were, Benedict "appeared" to be like a the good guy, read our related article here All legal means are being used by the victims abused by pedophile priests to nail the coffin on Benedict XVI to be guilty as charged because he was really the partner of John Paul II as they both together reigned for over a quarter of a century at the Vatican and they both absolutely nothing to stop the JP2 Army of Pedophile Priests .
The pontiff's four-day state visit to his original homeland of Germany proves that he is really out-of-touch with the reality as he continue to cover-up the Vicious Vatican Cycle of Crimes which the Irish Prime Minister aptly described: the Cloyne Report excavates the dysfunction, disconnection, elitism....the narcissism .......that dominate the culture of the Vatican to this day. The rape and torture of children were downplayed or ‘managed’ to uphold instead, the primacy of the institution, its power, standing and ‘reputation’. Far from listening to evidence of humiliation and betrayal with St Benedict’s “ear of the heart”......the Vatican’s reaction was to parse and analyse it with the gimlet eye of a canon lawyer.’.
The eyes of religion and secularism are of opposing ends. The Vatican and its allies are portraying Benedict XVI as a Holy Father while the secular insitution of Amnesty International and the victims of the Vatican Army of Pedophile Priests see him as a criminal, read our related article
From CCR - Major Human Rights Report Affirms That Sexual Abuse by the Clergy is “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment”
Center for Constitutional Rights
Posted by Ccr on September 26, 2011
CCR Welcomes Amnesty International Report in Wake of Sept. 13 International Criminal Court Filing Against the Pope and Top Vatican Officials, Seeking Accountability for Clergy Sexual Abuse
NEW YORK, September 26, 2011 – In response to the release of a major human rights report on clerical sexual abuse, released today by Amnesty International in Ireland, CCR issued the following statement from Pamela Spees, Senior Staff Attorney:
Amnesty International Ireland’s release today of a major human rights report on clergy sexual abuse marks another important step in the journey towards holding Vatican officials accountable for the systematic and widespread concealing of rape and child sex crimes throughout the world.
Indeed, as the Amnesty report makes clear in more than 400 pages of documentation, the abuse of children “included acts that amounted to torture and inhuman and degrading treatment.”
The Amnesty International report, titled In Plain Sight: Responding to the Ferns, Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne Reports, includes a summary of four previous investigations into abuse by clergy in Ireland, which were also summarized and discussed in CCR’s September 13th complaint to the International Criminal Court.
According to Colm O’Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland, “The abuse of tens of thousands of Irish children is perhaps the greatest human rights failure in the history of the state. Much of the abuse described in the Ryan Report meets the legal definition of torture under international human rights law.”
The report makes clear what happens when governmental authorities cede their responsibility to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of vulnerable children and adults to a church that can’t be trusted with it, or with their children.
On behalf of CCR, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, and all survivors of clergy sexual abuse, we welcome this further validation of those whose lives were devastated and betrayed by those they trusted most.
In the coming months, CCR will continue to gather information and evidence of additional crimes of rape and sexual violence and associated cover ups by the Catholic Church. We continue to urge all members of the clergy, church officials, and anyone else with information about sexual violence against children to come forward. The 22,000 pages of evidence presented in the ICC filing is only a small fraction of the evidence already available. Far more must exist given the nature and magnitude of these crimes and the reach of the church. Hundreds of current and former Vatican employees have information about sexual assaults against children. Silence is complicity. It's time for church employees at every level to search their consciences and share their knowledge of these crimes and cover ups.
For more information on the case and copies of the complaint visit:
The Center for Constitutional Rights is dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South, CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change.
Can the pope recapture Europe?
The Guardian (United Kingdom)
Massimo Franco, Tuesday 27 September 2011
On 21 September 2010, Benedict XVI officially declared that the west needed a "new evangelisation" . This was news in itself. It was viewed as an admission of the weakness of the Catholic church, and not a temporary one; and the acknowledgement that today's Catholicism represents a minority in western countries, and a shrinking one. But in a more general perspective, this was a major "geo-religious" step for the pontiff.
The pope is convinced of the strategic relation between Christianity and Europe as its natural geographic and cultural ground for proselytism. And he wants this relation to be reasserted and improved. When, in June 2010, he announced his plans for a new ministry to revive religion, no details were given of its structure, content and goals. There was no secret: the Vatican knew it had to deal urgently with that problem, but hadn't yet figured out how to accomplish this mission. Benedict XVI just felt something very radical had to be done.
It has to fight against the slippery enemy of what the Vatican perceives as "the supremacy of the fragments": a cultural approach which tends to isolate and disperse western societies, and by consequence also Catholics: a sort of "grassroots relativism". The first task Fisichella has given to himself and his ministry has been to recall that "do-it-yourself Catholicism" is not a solution to the crisis of the faith. On the contrary, it represents a major danger. It is viewed as the wrong answer to confronting modern times and to adapting to them. The Catholic recipe is to follow the pope's teachings and those of the bishops' conferences; and to reunite a Catholic "army" disoriented and eroded by secularism, painfully hit by sex abuse scandals and the competition both from evangelical Christianity and Islam.
But how? The controversy that greeted Benedict XVI on his visit to Germany is another danger sign. The visit was preceded by a book on the de-Christianization of Germany: Gesellschaft ohne Gott, (A Society Without God)by sociologist Andreas Puttman. "The religious implosion will have epochal dimensions in the long run", he writes.
Furthermore, the Vatican daily Osservatore Romano remarked on 20 September that there are currently more practising Muslims than Catholics in France. Geopolitics and religion don't seem to walk arm-in-arm in Europe. The Vatican's assumption that without Catholicism the west is destined to decline is not as widely shared as might appear.
A further source of misunderstanding is the disconnection between the Vatican and a number of European governments on the handling of sex abuse scandals. The building of a Catholic network and the "Mission Metropolis" project due to organise a unifying religious date in 12 large European cities in 2012, seems aimed at showing that the strength is still there: forces must just be recollected and reoriented. "Identity" is the key word. But which identity? Today's Europe seems the motherland not of a united Catholicism, but of Catholics belonging to different national tribes. This may be a great opportunity, or a persistent handicap.
The Vatican's problems are entirely of its own making, and are particularly associated with the tenure of Benedict XVI. An organization which purports to provide moral leadership to a global community numbering in hundreds of millions has shown itself interested in anything but, instead devoting its efforts to covering up the crimes of its own hierarchy. The sexual abuse of children in Ireland (and other countries) and the ongoing refusal to take responsibility or assist legal authorities in the pursuit of justice against the perpetrators of such crimes is a symbol of this combined hubris and arrogance.
The Vatican's declining influence is entirely down to its promotion of its own interests over that of ordinary Catholics who have become increasingly disgusted and despairing over its actions.
Apart from helping Nazzi war criminals escape justice after 1945 by smuggling them to South America with Vatican passports, providing money laundering services to the Italian Mafia in the 1970s and 80s, and disrupting Irish investigations into the rape and torture of children in the 90s and naughties, what exactly have been the practical consequences of the Vatican having convinced Mussolini to make it a sovereign state?
SPOTLiGHT movie is HALF-TRUTH deceits by VATICAN MOST EVIL POWER on earth. VA’s worst crimes are SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks that HOARD plutocrats’ WEALTH= VA perpetuates poor nations. VATICAN OWNS/CONTROLS SWITZERLAND via SWISS GUARD ARMY. UN must end Switzerland as “neutral” country.ABOLISH ALL VATICAN CONCORDATS. UNITED NATIONS must END VATICAN as a“COUNTRY”. POPES+PRIESTS have NO WOMBS = CANNOT PRODUCE BABIES or BODIES tiny FLESH of Christ in EUCHARIST HOAX+Satanic Mass. VOTE BERNIE SANDERS
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament. Nazis and Vatican are a “band of robbers”
Updated September 26, 2011
Benedict in his first and last speech to the German Parliament used Hitler as his mask and and the Nazi Regime as his shield to divert world attention away from his own Crimes against Humanity at The Hague. And he had lots of help from his cooperators in high places, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff and their associates, read our related article Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing details and Pope's visit to Germany greeted by protest PHOTOS & VIDEOS. Sex abuse victims blast Pope's inertia
From the Devil to Hitler, Benedict XVI has used every bad guy in the book to be his masquerade and armour to deflect light and truth from revealing his own Pope evilness and Holy Father wickedness, read our related article, Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood Benedict XVI surpasses the Devil as as the Big Bad Wolf dressed in Pope white sheep’s clothing, how tragic that the supposedly Shepherd is indeed the bestial Wolf and his Pope ego is as large as the Galaxy-size ego of John Paul II, read our related article here John Paul II Galaxy size ego usurps Mary statues. ‘The Holy Father’ John Paul II ousts Baby Jesus from the arms of His ‘Holy Mother’ Mary!
The Rule of Benedict XVI and the Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime
If every criminal on Earth used the same blame-game strategy of the Rule of Benedict XVI and the same Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime in the Sacrament of Confession, all court houses including The Hague and all jails would be completely empty -- criminals and despots like Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi would simply say like Benedict XVI, “The Devil made me do it”…then they’d follow the Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime in the Sacrament of Confession by talking to a sinful priest in a booth where their crimes are instantly forgiven and forgotten by the (GAY or pedophile) priest, and their penance would be the usual quickie recitation of a Hail Mary or Glory Be and then they’d go scot-free, free to roam again in the Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime to commit more evil like the JP2 Army, the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read our blog
Read our related articles:
Sins and crimes are not synonymous. Sinners and criminals are not one and the same, Sins and crimes are not synonymous. “Sins” is a Roman Catholic Church's word and theological concept while “crimes” is a secular word and society's reality.
The Sacrament of Confession and ‘Forgiveness’ is a tool of injustice to victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Penance is not justice; penitence is inequality to the lifetime suffering of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Benedict XVI the Pope pathological liar is half a century late
In his typical nature as the Pope pathological liar who lives out-of-touch with reality in his ivory tower at the Vatican Palace, Benedict XVI hid one important detail and he did not tell to the German Parliament the historical record of the Vatican and Pope Pius XII -- that they never spoke up against Hitler or the Nazis Regime during the entire Jewish Holocaust. Consequently, the German Parliament are kept in the dark that Benedict XVI angers Jewish groups for declaring “Venerable” Pius XII who did nothing during Holocaust… like John Paul II did nothing for clergy abuse
Benedict XVI had the gall to condemn the Nazis yet he and the Nazis have a lot in common as charged by two German lawyers who filed his Crimes against Humanity at The Hague, read our related article here The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI they both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell
The German official television network DW-TV did not even show one picture among the 10,000 protesters in Berlin against Benedict XVI’s 4-days trip, read our related article Pope's visit to Germany greeted by protest PHOTOS & VIDEOS. Sex abuse victims blast Pope's inertia At least those protesters had the courage to speak up against the criminal-pope Benedict XVI which the Vatican and Pius XII did not have the guts to protest against Hitler and the Nazis Regime when the time was right. We too protested the beatification of John Paul II, read our related article Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
What Benedict XVI also hid from the German Parliament was the fact that Hitler was a Catholic and he and the Nazis were heavily supported by the Vatican Cardinals as seen in photos and videos here , see more videos here
Benedict also did not tell the German Parliament that the Jews are still trying to claim from the Vatican the looted wealth which the Nazis plundered from them but which are safely hidden at the Vatican, read our related article Nazi Gold and the Vatican. How Rome saved Fascists. Vatican Bank claims. Nazi Connection To Franciscan Order Uncovered Near Medjugorje
Benedict XVI preached against the Nazis`injustice but the fact is John Paul II is the Pope of Injustice of the 20th & 21st Century and Fr. Marcial Maciel should be excommunicated posthumously
Benedict XVI is half a century late in speaking up against Nazis regime that’s dead and gone. Benedict XVI is behaving just like his predecessor John Paul II who apologized to the dead Galileo and to every dead victims in history possible who were harmed by the Vatican but he never once apologized to the more urgent alive victims of Fr. Marcial Maciel and Cardinal Bernard Law and to the hundreds of thousands of children harmed by the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions committed by his own JP2 Army, the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army who, like the Nazis, were born out of the Devil’s Bowels, read our related article, The Devil’s Bowels smell like roses at the Vatican and John Paul smelled Devil`s Bowels as roses for 27 years as he deified Father Marcial Maciel and deified Cardinal Bernard Law
Benedict XVI the sorcerer, magician and deceiver of Kings and Queens and world leaders
Benedict XVI performed his sorcery and magic of reincarnating Christ into 60,000 little hosts or wafers at the Berlin Olympic Stadium. Benedict XVI proves that he has finally succeeded where the Devil failed when he tempted Christ in the mount – Luke 4:2, 5-7. “The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” and 5The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.” Benedict XVI cannot turn ‘stone into bread’ but he can turn the ‘host into Christ’!! and Benedict can make the rulers of this world worship him because he is a demi-god reincarnating God !!!
Benedict XVI is absolutely impotent and cannot scientifically change any matter into another substance and he cannot reincarnate dead cats and dead dogs either but he can reincarnate God into little bits of flesh in the hosts or wafers! Imagine that, the supposedly creator of the vast universe at the mercy of a sinful criminal ugly evil old pope, see the evil eyes of Benedict here Imagine that, how stupid Jesus Christ really is to let himself be at the mercy and command of every pedophile priests and sinful GAY priests, read our related article on the sorcerer Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary’s 9 months pregnancy& child birth
How stupid Jesus Christ really is to let himself be at the mercy and command of every pedophile priests and sinful GAY priests, watch video of Italian GAY priests go to a GAY bar, perform GAY sexual acts, then perform the magic of the Eucharist here
Benedict XVI cannot turn ‘stone into bread’ but he can turn the ‘host into Christ’ – the 1.1 billion Catholics are really stupid to believe in these false magical powers of the evil Pope and his JP2 Army of pedophile priests!!!
Royal kings and queens and presidents of countries worship Benedict XVI because he is like Satan who can give them the kingdom of this earth, the kingdom of Money, the Kingdom of Mammon ruling over God -- by using God’s name in vain to profit the Vatican Bank, read our related article Fr. Marcial Maciel's Swiss Bank accounts: Angelo Sodano with Carlos Slim´s help has set his nephew up in business with a swiss registered company
Saint Ignatius Loyola used this quotation to recruit Jesuits ‘”What does it profit for a man to gain the whole world but suffer the loss of his soul”, but ironically the Jesuits were used by the Popes to transport moneys into the Vatican Bank, read our related article here Benedict XVI, Marcos Gold & Billions & Jesuits
The Vatican Bank does not keep money at the small state of the Vatican but rather transport them to the SECRET Vatican Swiss banks where they are further re-invested worldwide, read our related article on the investigation on the Vatican Bank money laundering which was later dropped because the Vatican Bank could afford to bribe and buy the souls of judges on the planet. That is why it is important for the Vatican to remain a country and have diplomatic immunity Papal Nuncios in each country for the continuous SECRET transfers of moneys into the Vatican Swiss Banks.
The Swiss Guard Army solidify and signify the link between the Vatican and Switzerland….this will be brought to light eventually, but you read it here first. This is why the European Union wants to invite the Vatican to join the EU and invite Benedict XVI to each country and to show that they openly support him which the German President did this September with President Markus. Last year in England, the Queen of England, Prime Minister Cameron welcomed Benedict XVI with defence and pomp, read our related article here. Likewise, French President Sarkozy, royal Kings and Queens of Europe go to the Vatican each year to have their photos taken with the Pope. Read our related article The Vatican is not a Country as other European Countries. It’s an artificial State created by Mussolini in 1929. It now wants power in European Union
Read our related article The Vatican Billions. Holy Mass Tourism for Each Generation. Pay to be a Christian - Whether Alive or Dead.
Why should the Vatican - which forbids the entrance and existence of women and children within its one-building walls - be recognized as a country? ?
The Vatican "country"
This the complete picture of the smallest country in the world - the Vatican "country" where women and children are forbidden to live and exist, its population less than half a USA High School, read
The Pope and Cardinals and Bishops and all priests are free to reincarnate and perform their sorcery and magic of Christ as much as they want. They do not need ambassadors in other countries to do that. They do not need diplomatic immunity to perform their prayers and sorceries. No one is stoppong them jsut as Harry Potter is free to perform his magic in movies, so the Pope and priests are free top perform their magic everyday and everywhere.
As long as the Vatican is allowed to exist as a “country”, there will always be despots and poor countries and poor peoples like El Salvador and Nicaragua read our related article Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino
The Arab Spring does not need the Vatican to free them. But what they need are the 70 billion dollars that Mummuar Khadafi stole from the country which are hidden in safe Vatican Swiss Banks. And the Pope will never give it back to them because John Paul II even hoarded the 100 million that Mother Teresa received as donation, read our related article Mother Teresa was not a living saint - revealed in detail by book God and His Demons
Hitler, John Paul II and Osama bin Laden: Trio Evil Men
Last Christmas, at the happiest time of the year, we were inspired (compelled and obliged by a Higher Power) to write “The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels” It was a very unpleasant inspiration just like Paris Arrow’s vision of the death of John Paul II during World Youth Day in 2002, read the vision here The 9/11 Decade and the JP2 Millstone 9th anniversary of Paris Arrow's vision of the death of John Paul II at the World Youth Day Our obedience to the Higher Power was blessed and proven right with the biggest coincidence or God-incidence ever with the May 1 beatification of John Paul II by Benedict XVI that coincided with the May 1 killing of Osama bin Laden that was ordered by President Obama to coincide with the May 1 announcement of the death of Hitler. Obviously, President Obama did not consult with Benedict XVI on this date and the Vatican had no clue (with their Holy Spirit monopoly) on how we would tie up these three evil men together, read our related article 9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day
And now we are proven right again -- with Benedict XVI speaking of Hitler and the Nazis and in his own words at the German parliament Benedict XVI was actually describing the Vatican regime.
The Nazis and the Vatican regimes are a “band of robbers”
Benedict spoke of the Nazi regime to the Bundenstag but he was actually describing the Vatican regime.
Benedict in his first (and last) speech to the German Parliament, he said that the NaziRegime was “a band of robber”. His exact words couldn’t describe better his own Vatican regime that has been a SECRET “band of robbers” for centuries as it ruled - and still do - in complicity with despots and world leaders who plundered the wealth of countries using the diplomatic immunity of Papal Nuncios who transported those ill-gotten wealth and hide them in the SECRET and safe Vatican (Swiss) Banks. No despot in the world ever succeeded without the help of the Vatican. History has proven this before our very eyes. The Spanish Kings and Queens succeeded in their 400 years colonization and plunder of the Philippines and South America only because the priests managed to brainwash and kept the people slaves to their Sacrament of Confession and Eucharist and threatened them with mortal sins and the fires of Hell if they did not obey God-or-the-Pope represented by the priests.
Read our related article on how the Vatican claimed all lands discovered and unclaimed in the entire world, The Vatican Billions. Holy Mass Tourism for Each Generation. Pay to be a Christian - Whether Alive or Dead.
Karol Wojtyla and the secrets of Vatican finances. The Pope is the CEO of the largest bank in the world, the Vatican Bank and the Swiss Banks
Vatican trail (theft) of Peter’s Pence Collection: “Render unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church”
By brainwashing people to be “Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven”, priests kept the people oppressed and stole all their wealth to Spain and the Vatican. If we are to know that the Vatican has nothing at all to do with the liberation but oppression only of peoples, take a look at the Arab Spring that is now ablaze in the Middle East and Arab world and they do not use one word from the Bible nor the writings of John Paul II nor the words of Jesus Christ to free themselves from their kings and despots. Read our related article Holy Heist! John Paul II WYD had no role with Arab youths who liberated Egypt from Mubarak who stole then deposited billions into Vatican Swiss Banks !
Jesus said that he came to free the people = Isaiah, but instead his representative on earth, the Pope, has only done the opposite by perpetuating poor countries and poor peoples as proven especially with Benedict XVI’s silencing Jon Sobrino and Liberation Theology, read our article here Mexico mounts a worldwide campaign against the beatification of John Paul II, they should for they are the people of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Benedict XVI smelled Devil’s Bowels as roses at the Vatican for over a quarter of a Century
Benedict XVI, just like John Paul II, smelled Devil’s Bowels like roses at the Vatican for a quarter of a century he said nothing and did nothing to stop the JP2 Army.
Benedict XVI as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger ruled the Vatican for a quarter of a century together with John Paul II and he proved himself as the most callous hearted Cardinal ever as he dined and wined with the poster boy serial pedophile, Fr. Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legion of Christ, and with Cardinal Bernard Law who publicly admitted that he transferred 80 pedophile priests from one parish to another in Boston, was forced to resign as Cardinal only to be promoted him as Archpriest of the mother of all basilicas in Rome, the St. Mary Major. Like wise as his partner in crime John Paul II, these two men are the Achilles Heels of Benedict XVI. Here is a video of the arrogant Cardinal Ratzinger slapping a journalist hand when asked about Fr. Marcial Maciel. Benedict XVI was forced to slap Maciel on the wrist because Maciel’s mistress and biological sons refused to sell their souls to the Vatican Bank but came out in Mexican television to reveal their sufferings, read our related article here. Read also the billions of dollars of cash-cow Fr. Maciel’s hid in Vatican Swiss Banks here INTEGER & Vatican Swiss Banks accounts: Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ secret Vatican wealth
Why should the wealthiest nation of the European Union (who bailed out Greece from bankruptcy) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff be interested in defending an old pope who lives in a one-building medieval castle of the Vatican with a handful of some 400 men-only who are all purportedly celibates (but practicing homosexual activities) and this old man forbids the presence and existence of children in his own “country” the Vatican? The answer is one word: money. Germany and all countries and all multi-national corporations need a semi-god pope to protect their hidden wealth using uninterrupted “diplomatic immunity” worldwide and people will not question this old man’s movement (and crimes against humanity) but simply fear him and their own soul’s salvation from Hell. Napoleon said, "“Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich. Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet”. The Catholic Church teaches people to be “meek and humble” like Jesus by praying, “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine’ and "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Read our related article It is time for the French Revolution at the Vatican: Benedict XVI must resign, Cardinal Bernard Law et al must resign …Shut-down the Vatican
The Vatican Holocaust, Pope Pius XII, Adolf Hitler, S.J., Joseph Stalin, S.J. the Jesuit's role in the Holocaust
Read our related article Conrad Black and Benedict XVI are of the same feather. Conrad Black speaks for and glorifies up Benedict XVI’s papacy
Benedict XVI and the Vatican are the worst pathological liars on earth. Benedict XVI is the mythomaniac of the 21st century!!!
The SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks are ruled in secrecy.
US Marci A Hamilton, counsel of record to the law firm and a legal scholar, said that documentation released by the Vatican, showed proof of the Catholic Church’s “pattern and practice of secrecy”.
Rome responsible for clerical abuse procedures, say lawyers
The Irish Times
LAWYERS FOR a man abused as a child by Fr Andrew Ronan have said internal Vatican documents show “policy and protocol” surrounding clerical abuse in the Catholic church ultimately rests with the Holy See.
The alleged victim, John V Doe as he is known in court documents, is seeking to hold the Vatican liable for allegedly being abused by the late Fr Ronan in 1965 or early 1966 when he was 15 or 16 years old.
He brought the case against the Vatican over nine years ago relating to abuse he alleged suffered by the former priest who died in 1992. ...
He cited two letters, one of which references Fr Ronan’s time in a seminary in Ireland where he engaged in “homosexuality with the students”, a discovery made in 1959 after which he was moved to the US. Marci A Hamilton, counsel of record to the law firm and a legal scholar, said that documentation released by the Vatican, showed proof of the Catholic Church’s “pattern and practice of secrecy”.
“They require secrecy – secrecy is required for child sex abuse from the top down. These documents further support that,” Ms Hamilton said.
“Basically they establish that secrecy is mandated from the top, that Andrew Ronan was part of the system that the Holy See controls, that they controlled him specifically and that could not possibly have left his position where he was abusing children . . . without direct decisions by the Holy See and the Pope himself.”
Understanding how Hitler used the Protocols for his own regime
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience." George Bernard Shaw
Hitler and his Nazi Party used the Protocols and his admirers still use them today for a blanket hatred of all Jews.This is what forms the basis of the antisemitic charges to reject even reading them. I contend that they should be read by everyone as a study in the genius of social engineering that we are witnessing today. However ,they should be read with an open mind and the material should not be used as an indictment against the Jewish peoples.A careful consideration should be given instead to the masonic structural influences in Hitler's pre war Germany .
It can be noted that they do lay a genius groundwork for control of society and even for a global governance.
Most notably they can be applied to the masonic structure model which is and has been the foundation of Fascist regimes.The Masonic rituals that I have read within my father in law's Lodge books convinced me that despite the neutral propaganda about masonry spouted on the recent plethora of television programs, Masonic Lodges do mimic and substitute themselves for organized mainstream religions.
The business prototype of Amway owned by the DeVos, who funded much of Blackwater, now XE,are but one example of how this new type of corporatism which relies on the masonic pyramidal model and works well to introduce and empower fascist type regimes.
Hitler was able to use the Protocols to exterminate Jews because the banking system in Germany was an apparent target for all the financial woes Germans were enduring at the time though job loss and an economic recession. I find it hard to believe that the average religious Jew in Germany was so indifferent to the threat that was brewing. Rather, I would point the finger at the greed of unscrupulous businessmen Jew ,Catholic, and atheist alike who most likely were part of masonic lodges.The majority of people join Masonry to advance their careers and business prospects.
I am saddened to say that this same type of structure was introduced into the Catholic Church via Opus Dei and Pope John Paul II.Remember that a main break from Catholic tradition was incorporated into Opus Dei whose priests go to Laymen for "Spiritual Direction".
Please note the commentary of a former high ranking member of Miles Jesu in his testimony below. The same can be said for the Legion of Christ and it's infamous founder Marcial .The Legion is allegedly undergoing the same type of reformation that Miles Jesu underwent by the Vatican.In my humble opinion it will not be effectively restrained from continued corruption since the Corporate entities involved are a source of financial gains for all politically spiritually and financially are still too much a part of the reasons behind keeping it going.
In the account from a visit to Paraguay below the reader should evaluate also the Opus Dei influence in South America.It should be remembered too that the infamous Fr Urrutigoity who was expelled from Scranton Diocese for alleged pederasty and monies scammed for his proposed society of St John, Catholic City from devout Latin Catholics, is now under the safe harbor of an Opus Dei Bishop in Paraguay.Fr Urrutigoity's roots were in the SSPX known for it's holocaost denying Bishop Willaimson. Also, of note is that the last Nazi to be arrested and tried was Paul Touvier who was found hiding in an SSPX monastery in Nice, France.
Catholic Order Miles Jesu Intervention by Church Authorities: Testimony and Opinion
by High-Ranking Former Member
September 16, 2011
Apparent too is the use of Laymen to guide alleged Catholics in Opus Dei that are no different than the practices of the other masonic structured cults like the Legion's Regnum Christi.;wap2
"For instance supernumeraries and numeraries have what is called "fraternal chats" with other designated numeraries. This is technically separate and distinct from confession, but in reality there is little difference besides the actual absolution. In the "chat" the member is encouraged to tell this lay numerary, with "brutal honesty" everything that is going on in his spiritual life, etc. So they are basically confessing their sins to this layman who then, in a spirit of fraternity, dispenses "spiritual advice". You are supposed to "trust" this lay spiritual director, but there are no canonical protections of secrecy like there are in confession. There are no guarantees that what you share with this layman will not be shared with other numeraries. I'm sure the members have good intentions and most of this is benign in practice, but the abuses this practice opens itself up to are scary. These lay numeraries are not priests and do not have the charism of the priesthood to guide souls."
"But then there are Germans and there are Germans. And the topic of Nazis or former Nazis in South America is always a subject of intrigue and speculation: luridly fictionalized as The Boys from Brazil or The Odessa File, but on the basis of real cases such as most famously Eichmann's flight to and capture from Argentina. Josef Mengele, though he initially fled to Buenos Aires, spent signficant post-war time in Paraguay.
Still, I had either forgotten or repressed from my only previous visit to Paraguay the shock induced, this time, by noting the first day of my stay a Spanish translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion on sale at a street corner kiosk. Or, a little later, just off one of Asunción's main squares, on the pavement outside a cybercafe, seeing two pencil drawings of Hitler on sale among the usual collection of secondhand textbooks and shabby novels. No irony, no self-consciousness as far as I could see: just a couple of portraits of the Führer, should I have wished to buy them as a souvenir of Paraguay.
I take it that most Paraguayan Germans shudder somewhat as I did in seeing such reminders of the Reich. Not least now that Germany itself is, with the World Cup, trying to rebrand itself beyond the clichés of either jackboots or dull efficiency. But perhaps more likely, these signs of history's unsavoriness merely blend in with their adopted country's long history of dictatorships (Doctor Francia "the Supreme" as well as that other son of Germany, Stroessner) and injudicious wars of aggression and catastrophic defeat."
Richard Dawkins' Pope Speech [mirror]
Richard Dawkins says in this important video: Joseph Ratzinger is an enemy of humanity. He is an enemy of children whose bodies he allowed to be raped and whose minds he has encouraged to be infected with guilt...
Richard Dawkins' explains Benedict XVI's blaming Hitler who was really a Catholic and was supported by the Catholic hierarchy of Germany. This speech is important because Benedict XVI is talking again about the Nazi regime during his visit in Germany
This was part of the Protest in England during Benedict's visit in 2010
In powerful address to German lawmakers, Pope warns of 'cultureless' Europe
September 22, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI gave a powerful defense of the natural-law tradition, and an equally powerful critique of moral relativism, in an address to lawmakers during the first day of his visit to Germany.
In his September 22 speech to the Bundestag, the Holy Father said that the Nazi regime illustrated how a government that does not recognize objective standards of justice can become a nightmare regime.
"Without justice, what else is the state but a great band of robbers?" the Pope asked, citing the words of St. Augustine. He continued:
We Germans know from our own experience that these words are no empty specter. We have seen how power became divorced from right, how power opposed right and crushed it, so that the state became an instrument for destroying right--a highly organized band of robbers, capable of threatening the whole world and driving it to the edge of the abyss.
At the opening of his address, the Pope said that he wanted to offer "some thoughts on the foundations of a free state of law." His remarks drew a loud standing ovation from the appreciative members of the Bundestag. About 50 members had boycotted the papal address.
The work of a politician, the Pope said, cannot be aimed simply at a successful career. He reminded his audience of the example of King Solomon, who asked God for the gift of wisdom in judgment. “Through this story,” the Pope said, “the Bible wants to tell us what should ultimately matter for a politician. His fundamental criterion and the motivation for his work as a politician must not be success, and certainly not material gain. Politics must be a striving for justice, and hence it has to establish the fundamental preconditions for peace.”
Justice, the Pontiff continued, cannot always be ensure by a demographic vote:
For most of the matters that need to be regulated by law, the support of the majority can serve as a sufficient criterion. Yet it is evident that for the fundamental issues of law, in which the dignity of man and of humanity is at stake, the majority principle is not enough.
The Pope observed that this point is illustrated by our admiration for the resistance movements that fought against the tyranny of the Nazi regime and other inhumane governments, “thereby thereby doing a great service to justice and to humanity as a whole. For these people, it was indisputably evident that the law in force was actually unlawful.”
Pope Benedict went on to explain the Church’s support for the natural-law tradition: a tradition that also has roots in Greek philosophy. He said:
Unlike other great religions, Christianity has never proposed a revealed body of law to the State and to society, that is to say a juridical order derived from revelation. Instead, it has pointed to nature and reason as the true sources of law.
The tradition of government based on the fundamental principles of natural law has been the basic foundation for the legal system of Germany and other European nations, the Pope said. However, that tradition is now imperiled:
The idea of natural law is today viewed as a specifically Catholic doctrine, not worth bringing into the discussion in a non-Catholic environment, so that one feels almost ashamed even to mention the term.
In the absence of natural-law reasoning, the Pope observed, politicians find it impossible to discern clear and objective standards of justice. Consequently, he said, there is a widespread perception “that an unbridgeable gulf exists between ‘is’ and ‘ought.’” Positivism, with its insistence that reason cannot bridge the gap between facts and values, undermines the tradition on which society is built.
The Pope warned tbe German lawmakers:
Where positivist reason considers itself the only sufficient culture and banishes all other cultural realities to the status of subcultures, it diminishes man, indeed it threatens his humanity. I say this with Europe specifically in mind…. with the result that Europe vis-à-vis other world cultures is left in a state of culturelessness and at the same time extremist and radical movements emerge to fill the vacuum.

Pope's homeland visit sparks criticism
Some 260,000 people are expected to attend Masses in Germany
Pope: Nazi crimes a lesson on abuse of power
Scattered protests outside German parliament as Benedict begins first state visit to his homeland
Protest the Pope - Speech Highlights
Opus Dei World Domination Agenda: more informations about the secretive ways of Opus Dei the real controller of the Vatican Swiss Banks
Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing details
Protest Benedict XVI's German trip: Banners to use. 86 percent of Germans think Benedict's four-day trip “totally unimportant”
Amnesty International names Vatican in 2011 report on human rights violations - it's time the UN end the Vatican status as a "secular" state
WYD & America, wake up and see the Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome
The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more
JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Men dressed as Adolf Hitler, left, and the pope, right, protest in front of the German parliament Wednesday ahead of the Pope's visit.
Benedict in his first and last speech to the German Parliament used Hitler as his mask and and the Nazi Regime as his shield to divert world attention away from his own Crimes against Humanity at The Hague. And he had lots of help from his cooperators in high places, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff and their associates, read our related article Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing details and Pope's visit to Germany greeted by protest PHOTOS & VIDEOS. Sex abuse victims blast Pope's inertia
From the Devil to Hitler, Benedict XVI has used every bad guy in the book to be his masquerade and armour to deflect light and truth from revealing his own Pope evilness and Holy Father wickedness, read our related article, Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood Benedict XVI surpasses the Devil as as the Big Bad Wolf dressed in Pope white sheep’s clothing, how tragic that the supposedly Shepherd is indeed the bestial Wolf and his Pope ego is as large as the Galaxy-size ego of John Paul II, read our related article here John Paul II Galaxy size ego usurps Mary statues. ‘The Holy Father’ John Paul II ousts Baby Jesus from the arms of His ‘Holy Mother’ Mary!
The Rule of Benedict XVI and the Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime
If every criminal on Earth used the same blame-game strategy of the Rule of Benedict XVI and the same Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime in the Sacrament of Confession, all court houses including The Hague and all jails would be completely empty -- criminals and despots like Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi would simply say like Benedict XVI, “The Devil made me do it”…then they’d follow the Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime in the Sacrament of Confession by talking to a sinful priest in a booth where their crimes are instantly forgiven and forgotten by the (GAY or pedophile) priest, and their penance would be the usual quickie recitation of a Hail Mary or Glory Be and then they’d go scot-free, free to roam again in the Vicious Vatican Circle of Crime to commit more evil like the JP2 Army, the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read our blog
Read our related articles:
Sins and crimes are not synonymous. Sinners and criminals are not one and the same, Sins and crimes are not synonymous. “Sins” is a Roman Catholic Church's word and theological concept while “crimes” is a secular word and society's reality.
The Sacrament of Confession and ‘Forgiveness’ is a tool of injustice to victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Penance is not justice; penitence is inequality to the lifetime suffering of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Benedict XVI the Pope pathological liar is half a century late
In his typical nature as the Pope pathological liar who lives out-of-touch with reality in his ivory tower at the Vatican Palace, Benedict XVI hid one important detail and he did not tell to the German Parliament the historical record of the Vatican and Pope Pius XII -- that they never spoke up against Hitler or the Nazis Regime during the entire Jewish Holocaust. Consequently, the German Parliament are kept in the dark that Benedict XVI angers Jewish groups for declaring “Venerable” Pius XII who did nothing during Holocaust… like John Paul II did nothing for clergy abuse
Benedict XVI had the gall to condemn the Nazis yet he and the Nazis have a lot in common as charged by two German lawyers who filed his Crimes against Humanity at The Hague, read our related article here The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI they both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell
The German official television network DW-TV did not even show one picture among the 10,000 protesters in Berlin against Benedict XVI’s 4-days trip, read our related article Pope's visit to Germany greeted by protest PHOTOS & VIDEOS. Sex abuse victims blast Pope's inertia At least those protesters had the courage to speak up against the criminal-pope Benedict XVI which the Vatican and Pius XII did not have the guts to protest against Hitler and the Nazis Regime when the time was right. We too protested the beatification of John Paul II, read our related article Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children
What Benedict XVI also hid from the German Parliament was the fact that Hitler was a Catholic and he and the Nazis were heavily supported by the Vatican Cardinals as seen in photos and videos here , see more videos here
Benedict also did not tell the German Parliament that the Jews are still trying to claim from the Vatican the looted wealth which the Nazis plundered from them but which are safely hidden at the Vatican, read our related article Nazi Gold and the Vatican. How Rome saved Fascists. Vatican Bank claims. Nazi Connection To Franciscan Order Uncovered Near Medjugorje
Benedict XVI preached against the Nazis`injustice but the fact is John Paul II is the Pope of Injustice of the 20th & 21st Century and Fr. Marcial Maciel should be excommunicated posthumously
Benedict XVI is half a century late in speaking up against Nazis regime that’s dead and gone. Benedict XVI is behaving just like his predecessor John Paul II who apologized to the dead Galileo and to every dead victims in history possible who were harmed by the Vatican but he never once apologized to the more urgent alive victims of Fr. Marcial Maciel and Cardinal Bernard Law and to the hundreds of thousands of children harmed by the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions committed by his own JP2 Army, the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army who, like the Nazis, were born out of the Devil’s Bowels, read our related article, The Devil’s Bowels smell like roses at the Vatican and John Paul smelled Devil`s Bowels as roses for 27 years as he deified Father Marcial Maciel and deified Cardinal Bernard Law
Benedict XVI the sorcerer, magician and deceiver of Kings and Queens and world leaders
Benedict XVI performed his sorcery and magic of reincarnating Christ into 60,000 little hosts or wafers at the Berlin Olympic Stadium. Benedict XVI proves that he has finally succeeded where the Devil failed when he tempted Christ in the mount – Luke 4:2, 5-7. “The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” and 5The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours.” Benedict XVI cannot turn ‘stone into bread’ but he can turn the ‘host into Christ’!! and Benedict can make the rulers of this world worship him because he is a demi-god reincarnating God !!!
Benedict XVI is absolutely impotent and cannot scientifically change any matter into another substance and he cannot reincarnate dead cats and dead dogs either but he can reincarnate God into little bits of flesh in the hosts or wafers! Imagine that, the supposedly creator of the vast universe at the mercy of a sinful criminal ugly evil old pope, see the evil eyes of Benedict here Imagine that, how stupid Jesus Christ really is to let himself be at the mercy and command of every pedophile priests and sinful GAY priests, read our related article on the sorcerer Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary’s 9 months pregnancy& child birth
How stupid Jesus Christ really is to let himself be at the mercy and command of every pedophile priests and sinful GAY priests, watch video of Italian GAY priests go to a GAY bar, perform GAY sexual acts, then perform the magic of the Eucharist here
Benedict XVI cannot turn ‘stone into bread’ but he can turn the ‘host into Christ’ – the 1.1 billion Catholics are really stupid to believe in these false magical powers of the evil Pope and his JP2 Army of pedophile priests!!!
Royal kings and queens and presidents of countries worship Benedict XVI because he is like Satan who can give them the kingdom of this earth, the kingdom of Money, the Kingdom of Mammon ruling over God -- by using God’s name in vain to profit the Vatican Bank, read our related article Fr. Marcial Maciel's Swiss Bank accounts: Angelo Sodano with Carlos Slim´s help has set his nephew up in business with a swiss registered company
Saint Ignatius Loyola used this quotation to recruit Jesuits ‘”What does it profit for a man to gain the whole world but suffer the loss of his soul”, but ironically the Jesuits were used by the Popes to transport moneys into the Vatican Bank, read our related article here Benedict XVI, Marcos Gold & Billions & Jesuits
The Vatican Bank does not keep money at the small state of the Vatican but rather transport them to the SECRET Vatican Swiss banks where they are further re-invested worldwide, read our related article on the investigation on the Vatican Bank money laundering which was later dropped because the Vatican Bank could afford to bribe and buy the souls of judges on the planet. That is why it is important for the Vatican to remain a country and have diplomatic immunity Papal Nuncios in each country for the continuous SECRET transfers of moneys into the Vatican Swiss Banks.
The Swiss Guard Army solidify and signify the link between the Vatican and Switzerland….this will be brought to light eventually, but you read it here first. This is why the European Union wants to invite the Vatican to join the EU and invite Benedict XVI to each country and to show that they openly support him which the German President did this September with President Markus. Last year in England, the Queen of England, Prime Minister Cameron welcomed Benedict XVI with defence and pomp, read our related article here. Likewise, French President Sarkozy, royal Kings and Queens of Europe go to the Vatican each year to have their photos taken with the Pope. Read our related article The Vatican is not a Country as other European Countries. It’s an artificial State created by Mussolini in 1929. It now wants power in European Union
Read our related article The Vatican Billions. Holy Mass Tourism for Each Generation. Pay to be a Christian - Whether Alive or Dead.
Why should the Vatican - which forbids the entrance and existence of women and children within its one-building walls - be recognized as a country? ?

The Vatican "country"
This the complete picture of the smallest country in the world - the Vatican "country" where women and children are forbidden to live and exist, its population less than half a USA High School, read
The Pope and Cardinals and Bishops and all priests are free to reincarnate and perform their sorcery and magic of Christ as much as they want. They do not need ambassadors in other countries to do that. They do not need diplomatic immunity to perform their prayers and sorceries. No one is stoppong them jsut as Harry Potter is free to perform his magic in movies, so the Pope and priests are free top perform their magic everyday and everywhere.
As long as the Vatican is allowed to exist as a “country”, there will always be despots and poor countries and poor peoples like El Salvador and Nicaragua read our related article Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino
The Arab Spring does not need the Vatican to free them. But what they need are the 70 billion dollars that Mummuar Khadafi stole from the country which are hidden in safe Vatican Swiss Banks. And the Pope will never give it back to them because John Paul II even hoarded the 100 million that Mother Teresa received as donation, read our related article Mother Teresa was not a living saint - revealed in detail by book God and His Demons
Hitler, John Paul II and Osama bin Laden: Trio Evil Men
Last Christmas, at the happiest time of the year, we were inspired (compelled and obliged by a Higher Power) to write “The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels” It was a very unpleasant inspiration just like Paris Arrow’s vision of the death of John Paul II during World Youth Day in 2002, read the vision here The 9/11 Decade and the JP2 Millstone 9th anniversary of Paris Arrow's vision of the death of John Paul II at the World Youth Day Our obedience to the Higher Power was blessed and proven right with the biggest coincidence or God-incidence ever with the May 1 beatification of John Paul II by Benedict XVI that coincided with the May 1 killing of Osama bin Laden that was ordered by President Obama to coincide with the May 1 announcement of the death of Hitler. Obviously, President Obama did not consult with Benedict XVI on this date and the Vatican had no clue (with their Holy Spirit monopoly) on how we would tie up these three evil men together, read our related article 9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day
And now we are proven right again -- with Benedict XVI speaking of Hitler and the Nazis and in his own words at the German parliament Benedict XVI was actually describing the Vatican regime.
The Nazis and the Vatican regimes are a “band of robbers”
Benedict spoke of the Nazi regime to the Bundenstag but he was actually describing the Vatican regime.
Benedict in his first (and last) speech to the German Parliament, he said that the NaziRegime was “a band of robber”. His exact words couldn’t describe better his own Vatican regime that has been a SECRET “band of robbers” for centuries as it ruled - and still do - in complicity with despots and world leaders who plundered the wealth of countries using the diplomatic immunity of Papal Nuncios who transported those ill-gotten wealth and hide them in the SECRET and safe Vatican (Swiss) Banks. No despot in the world ever succeeded without the help of the Vatican. History has proven this before our very eyes. The Spanish Kings and Queens succeeded in their 400 years colonization and plunder of the Philippines and South America only because the priests managed to brainwash and kept the people slaves to their Sacrament of Confession and Eucharist and threatened them with mortal sins and the fires of Hell if they did not obey God-or-the-Pope represented by the priests.
Read our related article on how the Vatican claimed all lands discovered and unclaimed in the entire world, The Vatican Billions. Holy Mass Tourism for Each Generation. Pay to be a Christian - Whether Alive or Dead.
Karol Wojtyla and the secrets of Vatican finances. The Pope is the CEO of the largest bank in the world, the Vatican Bank and the Swiss Banks
Vatican trail (theft) of Peter’s Pence Collection: “Render unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church”
By brainwashing people to be “Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven”, priests kept the people oppressed and stole all their wealth to Spain and the Vatican. If we are to know that the Vatican has nothing at all to do with the liberation but oppression only of peoples, take a look at the Arab Spring that is now ablaze in the Middle East and Arab world and they do not use one word from the Bible nor the writings of John Paul II nor the words of Jesus Christ to free themselves from their kings and despots. Read our related article Holy Heist! John Paul II WYD had no role with Arab youths who liberated Egypt from Mubarak who stole then deposited billions into Vatican Swiss Banks !
Jesus said that he came to free the people = Isaiah, but instead his representative on earth, the Pope, has only done the opposite by perpetuating poor countries and poor peoples as proven especially with Benedict XVI’s silencing Jon Sobrino and Liberation Theology, read our article here Mexico mounts a worldwide campaign against the beatification of John Paul II, they should for they are the people of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Benedict XVI smelled Devil’s Bowels as roses at the Vatican for over a quarter of a Century
Benedict XVI, just like John Paul II, smelled Devil’s Bowels like roses at the Vatican for a quarter of a century he said nothing and did nothing to stop the JP2 Army.
Benedict XVI as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger ruled the Vatican for a quarter of a century together with John Paul II and he proved himself as the most callous hearted Cardinal ever as he dined and wined with the poster boy serial pedophile, Fr. Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legion of Christ, and with Cardinal Bernard Law who publicly admitted that he transferred 80 pedophile priests from one parish to another in Boston, was forced to resign as Cardinal only to be promoted him as Archpriest of the mother of all basilicas in Rome, the St. Mary Major. Like wise as his partner in crime John Paul II, these two men are the Achilles Heels of Benedict XVI. Here is a video of the arrogant Cardinal Ratzinger slapping a journalist hand when asked about Fr. Marcial Maciel. Benedict XVI was forced to slap Maciel on the wrist because Maciel’s mistress and biological sons refused to sell their souls to the Vatican Bank but came out in Mexican television to reveal their sufferings, read our related article here. Read also the billions of dollars of cash-cow Fr. Maciel’s hid in Vatican Swiss Banks here INTEGER & Vatican Swiss Banks accounts: Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ secret Vatican wealth
Why should the wealthiest nation of the European Union (who bailed out Greece from bankruptcy) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff be interested in defending an old pope who lives in a one-building medieval castle of the Vatican with a handful of some 400 men-only who are all purportedly celibates (but practicing homosexual activities) and this old man forbids the presence and existence of children in his own “country” the Vatican? The answer is one word: money. Germany and all countries and all multi-national corporations need a semi-god pope to protect their hidden wealth using uninterrupted “diplomatic immunity” worldwide and people will not question this old man’s movement (and crimes against humanity) but simply fear him and their own soul’s salvation from Hell. Napoleon said, "“Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich. Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet”. The Catholic Church teaches people to be “meek and humble” like Jesus by praying, “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine’ and "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Read our related article It is time for the French Revolution at the Vatican: Benedict XVI must resign, Cardinal Bernard Law et al must resign …Shut-down the Vatican
The Vatican Holocaust, Pope Pius XII, Adolf Hitler, S.J., Joseph Stalin, S.J. the Jesuit's role in the Holocaust
Read our related article Conrad Black and Benedict XVI are of the same feather. Conrad Black speaks for and glorifies up Benedict XVI’s papacy
Benedict XVI and the Vatican are the worst pathological liars on earth. Benedict XVI is the mythomaniac of the 21st century!!!
The SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks are ruled in secrecy.
US Marci A Hamilton, counsel of record to the law firm and a legal scholar, said that documentation released by the Vatican, showed proof of the Catholic Church’s “pattern and practice of secrecy”.
Rome responsible for clerical abuse procedures, say lawyers
The Irish Times
LAWYERS FOR a man abused as a child by Fr Andrew Ronan have said internal Vatican documents show “policy and protocol” surrounding clerical abuse in the Catholic church ultimately rests with the Holy See.
The alleged victim, John V Doe as he is known in court documents, is seeking to hold the Vatican liable for allegedly being abused by the late Fr Ronan in 1965 or early 1966 when he was 15 or 16 years old.
He brought the case against the Vatican over nine years ago relating to abuse he alleged suffered by the former priest who died in 1992. ...
He cited two letters, one of which references Fr Ronan’s time in a seminary in Ireland where he engaged in “homosexuality with the students”, a discovery made in 1959 after which he was moved to the US. Marci A Hamilton, counsel of record to the law firm and a legal scholar, said that documentation released by the Vatican, showed proof of the Catholic Church’s “pattern and practice of secrecy”.
“They require secrecy – secrecy is required for child sex abuse from the top down. These documents further support that,” Ms Hamilton said.
“Basically they establish that secrecy is mandated from the top, that Andrew Ronan was part of the system that the Holy See controls, that they controlled him specifically and that could not possibly have left his position where he was abusing children . . . without direct decisions by the Holy See and the Pope himself.”
Understanding how Hitler used the Protocols for his own regime
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience." George Bernard Shaw
Hitler and his Nazi Party used the Protocols and his admirers still use them today for a blanket hatred of all Jews.This is what forms the basis of the antisemitic charges to reject even reading them. I contend that they should be read by everyone as a study in the genius of social engineering that we are witnessing today. However ,they should be read with an open mind and the material should not be used as an indictment against the Jewish peoples.A careful consideration should be given instead to the masonic structural influences in Hitler's pre war Germany .
It can be noted that they do lay a genius groundwork for control of society and even for a global governance.
Most notably they can be applied to the masonic structure model which is and has been the foundation of Fascist regimes.The Masonic rituals that I have read within my father in law's Lodge books convinced me that despite the neutral propaganda about masonry spouted on the recent plethora of television programs, Masonic Lodges do mimic and substitute themselves for organized mainstream religions.
The business prototype of Amway owned by the DeVos, who funded much of Blackwater, now XE,are but one example of how this new type of corporatism which relies on the masonic pyramidal model and works well to introduce and empower fascist type regimes.
Hitler was able to use the Protocols to exterminate Jews because the banking system in Germany was an apparent target for all the financial woes Germans were enduring at the time though job loss and an economic recession. I find it hard to believe that the average religious Jew in Germany was so indifferent to the threat that was brewing. Rather, I would point the finger at the greed of unscrupulous businessmen Jew ,Catholic, and atheist alike who most likely were part of masonic lodges.The majority of people join Masonry to advance their careers and business prospects.
I am saddened to say that this same type of structure was introduced into the Catholic Church via Opus Dei and Pope John Paul II.Remember that a main break from Catholic tradition was incorporated into Opus Dei whose priests go to Laymen for "Spiritual Direction".
Please note the commentary of a former high ranking member of Miles Jesu in his testimony below. The same can be said for the Legion of Christ and it's infamous founder Marcial .The Legion is allegedly undergoing the same type of reformation that Miles Jesu underwent by the Vatican.In my humble opinion it will not be effectively restrained from continued corruption since the Corporate entities involved are a source of financial gains for all politically spiritually and financially are still too much a part of the reasons behind keeping it going.
In the account from a visit to Paraguay below the reader should evaluate also the Opus Dei influence in South America.It should be remembered too that the infamous Fr Urrutigoity who was expelled from Scranton Diocese for alleged pederasty and monies scammed for his proposed society of St John, Catholic City from devout Latin Catholics, is now under the safe harbor of an Opus Dei Bishop in Paraguay.Fr Urrutigoity's roots were in the SSPX known for it's holocaost denying Bishop Willaimson. Also, of note is that the last Nazi to be arrested and tried was Paul Touvier who was found hiding in an SSPX monastery in Nice, France.
Catholic Order Miles Jesu Intervention by Church Authorities: Testimony and Opinion
by High-Ranking Former Member
September 16, 2011
Apparent too is the use of Laymen to guide alleged Catholics in Opus Dei that are no different than the practices of the other masonic structured cults like the Legion's Regnum Christi.;wap2
"For instance supernumeraries and numeraries have what is called "fraternal chats" with other designated numeraries. This is technically separate and distinct from confession, but in reality there is little difference besides the actual absolution. In the "chat" the member is encouraged to tell this lay numerary, with "brutal honesty" everything that is going on in his spiritual life, etc. So they are basically confessing their sins to this layman who then, in a spirit of fraternity, dispenses "spiritual advice". You are supposed to "trust" this lay spiritual director, but there are no canonical protections of secrecy like there are in confession. There are no guarantees that what you share with this layman will not be shared with other numeraries. I'm sure the members have good intentions and most of this is benign in practice, but the abuses this practice opens itself up to are scary. These lay numeraries are not priests and do not have the charism of the priesthood to guide souls."
"But then there are Germans and there are Germans. And the topic of Nazis or former Nazis in South America is always a subject of intrigue and speculation: luridly fictionalized as The Boys from Brazil or The Odessa File, but on the basis of real cases such as most famously Eichmann's flight to and capture from Argentina. Josef Mengele, though he initially fled to Buenos Aires, spent signficant post-war time in Paraguay.
Still, I had either forgotten or repressed from my only previous visit to Paraguay the shock induced, this time, by noting the first day of my stay a Spanish translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion on sale at a street corner kiosk. Or, a little later, just off one of Asunción's main squares, on the pavement outside a cybercafe, seeing two pencil drawings of Hitler on sale among the usual collection of secondhand textbooks and shabby novels. No irony, no self-consciousness as far as I could see: just a couple of portraits of the Führer, should I have wished to buy them as a souvenir of Paraguay.
I take it that most Paraguayan Germans shudder somewhat as I did in seeing such reminders of the Reich. Not least now that Germany itself is, with the World Cup, trying to rebrand itself beyond the clichés of either jackboots or dull efficiency. But perhaps more likely, these signs of history's unsavoriness merely blend in with their adopted country's long history of dictatorships (Doctor Francia "the Supreme" as well as that other son of Germany, Stroessner) and injudicious wars of aggression and catastrophic defeat."
Richard Dawkins' Pope Speech [mirror]
Richard Dawkins says in this important video: Joseph Ratzinger is an enemy of humanity. He is an enemy of children whose bodies he allowed to be raped and whose minds he has encouraged to be infected with guilt...
Richard Dawkins' explains Benedict XVI's blaming Hitler who was really a Catholic and was supported by the Catholic hierarchy of Germany. This speech is important because Benedict XVI is talking again about the Nazi regime during his visit in Germany
This was part of the Protest in England during Benedict's visit in 2010
In powerful address to German lawmakers, Pope warns of 'cultureless' Europe
September 22, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI gave a powerful defense of the natural-law tradition, and an equally powerful critique of moral relativism, in an address to lawmakers during the first day of his visit to Germany.
In his September 22 speech to the Bundestag, the Holy Father said that the Nazi regime illustrated how a government that does not recognize objective standards of justice can become a nightmare regime.
"Without justice, what else is the state but a great band of robbers?" the Pope asked, citing the words of St. Augustine. He continued:
We Germans know from our own experience that these words are no empty specter. We have seen how power became divorced from right, how power opposed right and crushed it, so that the state became an instrument for destroying right--a highly organized band of robbers, capable of threatening the whole world and driving it to the edge of the abyss.
At the opening of his address, the Pope said that he wanted to offer "some thoughts on the foundations of a free state of law." His remarks drew a loud standing ovation from the appreciative members of the Bundestag. About 50 members had boycotted the papal address.
The work of a politician, the Pope said, cannot be aimed simply at a successful career. He reminded his audience of the example of King Solomon, who asked God for the gift of wisdom in judgment. “Through this story,” the Pope said, “the Bible wants to tell us what should ultimately matter for a politician. His fundamental criterion and the motivation for his work as a politician must not be success, and certainly not material gain. Politics must be a striving for justice, and hence it has to establish the fundamental preconditions for peace.”
Justice, the Pontiff continued, cannot always be ensure by a demographic vote:
For most of the matters that need to be regulated by law, the support of the majority can serve as a sufficient criterion. Yet it is evident that for the fundamental issues of law, in which the dignity of man and of humanity is at stake, the majority principle is not enough.
The Pope observed that this point is illustrated by our admiration for the resistance movements that fought against the tyranny of the Nazi regime and other inhumane governments, “thereby thereby doing a great service to justice and to humanity as a whole. For these people, it was indisputably evident that the law in force was actually unlawful.”
Pope Benedict went on to explain the Church’s support for the natural-law tradition: a tradition that also has roots in Greek philosophy. He said:
Unlike other great religions, Christianity has never proposed a revealed body of law to the State and to society, that is to say a juridical order derived from revelation. Instead, it has pointed to nature and reason as the true sources of law.
The tradition of government based on the fundamental principles of natural law has been the basic foundation for the legal system of Germany and other European nations, the Pope said. However, that tradition is now imperiled:
The idea of natural law is today viewed as a specifically Catholic doctrine, not worth bringing into the discussion in a non-Catholic environment, so that one feels almost ashamed even to mention the term.
In the absence of natural-law reasoning, the Pope observed, politicians find it impossible to discern clear and objective standards of justice. Consequently, he said, there is a widespread perception “that an unbridgeable gulf exists between ‘is’ and ‘ought.’” Positivism, with its insistence that reason cannot bridge the gap between facts and values, undermines the tradition on which society is built.
The Pope warned tbe German lawmakers:
Where positivist reason considers itself the only sufficient culture and banishes all other cultural realities to the status of subcultures, it diminishes man, indeed it threatens his humanity. I say this with Europe specifically in mind…. with the result that Europe vis-à-vis other world cultures is left in a state of culturelessness and at the same time extremist and radical movements emerge to fill the vacuum.

Pope's homeland visit sparks criticism
Some 260,000 people are expected to attend Masses in Germany
Pope: Nazi crimes a lesson on abuse of power
Scattered protests outside German parliament as Benedict begins first state visit to his homeland
Protest the Pope - Speech Highlights
Opus Dei World Domination Agenda: more informations about the secretive ways of Opus Dei the real controller of the Vatican Swiss Banks
Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing details
Protest Benedict XVI's German trip: Banners to use. 86 percent of Germans think Benedict's four-day trip “totally unimportant”
Amnesty International names Vatican in 2011 report on human rights violations - it's time the UN end the Vatican status as a "secular" state
WYD & America, wake up and see the Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
JP2 Army - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder St. Josemaria Escriva, read our related article John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome
The 15,736 victims is from the recent report of the US Catholic Bishops Conference harmed by almost 6,000 pedophile priests. Note that the victims of the JP2 Army are 5 times those of Osama bin Laden's 9-11, read more
JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army


Men dressed as Adolf Hitler, left, and the pope, right, protest in front of the German parliament Wednesday ahead of the Pope's visit.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Bishop Finn is Opus Dei.. 40+ victims file “unprecedented” new lawsuits against pedophile priests in Kansas City
Updated October 6, 2011
Bishop Finn is a member of the Opus Dei and there are now 40 new lawsuits aginst his pedophile priests.
Read our related blog JP2 Army

Third lawsuit filed against KC priest
The Kansas City Star
The parents of a Missouri girl filed a lawsuit Thursday alleging that a Kansas City priest now facing state and federal child pornography charges took sexually explicit pictures of their daughter.
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of a minor girl by her parents, identified as Mother Doe 186 and Father Doe 186, alleges that the Rev. Shawn Ratigan used the child to produce pornographic pictures, then distributed them over the Internet.
According to the lawsuit, officials with the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese spent months trying to hide the evidence and protect Ratigan.
The civil suit names Ratigan, the diocese and Bishop Robert Finn as defendants and is the third lawsuit to be filed against the priest. It seeks unspecified damages, including expenses incurred for the girl’s medical treatment.
“As we see so often, this case appears to be one of top officials concerned about reputation over safety of children,” said Jeff Anderson, one of the attorneys who filed the lawsuit. “We applaud the courage of this family for taking action to make this problem known in order to protect children in the future.”
The diocese issued a statement in response to the lawsuit: “While the diocese has noted many inaccurate statements in the civil complaint, it intends to place these false statements into the hands of the court. The fundamental concern of the diocese is for the child and her family. The actions attributed to Shawn Ratigan betrayed their trust and violated the dignity of their daughter.”
Ratigan’s attorney, John P. O’Connor, could not be reached for a response.
According to the lawsuit, the family met Ratigan when he officiated at the funeral Mass of the girl’s great-grandfather at St. Mary Catholic Church in St. Joseph in 2006. After that, Ratigan appeared at Cathedral of St. Joseph School, where the girl was a student, and often visited the family at their home. The visits occurred from 2006 to 2011, the lawsuit says.
In 2008, the lawsuit alleges, Ratigan took photographs and visual images of the girl in her bathing suit, focusing on her vaginal area and buttocks. Around 2009, Ratigan photographed the girl while she was sleeping and fully clothed, the lawsuit says. Those photos indicate that Ratigan moved the girl in order to pose her in a sexually suggestive manner, the lawsuit alleges.
Ratigan then uploaded the sexually explicit photos to his computer and sent them out over the Internet, according to the lawsuit.
Authorities found pictures of the girl, identified in the lawsuit as Jane Doe 186, and numerous other girls on a computer at St. Mary Parish in St. Joseph and on compact discs found during a search of Ratigan family members’ homes after his arrest in May, the lawsuit says.
The lawsuit alleges that instead of notifying police about disturbing photographs found on Ratigan’s laptop computer in December, the diocese “aided and abetted” Ratigan by covering up his behavior, copying and distributing the photos he created and collaborating to destroy the evidence.
The lawsuit cites a federal child pornography statute known as Masha’s Law, which was enacted in 2006 and gives child pornography victims the right to sue anyone who produces, downloads, distributes or possesses sexually explicit images of them.
The law was named after a girl from Russia who was adopted at age 5 by a man who sexually abused her and made recordings of it. Victims can recover damages of no less than $150,000.
To reach Judy L. Thomas, call 816-234-4334 or send email to
Posted on Thu, Sep. 22, 2011 10:48 PM
Showing 1-10 of 13 comments
Finn covered his ears. After something got through that he didn't want to hear, he played dumb and lost. He did so many things wrong, one after the other, that it can't just be a kind of naivete.
This case should lead not only to lawsuits and criminal prosecutions but to disbarments.
Carl Kent
Bishop Finn did his grand jury testimony, surrounded by his FOUR lawyers, undoubtedly
paid for by parishioner contributions.
Catholics must believe that Jesus would have needed four highly paid lawyers to help Him tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Some day, we'll get to see how close
Bishop Finn and his four lawyers came to telling the simple truth about how Finn left a known pedophile around children.
o *
So you have registered under a new name Patrick O'Malley? The same comment is posted on the Pitch story on this lawsuit.
What is wrong with the Bishop having lawyers accompany him to a grand jury session? If so many of you Catholic haters have your way, he is a target of the grand jury and needs to know his rights. Do you think a prosecutor is going to tell him? Have you ever been before a grand jury? It can be more than a little unnerving. This is especially true if you are a potential target. How do you know he had four lawyers. Were you there? Do you know what each lawyer's role was. I would imagine at least one is representing the diocese in civil suits and one or two are criminal experts just for the grand jury.
This is all part of a carefully orchestrated plan by SNAP. I am not saying Fr. Ratigan is not guilty but SNAP is bent on bringing down the Catholic Church.
SNAP is an organization that is deeply entrenched in the dishonest and duplicitous tactics of famed radical Saul Alinsky. SNAP has displayed time and time again that it cannot be trusted. The group is serial in its dishonesty and relentless in its venom for the Church.
Where are the stories in the Star about the recent and incontrovertible evidence that hundreds - and maybe thousands - of claims of abuse against Catholic priests are entirely false?
Carl Kent
SNAP consists of thousands of children that were raped in the Catholic church. Only Catholics would fight such a group. You now know for a fact that thousands of Catholic pedophile priests were guilty, so you can't use that excuse when you go before God on your judgment day. Think up a better excuse to outsmart God, as He sits surrounded by children raped in His church. You have eternity to think of one.
I take it you don't know too many Catholics. You are right we will all be held accountable for our actions... pedophiles and rapists... all of us... so will the people who lied in an attempt to damage the Church His son started... His mystical body and bride.
Judy Block-Jones
This is horrifically sad... So many adults within the diocese knew about these child porn pictures on Ratigan's computer way back in December and none of them called the police. WHY? It is clear they had no concerns for these children.. how is that even possible?
Crimes have been committed, and all those responsible need to be held accountable just like any other human being, so that kids can be protected today.
We just can't stop thinking about these innocent children and their heart broken parents. Their lives have been changed forever.
Anyone who has knowledge or has been harmed in this diocese please contact law enforcement, do not report diocese officials.
Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Associate Director, 636-433-2511.
"Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests" and all clergy.
This is just a cut and paste of your post 17 hours ago on the St. Joseph News Press website. Can't you even come up with something original?
Carl Kent
It is original. Its just repeated for a different audience. Remember, statments like yours, that fight against victims of child rape, will be on your final exam on your judgment day.
God reads blog comments now.
40+ victims file “unprecedented” new lawsuit
40+ victims file “unprecedented” new lawsuit
They charge KC’s bishop with “breach of contract”
He breaks 2008 agreement & endangers kids, they say
Suit seeks “continuing supervision” of diocese, not money
Finn pledged to report child sex abuse suspicions to police
But he clearly hid evidence & reports about Ratigan for a year
And for seven months, he kept twice-accused predator priest in parish
Holding signs and childhood photos, about ten clergy sex abuse victims will disclose an unprecedented new, 12 page civil lawsuit charging KC’s Catholic bishop with “breach of contract” lawsuit against the diocese, by:
-- refusing, four months, to report allegations and suspicions about a priest (Fr. Shawn Ratigan) to police,
-- withholding evidence of possible child porn from law enforcement for five months,
-- keeping another sued and credibly accused priest (Fr. Michael Tierney) in a parish for six months, and
-- failing to defrock four suspended and accused child molesting clerics.
The suit seeks no money, but asks a judge to:
--force the bishop to go to arbitration, as he agreed to do in 2008, and
--provide continuing supervision of the diocese to make sure it honors 19 non-economic abuse prevention and healing steps that victims fought for and won when they settled their lawsuits against the diocese three years ago.
SNAP believes this is the first such lawsuit ever in which a group of victims seeks to force Catholic officials to honor promises they made during a settlement.
TODAY, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2:00 p.m.
Outside Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic church, 3333 Broadway (corner of 34th) in Kansas City, MO
Ten members of a victims’ self-help group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (, including a KC man who is the organization’s long time KC director and at several individuals who were part of a landmark 2008 child sex abuse settlement against the diocese (and are part of the new suit)
In 2008, 47 victims resolved their clergy sex abuse and cover up lawsuits against the KC MO diocese. As part of that deal, they insisted that Bishop Robert Finn and other top church officials commit to 19 non-economic reform steps. Now, in an unprecedented move, 44 of those victims are charging that Finn and his colleagues have broken six sections of the agreement, a total of roughly 20 times, in part by keeping two priests in ministry (Fr. James Tierney and Fr. Shawn Ratigan) despite credible allegations against them and by not reporting suspicions and knowledge of child sex crimes promptly to police and prosecutors.
The suit also says the bishop hasn’t honored his pledge to defrock four suspended or credibly accused clerics.
The 19 non-economic steps were a written contract, the suit maintains, with a provision that assured arbitration if any dispute about implementation arose. Months ago, the victims asked for arbitration but the diocese has refused.
Increasingly, victims are pushing for and winning similar abuse prevention agreements. That’s because victims now realize that most dioceses – with extensive wealth and insurance – aren’t reforming just because they settle civil lawsuits. So more and more often, as part of settlement discussions, victims are devising and fighting for specific commitments by church officials to prevent and reform how they deal with abuse cases in the future.
According to a Boston-based research group, at least 22 KC Catholic clerics stand accused, often several times, of molesting kids. Yet not one of them (nor a single complicit church colleague or supervisor) faces or has ever faced criminal prosecution (with the recent exception of Ratigan who is jailed on child porn charges).
The News conference is being held outside Our Lady of Perpetual Help church because in June, a special mass was held there to "promote unity" in the diocese. That event, SNAP contends, only served to intimidate others who saw, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes and cover ups from coming forward and exposing wrongdoing.
The victims’ attorneys are Rebecca Randles of Kansas City MO and Jeff Anderson of St. Paul MN.
David Clohessy 314 566 9790 cell,, Barbara Dorris 314 503 0003,, Mike Hunter 913 634 6490,
Bishop Finn is a member of the Opus Dei and there are now 40 new lawsuits aginst his pedophile priests.
Read our related blog JP2 Army

Third lawsuit filed against KC priest
The Kansas City Star
The parents of a Missouri girl filed a lawsuit Thursday alleging that a Kansas City priest now facing state and federal child pornography charges took sexually explicit pictures of their daughter.
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of a minor girl by her parents, identified as Mother Doe 186 and Father Doe 186, alleges that the Rev. Shawn Ratigan used the child to produce pornographic pictures, then distributed them over the Internet.
According to the lawsuit, officials with the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese spent months trying to hide the evidence and protect Ratigan.
The civil suit names Ratigan, the diocese and Bishop Robert Finn as defendants and is the third lawsuit to be filed against the priest. It seeks unspecified damages, including expenses incurred for the girl’s medical treatment.
“As we see so often, this case appears to be one of top officials concerned about reputation over safety of children,” said Jeff Anderson, one of the attorneys who filed the lawsuit. “We applaud the courage of this family for taking action to make this problem known in order to protect children in the future.”
The diocese issued a statement in response to the lawsuit: “While the diocese has noted many inaccurate statements in the civil complaint, it intends to place these false statements into the hands of the court. The fundamental concern of the diocese is for the child and her family. The actions attributed to Shawn Ratigan betrayed their trust and violated the dignity of their daughter.”
Ratigan’s attorney, John P. O’Connor, could not be reached for a response.
According to the lawsuit, the family met Ratigan when he officiated at the funeral Mass of the girl’s great-grandfather at St. Mary Catholic Church in St. Joseph in 2006. After that, Ratigan appeared at Cathedral of St. Joseph School, where the girl was a student, and often visited the family at their home. The visits occurred from 2006 to 2011, the lawsuit says.
In 2008, the lawsuit alleges, Ratigan took photographs and visual images of the girl in her bathing suit, focusing on her vaginal area and buttocks. Around 2009, Ratigan photographed the girl while she was sleeping and fully clothed, the lawsuit says. Those photos indicate that Ratigan moved the girl in order to pose her in a sexually suggestive manner, the lawsuit alleges.
Ratigan then uploaded the sexually explicit photos to his computer and sent them out over the Internet, according to the lawsuit.
Authorities found pictures of the girl, identified in the lawsuit as Jane Doe 186, and numerous other girls on a computer at St. Mary Parish in St. Joseph and on compact discs found during a search of Ratigan family members’ homes after his arrest in May, the lawsuit says.
The lawsuit alleges that instead of notifying police about disturbing photographs found on Ratigan’s laptop computer in December, the diocese “aided and abetted” Ratigan by covering up his behavior, copying and distributing the photos he created and collaborating to destroy the evidence.
The lawsuit cites a federal child pornography statute known as Masha’s Law, which was enacted in 2006 and gives child pornography victims the right to sue anyone who produces, downloads, distributes or possesses sexually explicit images of them.
The law was named after a girl from Russia who was adopted at age 5 by a man who sexually abused her and made recordings of it. Victims can recover damages of no less than $150,000.
To reach Judy L. Thomas, call 816-234-4334 or send email to
Posted on Thu, Sep. 22, 2011 10:48 PM
Showing 1-10 of 13 comments
Finn covered his ears. After something got through that he didn't want to hear, he played dumb and lost. He did so many things wrong, one after the other, that it can't just be a kind of naivete.
This case should lead not only to lawsuits and criminal prosecutions but to disbarments.
Carl Kent
Bishop Finn did his grand jury testimony, surrounded by his FOUR lawyers, undoubtedly
paid for by parishioner contributions.
Catholics must believe that Jesus would have needed four highly paid lawyers to help Him tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Some day, we'll get to see how close
Bishop Finn and his four lawyers came to telling the simple truth about how Finn left a known pedophile around children.
o *
So you have registered under a new name Patrick O'Malley? The same comment is posted on the Pitch story on this lawsuit.
What is wrong with the Bishop having lawyers accompany him to a grand jury session? If so many of you Catholic haters have your way, he is a target of the grand jury and needs to know his rights. Do you think a prosecutor is going to tell him? Have you ever been before a grand jury? It can be more than a little unnerving. This is especially true if you are a potential target. How do you know he had four lawyers. Were you there? Do you know what each lawyer's role was. I would imagine at least one is representing the diocese in civil suits and one or two are criminal experts just for the grand jury.
This is all part of a carefully orchestrated plan by SNAP. I am not saying Fr. Ratigan is not guilty but SNAP is bent on bringing down the Catholic Church.
SNAP is an organization that is deeply entrenched in the dishonest and duplicitous tactics of famed radical Saul Alinsky. SNAP has displayed time and time again that it cannot be trusted. The group is serial in its dishonesty and relentless in its venom for the Church.
Where are the stories in the Star about the recent and incontrovertible evidence that hundreds - and maybe thousands - of claims of abuse against Catholic priests are entirely false?
Carl Kent
SNAP consists of thousands of children that were raped in the Catholic church. Only Catholics would fight such a group. You now know for a fact that thousands of Catholic pedophile priests were guilty, so you can't use that excuse when you go before God on your judgment day. Think up a better excuse to outsmart God, as He sits surrounded by children raped in His church. You have eternity to think of one.
I take it you don't know too many Catholics. You are right we will all be held accountable for our actions... pedophiles and rapists... all of us... so will the people who lied in an attempt to damage the Church His son started... His mystical body and bride.
Judy Block-Jones
This is horrifically sad... So many adults within the diocese knew about these child porn pictures on Ratigan's computer way back in December and none of them called the police. WHY? It is clear they had no concerns for these children.. how is that even possible?
Crimes have been committed, and all those responsible need to be held accountable just like any other human being, so that kids can be protected today.
We just can't stop thinking about these innocent children and their heart broken parents. Their lives have been changed forever.
Anyone who has knowledge or has been harmed in this diocese please contact law enforcement, do not report diocese officials.
Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Associate Director, 636-433-2511.
"Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests" and all clergy.
This is just a cut and paste of your post 17 hours ago on the St. Joseph News Press website. Can't you even come up with something original?
Carl Kent
It is original. Its just repeated for a different audience. Remember, statments like yours, that fight against victims of child rape, will be on your final exam on your judgment day.
God reads blog comments now.
40+ victims file “unprecedented” new lawsuit
40+ victims file “unprecedented” new lawsuit
They charge KC’s bishop with “breach of contract”
He breaks 2008 agreement & endangers kids, they say
Suit seeks “continuing supervision” of diocese, not money
Finn pledged to report child sex abuse suspicions to police
But he clearly hid evidence & reports about Ratigan for a year
And for seven months, he kept twice-accused predator priest in parish
Holding signs and childhood photos, about ten clergy sex abuse victims will disclose an unprecedented new, 12 page civil lawsuit charging KC’s Catholic bishop with “breach of contract” lawsuit against the diocese, by:
-- refusing, four months, to report allegations and suspicions about a priest (Fr. Shawn Ratigan) to police,
-- withholding evidence of possible child porn from law enforcement for five months,
-- keeping another sued and credibly accused priest (Fr. Michael Tierney) in a parish for six months, and
-- failing to defrock four suspended and accused child molesting clerics.
The suit seeks no money, but asks a judge to:
--force the bishop to go to arbitration, as he agreed to do in 2008, and
--provide continuing supervision of the diocese to make sure it honors 19 non-economic abuse prevention and healing steps that victims fought for and won when they settled their lawsuits against the diocese three years ago.
SNAP believes this is the first such lawsuit ever in which a group of victims seeks to force Catholic officials to honor promises they made during a settlement.
TODAY, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2:00 p.m.
Outside Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic church, 3333 Broadway (corner of 34th) in Kansas City, MO
Ten members of a victims’ self-help group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (, including a KC man who is the organization’s long time KC director and at several individuals who were part of a landmark 2008 child sex abuse settlement against the diocese (and are part of the new suit)
In 2008, 47 victims resolved their clergy sex abuse and cover up lawsuits against the KC MO diocese. As part of that deal, they insisted that Bishop Robert Finn and other top church officials commit to 19 non-economic reform steps. Now, in an unprecedented move, 44 of those victims are charging that Finn and his colleagues have broken six sections of the agreement, a total of roughly 20 times, in part by keeping two priests in ministry (Fr. James Tierney and Fr. Shawn Ratigan) despite credible allegations against them and by not reporting suspicions and knowledge of child sex crimes promptly to police and prosecutors.
The suit also says the bishop hasn’t honored his pledge to defrock four suspended or credibly accused clerics.
The 19 non-economic steps were a written contract, the suit maintains, with a provision that assured arbitration if any dispute about implementation arose. Months ago, the victims asked for arbitration but the diocese has refused.
Increasingly, victims are pushing for and winning similar abuse prevention agreements. That’s because victims now realize that most dioceses – with extensive wealth and insurance – aren’t reforming just because they settle civil lawsuits. So more and more often, as part of settlement discussions, victims are devising and fighting for specific commitments by church officials to prevent and reform how they deal with abuse cases in the future.
According to a Boston-based research group, at least 22 KC Catholic clerics stand accused, often several times, of molesting kids. Yet not one of them (nor a single complicit church colleague or supervisor) faces or has ever faced criminal prosecution (with the recent exception of Ratigan who is jailed on child porn charges).
The News conference is being held outside Our Lady of Perpetual Help church because in June, a special mass was held there to "promote unity" in the diocese. That event, SNAP contends, only served to intimidate others who saw, suspected or suffered clergy sex crimes and cover ups from coming forward and exposing wrongdoing.
The victims’ attorneys are Rebecca Randles of Kansas City MO and Jeff Anderson of St. Paul MN.
David Clohessy 314 566 9790 cell,, Barbara Dorris 314 503 0003,, Mike Hunter 913 634 6490,
Nazi Gold and the Vatican. How Rome saved Fascists. Vatican Bank claims. Nazi Connection To Franciscan Order Uncovered Near Medjugorje
Read our related articles: The Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan. Holy Mass Tourism for Each Generation. Pay to be a Christian - Whether Alive or Dead.
Opus Dei control the Vatican Bank and multinational corporations that control the world's finances... with Knights of Malta. VIDEOS of Vatican Wealth
The Pope is the richest man on earth video
Chapter Ten: The Richest Man on Earth?
Remember when the pope came to the United States? How he chided us for not showing mercy? That we should give away what we have to the poor? We are such a wealthy nation. And then remember the great earthquake that took place in 1980 over in Italy? I remember when the pope came in to this ruined area, walked up to the bedside of some poor little wounded Italian man and the pope so benevolently laid his hand on his head and made the sign of the cross, blessed the man and walked off.

John Paul II, "Pilgrimage of Faith"
And the newscasters were telling of the devastation. And then we cut back to the United States and Senator Kennedy looked at the camera with sorrowful eyes and said, "Oh, we Americans, out of mercy we should send at least 45 million dollars to this devastated village so we can reconstruct it." Remember that? Now let me read something out of THE VATICAN BILLIONS by Avro Manhattan, and I think you're going to get as mad as I am right now. I want to bring to your attention the fact that this information was published 10 years ago, and the figures are probably even more startling today.
"The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc. At a conservative estimate, these amount to more than 500 million dollars in the U.S.A. alone.
"In a statement published in connection with a bond prospectus, the Boston archdiocese listed its assets at Six Hundred and Thirty-five Million ($635,891,004), which is 9.9 times its liabilities. This leaves a net worth of Five Hundred and Seventy-one million dollars ($571,704,953). It is not difficult to discover the truly astonishing wealth of the church, once we add the riches of the twenty-eight archdioceses and 122 dioceses of the U.S.A., some of which are even wealthier than that of Boston.
"Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely 'that his church probably ranks second only to the United States Government in total annual purchase.' Another statement, made by a nationally syndicated Catholic priest, perhaps is even more telling. 'The Catholic church,' he said, 'must be the biggest corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our assets and real estate holdings must exceed those of Standard Oil, A.T.&T., and U.S. Steel combined. And our roster of dues-paying members must be second only to the tax rolls of the United States Government.'
"The Catholic church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world. The Vatican, independently of each successive pope, has been increasingly orientated towards the U.S. The Wall Street Journal said that the Vatican's financial deals in the U.S. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time.
"The Vatican's treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest. But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country. When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.
"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars."
And I think back about how the pope, the wealthiest man on this planet, walked up to that poor little Italian man lying in that rubble, put his hand on his head, and said, "Bless you," and then walked away and just left him there. That has got to be the height of hypocrisy. And then Sen. Kennedy, the pope's boy over in the United States makes the big pitch to the U.S. people to foot the bill to repair that devastated village, right in the pope's backyard. What a set-up!
Nazi Gold and the Vatican
How Rome saved Fascists for a price
Did greed and God work hand in hand? And what do the apparitions at Medjugorje have to do with it?
ROME — Wealth plundered by the Nazis from their victims has been traced to banks in Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal and other neutral countries that were secretly helping the Nazis stash stolen gold or launder it to buy war materiel. One state after another has reluctantly opened its archives and banking records to aid the search, with one glaring exception: the Vatican.
So far the Vatican has flatly refused to allow investigators access to its archives, despite repeated pleas from several nations and from Jewish groups. A task force headed by the US Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat is expected to issue a report that questions the Vatican's wartime financial dealings. And mounting evidence suggests that plunder from the Ustasha, Croatia's pro-Nazi fascist government during the war, with the aid of Croatian Catholic priests, made its way to Rome. Some of it was used to help Croatian war criminals flee to South America.
From 1941 to 1945, the Ustashas exterminated an estimated 500,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and looted their property. They demanded 1,000 kilograms of gold from the Jews of Zagreb, only to ship them to concentration camps and kill them anyway. The Croatian Catholic Church was closely entangled with the Ustashas: in the early years of the war, Catholic priests oversaw forced conversion of Orthodox Serbs while Franciscans distributed propaganda.
Several high Catholic officials in Yugoslavia were later indicted for war crimes. They included Fr. Dragutin Kamber, who ordered the killing of nearly 300 Orthodox Serbs, the "hangman of the Serbs" Bishop Ivan Saric of Sarajevo, and Bishop Gregory Rozman of Slovenia, a wanted Nazi collaborator. A trial in 1946 resulted in the conviction of a half-dozen Ustasha priests, including former Franciscan Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, a commandant of a concentration camp where the Ustashas tortured and slaughtered hundreds of thousands with a brutality that shocked even the Nazis.
As more secret documents become public, it is Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic, who emerges as the most significant player of all. The Franciscan had been a senior official of the Ustasha committee that handled the forced conversion of the Serbs. In 1943, the Ustasha arranged with the Church for Draganovic to be sent to Rome. There he served at a seminary of Croatian monks that was in fact a center of clandestine Ustasha activity. He also became the Ustasha's unofficial emissary at the Vatican and liaison to the Vatican organization to aid war refugees. Draganovic and collaborators such as Fr. Golik provided the means and support, including forged Red Cross passports, for a number of
Ustasha war criminals to escape justice. Through an underground railroad of sympathetic priests known as "the ratline", the Ustashas were able to escape to neutral countries, primarily Argentina. Virtually the entire Ustasha leadership went free.
The day that Germany capitulated 288 kilograms of gold were removed from the Croatian National Bank and state treasury. Some of that landed in Draganovic's hands. Called the "Golden Priest", he doled it out to Croatian refugees, including Ustasha soldiers. He was never charged and returned to Yugoslavia, where he died in 1983.
A memo that surfaced last summer prompted the State Department's interest, but the Vatican swiftly dismissed it, saying the charges could not be true. Other reports mention Ustashas meeting Vatican officials, living in the Vatican; even being hidden at the pope's summer retreat at Castel Gandolfo and driving cars with Vatican plates in Rome.
The Vatican's tolerance of the Ustasha during the war was no secret, but though they insist they have nothing to hide, they refuse outside researchers free access to their archives because the collection contains sensitive personnel files. As a general rule, the Vatican says it releases church documents only after about 75 years, but outside observers contend it is much rarer than that. 3/25/97
Introduction to the Vatican Bank Claims
Alperin v. Vatican Bank was originally filed in Federal Court in San Francisco in November 1999. The plaintiffs are concentration camp survivors of Serb, Jewish, Roma and Ukrainian background and their relatives as well as organizations representing over 300,000 Holocaust victims and their heirs.
The plaintiffs seek an accounting and recovery of the Ustasha Treasury that according to the US State Department was illicitly transferred to the Vatican, the Franciscan Order and other banks after the end of the war.
Defendants currently include the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order. These defendants combined to conceal assets looted by the Croatian Nazis from concentration camp victims, Serbs, Jews, Roma and former Soviet citizens from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia 1941-1945.
Levy v. CIA is a lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act seeking release of US Intelligence agency files regarding the notorius Vatican spymaster, Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic. New records on Draganovic were released as a result of the successful conclusion of that lawsuit in 2001.
About the Attorneys
Dr. Jonathan Levy is licensed in California and the District of Columbia and has represented organizations and individuals in a variety of Holocaust and Second World War related lawsuits including banking, insurance, and slave labor matters. Jon is also a member of the International Criminal Bar in The Hague and has a PhD in Political Science.
Tom Easton is a veteran California civil rights attorney. Tom has traveled extensively in Russia and Europe and holds a Masters degree in History.
Windle Turley is a nationally recognized plaintiffs' attorney and is responsible for the first multi million dollar jury verdict against a Roman Catholic Diocese for sexual abuse of children in 1998.
Of Counsel
Milosh D. Milenkovich was president of a worldwide Serbian organization and is an attorney in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Milenkovich came to the United States from Yugoslavia in 1954.
Duncan Macdonald is a solicitor specializing in international transactions.

The Intermarium: Wilson, Madison, & East Central European Federalism [Paperback]
Jonathan Levy (Author)
Much of the historical background of the Vatican Bank Claims is documented in this book authored by Dr. Jonathan Levy who also serves as plaintiffs' co-counsel in this case. This is supported by thousands of pages of declassified documents and the testimony of former Army Counterintelligence Agent, William Gowen who served in Rome 1946-1947.
From the author of exposes on Medjugorje and the Vatican Bank. Featuring startling new information, Intermarium redefines the politics of east central Europe for the 21st Century.
Law Offices of Attorneys, Thomas Dewey Easton & Dr. Jonathan H Levy
Telephone: 202-318-2406
Nazi Connection To Franciscan Order Uncovered Near Medjugorje
Siroki Brijeg, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Near the site of a World War II wartime massacre of Serb women and children by Croatian Nazis stands a Franciscan Monastery. It's just down the road from Medjugorje or "Miracle City" where the Virgin Mary is said to put in nightly appearances for the tens of thousands of Roman Catholic pilgrims who flock there each year. The Franciscan Monastery at Sirkoi Brijeg and its controversial contents are at the center of an international scandal involving the Franciscans, Croatian ultra nationalists and the Vatican Bank.
A lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, filed in San Francisco Federal Court in November 1999 by Serb, Jewish, and Ukrainian Holocaust survivors against the Vatican Bank and Franciscans seeks return of Nazi loot stolen from wartime Yugoslavia. According to a 1998 US State Department report, the money known as the Ustasha Treasury, is thought to have been concealed in the Vatican and used in part to fund the escape of Nazi and Croatian war criminals to South America. The Franciscans acted as facilitators and middlemen in moving the contents of the Ustasha Treasury from Croatia to Austria, Italy and finally South America.
The Franciscans have denied their wartime ties to the Ustasha regime in Croatia, which slaughtered over 700,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies and set the stage for today's ethnic battles in the Balkans. However, in Siroki Brijeg, plaintiffs' attorneys have obtained tangible proof of the Nazi Franciscan connection. Cameramen working for Phillip Kronzer, a staunch foe of Medjugorje and its Marian apparitions obtained entry to the Monastery and filmed a secret shrine honoring the Ustashe. A plaque dedicated to Franciscan monks who were Ustasha members was filmed along with a massive shrine lining the walls complete with photographs of Ustasha soldiers some in Nazi uniforms. The admonition, "Recognize us, We are yours" can clearly be discerned in the video footage. On a later visit to the monastery the shrine had been dismantled but the videotape preserved the evidence and has now been made available by the Kronzer Foundation.
Just as in World War II, Medjugorje in the 1990's was the site of brutal ethnic cleansing by Croat nationalists. Alperin plaintiffs have alleged that Medjugorje and its facilities are connected with the Ustasha Treasury and the monastery at Siroki Brijeg seems to provide hard evidence of the connection.
This is not a new story. Rumors have circulated about these connections for decades. Even Malachi Martin dealt with the accusations in his novel, Vatican.
Updated September 2015 -- our latest articles on the wealth of the Vatican
Opus Dei control the Vatican Bank and multinational corporations that control the world's finances... with Knights of Malta. VIDEOS of Vatican Wealth
The Pope is the richest man on earth video
Chapter Ten: The Richest Man on Earth?
Remember when the pope came to the United States? How he chided us for not showing mercy? That we should give away what we have to the poor? We are such a wealthy nation. And then remember the great earthquake that took place in 1980 over in Italy? I remember when the pope came in to this ruined area, walked up to the bedside of some poor little wounded Italian man and the pope so benevolently laid his hand on his head and made the sign of the cross, blessed the man and walked off.

John Paul II, "Pilgrimage of Faith"
And the newscasters were telling of the devastation. And then we cut back to the United States and Senator Kennedy looked at the camera with sorrowful eyes and said, "Oh, we Americans, out of mercy we should send at least 45 million dollars to this devastated village so we can reconstruct it." Remember that? Now let me read something out of THE VATICAN BILLIONS by Avro Manhattan, and I think you're going to get as mad as I am right now. I want to bring to your attention the fact that this information was published 10 years ago, and the figures are probably even more startling today.
"The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc. At a conservative estimate, these amount to more than 500 million dollars in the U.S.A. alone.
"In a statement published in connection with a bond prospectus, the Boston archdiocese listed its assets at Six Hundred and Thirty-five Million ($635,891,004), which is 9.9 times its liabilities. This leaves a net worth of Five Hundred and Seventy-one million dollars ($571,704,953). It is not difficult to discover the truly astonishing wealth of the church, once we add the riches of the twenty-eight archdioceses and 122 dioceses of the U.S.A., some of which are even wealthier than that of Boston.
"Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely 'that his church probably ranks second only to the United States Government in total annual purchase.' Another statement, made by a nationally syndicated Catholic priest, perhaps is even more telling. 'The Catholic church,' he said, 'must be the biggest corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our assets and real estate holdings must exceed those of Standard Oil, A.T.&T., and U.S. Steel combined. And our roster of dues-paying members must be second only to the tax rolls of the United States Government.'
"The Catholic church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world. The Vatican, independently of each successive pope, has been increasingly orientated towards the U.S. The Wall Street Journal said that the Vatican's financial deals in the U.S. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time.
"The Vatican's treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest. But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country. When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.
"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars."
And I think back about how the pope, the wealthiest man on this planet, walked up to that poor little Italian man lying in that rubble, put his hand on his head, and said, "Bless you," and then walked away and just left him there. That has got to be the height of hypocrisy. And then Sen. Kennedy, the pope's boy over in the United States makes the big pitch to the U.S. people to foot the bill to repair that devastated village, right in the pope's backyard. What a set-up!
Nazi Gold and the Vatican
How Rome saved Fascists for a price
Did greed and God work hand in hand? And what do the apparitions at Medjugorje have to do with it?
ROME — Wealth plundered by the Nazis from their victims has been traced to banks in Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal and other neutral countries that were secretly helping the Nazis stash stolen gold or launder it to buy war materiel. One state after another has reluctantly opened its archives and banking records to aid the search, with one glaring exception: the Vatican.
So far the Vatican has flatly refused to allow investigators access to its archives, despite repeated pleas from several nations and from Jewish groups. A task force headed by the US Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat is expected to issue a report that questions the Vatican's wartime financial dealings. And mounting evidence suggests that plunder from the Ustasha, Croatia's pro-Nazi fascist government during the war, with the aid of Croatian Catholic priests, made its way to Rome. Some of it was used to help Croatian war criminals flee to South America.
From 1941 to 1945, the Ustashas exterminated an estimated 500,000 Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and looted their property. They demanded 1,000 kilograms of gold from the Jews of Zagreb, only to ship them to concentration camps and kill them anyway. The Croatian Catholic Church was closely entangled with the Ustashas: in the early years of the war, Catholic priests oversaw forced conversion of Orthodox Serbs while Franciscans distributed propaganda.
Several high Catholic officials in Yugoslavia were later indicted for war crimes. They included Fr. Dragutin Kamber, who ordered the killing of nearly 300 Orthodox Serbs, the "hangman of the Serbs" Bishop Ivan Saric of Sarajevo, and Bishop Gregory Rozman of Slovenia, a wanted Nazi collaborator. A trial in 1946 resulted in the conviction of a half-dozen Ustasha priests, including former Franciscan Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, a commandant of a concentration camp where the Ustashas tortured and slaughtered hundreds of thousands with a brutality that shocked even the Nazis.
As more secret documents become public, it is Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic, who emerges as the most significant player of all. The Franciscan had been a senior official of the Ustasha committee that handled the forced conversion of the Serbs. In 1943, the Ustasha arranged with the Church for Draganovic to be sent to Rome. There he served at a seminary of Croatian monks that was in fact a center of clandestine Ustasha activity. He also became the Ustasha's unofficial emissary at the Vatican and liaison to the Vatican organization to aid war refugees. Draganovic and collaborators such as Fr. Golik provided the means and support, including forged Red Cross passports, for a number of
Ustasha war criminals to escape justice. Through an underground railroad of sympathetic priests known as "the ratline", the Ustashas were able to escape to neutral countries, primarily Argentina. Virtually the entire Ustasha leadership went free.
The day that Germany capitulated 288 kilograms of gold were removed from the Croatian National Bank and state treasury. Some of that landed in Draganovic's hands. Called the "Golden Priest", he doled it out to Croatian refugees, including Ustasha soldiers. He was never charged and returned to Yugoslavia, where he died in 1983.
A memo that surfaced last summer prompted the State Department's interest, but the Vatican swiftly dismissed it, saying the charges could not be true. Other reports mention Ustashas meeting Vatican officials, living in the Vatican; even being hidden at the pope's summer retreat at Castel Gandolfo and driving cars with Vatican plates in Rome.
The Vatican's tolerance of the Ustasha during the war was no secret, but though they insist they have nothing to hide, they refuse outside researchers free access to their archives because the collection contains sensitive personnel files. As a general rule, the Vatican says it releases church documents only after about 75 years, but outside observers contend it is much rarer than that. 3/25/97
Introduction to the Vatican Bank Claims
Alperin v. Vatican Bank was originally filed in Federal Court in San Francisco in November 1999. The plaintiffs are concentration camp survivors of Serb, Jewish, Roma and Ukrainian background and their relatives as well as organizations representing over 300,000 Holocaust victims and their heirs.
The plaintiffs seek an accounting and recovery of the Ustasha Treasury that according to the US State Department was illicitly transferred to the Vatican, the Franciscan Order and other banks after the end of the war.
Defendants currently include the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order. These defendants combined to conceal assets looted by the Croatian Nazis from concentration camp victims, Serbs, Jews, Roma and former Soviet citizens from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia 1941-1945.
Levy v. CIA is a lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act seeking release of US Intelligence agency files regarding the notorius Vatican spymaster, Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic. New records on Draganovic were released as a result of the successful conclusion of that lawsuit in 2001.
About the Attorneys
Dr. Jonathan Levy is licensed in California and the District of Columbia and has represented organizations and individuals in a variety of Holocaust and Second World War related lawsuits including banking, insurance, and slave labor matters. Jon is also a member of the International Criminal Bar in The Hague and has a PhD in Political Science.
Tom Easton is a veteran California civil rights attorney. Tom has traveled extensively in Russia and Europe and holds a Masters degree in History.
Windle Turley is a nationally recognized plaintiffs' attorney and is responsible for the first multi million dollar jury verdict against a Roman Catholic Diocese for sexual abuse of children in 1998.
Of Counsel
Milosh D. Milenkovich was president of a worldwide Serbian organization and is an attorney in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Milenkovich came to the United States from Yugoslavia in 1954.
Duncan Macdonald is a solicitor specializing in international transactions.

The Intermarium: Wilson, Madison, & East Central European Federalism [Paperback]
Jonathan Levy (Author)
Much of the historical background of the Vatican Bank Claims is documented in this book authored by Dr. Jonathan Levy who also serves as plaintiffs' co-counsel in this case. This is supported by thousands of pages of declassified documents and the testimony of former Army Counterintelligence Agent, William Gowen who served in Rome 1946-1947.
From the author of exposes on Medjugorje and the Vatican Bank. Featuring startling new information, Intermarium redefines the politics of east central Europe for the 21st Century.
Law Offices of Attorneys, Thomas Dewey Easton & Dr. Jonathan H Levy
Telephone: 202-318-2406
Nazi Connection To Franciscan Order Uncovered Near Medjugorje
Siroki Brijeg, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Near the site of a World War II wartime massacre of Serb women and children by Croatian Nazis stands a Franciscan Monastery. It's just down the road from Medjugorje or "Miracle City" where the Virgin Mary is said to put in nightly appearances for the tens of thousands of Roman Catholic pilgrims who flock there each year. The Franciscan Monastery at Sirkoi Brijeg and its controversial contents are at the center of an international scandal involving the Franciscans, Croatian ultra nationalists and the Vatican Bank.
A lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, filed in San Francisco Federal Court in November 1999 by Serb, Jewish, and Ukrainian Holocaust survivors against the Vatican Bank and Franciscans seeks return of Nazi loot stolen from wartime Yugoslavia. According to a 1998 US State Department report, the money known as the Ustasha Treasury, is thought to have been concealed in the Vatican and used in part to fund the escape of Nazi and Croatian war criminals to South America. The Franciscans acted as facilitators and middlemen in moving the contents of the Ustasha Treasury from Croatia to Austria, Italy and finally South America.
The Franciscans have denied their wartime ties to the Ustasha regime in Croatia, which slaughtered over 700,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies and set the stage for today's ethnic battles in the Balkans. However, in Siroki Brijeg, plaintiffs' attorneys have obtained tangible proof of the Nazi Franciscan connection. Cameramen working for Phillip Kronzer, a staunch foe of Medjugorje and its Marian apparitions obtained entry to the Monastery and filmed a secret shrine honoring the Ustashe. A plaque dedicated to Franciscan monks who were Ustasha members was filmed along with a massive shrine lining the walls complete with photographs of Ustasha soldiers some in Nazi uniforms. The admonition, "Recognize us, We are yours" can clearly be discerned in the video footage. On a later visit to the monastery the shrine had been dismantled but the videotape preserved the evidence and has now been made available by the Kronzer Foundation.
Just as in World War II, Medjugorje in the 1990's was the site of brutal ethnic cleansing by Croat nationalists. Alperin plaintiffs have alleged that Medjugorje and its facilities are connected with the Ustasha Treasury and the monastery at Siroki Brijeg seems to provide hard evidence of the connection.
This is not a new story. Rumors have circulated about these connections for decades. Even Malachi Martin dealt with the accusations in his novel, Vatican.
Updated September 2015 -- our latest articles on the wealth of the Vatican
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner
soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis
is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth
Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor
6 suggestions for Pope
Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt
politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l
Jesus Christ is liberated
from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off,
converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
8 POWERS the VATICAN uses to
Pope Francis use ecological
power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador
to subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use
contraceptives and abortion
Defying papal infallibility and charging criminally the “one, holy,
catholic and apostolic church’.
How the Vatican Empire runs
the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman Empire copycat. Via
divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues, coins
HYPOCRISY of Prime Minister
Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian aborigines suffer
from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope
Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Stupid Roman Catholic Nuns
buried 800 babies in a septic tank in Ireland! Set Jesus free from tabernacles,
popes & priests Eucharist sorcery
Boston College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux - the new Cult of Pope Francis. A rebuttal
to “Cardinal O’Malley at Crux” by priest, Mr. Dwight Longenecker
Pope Francis the Pharisee & Vatican Bank/IOR the white-washed
sepulchre in Mathew 23. Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team new books
on Francis-myths
Vatican Circus in Istanbul’s
Blue Mosque: Pope Francis prays to Allah who NEVER had a son Jesus – whom
Francis represents and clones in the Eucharist
“God weeps”
but Pope Francis LAUGHS as buffoon-in-white of Vatican Circus of Deception.
Pope Francis and Vatican “lie for a living” to cover-up JP2 Army
Vatican trial won’t be criminal but a charade. Jail in the Vatican is a joke;
it’s sitting on lap of luxury of Vatican Billions
Vatican Circus
in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of
materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth
John Paul II’s Achilles
Heels. George W. Bush’s Achilles Heels. Jeb Bush belongs to Regnum Christi of
Marcial Maciel. Bush is the curse of America
Cold-blood-ed John Paul is
no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and
protect them for 27 years
Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in
Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except
Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to
subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Vatican Holy Shit! Before
his trial, Jozef Wesolowski the JP2 Army highest pedophile Papal Nuncio
Archbishop pimp suddenly dies – mysteriously – as John Paul I
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