Thursday, December 3, 2015

Jesuit St. Francis Xavier was “a pirate in priest’s clothing”. His incorrupt body belongs to a monk- Sri Lanka demands DNA test and repatriation. He ordered Inquisition in Goa, a cruel man, a barbaric murderer, a thief

Inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword protects us and guide us on what to blog
December 3-Feast of St. Francis Xavier

With news compilation 

Today is the feast day of the famous Jesuit Saint Francis Xavier – the “first apostle to the Far East”.  The Jesuits have dei-fied him writing many books and articles, naming many schools and Jesuit houses in his honour.  But the people he went to colonise and evangelise experienced and saw him in a different light, a very bad evil light that would make Spotlight dim in comparison, (God forbid Spotlight gets an Oscar nomination).  Below is a compilation on St. Francis Xavier who is similar to Junipero Serra when it comes to cultural genocide - but he is worse than Junipero Serra.  Actually St. Francis is one of the worst saints – as reported by native people in Goa -- he is“a pirate in priest’s clothing, a cruel man, a barbaric murderer who ordered the Goa Inquisition where children were flogged & slowly dismembered in front of parents, whose eyelids were sliced off. And his “incorrupt body” is NOT actually his because of the height and the substance in his short body. In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, all are cremated.  Only liberated saints are buried in salt and lime.  Sri Lanka demands a DNA test on St. Francis Xavier’s incorrupt body to prove that it is not his nor is it a Spaniard and that it be repatriated to Sri Lanka – because it belongs to a Buddhist monk, see news compilation below.

When Pope Francis came to the USA last September, he canonized Junipero Serra -- who NEVER performed any miracle (a prerequisite for sainthood) – and who was despised by the Native Indians of California for his cultural genocide.  The first saint Pope Fancies canonized was John Paul II despite the fact that for 27 years he said nothing and did nothing to stop thousands of pedophile priests.  While he may have kissed a few babies and children for his political photo-ops, John Paul II was actually cold-hearted and he slept in peace as thousands of countless boys (and girls) were suffering from the bestial hands of Catholic priests.  Pope Francis canonized several saints who never met the requirements of miracles – he was abusing his papal powers.  That should not surprise us because the Jesuits are natural Masters of Deceits and Pope Francis is the greatest Master of Deceits of them all.  The Society of Jesus is founded by deception and one of their  rotten roots is none other than its most famous saint Francis Xavier.  

Spotlight & Philippines Jesuit sex crimes. Jesuit abused young man “a few hundred times” starting when he was 15 in Ateneo de Zamboanga, Arvisu House, Loyola House of Studies

The Jesuits are among the most notorious sexual predators on earth.

Jesuits are infamous members of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

END Statute of Limitation for pedophilia

This “Jesuit sex crimes” from the Philippines prove that the statute of limitation must be removed for pedophilia and pederast sex crimes because it takes about three decades before victims can speak about their shameful past. Lucas, (not his real name) comes out only now at the age of 46 and he was sexually assaulted "hundreds of times" starting at the age of 15. It took him three decades to reveal his shameful past and in the Philippines, that shame belongs not to him alone - but to his entire family as well. Read our article, --- New York Catholic bishops fight new Statute of Limitation bill for it would cause the church "catastrophic financial harm".

Read more in our articles on Spotlight below especially -- REBUTTAL: James Martin S.J. “The Media Ministry”. He does not mention Los Angeles Times that pioneered journalistic reports especially on series of ‘sex crimes by the Jesuits’ in the 1980s! )
While Vatileaks broke loose in Rome – to eclipse Spotlight in USA – this Jesuit sex crimes in the Philippines is also a shocker.  Spotlight acts as smokescreen to divert attention away from on-going Vatican Evils today – especially Vatican Avarice in Rome. Americans are now being blinded by Spotlight for which more than 140 Americans journalists are Pied Pipers for an Oscar  buzz -- but only a handful of them are reporting reality of Vatican Avarice today documented in two books  from Vatileaks currently the newest and hottest news in Italy today.  
Read our article --- Spotlight! Vatican indicts 5 people in Vatileaks. 2 Italian journalists defy Vatican court order. Meanwhile, in USA, 140 Americans deceptive journalists are Pied Pipers for Spotlight
Read also our article on deceptions by Boston Globe: Idiot Catholics, ‘Don't believe what you read from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe’...  A small newspaper writer Joseph Tevington of the Bucks County Courier Times in Pennsylvania has detected the subtle snaky deceits coming out of giant journalists from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe and he is not afraid to special mention them.
Eucharist Mythology
Pope Francis (cardinals, bishops, priests) – by the power of his papal mouth in a few seconds – of reciting Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation (deceit) script – cannot instantly clone the real flesh-and-blood of Jesus Christ – because His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, had to carry 9 months in her God-designed female womb – and then give birth (painfully) like all other women.  Pope Francis and priests have no wombs to reproduce a child and their mouths cannot reproduce the body of Christ either.  
The little white host in the Eucharist is the biggest lie of Satan since the Garden of Eden where God forbade that mankind eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil that was exclusively for God.  The Eucharist makes man even greater than God because he can reproduce His flesh and blood -- and it is the bait to trap idiots especially stupid Americans Catholics to worship the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast guarded by Swiss Guard Army in Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard the ill-gotten wealth of despots, American imperialists, European imperialists, corrupt government officials, war lords, drug lords, name it, they have it.  
The Vatican is the most evil power on the planet that breeds corruptions among government officials, which breed wars, violence against the poor, women and children. Pope Francis is the greatest thief in mankind’s history and the greatest Jesuit Master of Deceits and he is only headed to the lake of fire where he will join his real father of lies who came to kill, steal and destroy.  Pope Francis is the Devil turned into an Angel Pope-in-white in the Vatican Circus of lies, deceptions and corruptions worldwide.

Hail Mary, full of grace               Hell Pope Francis, full of deceits
The Lord is with you                      The Devil is with you
Blessed are you among women      Cursed are you among all men
And blessed is the fruit                   And cursed are your Vatican
Of your womb, Jesus                      Opus Dei & Swiss Banks
The Roman Catholic Church is –– not Christ’s Church –– but the church of the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast.  Idiots Roman Catholics – especially idiots Americans – give moral and financial supports and are cooperators in – crimes against humanity – committed by the Vatican and Pope Francis! 

It’s false to claim that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Catholic Church” –––– because the truth is the gates of Heaven cannot prevail against the Vatican –which is the Kingdom of Satan on Earth –– with its perpetual Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils – already with two millennium of Vatican Evils – and now on its third millennium of crimes against humanity – and still going strong.  The gates of Heaven is helpless especially against the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast Empire in Switzerland and its Swiss Banks run exclusively by so called very evident ‘Pope’s Army aka God’s Army’ – the Swiss Guard Army alumni. Read the Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Read our related articles: Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush

Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth 

Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Sins and Crimes Are Not Synonymous. Sinners and Criminals Are Not One and the Same
 Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims    
Mother Teresa was not a living saint - revealed in detail by book.

John Allen–New Kid on the Block is Same Old Bloke –ancient as Satanas St. John Paul II & Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. SOB

Our articles on Pope Francis  trips

REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
REBUTTAL to Peggy Noonan’s article ‘Cardinal, Please Spare This Church’ in Wall Street Journal – Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of Day in US
Learning from the Temple of Solomon and saving historical Our Lady of Assumption Church – ‘No building is more important than this one’
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l
Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor
 Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use contraceptives and abortion
REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

St. Francis Xavier compilation:


Xavier’s letter demanding 


the Inquisition be sent to Goa


Francis Xavier sent this letter to the King John III of Portugal on May 16th, 1545: “The second necessity for the Christians is that your Majesty establish the Holy Inquisition, because there are many who live according to the Jewish law, and according to the Mahomedan sect, without any fear of God or shame of the world. And since there are many spread all over the fortresses, there is the need of the Holy Inquisition and of many preachers. Your Majesty should provide such necessary things for your loyal and faithful subjects in India.”  – Joseph Wicki,Documenta Indica, Vol. IV, Rome, 1956.

Waterboarding (Inquisition)The 

Inquisition in Goa


Historian Paul Roberts describes what went on in the Iquisition’s Goa court that had been housed in the Sultan’s old palace and had a huge plaster image of Christ overlooking the scene: “Children were flogged and slowly dismembered in front of their parents, whose eyelids had been sliced off to make sure they missed nothing. Extremities were amputated carefully, so that a person could remain conscious even when all that remained was a torso  and head. Male genitals were removed and burned in front of wives, breasts hacked off and vaginas penetrated by swords while husbands were forced to watch…. And it went on for two hundred years.” – Paul Williams Roberts,The Empire of the Soul: Some Journeys in IndiaNew York, 1997.
» Fr. Francis Gonsalves can be contacted at

St. Francis Xavier SJSt. Francis Xavier:

 A pirate in priest’s 


Goa is sadly famous for its Inquisition, equally contrary to humanity and commerce. The Portuguese monks made us believe that the people worshipped the devil, and it is they who have served him.” – Voltaire
The European encounter between Hinduism and Christianity commenced with the coming of Christian missionaries to Malabar after Vasco da Gama found his way to Calicut in AD 1498. It took a serious turn in AD 1542 when Francis Xavier, a rapacious pirate dressed up as a priest, arrived on the scene. The proceedings have been preserved by the Christian participants. They make the most painful reading in the history of Christianity in India. Francis Xavier had come with the firm resolve of “uprooting paganism” from the soil of India and planting Christianity in its place. His sayings and doings have been documented in his numerous biographies and cited by every historian of the Portuguese episode in the history of India.
Francis Xavier was convinced that Hindus could not be credited with the intelligence to know what was good for them. They were completely under the spell of the Brahmanas who, in turn, were in league with evil spirits. The first priority in India, therefore, was to free the poor Hindus from the stranglehold of the Brahmanas and destroy the places where evil spirits were worshipped. A bounty for the Church was bound to follow in the form of mass conversions.[1]
Broken Ganapati image in GoaWe shall let a Christian historian speak about what the Portuguese did in their Indian domain. “At least from 1540 onwards,” writes Dr. Teotonio R. de Souzaof the Dept. of History, Universidade Lusofona, Lisbon, “and in the island of Goa before that year, all the Hindu idols had been annihilated or had disappeared, all the temples had been destroyed and their sites and building materials were in most cases utilised to erect new Christian churches and chapels. Various viceregal and Church council decrees banished the Hindu priests from the Portuguese territories; the public practice of Hindu rites including marriage rites, was banned; the state took upon itself the task of bringing up the Hindu orphan children; the Hindus were denied certain employments, while the Christians were preferred; it was ensured that the Hindus would not harass those who became Christians, and on the contrary, the Hindus were obliged to assemble periodically in churches to listen to preaching or to the refutation of their religion.”[2]
Coming to the performance of the missionaries, he continues: “A particularly grave abuse was practised in Goa in the form of ‘mass baptism’ and what went before it. The practice was begun by the Jesuits and was later initiated by the Franciscansalso. The Jesuits staged an annual mass baptism on the Feast of the Conversion ofSt. Paul (25 January), and in order to secure as many neophytes as possible, a few days before the ceremony the Jesuits would go through the streets of the Hindu quarters in pairs, accompanied by their Negro slaves, whom they would urge to seize the Hindus. When the blacks caught up a fugitive, they would smear his lips with a piece of beef, making him an ‘untouchable’ among his people. Conversion to Christianity was then his only option.”[3]
Basilica of Bom Jesus: Built in 1594 after the destruction of a Shiva temple on the site.Finally, he comes to “Financing Church Growth” and concludes: “…the government transferred to the Church and religious orders the properties and other sources of revenue that had belonged to the Hindu temples that had been demolished or to the temple servants who had been converted or banished. Entire villages were taken over at times for being considered rebellious and handed over with all their revenues to the Jesuits. In the villages that had submitted themselves, at times en masse, to being converted, the religious orders promoted competition to build bigger and bigger churches and more chapels than their neighbouring villages. Such a competition, drawing funds and diverting labour, from other important welfare works of the village, was decisively bringing the village economy in Goa into bankruptcy.”[4]
During the same period, Christianity was spreading its tentacles to Bengal. Its patrons were the same as in Goa; so also its means and methods. “The conversion of the Bengalis into Christianity,” writes Dr. Sisir Kumar Das, “not only coincided with the activities of the Portuguese pirates in Bengal but the pirates took an active interest in it.”[5] The Augustinians and Jesuits manned the mission with bases at Chittagong in East Bengal and Bandel and Hooghly in West Bengal. Mission stations were established at many places in the interior. “It was the boast of the Hooghly Portuguese,” records Dr. P. Thomas, “that they made more Christians in a year by forcible conversions, of course, than all the missionaries in the East in ten.”[6]
Francis Xavier SJThe Portuguese captured the young prince of Bhushna, an estate in Dhaka District. He was converted by an Augustinian friar, Father D’Rozario and named Dom Antonio de Rozario. The prince, in turn, converted 20,000 Hindus in and around his estate. “The Jesuits came forward,” continues Dr. Das, “to help the neophytes to minister to the needs of the converts and this created bitterness between Augustinians and Jesuits…. In 1677, the Provincial at Goa deputed Father Anthony Magalheans, the Rector of the College at Agra, to visit and report on this problem. According to his report nearly 25,000, if not more, converts were there but they had hardly any knowledge of Christianity…. He also observed that many of them became Christians to get money. The Marsden Manuscriptsnow preserved in the British Museum containing letters of Jesuit Fathers, give evidence that Portuguese missionaries gave money to perspective converts to allure them.”[7]
The Rice Christian's CrossThe quality of the converts, though bewailed frequently by the missionaries, did not really perturb them. Frey Duarte Nunes, the prelate of Goa, had foreseen the situation as early as 1522. According to him, “even if the first generation of converts was attracted by rice or by any other way and could hardly be expected to become good Christians, yet their children would become so with intensive indoctrination, and each successive generation would be more firmly rooted.”[8]
It was a very difficult situation for Hinduism. But, by and large, Hindus chose to stay in the faith of their forefathers in spite of all trials and temptations. There was no mass movement towards the Church except the “mass baptisms” staged by the Jesuits. The mission was in a fix. The strategy of forced conversions recommended by Francis Xavier had failed. – History of Hindu-Christian Encounters: AD 304 to 1996, Voice of India, 1996

Voltaire wrote on the Portuguese Inquisition in Goa— Quote ” Goa est malheureusement célèbre par son inquisition , également contraire à l'humanité et au commerce. Les moines portugais firent accroire que le peuple adorait le diable , et ce sont eux qui l'ont servi. (Goa is sadly famous for its inquisition, equally contrary to humanity and commerce. The Portuguese monks made us believe that the people worshiped the devil, and it is they who have served him.)”.

Historian Alfredo de Mello described the Portuguese in Goa : Quote—“ nefarious, fiendish, lustful, corrupt religious orders which pounced on Goa for the purpose of destroying paganism (ie Hinduism) and introducing the true religion of Christ”  Unquote.

In 2007, the Portuguese Government initiated a project to make available online by 2010 a significant part of the archives of the Portuguese Inquisition currently deposited in the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, the Portuguese National Archives

Now let me get back to our honouable saint Francis Xavier.
All over the world churches and schools are named after him . This temple destroyer was canonized by the Vatican in 1622. ( but when the Taliban shot off the Bamiyan Buddha,  they found it necessary to cry foul ) 
On 11th Dec 1553 , Xavier’s dead body was shipped from China to Goa.
The Pope’s  propaganda has caught on that viewing his dead embalmed body can bring miraculous good fortune and can heal you of all your ailments. Why not? He has converted more people to Christianity than any of Jesus’s disciples.
The "Vatican Poster boy's"  embalmed body lies in Goa and is exposed to the public every 10 years—the last was in Dec 2002.  Two million of the faithful has descended on Goa for a month.
The Vatican has been ignoring demands from the descendants of a Buddhist monk for a DNA test --who claim that the body is of  a Sri Lankan monk .  The body was switched after the arrogant Captain of  the Portugese ship threw it overboard. The monk had died due to consumption of a rare herb. The preserved body of the monk was snatched by Portugese soldiers , dressed up in catholic priest garb and brought to Goa. There is a witness to this-- Francis Xavier's own converted servant he took from my hometown Calicut, by the name of Christopher.

Xavier was a tall white man-- the body is of a small dark man . The bullshit given is that his body was put in lime , in China-- so the great appearance change. DNA test never lies!!
And lime does NOT convert white skin to a uniform brown texture!!!

In Hindu and Buddhist traditions , all are cremated.  Only liberated saints are buried in salt and lime.

The Portuguese Inquisition Laws filled 230 pages and the Inquisition was to be held behind closed doors. Fr. Diago de Boarda and his advisor Vicar General, Miguel Vaz had made a gruesome 41 point plan for torturing Hindus.

Under this plan Viceroy António de Noronha issued in 1566, an order applicable to the entire area under Portuguese rule. I hereby order that in any area owned by my master, the king, nobody should construct a Hindu temple and such temples already constructed should not be repaired without my permission. If this order is transgressed, such temples shall be, destroyed and the goods in them shall be used to meet expenses of holy deeds, as punishment of such transgression.

In 1567, the campaign of destroying temples in Bardez met with success. At the end of it more than 300 Hindu temples were destroyed. Enacting laws, prohibition was laid from 4 December 1567 on rituals of Hindu marriages, sacred thread wearing and cremation.

All the persons above 15 years of age were compelled to listen to Christian preaching, failing which they were punished. In 1583 all Hindu temples at Assolna and Cuncolim were destroyed through army action.
Convered Hindus , who were detected to secretly  hold their old religion in esteem were burnt at the  stake or brutally tortured.
Brutal methods used were – To tear off the tongues--  To blind the victim with sharp sticks or red-hot iron spikes-- The pulling of the flesh with pliers-- The skinning of the accused alive-- Quartering (in which the victims intestines would be pulled from the body) and impaling, in which a stake would be hammered through the victim’s body avoiding the vital organs, resulting in a slow death that could last for hours or days.
A sharp iron fork was used to mangle breasts. Red hot pincers were used to tear off flesh. Red hot irons were inserted up vaginas and rectums. A device named the turcas was used to tear out fingernails. After the nails were ripped out needles were shoved in. Boots called bootikens were used to lacerate flesh and crush bone.
Thumbscrews were used to crush the fingers and toes. Acid was poured on victims and hands were immersed into pots of boiling oil and water. Eyes were gouged out by irons. Alcohol was poured on the head of the poor victim and set alight. Water was poured down the victims throat with a knotted cloth. The cloth was then jerked out tearing up the victims bowels.
There was no limit to the types and cruelty of the tortures. The inquisition meant anything was allowed. The inquisitors were sadistic and mentally disturbed. An "Inquisition" was supposed to be a legal inquiry by the church.
After the poor victims confessed to things they never did more torture was to follow. On the way to the stake or gallows victims were flogged, burned, branded and had their hands and tongues hacked off.
Fillippo Sassetti , an Italian merchant from Florence,  has chronicled everything. He was the first European to learn Sanskrit. His views were NOT the jaundiced views of a white man. Between 1578 and 1588 he had sent a huge number of letters to the grand ducal court in Florence –all about the Portugese inquisition and the Indian view point.

"The fathers of the Church forbade the Hindus under terrible penalties the use of their own sacred books, and prevented them from all exercise of their religion. They destroyed their temples, and so harassed and interfered with the people that they abandoned the city in large numbers, refusing to remain any longer in a place where they had no liberty, and were liable to imprisonment, torture and death if they worshipped after their own fashion the gods of their fathers." wrote Filippo Sassetti.( below ) 

A French traveller by the name of Dr.Charles Delone had got himself imprisoned in the Sultan’s palace (1674-77) and saw things for himself . His observations are in his book published in 1687 and is named "L’inquisition de Goa".  Charles Delone was an eye witness to the atrocities, cruelty and reign of terror unleashed by priests. He published a book in 1687 describing the lot of helpless victims. While he was in jail, he had heard the cries of tortured people beaten with instruments having sharp teeth.

Dr.Claudius Buchanan's  (above )  a Scotsman of the Church of England , witnessed some gruesome burning scenes in Great Hall of Goan Inquisition in 1608,  and wrote about the Portuguese Inquisition in 1812. 

Sri Lanka demand DNA test - and return of  (Sri Lanka monk) usurped by St. Francis incorrupt body

Sri Lanka must demand the return of the remains of Ven. Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula from Goa, if the DNA tests prove positive

Holocaust, Crusades, Portuguese and Spanish inquisitions, Salem witch trials, Genocide of the native peoples of the Americas and Carribean, Genocide of Middle Eastern peoples, Genocide of Africans and Australian Aborginals, the Portuguese Inquisition in Goa and Sri Lanka the list can go on. These are unforgivable crimes committed by European Christians in the name of Christianity. Adolf Hitler was a Roman Catholic, a Christian. He had Jews killed in the name of God.  The Holocaust was conducted primarily to avenge the killing of Jesus Christ. That is why the Catholic Church including the then Pope Pius X11 never really opposed it.  When the Holocaust comes to mind, it must be remembered that Germany was, and still is, a predominantly Christian country.

500 years ago, when Christians started moving out of Europe to seize and occupy lands peopled by black, brown and yellow races,  they resorted to mass murder to convert the natives. They also specialized in hijacking anything of cultural and religious importance that the indigenous had and twisted the facts to suit their fancy, even the remains of human beings e.g. skeletons of Australian Aborginal chieftains and their families, Egyptian mummies and the like were not spared. They were dug from the graves or stolen from Pyramids and transported to the Museums and Castles of Europe.
Even in the colonies Buddhist and Hindu Temples were destroyed and Catholic Churches were built on the destroyed sites. For example the famous St. Anthony’s shrine in Kochchikade was an ancient temple of Kali Amma (The current Hindu temple has been shifted down the road) while the Madhu Church was formerly the site of a Hindu Pattini Devale and called Amman Kovil.
In the context of theft by western colonial countries of anything valuable that the subject peoples had, this paper will focus attention on the mortal remains now lying in state in the Bassilica Dom Jesus in Goa, India that has generated a significant question for a number of centuries that continues to be asked repeatedly but never answered.

Is the body lying inside a glass vessel that of Ven. Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula Thero or that of Francis Xavier?

With scientific methodologies available why are authorities reluctant to put these guesses to rest? It is the simplest, logical and impartial means of putting to rest centuries of doubt.

The body of ‘Francis Xavier’ is to be displayed from 22 November to 4 January 2015 to celebrate 500 years since the arrival of the Portuguese and Catholicism. It is now reported that the Konkani Christian victims of Francis Xavier’s atrocities have started a nation-wide campaign demanding that the body lying in the Goa Church be sent back to his home in France, Before such a deportation of the remains takes place, it is important that a DNA test be conducted to determine whether the body is that of Francis Xavier or that of Ven. Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula Thero so that the body can be returned to Sri Lanka and not be sent to France.
 Ven. Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula Thero

 In a manner similar to a beacon of light illuminating 15th century Lanka in the literary sphere, Venerable Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula Thero was a literary giant who authored such famous literary works during the period from 1430 to 1440 such as Buddhagajjaya, Vurthamala Sandesaya, Paravi Sandesaya, Selalihini Sandesaya, Kawyasekaraya, Panchika Pradeepaya, Buddipasadiniya, Gira Sandesaya, Sakaskada and Mawulu Sandesaya.  

Born on 9th June 1409 during the reign of King Parakramabahu the 6th, ordained as a Bhikkhu in 1429 Sri Rahula Thero was known as Vachchiswara. The Kotte period was known as the Golden Era of Sri Lanka and his works Selalihini Sandeshaya, Gira Sandeshaya, Paravi Sandeshaya, Kawyasekera poetry belong to this golden era. Sri Rahula thero himself was proficient in 6 languages and was a distinguished author, veteran astrologer and proficient in ayurvedic medicine.

He became the first Bhikkhu to be conferred the post of Sangaraja by the King. He was also the chief incumbent and the principal of Thotagamuwe Vijayaba Pirivena, the internationally acclaimed institute of education founded by King Vijayabahu 1 that became a target for Catholic destruction.  Both Vijayaba Pirivena and Rathpath Vihara were destroyed by Thome de Souza in 1580 AD leaving only some granite pillars. The temple was reconstructed in 1765 by Ven. Pallattara Thero.

The destruction that the Portuguese invaders committed are little mentioned and whenever these examples are brought up contemporary commentators rush to declare that past misdeeds should be buried and forgotten and attempt to bury their dark historical deeds. These acts under modern laws would be catalogued as heinous crimes.

Sri Rahula Thero passed away on 27th September 1491 at the age of 82. Upon his death the villagers arrived at the Vijayaba Pirivena and placed his body (with growing hair and nails) in the Ambana Indurugiri cave close to Elpitiya for safety.

Ven. Rahula Thero is said to have consumed a medication (Siddaloka Rasaya) that enabled his body to remain unchanged until year 4230 (engraved in a stanza on a sheet of copper before his death).  The Portuguese had eventually taken control of the body and decided to dispatch the body to Goa, India. Francis Xavier who had arrived to engage in Christian Missionary activities was tasked with shifting Ven. Sri Rahula Thero’s body to Goa. Francis Xavier died at sea during the journey.
Francis Xavier

Francis Xavier, SJ, born Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta (7 April 1506 – 3 December 1552), was a Roman Catholic missionary born in Xavier, Kingdom of Navarre (now part of Spain), and co-founder of the Society of Jesus.

On May 6th 1542, St Francis Xavier of the Jesuit order of Ignatius Loyola (to which present Pope belongs), at the young age of 36,  landed at Goa, after a 13 month ardous voyage round the Cape of Good Hope under orders of King of Portugal Joao III.

As soon as Xavier landed at Goa he wrote to his king Whoever has seen Goa need not see Lisbon”
Pretty soon, he found out the hard way– that the local Indians are NOT east to convert from Hinduism to Christianity. He then ordered temples to be demolished. But then people had idols in their houses.
In 1545 Francis Xavier, frustrated — wrote to Rome (this letter is preserved) and to the King —
QUOTE The Hindus are an unholy race. They are liars and cheats to the very backbone. Their idols are black—as black as black can be— ugly and horrible to look at , smeared with oil and smell in a evil manner. –UNQUOTE

Francis Xavier formally ordered the Portugese Inquisition for Goa, which ran from 1516 to 1812. The rest of Europe had terminated the Inquisition in 1774. It stopped in 1812 due to British intervention.
More than 20,000 people were brought under trial by this Inquisition.

They were NOT allowed to wear the Shendi ( hair tuft ), have a Tulsi plant in front of their house, wear the sacred thread , have an idol in their homes , wear sandals , read the Vedas etc
The Portugese first started off with high ranking Saraswat Brahmin Hindus who held the land and riches. Whoever was caught in a palanquin had to undergo the brutal inquisition.
This drove all of them away from Goa, leaving the land behind.  Some of them unwillingly converted into Christianity.

It was NOT religious hatred alone, the main reason was to steal as many ancient Sanskrit and Malayalam Vedic texts on Science, Medicine and Mathematics. It is from Xavier that Europe came to know about medicinal leech vaccination ( among other things ), and later Freemason Edward Jenner made a name for himself. The ancient Maharishis from Kerala, like Imhotep, has been vaccinating the Pharaohs of Egypt, 6500 years before Edward Jenner.
The Hindu masses were converted into Christianity, saddled with Portuguese surnames , given menial jobs, made to eat Beef and Pork and drink cheap Feni ( a local brew made of Cashew and Coconut ). This easy inebriated life destroyed their mindset and till today no Catholic Goan boy has passed the IIT entrance exam. ( ala the Red Indians of North America and the Aborigines of Australia )

St. Francis Xavier requesting John III of Portugal for a Catholic expedition and inquisition in Portuguese India
In the 16th and 17th centuries, the Portuguese Empire of the East or Estado da Índia (“State of India”) included possessions in all the Asian Sub-Continents, East Africa, and Pacific.

Historical records of Francis Xavier’s barbarism, mass murder and torture of Hindus diminishes his glorification as a miracle worker by Christians. The victims of Francis Xavier claim that it is heinous to glorify such a mass murderer and to make a saint when he died in 1552. Francis Xavier was beatified by Pope Paul V in 1619 and three years later, Pope Gregory XV canonized him. The victims declare that Portuguese rule does not prevail in Goa and thus there is no real requirement to preserve Xavier’s corpse in Goa. ‘We will soon petition the Goa Government and the Central Government’ – said Robert Rosario, activist and leader of the Victims of Francis Xavier movement.

Crimes of Christian Missionaries

Christian missionaries first arrived in Malabar after Vasco da Gama’s arrival in Calicut, India in 1498. Francis Xavier born in 1506 was a missionary with a mission to ‘uproot paganism’ and he arrived on 6th May 1542. The Christian mission was to destroy Hinduism and in its place plant Christianity. Francis Xavier is exalted by Christians because he began ‘mass baptism’ initiated by Jesuits and Franciscans. Foul methods were adopted by Christian priests to convert – they are said to have roamed the streets with their African slaves and smeared the lips of Indians with beef making them ‘untouchable’ and leaving them no choice but to convert. Francis Xavier took part in these forced conversion tactics and his letters to the Jesuits in Rome reveal his character:

There are in these parts among the pagans a class of men called Brahmins. They are as perverse and wicked a set as can anywhere be found, and to whom applies the Psalm which says: ‘From an unholy race, and wicked and crafty men, deliver me, Lord.’ If it were not for the Brahmins, we should have all the heathens embracing our faith.”

Following the baptisms, the new Christians return to their homes and come back with their wives and families to be in their turn also prepared for baptism. After all have been baptised, I order that everywhere the temples of the false gods be pulled down and idols broken. I know not how to describe in words the joy I feel before the spectacle of pulling down and destroying the idols by the very people who formerly worshipped them.”  

Francis Xavier even despatched a letter to King John III of Portugal on 16th May 1545 (just 3 years after arriving in India) to demand the inquisition to be sent to Goa.

The second necessity for the Christians is that your Majesty establish the Holy Inquisition, because there are many who live according to the Jewish law, and according to the Mahomedan sect, without any fear of God or shame of the world. And since there are many spread all over the fortresses, there is the need of the Holy Inquisition and of many preachers. Your Majesty should provide such necessary things for your loyal and faithful subjects in India.”  – Joseph Wicki, Documenta Indica, Vol. IV, Rome, 1956.

Historian Paul Roberts (The Empire of the Soul: Some Journeys in India, 1997) describes the Goa Inquisition:

Children were flogged and slowly dismembered in front of their parents, whose eyelids had been sliced off to make sure they missed nothing. Extremities were amputated carefully, so that a person could remain conscious even when all that remained was a torso  and head. Male genitals were removed and burned in front of wives, breasts hacked off and vaginas penetrated by swords while husbands were forced to watch…. And it went on for two hundred years.”
In 2012 Sita Ram Goel’s ‘St. Francis Xavier : A pirate in priest’s clothing’ was published by the Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle.

Capt Ajit Vadakayil contends that Francis Xavier ordered the Portuguese Inquisition for Goa which ran from 1516 to 1812 and was stopped only due to British intervention.

The role of Francis Xavier in the Goa Inquisition 

He had written to King João III of Portugal in 1546, encouraging him to dispatch the Inquisition to Goa, which he did many years later in 1560. Francis Xavier passed away in 1552 without living to see the horrors of the Goa Inquisition, but some historians believe that he was aware of the Portuguese Inquisition’s brutality. In an interview to an Indian newspaper, historian Teotónio de Souza stated that Francis Xavier and Simão Rodrigues, another founder-member of the Society of Jesus, were together in Lisbon before Francis left for India. Both were asked to assist spiritually the prisoners of the Inquisition and were present at the very first Auto-da-fé celebrated in Portugal in September 1540, at which 23 were absolved and two were condemned to be burnt, including a French cleric. Hence he believes that Francis Xavier could not have been unaware of the brutality of the Inquisition.

Some of Francis Xavier’s quotes have been used to argue for this stance. In particular the following two quotes are used:

“When I have finished baptizing the people, I order them to destroy the huts in which they keep their idols; and I have them break the statues of their idols into tiny pieces, since they are now Christians. I could never come to an end describing to you the great consolation which fills my soul when I see idols being destroyed by the hands of those who had been idolaters.”

On Baptising and inducting children into Christianity, he wrote in 1543 to the Society of Jesus in Rome:

” These children, I trust heartily, by the grace of God, will be much better than their fathers. They show an ardent love for the Divine law, and an extraordinary zeal for learning our holy religion and imparting it to others. Their hatred for idolatry is marvellous. They get into feuds with the heathen about it, and whenever their own parents practise it, they reproach them and come off to tell me at once. Whenever I hear of any act of idolatrous worship, I go to the place with a large band of these children, who very soon load the devil with a greater amount of insult and abuse than he has lately received of honor and worship from their parents, relations, and acquaintances. The children run at the idols, upset them, dash them down, break them to pieces, spit on them, trample on them, kick them about, and in short heap on them every possible outrage.”

Goa inquisition

Religious persecution took place by the Portuguese in Goa, India from 16th to the 17th century. The natives of Goa, most of them Hindus were subjected to severe torture and oppression by the zealous Portuguese rulers and missionaries and forcibly converted to Christianity.

In 1567, the campaign of destroying temples in Bardez met with success. At the end of it 300 Hindu temples were destroyed. Enacting laws, prohibition was laid from December 4, 1567 on rituals of Hindu marriages, sacred thread wearing and cremation. All the persons above 15 years of age were compelled to listen to Christian preaching, failing which they were punished. In 1583, Hindu temples at Assolna and Cuncolim were destroyed through army action. “The fathers of the Church forbade the Hindus under terrible penalties the use of their own sacred books, and prevented them from all exercise of their religion. They destroyed their temples, and so harassed and interfered with the people that they abandoned the city in large numbers, refusing to remain any longer in a place where they had no liberty, and were liable to imprisonment, torture and death if they worshipped after their own fashion the gods of their fathers.” wrote Filippo Sassetti, who was in India from 1578 to 1588. An order was issued in June 1684 for suppressing the Konkani language and making it compulsory to speak the Portuguese language. The law provided for dealing toughly with anyone using the local language. Following that law all the non-Christian cultural symbols and the books written in local languages were sought to be destroyed.

Methods such as repressive laws, demolition of temples and mosques, destruction of holy books, fines and the forcible conversion of orphans were used.”

The controversy: Francis Xavier and Sri Rahula Thero

We now come to the controversy of determining whose mortal remains are in Goa.
Background to this is the contention that Francis Xavier who was tasked by the Portuguese to forcibly remove the body of Sri Rahula from the Ambana Indurugiri cave (near Elpitiya) in Sri Lanka, had died of dysentery and his body was thrown out to sea but the body lying in a Roman Catholic Church in Goa is projected as that being Francis Xavier and not Sri Rahula.
Casket in Goa
Casket in Goa

Arguments favouring the contention that the body is that of Sri Rahula’s

Francis Xavier was a Spaniard from the Basque country which is known for tall people with high cheek bones and well-built bodies – the body lying in Goa is short with South Asian features.

The body is dark skinned – Capt Ajit Vadakayil also claims that the excuse that Francis Xaviers body was covered in lime in China cannot be accepted as lime does not convert white skin to a uniform brown texture (which is the color of the body lying in Goa)

The Post-mortem of Francis Xaviers body published in the Christian journal Catholic Messenger in 1931, 1st December edition records that the body is of Asian origin and not European origin

Capt Ajit Vadakayil asserts that Francis Xavier’s converted servant Christopher from the town of Calicut in Malabar who was on board the ship was witness to the Captain of the ship throwing Francis Xavier’s body to sea after dressing Sri Rahula’s body with the clothes worn by Francis Xavier.
This presentation on YouTube covers other aspects of the argument against the body being that of Francis Xavier.

See views of Sunday Observer Sri Lanka’s Special Correspondent W.T.J.S.Kaviratne

When in doubt, remove that doubt…

Stories and legends do not hold water. But scientific research does. To establish the credibility of stories and legends there is a very methodical and acceptable way out. That is to conduct a simple DNA test. Scientific evidence will prove beyond doubt.

The Buddhists of Sri Lanka and rest of the world will be ready to accept the findings of an impartial DNA test conducted by an unrelated Third Party with unimpeachable scientific credentials to determine whose mortal remains lie in Goa.

If not DNA even finger printing and matching of Francis Xavier’s bones with that of one of the living descendants of Sri Rahula has also been suggested.

With the newest development from the victims of Francis Xavier calling for the body lying in the church in Goa to be returned to France, it is important that it is conclusively determined whose body it is for it would be a tragedy if the body of one of Sri Lanka’s most venerated Buddhist icons and literary wizard, Ven. Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula, is to be sent to France when it should rightly be returned to Sri Lanka.

The Government of Sri Lanka through its Ministry of External Affairs must lose no time in contacting its counterpart in India and if necessary even Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself to intervene and ensure that a proper DNA test is conducted under the auspices of the Government of India to ensure that justice is done and the air cleared of all doubts regarding the authenticity and identity of the remains.

If the DNA test establishes that the corpse is of Asian origin as stated in the Christian journal Catholic Messenger in 1931, 1st December edition, then it would be tantamount to a travesty of justice and incident of scandalous proportions to send the remains to France. It will further contribute to unnecessary friction between communities in Sri Lanka. The voice of the Buddhists of this country must not remain silent on this issue. The Government of Sri Lanka which is mandated by Article 9 of the Constitution to protect and foster Buddhism must not shirk its Constitutional responsibilities.

Let the truth prevail, must be the abiding principle in the resolution of this historical dispute which can be easily solved by the application of modern scientific DNA tests.


Mangalore Christian group objects to the exposition of St Francis Xavier’s remains in Goa – IndiaFacts

Francis Xavier SJ
Francis XavierThis report contains the gist of a conversation that the IndiaFacts team had with Robert Rosario, an activist and leader of the Konkani Christian Victims of Francis Xavier’s Atrocities group based in Mangalore.
For the first time there has been opposition within the Christian community to the upcoming public display of remains of Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier, said to be a saint and miracle worker who lived about 500 years ago. 
Francis Xavier’s corpse—alleged to have been preserved though some claim it is the mummified body of a different priest—will be displayed to the public in Bom Jesus Cathedral, Old Goa starting on 22 November this year up to 4 January 2015.
However, not all seems to be well. A section in the Christian community has formed a pressure group named Konkani Christian Victims of Francis Xavier’s Atrocities (referred to hereafter as Victims) and have begun an agitation on the grounds that they are the descendants of the victims of Xavier’s atrocities. Their demand is to have Xavier’s body sent back to his home country, Spain. They have also begun a nationwide signature campaign to press for the demand.
Catholic religious leaders portray Francis Xavier as a person who rendered signal service to the Church by converting large numbers of Hindus to Christianity, and also as a saint and miracle worker. Therefore, these leaders justify his exposition and say that there’s nothing wrong in keeping his body for public display so that people of faith can pay their respects to him.
However, the Victims say that it is 53 years since Portuguese rule ended in Goa. The continued presence of Xavier’s corpse in India is an insult to India, and it must be dispatched to Portugal as soon as possible. The Victims also plan to petition the Government of Goa and the Central Government.

Goa Inquisition: Man condemned to be burned at the stake.Who was Francis Xavier?

Francis Xavier, who holds an esteemed place in the pantheon of Catholic saints, was a Jesuit priest from Spain in the service of the King of Portugal. He was born in Spain in 1506 and settled down in Goa in 1543 to undertake missionary activities in the coastal districts of what is now known as Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
History records his inhumanity in quite graphic detail. He was an advocate of destroying temples and forced conversion and asked King João III of Portugal to send the Inquisition to Goa. Though he died in 1552 before the Inquisition arrived in 1560, historians agree that he was aware of thePortuguese Inquisition‘s extreme brutality. He is therefore morally liable for the horrors the Goa Inquisition perpetrated on Hindus, Muslims, Jews and backsliding Christians alike. Thousands of Hindus were tortured and had their lands confiscated by the Inquisition—lands which the Catholic Church still possesses today—and some 2000 Christians were murdered or made destitute. Many more fled Goa to save their lives and settled along the South Canara Coast.
The Victims hold that it is unjust to glorify as a saint the man who brought the Inquisition to Goa, who, by this knowing and calculated act, is responsible for the torture and murder of their ancestors.
When Francis Xavier died in China in 1552, he was not given a regular Christian burial but his corpse was preserved first on Shangchuan Island, then in Portuguese Malacca. It was sent to Goa in 1553 and in 1637 was placed in a silver and glass casket in Bom Jesus Basilica in Old Goa (said to be built over the ancient Saptakotishwar Shiva Temple). He was canonised in 1622 along with the founder of the Society of JesusJesuit IHS Monogram(Jesuits), Ignatius Loyola
Francis Xavier was known as the “Apostle of India” up to 1953. When a piece of St. Thomas’s arm bone was brought to India from Italy in that year and deposited in Kodungallur and San Thome, Xavier lost his title to St. Thomas and is now known simply as the “Patron of Catholic Missions.” His right forearm and hand is displayed in the Il Gesu Cathedral, the church attached to Jesuit headquarters in Rome.

Konkani Christian Victims of Francis Xavier’s Atrocities

Robert Rosario, activist and leader of the Victims of Francis Xavier movement, says, “There’s no more Portuguese rule in Goa. Preserving Xavier’s corpse in Goa is a matter of shame to the self-respect of this country. His corpse must be flown to [Spain] as soon as possible. A nationwide signature campaign has been initiated against the stand of the Goan Church. We will soon petition the Goa Government and the Central Government.” — IndiaFacts, 19 November 2014
» This article has been rewritten by the Bharata Bharati editor for factual accuracy. See the original article on IndiaFacts here
Francis Xavier's head
Waterboarding (Inquisition)
“Goa is sadly famous for its Inquisition, equally contrary to humanity and commerce. The Portuguese monks made us believe that the people worshipped the devil, and it is they who have served him.” – Voltaire (French historian and philosopher)
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Spotlight & Philippines Jesuit sex crimes. Jesuit abused young man “a few hundred times” starting when he was 15 in Ateneo de Zamboanga, Arvisu House, Loyola House of Studies

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow

The Jesuits are among the most notorious sexual predators on earth.

Jesuits are infamous members of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

END Statute of Limitation for pedophilia

This “Jesuit sex crimes” from the Philippines prove that the statute of limitation must be removed for pedophilia and pederast sex crimes because it takes about three decades before victims can speak about their shameful past. Lucas, (not his real name) comes out only now at the age of 46 and he was sexually assaulted "hundreds of times" starting at the age of 15. It took him three decades to reveal his shameful past and in the Philippines, that shame belongs not to him alone - but to his entire family as well. Read our article, --- New York Catholic bishops fight new Statute of Limitation bill for it would cause the church "catastrophic financial harm".

Jesuits shamelessly abused and sexually exploited  young boys - whether rich or poor. From its prestigious elite school in Berlin, Germany to the mentally impaired men in Los Gabos to an entire remote village of Native Indians in Alaska, Jesuits satiated their bestial lust while evangelizing and performing the Eucharist daily  (see news compilation below) .   “Sex crimes of Jesuits” are well reported by investigative journalists in the U.S. especially in Los Angeles and Los Gabos -- 20 years -- BEFORE Boston Globe published its first article (falsely dramatised in the movie Spotlight. God forbid Spotlight gets an Oscar  nomination ).  Spotlight was produced by the Vatican to act as a deceptive ‘feel-good positive’ conversation centerpiece – for its negative heinous Vatican crimes against humanity’s children – committed by more than 6,500 pedophile priests (in the USA alone) – who sexually assaulted probably 1.3 million American victims (worse than 9/11 attacks).  These news (see below) coming from the Philippines –  and also from Australia and from St. John's Abbey this week  - proves one pedophile priest abused at least two hundred victims - or ‘hundreds of times’ his victim.   Even (false saint) Mother Teresa’s spiritual director was a Jesuit notorious pedophile-priest  and is now serving a 25-year federal sentence.

Pope Francis and the Jesuits don’t want people talking about these serial Jesuits pedophile priests.  So they made the movie Spotlight – so people will talk instead about those ‘nice’ Boston Globe reporters and Hollywood A-listers acting as (deceptive feel-good) decoys for criminal priests.  It’s akin to making people talk more about the firefighters of the Twin Towers instead of the 3,000 victims during 9/11 annual commemorations. Pope Francis is the greatest Jesuit Master of Deceits and the Spotlight movie is one of his biggest deceptive ploys – especially for Vatican  Avarice and the pedophile Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp whom he protected inside the Vatican and then “got rid” of him days before the premiere of Spotlight in Venice  and his trip to the USA.   God forbid Spotlight gets an Oscar  nomination
Note that the word “sex crimes” is rarely mentioned for Franciscans, Carmelites or diocesan priests whose crimes are usually branded as “clergy abuse on minors” or simply as “abuse” (very vague word – could be substance abuse).  It’s important to note that when reporters write about the Jesuits, it is in the extreme, it is “sex crimes by Jesuits” – lucid, indubitable and beyond doubt (it’s not alcohol or drug abuse). 
The Los Angeles Jesuits paid tens of millions of dollar to their sex victims.  But the Oregon Province or Northwest Jesuits paid more than $166 million to 500 victims. That’s $66 million more than dormant Boston (being resurrected in Spotlight).  Victims of Jesuits are still bitter unlike those nonchalant passive  Boston victims in Spotlight (who have shaken hands and made a movie with the Devil a.k.a. Vatican Mammon Evil Beast). 
One of the victims of Jesuits sex crimes in Los Angeles now an adult walked into a Jesuit retirement home and beat his Jesuit sexual predator sitting on a wheelchair.  The old Jesuit pressed charges for physical assault but the jury acquitted the young man.  Someone from the jury afterwards said, “If I were him, I would have used a baseball bat to beat that crap”.  
Read more in our articles on Spotlight below especially -- REBUTTAL: James Martin S.J. “The Media Ministry”. He does not mention Los Angeles Times that pioneered journalistic reports especially on series of ‘sex crimes by the Jesuits’ in the 1980s! )
Below is a compilation of news coming out of the Philippines—with highlights and emphases.
While Vatileaks broke loose in Rome – to eclipse Spotlight in USA – this Jesuit sex crimes in the Philippines is also a shocker.  Spotlight acts as smokescreen to divert attention away from on-going Vatican Evils today – especially Vatican Avarice in Rome. Americans are now being blinded by Spotlight for which more than 140 Americans journalists are Pied Pipers for an Oscar  buzz -- but only a handful of them are reporting reality of Vatican Avarice today documented in two books  from Vatileaks currently the newest and hottest news in Italy today. 
Read our article --- Spotlight! Vatican indicts 5 people in Vatileaks. 2 Italian journalists defy Vatican court order. Meanwhile, in USA, 140 Americans deceptive journalists are Pied Pipers for Spotlight
Read also our article on deceptions by Boston Globe: Idiot Catholics, ‘Don't believe what you read from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe’...  A small newspaper writer Joseph Tevington of the Bucks County Courier Times in Pennsylvania has detected the subtle snaky deceits coming out of giant journalists from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe and he is not afraid to special mention them.
The Filipino people probably will react more with denial and defense for the Jesuits (who have brainwashed them well for 300 years).  But this should shake them and wake them up to smell the Devil’s Bowels – that smell like roses – by the Jesuits in the Eucharist Mythology.

In the Philippines, there are also thousands of priests who have mistresses and illegitimate children–  it’s a common acceptable Catholic practise and hypocrisy – for the sake of reproduction of the Eucharist. There are other victims of pedophile and pederast priests in the Philippines and, hopefully they’ll come out as Lucas the victim said, “like a domino effect”.. 

Victims in Los Angeles are still bitter about Jesuit-sex-crimes but victims in Boston rarely complain since 2002 and the pedophile priests’ history is but dormant and Cardinal Bernard law who is the only archbishop who resigned was a total wimp and falsely depicted in the movie Spotlight.  Law was promoted to Rome by (false saint) John Paul II (read our article, John Paul II’s Achilles Heels. George W. Bush’s Achilles Heels. Jeb Bush belongs to Regnum Christi of Marcial Maciel. Bush is the curse of America )
 If Hollywood wants to make a movie, they should do on active pedophile priests and not on dormant ones like those of Boston.  The Globe reporters in spotlight movie are only a decoy to make American feel-good about Vatican crimes against humanity’s children committed by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – read our Spotlight movie articles below, especially -- Spotlight vs. Vatileaks: continual sagas of Catholic priests’ WILD sex life -from JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army worldwide - to Rome - Vatican-owned BROTHELS, gay saunas, massage parlours for gay priests 
The Philippines is a very Catholic country – very condemning and Filipinos gossip non-stop against the entire family – not only on the one member who was sexually abused or raped.  This victim is brave to come out now and challenge the mighty Jesuits who are masters of deceits and he is defying the largest Catholic organization of the Jesuits.  He is also defying sexual hypocrisy and Catholic stigma on sex.  Fortunately, hundreds of millions of Catholics have become evangelicals and Born-Again Christians – but the Vatican will not report the loss of Philippines Catholics. 
The Philippines is a breeding ground for pedophile priests because it is made of “poor” victims cannot afford lawyers.  And it is the Vatican that breed poor nations.
John Paul II is the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists, and now that he is a saint, his JP2 Army is being disclosed, and now a Jesuit pederast is being revealed.  Read our article, Vatican volcanoes & San Juan Pablo Fault. Lawsuits vs. Queen of Heaven & Our Lady of Guadalupe prove Vatican created a culture of sex abuse
Jesuits built the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast
The most classic example is the Philippines – where the Jesuits aided and abetted the despot Ferdinand Marcos – for 20 eyars – in looting the Philippine Treasury to the Vatican Bank.  Among the thousands of Vatican Bank’s account suddenly deleted is Imelda Marcos’ files – all swiftly transferred to the secret Vatican Swiss Banks run exclusively by Swiss Guard Army alumni.  Read – Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor
 The Jesuits built the Vatican Billions Mammon Empire for over 500 years since its foundation by Ignatius Loyola in 1540. The Jesuits are famous for their “good Jesuit education”, with 28 universities across USA and 144 worldwide – but underlying that Jesuit education forms the foundation of the Vatican Evils – because these Jesuit unviersities produce plutocrats and despots and thus they contribute to the perpetuation of poverty of nations. Read how the Jesuits helped the Marcos despot loot the Philippine treasury in the 1970sto 1980s.   Read Jesuits transferred Marcos Gold & Billions of Dollars to the Vatican Treasury.  The JESUIT ORDER - MASTER OF EVASION AND CONSPIRACIES
What the Jesuits control and own here – hundreds of billions in the USA  Vatican’s wealth all over Rome and Italy and England and USA  
Spotlight! Vatican indicts 5 people in Vatileaks. 2 Italian journalists defy Vatican court order. Meanwhile, in USA, 140 Americans deceptive journalists are Pied Pipers for Spotlight
Hollywood should produce the JP2 Army Reality TV Show –

 better than NCIS   

 It would span 25,000 years to depict the JP2 Army 

Reality TV show
 To serve and protect children, Hollywood should produce a reality TV crime show to depict the Vatican sex crimes by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army -- at 52 weeks a year – it would take 25,000 years -- to cover 1.3 million episodes!   They have already outperformed the 2,000 year history of the Roman Catholic church and its Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, and The Borgias!  The JP2 Army Reality TV show would outperform the NCIS series, the Kardashans, Survivor and all NYPD and Chicago PD shows!   
On October 6, 2015, same time as Spotlight movie is being premiered in Venice and other film festivals, --- in Australia --- a  Court hears of massive brief in child abuse case against Catholic brother – with 9,000 pages of evidence – that he abused more than 252 children
So, to estimate, it is very probable that those 6,500 pedophile priests in the USA – (not counting other pedophile priests in other countries in the world) – each abused 200 children  = that’s equivalent to 1,300,000 (1.3 million) children victims.
As a service to mankind's children, Hollywood should make a JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army Reality TV Show – about these 1.3 million American victims -- and that would last 25,000 years – at 52 weeks a year.
ABC News
October 6, 2015
Newcastle local court has heard the brief of evidence in the case against a Catholic brother, accused of hundreds of child sex offences, is now more than 9,000 pages long.
Bernard Kevin McGrath was extradited from New Zealand last year to face 252 child sex offences, alleged to have happened in the Lake Macquarie region in the 1970s.
McGrath faced court today via video link, dressed in prison greens and showing no emotion.
The court heard McGrath has recently changed lawyers, with his new solicitor expressing concern about the size of the brief of evidence.
She said she is at a slight disadvantage having only recently taken on the case.
The court heard a trial is likely to last at least six months.
Bob Schwiderski wrote us this comment for our article 
Los Angeles Times (NOT Boston Globe) had first investigative journalists team reporting on clergy sexual abuse since 1985. Against mighty Jesuits & LA archdiocese – Cardinal Law was a cakewalk!
"I admit to being angry when the impression is given the 'crisis' began in Boston. Thanks for capturing and  posting the articles about clergy sexual abuse well before the Boston articles of 2001/2002. Here are published articles from the corn fields of Minnesota going back to 1994, years, years, years before Boston. "

And more at the bottom of this page:   

Read our Spotlight articles:

Spotlight? Vatican indicts 5 people in Vatileaks .......2 Italian journalists defy Vatican court order. Meanwhile, in USA, 140 Americans deceptive journalists are Pied Pipers for Spotlight

 Spotlight vs. Vatileaks: continual sagas of Catholic priests’ WILD sex life - from JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army worldwide to Rome’s Vatican-owned BROTHELS, gay saunas, massage parlours for gay priests
OSCAR, Golden Globe, all film awards—NO-NOMINATION for Spotlight – 
please do NOT SELL YOUR SOULS to the Devil-Vatican Mammon Evil Beast- do NOT be DECEIVED by massive MEDIA PR CAMPAIGN for Vatican-produced Spotlight
'Spotlight’ deceptive propaganda for Vatican & Boston Globe (now celebrating their movie immortality) - as idiots Americans Catholics pay Hollywood A-list actors pathological liars
Los Angeles Times (NOT Boston Globe) had first investigative journalists team reporting on clergy sexual abuse since 1985. Against mighty Jesuits & LA archdiocese – Cardinal Law was a cakewalk!
REBUTTAL: Hollywood Reporter-Venice Film Fest: 'Spotlight' Director Calls for Vatican Action Over Child Abuse. (FYI not even the UN can make Vatican act for victims)
Mark RuffaloFYI no Hollywood actors/movies can heal! REBUTTAL to ‘Spotlight’ Shines; Mark Ruffalo Calls On Vatican To “Heal Wounds” With Film – Venice
REBUTTAL:Spotlight.Columbia University Journalism School, “Reporting an Explosive Truth: The Boston Globe and Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church”
REBUTTAL:TheMediaReport-David Pierre "Same As It Ever Was: NY Times’ Laurie Goodstein Gives Free Publicity to SNAP and Its Claim That Pope Francis Ignores Abuse Victims"
REBUTTAL: James Martin S.J. “The Media Ministry”. He does not mention Los Angeles Times that pioneered journalistic reports especially on series of ‘sex crimes by the Jesuits’ in the 1980s!
REBUTTAL. Poynter – “Spotlight:” Boston Globe church-scandal movie spurs press introspection
SHAME on SNAP & David Clohessy– they've sold their souls to the Devil via ‘Spotlight’ movie. Finally, SNAP took the bait of Vatican Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team
‘Spotlight’ movie is Opus Dei Beast PR stunt propaganda for the Vatican & publicity for Boston Globe Catholic website - to salvage Vatican Titanic

Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s neck then dragging him until his neck broke, and throwing him into a raging sea of fire
Benedict XVI – RATzinger, God’s Rottweiler
Eucharist Mythology
Pope Francis (cardinals, bishops, priests) – by the power of his papal mouth in a few seconds – of reciting Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation (deceit) script – cannot instantly clone the real flesh-and-blood of Jesus Christ – because His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, had to carry 9 months in her God-designed female womb – and then give birth (painfully) like all other women.  Pope Francis and priests have no wombs to reproduce a child and their mouths cannot reproduce the body of Christ either
The little white host in the Eucharist is the biggest lie of Satan since the Garden of Eden where God forbade that mankind eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil that was exclusively for God.  The Eucharist makes man even greater than God because he can reproduce His flesh and blood -- and it is the bait to trap idiots especially stupid Americans Catholics to worship the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast guarded by Swiss Guard Army in Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard the ill-gotten wealth of despots, American imperialists, European imperialists, corrupt government officials, war lords, drug lords, name it, they have it.  
The Vatican is the most evil power on the planet that breeds corruptions among government officials, which breed wars, violence against the poor, women and children. Pope Francis is the greatest thief in mankind’s history and the greatest Jesuit Master of Deceits and he is only headed to the lake of fire where he will join his real father of lies who came to kill, steal and destroy.  Pope Francis is the Devil turned into an Angel Pope-in-white in the Vatican Circus of lies, deceptions and corruptions worldwide.
Hail Mary, full of grace               Hell Pope Francis, full of deceits
The Lord is with you                      The Devil is with you
Blessed are you among women      Cursed are you among all men
And blessed is the fruit                   And cursed are your Vatican
Of your womb, Jesus                      Opus Dei & Swiss Banks
The Roman Catholic Church is –– not Christ’s Church –– but the church of the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast.  Idiots Roman Catholics – especially idiots Americans – give moral and financial supports and are cooperators in – crimes against humanity – committed by the Vatican and Pope Francis! 
It’s false to claim that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Catholic Church” –––– because the truth is the gates of Heaven cannot prevail against the Vatican –which is the Kingdom of Satan on Earth –– with its perpetual Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils – already with two millennium of Vatican Evils – and now on its third millennium of crimes against humanity – and still going strong.  The gates of Heaven is helpless especially against the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast Empire in Switzerland and its Swiss Banks run exclusively by so called very evident ‘Pope’s Army aka God’s Army’ – the Swiss Guard Army alumni. Read the Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Read our related articles: Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush
Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth 
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Sins and Crimes Are Not Synonymous. Sinners and Criminals Are Not One and the Same
 Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims   
Mother Teresa was not a living saint - revealed in detail by book.

John Allen–New Kid on the Block is Same Old Bloke –ancient as Satanas St. John Paul II & Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. SOB
Our articles on Pope Francis  trips

REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
REBUTTAL to Peggy Noonan’s article ‘Cardinal, Please Spare This Church’ in Wall Street Journal – Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of Day in US
Learning from the Temple of Solomon and saving historical Our Lady of Assumption Church – ‘No building is more important than this one’
Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l
Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor
 Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use contraceptives and abortion
REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth
Defying papal infallibility and charging criminally the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church’
How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues, coins
HYPOCRISY of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II

Evidence that the Whore of Babylon in Revelation is the ...
18 juin 2012 - 
Excellent Video PROVING with clear visible evidence that the Roman Catholic Institution and specifically the ...

Monk accused of abuse had 200 sexual partners

John Croman, KARE-TV, Minneapolis-St. Paul
ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Father Finian McDonald, who for years worked as a counselor at St. John's University, had sex with at least 200 people and paid child prostitutes for sex while abroad, according to documents released on Tuesday.
Attorney Jeff Anderson released the personnel files of five monks and priests who were part of St. John's Abbey in Collegeville.
The five, including two who are now deceased, were previously listed by St. John's Abbey as credibly accused of child sexual abuse. Anderson said the redacted version of the posted on his website, show that priests who admitted battles with sexual urges still had access to potential victims.
"What the files show us is a culture of permissive access by known offenders," said Anderson, who for decades has represented child sex abuse victims in lawsuits against the Catholic Church and other institutions.

These are documented crimes against humanity. The enablers knew exactly what they were doing and allowed it. They should be prosecuted, jailed for life if not executed. This order believes itself to be above and beyond the rest of the world, beyond the law and beyond their "God." We have freedom of religion, so be it. As for me, I prefer freedom FROM religion. I am a survivor, and it upsets me to hear from the people in t he pews that this 'church' is being attacked. If it is, it's because the brainwashed continue to give up their children to be sacrificed. Think about it, and justify this behavior for me.

These children and many others around the world were RAPED again and again. This is not something you get over this is something that you live with always. The Roman Catholic Church/Vatican is amoral, they have hidden and protected the church and priests for years and years, there is not enough money to make things right again. The Roman Catholic Church/Vatican is irrelevant group and not in any position to discuss morality, values or anything else. Recently, the Pope declared that "Jews will no longer be blamed for the death of Christ" so Church has been preaching hate of Jews for centuries because they taught
that Jews killed Christ, now they're no longer spreading hate of Jews ? AIDS, condoms can only be used by prostitutes, what kind of understanding of AIDS and the spread of AIDS don't these amoral, irrelevant, what are they protecting these heads of the Roman Catholic Church? They are protecting themselves, their power, control and manipulation of people and money which is all linked to the Roman Catholic Church. It's the Vatican that closes their eyes to anything they don't like or don't want to see and their continued efforts to protect the Church as in a "big Corporation" and it's survival. I'm so disgusted and if they think that people are buying into their apologies and holier than thou proclamations about anything they are mistaken.


American cartoon in the 1960s on the Papal Octopus  is even more true today about Pope Francis -- Superstition on the Eucharist - MONEY -Corruption and Greed and dupe in Vatican Swiss Banks (before it was also in the Vatican Bank/IOR) Pope Francis is the greatest liar and thief mankind has ever seen, read more in Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses

USA Victims - Attackers - Leaders
 Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

Priest pedophilia – 1,300,000 victims (1.3M) - 6,500 pedophile priestscovered-up by John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = the Vatican Trinity -- with popes, cardinals, bishops who aided and abetted and coveredthem up.
9/11 victims 3,000 vs. JP2 Army 1,300,000 victims (1.3M).
Read --- May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day   
Many think Pope John Paul II is a saint,” says Jan Egesborn, satirical artist and founder of the Danish satirical group Surrend, “but he didn’t do anything about sex abuse of children by priests in the Roman Catholic church and this is why we think he belongs in hell.”
Egesborn says early responses from Poles who have seen his satirical webpage have been strong. “For Poles it is just as controversial as the Mohammed cartoon was for Muslims,” he said.
Danish cartoonist of Mohammed drew this cartoon of John Paul II holding up the back robes of altar boys to expose their butts to satiate his thousands of JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army , read more here

John Paul II portrait by Danish cartoonist of Mohammed with inscription: “I am against homoxuality but for pedophilia”

Heil SatanasJP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children 
How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues, coins

MERCI Nobel Peace Prize –NOT Pope Francis & VA Monologues – Vatican Autocracy Monologues concocted by Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. Awardee: National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
Paris Arrow

Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Pope Francis did NOT win Nobel Peace Prize! A defeat for the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast (a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team) is a triumph for humanity for the good of children, women and the poor!

The Nobel Peace Prize 2015 was awarded to National Dialogue Quartet "for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011".
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:03 PM

Priest charged with possession of thousands of indecent images

Thu 08 Oct 2015
By Antony Bushfield
A Catholic priest has been charged in connection with more than 3,000 indecent images of children.
Fr Paul Clarke is accused of offences relating to indecent images of children whilst at St Anthony's Church in Rye, East Sussex.
The 71-year-old, who now lives in Urmston, Greater Manchester, is due to appear on bail at Brighton Magistrates' Court on Thursday October 15.
He faces charges of possessing an indecent image of a child, possession of prohibited images, and three of making a total of 3,100 indecent images of children.
A Sussex Police spokesman said: "The charges, authorised by the Crown Prosecution Service, follow an intelligence-led investigation by the Paedophile On-Line Investigation Team (POLIT) of Sussex Police.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 9:13 AM

Abuse at a deaf school: ‘I screamed at night, but no one could hear me’

The Journal
MANY CHILDREN HAVE positive stories from St Joseph’s School For Deaf Boys in Cabra, Dublin, from its 150-year history.
It was the chance for many to learn Irish Sign Language, allowing them to communicate and express themselves comfortably.
Others learned trades and were able to leave school and earn a living.
The school became known worldwide for its high standards of education – but it also has a murky history starting from the middle of last century.
“I didn’t know what to expect when I first arrived,” Larry Coogan recalls from his largely positive time at school between 1953 and 1958. He went on to become a master tailor.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:53 AM

No need to be Catholic priests today: Gays now openly marry. Pedophiles are hunted in Roman Catholic churches (by Interpol). Eucharist is mythology

Hitler Nazis & Vatican JP2 Army born out of Devil’s Bowels with complicit cardinals & bishops are inherently all-male elite eVil hierarchy. Vatican is eVil
The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels
The Jesuits have been masters of Deceits for more than 500 years since it has been serving all kinds of criminal popes but they always made him as the holiest infallible Vicar of Christ.  After half a millennium of controlling the Vatican and the Vatican Bank and the Swiss Banks, Pope Francis is the epitome of Jesuits deception.  

The Jesuits actually are the army of Satan on earth and combined with the Opus Dei Beast they are the greatest conduit of wars and evils on the planet – because as they brainwash and subdue people to follow Christ or them actually – they are also the undetected conduits of plutocrats and despots.  The Nazis is one big example as the Vatican issued for them their new identities and passports so they can go to Argentina, Canada, USA as their safe haven, all for money, mammon, the Vatican Bank was rewarded well by the Nazis.  
The Vatican Mammon Evil Beast is even worse today in the Vatican Swiss Banks.  Pope Francis window-dressing clean-up of the Vatican Bank is all for show, read our article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.


Synod of Bishops Circus of Deception: Pope Francis keeps saying “mercy” to avert U.S. government investigation on Vatican sex crimes against American children. Church has no mercy for gays, divorced

 Oratory of St. Joseph copy Vatican Titanic. Montreal Police announce arrest of 2 Holy Cross CSC pedophile priests for 14 years sodomy at College Notre Dame. Nazi art dealer in Montreal caught

Read more in our article


Papal BULL-shits in Capitol Hill!  

Pathological lies in Pope Francis address in US Congress

Let’s take a look at the papal BULL (shits) that Francis papal farted on those American senators and congressmen and women who are puppets of Wall Street and plutocrats and American global hegemony.

First watch this video and you’ll understand why everything Pope Francis is doing in the USA is using God’s Name in vain – because his ultimate end and goal is to satiate the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast – those Secret Vatican Swiss Banks managed-only by his Swiss Guard Army graduates.  Pope Francis is the perfect conduit of American global hegemony and multi-national plutocrats.

Echoing Dr Chossudovsky’s arguments, Malaysia’s prominent political scientist, Islamic reformist and activist Dr Chandra Muzaffar said that the US has always manipulated religion to further its global hegemony on sovereign states.

The Vatican Swiss Banks hoards  the loots of despots and plutocrats that cause wars and force the refugee crisis.

Read our articles on Pope Francis travels

Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use contraceptives and abortion

REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)

Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

Defying papal infallibility and charging criminally the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church’.

How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues, coins

Climate change

Pope Francis had to pick on a topic to keep his relevance in the world stage.  With the Catholic exodus of hundreds of millions abandoning the Catholic church especially in Europe and now in North America, he had to latch on and piggy back ride on climate change and the issue on the environment to keep his voice relevant.  The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy so he had to latch on other issues and by doing that he is STEALING the hard work of scientists and environmentalists.  Everything Pope Francis do is theft, read more below.

 Pope Francis has nothing in common with St. Francis who was not a priest.  St. Francis wrote his famous canticle Brother Sun, Sister Moon, and he knew that God created these heavenly bodies and there was no way as a mortal frail man he could create God’s flesh in the Eucharist.

St. Francis was thin – lived in a small cave – anyone who has visited Assisi could see his poverty.  Versus the hypocrisy of Pope Francis in the wealthiest Vatican palace that rivals all monarchs in Europe.

Pope Francis hides and protects the wealth of  Presidents, 

despots, disctators, druglords,

 American plutocrats, European imperialists

 in Vatican Swiss Banks managed-only by his

 Swiss Guard Army 


Vatican Pope controls Wall Street and all Stock Exchange and all wars in nations.

Wall Street Journal is a liar about vocations in seminaries

Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests

REBUTTAL to John Allen ‘Despite predictions, Pope Francis does not win the Nobel’. Fact is, Nobel committee did not buy Vatican Opus Dei PR media campaign


Paris Arrow

DOUBLE VICTORY! Pope Francis defeated again! Vatican Mammon Beast aka Opus Dei Beast defeated again! Hail to our chief, St. Michael the Archangel for defeating Pope Francis and thus justice and truth triumph and prevail for the children of humanity.

The youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, said in her acceptance speech in England where was healed from the gunshot wound and where she now resides and goes to school, “We change the world, one girl at a time, one book at a time, one pen at a time”. Likewise we too say, we change the world, one blog at a time.
The announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize winners – 17 year old Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and 60 year old Kailash Satyarthi of India – feels like the FIFA victory of Germany over Argentina – when 22 year old Mario Goetz made the single winning goal that saved the face of Brazil and saved its people from humiliation and pain especially from the rowdy 100,000 Argentinians who descended in Brazil and took over Rio de Janeiro and occupied Copacabana Beach.


Nobel Peace Prize did not sell its soul to Vatican Mammon Beast and did not buy Opus Dei Beast PR media campaign for Pope Francis to win

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow

The Nobel Peace Prize sided with children this year and not with old Pope Francis the head of complicit cardinals and bishops of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read more in Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
The Norwegian Nobel Committee chose the two winners of the Nobel Peace Prize “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.” The Nobel Committee did not choose Pope Francis because he is the head of state of the Vatican fake country, the Holy See that has been found guilty of crimes against humanity’s children twice by the United Nations. Read our related article, UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope


Boston College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux - the new Cult of Pope Francis. A rebuttal to “Cardinal O’Malley at Crux” by priest, Mr. Dwight Longenecker

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow

Crux is not about Jesus Christ but about the new Cult of Pope Francis. Crux will cover-up Pope Francis so idiot Catholics won’t decipher his Vatican Circus papal acts as the CON-Christ, the Pretender and Impostor of Jesus, and biggest THIEF in mankind’s history. Crux is Propaganda by Jesuit Mercenaries to brainwash idiot Catholics to continue donating their millions of dollars to the Vatican Mammon Beast nestled in secret Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard despots’ and imperialists’ wealth hence they perpetuate poor countries and poor peoples and breed violence against women and children. Crux is the new cult on Pope Francis as smokescreen to the grim LIAR high priest who cannot clone ants and dogs and hence cannot clone Christ flesh and blood in the Eucharist Satanic mass.

Wall Street Journal brainwash idiot Catholics for Pope Francis’s visit - to attend his Eucharist Satanic Mass & stupidly give millions of dollars to Vatican Mammon

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow

Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: Wall Street Journal “Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S.” to goad big American business donors and American idiot Catholics to give millions to Vatican Mammon Beast.

It’s very easy to detect the American journalists who are part of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team at the Vatican – they all speak positively and fanatically about Pope Francis -- in order to brainwash and entice American idiot Catholics to give blindly and stupidly millions of dollars to the voracious evil Vatican Mammon Beast. Take the Wall Street Journal title Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S. and its first paragraph to instantly programme American idiot Catholics that there is an “’intense’ speculation” of Pope Francis’s visit (see news articles below with our comments and emphases). Its purpose is to incite a pop star hype - to attend Pope Francis's Mass - like attending a concert of porno naked singer Miley Cyrus.

Philippines idiot Catholics. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day “Pope Francis: No to clergy sex abuse” is a pack of pathological lies

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow

The Vatican circus for idiot Catholics stretches far and wide as if the Octopus Dei Beast Tentacles has engulfed the four corners of the globe. Across the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand (to placate the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army earthquake being unraveled by the Royal Commission in Australia) to the Philippines, the Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team is brainwashing millions of idiot Catholics keeping them ignorant about truth of Vatican Evils and making them feel-good Francis-Maniacs about their podgy ass fattest-clown-in-white Pope Francis. Last month, it was in New Zealand. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war against terrorism”.

Idiot Catholics, ‘Don't believe what you read from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe’...

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils

Idiot Catholics, ‘Don't believe what you read from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe’. Small newspaper detects deceit reporting from Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team
Paris Arrow 

A small newspaper writer Joseph Tevington of the Bucks County Courier Times in Pennsylvania has detected the subtle snaky deceits coming out of giant journalists from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe and he is not afraid to special mention them. Tevington wrote in his article entitled boldly, Don't believe what you read: Church teaching isn't changing. Whoa, don’t believe what you read, idiot Catholics!
Tevington began his article, “Like many local newspapers, the Courier Times relies on large news organizations for national and international news. In the area of religious news, those organizations have a small pool of writers who may or who may not be well-equipped for their specialized work”. Then he gave specific examples. 

Further on he wrote, “Whether one agrees with what the Catholic Church teaches, it strikes me that anyone seeking information would want, and be entitled to, accurate reporting. Whether it is intentional or not, the reports from the AP, Reuters and Boston Globe seem misleading”.

LIAR Pope Francis, skip ‘forgive’ BS. Set poor nations free by returning your loot hidden in secret Vatican Swiss Banks. Set Jesus free from Vatican & Eucharist

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow

Pope Francis imitates Saint John Paul II the Great

Pope Francis is imitating – (not Jesus) – but his Holy Father of Lies John Paul II the Great – read our related article, Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years 

With pompous fanfare of empty words, words, words, the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team arranged theatrics for John Paul II to ask forgiveness for many famous (e.g. Crusades, Galileo) Church crimes but not for his own singular crime and biggest sin which was his complicit hidden JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army with his poster boy and evil Achilles Heel, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston, read more here 

Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & evangelicals to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow
On June 23, 2014, Pope Francis met with Kenneth Copeland and 8 other US evangelicals at the Vatican. It was a perfect timing to coincide with the Copeland's annual convention in Forth Worth Texas from June 30 to July 5 where Kenneth spoke about the Pope during an entire session. which he never did in his entire 40 years ministry. Below is a compilation of disagreement and anger from his followers which is very enlightening. So is this why Pope Francis cancelled his daily mass for the summer and his weekly Wednesday Angelus because he wanted to use those time for meeting with other religions and other sects and evangelicals like Kenneth Copeland – instead of meeting his usual Francis-Maniacs Catholic zombie and stupid nuns in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday Angelus? 

 COWARD Pope Francis, cut the Opus Dei Beast PR stunts crap. Just tie a millstone on cardinals, bishops, JP2 Army, cast them to the sea


Paris Arrow

Jesus said, “but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (ESV Mathew 18:6) Read the John Paul II Millstone 

Pope Francis’s papal mass is the apex of the Eucharist Satanic Mass and it heals no one and it only fools everyone.

Pope Francis said in his homily at a papal mass with 6 abused victims that these "despicable actions" had been "camouflaged with a complicity that cannot be explained." How stupid can 1.2 billion Catholics get not to be able to see Pope Francis is papal farting Opus Dei Beast pathological lies again at them? 

6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l

New York Times as Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: Catholics’ Stories as Antidote to Scandals. NYT sold its soul to Vatican Mammon Beast


June 21, 2014
Paris Arrow

The New York Times should do more for the good of mankind - by using its media platform - to end the corruption of the global Vatican Evil Empire and track down Pope Francis’ biggest heist in mankind’s history, read about it in our article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.  The New York Times should assist Pope Francis to make this world a better place by helping him achieve the 6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy 

Irish priests are not smiling because of women: Irish ex-president mocks Pope Francis! Irish nuns akin to Nazis


June 21, 2014 
Paris Arrow

With compilation of Tuam nuns news

Pope Francis has called-in sick for the summer and has cancelled even his well-oiled money machine Wednesday Angelus where he shows all his teeth nonstop to the screeching adulation of Francis-Maniacs who sound more like Catholic zombies in Brad Pitt’s World War Z movie and are probably making him more sick and there’s no antidote to it, read our article, Pope Francis is sick with lies, lies, lies & burdened yoke from Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team weighs heavy on Jesuit puppet pope. But aside from the sick (only one-year old) pope, Irish priests these days too are depressed and not smiling because of three women specifically who are giving them – and to Pope Francis – messages unparalleled to Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. Martin Luther pointed out the 95 corruptions in the Vatican especially its rampant sale of indulgences - to build the mammoth St. Peter’s Basilica - that condemned to hell even the poor if they did not buy them. 

MERCI Nobel Peace Prize –NOT Pope Francis & VA Monologues – Vatican Autocracy Monologues concocted by Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. Awardee: National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia

Catholic Herald

The winner of the prize will be announced on Friday

Pope Francis is among the front runners for the Nobel Peace Prize which will be announced on Friday morning.

Pope Francis is not the only Catholic among the contenders because an Eritrean priest is also a front runner for the prestigous prize.

Fr Mussie Zerai set up a hotline for refugees from his country making the perilous journey to Europe so that they can call the priest when they face difficuly.

Fr Zerai takes migrants’ calls from satellite phones and then communicates GPS coordinates to Italy’s coast guard and EU naval authorities so that they can launch a rescue.

Pope Francis is a strong contender for the prize due to his environmental credentials after it emerged that he had played a significant role in improving relations between the US and Cuba last December.

 Pope Francis, John Kerry, Angela Merkel and Mohammad Javad Zarif

 From Pope Francis to Angela Merkel: the top contenders for the 2015 Nobel ​peace ​prize

Angela Merkel and Pope Francis among frontrunners, but winner proving hard to call amid political intrigue

No politician and plutocrat should win the Nobel Peace Prize -- because they are all part of the problem that breeds poverty and wars.....


Inside Pope Francis' Private World and Trip to America       
Pope Francis is the 

re-incarnation of the Devil 



THE Government

the MEDIA, 

the Military 

and the Police

    Pope Francis and the New Vatican
Read our articles John Paul II Millstone    

Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century       

Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims

Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s neck then dragging him until his neck broke, and throwing him into a raging sea of fire

Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ 

Pope Francis is the Vicar of  greedy 

multi-national Plutocrats

 the Vicar of Vatican Empire of Capitalists 

aka Vatican Mammon Evil Beast

aka Opus Dei Beast that exploits the poor. 

The Vatican owns Switzerland and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks are run-only by Swiss Guard Army graduates and alumni.

Pope Francis is the most evil pope in the history of Catholicism because his crimes affect the entire globe and many nations and billions of poor people which cause the violence against children and women all as a result of the Vatican-imposed abject poverty.

Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops

The Hague is above Pope, Vatican, Religion. The Hague must prosecute Benedict XVI now to prove secular International Justice reigns over ALL Religions and Despots

UN vs. Vatican (half its 800 population do NOT live inside Vatican City) – so its jurisdiction is only for 400 in-house residents?

Jesuit Nazis close to Hitler. Hitler parents buried in Catholic cemeteries. Franco praise Hitler as "son of Catholic Church"  

Jesuits & Vatican aided Nazis.Vatican Concordat was special with the Nazis

Defying papal infallibility and charging criminally the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church’

How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues, coins

Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions - PopeCrimes& ... 
8 july. 2015 - Pope Francis Ecuador trip – is a Vatican Circus of Deceptions – rock ...... bonkers" Synod of Bishops “who have no adult experience of family ...

Philadelphia. Vatican Circus of Deception - PopeCrimes& ...
29 sept. 2015 - Vatican Circus of Deception: 'God weeps' as Pope Francis laughs, ...... Pope Francis “completely bonkers"

Everything Pope Francis and the Vatican  do 
is theft

1) The Eucharist is theft of God’s power to create.  Popes and priests cannot clone and ant or a dog or a star and therefore they cannot clone Christ either. 

2)  Popes and priests steal men’s dignity as “fathers”, they should not be called “fathers” at all because they do nothing for the welfare of children which those biological and adoptive fathers do with their daily toil and paycheck. Read more reasons why popes and priests must not be called "Father" -- call them "reverend" but not "Father" --

 3)  Popes and priests steal women’s freedom by oppressing them and denying them any say and role in the church and suppressing their rights to their bodies with contraceptives and abortion. 

4)  Popes and priests steal the billions of countries via the Vatican Concordats .  Read more in Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

5)  Of course, Pope Francis has committed the biggest heist in the history of mankind that will affect billions of people and hundreds of countries. Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

 6)  Switzerland belongs to the Vatican and secret Vatican Swiss Banks are havens of plutocrats,  imperialists, royals, loot of despots, and loot of multinational corporations from poor Third World countries. 

7)  Pope Francis steals the dignity of Christ because he is the Pretender and Impostor of Christ, the worst pathological liar using Christ’s name and the Bible to cover-up the thefts and loot of secret Vatican Swiss Banks.

The Opus Dei PR Deceits Team is using Pope Francis to make the Vatican Bank/IOR look squeaky clean by simply closing down thousands of accounts of corrupt people – who can easily fly to Switzerland anyway to find their Vatican Bank accounts over there.

 The Vatican Bank’s money laundering was originally initiated by President Obama in 2010, and so it took four years for the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team to figure out what to do – especially when the Jesuit pope came in – the Jesuits are Masters of Deceits for 500 years at the Vatican – and so all hell broke loose. So what if it has signed an agreement to exchange information with the US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

 Pope Francis has committed the biggest heist in the history of mankind – by transferring swiftly 19,000 accounts of the Vatican Bank to secret Vatican Swiss Banks – because he wants to make the Vatican Bank smaller and “in accordance to international standards (since it was so corrupt with daily money laundering – as exemplified by the Vatican Bank accountant caught money laundering 20 million Euros in a small plane from Switzerland to Italy (read here) the 1.2 billion Catholics and the world are fooled again  big time. 

Christ wants to be severed from Pope Francis and the Vatican and all Catholic churches worldwide and He’ll have to do something about it because the crimes of the Vatican surpass those of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Tower of Babylon. Christ is having his one-man revolution as he liberates himself from hudnreds of churches being closed and sold, read more

6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l

The Vatican Billions. Two thousand years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age.Its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terrror

Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?

6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l

Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses

Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty

Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

 Vatican assets in the United States of America

         The Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”

   -  stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion

     -   There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in com­plete secrecy

   -   The hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic lay­persons

   -   The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see list below

Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only multiplied – exponentially through the decades since that book was written.

ANALYSIS: The Guardian, “The Catholic church must think upon its sins” by Kevin McKenna. About the McLellan report in Scotland

John Paul II’s Achilles Heels. George W. Bush’s Achilles Heels. Jeb Bush belongs to Regnum Christi of Marcial Maciel. Bush is the curse of America

Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty

10 Reasons why there should never be another  Pope

After Joseph Ratzinger publicly announced his plans to retire, quite a few people who are aware of this website or the @Fire_the_PopeTwitter account remarked how I got my wish or, jokingly, how my website may have led to the first resignation of a pope in 600 years.

Yes, I’ve had Ratzinger’s picture prominently displayed on this site and, given his long record both as the pope and as the one person responsible for handling all sex-crime cases in the Church, I strongly believed him to be incompetent at best.
However, FireThePope doesn’t just mean fire Joseph Ratzinger. FireThePope isn’t a cause to bring down one man. FireThePope is an effort to expose the entire Roman Catholic Church, as is, as fraudulent and there is no better way to do that than to start at the top.

St. Peter Square from above
Not your Father’s  church.
The Roman Catholic Church sets itself apart from all other religions, including Christian denominations, by claiming its head, the pope, is the successor of Peter and that Jesus anointed Peter to be the head of his church. The Church points to Matthew 16:13-20 to support this claim. Catholics conclude the Roman Catholic Church is the “one true church” of Jesus Christ and all other Protestant or non-Roman orthodox churches are inferior to it.
Roman Catholics call their church “the bride of Christ” and “Holy Mother Church”. These nicknames market the idea that Roman Catholicism dates back to the days of Jesus Christ and it – or “She”, as they say – is the very foundation of Christianity and all other religions are mere offshoots or sequels to Roman Catholicism.

Ultimately, Roman Catholicism rests solely on the supremacy of Peter and the apostles. Without the supremacy of Peter, there would be no pope. Without the supremacy of the apostles, there would be no priesthood as the Roman Church defines it. Without the superhuman powers of Catholic priests, bye-bye sacraments, indulgences, and the entire institution.

Today, let’s focus on the papacy. Following are ten reasons why there should never be another pope and, if there is, he should be completely ignored by the Catholic laity, the media, politicians, and the public at large.

Because the Vatican bases its very existence on a scene from the New Testament, it must also accept other verses of the NT in order to be consistent. Either the NT should be accepted as true, non-fictional accounts or not. Either those accounts must be taken literally or not. But, one cannot say this is a source of truth, inspired by the Holy Spirit and then pick and choose which passages the Church wants to follow or not.

1. The church of Jesus Christ in the bible was not a physical empire. Matthew 24:1-2 - ”Jesus left the temple precincts then, and his disciples came up and pointed out to him the buildings of the temple area. His comment was: ‘Do you see all these buildings? I assure you, not one stone will be left on another – it will all be torn down.’” 1 Corinthians 3:16 – “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you?” Also, Peter 2:5-9 – “Be yourselves as living stones built into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Jesus preached in homes and on hillsides, not in buildings. He only went in to temples to draw people out of them or to scold the church leaders. The word catholic, found in the bible with a lower-case c, means universal. In the first century, the wordchurch (also lower-case c) meant a society of men, women, and children who are spiritually – not necessarily physically – united to serve God. According to the NT, Jesus established the catholic church – a universal society of believers who would offer spiritualsacrifices. I explain below who really instituted the Roman Catholic Church, which requires material (pagan) sacrifices.

2. The church of Jesus Christ was not built upon one man. The idea that the church of Jesus was built upon one man is preposterous. Yet, that is what the Roman Church claims. Its only foundation is the notion that Peter was chosen by Jesus to be the first pope and that all popes are Peter’s successors, chosen by the Holy Spirit and infallible in all of their declarations. Roman Catholicism teaches that the pope, acting on behalf of the Church (notice the capital C indicating the Corporation) has the power and a duty to act as a mediator between the Creator and his creatures. It has been a long-held tradition that the Vatican, the Magisterium, and the clergy would interpret the bible for the laity. However, 1 Corinthians 3:11 reads, “For other foundation no one can lay, but that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ”. According to scripture, Jesus, not Peter, is the foundation of the Christian church. Jesus is also the sole mediator, so says 1 Timothy 2:5: ”And the truth is this: ‘God is one. One also is the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, and who gave himself ransom for all.” According to the New Testament where Catholics turn to justify the existence of their Church, there is only one mediator between God and the people and that is Jesus Christ, not Peter and not Joseph Ratzinger.

3. The church of Jesus Christ in the bible did not have a pope.The word pope is not in the bible, where the Roman Church points to as justification for itself. The early church described in the New Testament speaks of bishops who were overseers or local supervisors of the effort to spread Christianity. They were not rulers over the people. No one bishop had authority over any other. No one bishop was the head of the effort. There was a bishop in many major cities, including one in Rome. It so happened that certain Roman emperors (namely Constantine and Charlemagne) elevated the position and authority of the bishop of Rome, specifically, because they had the power to do so and because it was convenient as Rome was the seat of power. Emperors appointed bishops and abbots and usually appointed members of aristocratic families. The idea of a pope – one bishop over all others – was a corrupt power grab by murderous dictators and had nothing to do with Jesus Christ or anything in the bible.

4. The Peter of the throne was not the apostle but an impostor. Remember, the apostle Peter originally went by the name of Simon. Then, he was referred to as Simon Peter. Jesus named him Peter at the rock because the name Peter – or Petros (Greek) means rock. This Peter was from Cyprus, according to the bible. But, there is another Simon in the bible, this one from Samaria and he was a troublemaker. Locals called him Simon the

Swiss Guard soldiers in circus costumes 
Swiss Guard Army elite - who  go on to manage - exclusively - secret Vatican Swiss Banks in Switzerland and worldwide - haording despots and plutocrats loots of poor coutnries -e they perpetuate poor coutnries.

The Circus of Nero continues.

Magician. He claimed to be able to do magic tricks and held The Circus of Nero in Vaticanus Hill. Simon Magnus claimed he was God (hence, the magic) and he became a nemesis, a rival, and a thorn in the side of the apostle Peter. There was such trouble between the two that Emperor Nero set up a contest to settle their differences. Simon Magnus was killed after being thrown from his chariot and so Nero, who had favored him, had Peter arrested and thrown in jail. If there was a pope on a throne in the days of the early church, it was not Peter the Apostle but Simon the Magician. Simon sat on a throne; Peter never did. Simon claimed to be God; Peter never did. Simon claimed to have supernatural powers; Peter never did. Simon Magnus even started going by the name Peter in order to confuse people. They both had the same name, they both died in the same year – 67 A.D., and they both had spent time in Rome. The proof that the Simon of Samaria, not Cyprus, sat on the throne in Rome is the documentation that Magnus stayed in Rome for many years at a time while the apostle came and went quite often.

5. The apostle Peter never considered himself God or Jesus Christ. Again, the idea of the papacy rests on the supremacy of Peter. The Roman Church claims the pope is “Christ’s (sole) representative on earth”. The Peter whom the popes are supposed to have succeeded was married with at least one child – a daughter. He never sat on a throne and he never claimed to have magic powers or to be infallible. He never claimed to be better or more important than the other apostles or early leaders of the Christian church. He never dressed in fancy clothes, he never wore a ring to be kissed, and he never insisted on the red carpet treatment. Acts 10:25-27: “As Peter entered, Cornelius went to meet him, dropped to his knees before him and bowed low. Peter said, ‘Get up! I am only a man myself.’” When Nero sentenced Peter to death by crucifixion, Peter insisted on hanging on the cross upside down because he was unworthy to die as Jesus died. Peter the apostle, claimed by the Church as the first pope was never a pope and his philosophy and practices, according to the New Testament, were a far contrast to those of the papacy no matter who is holding the title.
6. The Roman Catholic Church was not established until the 4th Century. Roman Catholics claim Peter of the bible was the first pope and that there is an unbroken line of popes stretching from biblical times to present-day. This claim is nothing but a re-writing of history. The Church needs that lineage in order to justify itself and the papacy yet it does not have the facts on its side so they have to create a new reality. What the Church

Holy Name Cathedral interior
Not Jesus’ interpretation of “church”.
has done is go back and list anyone who was a bishop of Rome as a pope. The actual papacy didn’t begin until the Roman Catholic Church began and that wasn’t until the 4th Century with Pope Constantine I – the emperor – who ruled from the “chair of St. Peter” from 306-337. Constantine came to the rescue of Christians who were being persecuted by Emperor Diocletian. It’s not that he was overcome by compassion but realized he could take political advantage from the growing number of Christians. This ties the pagan Roman Empire to the Catholic Church whose members also worship objects and offer material sacrifices.

7. The papacy was on life support as recently as 1870. In the mid-19th Century, there was an effort to unify Italy which was split in two by the Papal States governed by the pope, then Pope Pius IX (the one who dreamed up Immaculate Conception). Victor Emmanuel II, the new King of Italy, had seized all of the Church-controlled territory except a small segment of Rome. Napoleon, who had previously been an ally of Emmanuel, protected the pope and by having some of his troops stand guard at the Vatican. When the Franco-Prussia War intensified, Napoleon pulled his troops out of Rome, leaving the pope defenseless. The Italian troops moved in and the pope lost all of his temporal (civil) power minus rule over the tiny territory of the Vatican. Emmanuel allowed the pope to keep the Vatican and freed him from Italian rule but the pope was defiant. Pius IX refused to recognize Emmanuel’s new kingdom and he voluntarily kept himself a prisoner of the Vatican. He cried anti-Catholic bias until support and donations poured in for him, including from Catholics in America. The empire of the Roman Church was all but lost in 1870. It took more deception to keep it alive.

8. The papacy was corruptly propped back up by a fascist dictator. In the 1920′s, the Italian government wished to settle its differences with the Church. At the time, the Prime Minister of Italy was Benito Mussolini.

Mussolini signs Lateran Pacts
A Dictator legitimizes the Roman Catholic Church.

He conspired with the Vatican to shut out populist factions in the country in order to amass more power and control for himself. The Vatican silenced priests who favored a more democratic government. In return, Mussolini gifted the Church by officially recognizing the Vatican as an independent and sovereign city-state. Within the borders of Italy, popes would receive diplomatic immunity and the Church would receive financial reparations for its loss of the Papal States. Also, Roman Catholicism would be the one state religion in Italy. These agreements were called the Lateran Pacts and they are what revived the much weakened papacy. Mussolini would go on to become one of history’s most brutal dictators. Today, Vatican City, the whole 0.2 square miles of it, is recognized by the United Nations as a sovereign city-state of which the pope is head.

9. The pope is an absolute monarch at a time when most educated and reasonable human beings believe in freedom, democracy, and accountability. In 2011, the world witnessed what is now referred to as The Arab Spring. Ordinary people protested – many to their deaths – for freedom, respect, and democratic elections. Many citizens of some nations in the Middle East had been oppressed for generations and they finally decided it was time to take a stand against tyranny. It has been said there is a natural hunger to live freely, no matter what part of the world one lives. The pope is an absolute monarch, only one of a few that still exist and certainly the most powerful. As such, and because he enjoys diplomatic immunity both in Italy and out, he is accountable to no one. The pope is elected but not by the people he represents as in a democracy. He is elected by the same men whom he appointed to the College of Cardinals. Once a pope takes office, he is unaccountable to anyone inside the Church or out. This type of power is contrary to what the New Testament described when Jesus turned tables on the clergy. The pope, like Simon Magnus, claims to be God. Only someone with a God-complex would claim to be above the law and every other human being.

10. The papacy is not inspired by the Holy Spirit. If anything, it would be inspired by the spirit of Lucifer. As construction workers ready the Vatican chimney for the upcoming puffs of white smoke or black,
"St Peter's chair"
The throne of Simon Magnus

rational human beings are expected to believe that the Holy Spirit is guiding the process of the papal conclave. When cardinals vote a certain way, we are told, it was because the Holy Spirit told them to. It’s time for a reality check. Many of the men who will be voting – or running – for the next pope have blood on their hands – blood ofchildren. Yet, we are supposed to believe they have an inside track to the Holy Spirit. From the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church, throughout its history, and including today, Roman Catholicism has been a corrupt empire disguised as a Christian religion. I’ve heard many people credit it merely because “it has been around for 2,000 years”. It hasn’t been around that long and does it matter that it has only survived as long has it has because it has succeeded in fooling gullible people? Does it matter that it has grown as large as it has because many of its converts joined only under the threat of death? Does it matter than the majority of Catholics were entered into the Church before the age of reason? Catholics are quick to remind us of “all the good the Church does”. There isn’t a tyrant in history that couldn’t claim the same. Evil almost always presents itself in disguise – as something good. When deception is the foundation of an institution, no amount of superficial acts that come out of it can make it good. Deeds and institutions can only be good if they are based in truth. Like it or not, the spirit that is guiding the Roman Catholic Church isn’t holy, it is evil. And the only way to kill a serpent is by chopping off its head.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « cartoon benedict XVI »

The Captain and co-Captain of the Vatican Titanic sunken 

deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy

Jesus never baptized anyone in the Sea of Galilee or in the River Jordan

Is the Vatican a state or country? It is only one building and one public square but it is a country like the vast USA, Russia, China???

Jesuits transferred Marcos Gold & Billions of Dollars to the Vatican Treasury. The JESUIT ORDER - MASTER OF EVASION AND CONSPIRACIES

Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops

Vatican’s wealth all over Rome and Italy and England and USA  

It is time to abolish the Vatican Concordats that usurp billions of dollars from countries already buried in debts, ––  read more about the Vatican Concordats here and how Spain is leading its abolition

The Dark Side of the Papacy: Pope Crimes Revealed

The world is discovering the truth about the global organization known as the "Catholic Church": it is the mother of all abominations on Earth, the root cause of all world suffering, poverty, crimes. With their false appearance of 'mercy' and 'holiness' they have managed to fool the masses into believing they are representatives of  Christ, presenting the world with an expired doctrine that brings death. A statistical report shows proof of over 10 million crimes committed by priests and nuns in the nations, since these evil and perverse men (and women) proclaim "celibacy" which is a doctrine of demons that has led to sexual abuse of thousands of innocent children and women around the world. Pope Francis and the previous Pope "Benedict XVI" aren't the only corrupt and evil "popes"...the Vatican has a long track record of criminal popes, starting with the first one - Peter. For this purpose, we highlight a book that sheds light into the dark side of the Papacy, so that you can learn the facts:


Pope John Paul II: La-la-la-la-la-la — I can't hear those things you're saying about sex abuse

I am John Paul II the GREAT – I refuse to hear about my JP Army 

– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army 
- I hide them in my Achilles Heels - no one can see them

Read Pope Francis the CON-Christ and biggest THIEF of mankind

The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable - read more here

Read more here - John Paul II Millstoneread here

The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer

-- more important than the Eucharist and the Rosary

JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army before me, JP2 Army behind me,

JP2 Army in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army above me,

JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left,

JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down

JP2 Army when I arise

The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable - read more here 


Mary with John Paul II
$ 180.55
€ 119.00

Many statues of John Paul II are being carved to equal those of Mary, Jesus and St. Joseph...the narcissim and grandiosity of John Paul II can only be equal to that of the Devil who refused to bow down to Jesus but wanted to be his equal on this earth.

John Paul II is LUCIFER reincarnated :" He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result he takes his seat in God's temple, displaying himself as God.  (2 Thessalonians: 2-4)


Our Lady wants to be set free from the 


of Satanas John Paul II who has usurp her 


Jesus from her arms

 Jesus never baptized anyone in the Sea of Galilee 

or in the 
River Jordan

Le Moyne Univ. vs. La Sapienza Univ. Le Moyne graduates prove Jesuits Masters of Deceits, idiots Americans Catholics, New Yorkers’ apathy to JP2 Army victims





Charlie Hebdo (see its Holy Trinity cartoon!) The problem of faith is its limitless powers to commit crimes against humanity, murders, colonization of poor countries, abuses against women

Christmas Vatican Circus 2014:  The more the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team praises its puppet Pope Francis and his hypocritical speeches, the more he wears The Emperor’s New Clothes  

Vatican Circus in the Philippines: Pope Francis deceives Filipinos as Representative of Christ because he hoards billions of dollars of Marcos & Aquino loots in Vatican  Swiss Banks - MANAGED EXCLUSIVELY BY SWISS GUARD ARMY ALUMNI

Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor

Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l

It’s tantamount to voting for

a brother of Hitler

– if idiots Americans vote for Jeb Bush

– the brother of George W. Bush 

whose sham Iraqi War 

– cost US in debts of trillions of dollars

– which many generations of 

Americans are already

– doomed to pay for.

The Iraq War Could Cost More Than 

$6 Trillion -- generations of Americans 

are doomed to pay

Smart Jeb Bush

Read their lips: No more Bushies for President -- This website was prepared by a loyal Republican in the hope of saving the Republican party from supporting Jeb Bush for president.

Daddy Cry Baby
George Bush 41 (Reagan's worst mistake) breaks down in another of his emotional blathers as he heaps praise on his dearest son. Apparently what got dad all in a teary-eyed meltodown was not the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians that died in Bush 43's little war, or the trillions of dollarsthat Bush 43 has wasted on his war, but the memory of how good old Jeb accepted his defeat for Florida governor in 1994. His crackup came as he said "the true measure of a man is how you handle victory and defeat." Oh, it makes me feel like crying...


PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

December 10, 2014 International Human Rights Day
A picture speaks a thousand words. Here are images of the 2 evil Achilles Heels of John Paul II and George W. Bush, two contemporaries in the 21stcentury who covered-up – through religion – their own worst crimes against children and youth of America and the whole world.

The 2 Evil Achilles Heels of Satanas Saint John Paul II are Cardinal Bernard Law and priest Marcial Maciel, the serial pedophile, pederast, adulterous priest and poster boy of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. Read the related links below for further explanations.

George W. Bush’s evil Achilles Heels are the Iraq War and the CIA Torture (newly revealed documents) which he condoned and ordered - in secret. John Paul II and George W. Bush were the epitome of covert operations that destroyed the lives of incalculable thousands of children (mostly boys) and young people (mostly young men). While John Paul II now sits in the highest altars of sainthood in all Catholic churches, and George W. Bush now sits painting portraits of past US presidents – meanwhile, thousands of young soldiers sit maimed and lamed from Bush’s Iraq War, and thousands of children are fatherless from lost young fathers who were soldiers in Bush’s (delusion) “War on Terror”, and countless children suffer a ‘living hell’ from the bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

Vatican Circus in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque: Pope Francis prays to Allah who NEVER had a son Jesus – whom Francis represents and clones in the Eucharist

REBUTTAL to David Gibson’s idle speculation on schism and conspiracy theories to divert attention away from Vatican Billions stolen from countries by Vatican Concordats

US Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq to Cost $6 trillion -- thanks to George W. Bush - supported by the Vatican Catholic Bishops

Bush Family is curse of America

This post and blogs are inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword defends us from Goliath bullies of Opus Dei Beast Mafia.  St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain.  Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”.   Beware, Francis-Maniacs for the demise of the Vatican Temple akin to the Temple of Solomon is at hand!

The Vatican is the Devil reincarnated in Pope Francis 

and Opus Dei Beast and 

Jesuits Mercenaries are Demons' Angels

St. Michael the Archangel stands over the Vatican Mammon 

Beast now ruled by Pope Francis and the heads of the Beast =

 John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Opus Dei & Jesuits

Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy
There are two opposite faces of Pope Francis, has anyone notice?  When he laughs in front of crowds and when he says the Eucharist Satanic Mass.
Look at these photos he had in South Korea as he showed all his teeth laughing - versus - when he holds a crucifix in the procession and at the Eucharist Satanic Mass, he looks very grim.

Pope Francis celebrates a mass and the beatification of Paul Yun ji-Chung and 123 martyr companions at Gwanghwamun Gate in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, Aug.... 




Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

Top Ten Myths About Pope Francis’ First Year
Pope Francis pointing at his loco crazy head

ruled by Opus Dei Beat PR Deceits Team

Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina as the Godfather in the Dirty Wars - Silence of Pope Francis-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio on Argentina 42 pedophile priests.

WHAT THE JESUITS CONTROL. Chilling Facts You Need To Know About the Jesuits. Francis: First Jesuit Pope

No need to be Catholic priests today: Gays now openly marry. Pedophiles are hunted in Roman Catholic churches (by Interpol). Eucharist is mythology

GRIM LIAR Pope Francis - Popes and priests have no powers to re-produce or manufacture ants and dogs - and therefore they cannot reproduce or clone Christ's flesh-and-blood either in the mass - hence it is Eucharis Satanic Mass because popes and priests claim to be greater than God that they can "re-create" God Himself!.  Satan's pride is smaller than Pope Francis's pride.

Pope Francis celebrates a mass and the beatification Paul Yun ji-Chung and 123 martyr companions at Gwanghwamun Gate in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, Aug. 16...

In Israel, Pope Francis clones Christ’s flesh & pleas for children’s protection after canonizing 2 popes who protected JP2 Army pedophile priests in 20th century

Laughing Satanic THIEF

When Pope Francis laughs,  he is in his role as a thief – because he is laughing all the way to the bank - secret Vatican Swiss Banks with his biggest theft in mankind’s history  and as he enslaves nations and billions of poor people with the Vatican Concordats

read more in our related article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth

When he is grim, he is in his role as the Opus Dei Beast’s pathological liar, the pretender and impostor of Jesus, because he cannot re-produce ants and dogs and therefore he cannot clone Christ’s flesh-and-blood in the Eucharist either.

Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

LIAR Pope Francis, skip ‘forgive’ BS. Set poor nations free by returning your loot hidden in secret Vatican Swiss Banks. Set Jesus free from Vatican & Eucharist

Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence and ending of its $1B religious tourism  with Oratory of St. Joseph

NO mariolatry

Click Your Choice

Pope Francis is like the Strange Case of 

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican fake country.

Francis in-name-only

This Francis of Assisi vs. FAT -clown Pope Francis of Vatican Circus of Deceits

Pope Francis, YOU took Francis of Assisi’s name – but that’s all there is, isn’t it?  You are “in name only” – nothing else.  There’s nothing similar in essence or substance or in person between you and St. Francis - and if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are already preparing for your sainthood like they did with documents for John Paul II’s 27 years papacy, you’re being duped big time.  You should have retired into a simple cave like poverello St. Francis of Assisi – who even refused to be a priest to clone the flesh of Christ because he knew as he wrote his canticle to the moon and stars - that no one can clone the Creator of those millions of stars in the firmament. Ever saw these images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”? Can you clone one of these with your papal infallible words?  You cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either. 

Images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation” 

Eagle Nebula

The "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula, as seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Image credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/Arizona State University
› Larger view

You cannot clone an ant or a dog or one of the stars 

therefore you cannot clone Jeus the Son of God 

either in the sorcery of the Eucharist.

St. Francis denounced the wealth of his merchant father while you embraced and vowed to the Vatican Mammon Beast worse than a Satanic Mass. St. Francis embraced a leper but you exploit the sick for your political photo-ops (and at your age caught their virus).  You hypocritically preach about the poor but you actually mock them because at the same time, behind closed doors in the Vatican art chambers, you have private audiences and photo-ops with royalties of Europe who are the 1% wealthiest of the globe, photos with despots and imperialists like President Obama who steal the wealth of Third World countries, read here how the Philippines protested Obama’s visit as he plants more bases only to serve American hegemony, read here - .  

Your photo-op with Obama actually perpetuates American Imperialism in the Philippines and in other Asian and European countries.

Why do you think your founder St. Ignatius Loyola specifically wrote in the constitution of the Jesuits that no Jesuits must accept to be a high ranking bishop or cardinal?  Jesuits were meant to be companions of Jesus, not companions of the Devil, the father of lies who came to steal, kill and destroy.  Ignatius had no choice 500 years ago to go to the world to proclaim the Good News that he needed the ships of the Vatican and the European monarchy.  But today, the Jesuits have amassed more wealth than any religious congregation, you have all the universities and schools you want or need.  There is no need to continue serving the Pope, the Father of Lies the reincarnation of the Devil!  But you set your sight on the highest throne in the Catholic Church and now the favorite words of St. Ignatius haunts you:  What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, if he suffers the loss of his soul? and you have committed the worst Pope Crimes more than all popes combined – you canonized John Paul II despite his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

Jesus the Jew vs. Roman Pope Francis 

Amazing how Jesus has lose his Middle East roots and Jewish identity (albeit born in Bethlehem, Palestine, a Muslim country) and lose His Biblical mission as a poor itinerant preacher for He has become Roman Catholic and hostage of the most tiny country - the Vatican City where He is also the most caged captive in gold tabernacles by tyrant evil popes – those 2,000 year old chameleons Pretenders and Impostors of Jesus and con-artists CON-Christ popes.  

From mass murderers, thieves, pedophiles, gays, adulterers like the Borgias, to John Paul II the Great Saint of Pedophiles, to Pope Francis the Worst Thief of Mankind – all popes use Christ as their mask, disguise and bait to serve one master alone –the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast ruling in the Vatican Palace - with only one goal - to preserve the Vatican Billions in secret Vatican Swiss Banks because the Vatican owns Switzerland.  Hence there’s the unique Swiss Guard Army wherein all Swiss young men are required to go and serve at the Vatican before they can become bankers, investment managers and civil officers in Switzerland because the Vatican pope is its sole monarch. Believe it or not!  

There was a former Swiss Guard who came to Boston to recruit investors as he was the CEO of an investment company, read about him in our other blog

Pope Francis, the two new pope saints John XXIII and John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and all popes definitely do not resemble one iota Jesus the Poor Carpenter of Nazareth and Poor Fisherman in the Sea of Galilee!  All movies portray Jesus as tall, lean and handsome but all popes, his assumed ‘Vicar of Christ’, have been FAT like COWS podgy, white and really hideous and repugnant they need the long white papal robe to constantly segue attention from their ugliness. Just look at the porky ass of Pope Francis that control 1.2 billion Catholics and the media world with his duck dance of wibble wobble Opus Dei Beast PR stunts.  Look at this gigantic poster in Rome of porky ass Pope Francis with the two fat popes new saints he canonized –John XXIII and John Paul II the 27 years globetrotting narcissistic pope – who said nothing and did nothing to protect children from his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army aptly named after his 27 years globetrotting papacy - and 1.2 billion stupid Catholics now adore them as their new fat Catholic Golden Cows.


Jesus of Nazareth  


the poor fisherman of the Sea of Galilee

3 FAT well-fed cows - ROMAN POPES 
-- Popes do NOT resemble Jesus Christ one iota

-- Popes  are CON-Christs and con-artists

-- Popes  are Pretenders & Impostors of Jesus

-- Popes  are LIARS & HYPOCRITES 

-  Popes  cannot clone Christ, ants or dogs 

Popes  are sorcerers in the Eucharist

 - Popes  are false magicians 

-- Popes  cannot clone or re-produce Jesus the Son of God

-- Popes are fat popes cannot reincarnate Jesus the Creator of the Universe 

Read Pope Francis the con-artist "CON-Christ"

The Popes' Master is the Vatican Mammon Beast - 

because he is the owner of Switzerland 

and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks 

- hence there's the Swiss Guard Army.

HOAX of Eucharist -
 instant reincarnation of Christ's flesh and blood
 is the worst Satanic Mass & sorcery of mankind
Popes and priests have no wombs to procreate babies
and thier mouths cannot procreate the Body of Christ 
 Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs 
and therefore 
they cannot clone Jesus the Son of God the Creator 
of the Universe!
It took 9-months for Jesus to be in Mary' womb before He was born-
Read Pope Francis in Israel clones Christ where he was born 2,000 years ago 

The Vatican Concordats give the Bible to 

the people 

and steal their land and billions of dollars

and assets 

It is time to abolish the Vatican Concordats that usurp billions of dollars from countries already buried in debts, ––  read more about the Vatican Concordats here and how Spain is leading its abolition

Vatican Pope controls Wall Street and all Stock Exchange 
and all wars in nations.
Wall Street Journal is a liar about vocations in seminaries
Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests
Popes and priests have no wombs to procreate babies
and their mouths cannot make the Body of Christ either.

The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra
 Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way


9-months gestation of Jesus - the Son of God 


The cloning process that produced Dolly
Pope Francis and priests cannot clone the flesh of God the Son


1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of 

Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests


Pope Francis, all Popes, Cardinals, Bishops

Priests cannot clone cats and dogs  


 they  CANNOT clone Christ either.  

POPES and PRIESTS are MERLIN magicians

Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development  

.St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today.

The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate - or clone - God’s flesh.Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches

 “For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone

In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. PauL l

See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul

No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone

Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified

Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,

They came sick and they left sick.
There is NO "Apostolic" authority 

 or succession here
for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal 
like Peter or Paul did.
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.

The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Pope has no authority in Rome.

The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.

The Pope has no power in Rome.

The Vatican is not part of Rome.

The Pope is not a citizen of Rome.

The allegiance of Catholics is to the Pope and the Vatican 

or the Magisterium… 
The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore, 

is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.

Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman. 

The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read here .

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.

But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars w
hich Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powers 


Zeus:  supreme authority on earth and on Mount Olympus
I am Zeus the supreme god of the Olympians



BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$
en-riching only arrogant priests --

while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets

of Montreal 

 CRUCIFIX of Vatican crimes against humanity’s children


 in half-the-20th-century by JP2 Army


 – John Paul II Pedophile Priests army

Read Letter to a Christian Nation – read the scientific points why abortion is all right in the first months of an embryo.  Do not be turned off by the writer.  Just read his common sense arguments and reasoning.
 Read our related articles, Woman Irish ex-president mocks Pope Francis “completely bonkers" Synod of Bishops “who have no adult experience of family life as the rest of us know it”
Synod of Bishops exploit ‘Madonna and child’ as prop to cover-up all-male oligarchy fake country that forbids residency of women and children
Francis’ Top 3 Pope Perpetual Crimes & Vatican Evils That Time Can Never Erase or the Sacrament of Confession Cannot Forgive
At European Union Parliament, misogynist Pope Francis described Europe as a “grandmother, no longer fertile and vibrant,” butinstead “elderly and haggard”

mother of Jesus blessed Mary


mariology mariolatry

 Why is Pope Francis silent on ISIS if he had media votes for Nobel Peace Prize? Is ISIS created by USA & NATO to control Middle East oil?

Christ wants to be set free from Vatican 

and popes and priests  

Christ inspires and tells us that he wishes to be freed from the slavery of the Eucharist and be freed from the golden tabernacles in all Vatican Catholic churches worldwide – because all these are tools of the Vatican Mammon Beast to subdue people with feel-good theology – which are only pathological lies – that perpetuate their poverty and injustice and violence - via the Vatican Concordats, read more here in our article, Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

Jesus Revolution – set Christ free from Eucharist Satanic Mass. Set all nations free from Vatican Concordats. End Vatican as “country”. End VA Swiss Banks secrecy

 Jesus never baptized anyone in the Sea of Galilee or in the River Jordan

Is the Vatican a state or country? It is only one building and one public square but it is a country like the vast USA, Russia, China???

The Vatican Billions. Two thousand years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age.Its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror

VA Monologues
Not Vagina Monologues
MERCI Nobel Peace Prize –NOT Pope Francis & VA Monologues – Vatican Autocracy Monologues concocted by Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. Awardee: National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia
Nobel Peace Prize must NEVER go to Pope Francis - he has done NOTHING for the good of children and mankind - except preach from Vatican fortress  


Stupid Catholic nuns 
worshipping the Opus Dei 
new Golden Cow 
ROMAN Saint John Paul II  

Nuns wave as Pope Francis is driven through the crowd after presiding over a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. Pope Francis has declared his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II saints in an unprecedented canonization ceremony made even more historic by the presence of retired Pope Benedict XVI.

Stupid Catholic nuns 

worshipping the Opus Dei 

new Golden Cow 

ROMAN Saint John Paul II 


Women Catholics are so stupid

as to stay in denial and refuse to accept

that priests are ordained men have no wombs

cannot reproduce babies like women

or the Blessed Mother of Jesus –

and their male mouths 

cannot reproduce Christ 

and cannot procreate anything on earth at all.

Melinda Gates Versus Benedict XVI: Who's More " like Christ" ? Melinda Gates Saves Lives of 200 Million Women While Benedict XVI Sits in Out-Of-Touch-With-Reality Throne 

Ireland gay marriage vote is a victory for humanity, liberty and secularism; –– it’s a major defeat for Vatican Autocracy, obsolete traditions, religious oppression

Denounce the divine rights of Pope Francis

Denounce Vatican Autocracy of Opus Dei Beast
Defy the Opus Dei Beast and the Jesuits mercenaries of the Vatican Mammon Beast.
Abolish the Vatican as a country. 
Read  -- Is the Vatican a state or country? It is only one building

 and one public square but it is a country like the vast USA,

Russia, China???








The Vatican, Switzerland and 
the British Monarchy 
control the Central Banks
Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest
 heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the
 Greatest THIEF on earth. 

Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor

catholic tradition

eucharist to be WORSHIPED as God

Pope Francis and Vatican Swiss Banks 

control Wall Street and Wars

Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?

The Vatican Concordats give the Bible to 

the people 
and steal their land and billions of dollars 
and assets

 Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use contraceptives and abortion
REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops
Vatican’s wealth all over Rome and Italy and England and USA  
The Vatican Billions. Two thousand years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age.Its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror
OPUS DEI: THE VATICAN-PENTAGON CONNECTION. How Opus Dei controls the USA, the multinational corporations & the Vatican Swiss Banks
The Hague is above Pope, Vatican, Religion. The Hague must prosecute Benedict XVI now to prove secular International Justice reigns over ALL Religions and Despots
UN vs. Vatican (half its 800 population do NOT live inside Vatican City) – so its jurisdiction is only for 400 in-house residents?

Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

 Cardinal Bernard Law the wimp and coward of Boston

Cardinal Bernard Law was a pathetic wimp and coward and all he did was to “deny and deny until the victims and the lawyers die”.  The cartoons drawn of him were not frightening -- because he wasnot frightening as Spotlight portray him to be.  He was rather a stupid comical character because he was a Vatican clown trying to fool everyone – that the church is innocent of all accusations -- at the dictates of John Paul II -- and the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team at the Vatican..  
What the movie Spotlight depicted him as a hard figure to be reckoned with is FALSE -- hence Spotlight is a FALSE depiction of the truth -- -- and Spotlight make-believe on Cardinal Bernard Law is FALSE . 

Spotlight is Vatican propaganda to change the conversation and deceive mankind from ON_GOING Vatican EVILS and Pope Crimes -- read more in -

Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

The Vatican Concordats steal billions of dollars from poor coutnries and they msut be abolished.  But the Vatican want to fool people - via the Spotlight movie - so that they will not open their eyes to these Vatican Evils that are causing perpetual poverties in nations - and the Vatican Swiss Banks are breeding wars and violence on women and children. 
Cardinal Law is among the weakest cardinals -- who easily settled with victims --  because he wanted to avoid court trials and the media scrutiny on himself and the 80 pedophile priests he transferred from one parish to another.  Law  only knew how to say 3 words, “I don’t recall” as this cartoon depicts -- yet he could cite the Bible from cover to cover.  And after he resigned, he sailed into the glorious sunset of Rome – and was promoted as High Priest in St. Mary Major – the “mother of all basilicas” in Rome – thanks to another coward wimp John Paul II. 

Cardinal Bernard Law should campaign for Spotlight

The Vatican should put the real criminal Cardinal Bernard Law for its Spotlight campaigns instead – (he is supposed to be the villain in the movie) – so people can see how the Vatican protects well its criminals-cardinals and bishops who covered-up those bestial pedophile priests. Cardinal Law went on to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous in Rome after he resigned from Boston – just like the Nazis – who went on to their safe refuge in Argentina and other countries after committing their heinous crimes – because they were helped by the Vatican that issued new identities and passports for them  Read our article, Jesuits & Vatican aided Nazis.Vatican Concordat was special with the Nazis

Cardinal Bernard Law is rarely mentioned in massive media campaigns for Spotlight -- because he is in the Vatican safe house for criminals-cardinals -- just like the highest ranking pedophile Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp Jozef Wesolowski –  who was personally protected and covered-up by Pope Francis.  The Vatican envoy pimp was supposed to go through the "Vatican trial of the century" – but was conveniently killed before his trial – in order to pave way for the new conversation – and massive media campaign of the movie Spotlight.  From  "Death in the Vatican"  – to  – "Spotlight in Venice" – the Vatican Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are spinnning the heads of idiots Catholics, and even SNAP took the bait and trap and joined in the Vatican Circus of Deception in Spotlight - read more in our articles,

Vatican Holy Shit! Before his trial, Jozef Wesolowski the JP2 Army highest pedophile Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp suddenly dies – mysteriously – as John Paul I
New York Times reports on “Little Rome” in Boston. Michael Keaton & ‘Spotlight’ cannot salvage the Vatican Titanic, Italianate palazzo & JP2 bedroom in Boston

Pope Francis said that “the Synod was not about settling issues but attempting to see them in the light of the Gospel and the Church's tradition and two thousand year history”.  Pope Francis does not want to settle issues but to simply preach down with VA Monologues- Vatican Autocracy Monologues – to passively talk and cover-up Vatican crimes issues – via endless Vatican Circus of Deceptions.  OMG the Vatican will disappear like the Temple of Solomon.  Jesus Christ cursed the Solomon Temple and His mother cursed the Vatican Temple.  The prophecy of the Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima predicted that the Vatican will be reduced to rubbles like the Temple of Solomon and that not one pillar of St. Peter’s Square will be left standing – because really the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast uses Christ in the Eucharist as bait and trap to perpetuate poor countries and breed wars and violence against the poor, children and women.  The Vatican Swiss Guard Army are the only-managers of the Vatican Bank and Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard despots and plutocrats ill-gotten loots from poor countries.

Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
John Paul II's evil Achilles Heels are Cardinal Bernard Law  and Marcial Maciel, founder of Legion 
of Christ.  Through these two, he knew full well of his JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army worldwide -- yet for 27 years as the longest papacy - he said nothing and did nothing to stop his army and did nothing to protect children..

John Paul II’s Achilles Heels. George W. Bush’s Achilles Heels. Jeb Bush belongs to Regnum Christi of Marcial Maciel. Bush is the curse of America
Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years
 Pope Francis meets 9/11 victims’ families but ignores SNAP, insults 100,000 Catholic victims of Vatican crimes by John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army–JP2Army

 WTF. Pope Francis lauds bishops, did not utter word “sexual abuse” those bishops covered-up for decades – akin to John Paul II laud on Cardinal Bernard Law

Vatican Holy Shit! Before his trial, Jozef Wesolowski the JP2 Army highest pedophile Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp suddenly dies – mysteriously – as John Paul I

Vatican criminal justice system is a farce – made of “professors”? Trial of archbishop /nuncio delayed due to sickness – Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of Day

Opus Dei Beast members are 


 and hypocrites


Irish Times cartoon shows duplicity of priests. Sacrament of Confession’s absolute choice to protect pedophiles. Priests’ callousness towards children’s security and well being - read here


& Boston Globe ...

Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils

[SNAP must protest “Spotlight” movie...]

Paris Arrow

The ‘Spotlight’ movie’s main job is to brainwash idiots Americans Catholics so they'll feel-good by focusing only on the Boston Globe by-gone days in 2002 – so they’ll forget the gravity of Vatican Crimes against humanity’s children – worldwide – that spanned the entire half-the-20th century – and forget the bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army - 6,500 bestial priests and – to forget their potential 1.3 million victims in USA alone – and forget the Vatican injustices to countless victims such as the recent Milwaukee “settlements” – and forget the evil Achilles Heels of (false) saint John Paul II and the endless papal pathological lies of Pope Francis – and most of all, to forget the recent highest ranking pedophile criminal Papal Nuncio Archbishop pimp who suddenly (mysteriously and conveniently) dies – before the Venice Film Festival – and whose upcoming “Vatican trial of the century” could have easily outshined ‘Spotlight’ and outperformed Pope Francis’ spectacles in his USA-Cuba trips this September – read our article, Vatican Holy Shit!

How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues, coins
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Stupid Roman Catholic Nuns buried 800 babies in a septic tank in Ireland! Set Jesus free from tabernacles, popes & priests Eucharist sorcery  
Boston College uses 8 Powers to launch Crux in Boston Globe - the new Cult of Pope Francis.

BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$ 

 en-riching only arrogant priests --

while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets

of Montreal 
 HYPOCRISY of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’


Pope Francis is the Papal Octopus 

BOYCOTT St. Joseph Oratory 10,000 candles burn $$$ 

 en-riching only arrogant priests --

while 30,000 homeless people starve in harsh winter streets

of Montreal 
 HYPOCRISY of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’

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