Monday, December 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project.The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively a criminal, money-laundering operation

 'Hillary for prosecution, not president'

God forbid  Spoltight gets any Golden Globes Award or the Oscars  .  The Big Short should win the best film (as a commenter said)  Seven other Berners and I went to see The Big Short last night. I’ll be honest — I didn’t always understand the financial terms that were being used, but I certainly got the gist of the money and absolutely hated Wall Street at the end. Some of the good guy characters were quirky, and the movie did a good job of portraying the greed, evil, corrupt side of Wall Street, and there were little vignettes showing what happened to some of their innocnt victims — like a man who was being evicted even though he had faithfully paid his rent, but his landlord had not been paying the mortgage. Some of the characters who were in lending bragged about making loans to immigrants, people with a limited education, etc, that didn’t really know what they were getting into all so the lenders could keep making loans and keep making money..

Read the Vatican Billions here and they are part of Wall Street here. 

Pope Francis went to the Philippines and preach about a church for thepoor while he was shaking hands with the Devil and his corrupt officials as he hoards their loots in Vatican Swiss Bnaks.  It used to be the Vatican Bank until it was threatened to be shut down for money laundering, read our article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

Spotlight vs. Vatileaks: continual sagas of Catholic priests’ WILD sex life -from JP2 Army-John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army worldwide - to Rome - Vatican-owned BROTHELS, gay saunas, massage parlours for gay priests  

Spotlight? Vatican indicts 5 people in Vatileaks .......2 Italian journalists defy Vatican court order. Meanwhile, in USA, 140 Americans deceptive journalists are Pied Pipers for Spotlight

 The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively 

a criminal,

money-laundering operation 

 “The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively a criminal, money-laundering operation principally established to enrich the founders with political payoff money, including millions from foreign donors,” said Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND. “It’s a racketeering enterprise protected by the Democratic Party dons – including the president of the United States and his attorney general.”

“The project is an effort by WND and its dedicated investigative reporting team, private investigators, judicial watchdogs, state officials and attorneys who recognize it’s not enough just to document Clinton crimes, but to bring them to the attention of prosecutors who will bring them to justice before she can even accept the nomination of the Democratic Party for the presidency of the United States,” says Corsi. “We need help to hire the private investigators needed to prove that Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with a cadre of close associates, have used the Clinton Foundation to be a personal piggy bank, in complete disregard of state and federal laws that strictly prohibit what is known as ‘inurement,’ the crime of using a tax-exempt foundation to defraud charitable donors so their contributions can be diverted to personal use.”

All it will take to close down the Clinton Foundation is one or more state attorneys general who develop the investigative proof the Clintons have violated with impunity laws regarding the filing of the audited financial statements and regulatory reports needed to prove a charitable foundation is being run honestly, Corsi adds.

A state attorney general, armed with proof and a well-crafted criminal complaint, can get from a state judge a temporary restraining order that would shut down the Clinton Foundation, replacing the board and officers with qualified individuals appointed by the court.

In addition to hiring private investigators, attorneys are needed to draft and file criminal complaints with attorneys general in states throughout the nation.

Through the use of a private email server that hid her personally serving communications from the public, Hillary Clinton and a network of co-conspirators that included Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, as well as Bill Clinton operatives Doug Band, Ira Magaziner and Sid Blumenthal, have monetized the Department of State’s trust for Clinton profit and gain, says Corsi.

“But the time to turn the tables on the Clintons is coming very soon,” he says. “With adequate funds, we can hire attorneys around the country to bring criminal complaints against the Clinton Foundation in a growing number of states where attorneys general can work together to share information and file what ends up being a multi-state collective action.

Support the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project.


The Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project has been created by WND staff and associates to bring the former secretary of state and leading presidential candidate to justice for a pattern of crimes she and her husband have committed in connection with their non-profit, tax-deductible Clinton Family Foundation over many years.

The project was conceived and directed by Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi – two veteran journalists who have been investigating the Clintons for 23 years. After Benghazi, the email scandals and the revelations about how the Clinton Family Foundation was used to feather the personal nests of the Clintons using foreign donations, Farah and Corsi concluded there was no chance Barack Obama’s Justice Department was ever going to prosecute the next presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. This project, funded by contributions from ordinary concerned Americans, is an effort to accomplish three goals:

  • expand the investigative reporting efforts into Hillary Clinton’s illegal activities;
  • empower prosecutors at the state level to bring charges against her;
  • prevent her from becoming the next president of the United States;

Farah was responsible for uncovering some of the facts that led directly to Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998. For his efforts, his news organization was targeted with politically motivated tax audits by the Internal Revenue Service at the direction of the Clinton White House. One of his Cabinet officers threatened donors to the organization with loss of government contracts if he continued to make contributions to Farah’s news agency. Farah’s offices were broken into. His Post Office box was burglarized. He was threatened.

Corsi, a senior staff writer for WND, is most well-known for his two No. 1 New York Times bestsellers – “Unfit for Command,” credited with the defeat of John Kerry’s bid for the presidency in 2004, and “The Obama Nation,” the first major effort to expose the Obama agenda now all-too-familiar to the American people. His “Where’s the Birth Certificate?,” a bestseller in its own right, prompted Obama to release his disputed long-form birth certificate after stonewalling for four years.

Corsi and Farah are working closely with other investigative reporters, judicial watchdogs, state officials and attorneys who recognize it’s not enough just to document Clinton crimes, but to prosecute them before Hillary can accept the nomination for the presidency.
Fund will be used to hire legal talent, private investigators and pay expenses for continued investigative reporting efforts.

A 2016 book is also planned for a spring release.

Farah and Corsi believe this effort may be the only one that can stop Hillary Clinton from winning the presidency next year.

Those who contribute $5 or more to this fund will be provided regular insider updates on the progress of the campaign.


WND Exclusive

'Hillary for prosecution, not president'

New campaign to stop her combines investigative journalism, legal action

WASHINGTON – With the possibility fading of Barack Obama’s Justice Department prosecuting the inevitable Democratic Party presidential nominee, a new independent campaign has arisen to expose Hillary Clinton’s criminal actions and prosecute her at the state level.

It’s called the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project, and it was conceived by two veteran investigative journalists who plan to take their findings to state attorneys general in jurisdictions in which the nonprofit, tax-exempt Clinton Family Foundation does business.

“The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively a criminal, money-laundering operation principally established to enrich the founders with political payoff money, including millions from foreign donors,” said Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND. “It’s a racketeering enterprise protected by the Democratic Party dons – including the president of the United States and his attorney general.”

Farah and WND senior staff writer Jerome Corsi, a two-time No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, have teamed up with the express purpose of bringing the Clintons to justice. Farah and Corsi have been investigating and reporting on the Clintons for 23 years.

The project will be funded by contributions from ordinary Americans to accomplish three goals:

  • expand the investigative reporting efforts into Hillary Clinton’s illegal activities;
  • empower prosecutors at the state level to bring charges against her;
  • prevent her from becoming the next president of the United States
Farah was responsible for uncovering some of the facts that led directly to Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998. For his efforts, his news organization was targeted with politically motivated tax audits by the Internal Revenue Service at the direction of the Clinton White House. One of his cabinet officers threatened donors to the organization with loss of government contracts if he continued to make contributions to Farah’s news agency. Farah’s offices were broken into. His Post Office box was burglarized. He was threatened.

Corsi was credited with a big role in the defeat of John Kerry in his bid for the presidency in 2004. Corsi co-authored “Unfit for Command,” one of his two No. 1 New York Times bestsellers that, with the Swiftboat Campaign, made a difference in a very close race. In 2008, Corsi wrote “The Obama Nation,” the first major effort to expose the Obama agenda now all-too-familiar to the American people. His “Where’s the Birth Certificate?,” a bestseller in its own right, prompted Obama to release his disputed long-form birth certificate after stonewalling for four years.

What do YOU think? Sound off in today’s WND poll on campaign to prosecute Hillary in state courts.

Corsi and Farah are working closely with other investigative reporters, judicial watchdogs, state officials and attorneys who recognize it’s not enough just to document Clinton crimes, but to prosecute them before Hillary can accept the nomination for the presidency.

The fund will be used to hire legal talent and private investigators and pay expenses for continued investigative reporting efforts. 

Farah and Corsi believe this effort may be the only one that can stop Hillary Clinton from winning the presidency next year.

Those who contribute $5 or more to this fund will be provided regular insider updates on the progress of the campaign.

“The project is an effort by WND and its dedicated investigative reporting team, private investigators, judicial watchdogs, state officials and attorneys who recognize it’s not enough just to document Clinton crimes, but to bring them to the attention of prosecutors who will bring them to justice before she can even accept the nomination of the Democratic Party for the presidency of the United States,” says Corsi. “We need help to hire the private investigators needed to prove that Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with a cadre of close associates, have used the Clinton Foundation to be a personal piggy bank, in complete disregard of state and federal laws that strictly prohibit what is known as ‘inurement,’ the crime of using a tax-exempt foundation to defraud charitable donors so their contributions can be diverted to personal use.”

All it will take to close down the Clinton Foundation is one or more state attorneys general who develop the investigative proof the Clintons have violated with impunity laws regarding the filing of the audited financial statements and regulatory reports needed to prove a charitable foundation is being run honestly, Corsi adds.

A state attorney general, armed with proof and a well-crafted criminal complaint, can get from a state judge a temporary restraining order that would shut down the Clinton Foundation, replacing the board and officers with qualified individuals appointed by the court.

In addition to hiring private investigators, attorneys are needed to draft and file criminal complaints with attorneys general in states throughout the nation.

Through the use of a private email server that hid her personally serving communications from the public, Hillary Clinton and a network of co-conspirators that included Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, as well as Bill Clinton operatives Doug Band, Ira Magaziner and Sid Blumenthal, have monetized the Department of State’s trust for Clinton profit and gain, says Corsi.

“But the time to turn the tables on the Clintons is coming very soon,” he says. “With adequate funds, we can hire attorneys around the country to bring criminal complaints against the Clinton Foundation in a growing number of states where attorneys general can work together to share information and file what ends up being a multi-state collective action.

Support the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project. 

See the explanation about why the fight to prosecute Hillary Clinton is all about the private computer server she ran while secretary of state.



Let's go forward in making 2016 a year that people for hundreds of years from now will remember as the year that we transformed America. Happy new year! 

Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign raised more than $33 million in the final three months of last year in a way that rewrote the record books for White…
More than 2.5 million contributions are powering this campaign. That's what a grassroots movement looks like.
✅$73 million since April 30
✅2,513,665 contributions
✅More than 1 million donors
✅Average contribution <$30
Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign raised more than $33 million in the final three months of last year in a way that rewrote the record books for White…
This people-powered campaign is revolutionizing American politics. We will not accept a political system which is increasingly corrupt, which allows billionaires to buy elections but that together we are going to create a government that represents all of us and not just a handful of billionaires.
Vermont senator's campaign points to fourth-quarter fundraising numbers as sign of strength

Bernie Sanders: To Rein In Wall Street, Fix the Fed

WALL STREET is still out of control. Seven years ago, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department bailed out the largest financial institutions in this country because they were considered too big to fail. But almost every one is bigger today than it was before the bailout. If any were to fail again, taxpayers could be on the hook for another bailout, perhaps a larger one this time.
 To rein in Wall Street, we should begin by reforming the Federal Reserve, which oversees financial institutions and which uses monetary policy to maintain price stability and full employment. Unfortunately, an institution that was created to serve all Americans has been hijacked by the very bankers it regulates.
The recent decision by the Fed to raise interest rates is the latest example of the rigged economic system. Big bankers and their supporters in Congress have been telling us for years that runaway inflation is just around the corner. They have been dead wrong each time. Raising interest rates now is a disaster for small business owners who need loans to hire more workers and Americans who need more jobs and higher wages. As a rule, the Fed should not raise interest rates until unemployment is lower than 4 percent. Raising rates must be done only as a last resort — not to fight phantom inflation.
Financial reforms must not stop with the central bank. We must reinstate Glass-Steagall and break up the too-big-to-fail financial institutions that threaten our economy. But we need to start with fundamental change. The sad reality is that the Federal Reserve doesn’t regulate Wall Street; Wall Street regulates the Fed. It’s time to make banking work for the productive economy and for all Americans, not just a handful of wealthy speculators. And it begins by making the Federal Reserve a more democratic institution, one that is responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans rather than the billionaires on Wall Street.
(Video Of The Full Speech Here)

Sanders Talks Trump

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders ratcheted up his criticism Tuesday of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, calling him a “coward billionaire” and mocking him for talking about Hillary Clinton’s trip to the restroom during the past presidential debate.
“He has discovered that women go to the bathroom, and it’s been very upsetting to him,” the senator from Vermont said of the real-estate mogul during a rally here that drew about 1,800 people. “This is a guy who wants to be president of the United States. He must have a very unusual relationship with women.”
Sanders was referring to Trump’s recounting Monday of Clinton’s late return to the Democratic debate stage following a commercial break Saturday night.

“Now I’ve got to be honest with you. I’ve got to be honest with you,” Sanders said, speaking in a mocking tone. “I also went to the bathroom. I know, I have to admit it. … This is the pathology. This is the guy who is leading in the Republican polls.”
Earlier in his hour-long remarks, Sanders also took aim at Trump for his hard-line position on immigration and his recent proposal to ban all Muslims temporarily from coming into the country. Sanders also lambasted Trump for his objection to raising the minimum wage and his advocacy of tax breaks for high-income earners.


Let's go forward in making 2016 a year that people for hundreds of years from now will remember as the year that we transformed America. Happy new year!
30 890 vues


More On Sanders In Iowa

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders took his message to Iowa Western Community and Harlan, Iowa, Tuesday night.
A few thousand people showed up to support him.
"If we are going to be competitive locally, then we need to make sure that all of our young people who have the desire, who have the ability and are academically minded, are able to get the higher education they need," Sanders said.

While the pillars of his campaign ignite millenial voters, polling data shows they're not attracting senior citizen Democrats. Supporters believe his message will eventually win them over.
"Bernie is believable and I don't believe that Hillary is," Perry, Iowa resident David Cunningham said.

"I feel like if they really listen to what he has to say, they would get that same feeling," Atlantic, Iowa resident Andrew Rothfusz said. "You know what, this guy can do it."

Burlington's Odd Couple

Bernie Sanders spends much of his time on the presidential campaign trail railing against millionaires and billionaires and the economic inequality he says have plagued the nation.
But Vermont's independent senator has different sentiments when speaking about one of the richest men in Burlington, Tony Pomerleau. Sanders entered a tribute to Pomerleau into the U.S. Congressional Record in 2012, and has lauded many times the man who made his first million by age 45.

"He and his family have contributed many many millions of dollars to people in need throughout the state of Vermont," Sanders said of Pomerleau at the Dec. 6 annual Pomerleau Family Holiday Party. "I think today we are honored to have with us a man who is not only a hero here in the city of Burlington, but a hero throughout the state who understands that you can't take it with you."
The self-declared democratic-socialist politician and the Republican developer are unlikely friends.
In fact, Sanders acknowledged at the holiday party  he had few friends in local government when he was elected mayor of Burlington in 1981. Burlington’s political arena was much more conservative in the 1980s, Pomerleau said.

Bernie Will Be In Nevada After Christmas

Sanders is scheduled to be at a town meeting December 27 at 4:30PM at the Reno Ballroom at 401 Center Street. Doors open at 3:30PM. The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but an RSVP is strongly encouraged. (See the attached link.) Admission is first come, first served.
Sanders will be at a public event in Las Vegas Monday.
The campaign is launching a Nevada-wide advertisting blitz, according to Sanders’ senior adviser Tad Devine. “The campaign's movement into Nevada with statewide television advertising is a demonstration of Bernie's potential and strength with voters and our belief that his story and message of American's rigged economy held in place by a corrupt system of campaign finance will resonate powerfully across the nation.”

He Will Be In Chicago On Wednesday

Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will travel to Chicago Wednesday to meet with supporters and talk about his plan for criminal justice reform.
Sanders is first expected to attend an invitation-only community gathering hosted by Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Gar

cia. The event will be held at 3:30 p.m. at El Pollo Feliz, located at 3132 W. 26th St.
Just before 5 p.m., he is then scheduled to hold a press conference at the Village Leadership Academy, located at 1001 W. Roosevelt.

Chicago’s criminal justice system has been spotlighted in recent weeks following the release of dashcam video showing a white police officer fatally shooting a black teen 16 times. The video has prompted the firing of the city’s police superintendent and sparked an investigation by the Department of Justice into the police department’s practices. The officer involved has also been charged with first-degree murder.

In response to the video, Sanders called for "fundamental reform" in the criminal justice system and asked activists to take action beyond chanting "Black Lives Matter."

A Brief Bit About Bernie And The Breach

For the first time since July, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders brought his presidential campaign back to Sioux City.

Back then, Sanders had to contend with Siouxland's summer heat. In the last few days the Democrat has taken some heat after members of his campaign improperly accessed voter information compiled by Hillary Clinton. "In your opinion what's the greater sin, that your staffers accessed the information improperly multiple times, or that the DNC failed to protect the information in the first place?" asked Matt Breen. "It's both, said Sen. Bernie Sanders, (D) Presidential Candidate. "The problem would not have happened in the DNC's vendor had done their job properly." 

The staffer responsible for the breach has been fired. Two others were suspended. Sanders, himself, has apologized to Hillary Clinton and his supporters. "It's not the way we do a campaign," Sanders said.

This latest breach certainly hasn't hurt Sanders' numbers. The latest Iowa poll puts Sanders within 5-points of Hillary Clinton. "I want to thank the people of Iowa very much for their support," Sanders said.

Sanders Wants To Work Harder For The Senior Vote

Bernie Sanders isn't usually one for public self reflection, so it was noteworthy earlier this month when the Vermont senator candidly admitted he needs to make a change to his campaign.
"We are doing very badly among older people and I want to change that," Sanders said, unprovoked, after a two-day swing through Iowa. "We will change that."

Polls have consistently shown a growing age gap in the fight for the Democratic nomination: Older Democrats have lined up with 68-year old Hillary Clinton, while younger voters are so far choosing to stand behind Sanders, the 74-year old self-described democratic socialist.
Sanders' campaign, at the spurring of the candidate, plans to tackle its age gap in the coming weeks by courting older voters and focusing on issues like Social Security and Medicare.
Jeff Weaver, Sanders' campaign manager, told CNN the campaign will use "every tool of modern campaigning to reach out to older voters." That includes TV and radio advertising aimed squarely at seniors, as well as direct mail campaigns that will largely focus on Sanders' record on prescription drug costs and protecting Medicare.
"It is obvious that older voters need more information about Bernie Sanders, his record and his agenda," Weaver said. "While it is true that many seniors are online, many seniors are also not and this campaign a lot of younger voters have learned about Bernie's campaign on social media and online, so I think it is fair to say that younger voters are more familiar with him."

The Campaigns Race To Outraise Each Other

With the end of the latest fundraising quarter drawing near, the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders played the expectations game Tuesday -- with both camps suggesting the other Democratic hopeful very well might raise more money.
In an email blasted to supporters, Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook, said that Sanders was "on track to outraise us this month" and ominously warned that Clinton "might not have the resources we'll need to really compete" in the first two presidential nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Not long afterward, the Sanders campaign responded with a statement proclaiming "we have no idea if we will raise more money this quarter than the Clinton campaign."
But the campaign's guess: "Probably not."
"While we may or may not raise more money than the Clinton campaign, what is certain is that they will have more total money because they have established super PACs which are raising money from millionaires and billionaires," said the Sanders campaign.

When the Berlin Wall Fell, Bernie Didn’t Respond Like Other Politicians

In November of 1989, as the citizens of East Germany broke through, and then demolished, the Berlin Wall, a 48-year-old socialist in the United States was plotting his next move. After losing a campaign for Vermont’s lone congressional seat in 1988, and choosing not to run for re-election as mayor of Burlington, Vermont, the following year, Bernie Sanders sought shelter, as so many newly unofficed politicians had before him and have since, at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, where he taught a course on third-party politics. The Sanders family settled into a mellow Cambridge routine: While his wife, Jane, took some courses at Harvard, and their children attended the Cambridge public schools, Sanders recalls in his recently reissued 1998 memoir, Outsider in the House, “I went to more football games that fall than I had in 20 years, and became addicted to the cinnamon raisin buns at Au Bon Pain at Harvard Square.”

But the former mayor wasn’t just cooling his heels. In an op-ed he wrote for The Harvard Crimson that month, Sanders wrote that watching the dramatic events unfolding abroad—“glasnost; perestroika; free speech; open parliamentary debate televised before millions of viewers; the beginning of organized political opposition to the Communist Party; mass strikes and demonstrations by workers and ethnic minorities; serious publications dealing honestly with the nation’s sordid history which had been covered up for decades by officials lies”—prompted him to consider the need for something similar to happen at home
 In the Harvard Crimson piece, Sanders suggested “four issues (out of many) at the heart of our existence as a nation which, within the context of an American Glasnost…need to be discussed vigorously…wherever Americans come together.” These are the four questions he raised:
  • Do we need radical changes in our economic system to provide a fairer distribution of wealth and economic decision-making?
  • How do we create a real democracy in which the average citizen has the opportunity to vote in elections in which meaningful choices are presented? Further, how do we create a political climate in which citizens play an active role in the affairs of their community?
  • Do we need a new political party in this country which represents the interests of working people, poor people, minorities, women, environmentalists, peace activists and all people who are not being adequately represented by the Democratic and Republican parties?
  • How can we create a media in this country which allows for a wide diversity of viewpoints, when ownership of the media is currently in the hands of very wealthy and powerful corporations which are primarily concerned with protecting their own economic interests?

The Bernie News Roundup is a voluntary, non-campaign associated roundup of news, media, & other information related to Bernie Sanders' run for President.

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Bernie’s deadpan comedy is classic. Gotta love it!
Mocking Trump is the best way to handle him. It enrages him, and he’s more vulnerable to say something he’ll regret.
Oh...wait. This is Trump we’re talking about here.
He has neither shame nor regrets… Ever.
Dec 23 · 06:08:04 AM

It’s a worthwhile sport.  Although I wonder if that sensation that Trump is feeling is burn (as in STD) or Bern as in “you’re going to lose, sucker!”
Speaking of being schlonged.
Dec 23 · 09:41:31 AM

The best way to handle Trump is to dismiss him.  Touche, Sanders.
Dec 23 · 10:07:27 AM

Sanders’ plan for the banks (as outlined in the NYT piece, which btw should be rescued from the NYT paywall at some point) offers a significant rebuff to those who argue that Sanders “has no plan.”  Oh and as for the Clinton plan, you’ve all seen James Kwak I hope?
Why do politicians persist in thinking they can change the way the world works by forcing regulators to write some more rules and then try to enforce them? What’s needed are structural changes that reduce the sources of risk directly—for example, by breaking up large banks or increasing capital requirements by a factor of three—not more regulatory discretion. Yes, those types of structural changes will be impossible to get through a Republican House, but so will every item on Clinton’s wish list. Change will take years, and it will take leaders who are willing to make the case over the long term.

Clinton’s supporters will argue that their candidate understands what she is up against, and that’s why her strategy is to give incremental powers to regulators and encourage them to use those powers (even if they aren’t actually new). But that was the Obama-Geithner-Summers strategy, and it has had little impact on either the concentration or the mismanagement of the financial system.
And, yes, it’s pretty clear at this point that the “political revolution” will be necessary to provide the traction for even something as quotidian as Clinton’s proposal...
Dec 23 · 06:16:09 AM

Obama had the once in a century opportunity to do structural change, and he walked away from it.   His legacy will be one of failure.

Obama's 2 Mistakes That Lost the Country

Dec 23 · 07:44:29 AM

Excellent David Morris article, thanks, dkmich!
Imo Obama’s greatest victory was beating Hillary Clinton in ‘08, and his greatest mistake was when he brought her (and her whole economic & FP crew) into his administration.
Once that was done his great opportunity to truly transform the country for the better was lost.  But I still wouldn’t call him a failure.
I believe that in the long run the ACA, Iran, Cuba, and beginning the real fight against climate change will stand the test of history, unless Clinton manages to give the Presidency back to the Repubs and all this is lost.
Go Bernie!
Dec 23 · 10:45:10 AM

Excellent article.
Dec 23 · 10:48:53 AM

Thanks for the links — Atlantic piece open reading:
Hillary Clinton’s Weak Plans for Changing Wall Street She’s proposing tweaks when it needs an overhaul.
Wonder if the Bernie website will have the full opinion piece he wrote for NYT.  Expect so.
Thanks again for links
Dec 23 · 09:41:18 AM

Good morning fellow Berners. These articles just keep getting better and better.
Re” Sanders vs. Clinton fundraising numbers 4th qaurter. I read that some Clinton supporters were not giving as much because everyone assumes she will be the nominee, so why bother. They’re saving their money so they can donate it to her after the convention for use in the general election.

Seven other Berners and I went to see The Big Short last night. I’ll be honest — I didn’t always understand the financial terms that were being used, but I certainly got the gist of the money and absolutely hated Wall Street at the end. Some of the good guy characters were quirky, and the movie did a good job of portraying the greed, evil, corrupt side of Wall Street, and there were little vignettes showing what happened to some of their innocnt victims — like a man who was being evicted even though he had faithfully paid his rent, but his landlord had not been paying the mortgage. Some of the characters who were in lending bragged about making loans to immigrants, people with a limited education, etc, that didn’t really know what they were getting into all so the lenders could keep making loans and keep making money..

The music was a little loud in some places (for me) but all in all I liked it and urge everyone to go see it. If nothing else, it captures the arrogance and greed of Wall Street and made me really understand why Bernie hates them so much.

Less Trump, more Bernie
Ashland Daily Tidings LTE — Ashland, Oregon
Please increase the coverage of Bernie Sanders and decrease the coverage of Trump.
Doing a search on the Daily Tidings website over the past three months returns three times the amount of articles for Trump; why is that?
We get it already, Trump is a straight-up racist whose only goal seems to be dividing the citizens of our country.
Bernie on the other hand is actually talking about trying to improve the quality of life of everyone in our country, not just the 0.01 percent.
Dec 23 · 06:50:26 AM

It works both ways, I had given Bernie around $100 but stopped because I didn’t see the progress needed to make me think it was a good investment, though I did kick in some more after DWS shut him off.
Without being negative at the personal level, you can still go “negative” on policy positions, that is what an election is about… and he just hadn’t been doing it.  He also for the longest time even when invited, wasn’t explaining socialism and in our country its a dirty word… then he finally gave a big speech on it, during the middle of the Paris attack coverage so it didn’t get covered…  Missed opportunities….  Its the one thing Trump understands, you have to generate your coverage.  I wouldn’t want Bernie to do it the way Trump does, but when the media is giving you attention, use it…. if you do things on a rigid schedule at your own pace, you risk getting passed by with the day’s events when you expected to get your coverage…. *end rant*
Dec 23 · 10:24:46 AM
Recommended 0 times

I have mainly seen you critique Sanders on this site, FWIW.

How many people, at the start of this race, expected to see this on December 22?
Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook, said that Sanders was "on track to outraise us this month" and ominously warned that Clinton "might not have the resources we'll need to really compete" in the first two presidential nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Attention “inevitability” believers, Mook is managing expectations. It’s time for you to start doing the same — especially when you look in the mirror.
Dec 23 · 06:50:41 AM

In an article yesterday, I read that Bernie has said he has almost 1M donors now.
Dec 23 · 07:55:54 AM


“We’re gonna have some fun...”
This is a great time to transition to ‘happy warrior’. There’s are many things to be angry about, but the progress of Bernie’s campaign is not one of them, and campaigners looking happy tends to be perceived as confidence, energize supporters, and attract more.
Dec 23 · 06:54:29 AM


  • While little more than a third of respondents (36 percent) could name all three branches of the U.S. government, just as many (35 percent) could not name a single one.

The effects of decline in education and corporate media and drown government in the bathtub
It has worked
An important role is Educator in Chief and our role in the Bernie Movement is education
PHILADELPHIA – Americans show great uncertainty when it comes to answering basic questions about how their government works, a national survey conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania has found.
The survey of 1,416 adults, released for Constitution Day (Sept. 17) in conjunction with the launch of the Civics Renewal Network, found that:
  • While little more than a third of respondents (36 percent) could name all three branches of the U.S. government, just as many (35 percent) could not name a single one.
  • Just over a quarter of Americans (27 percent) know it takes a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate to override a presidential veto.
  • One in five Americans (21 percent) incorrectly thinks that a 5-4 Supreme Court decision is sent back to Congress for reconsideration.
“Although surveys reflect disapproval of the way Congress, the President and the Supreme Court are conducting their affairs, the Annenberg survey demonstrates that many know surprisingly little about these branches of government,” said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC). “This survey offers dramatic evidence of the need for more and better civics education.”
Dec 23 · 06:54:53 AM

Something like 70%+/- of Americans don’t even know the name of their own congresscritters!
Dec 23 · 07:00:09 AM

Interesting, I just realized I don’t know the name of my congressman…  I had to think about it for a few seconds, then remembered the a-hole’s name….  I hate living in a republican leaning district, though, its not as bad as living a few more miles north…. then I would have been in the district that elected Michelle Bachmann.
Dec 23 · 10:27:46 AM

Took me a while to get used to having Mike Honda as my Congressperson, after being redistricted out of Anna Eshoo’s. (I think we’ll have Zoe Lofgren if our move to the Willow Glen area of San Jose goes through.)
Nice to be in the 30% bracket. :-)
Dec 23 · 10:35:56 AM

about the same percentage that believe that angels are real...
Dec 23 · 12:11:25 PM

Working hard on passing that important information onto a bunch of third graders. :)
Dec 23 · 07:00:17 AM

I have been hollering, writing, and just generally raising cain about this very subject for like, forever! It’s an old formula that has been used for centuries. It is how you turn people into serfs, wage slaves, whatever term you wish to use. IT WORKS. It really got cranked up under Rayguns. You don’t want people to be educated. Why? Cos they will start thinking for themselves; and god forbid, the lords/plantation owners are scared shitless of that very thing. That’s why our public education system has been systematically destroyed over the last 35-40 years.
Dec 23 · 11:09:25 AM

It's also why it used to be illegal in some places to teach slaves how to read.

And this is why Republicans win. They argue with feelings. We use facts. That 75% of people don't know about.
Dec 23 · 02:19:57 PM


Bernie’s environmental platform revealed in Paris at COP 21

I heard Bernie introduce environmental legislation in the Senate within the last 2 weeks. It was one of the strongest environmental statements from any politician.
I didn’t realize that his platform was distributed at COP 21, probably only to the protesters.
This article does a good job of describing Bernie’s platform. It begins in the first paragraph by pointing out which words were edited out of the final agreement for COP 21
My comment above is that 1/3 of Americans cannot name all branches of government means that probably almost NO Americans know Bernie’s environmental platform
You will benefit from reading the article
In the thirty-one pages of the Paris Agreement, the landmark climate accord signed on December 12 by 196 countries, two words are conspicuously absent: fossil fuels. Nor does the document, heralded in the Guardian as signaling the “end of the fossil fuel era,” make any mention of coal, oil, or natural gas. Only once, in the preamble, does it mention renewable energy. The commitments are not only unenforceable, as widely noted, but perilously abstract.
Next to the Paris Agreement, Bernie Sanders’s environmental platform, “People Before Polluters,” is a breath of fresh air. The Sanders campaign’s climate action plan was released to little fanfare during COP21 and has largely continued to elude public attention. (During the third Democratic primary debate, which aired quietly on Saturday night, ABC News moderators failed to ask a single question about climate change, and Sanders alluded to it only in passing.)
The priority of People Before Polluters, as the title suggests, is to call out the polluters that the Paris Agreement so carefully tiptoes around. “Let’s be clear,” Sanders’s platform reads, “the reason we haven’t solved climate change isn’t because we aren’t doing our part, it’s because a small subsection of the one percent are hell-bent on doing everything in their power to block action.” The plan’s first policy goal? “Reclaim our democracy from the billionaire fossil fuel lobby.” To this end, Sanders calls for the Department of Justice to investigate Exxon for covering up its own research into climate change; for an overturning of Citizens United; and for banning fossil fuel lobbyists from the White House.
“People Before Polluters” further calls for an outright ban on fracking, mountaintop removal coal mining, offshore and Arctic oil drilling, and extraction on public lands. In their place, Sanders envisions major public investment in renewable technologies, bolstered by a carbon tax and the repeal of fossil fuel subsidies. Altogether, his plan aims to cut pollution 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2030 and 80 percent by 2050.
Dec 23 · 06:59:55 AM

Hurricane Katrina finally awoke the American public to the danger of climate change and the incompetence of the George W. Bush presidency. The heat waves and droughts in Texas and the West coast over the last few years and super-hurricane Sandy have now awakened many to the effects of climate change. At some point there will another weather disaster that will awaken even more people. At that time, we need to be ready to publicize Bernie’s plan for addressing climate change. The tornados we are likely to see today around Memphis and the balmy 72 degree weather will be felt in New York and Washington, DC on Christmas day could be a time to do that.
Dec 23 · 11:01:20 AM

Bill Moyers
The Plutocrats Are Winning. Don’t Let Them!
The vast inequality they are creating is a death sentence for government by consent of the people. This is the fight of our lives and how it ends is up to us.
Dear Readers:
In the fall of 2001, in the aftermath of 9/11, as families grieved and the nation mourned, Washington swarmed with locusts of the human kind: wartime opportunists, lobbyists, lawyers, ex-members of Congress, bagmen for big donors: all of them determined to grab what they could for their corporate clients and rich donors while no one was looking.
Across the land, the faces of Americans of every stripe were stained with tears. Here in New York, we still were attending memorial services for our firemen and police. But in the nation’s capital, within sight of a smoldering Pentagon that had been struck by one of the hijacked planes, the predator class was hard at work pursuing private plunder at public expense, gold-diggers in the ashes of tragedy exploiting our fear, sorrow, and loss.
What did they want? The usual: tax cuts for the wealthy and big breaks for corporations. They even made an effort to repeal the alternative minimum tax that for fifteen years had prevented companies from taking so many credits and deductions that they owed little if any taxes. And it wasn’t only repeal the mercenaries sought; they wanted those corporations to get back all the minimum tax they had ever been assessed.
Dec 23 · 07:02:53 AM

Thank you Don, I hope all will read the entire Bill Moyers letter.  Wish he were still on PBS, and interviewing Bernie.  Powerful, powerful voice.
Dec 23 · 09:51:19 AM

Don — thank you again, and you beat Bill Moyers to the rec list :)  Such an inspiring voice. Lovely to read it first here on BNR.
Dec 23 · 10:27:16 AM

Love, love, love Bill Moyers!
Dec 23 · 11:28:31 AM

Sanders Challenges Neoliberal Stranglehold with Call for Free Higher Education
This campaign, and the broader movement it is helping to galvanize, has the potential to shift the terms of political debate from privileging Wall Street’s interests to concentrating the demands of working and middle-class people
The recent New York Times op-ed by N. Gregory Mankiw, "Three Reasons for Those Hefty College Tuition Bills," is pure ideological huffing and puffing of the sort we'd expect from a former chair of George W. Bush’s  Council of Economic Advisors. It's just a bushel of the same old free-market shibboleths typically invoked to dismiss out of hand any position that doesn't comport with the market fundamentalist perspective on the world.
Dec 23 · 07:04:27 AM

Socialism: The Most-Searched Term in 2015
Bernie Sanders describes himself as a democratic socialist, astounding for a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. Whatever the reasons, the socialist is highly popular with Democrats, giving Hillary Clinton a run for the 2016 nomination.
Sanders is hardly a typical party partisan. When Vermont elected the former mayor of Burlington to the U.S. Senate, Sanders sat as an independent socialist, not as a Democrat.
Sanders' support has grown strong despite weak media coverage. By most counts, he is more popular with Americans than the widely covered Republican aspirant to the same exalted position, Donald Trump, while running in a virtual media blackout.
Even the Democratic National Committee seems determined to keep Sanders from connecting with the voting public, scheduling candidate TV debates for times when few Americans are available to watch them.
When Sanders set out his socialist creed in a speech at Georgetown University, it got little coverage in the U.S. Granted, it takes a few minutes to read; and U.S. editors do not assign political thought pieces to reporters.
Dec 23 · 07:05:45 AM

Democratic — by the people
Socialist — for the people
Bernie Sanders — of the people
Dec 23 · 11:05:55 AM

Great bumper sticker or pin or t-shirt! You ought to create one at CafePress and we’ll all go buy one.

For U.S., it's still about the lesser of two evils
The Denver Post Opinion Piece — Denver, Colorado (bolding mine)
When debating her Democratic rivals about Syria, and whether the United States should be battling the barbaric Islamic State or the brutal President Bashar al-Assad or both, Hillary Clinton said last Saturday night, "I wish it could be either-or."
Mrs. Clinton, it could be. What's more, it has to be. And the reason came from the candidate whose prescriptions sometimes are more quixotic than practical, Sen. Bernie Sanders, who put it in the starkest of terms: "It is not Assad who is attacking the United States."
What Sanders was saying was, let's get real. Yes, Assad indiscriminately kills his own citizens without losing a night's sleep — a quarter million and counting, by Clinton's accurate account — but as atrocious as that is, it is not a direct threat to our own security. As we saw in San Bernardino and will likely see again, the Islamic State is. Put in my own stark terms, Assad is out to get his own people; the Islamic State is out to get us.
So we turn the other cheek. We have to. It's still about the lesser of two evils. Whoever becomes president needs to see the world this way. There is no choice.
Dec 23 · 07:06:47 AM

Bernie did a heck of a lot better on the foreign policy front in this debate, IMO. He seems to be finding his stance and getting more comfortable with the issues, in a place HRC has dominated in some people’s minds.
Coming out of a phone bank on Monday night, I was getting a bunch of yard signs out of the field organizer’s car when I was approached by a woman who saw me unloading them. She pointed to the signs and said she loved everything about Bernie, but was worried he didn’t have the “expertise” in foreign policy.
I remembered your comment last week LSM, and asked if she would prefer “judgment or expertise”. It stopped her cold and she said “you know you’re right! I hadn’t thought of it like that.” We continued briefly and I ended with “He’s a good man”, to which she responded “Yes he is”. I think the argument may have tipped her from the lean Bernie to strong Bernie camp.
Thanks for the idea, Mike. It is a very powerful one.
Dec 23 · 10:12:37 AM

Corporate media’s Sanders blackout LTE — Lancaster, Pennsylvania
It is apparent to anyone who watches TV evening news that there is, as the Sanders campaign alleges, a “Bernie blackout” by the corporate media and their local affiliates, among them WGAL. While Sanders is mentioned in passing, there are vastly more stand-alone network reports on the Trump and Clinton campaigns than on his news conferences or his rallies, which have drawn tens of thousands of people and whose grassroots, small-donor contributions have raised many millions of dollars.
Every time Donald Trump says something outrageous or Hillary Clinton tweets or utters a sound-bite policy statement it is “news,” while Sanders’ substantive, issues-oriented campaign is largely ignored or given short shrift.
The recent Tyndall Report documents that, in 2015 through Nov. 30, Trump got 234 minutes on network evening news while Sanders got a combined total of 10 minutes from CBS, NBC and ABC, even though Sanders’ primary poll numbers show the same level of voter support as Trump’s, and polls matching the two in the general election have Sanders winning. Clearly, the major networks, including CNN and PBS, are about as “fair and balanced” as Fox News. Media bias against Sanders confirms his claim that billionaires and corporations control our politics and government.
Clinton is the candidate of choice for corporate media, who are doing their best to silence Sanders. However, his message resonates with voters disaffected with establishment politics, making him a greater threat to a Republican candidate than Clinton, who is mistrusted by many independents and Democrats.
Dec 23 · 07:13:53 AM

What a great letter.

DNC isn’t giving Sanders a fair chance to compete
The Buffalo News LTE — Buffalo, New York
Remember 2007, when Hillary Clinton was the candidate everyone was voting for? Then came Barack Obama, who galvanized and excited voters, who empowered them and made it known that they hold the power. Today we are at the same turn in the road with Bernie Sanders and Clinton. She is the establishment candidate and the Democratic National Committee is doing all it can to favor her – and it’s DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s fault; she worked on Clinton’s 2007 campaign.
The policies Sanders is pushing are Medicaid for all, universal child care, tuition-free higher education, paid family leave, cutting defense subsidies, taxing Wall Street speculation, raising the top tax rate while closing loopholes and going after tax havens that allow the 1 percent to dodge billions in American taxes. All that money could help us fund the things we know we should have in the “richest country in the history of the world.” It’s time for the 1 percent to pay for the economy they ruined. Those policies are popular with most Americans and help us save trillions of dollars.
Clinton would be more of the same, and I despise it. We are at the precipice of voting for another FDR who would put forth not a New Deal, but a Fair Deal. It’s up to us to make sure Sanders gets that chance. After Election Day, the real work starts and he needs us to help him see it through. Sanders 2016!
Dec 23 · 07:22:40 AM

Note that the writer said they despise “it”, not ‘her’. We don’t hate Hillary, we hate the fact that she would be “more of the same”!
“Clinton would be more of the same, and I despise it.”
Dec 23 · 08:52:55 AM

More from Bernie’s Op-Ed:
… the Fed must stop providing incentives for banks to keep money out of the economy. Since 2008, the Fed has been paying financial institutions interest on excess reserves parked at the central bank — reserves that have grown to an unprecedented $2.4 trillion. That is insane. Instead of paying banks interest on these reserves, the Fed should charge them a fee that would be used to provide direct loans to small businesses.
Dec 23 · 07:28:28 AM

This is a wonderful BNR. Thank you so much, and best wishes for the holiday season.
Dec 23 · 07:37:12 AM

Voters are Bernie Sanders' electability problem
Cleveland Plain Dealer LTE — Cleveland, Ohio (bolding mine)
When I first started hearing about Bernie Sanders, I was intrigued but ultimately knew he was unelectable as the Democratic nominee. I mean, he's a socialist; people aren't going to go for that. But then I learned a little more about him. Turns out, he's not a socialist. He's just a guy who cares deeply about the poor, the environment, the economy, changing the corrupt political system and the disappearing middle class, among other things.
Lately, he's been picking up huge endorsements left and right, breaking campaign contribution records and gaining ground in key early primary states. Yet I still hear over and over he is not electable. In fact, polls show even though people like Bernie more, agree more with his policies and find him to be more honest and trustworthy, they are still more willing to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is "more electable." Did you know in recent polling, Bernie has a better chance against the top Republican candidates than Hillary does?
In order to be elected, Bernie Sanders needs the vote. Your vote. Bernie Sanders has an electability problem alright, and it's you.
Dec 23 · 07:40:52 AM

CLE liberal Dems telling it like it is. They get to the point.  Vote Bernie!
Dec 23 · 09:15:52 AM

Okay, that sentence is awesome. I bet some people react to it as well.
Dec 23 · 02:24:29 PM

Just donated again
In addition to my monthly contributions
Go Bernie!
Dec 23 · 07:55:10 AM

Just this morning I noticed the new slogan “A Future to Believe In” in the photos above. Personally I don’t think it’s a good one and is too close to the Obama tagline, Change You Can Believe In (if I remember correctly).
I would favor Enough is Enough, but what do I know. Anyone have a different opinion or another favorite?
Dec 23 · 08:00:18 AM

I like the new slogan. It’s very positive.
Dec 23 · 08:56:58 AM

I agree. It also appeals to the young people, the Bernster’s greatest strength.
Dec 23 · 12:17:05 PM

I like it, unfortunately for very cynical reasons: it's a lot less scary-sounding (to most people) than”revolution”.  And if you notice, the graphics (typeface, color, etc). are also very reminiscent of Obama’s, which were, um, revolutionary in 2007. I wonder if they hired some design vets of the Obama campaign.
Dec 23 · 12:51:38 PM

I guess that’s what bothered me about it — too reminiscent of Obama. Why remind people of him? OTO, I like Mark’s “Make Change Happen”.
Dec 23 · 05:14:47 PM

I like “Make Change Happen,” or some variation thereof.
But that’s just me.
Dec 23 · 04:38:05 PM

I like that very much. But I think the present one, and the visuals, was specifically chosen to appeal to people who supported Obama, and who still approve of his job performance.
Dec 23 · 09:53:24 PM
Recommended 0 times

Who moved my cheese?!?
Okay found the rec button so T&R’d.  Good stuff, thanks LD.
Dec 23 · 08:02:34 AM

Oh, c’mon it’s good! And so is the nice new left margin, and the lines between comments. I’m hoping that the one-letter columns in blockquotes over on the right margin are history, too.
Dec 23 · 08:29:06 AM

I’m still looking! Can you help a fellow Berner out? :-)
Dec 23 · 11:03:17 AM

Look for the orange box on the top and left. Inside is a tiny star just like the tiny star at the end of comments. Click on that.
Dec 23 · 11:15:43 AM

Thanks, RN. I don’t seem to have that. I’ll give it a go in Safari and see what happens!
Dec 23 · 11:47:59 AM

It's very very tiny for me. I just look for the Facebook and Twitter boxes and right before them is a recommend box with a tiny star.
Dec 23 · 12:14:14 PM

It’s weird; I can see all of those boxes on Safari, but can’t click on them. I can’t see them at all on Firefox. I guess I’ll try Chrome. Maybe I have an issue with my ad blocker or something ...
Dec 23 · 12:40:58 PM

Fresh cookies?
I’ve had to delete stale cookies in between DK5 updates, log out and start again with an empty cache, that works for me on all devices. HTH
Dec 23 · 01:04:48 PM

Just tried all of that, too. I think I’ll give up for today. Thanks, all, for the help! And LD, I’ve “rec’d” in my heart!
Dec 23 · 02:12:40 PM

Disable https everywhere extension on DailyKos
For now it is problematic I think.
Dec 23 · 02:30:58 PM

Thank you!
I have been unable to tip diaries since the last change. Just emptied the cache and like magic — the little star appeared in the tip jar and I was able to give LD his well-deserved tip.
Dec 24 · 12:06:38 AM

I see no orange box.  This is what I see in the upper left:

Win7/Firefox 43.0.1/AdBlockPlus/HTTPS-Everywhere
I saw downthread about deleting cookies — deleted all kos cookies.  No change.  Any suggestions?
PS This started happening yesterday at the same time the formatting of the diaries changed.
any help would be appreciated.  I could not even find at the help desk where to open a problem ticket }:-(

Try disabling HTTPS-Everywhere
Sorry, I answered wrong comment above. Time for a break. :)
Dec 23 · 02:32:01 PM

Ahh, AdBlockPlus takes it out.
And on FF it is to the right.

 Click on ABP icon, choose “Open Blockable Items” or hit control-shift-v, find then right click and choose Disable Filter.  Recommend button returns!

I very rarely reply to my own comments, and here I’m doin’ it twice!?
The recommend button is on the right near the diary’s title, and on the left just above where the comments start.

I’m using AdBlockPlus on Safari on a Mac and everything shows up fine for me.

Sanders’ issues
Lawrence Journal World LTE — Lawrence, Kansas
Kevin Groenhagen’s misinformation (Public Forum, Dec. 17) about both the Democratic Socialists of America and Bernie Sanders supporters needs a corrective analysis. He sets up two straw-men arguments which he then uses to berate Sanders supporters by claiming that “likely a large percentage” of the supporters hold these views. What he is really saying is, “I made this up.”
As an active Sanders supporter, I can assure Kevin we don’t talk about Marx or the DSA. Bernie isn’t and hasn’t been a member of the DSA. What do we talk about? Racial justice, immigrant rights, equitable and free public education, minimum wage, economic inequality, declining living standards for all but the 1 percent, bipartisan corporate control of legislative bodies, the abuse of the tax code by corporate interests to enrich themselves, the militarization of the police, an increasingly polluted biosphere, single-payer health care and free universal child care among other topics.
These matters have been taken up by millions of Bernie supporters. This is massive disaffiliation from the senseless nihilism of oligarchic spokespersons promoting a commercial and predatory society.
Do these issues which call for a fundamental change in the quality of life depend on Marx’s “Das Kapital”?  More likely it comes from an increasing demand for societal democratization. So, Kevin, would you like me to bring you a Bernie bumper sticker?
Dec 23 · 08:12:11 AM

Dems Sideline Bernie
Boston Herald LTE — Boston, Massachussets
The presidential campaign is viewed as entertainment by the national media, and a way of getting ratings political shows seldom get (Dec. 18). Donald Trump, the centerpiece, is a master showman and the media are his willing lapdogs. He is on TV, radio and in the news every day without paying a dime.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders, a serious candidate who offers well-thought-out options for us as a country, is too often ignored. The Democrat establishment wants Hillary Clinton, so the party has limited the number of debates and offered one of them on the Saturday before Christmas.
Even still, Sanders’ appearances continue to attract large audiences. He is obviously making an impact — when he is actually heard.
Dec 23 · 08:12:40 AM

I don’t get here every day, and when I do it’s usually just read, tip & rec, so I wanted to take a minute to thank you, LD, for this excellent news summary. I never want to take your work for granted. And happy holidays to you!
Dec 23 · 08:26:43 AM

Current Facebook stats: as of 7:35 a.m. CST
Bernie2016/Hillary2016/Senator Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders 2,223,564 - Presidential Campaign Page
Hillary Clinton 2,054,770 - Presidential Campaign Page
Bernie Sanders 2,695,563- U.S. Senate Page
Note: I eliminated the link to compare tweets ( because it was owned by Apple and Apple has shut it down as of 12/15/2015
As I write this at 7:35 a.m., it’s already 66 degrees here in Austin with a high expected of 78. Christmas Day, the low is expected to be 68 with a high of 80! It sure doesn’t seem like the Christmas season here.
Even though I’m leaving for Dallas in a less than two hours, I’ll be with you all in spirit. It doesn’t matter whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Festivus — have a happy one!
I’ll leave you with a short (2:40) Christmas song from one of our local artists here in Austin, with some images from the city I’ve called home for the past 33 years.
 2016 will be the best year ever. Go Bernie!
Dec 23 · 08:40:16 AM

Happy Holidays Bernie supporters, a lot to be happy and proud of this year. Looking forward to finishing up primary season but I wanted to drop in and say I love today’s BNR. Good luck and take care everyone!
Dec 23 · 08:48:56 AM

Happy Holidays to you, too!
Dec 23 · 12:16:02 PM

I don’t agree with Bernie on continuing ZIRP.   Seven years of zero interest rates had plenty of noxious side effects that hurt ordinary people and exacerbated income inequality.   The fed funds rate is only at 0.25% today, which is still an historic low rate.
Dec 23 · 08:51:44 AM

Even 0.25% will raise interest rates for mortgages, car loans, credit cards, and student loans which hurt ordinary people. And raising interest rates helps mostly the big banks. Until the recession is over (everyone who wants a job is working and inflation is rising), the Fed should hold interest rates at zero and Congress should stimulate the economy. If we elect Bernie and a progressive Congress, then we’ll get that.

Occupy the Rose Parade media
That guy is great! Very creative (and thrifty) injecting the Bern in every TV shot, no matter the where or what. Solidarity with my brothers and sisters to the south, take back the airwaves, take back our public space! Go Bernie
Dec 23 · 09:06:38 AM

And happy.  Bernie supporters seem to be happy people.
Dec 23 · 10:04:38 AM

Council Bluffs clip:—363304361.html
Does anyone have a clip of him taking down trump over Clinton’s visit to the restroom?  I think the internet needs to see that.  On repeat.
Dec 23 · 09:43:07 AM

Bernie's raising more than Clinton? And with much greater numbers of small donors? How dare the little people try to fight back.
Dec 23 · 09:51:08 AM

How so?  After watching the bathroom break clip of Bernie,  a Trump commercial came up.  Selling Trump steaks.   Very interesting indeed.   😳  Go Bernie
Dec 23 · 10:01:51 AM

Good morning, Liepar.  Another great BNR.
back to work
Dec 23 · 10:05:33 AM

The financial sector bailouts did nothing but prop-up a fraudulent system, in which commercial/investment banks can continue underwrite themselves by making loans (which were once considered unsecured) to the same entities/interests in which they're invested, then sell those stocks/securities (or derivatives thereof) to unsuspecting customers. It will all work just fine until we experience another general-economic downturn, producing mass sell-offs, the bottom falling out of the market again, followed by Wall Street banksters making runs on the Fed squealing "We're too big to fail", producing bailouts which allow them to walk away with trillions while the global economy is crashed and remains drained. The entire global financial system continues to be one giant deregulated fundamental-free commercial/investment speculative bubble. But who needs market fundamentals, full employment, disposable-income, consumer purchasing-power or anything "real" (or even a general economy) when banksters can speculate in the stratosphere and remain too big to fail?
Dec 23 · 10:07:55 AM

Data breach opinion
I just waded through Thorn’s diary from yesterday, couldn’t make it through every comment but wow. Let’s not fight.
I think Bernie recognizes a weakness about data security in the General, and he has opportunity to rip that scab off now, to give time to heal properly on our side. Think about how many “data breaches” have occurred under Obama, under Democratic majority, it’s a poop-ton excuse my language. One of them was the OMB, hello?!
BEIJING — China accused the United States of making "groundless accusations" and being "irresponsible" Friday in blaming Chinese hackers for a vast data breach that could be the biggest cyberattack in U.S. history.
Four million federal workers may have had their personal information compromised in the attack, which officials said could affect every agency of the U.S. government.
U.S. officials and lawmakers identified the likely culprit as China, which has been suspected of involvement in previous government hacks.
And if the nominee is Clinton then festering emails will fill the echo chamber again, and possibly give a right-wing fascist the unthinkable upper hand. Imagine that. Bernie is showing what a better Democrat looks like, what should happen if a mistake is made, and then how to move aggressively forward from it. Go Bernie
Dec 23 · 10:22:10 AM

Hi LieparDestin, while I do try to rec your diary everyday, I don’t often comment.
But please know that I very much appreciate all the time and hard work that you put into this news round-up every day.
 You do Great Work! Thank-you.
& Solidarity,
Dec 23 · 10:38:44 AM

Off-topic, but I can’t seem to “rec” any diaries today — the option doesn’t show up. (I’m using Firefox on Mac, but this hasn’t been a problem before). Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
(Now, off to read the comments!)
Dec 23 · 10:42:23 AM

Look for the orange box on the top and left of the diary. Inside is a tiny star just like the tiny star at the end of comments. Click on that.
Dec 23 · 11:25:32 AM

Eagles92: RandomN is correct. I’m on a Mac Mini using Firefox, too. You’ll see that orange ‘Recommend’ box. Click on the enclosed little star. You’ll then see briefly a list of the gang who has rec’ed. Your name will be on it. Hope it helps.
LD: east central Florida/Orlando Bernster update
We held a Debate Watch Party Saturday night at one of the larger sports bars a lot of young folks frequent. Had a good 50 or so people crammed into a small private room. Tried to get pics, but no way. Dark outside, dim lighting in the room. IPhone cameras no like. There was a guy and his sister seated next to me. He was a freelance writer who wanted to interview some of the people there after the debate. His sister was with him. She liked tRump, but she paid very careful attention to the TV. She told me she liked Bernie, too. Felt he was authentic. I’ve been getting a lot of that talk around here lately. I left when the debate ended. However, you could feel the energized buzz in the room. I like O’Malley even though he’s too conservative for my taste. I just don’t like HRC. There is something, a coldly calculating air she has, that turns me right off. The Bernster was his usual genuine, intelligent self. He is definitely doing his homework on foreign affairs. Last night (Tuesday) I was with the usual crowd of Berniacs manning a table in front of a bar about a 5-10 minute walk from my house. It was a “Tasty Tuesday” night in the “Milk District.” Several food trucks show up in an open parking area behind several bars. The food is decent considering the source. Young people love this stuff as I’m sure some of the faithful on here know. :-) We had some action. Sold some bumper stickers, helped with GOTV, answered questions, etc. The regulars are beginning to remember us. The guy who owns the bar where we have our table has already told us he’s cool with our having that spot for as long as we need it. Good one! I worked with 3 young Berniacs. One is the proud father of 14-month-old twins (they are adorable). He told me emphatically that he is working for the Bernster cos he wants his kids to have a decent future. The other two are married, no kids. They echoed him. Believe me, these young people are VERY AWARE of what is going down around them. They don’t like it and are continuing to organize like there’s no tomorrow---there may not be one for them. Very sobering thought.
Before I close, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Pre Christmas Eve. :-) Hubby is working so it will be a quiet Christmas dinner with our Dobes. I’ll be checking the BNR daily. You Bernster brethren who are traveling take care and stay safe!
President Sanders—2016!!
All We Want For Christmas!!
Dec 23 · 01:28:11 PM

Happy pre-Christmas Eve to you, too … and all our fellow Bernsters! We’re traveling later this afternoon and will be spending good quality time with family (I have my Bernie talking points all lined up)! I may not be around much here, but will pop in when I can, if only to lurk quickly between visits. If I don’t “see” you before Monday, enjoy the holidays and GO BERNIE!!!
Dec 23 · 02:17:03 PM

Also, re: coldly calculating. Have you seen the whole “7 ways Hillary Clinton is just like your abuela" fiasco? Manufactured ‘authenticity’ at its worst. Fortunately Twitter was ready with a smackdown: #NotMyAbuela.
Dec 23 · 02:20:57 PM

 See :5 Ways Sanders Is Gaining Ground as the Primaries Begin
As Clinton said in her fundraising e-mail after Saturday’s debate, nothing’s for certain. If anything, Sanders may be well on his way to raising Obama’s 2008 ghost in Iowa.
Dec 23 · 11:07:12 AM

Photo Gallery Second 100 days of Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign
Be sure to visit the link from the tweet LD posted. Outstanding pictures of Bernie on the campaign trail.
Dec 23 · 11:12:23 AM

Caroling for Bernie 
Dec 23 · 11:42:39 AM

Definition of decency=Bernie.   Now calling out Trump’s disgusting attacks on Hillary/women.
Dec 23 · 12:17:46 PM

Bernie Samders is on fire!!!!! I saw a tweet from his Iowa visit yesterday!  So many people in a packed room in friggin’ campaign-weary Iowa!!! I think the Iowans are going to do it for us.  They will DELIVER.
Dec 23 · 12:30:45 PM

Has anyone else lost the diary “recommend” button.  Yesterday the formatting changed (comments shifted to left justified) and the diary recommend button disappeared.  I can not find the place at the help desk to open a new issue and ask what’s going on.  I logged out and back in — no change.
Dec 23 · 01:21:20 PM

GLS: check out RandomNonviolence’s advice to Eagles92 listed above. Hope it helps.
Dec 23 · 01:31:13 PM

I hope the suggestions work for you — no dice on my end. Hopefully it’s a random bug that the staff is working on as we type!
Dec 23 · 02:13:36 PM

Morning Sentinel LTE — Waterville, Maine
I was very upset on returning home from work to find news of the Democratic National Committee’s decision to cut off the Sanders campaign’s access to its voter data. After signing a few petitions and contacting my Democratic representative, I continued researching the reports to get more details and ran across an article explaining what happened from the point of view of the campaign operative who was fired.
I listened to Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s version of events (likening it to a person walking into someone’s home because the door wasn’t locked and taking things). But that doesn’t sound like what he was doing to me. It sounds more like he was trying to understand what was going on. In these situations (data breaches and reports of suspicious activity), a certain amount of research is required to assess the scope of the problem. As a programmer myself, I often am called upon to investigate unexpected behavior of our data.
From Josh Uretzky’s statement, I infer that he was just a pawn in this chess game; I would love to hear another computer professional’s opinion about his actions. I understand why the Sanders campaign felt they had to fire him, but he may have been just an innocent victim of circumstances here.

Ironically, this is exactly the kind of dirty tricks Bernie’s campaign is trying to fight. It’s one of the reasons I support him. I hope over time that an independent investigation of the way the Democratic National Committee is managing this data will shed more light on what actually happened, even if we never know precisely why it happened.
Dec 23 · 02:33:26 PM

Bernie is a real American legislator in congress that has been working hard for all Americans for a long time.  One of the few people in our legislature that has not been afraid to take on Wall Street, huge corporations and the rich.  I really like what he has said about Wall Street.
Dec 23 · 03:19:20 PM

I’d rather see him camped out in Iowa right now than going to Chicago, but that’s just me. He has a shot in Iowa. It’s in range. But he’ll need to secure it by meeting people on the ground there: they expect it.
I’m glad that he’s tackling racial justice, however, since I have been an activist involved in law enforcement oversight for over a decade. Still, I want him to win this election.
Gearing up here to phone bank after the recommended Jan. 4th date. I’ve created my phone banking account and reviewed the script/options. Eager to do that.
Tipped & rec’d as always for a great daily roundup!
Dec 23 · 03:20:25 PM

Check out reddit today
Hotline Bling
Phone Banking 202: Introducing the BERNIE DIALER. Our auto-dial software is a complete game changer - This call tool connects callers to voters automatically and will amplify our time and energy by a magnitude of 10 [...]
Bernie has inspired SO MANY VOLUNTEERS that is has been literally impossible to even contact them all, and it is essential to begin to involve them in their local communities to create ACTION. Volunteer calls build our movement, even if we just leave a voicemail telling them to visit /u/rcasmap. Connecting "vols" across the political spectrum is essential for this movement to begin to understand who we really are. We don’t know yet! And we learn that by talking to each other and building relationships.
Woo hoo! And they’re excited about positive coverage on CNN because Western Illinois University Predicts a Bernie Sanders Victory in 2016.
Fun! :-D
Dec 23 · 03:37:55 PM

Lots of good comments here in this thread which I would dearly love to recommend but our crazy “New & Improved” website won’t let me because it says they are “too old.” How dumb is that?! Why oh why, with the importance of 2016 looming large, did DK shoot themselves in the foot with this folly? Incomprehensible.
Dec 23 · 04:34:28 PM

Should have had a major campaign for young people to talk to their parents and grandparents about Sanders when families are together for the holidays.
The campaign could still send an email to young supporters with talking points summarizing why Sanders is great for older voters. Medicare for all, to take one example, strengthens Medicare financially and politically by bringing younger, healthier people into the pool.
Read Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth 

REBUTTAL: Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of Capitalism and Vicar of Vatican Empire akaVatican Mammon Evil Beast that exploits the poor. 
Read our related article, Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor


REBUTTAL: Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of Capitalism and Vicar of Vatican Empire akaVatican Mammon Evil Beast that exploits the poor. 
Read our related article, Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor


REBUTTAL: New York Times, Gotham & L.A. Critics awards, ‘Spotlight’ reviews by 160 Americans journalists. (FYI today’s journalists write for money, for their capitalist boss’ agenda, for ratings)  

We're gonna have some fun, we're gonna make a political revolution, we're gonna transform America. Other than that, not much. Watch Cornel West give a fiery introduction:


WATCH Bernie Sanders speak TRUTH -- 

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are for Wall Street

Press Release

Trump Lies, Lies and Lies Again

KEOKUK, Iowa – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement on Wednesday after Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, in a speech in Hilton Head, South Carolina, accused Sanders of wanting to raise tax rates to 90 percent:

“It appears that Donald Trump, a pathological liar, simply cannot control himself. He lies, lies and lies again. Today, he repeated his lie that I want to raise taxes to 90 percent. Totally untrue. And PolitiFact gave Trump’s same statement last October a ‘Pants-on-Fire’ rating.

“What is true is that at a time of massive income and wealth inequality billionaires like Trump should pay their fair share of taxes. Unlike Trump, who wants to give huge tax breaks to his fellow billionaires and large multi-national corporations, what we need is real tax reform which asks the very wealthiest people in this country and large, profitable corporations to start paying their fair share of taxes.

“It is absurd that in America today we have multi-national corporations who stash their profits in the Cayman Islands and other tax havens and, in a given year, pay nothing in federal income taxes. It is grossly unfair that there are millionaires in this country who take advantage of all kinds of loopholes and end up paying an effective tax rate lower than a middle-class worker.”

 Read the VATICAN 

Read Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth 

REBUTTAL: Pope Francis is not the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of Capitalism and Vicar of Vatican Empire akaVatican Mammon Evil Beast that exploits the poor. 
Read our related article, Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor

Eucharist Myth 
Pope Francis (cardinals, bishops, priests) – by the power of his papal mouth in a few seconds – of reciting Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation (deceit) script – cannot instantly clone the real flesh-and-blood of Jesus Christ – because His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, had to carry 9 months in her God-designed female womb – and then give birth (painfully) like all other women.  Pope Francis and priests have no wombs to reproduce a child and their mouths cannot reproduce the body of Christ either
The little white host in the Eucharist is the biggest lie of Satan since the Garden of Eden where God forbade that mankind eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil that was exclusively for God.  The Eucharist makes man even greater than God because he can reproduce His flesh and blood -- and it is the bait to trap idiots especially stupid Americans Catholics to worship the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast guarded by Swiss Guard Army in Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard the ill-gotten wealth of despots, American imperialists, European imperialists, corrupt government officials, war lords, drug lords, name it, they have it.  
The Vatican is the most evil power on the planet that breeds corruptions among government officials, which breed wars, violence against the poor, women and children. Pope Francis is the greatest thief in mankind’s history and the greatest Jesuit Master of Deceits and he is only headed to the lake of fire where he will join his real father of lies who came to kill, steal and destroy.  Pope Francis is the Devil turned into an Angel Pope-in-white in the Vatican Circus of lies, deceptions and corruptions worldwide.

Hail Mary, full of grace               Hell Pope Francis, full of deceits
The Lord is with you                      The Devil is with you
Blessed are you among women      Cursed are you among all men
And blessed is the fruit                   And cursed are your Vatican
Of your womb, Jesus                      Opus Dei & Swiss Banks

The Roman Catholic Church is –– not Christ’s Church –– but the church of the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast.  Idiots Roman Catholics – especially idiots Americans – give moral and financial supports and are cooperators in – crimes against humanity – committed by the Vatican and Pope Francis! 

It’s false to claim that “the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Catholic Church” –––– because the truth is the gates of Heaven cannot prevail against the Vatican –which is the Kingdom of Satan on Earth –– with its perpetual Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils – already with two millennium of Vatican Evils – and now on its third millennium of crimes against humanity – and still going strong.  The gates of Heaven is helpless especially against the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast Empire in Switzerland and its Swiss Banks run exclusively by so called very evident ‘Pope’s Army aka God’s Army’ – the Swiss Guard Army alumni. Read the Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
Read our related articles: Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush
Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth 
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II
Sins and Crimes Are Not Synonymous. Sinners and Criminals Are Not One and the Same
 Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims  
Mother Teresa was not a living saint - revealed in detail by book.

John Allen–New Kid on the Block is Same Old Bloke –ancient as Satanas St. John Paul II & Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. SOB


 The Vatican War Room produced Spotlight


From its "silence strategy" to Spotlight, 

the Vatican continue to deceive humankind

Hollywood should produce the JP2 

Army Reality TV Show –

  it's better than NCIS 
 It would span 25,000 years 

to depict the JP2 Army 

- John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army 

Reality TV show

 To serve and protect children, Hollywood should produce a reality TV crime show to depict the Vatican sex crimes by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army -- at 52 weeks a year – it would take 25,000 years -- to cover 1.3 million episodes! 
 They have already outperformed the 2,000 year history of the Roman Catholic church and its Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils, and The Borgias!  The JP2 Army Reality TV show would outperform the NCIS series, the Kardashans, Survivor and all NYPD and Chicago PD shows!   
On October 6, 2015, same time as Spotlight movie is being premiered in Venice and other film festivals, --- in Australia --- a  Court hears of massive brief in child abuse case against Catholic brother – with 9,000 pages of evidence – that he abused more than 252 children
So, to estimate, it is very probable that those 6,500 pedophile priests in the USA – (not counting other pedophile priests in other countries in the world) – each abused 200 children  = that’s equivalent to 1,300,000 (1.3 million) children victims.
As a service to mankind's children, Hollywood should make a JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army Reality TV Show – about these 1.3 million American victims -- and that would last 25,000 years – at 52 weeks a year.
ABC News
October 6, 2015
Newcastle local court has heard the brief of evidence in the case against a Catholic brother, accused of hundreds of child sex offences, is now more than 9,000 pages long.
Bernard Kevin McGrath was extradited from New Zealand last year to face 252 child sex offences, alleged to have happened in the Lake Macquarie region in the 1970s.
McGrath faced court today via video link, dressed in prison greens and showing no emotion.
The court heard McGrath has recently changed lawyers, with his new solicitor expressing concern about the size of the brief of evidence.
She said she is at a slight disadvantage having only recently taken on the case.
The court heard a trial is likely to last at least six months.
Bob Schwiderski wrote us this comment for our article 
Los Angeles Times (NOT Boston Globe) had first investigative journalists team reporting on clergy sexual abuse since 1985. Against mighty Jesuits & LA archdiocese – Cardinal Law was a cakewalk!
"I admit to being angry when the impression is given the 'crisis' began in Boston. Thanks for capturing and  posting the articles about clergy sexual abuse well before the Boston articles of 2001/2002. Here are published articles from the corn fields of Minnesota going back to 1994, years, years, years before Boston. "

And more at the bottom of this page: 
Our articles on Pope Francis  trips

REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
REBUTTAL to Peggy Noonan’s article ‘Cardinal, Please Spare This Church’ in Wall Street Journal – Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of Day in US

Learning from the Temple of Solomon and saving historical Our Lady of Assumption Church – ‘No building is more important than this one’

Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?
Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.
6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy l
Jesus Christ is liberated from hundreds of tabernacles (prison) in Catholic churches shut down, sold-off, converted into apartments, stores, warehouses
Philippines idiots Catholics & Migrante International missed biggest protest against Pope Francis - Pope of the Richest 1% of the Globe -NOT Pope of the Poor
 Ecuador Vatican Circus of Deceptions: Con-artist Pope Francis preach to the poor to subdue the poor by making them feel-good in their abject poverty
Pope Francis use ecological power in shrine of Mary in Ecuador to subjugate women to imitate her as ‘virgin’ and forbid them to use contraceptives and abortion
REBUTTAL: Bloomberg “Pope Apologizes for Church Abuse in Conquest of the Americas” (in Bolivia, Francis imitates John Paul II who apologized for everything except one…)
Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth
Defying papal infallibility and charging criminally the “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church’
How the Vatican Empire runs the best PR campaign in the world today…as the Roman Empire copycat. Via divinity of Caesars, popes, giant statues, coins
HYPOCRISY of Prime Minister Harper and Oratory of St. Joseph as thousands of Canadian aborigines suffer from “cultural genocide” and ‘no taps-no toilets’
Junipero Serra is NO SAINT. Pope Francis abuses his papal power to canonize men of fetid deeds like John Paul II

Evidence that the Whore of Babylon in Revelation is the ...
18 juin 2012 - 
Excellent Video PROVING with clear visible evidence that the Roman Catholic Institution and specifically the ...

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