Friday, August 22, 2014

MORON Cardinal Pell equates Catholic Church to a trucking company not liable for driver’s rape on hitchhiker – to make CC not liable for JP2 Army

With news compilation  

On Thursday night, appearing at the Royal Commission via video link from the Vatican in Rome, Cardinal Pell equated the Catholic Church's responsibility for child abuse to that of a "trucking company". "If a driver sexually assaulted a passenger they picked up along the way, I don't think it appropriate for the ownership leadership of that company be held responsible." This is one of the most ludicrous statements that can only come from a twisted criminal mind who has many times covered-up criminal bestial pedophile priests as a “prince of the mighty Roman Catholic Church” in Australia and his Vatican reward  was to get promoted as the treasurer of the Vatican Bank -- appointed by another criminal the biggest in mankind’s history, read our related article - Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth. and Cardinal Pell ‘Golden Parachute’ to Rome from Australia after his cover-up of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army was disclosed by Royal Commission

MORON Cardinal Pell’s analogy of the church’s responsibility to those abused by priests as comparable to the responsibility of a trucking company to a hitchhiker raped by a trucker is so (IDIOT) wrong because priests are not fly-by-night passing by truckers but stable and permanent as the most powerful “Fathers” who are “priest-forever” according to the Order of Melchisedech (ancient Old Testament Catholic bastard priest) holding the greatest powers over the souls and bank account of (idiot Catholics) and claiming to have the supernatural powers to clone instantly the flesh of Christ in the Eucharist Satanic Mass .  And children are not hitchhikers but rather the most vulnerable permanent residents and permanent members of parishes whom bestial pedophile priests groom and seduce and trick into becoming their victims for years to satiate their bestial lust – as members of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army of Biblical Proportions from the USA to Australia spanning the entire globe.   Only idiot Catholics would continue to attend the evil Eucharistic Satanic Mass of such morons as Cardinal Pell.  Read our related article, AUSTRALIA tsunami of bestial JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army - a distinctively Catholic character systemically covered-up by Vatican Evil Empire

The West Australian and were the only (brave) few media outlets who reported it with sympathy for truckers.  The West Australian title was Pell's trucker analogy 'ludicrous' title was Cardinal George Pell insults truck drivers over remarks at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.  The West Australian reported that “Victims' families say it's a ludicrous comparison and even the chair of the child abuse royal commission thinks the situation is quite different when it comes to a priest getting access to a child.”  Other news simply repeated (parroted with apathetic titles) what Pell said (see news compilation below) -- because Australia’s media is owned and monopolized by the Murdoch media empire in association with the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team in the Vatican, read our related article, AUSTRALIA : Investigate Catholic Mafia. Expose, resist Abbott government’s attacks on Australian people’s social conditions and fundamental social rights

The ATA was swift to respond angrily to Pell.  The Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Noelene Watson, said Cardinal Pell had publicly insulted every truck driver in Australia and released this official statement entitled ATA BLASTS PELL FOR CHILD ABUSE COMPARISON

Mrs Watson said, “There are more than 170,000 professional truck drivers in Australia. They have families and children. Cardinal Pell’s analogy is a deep insult to every one of them”.  This statement is very important because priests have no wives and no children and so all they do all day – after performing the Eucharist Satanic Mass – is sit in the lap of theological luxury planning on how to satisfy their bestial sexual needs especially as pedophiles and they have ample access to children -- or as gays with other gay priests.   It is about time that children and especially stupid Catholic women stop calling priests as “Father” because priests do absolutely nothing for the daily welfare of children which hardworking biological and adoptive fathers do with their daily sweat and toil like the truckers of Australia and elsewhere. Read our related article why priests must not be called “Father” in John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies

Mrs Watson said,  “These comments are a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the Royal Commission being faced by the Catholic Church and other institutions that deal with children. “Cardinal Pell must realise that he cannot solve these problems by insulting Australia’s hardworking truck drivers, who deliver the goods we use every day.”  Mrs. Watson is right-on and Cardinal Pell’s equation of the church to a trucking company shows that he is indeed a a “religious sociopath void of empathy”, read more below ,   Pell uses God’s Name in vain if only to cover-up his own crimes back in Australia (in the good old days) when he covered-up bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read our related article = AUSTRALIA tsunami of bestial JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army - a distinctively Catholic character systemically covered-up by Vatican Evil Empire

Cardinal Pell a Prince of the Church dress like a preposterous prince-in-red.  This pathological liar represents Jesus Christ?

Cardinal Pell is Pope Francis the Biggest Thief’s Banker.

God’s Banker a.k.a. Vatican Mammon Beast’s banker

Cardinal Pell’s main job is to be the poker face of the Vatican Bank and be the mediator for the secret Vatican Swiss Banks for the 1% of the world’s wealthiest.  His job is to maintain the biggest heist in mankind’s history committed by his boss Pope Francis, read more here - Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

Jesus Christ wants to be set free from the Eucharist Satanic Mass because Cardinal Pell, Pope Francis, all bishops and priests have no power to clone and manufacture His flesh-and-blood especially through their pathological liars’ lips and evil minds – like this comparison between the Catholic Church and trucking company. 

Read our related article, VATICAN CIRCUS for IDIOT CATHOLICS. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunts: Vatican Bank’s profit plummet 97%. Pope Francis life in danger for tackling abuse & mafia LOL

Read Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

Stupid Catholic women – who are main teachers of the faith to their children – should wake up to the evil of the Vatican and pope crimes especially Pope Francis’s crime and evil Achilles Heel, read more here  Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

Read our related articles:  Stupid Catholic Women. Legion of Christ. Opus Dei. Pope Francis Hypocrisies

7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!

See the Vatican-owned 23 million Euros gay apartment with the largest gay sauna in Europe where a Vatican Cardinal lives right on the first floor to welcome those wealthy gay clients of Rome and Europe .

Read our related articles:

New Zealand. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war against terrorism”


Heil SatanasJP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children 

The Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century    

Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims

Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’S neck then dragging him and throwing him into a raging sea of fire

Benedict XVI – RATzinger, God’s Rottweiler

NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy  

Francis in-name-only

Pope Francis, YOU took Francis of Assisi’s name – but that’s all there is, isn’t it?  You are “in name only” – nothing else.  There’s nothing similar in essence or substance or in person between you and St. Francis - and if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are already preparing for your sainthood like they did with documents for John Paul II’s 27 years papacy, you’re being duped big time.  You should have retired into a simple cave like poverello St. Francis of Assisi – who even refused to be a priest to clone the flesh of Christ because he knew as he wrote his canticle to the moon and stars - that no one can clone the Creator of those millions of stars in the firmament. Ever saw these images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”? Can you clone one of these with your papal infallible words?  You cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either. 

Images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation” 

Eagle Nebula

The "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula, as seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Image credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/Arizona State University
› Larger view

You cannot clone an ant or a dog or one of the stars therefore you cannot clone Jeus the Son of God either in the sorcery of the Eucharist.
St. Francis denounced the wealth of his merchant father while you embraced and vowed to the Vatican Mammon Beast worse than a Satanic Mass. St. Francis embraced a leper but you exploit the sick for your political photo-ops (and at your age caught their virus).  You hypocritically preach about the poor but you actually mock them because at the same time, behind closed doors in the Vatican art chambers, you have private audiences and photo-ops with royalties of Europe who are the 1% wealthiest of the globe, photos with despots and imperialists like President Obama who steal the wealth of Third World countries, read here how the Philippines protested Obama’s visit as he plants more bases only to serve American hegemony, read here - .  Your photo-op with Obama actually perpetuates American Imperialism in the Philippines and in other Asian and European countries.

Why do you think your founder St. Ignatius Loyola specifically wrote in the constitution of the Jesuits that no Jesuits must accept to be a high ranking bishop or cardinal?  Jesuits were meant to be companions of Jesus, not companions of the Devil, the father of lies who came to steal, kill and destroy.  Ignatius had no choice 500 years ago to go to the world to proclaim the Good News that he needed the ships of the Vatican and the European monarchy.  But today, the Jesuits have amassed more wealth than any religious congregation, you have all the universities and schools you want or need.  There is no need to continue serving the Pope, the Father of Lies the reincarnation of the Devil!  But you set your sight on the highest throne in the Catholic Church and now the favorite words of St. Ignatius haunts you:  What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, if he suffers the loss of his soul? and you have committed the worst Pope Crimes more than all popes combined – you canonized John Paul II despite his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

Please take a look at the worse Roman Catholic Church pedophile priests attacks against more than 15,500 Americans … compared to the September 11, 2001 attacks against 3,000 Americans at theTwin Towers in New York.

Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

Priest pedophilia - 15,750+ victims - 6,100 pedophile priests covered-up by John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = the Vatican Trinity.

9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day    

 Jesus the Jew vs. Roman Popes 

Amazing how Jesus has lose his Middle East roots and Jewish identity (albeit born in Bethlehem, Palestine, a Muslim country) and lose His Biblical mission as a poor itinerant preacher for He has become Roman Catholic and hostage of the most tiny country - the Vatican City where He is also the most caged captive in gold tabernacles by tyrant evil popes – those 2,000 year old chameleons Pretenders and Impostors of Jesus and con-artists CON-Christ popes.  

From mass murderers, thieves, pedophiles, gays, adulterers like the Borgias, to John Paul II the Great Saint of Pedophiles, to Pope Francis the Worst Thief of Mankind – all popes use Christ as their mask, disguise and bait to serve one master alone –the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast ruling in the Vatican Palace - with only one goal - to preserve the Vatican Billions in secret Vatican Swiss Banks because the Vatican owns Switzerland.  Hence there’s the unique Swiss Guard Army wherein all Swiss young men are required to go and serve at the Vatican before they can become bankers, investment managers and civil officers in Switzerland because the Vatican pope is its sole monarch. Believe it or not!  There was a former Swiss Guard who came to Boston to recruit investors as he was the CEO of an investment company, read about him in our other blog

Pope Francis, the two new pope saints John XXIII and John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and all popes definitely do not resemble one iota Jesus the Poor Carpenter of Nazareth and Poor Fisherman in the Sea of Galilee!  All movies portray Jesus as tall, lean and handsome but all popes, his assumed ‘Vicar of Christ’, have been FAT like COWS podgy, white and really hideous and repugnant they need the long white papal robe to constantly segue attention from their ugliness. Just look at the porky ass of Pope Francis that control 1.2 billion Catholics and the media world with his duck dance of wibble wobble Opus Dei Beast PR stunts.  Look at this gigantic poster in Rome of porky ass Pope Francis with the two fat popes new saints he canonized –John XXIII and John Paul II the 27 years globetrotting narcissistic pope – who said nothing and did nothing to protect children from his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army aptly named after his 27 years globetrotting papacy - and 1.2 billion stupid Catholics now adore them as their new fat Catholic Golden Cows.

                    Jesus of Nazareth  


the poor fisherman of the Sea of Galilee

3 FAT well-fed cows - ROMAN POPES 

Popes do NOT resemble Jesus Christ one iota

-- Popes  are CON-Christs and con-artists

-- Popes  are Pretenders & Impostors of Jesus

-- Popes  are LIARS & HYPOCRITES 

-  Popes  cannot clone Christ, ants or dogs 

Popes  are sorcerers in the Eucharist

 - Popes  are false magicians 

Popes  cannot clone or re-produce Jesus the Son of God

Popes are fat popes cannot reincarnate Jesus the Creator of the Universe 

Read Pope Francis the con-artist "CON-Christ"

The Popes' Master is the Vatican Mammon Beast - because he is the owner of Switzerland and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks - hence the Swiss Guard Army.

HOAX of Eucharist - instant reincarnation of Christ's flesh and blood

 is the worst Satanic Mass & sorcery of mankind

 Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore 

they cannot clone Jesus the Son of God the Creator of the Universe!

It took 9-months for Jesus to be in Mary' womb before He was born-
Read Pope Francis in Israel clones Christ where he was born 2,000 yers ago 

Read our related articles`:

UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children.. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope

6 suggestions for Pope Francis, the Pharaoh of the Vatican Pyramid with three equal sides: corrupt politicians, corrupt businessmen, corrupt clergy

FRANCIS UPDATES: John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers toot Francis-mania…while Hans Kung points out “the Pope and his ‘double’” shadow pope Ratzinger!   

Catholics sound like Catholic zombies  - as in Brad Pitt’s movie World War Z, see photos and read about them here in the Catholic version of World War Z  . 

Boycott Oratory St. Joseph in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and boycott  St Anne de Beaupre

Really, idiot Catholics, wake up from your stupor and religious falsehood.  So what if Brother Andre was born poor, he is now a billionaire, and he is usurping hundreds of millions of dollars from poor native First Nations people of Canada and the poor estimated 27,000 homeless people of Montreal are starving – while millions of dollars are paid to burn 10,000 IDLE CANDLES to burn for his dead idol IDLE ST. JOSEPH – who is a dead block of plaster and concrete - who does nothing for children and the people of Canada just like the arrogant priests at the Oratory...  Read  

Golden Cow dead IDOL STATUE of St. Joseph in the Votive Chapel

Small candles are $2 each.  Big candles are $6 each.  

There are employees who are constantly removing lit candles to make room for incoming visitors to lit new candles.  That’s tons of wasted wax.  In the time of the Pharaohs, grains were stored to feed the gods – black statues, watch the Ten Commandments.   In the Oratory, the millions of dollars from the 10,000 candles goes to feed the few arrogant priests at the Oratory of St. Joseph  - while there are more than 27,000 homeless starving poor people in the streets of Montreal.

Read more about evil Oratory of St. Joseph --

News compilation from August 21, 2014

Australian Trucking Association

Watson takes senior Catholic cleric to task for insulting analogy

The Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has slammed Cardinal George Pell for comparing the Catholic Church’s responsibility for child abuse to trucking companies that employ drivers who molest women, describing his comment as insulting.

ATA blasts Pell for child abuse comparison

ATA chair Noelene Watson says Pell’s comparison is uncalled for.

"There are more than 170,000 professional truck drivers in Australia. They have families and children. Pell’s analogy is a deep insult to every one of them," Watson says.

"These comments are a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the Royal Commission being faced by the Catholic Church and other institutions that deal with children.

"Cardinal Pell must realise that he cannot solve these problems by insulting Australia’s hardworking truck drivers who deliver the goods we use every day."

Pell likened the Catholic Church’s responsibility for child abuse to that of a "trucking company" last night when appearing at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Melbourne via video-link from the Vatican.

The inquiry has been examining the Church’s Melbourne Response, which Pell established when he was Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996.

Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:28 AM

Pell's trucker analogy 'ludicrous'

The West Australian

August 21, 2014

The Catholic Church is no more legally responsible for priests who abuse children than a trucking company which employs a driver who molests women, Cardinal George Pell maintains.

Victims' families say it's a ludicrous comparison and even the chair of the child abuse royal commission thinks the situation is quite different when it comes to a priest getting access to a child.

Cardinal Pell accepts the church has a moral obligation to victims, but when it comes to its legal responsibility, the actions of its priests are not necessarily its fault.

"If the truck driver picks up some lady and then molests her, I don't think it's appropriate, because it is contrary to the policy, for the ownership, the leadership of that company to be held responsible," Cardinal Pell told the commission via video link from Rome on Thursday.
 Offensive... the Australian Trucking Association says Cardinal George Pell’s remarks were


Cardinal George Pell insults truck drivers over remarks at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

TRUCK drivers around the country are up in arms over Cardinal George Pell’s comments at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Noelene Watson, said Cardinal Pell had publicly insulted every truck driver in Australia.

Mrs Watson was responding to Cardinal Pell’s comments at the Commission where he stated that the Catholic Church was no more responsible for priests who abuse children than a trucking company would be if they employed a driver who molested women.

“There are more than 170,000 professional truck drivers in Australia. They have families and children. Cardinal Pell’s analogy is a deep insult to every one of them,” Mrs Watson said.

“These comments are a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the Royal Commission being faced by the Catholic Church and other institutions that deal with children.

“Cardinal Pell must realise that he cannot solve these problems by insulting Australia’s hardworking truck drivers, who deliver the goods we use every day.”
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:46 AM

7 News
Cardinal George Pell's comments comparing the Catholic church with a truck company have outraged support groups for victims of child sexual abuse.
The Catholic Church is no more legally responsible for priests who abuse children than a trucking company that employs a driver who molests women, Cardinal George Pell, via video from Rome, told Thursday's royal commission in Melbourne.
Adults Surviving Child Abuse president Dr Cathy Kezelman said Cardinal Pell's comments were not helpful to victims of abuse.
"His comments were outrageous," she told AAP on Friday.
He showed a lack of compassion, and "continues to duck and weave" she said.
"To have their (victims') experiences denied yet again drives a knife into the wound and twists it," she said.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:52 AM

Sex abuse lawyer blasts Pell comments

The Standard
By MATT NEAL Aug. 23, 2014
A WARRNAMBOOL lawyer who has been working with sexual abuse victims has blasted Cardinal George Pell for likening the church to a trucking company.
Cardinal Pell told the Royal Commission on Child Abuse that the Catholic Church was no more legally responsible for priests who abuse children than a trucking company that employs a driver who molests women.
“If the truck driver picks up some lady and then molests her, I don’t think it’s appropriate, because it is contrary to the policy, for the ownership, the leadership of that company to be held responsible,” Cardinal Pell told the commission via video link from Rome.
But Warrnambool lawyer George Foster of Maddens Lawyers labelled the comments as “appalling”.
“I act for people who have been the subject of sexual abuse (and) Cardinal Pell’s analogy given to the royal commission likening the church’s legal liability to abused children as that of a truck company whose driver molested hitchhikers is appalling,” he said.
“May I suggest a more appropriate one: A boss who knows or suspects that his driver deliberately flouts the road laws continues to send him out on jobs.

Vatican: SNAP outraged at Pell 'trucking co' analogy

Gazzetta del Sud
Vatican City, August 22 - Survivors of clerical sex abuse are outraged by testimony from Cardinal George Pell comparing the Vatican to a trucking company that could not be blamed if a driver molested a hitchhiker. Pell, now the Vatican's economic honcho, made the remark while testifying via videolink from Rome to an Australian probe into historic abuse and alleged cover-ups when he was Melbourne archbishop in the 1990s. Saying it would not be appropriate for legal culpability to be "foisted" on church leaders, he drew an analogy between the Catholic Church and a trucking company, citing a hypothetical example of a case involving a woman who was molested by a truck driver. "It would not be appropriate, because it's contrary to the policy, for the ownership, leadership of that company to be held responsible," Cardinal Pell said. "Similarly with the church and the head of any other organisation. "If every precaution has been taken, no warning has been given, it is, I think, not appropriate for legal culpability to be foisted on the authority figure. "If in fact the authority figure has been remiss through bad preparation [or] bad procedures or been warned and done nothing or [done something] insufficient, then certainly the church official would be responsible." Nicky Davis from the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) was in the audience of the royal commission during Cardinal Pell's comments. She said the truck analogy left the audience "open mouthed in shock". "We were literally saying to each other, 'Did he really just say that?'," she said.

Sex abuse survivors angered by powerful Vatican cardinal’s testimony

Religion News Service
Josephine McKenna | August 22, 2014
VATICAN CITY (RNS) One of the most powerful men in the Vatican, charged with cleaning up corruption and fostering financial reform, has outraged survivors of sex abuse by clergy by likening the church to a trucking company that refuses to take responsibility for a driver who molested women.
Cardinal George Pell, a member of Pope Francis’ advisory Council of Cardinals, was appointed the Vatican’s first economic prefect early this year by a pontiff who openly admires his “tenacity.”
But the former archbishop of Sydney has been unable to put Australia’s clerical sex abuse scandal behind him since his move to Rome.
Victim support groups expressed their anger this week after Pell gave video testimony from the Vatican to an Australian government inquiry looking into responses to child sex abuse by the Catholic Church and other institutions.
Using a hypothetical example, Pell said the church was no more responsible for cases of child abuse carried out by church figures than a trucking company would be if it employed a driver who molested women. ...
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, which represents 18,000 people around the world, said it was appalled by Pell’s testimony and accused the Vatican of failing to protect children.
“He shows that he really has absolutely no conception of what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior and what are appropriate or inappropriate things to say to survivors,” said SNAP’s Nicky Davis, who attended the inquiry in Melbourne, Australia.
Victims were also outraged by the Vatican’s refusal to hand over files requested by the Australian inquiry since the pope has signaled a tougher approach to fighting clerical sexual abuse and established a Vatican committee that includes Irish abuse survivor Marie Collins.

The Guardian (UK)
Melissa Davey, Friday 22 August 2014
The Australian Trucking Association has joined child sexual abuse victims and their advocates in expressing outrage at comments made by Cardinal George Pell while giving evidence before a royal commission on Thursday night.
While facing questions from the royal commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse, Pell said the Catholic Church was no more responsible for child abuse carried out by church figures than a trucking company would be if they employed a driver who molested women.
“If the truck driver picks up some lady and then molests her, I don’t think it’s appropriate, because it is contrary to the policy, for the ownership, the leadership of that company to be held responsible,” Cardinal Pell told the commission via video link from Rome on Thursday.
His comments left chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Noelene Watson, fuming.

“There are more than 170,000 professional truck drivers in Australia,” she said.

“They have families and children. Cardinal Pell’s analogy is a deep insult to every one of them.”

The comments were a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the commission’s questioning of the church, she said.

Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:40 AM

Church commits sin of omission

Herald Sun


THE ill-chosen words of Cardinal George Pell in defending the Catholic Church on its legal responsibilities to the many people abused by its priests will only add to their pain.
In an extraordinary statement while giving evidence to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Cardinal Pell compared the church’s position with no more than that of a trucking company whose drivers molested hitchhikers.
The comparison brought an instant rebuke from the commission’s chairman as well as a barrister representing a victim of abuse.
That Cardinal Pell could contemplate such a comparison is baffling. Surely he regards priests — and he is one, as well as holding high office — as the essential core of the church and indivisible from it as an organisation. Barrister Sean Cash’s response was that far from being a trucking company, the Catholic Church was an organisation of the “highest integrity”.
Cardinal Pell found fault with that. The church was not always of the highest integrity, he responded, and had “a long history of sin and criminality within the church”.
The Conversation
Michael Salter
Lecturer in Criminology at University of Western Sydney
Cardinal George Pell’s appearance at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will do little to rehabilitate his image in the eyes of clergy abuse victims.
Via video link from the Vatican, Pell used the example of a trucking company to illustrate the legal responsibility of the Catholic Church to victims of clergy abuse. In his view, the church’s responsibility to those abused by priests is comparable to the responsibility of a trucking company to a hitchhiker raped by a trucker.
This was just one of several moments before the royal commission in which Pell’s rhetoric of concern for victims came into tension with the detached and bureaucratic manner that has characterised his response to clergy abuse over the last two decades.
The Melbourne Response
At the royal commission, Pell strongly defended the Melbourne Response, the clergy abuse compensation scheme that he established in 1996 as Archbishop of Melbourne. He described the scheme as an attempt to lessen the suffering of victims and to address their needs quickly and compassionately.
However, Pell’s statement that “money was never my primary concern” sat uncomfortably alongside his emphasis on protecting the financial resources of the archdiocese. Compensation offers were considerably lower than the likely outcome of a successful civil claim.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:35 AM

Irish Independent
A top Vatican official has come under fire for drawing an analogy between the Catholic Church’s response to child abuse and a trucking company.
Cardinal Pell, Australia’s leading Catholic cleric and a former archbishop of both Melbourne and Sydney, said it would not be appropriate for legal culpability to be ‘foisted’ on church leaders, although he acknowledged the church had a moral obligation to victims of paedophile priests.
Speaking to a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Melbourne, Cardinal Pell cited the hypothetical example of a woman being molested by a truck driver.
"If the truck driver picks up some lady and then molests her, I don't think it's appropriate, because it is contrary to the policy, for the ownership, the leadership of that company to be held responsible," he said via video link from Rome.
"Similarly with the church and the head of any other organisation.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:19 AM

Sydney Morning Herald
August 21, 2014
Tony Wright
National affairs editor of The Age

The voice that has delivered a thousand sermons seemed unsuited to be that of a witness in the dock, even if it was a virtual dock. There seemed a defensiveness to it, and the jutting jaw left the viewer in a familiar, vain search for a gesture of humility.

Cardinal George Pell, of course, was in a complicated position.

He was in the eye of a camera in the Rome morning, speaking across an uncertain video link to a royal commission sitting through the late Melbourne afternoon, trying to explain his years-long and much criticised efforts to deal with a calamity within his church: the sexual abuse of hundreds of children at the hands of priests.
Here was a prince of the Church, good Lord, required to take a Bible in his hands and swear to tell nothing but the truth.

As counsel assisting the commission, Gail Furness, began the long process of peeling back the years of the so-called Melbourne Response to cases of abuse, the cardinal was a disembodied presence beamed jerkily on video screens around courtroom three of Melbourne's County Court. The Vatican had gone to no fuss. He sat before a drab curtain, as if he were in an old-time photo booth.
No hint of the gorgeous robes of a cardinal; Cardinal Pell wore a severe black suit and white shirt topped with a clerical collar. This was all business for the man who explained to the commission that his new job was "akin to being the treasurer to the Holy See". The keeper of the Vatican's treasure, the only outward sign of his power the solid gold cardinal's ring flashing as he adjusted his spectacles.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 1:41 PM

Sydney Morning Herald
August 22, 2014
Jane Lee, Cameron Houston
Cardinal George Pell has strongly defended the so-called Melbourne Response as Australia's first comprehensive redress scheme for victims of clerical sexual abuse at the royal commission.
Appearing at the commission via video link from the Vatican in Rome on Thursday night, Cardinal Pell likened the Catholic Church's responsibility for child abuse to that of a ''trucking company''. If a driver sexually assaulted a passenger they picked up along the way, he said, ''I don't think it appropriate for the … leadership of that company be held responsible.''
Cardinal Pell, who established the Melbourne Response when he was Archbishop of the Melbourne Archdiocese in 1996, denied suggestions that any of its three arms - the Independent Commissioner, compensation panel and counselling arm Carelink - had stopped operating independently of the other.
Sean Cash, a lawyer for abuse victim Paul Hersbach, challenged the trucking company analogy, saying that because the Catholic Church was an organisation of the ''highest integrity'' it owed victims a far greater legal and moral responsibility. He said it should not impede victims' ability to receive full and fair compensation.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 1:36 PM

Sydney Morning Herald
August 21, 2014
Cardinal George Pell has strongly defended Melbourne Response as Australia's first comprehensive redress scheme for victims of clerical sexual abuse.
Appearing at the royal commission via video link from the Vatican in Rome on Thursday night, Cardinal Pell likened the Catholic Church's responsibility for child abuse to that of a "trucking company".
If a driver sexually assaulted a passenger they picked up along the way, "I don't think it appropriate for the ownership leadership of that company be held responsible."
Cardinal Pell, who established the Melbourne Response when he was Archbishop of the Melbourne Archdiocese in 1996, denied suggestions that any of its three arms - the Independent Commissioner, compensation panel and counselling arm Carelink - had stopped operating independently of the other.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:24 AM

ABC News
By Freya Michie
Updated 21 Aug 2014
Cardinal George Pell says he was surprised by the number of complaints made in the lead up to the introduction of the Melbourne Response to abuse within the Catholic Church.
Cardinal Pell has appeared at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Melbourne via video-link from the Vatican.
The inquiry has been examining the Catholic Church's Melbourne Response, which Cardinal Pell established when he was Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996.
Under the scheme, independent commissioners were appointed to investigate claims, a free counselling and support service known as Carelink was created, as well as a panel to provide ex-gratia compensation payments.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:23 AM

The Australian
AAP AUGUST 21, 2014
CARDINAL George Pell says the Catholic Church never anticipated the volume of complaints against paedophile priests when he launched the Melbourne archdiocese’s compensation scheme in 1996.
Dr Pell told the child abuse royal commission he expected the Melbourne Response, set up to handle claims of clergy sex abuse in the Melbourne archdiocese, would originally go for six months.
“I was aware that there were dozens of complaints that (Vicar General) Monsignor Cudmore was dealing with in, I think, an effective way under great, great pressure,” Cardinal Pell told the commission via video link from the Vatican in Rome, where he holds a senior position.
“We never anticipated the volume of responses, that it would go on for years.”
The former Melbourne archbishop said he was initially sceptical about the groups involved in advocating for the church to investigate scores of allegations of child abuse.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:55 AM

Posted by: Pat Mitchell | 21 August, 2014
Cardinal George Pell says money was never a primary concern when he set up the Melbourne Response compensation scheme for the victims of abuse by the clergy.
Cardinal George Pell admits he originally took complaints about sexual abuse involving Catholic clergy with a "grain of salt".
He told the Royal Commission into child abuse via video link from the Vatican there were groups such as Broken Rites who very active in pushing for the church to act on behalf of the victims.
"With some of those groups, I took what they said with a grain of salt but nonetheless there was evidence that something needed to be done to deal with the suffering," he said.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:51 AM

The Age
Cardinal George Pell says he is not in favour of financial caps on claims and struggled when he tried to suggest today's equivalent compensensation amount, speaking from Rome to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:50 AM

Sky News
Cardinal George Pell insists he only tried to help the victims of a Victorian paedophile priest, and has apologised for their suffering.
Christine and Anthony Foster won a $750,000 settlement from the Melbourne archdiocese after two of their daughters were raped by notorious abuser Father Kevin O'Donnell.
Mr Foster said Cardinal Pell showed a 'sociopathic lack of empathy' when they met to discuss the case in the 1990s.
In his statement to the child abuse royal commission, Cardinal Pell said he had not tried to insult the Fosters.
'I am sorry for anything I did to upset them at this meeting,' he said.
'It was certainly not my intention to upset them. I wanted to help them.'
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:48 AM

Church victim compo 'goes backwards'

9 News

Compensation payouts to Melbourne victims of pedophile priests have effectively gone backwards over the past two decades, an inquiry has been told.
The Catholic Church's payments in the Melbourne archdiocese, when introduced in 1996, were capped at $50,000.
Cardinal George Pell told the child abuse royal commission that was about $120,000 in today's dollars.
Senior counsel assisting the commission Gail Furness was quick to point out the cap on compensation had increased but payments today were well short of $120,000.
"The cap is now $75,000 which suggests it might have gone backwards," Ms Furness said.

Most abuse victims come forward as adults

9 News

The vast majority of victims of pedophile priests came forward as adults many years after the abuse, the child abuse royal commission has heard.
Only three victims have gone to the Catholic Church's Melbourne Response scheme, set up in 1996 to handle clergy sex abuse claims in the Melbourne archdiocese, while still children.
Church lawyer Richard Leder said the vast majority of more than 300 victims came forward as adults.
"It was and remained very unusual for a victim to come forward so soon after the abuse," Mr Leder told the commission on Thursday.

MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: At the Royal Commission into child sex abuse Cardinal George Pell has defended the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne's controversial victims' compensation scheme known as the Melbourne Response.
Giving evidence via video link from Rome, the Cardinal said the scheme he set up was an Australian-first and victims were its first priority.
Samantha Donovan reports.
SAMANTHA DONOVAN: Victims of clerical sexual abuse have told the royal commission the Melbourne Response gave them inadequate compensation, took away their legal rights to sue, lacked compassion and was intimidating.
But the man who set up the scheme 18 years ago, Cardinal George Pell, gave evidence from Rome that the victims were his priority.
GEORGE PELL: We were ahead of the curve. Not sure there was any other system in Australia, perhaps anywhere else, we were certainly no less generous.
SAMANTHA DONOVAN: Sean Cash, the barrister acting for abuse victim Paul Hersbach, didn't accept Cardinal Pell's claim that money wasn't his main concern when setting up the Melbourne Response.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:59 AM

Herald Sun
CARDINAL George Pell last night backed the Vatican over victims of sexual abuse saying it was unreasonable for the Royal Commission to request papal documents regarding every case of abusive clergy.
Giving evidence to the abuse royal commission via videolink from Rome Cardinal Pell said the Vatican was right to refuse to release papal documents relating to every abuse case involving an Austrlian cleric. Describing those documents as “internal working documents of another sovereign state” Cardinal Pell said the Church had provided 5000 pages of documents which he deemed sufficient.
In a letter to the commission in July Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin refused a request by commissioner Justice Peter McClellan for documents with respect to "each case" of clerical abuse.
He said the Commission wanted to understand the extent to which Australian clerics accused of child sexual abuse had been referred to the Holy See. The Cardinal outraged victims by admitting he hadn’t been following the Royal Commission because he had been busy in Rome.
The comments sparked audible gasps from victims who had turned out to watch his evidence.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 10:36 AM

The Australian
AUGUST 22, 2014
Pia Akerman
GEORGE Pell has spoken out to distance the Catholic Church from pedophile priests, admitting a “moral responsibility” while denying the church had legal culpability as the priests’ ultimate employer.
Giving evidence to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Cardinal Pell last night compared the church’s position to that of a truck company whose driver mol­ested hitchhikers.
“I think it’s not appropriate for legal culpability to be foisted upon the authority figure,” he said, qualifying his answer by saying the “authority” would be remiss if it had prior knowledge of the offender’s behaviour.
The comparison prompted criticism from the commission’s chairman, as well as the barrister representing one abuse victim, Paul Hersbach.
“This was not a trucking company,” barrister Sean Cash said.
“This was an organisation of the highest integrity, one which you would expect would conduct itself in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 10:33 AM

AUGUST 22, 2014
THE Vatican has refused to hand over the files of Australian priests accused of sex crimes to the child abuse royal commission.
Claiming the internal documents were the property of the Holy See, the Vatican argued the commission’s request was “neither possible nor appropriate”.
Reasons included ongoing church investigations, and that internal working documents were the sovereign property of the Holy See.
Cardinal George Pell, now working in Rome, was asked if he sought an assurance from the Vatican that any document the royal commission needed would be provided.
“That is correct,” Cardinal Pell told the commission via video-link today.
“I suppose in retrospect there would be some discussion over what ‘any document’ meant.” Cardinal Pell said specific requests about cases would be more likely to succeed than what he described as an “ambit claim” for large numbers of documents.
A letter from the royal commission to the Vatican said it needed access to documents if it was to fulfil its terms of references. “It is essential that the royal commission understand the nature and extent of the communications between those congregations and the Holy See in relation to child sexual abuse complaints about Australian clerics,” the letter said.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 10:30 AM

ABC News
By court reporter Peta Carlyon and staff
Updated 22 Aug 2014
A commissioner of the Catholic Church's Melbourne Response has told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that victims told him they wanted justice, not money.
Jeffery Gleeson QC, who investigates complaints of abuse under Commissioner Peter O'Callaghan QC, told the inquiry that victims just wanted to be believed.
"Complainants have told me, it's not about the money, and I believe them," Mr Gleeson said.
"I don't think it's about the money. It's about being believed that that person, that priest, that brother, that nun abused them.
"I don't speak for victims. But my sense for having spoken to them for so many years is that they need to know that there has been a factual finding.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:39 AM

The Guardian (UK)
Australian Associated Press, Friday 22 August 2014
A Catholic priest who systematically abused dozens of boys says he was “self-indulgent” and just acted on his desires.
John Sidney Denham, 71, was jailed for a maximum of almost 20 years in New South Wales in 2010 for his “sadistic” indecent and sexual assault of boys as young as five.
The priest and teacher has now pleaded guilty over another 25 charges involving the sexual abuse of 18 boys at St Pius X College in Adamstown near Newcastle from 1975 to 1979.
Another 23 offences are also to be taken account when sentencing him.
In a hearing on Friday, Denham told Sydney’s district court he was responsible for “destroying the lives of so many people”.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:43

The Australian
AUGUST 22, 2014
ONE of Australia’s worst child sex offenders, pedophile priest John Sidney Denham, has told a court he was a “proud, self-indulgent, self-obsessive person”, who destroyed peoples’ lives.
Denham, a former Catholic priest and schoolteacher, was giving evidence at a sentencing hearing in Sydney after pleading guilty to 25 charges relating to offences against 20 victims. He has asked the judge to take a further 23 charges into account.
The 71-year-old has previously been convicted of abusing a further 39 young boys in the St Pius X Catholic High School in the NSW Hunter Valley between 1968 and 1986.
Wearing his prison greens, Denham told the court he is currently in protective custody in Goulburn jail, where he shares a yard with other child abusers and murderers.
“There are three or four there that I know of, sexual offenders. In the yard there are six ex-policemen, two ex-priests ... then there are the people who threw their wives off balconies,” he said.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:53 AM

Vatican Refuses to Cooperate with Australian Child Abuse Commission, Calls it ‘Unreasonable’

International Business Times  (COMMENT:  IBT belongs to the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team in the Vatican

By Sounak Mukhopadhyay | August 22, 2014
The Vatican refused to submit criminal documents to the child abuse royal commission. The files in question are those of Australian priests accused of child sex crimes. According to the Vatican, it was "neither possible nor appropriate" for an Aussie churchman to be involved in such alleged activities.
The Vatican cited reasons like church investigations to back its claim that Australian priests could never have been involved in sex crimes. It also argued that the internal working files exclusively belonged to the Holy See. According to Cardinal George Pell, the Vatican may be more interested in providing specific case files rather than handing over every file related to such allegations. He said that the Vatican did provide documents of around 5,000 pages after requests for specific files had been made.
The royal commission earlier sent a letter to the Vatican, asking for necessary documents related to child sex related cases. "It is essential that the royal commission understand the nature and extent of the communications between those congregations and the Holy See in relation to child sexual abuse complaints about Australian clerics," it said. Pell said that the Vatican would not hand over "internal working documents of another sovereign state." He said that it was "unreasonable" for the royal commission to ask for documents related to child sex related charges.

Church's lawyers forced to apologise

The Age

August 21, 2014
Cameron Houston and Jane Lee

The Catholic Church's lawyer has been forced to apologise before the Royal Commission over insensitive and incorrect statements made in correspondence between himself and senior figures in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

The comments, by Corrs Chambers Westgarth partner Richard Leder, were made about an application for church funding by Chrissie and Anthony Foster, whose daughter, Emma, was abused by notorious paedophile priest Kevin O'Donnell.
The Foster family requested the church pay for special accommodation for Emma, who suffered from depression, anorexia and drug addiction.

Their application was supported by a report from a counsellor and clinical psychologist.

But Mr Leder accused the Fosters of kicking their eldest daughter out of home, while the church's "Melbourne Response", which was established in 1996 to deal with clerical abuse, rejected their funding request.

Royal Commission: Cardinal George Pell 'never anticipated' number of complaints made to Catholic Church

Yahoo! News

By Freya Michie | ABC
Cardinal George Pell says he was surprised by the number of complaints made in the lead up to the introduction of the Melbourne Response to abuse within the Catholic Church.
Cardinal Pell has appeared at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Melbourne via video-link from the Vatican.
The inquiry has been examining the Catholic Church's Melbourne Response, which Cardinal Pell established when he was Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996.
Under the scheme, independent commissioners were appointed to investigate claims, a free counselling and support service known as Carelink was created, as well as a panel to provide ex-gratia compensation payments.
Once victims went to police they were no longer eligible for compensation.

Royal commission to get more time

Echo Netdaily

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has all but confirmed the royal commission into institutional abuse will be given extra funding and its term extended to enable all victims to be heard.
The commission has requested an additional $104 million and a two-year extension to its 2015 reporting deadline to allow hundreds, if not thousands, more victims to come forward and give evidence.
So far the request has gone unanswered, but on Thursday Mr Abbott said he was confident he would be able to grant the commission’s wishes.
‘We ought to be in a position in the new few weeks to commit additional resources,’ he told ABC Radio, adding the government had supported it ‘every step of the way’.
More than 2000 victims already have presented to the commission which is investigating institutional sexual abuse.

Catholic priest Glenn Humphreys guilty ...


Catholic priest Glenn Humphreys guilty of indecent assault on teenage boy between 1983-1986
A CATHOLIC priest has been found guilty of abusing a West Australian teenager more than 30 years ago, but acquitted of a rape charge.
Glenn Humphreys, 61, was charged with abusing a boy between 1983 and 1986 when the boy was aged 15 to 17.
A District Court jury found Humphreys guilty late today of four counts of unlawful and indecent assault, but acquitted him of carnal knowledge against the order of nature.
At the start of the trial, Humphrey’s defence lawyer Seamus Rafferty said the priest denied all charges and that the rape incident that was alleged to have occurred during a trip to Quinns Rock did not happen.
Humphreys had engaged in inappropriate behaviour on a few occasions in 1986 but at the time his actions were lawful and involved mutual touching, Mr Rafferty said in his opening statement.

Royal Commission publishes submissions ...

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Royal Commission publishes submissions on statutory victims of crime compensation schemes
22 August, 2014
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published 42 submissions in response to its recent issues paper on statutory victims of crime compensation schemes.
Royal Commission CEO Philip Reed said submissions were received from a range of individuals and organisations, including government, community service organisations, legal services, survivor advocacy and support groups and other support services.
“The Royal Commission is required under its terms of reference to consider the role of compensation in addressing and alleviating the impact of child sexual abuse.

Newcastle Herald
By JOANNE McCARTHY Aug. 22, 2014
A HUNTER man wept in a courtroom on Friday as he asked the questions that expose the tragedy of child sexual abuse.
"What could I have been? What would my life have been like?" asked the man known as ST, as defrocked Catholic priest John Denham, 72, sat metres away in a glass-enclosed dock.
ST told a sentencing hearing at the Sydney Downing Centre court that he struggled with suicide every day because those questions could never be answered.
"I hate life. I look forward to the day I die," he said in a statement read to Judge Helen Syme by his legal representative, Nicola Ellis.
ST was Denham's student at St Pius X High School, Adamstown, in the 1970s.
Denham is being sentenced after pleading guilty in August last year to 25 child sex charges including buggery, violent oral sex and indecent assault involving 18 boys, aged 11, 12 and 13, at Singleton, Wingham and St Pius X in the 1970s. He accepted another 23 indecent assault charges had occurred.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 9:05 AM

Brisbane Times
August 22, 2014
Rob Hulls
This week the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse turned its attention to the Melbourne Response - a process established by the city's Catholic Archdiocese to address the sexual abuse complaints accumulating against the church. Like much of the evidence presented to the Commission, the hearings included stories of lives and trust destroyed – shattered not only by individual perpetrators, but by the obfuscation and bellicose approach of the responsible institution.
Witnesses spoke of being discouraged from reporting to police; and of the distress of having their allegations accepted for the purposes of compensation offers, yet being told that these same allegations would be strenuously defended should they seek instead to go to court. Certainly, sexual assault complainants are often met with a theatre of evasion – from denial to legalistic defences which trivialise the complaint or disparage the complainant; from responses framed only in terms of compensation, to settlements which prevent victims from speaking out.
Startlingly, however, this week's hearings also revealed that the Catholic Church has spent around $17 million on administering this process – an equivalent sum to the total it has paid out to approximately 350 victims whose complaints it has accepted. These payments have averaged a modest $30,000, with a cap at $50,000 (more recently raised to $75,000), yet the Independent Counsel who determined the complaints has been paid $7 million since being engaged in 1996.
This approach is obviously out of kilter with the community's expectations – with as much invested in shielding the church's reputation as in supporting those who seek its help. Yet too often this is the case in the wider adversarial process – the elaborate series of hoops which any claimant must jump through obscuring the advantages of bringing the claim. This means that, although Archbishop Denis Hart is now considering a further review of the Melbourne Response's compensation cap, as well as whether past cases should be re-examined, we need to ask whether tinkering at the edges of institutional responses is ever sufficient.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 10:40 AM

Goulburn Post
[with video]
Detectives from the Hume Local Area Command have arrested and charged a brother from a religious order in relation to alleged historical indecent assaults upon children in the Goulburn area.
In February 2014, Strike Force Charish was formed to investigate allegations of child sex offences said to have occurred between 1978 and 1980.
The offences allegedly occurred upon eight boys aged 12, while the man was a school teacher at a private school in Goulburn.
As a result of ongoing inquiries, about 7.15am today (Tuesday 19 August 2014), investigators arrested a 65-year-old man at Sydney Airport.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:20 AM

Broken Rites
In this article, you can watch a video of detectives arresting a member of the Christian Brothers religious order at Sydney airport on 19 August 2014. The Christian Brother has been charged in relation to alleged indecent assaults upon children in the Goulburn area in southern New South Wales.
The detectives are based at Goulburn (within the Hume Local Area Command of the NSW Police).
In February 2014, the New South Wales Police formed a unit (called Strike Force Charish) to investigate allegations of a series of child sex offences said to have occurred between 1978 and 1980.
The offences allegedly were committed against eight boys aged 12, while the man was a teacher at a private school in Goulburn.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:18 AM

Source AAP 21 AUG 2014
Former Victorian priest David Edwin Rapson has been granted a six-month delay before facing new trials on child sex charges after his convictions were quashed.
Rapson, 61, was jailed for 13 years in 2013 for rape and sexual assault offences involving eight boys at two Victorian Catholic colleges between the 1970s and 1990.
But he was released on bail earlier this month after the Victorian Court of Appeal quashed his convictions.
The convictions were set aside after the Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP) conceded the charges should not have been dealt with in the one trial.
Rapson's barrister Shaun Ginsbourg told a brief hearing in Victorian County Court on Thursday that there should be a delay of at least six months from the convictions being quashed to his new trials.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:05 AM

The Age
August 21, 2014
Adam Cooper
Court reporter for The Age
A former priest who this month had convictions for sexually abusing eight boys at a Catholic boarding school quashed has been granted a six-month wait before a retrial.
David Rapson, 61, was last year jailed for a minimum 10 years after he was found guilty by a County Court jury of five counts of rape and eight charges of indecent assault related to the abuse of eight boys at the school between the mid-1970s and 1990.
But the Court of Appeal this month overturned the convictions after the Office of Public Prosecutions conceded the 13 charges should not have been heard in the one trial because of differences in the offending that was alleged. Rapson was released on bail.
The Court of Appeal ruled Rapson should face a retrial and that the number of trials to be held should be a matter for the presiding judge.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 7:01 AM

Parents of schoolgirl victims ...

The Australian

Parents of schoolgirl victims upset by lawyer’s description of abuse as ‘relatively minor’
AUGUST 21, 2014
Pia Akerman

A SENIOR lawyer representing the Catholic Church has described a notorious priest’s sexual abuse of a young girl as “relatively minor”.
The royal commission investigating institutional responses to child sexual abuse today saw a letter Corrs Chambers Westgarth partner Richard Leder, who has advised the Melbourne archdiocese since it established a scheme to compensate victims of clergy sexual abuse,
wrote to then Vicar-General Denis Hart in 1998 about the case of Emma Foster.
Emma and her sister Katie were abused as schoolgirls in the 1990s by priest Kevin O’Donnell, and nearly 20 per cent of all compensation paid by the Melbourne Response relate to his crimes.
“This is plainly a situation where special efforts are needed to try and solve a horrendous problem,” Mr Leder wrote.
He wrote that while Emma was reluctant to give details of the abuse she suffered, it appeared she had been fondled and not penetrated by O’Donnell.

Cardinal George Pell to give evidence at child sex abuse inquiry

The Guardian (UK)

Australian Associated Press, Wednesday 20 August 2014

Cardinal George Pell’s role in setting up a Catholic Church compensation scheme for victims of pedophile priests will be scrutinised on Thursday at the child abuse royal commission.
Pell was archbishop of Melbourne in 1996 when the Melbourne archdiocese decided to respond to growing allegations of child sex abuse by its clergy. The church considered creating a legal entity that could be sued by victims, but designed the Melbourne Response compensation scheme instead.
Cardinal Pell told the royal commission earlier this year he believed the church should now create an entity that could be sued.
A Victorian parliamentary inquiry last year recommended the Catholic Church be incorporated so it could be sued.
Melbourne archdiocese lawyer Richard Leder said the church’s position had shifted due to a better understanding of the extent of clergy sexual abuse.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 8:52 PM

Sky News
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Cardinal George Pell's role in setting up a Catholic Church compensation scheme for victims of pedophile priests will be scrutinised at the child abuse royal commission.
He was Archbishop of Melbourne in 1996 when the Melbourne archdiocese decided to respond to growing allegations of child sex abuse by its clergy.
The church considered creating a legal entity in 1996 that could be sued by victims, but designed the Melbourne Response compensation scheme instead.
Cardinal Pell told the royal commission earlier this year he believed the church should now create an entity that could be sued. ...
Cardinal Pell, now working in the Vatican, will give evidence via video-link from Rome at 4pm (AEST) on Thursday.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 8:40 PM

The Australian
AUGUST 21, 2014
Pia Akerman
A SENIOR lawyer who was ­instrumental in establishing the Melbourne Catholic archdiocese’s compensation scheme for victims of clergy sex abuse has denied any economic modelling was undertaken before a $50,000 cap was established.
This was despite the church’s plan to offer the scheme as an ­alternative to civil litigation.
Richard Leder, who acts on ­behalf of the archdiocese, its archbishops and its representatives in the Melbourne Response, yesterday told a royal commission that $50,000 was insufficient to meet the needs of some victims.
But he defended the church’s intentions in setting up the scheme and denied its requirement that participants waive their rights to future litigation was ­intended to protect the church and its assets.
“I don’t agree, but I can see people would say that,” Mr Leder said, prompting jeers from the public gallery during his testimony in Melbourne.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 10:47 AM

7 News
August 20, 2014
A woman whose son was sexually abused by a paedophile school bus driver in Adelaide more than two decades ago says she wants a national organisation set up to monitor child institutions.
Convicted paedophile Brian Perkins abused children while he was employed without a background check as a bus driver for the St Ann's special school in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Helen Gitsham's son was abused by Perkins and, in a written submission to a federal royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, said the Catholic Church's response was inadequate.
She said a Catholic Church inquiry that was announced in 2002 was not independent, transparent or comprehensive, and the process had not been scrutinised by anyone other than those associated with the church itself.
"From the very beginning of the inquiry the intention of the Catholic Church was to seek advice on legal matters and liability, not to determine whether the school tried to identify children who may have been abused, nor how families and children were affected and followed up at the time and since," Mrs Gitsham said.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:48 AM

WA Today
August 20, 2014
Leanne Nicholson
Deputy editor, WAtoday
Strengthening child abuse laws, more education and easier reporting of crimes are among recommended changes to toughen state laws protecting West Australia’s vulnerable.
Sixteen recommendations from a review into the Commissioner for Children and Young People Act were tabled in state parliament on Wednesday and are now open for public comment for the next three months.
Among the recommendation are the commissioner should receive complaints from children and young people, or adults acting on their behalf, about alleged child abuse, for referral on to the relevant investigative authority.
WA Attorney General Michael Mischin said the review found overall the Act had operated effectively and achieved the purpose of promoting the wellbeing of children and young people in Western Australia.

However, Mr Mischin said the review identified some areas for improvement.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:46 AM

ABC News
By Quentin McDermott and Peter Cronau
Updated 20 Aug 2014
An investigation should be launched into a cluster of paedophile priests at the Holy Family School in Doveton, one of Victoria's poorest communities, according to one of the MPs who conducted an inquiry last year into the handling of child abuse by religious and other organisations.
Victorian Labor MP Frank McGuire made a statement to the Victorian Parliament today, following revelations in last week's ABC Four Corners program, In the Name of the Law.
The program revealed that Cardinal George Pell did not explain in oral evidence to last year's Victorian inquiry that the church had held a private hearing in 1997 at which the finding was made that local parish priest, Father Peter Searson, had been guilty of the sexual abuse of two children.
Father Searson was eventually removed from the Doveton parish and charged by police for an unrelated physical assault of a young boy attending the Holy Family School.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:43 AM

Herald Sun

CARDINAL George Pell has been blasted by state Labor MP Frank McGuire over evidence provided about a paedophile priest during a parliamentary inquiry.

Calling for a fresh investigation into the Catholic Church’s response to decades-long sex offences committed in Doveton — uncovered in the 1980s and 1990s — Mr McGuire accused Cardinal Pell of glossing over crimes of former priest Peter Searson.

He said that when Cardinal Pell was questioned about Searson at the recent Victorian parliamentary inquiry into child sex abuse, Cardinal Pell said “no conviction was recorded for Searson on sexual misbehaviour”.
Mr McGuire told parliament while courts did not convict Searson, documents he had obtained showed that the church’s Melbourne Response, led by independent commissioner Peter O’Callaghan, had found Fr Searson was “guilty of sexual abuse of two girls”.

Last night the church fired back at Mr McGuire.

A statement released says: “in his evidence to the inquiry, Cardinal Pell drew attention to Mr O’Callaghan’s investigation into Fr Searson”.

Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:41 AM

Source AAP 20 AUG 2014
Catholic Church payouts to victims of pedophile priests don't recognise the harm they have suffered, a lawyer for the Melbourne archdiocese says.
Many victims have told the abuse royal commission they've received only "token amounts" in compensation under the church's Melbourne Response scheme for handling clergy sex abuse complaints.
Lawyer Richard Leder, who represents the Melbourne archdiocese, said it was clear now that the capped payouts set under the Melbourne Response don't recognise the harm suffered by victims.
"It is clear that for some victims the ability to receive only up to $75,000 in lump sum compensation indicates that the compensation component of the Melbourne Response is not achieving the objective that it was set out to achieve in terms of delivering a financial recognition of the harm.
"I'm absolutely supportive of the commitments that the archbishop has made to review those matters," Mr Leder told the royal commission on Wednesday.
Posted by Kathy Shaw at 6:31 AM

Church commissioner admits giving archdiocese suggestions for abuse response

The Australian

AUGUST 20, 2014
Pia Akerman

THE ‘‘independent commissioner’’ heading the Melbourne archdiocese’s response to clergy sex abuse has admitted providing the church’s media adviser with suggested answers about a notorious abuse case.
Peter O’Callaghan QC, who has spearheaded the Melbourne Response since it began in 1996, has been repeatedly challenged on his independent status from the archdiocese while giving evidence at the royal commission investigating institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
Today it was revealed that he had given the archdiocese’s communications director extensive answers in response to questions from a journalist about the church’s handling of the Foster family after two of their daughters were abused by a priest.
Mr O’Callaghan accepted his action had not been “strictly speaking” any of his business, but said he still believed it was reasonable.
The commission has heard Mr O’Callaghan refused to provide one of the daughters, Katie Foster, with his report on the abuse because her family was considering suing the church.
Mr O’Callaghan has said he believed he had acted appropriately by denying the Foster family his written findings, even though he had verbally confirmed to them that their daughter Katie was abused by one of Victoria’s most notorious priests, Kevin O’Donnell.
Mr O’Callaghan yesterday said he had based his 2000 decision on a 1976 judicial ruling, prompting criticism from NSW appellate judge Peter McClellan as chair of the royal commission investigating institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
“The law has moved quite a bit,” Justice McClellan told Mr O’Callaghan, who was called to the Bar in 1961 and took silk in 1974.

Child sexual abuse royal commission: O'Callaghan advised abuse victims on strength of cases

Yahoo! News

By court reporter Peta Carlyon | ABC
The man in charge of the Catholic Church's so-called Melbourne Response to allegations of child abuse has rejected suggestions he failed to encourage victims to go to police.
Peter O'Callaghan QC has been dealing with complainants and deciding whether they are eligible for compensation since the scheme began in 1996.
He was repeatedly questioned about the legal integrity of his decision-making at today's hearing of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Mr O'Callaghan has been a Queen's Counsel for 40 years and said the Melbourne Response was based in canon law and "natural justice".
He said when there was a dispute with a claim he would take on a role similar to a magistrate in a criminal case.
He was again asked repeatedly why he did not report cases of abuse to Victoria Police and why he took it upon himself to advise victims on the potential strength of their cases.

Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Launceston

Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

19 August, 2014
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will be holding private sessions in Launceston from 26 – 29 August 2014.
Royal Commission CEO Philip Reed said all people affected by child sexual abuse while in the care of an Australian institution have the opportunity to tell the Royal Commission of their experiences in a private session.
“Over the course of this week 18 survivors of child sexual abuse in Tasmania will have the opportunity to tell the Royal Commission of their experiences, in a private session with a Commissioner.
“The Royal Commission has already held more than 2,200 private sessions in cities and town across Australia and this is the first time the Royal Commission has held private sessions in Launceston.

Sex victims' parents tell of Pell's 'sociopathic' response

November 23, 2012

Anthony Foster told on Friday how they met the cardinal - now Archbishop of Sydney - when he was Melbourne archbishop, in a furniture storage room at a Melbourne presbytery. They were squeezed onto a narrow wooden bench, while he sat in a ''grandiose'' padded leather chair.
In our interactions with the now-Cardinal Archbishop Pell, we experienced a sociopathic lack of empathy, typifying the attitude and responses of the church hierarchy. 

He expressed no emotion when shown a picture of the Fosters' daughter Emma harming herself - she later killed herself - and said expressionlessly: ''Hmmm, she's changed, hasn't she?''

''What sort of of people did he mix with, what sort of life did he lead, that he thought this comment was appropriate?'' Mr Foster asked.

From the start, he was confrontational and told them: ''If you don't like what we are doing, take us to court,'' Mr Foster said.

Coincidentally, the inquiry posted on its website on Friday a submission by another victim of the priest, Kevin O'Donnell, who raped the Fosters' daughters. This victim (name withheld) also spoke of Cardinal Pell, saying that meeting him and other church staff was ''unpleasant and distressing'' and describing her experience of the church as ''harsh, cold and uncaring'' from her childhood to her time in a convent to reporting O'Donnell to the police.
Another victim, Ian Lawther, whose son was a victim, said that every time Cardinal Pell spoke publicly to defend the Catholic Church, he caused further pain for victims suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. ''[He is] only doing a lot of damage to sufferers.''
He said he had received ''zero'' signs of contrition from the church. ''There needs to be complete accountability. We don't need an organisation that runs and hides behind canon law. There should be one law for all the people in this country.''
Friday was the first time victims themselves gave evidence. Mr Foster, who appeared with his wife, author and advocate Chrissie, and daughters Katie and Aimee, said the sociopathic response was their experience in meeting the cardinal, in watching him discuss their family in the media, and in the fact that neither the cardinal nor his replacement as Archbishop of Melbourne, Denis Hart, had tried even once to contact them.
Katie Foster is in a wheelchair after being hit by a car when she was drunk. She turned to binge drinking after the abuse though the church had received complaints in 1946, 1958 and 1984 that O'Donnell was a child abuser.
The parliamentary committee room was packed, but there was utter silence as Mr Foster said that if after any of those complaints church officials had removed O'Donnell from ministry, ''our daughters and scores of other victims would have been spared their life of torment and the crippling effects''.
Although the church accepted, in offering compensation, the girls had been abused, when the case came to court it was ''strenuously defended'', as the church's lawyer Richard Leder had threatened.
Mr Foster told the inquiry: ''We fervently hope that you have the strength of character to stand up for the rights of children against the Catholic Church. Victoria could lead the way,'' a theme echoed by each witness.

Vatican Bank’s ‘peaceful transition’ is akin to Cardinal Bernard Law’s ‘peaceful transition’ from crime to glory in Rome. Opus Dei Beast is the Mark of Cain 

POPE FRANCIS the CON-Christ.  

Biggest THIEF  of mankind


Pretender & Impostor of Jesus. 

LIAR. CANNOT CLONE Jesus or dogs

Christ as AIR we BREATHE-IN=Jesus=Son of God=AIR is EVERYWHERE+FREE FOR ALL peoples & countries. Jesus/AIR is at HOME with US in OUR FAMILY.  

Christ said in the Bible:The Kingdom of GOD is WITHIN YOU. Jesus/AIR does not need EVIL POPES/priests as mediators.

CHRIST/AIR CANNOT be CLONEd, monopolized, locked-up in churches.STOP giving MONEY to CATHOLIC CHURCH= VATICAN MAMMON BEAST.

 GIVE MONEY to POOR+SICK in our families, our schools, our hospitals.  

STOP GOING to EAT FAKE flesh of Christ= SORCERY                 

The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore,

 it is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.

IDLE Saint Joseph (Oratory) versus First Nations. 

PROTEST $50 million government grants to Oratory! It has evil pedophile priests! Montreal launch second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints! SAINT JOSEPH CANNOT PROTECT CHILDREN! 



    St. Joseph with candles in the Votive Chapel of the Oratory of St. Joseph


    I am the Holy Father of Jesus, Son of God.


    St. Joseph with candles in the Votive Chapel of the Oratory of St. Joseph

    Giant Saint Joseph could NOT help young students victims! His giant statue is only a few nearby the College Notre DAme where hundreds of students were sodomized by Holy Cross Brothers of Saint brother Andre.


    Saint Brother Andre said nothing and did nothing 
    to protect young students victims of his Holy Cross Brothers

    Giant Saint Joseph could NOT help young students victims! 
    Oratory candles could not stop CSC pedophiles and bestial lust for 50 years from 1950 to 2001. 

    Give your money to the homeless shelters of Montreal
    Stop lighting candles! God does not need candles. 

    The poor need to eat. The homeless need a shelter. Homeless people NOT allowed in Oratory! 

    It’s acts of mercy that I want, says the Lord, not material sacrifices and candles! 

    God does not need your candles!

    Saint Joseph does not need your candles.

    Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror ). .


    Giant statue of St. Joseph said nothing and did nothing to save hundreds of students - at College Notre Dame - which he can see day-and-night - across the small street in front of him -- being sexually abused by Brother Andre's pedophile priests and brothers

  • Enabler of Pedophile Priests
  • IDLE Saint Joseph (Oratory) versus First Nations. 

    PROTEST $50 million government grants to Oratory! It has evil pedophile priests! Montreal launch second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints! SAINT JOSEPH CANNOT PROTECT CHILDREN! 

  • Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth rule the Stock Exchange
  • Benedict XVI rejected by Rome's Sapienza University students and professors 

  • Read IDLE Saint Joseph versus First Nations native people of Canada 

  •  The Jesuits aided and abetted the Vatican Inquisitons - even St. Francis Xavier implemented them in India. A Hindi man is contesting the incorrupt body as belonging to a monk


    Jesuits transferred Marcos Gold & Billions of Dollars to the Vatican Treasury.  The JESUIT ORDER - MASTER OF EVASION AND CONSPIRACIES

    Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.  

  • PROTEST AGAINST IDLE Saint Joseph is the
  • Enabler of Pedophile Priests






  • IDLE Saint Joseph (Oratory) versus First Nations. 

    PROTEST $50 million government grants to Oratory! It has evil pedophile priests! Montreal launch second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints! SAINT JOSEPH CANNOT PROTECT CHILDREN! 

  • Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.  

  • Pope Francis controls Wall Street and despots wars  

    The real Mother Mary of Jesus was not silent or stupid like nuns

    Stupid Catholic women and nuns should learn from the real Mary the Mother of Jesus brought Him to the synagogues and the Temple of Solomon when he was a boy and all He did was questioning the powers of the Pharisees High Priests – that’s in the fifth Joyful mystery of the Rosary.  But as an adult Jesus stopped going to the synagogues because He saw the evil of organized religion and the hypocrisy of those holy High Priests Pharisees who usurped the money of the poor but outwardly prayed like robots which the Opus Dei does with the Angelus and the Rosary and daily Eucharist.  His mother followed Him throughout His ministry and likewise stopped going to church.

    Then Jesus did the unthinkable, he cursed the Temple of Solomon (prescribed in detail by His Father in the Bible) to the ground – except perhaps for the jewels or wealth that King Solomon accumulated and hoarded in the Temple brought by kings and queens – this would be tantamount to the Vatican Bank and secret Vatican Swiss Banks because the Vatican owns Switzerland, hence the Swiss Guard Army that train all Swiss men to be obedient to the Pope, the monarch of Switzerland. 

    Jesus’ Mother followed His curse on the Temple of Solomon and all its wealth 2,000 years later.  In the Third Secret of Fatima when she appeared to Sr. Lucy and the other two young children, she showed them an image of Hell where there are thousands of pedophile priests burning because of their crimes against children and she predicted that the Vatican will also be destroyed like the Temple of Solomon - that not one pillar at St. Peter’s Square will be left standing -- because Her Son is not part of the Evil Vatican.  In the Temple of Solomon Jesus got angry and drove the merchants and overthrew their tables of money – they would be equivalent to the secret Vatican Swiss Banks today.  That is why, all the popes never revealed the real Third Secret of Fatima or there’d be a countdown at St. Peter’s Square. 

    Stupid Catholic women and nuns should learn from the real Mary and not the plastic idle statues like the IDLE giant statue of St. Joseph at the Oratory who watched for 50 years over the College Notre Dame (named again after Mary) where hundreds of students were sodomized by pedophile priests, read here =

    Mary inspires us to tell the world that she finds the sound of callous heartless Rosary like the sound of a broken record, read why the Rosary could not defeat the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army here

    But how do you enlighten 1.2 billion Catholics that Jesus Christ wants to be set free from the Vatican -- and that Christ is like the air they and mankind breathe-in – Christ cannot be cloned by priests – in no matter shape or form in the white host and wine – and Christ cannot be imprisoned in gold tabernacles like the air -- and that they do not need to go to evil Vatican Catholic Churches to worship Him because as He said, “The Kingdom of God is within you”?    Christ keeps telling us that ALL of the 1.2 billion Catholics support directly the Vatican Mammon Beast and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard the wealth of the 1% wealthiest people in the globe, hence Pope Francis is responsible for all wars and violence in the world.

    Typical of its strategy as in the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, the Vatican Catholic Church has already distanced itself as the Archbishop said “the church has no records and we must not judge the past” (see compilation of news below with our emphases).  He washed his hands and says that the church has no records of them – just like cardinals and bishops keep denying about pedophile priests – or they’d spend millions of dollars on lawyers’ fees to keep their records from the public like Cardinal Mahony did in Los Angeles. 

    The Irish 800 babies buried in a septic tank saga

    Most headlines  do not mention that it was the stupid Roman Catholic nuns in Ireland who were responsible for dumping 800 babies found in a septic tank between 1927-1961 and the Archbishop has washed his hands (like Pontius Pilate) and said the diocese has no records of them. 

    Irish Holocaust of 800 babies in septic tank dumped by Evil STUPID Roman Catholic NUNS. Evil Pope Francis. Evil Opus Dei Beast. Evil John Paul II – with compilation of news from June 4-6

    Stupid Catholic nuns 

    worshipping the Opus Dei 

    new Golden Cow Saint John Paul II.  

    Nuns wave as Pope Francis is driven through the crowd after presiding over a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. Pope Francis has declared his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II saints in an unprecedented canonization ceremony made even more historic by the presence of retired Pope Benedict XVI.

    Stupid Catholic nuns 

    worshipping the Opus Dei Beast 

    new Golden Cow Saint John Paul II.  

    John Paul II and sorcery of Eucharist - he cannot clone an ant or a dog -- and therefore he cannot clone Christ either


    Irish Times cartoon shows duplicity of priests. Sacrament of Confession’s absolute choice to protect pedophiles. Priests’ callousness towards children’s security and well being  - read here

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