Thursday, July 11, 2013

Australia JP2 Army! Anne Lastman the false witness to “the limping Christ towards Calvary”… she camouflages John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Updated March 4, 2014

Read our new blog:  Pope Francis the CON Christ. Pretender & Impostor of Jesus. Merlin hoax CANNOT CLONE JESUS or dogs

Our latest  related article about New Jersey "Bling"  Bishop Myers

Updated July  29, 2013  

Pope Francis in Brazil proved us right and Anne Lastman wrong.  Plus the Gay Lobby in a “Vatican ID”!

As feminists, we strongly disagree and defy Anne Lastman who uses women symbolism (Bride of Christ) to justify and cover-up the Catholic Church which is ruled only by males, the Popes and their Crimes and Vatican Evils for centuries, and the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – who are men only!!  The Vatican Gay Lobby, only males, could also use her imagery very well, read more below.

Pope Francis’ rock-star World Youth Day in Brazil proved that we are right and Anne Lastman is wrong, very wrong.  Pope Francis proved that Anne Lastman is misleading the world when she writes, “The Catholic Church…is a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised.  I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing.  We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.  Anne Lastman’s Catholic Church amidst all those papal spectacles and political photo-ops with the poor (to segue attention away from secret Vatican Swiss Banks that oppress these same poor people) was not “crucifixion” at all.  Pope Francis, his Vatican entourage, those 3 millions of Catholics basking in the sun as they feasted and ate the cloned flesh of Christ definitely were not “a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised”.  To “clone Christ” before 3 million people in the beach of Rio de Janeiro was not “crucifixion” but Hollywood rock-star reception and manipulation and Vatican Deceits in prime action, read our related article, Argo & “saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”  So really,  Where was “the Bride of Christ…limping towards Calvary” in Copacabana beach?  

If Anne Lastman subtle intention is to refer to the crucifixion” of the Bride of Christ as (the Catholic Church being spat upon, being vilified, despised) as equivalent to  being investigated and pursued by…the secular United Nations that recently commanded the Vatican to release all its cover-ups and files of child abuse, or secular lawyers and the Royal Commission in Australia interrogating her beloved holy idol Cardinal Pell and Bishops who covered-up pedophile priests (see news updates below), then she is attacking the UN, the secular justice system, and she is trying to weaken the rights of the secular courts (like the Royal Commission, see news updates below) and secular police to investigate, prosecute, and jail Catholic pedophile priests and the Cardinals and Bishops who covered-them up.  Read our related article,  UN commands Vatican to reveal cover-ups/info… like Milwaukee pedophile priests files & Cardinal Dolan’s role “

Pope Francis in his capacity as Jesuit Master of Vatican Deceits used the World Youth Day in Brazil to announce that “it is definitive that there will be no women ordination and no women priests”.  Therefore, it is preposterous to use this imagery of “Bride of Christ” for the Catholic Church
– where women are not allowed to be priests  (it’s because the Vatican Gay Lobby will lose their privacy and the Vatican Billions in secret Swiss Banks will lose their secrecy, read more here
- where women are forbidden to preside in or be near altars of worships
-  where women are not allowed to reside inside the Vatican “country”
- where women cannot be part of the Catholic Church hierarchy
- where women have no voice whatsoever on Church laws that affect them
- where women are expected to kowtow and be “Amen” second class citizens.

“Bride of Christ” is one of the worst Vatican Lies and the apex abuse of female imagery used to deceive the world - which is a typical Opus Dei Modus Operandi, read here our related article, Opus Dei female symbol for John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

The Vatican Gay Lobby & Vatican ID

 And now that the Vatican “gay lobby” is exposed in the open, Pope Francis as the Master Jesuit Mask of Vatican Deceits is easing up on gays so that the world will tolerate this Vatican Gay Lobby because he cannot control those gay Vatican prelates who rule and infest the Vatican like holy termites! Vatican (gay) ID is a clever Jesuit word!  In his orchestrated papal interview in the airplane back to the Vatican, Pope Francis said - to spin the media as chief Vatican Pied Piper:

“There’s a lot of talk about the gay lobby, but I’ve never seen it on the Vatican ID card!”
Whoa! “Vatican ID card” for the most secretive men’s club in the world!  He is fooling the world again and the media Pied Pipers are in full swing about this.  Where’s the Vatican ID card of Cardinal O’Brien was a gay adulterer? Read about him here "Gay adulterer Cardinal O’Brien makes King Henry VIII an honest straight guy. O’Brien the Vatican Prince proves VaticanDeceits and Vatican Hypocrisy inside Vatican Titanic"

   Where’s the Vatican ID card of the Italian Cardinal who resides in the 20 million Euros gay apartment Vatican owned with the largest gay sauna in Europe?  See the apartment and read about them here 

This Vatican Gay Lobby knows all the ins and outs of the Vatican and the Vatican cannot operate without them, therefore, Pope Francis is at their mercy.  99% of Vatican Prelates are sexually active gays!  Believe it or not!  Really it’s time the United Nations annul the status of the Vatican as a “country”.  Many countries are now legalizing gay marriages and the smallest country of the Vatican is the only country left to condemn gay marriages therefore Pope Francis has no choice but to agree along if he wants the Vatican to remain as a “country”.  Most of all, in its Vatican Deceits and Hypocrisy, it has a gay lobby because these prelates are supposed to be celibates but cannot get married, they simply have a free-for-all gay orgies worse than the days of The Borgias!!  The Vatican Gay Lobby prance around as free gay adulterers inside holy Vatican chambers just like Cardinal O’Brien was a gay adulterer in the Archbishop’s Palace, read our related article here

Read our related article, Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

Shame on Anne Lastman who uses women (symbolism) to justify and cover-up Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils!!

Anne Lastman is a disgrace to women!! 

Anne Lastman is a shame for all brides on earth.

The Suffering Christ – who loves little boys and girls more than the King Herod “the Great” and John Paul II “the Great” (who lived in “great” palaces) - inspires us to expose all Vatican Deceits in this blog and He prompts us to describe Anne Lastman’s deceit through her most theological line ever, “I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing.  We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.  (She should have written for herself and spoken for herself alone like this:  I would suggest that there is more to what I am seeing.  I am seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.”)  But because she wrote “WE” - which includes us – thus we are obliged to defy her for the sake of Christ and innocent children. 

This is the first time we have seen this cleverest Pied Piper line ever, and the most despicable and outrageous comparison ever  (again at the expense of women).  It is actually the biggest Catholic lie next to “saint” John Paul II because the imagery of the “Bride of Christ” is being used to attack secular justice systemand to harness and exploit public sympathy for the Church.  Worst, here Anne Lastman equates the Bride of Christ as the sum total of both the JP2 Army –John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army plus with their hundreds of thousands of children victims worldwide.  

Bride of Christ = (equals) Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, JP2 Army/John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army + (plus) hundreds of thousands of children victims of pedophile priests.

This is totally unacceptable!

Whether Anne Lastman is a member of Opus Dei or not is beside the point; even if she were a devout Catholic who received the daily FAKE clone flesh of Christ, she has no right misleading people about the “Bride of Christ” being “crucified”… “just like the crucifixion of her Groom.”  This imagery is sickening and a total lie!!  It is an affront to women and very bad education to children, sheer Pied Piper tactics!

Read our related article, "United Nations that just commanded the Vatican to reveal its secret half-a-century cover-ups of the JP2 Army" – named aptly after the longest reigning pope who said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children from pedophile priests.  Just look at the two pedophile Achilles Heels of John Paul II – Cardinal Bernard Law and Fr. Marcial Maciel, it is evident John Paul II had no interest to meet with one, even just one of the victims of these pedophiles, read more here:

Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children

Anne Lastman’s statement is a blatant insult and another slap on the faces of countless victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  These children were being “crucified” for over half a century by the JP2 Army  but the Vatican and the Catholic Church said nothing and did nothing to help them…but instead protected and covered-up their sexual predators priests . 

Instead, those “Vicars of Christ” Popes, Cardinals and Bishops covered-up and protected thousands of predator pedophile priests who were never laicized or put in jail and thus they were free to roam and sodomize more kids…for as along as they lived.

For Anne Lastman to use her platform as a famous counselor - to speak for the Crucifixion of Christ - is not fair and not just for Christ - and she misguides good people around the world.  It actually is a form of abuse of power over the victims of pedophiles (whom she may counsel and who read her book). Vulnerable victims must stop being misled especially by the Popes and priests who self-claim they are the “representatives of Christ and cloners of Christ” and by Catholic Church Vatican Pied Pipers, once and for all. 

Anne Lastman joins an A-list of Vatican Pied Pipers we have exposed through the years:

John L.Allen Jr.Pied Piper of John Paul II deceives Catholics with his essay Fast-Track Saint in Newsweek -- with Vatican lunacy & Satanic timeline

Sacrament of Penance or ‘Forgiveness’ is a tool of INJUSTICE to victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. To Vaticanista chiesa.espresso Sandro Magister, Baloney!

Holy Crap! What “rigor”? Due to Pope's rigor, sex abuse victims are rendered justice, writes Italian bishop who is out-of-touch with reality

Jon Stewart features HOLY SH*T Benedict XVI personal cover-up of German paedo priest & his personal usher GAY prostitution ring at the Vatican

B & B Benedict XVI and Cardinal Bertone in 1998 hid a pedophile priest who abused 200 deaf boys

 Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome

John L. Allen Jr supports Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ through his headline: 'True believers' on Maciel still kicking

 Opus Dei's USA mouthpiece Bill Donohue is paid $400,000 to belittle the New York Times and anyone against Opus Dei World Domination Agenda

The Nazis of Hitler and the Roman Catholic Church of Benedict XVI are similar: They both burn human beings in Auschwitz and in Hell

 Conrad Black and Benedict XVI are of the same feather. Conrad Black speaks for and glorifies up Benedict XVI’s papacy

Benedict XVI does not speak Latin, therefore, the Holy See cannot claim and impose Latin as its « official language »

 Faith, BLESSED NEWMAN, prayers, Christ-CRUCIFIX never protected children and can never bring justice to victims of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Oprah did more good than John Paul II for 25 years. Oprah gave truth and exposed evil while John Paul II hid them in his 2 evil papal Achilles Heels

VATICAN BLAME GAME: John Jay College blame '60s & '70s. Benedict XVI blames the Devil so priests can reincarnate God-Jesus but they can't on dead cats

The Homosexual Colonization of the Catholic Church

The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable

John Paul II 4 million,Ayatollah Khomeini 9 million people at funeral! Cardinal Pell, fanatics cannot beatify the Pope of Pedophiles and Pederasts

Opus Dei Golden Cow John Paul II statues worldwide vis-a-vis Paterno statue gone from Penn State. Only the Catholic Church glorifies criminals

  Read more in all our 5 blogs.

Christ inspires us to tell the world that He will not allow his suffering and crucifixion to be cited and abused by Catholic writers any longer.  There is no such thing as the “Bride of Christ” because it is a false analogy and it’s a title the Vatican has used as a facade to commit its heinous crimes for centuries.  

Being the “Bride of Christ” or the Vicar of Christ” have given the criminal Popes, Cardinals and Bishops free pass to satiate their stupid whims like The Borgias, or the narcissistic pursuit of greatness so it can be added to his name as John Paul II “the Great”.   And it is time, the Vatican Empire is toppled down in the 21st century so that children and women will no longer suffer under the powers of the Vatican and the Pope and whoever controls them like the Opus Dei.  

The Suffering Christ – loves little boys and girls more than all Princes of the Church like Cardinal Bernard Law and Cardinal Mahony of LA, or gay Cardinal adulterer O’Brien of England, or Bishops like the Vatican bank’s Bishop and accountant Nunzio Serrano who was caught money laundering 26 million dollars “help friend” who are the wealthiest in Italy. Obviously the Bishop’s “friends” were not the poor people, read our related article here - Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops

Christ tells us that He no longer want Catholics and the world to adulate the Pope because they are all deceitful and sinful popes like The Borgias and Benedict XVI and John Paul II  who covered-up the tsunami of Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, named after the longest reigning pope who said and did nothing to save and protect children – yes, this Suffering Christ inspires us to write and expose all Vatican Deceits in this blog…because the Popes keep using and abusing His Holy Name… Christ is being crucified by Vatican Deceits and Vatican Pied Pipers over and over again at the expense of children and women.

Anne Lastman may be a good counselor but that is not the issue here.  It is the FALSE theology she is incorporating into her job as a counselor – that we are obliged by the Holy Spirit to expose.  Our mission is to point out the strategic Vatican Lies like Hollywood strategies that instantly brainwash people to believe and to follow, just like children followed the Pied Piper and ended up trapped in a cave of slavery.  Read our related article,  Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”

What Anne Lastman published is FALSE, and because she cannot recant and re-publish what she wrote in her book, and AD2000 cannot undo what they have published, likewise, we too cannot therefore remove this post that critiques her in order to enlighten our readers.   Her female imagery is very powerful, but TRUTH must be more powerful than all the publishing companies of the Catholic Church.  

What Anne Lastman wrote is very very FALSE:  And yet I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing.  We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.  This generalization of “Bride of Christ” to include the same Popes, Cardinals and Bishops who covered-up thousands of pedophile priests as equal to the one and the same “Bride of Christ” is preposterous, erroneous, false, absurd and a Vatican Deceit at its height.  

If ordinary Catholics cannot SEE this, then they are the most stupid believers of Vatican Deceits and they can chant on “JP2, we love you” at the canonization of FALSE SAINT John Paul II who has two EVIL ACHILLES HEELS, Cardinal Bernard Law and Fr. Marcial Maciel, read more here - Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children

...then the world must not feel sorry for them when God Himself shall annihilate the Vatican like He did with the Temple of Solomon per the Third Secret of Fatima!!

The Devil’s Bowels smell like roses in the Vatican indeed…and devout Catholics , like Anne Lastman, and those WYD Catholics spread petals of roses along the Devil’s path within the Catholic Church, read more here - John Paul smelled Devil`s Bowels as roses for 27 years as he deified Father Marcial Maciel and deified Cardinal Bernard Law

Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Rome 

The Devil’s bowels smell like roses in the Vatican

Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 see John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002

 See July 29, 2013  news updates from Australia below.

July 11, 2013

At last, a female Vatican Pied Piper has arrived on the scene!

And she’s coming in all the way from Down Under in Australia!  A far stretch of the Vatican Catholic Kingdom.  Australia, a continent of the Vatican Catholic Church (no, it’s no longer the “Roman” Catholic Church -- because Rome is now a secular city).

Anne Lastman (ironic man’s name of a female Vatican Pied Piper) arrived just on time in Australia as Aussies awaken to the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – the tsunami of Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions being unraveled by the Royal Commission (see compilation of news articles below).

A Female Vatican Pied Piper

The article (see below) “Child sexual abuse: looking beyond the institutions” featured an excerpt from her book Redeeming Grief which has just been published, and it quoted Anne Lastman’s  major statement (which is Vatican Deceit at its height):

 “The Catholic Church…is a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised. It's the one church which is the focal point of child sexual abuse allegations by its ministers and others within its ranks. And yet I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing.  We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom. 

But wait a minute...BEFORE we start “seeing” her Vatican-led Pied Piper cave; let’s dissect her Vatican Deceit strategy. 

Let us educate all readers that this new Vatican female Pied Piper - cannot not and must not fool  us one bit.

Let us set the record straight.

First, let Jesus Christ be Jesus Christ.

The Pope is NOT Jesus Christ. 

Jesus Christ is NOT the Pope.

Pope Francis or Benedict XVI Ratzinger, or John Paul II, no matter how “saintly” is not Jesus Christ.

Cardinals and Bishops are not Jesus Christ.

Catholic Priests are not Jesus Christ – even if they claim to be able to CLONE CHRIST instantly in the Holy Eucharist.

Having a BA or an MA in theology does not qualify one to speak for Jesus Christ or on behalf of Jesus Christ.  

Anne Lastman with her theological degrees is not Jesus Christ and cannot speak on behalf of him either.

The 20th Century history has proven this with the Vatican Deceits of John Paul II and his thousands of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – holy priests who claimed to be the face and representatives of Jesus Christ on Earth- with all their theological degrees – that they used those theological credentials to fool children and their parents and sodomize hundreds of thousands of children with the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions, read more here

The title deceives immediately:Child sexual abuse: looking beyond the institutions

As the title suggest to readers immediately, "look beyond the institution of the Catholic Church!!! "  She is the beautiful "Bride of Christ" , so forget all these Royal Commission and UN demands for Vatican cover-ups of the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. 

Child sexual abuse: looking beyond the institutions”, the main brainwashing strategy and subliminal command is:  “look beyond” and ignore the institution of the Catholic Church, even if it the biggest culprit in Australia’s child sex abuse that accounts for more than 90% of sexual predator priests pedophiles.  The Vatican Titanic sunk deep in moral bankruptcy now hires through its Vatican Deceit Empire by bringing in a woman to do it this time, because Goliath Bully Bill Donohue in the USA and the Vatican Pied Pipers in USA, John L. Allen Jr. and the MediaReport, and the Chiesa and the Vatican Insider in Rome are all male.

In the AD2000 article “Child sexual abuse: looking beyond the institutionsthat cites Anne Lastman, she is first introduced with a list of her credentials of BA and MA in religious and theological studies.  She is a female writer and she needs an introduction that ‘qualifies’ her to speak for Christ and for the institution of the Catholic Church.   But SO WHAT?   Thousands of pedophile priests also had their list of BA and MA in theological studies after their names, and most of all, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Ratzinger and John Paul II wrote tons of theology books but they were all very callous towards children of the 20th century, read our related article,

Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive

No surprises here, AD2000 is owned and operated by Opus Dei!  Just look at his book, at the bottom of the list but in caps - none other than Saint Josemaria Escriva.  His book is the last like the signature of the website, at the end of a letter.

The Catholic Church is not the Bride of Christ.  This is Vatican Deceit.

The Catholic Church cannot be a “bride” or the Bride of Christ because it is ruled only by male Popes and male only Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, therefore this Bride of Christ fable is ludicrous, false and misleading and a Vatican Deceit.  Opus Dei is very shrewd on using women for their Vatican Deceits agendas like this Opus Dei comparison to priest pedophilia to a woman’s body part, read our related article

Opus Dei female symbol for John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Saying that the Catholic Church is the Bride of Christ gives permission to the criminal Popes like the Borgias and Benedict XVI_Ratzinger or John Paul II the right to be "like Christ" -- with a FREE PASS to all crimes and then be canonized as saint.  This Vatican Bullshit Theology got to end in this century of Google and Wikileaks where totalitarian government can no longer fool the new generation with archaic medieval theology and reasoning.

The Vatican is not the Gate of Heaven - not with the Borgias, the Gay Lobby of Pope Benedict XVI-Ratzinger, the Vatican Bank, and the recent half-a-century cover-up of thousands of pedophile priests named aptly after John Paul II who watched over them for 27 years... the false saint.

So, at last, if there is a female product of Vatican Deceits par excellence, Anne Lastman has arrived in the Vatican Pied Piper Media Empire scene.  No female writer has ever revealed herself as devilishly shrewd as Anne Lastman up to now.  Christ said that “the Devil is the Father of lies” and Anne Lastman must be the Devil’s favorite daughter.  Here’s why, see the highlighted pathological lies and most central statements in her book where she twisted facts around with the craftiest Devil’s charm ever.

Furthermore, as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI blamed the Devil for priest pedophiles, now Anne Lastman blames “a very ‘clinical explanation’ for sexual abuse”

Exposing Vatican Deceits

In her book Redeeming Grief ,  Anne Lastman   major statement is that “The Catholic Church…is a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised. It's the one church which is the focal point of child sexual abuse allegations by its ministers and others within its ranks. And yet I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing.  We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.  This is subliminal suggestion as Vatican Deceit brainwashing strategy at its best.  This statement overpowers everything else she writes about in her book.  She has shrewdly stolen the persona of Christ and identified the Church with Him – and that is her pathological lie…because the Church and Christ are not one and the same. 

Limping towards Calvary

The fact and the truth is, it is the suffering victims [of the Church’s pedophile priests] who are the ones limping towards Calvary…the truth is we are seeing the crucifixion of thousands of children just like the crucifixion of Christ.  The Catholic Church on the other hand is having a party, the Pope and his daily papal spectacles in St. Peter’s Square goes on… the Cardinals and Bishops are all living the lifestyle of the rich and famous like Cardinal Bernard Law and Cardinal Mahony… and those financially secure pedophile priests are still free to roam and sodomize more children.  Pope Francis will soon go to Brazil for the World youth Day where he will deceive hundreds of thousands of Catholic youth…so who is limping to Calvary that Anne Lastman the Opus Dei pathological liar is talking about???

Anne Lastman is oversimplifying the Catholic Church as “the Bride of Christ” and, besides that imagery is as misleading and deceitful as ever.  Opus Dei had to choose her to say this phrase because she is a woman (Bride) because if it was the Pope or a priest who says it, it would be too obvious that the Bride of Church is ruled only by male Popes and priests which, evidently, makes the Bride a GAY guy!

Calling the Church as one entity as the “Bride of Christ” is false.  Let us not mix together the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and pedophile priests of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and their victims.  That would be like oversimplifying the Jewish people – by saying that Jesus Christ was a Jew and he was persecuted by the Jews…and therefore all Jewish people were crucified like Him.

The Pope is like the Devil who is the “Father of lies” because he is lying that he is the Vicar and Representative of Christ.   Jesus said, whoever believes in me shall have life everlasting…and whoever denies me, I shall deny him too before my father.  But the Vatican and the Pope have stolen Christ identity and says:  Whoever is not baptized in the Sacrament shall perish in the fires of Hell, whoever does not believe in the Pope or whoever contradicts the Pope shall be excommunicated and condemned ot Hell – Read our related article, Top 10 worst criminal popes 

Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

Crucifixion of Children

"Limping with Christ" really are the hundreds of thousands of children who were sodomized by thousands of pedophile priests named aptly as JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.   

These are the child victims of crimes against humanity who are really limping towards Calvary and who have arrived in Calvary and who have been crucified by John Paul II the Great and Cardinal Bernard Law his Achilles Heel and all other Cardinals and Bishops who, like Pontius Pilate, did nothing to stop them from being crucified in the Calvary of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. 

If Hitler made the Holocaust happen, John Paul II made the JP2 Army happen – the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army covers the whole world  as far as Australia that is just waking up to this abhorrent reality of his cover-up during his longest 27 years papacy…and he will be a “saint”? HELLO?!?  The truth and the fact is - it is the male- hierarchy of the Bride of Christ that is doing the crucifying thousands of children in the Calvary of JP2 Army!!!

Catholic Church prancing in Vatican Palaces

 The Bride of Christ  represented by the Vatican and the hierarchy are dancing and prancing, they are not limping to Calvary at  all!!!  HELLO !?!

When thousands of pedophile priests are satiating their homosexual lust and the Popes Cardinals and Bishops are transferring them from one parish to another to groom and trap more victims, the Catholic Church is not limping to Calvary at all but is rather having an enjoyable fucking sex time – just like the Vatican gay lobby inside the Vatican under Benedict XVI watch --  having unrestricted, inexhaustible and limitless gay orgies within Vatican chambers and he did not bother to stop one bit within the Vatican Palace walls – under the same papal roof – what a big joke of the Vatican as a sacred site of pilgrimage where people gain Plenary Indulgences…right, sexual gay sodomy indulgences of gay Holy Father Benedict XVI Ratzinger…Vatican Bullshit indeed!    

Read our related articles, Biggest Vatican stories of the decade: John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions and  

"Gay adulterer Cardinal O’Brien makes King Henry VIII an honest straight guy. O’Brien the Vatican Prince proves Vatican Deceits and Vatican Hypocrisy inside Vatican Titanic"

USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”?

Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”

UN commands Vatican to reveal cover-ups/info… like Milwaukee pedophile priests files & Cardinal Dolan’s role

Read our analysis of the new Pope Francis, where we pointed out very clearly that the Pope has stolen Christ’s identity

Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

Here Anne Lastman also has stolen the identity of Christ from children who are the ones limping to Calvary because  the Popes, Cardinals and Bishops and their priests are the real persecutors from their Vatican Palaces (just like Herod and his cohorts at his Palace), Bishops Palaces and well fed rectories, sacred ivory towers as they continue to live in the lap of luxury – where they mock these poor suffering children as they suffer in Calvary as they are the victims of the Vatican’s crimes against humanity’s children for over half the 20th century.


Anne Lastman, study this crucifix very well of a little boy hanging on the cross.   

No, you got it all wrong because you are an Opus Dei pathological liar and you are a typical Opus Dei woman slave.  Look, Anne Lastman, 

 it is the thousands of little boys (and girls) who are limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised by their Popes John Paul II and Pope Ratzinger who said nothing and did nothing to save them from the sodomy claws of sacred priests,   

vilified by Cardinals like Bernard Law and Cardinal Mahony and Milwaukee’s Weakland, 

 despised by their Bishops and well-paid diocesan lawyers who tried to protect those pedophile priests who are today still enjoying their status as Sorcerers of the Cloning of Christ in the Eucharist.

If the Devil can dress himself as an Angel and talk like an angel and smell like an Angel, Anne Lastman has done it better than him because she has twisted the facts around the true Christ “limping on the way to Calvary”. Anne Lastman is a pathological LIAR in her “Child sexual abuse: looking beyond the institutions

Her statement here is Vatican Deceit at its quintessence all the way to Australia:  And yet I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing. We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.  What Vatican Bullshit!  The Church as the Bride of Christ – a Bride represented only by a male pope --   makes Christ a gay Groom married to homosexual gays, the Popes, the Vicars of Christ!  There are two popes now, which make Christ an adulterer!

“Yet I would suggest” is a typical style of writing that is archetypal Opus Dei deceit genre.  The Opus Dei chose a woman to write this statement --  We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.   The Opus Dei did not let their usual male Vatican Pied Pipers like John Allen or Vatican Insider male writers to write this comparison!

Like John L. Allen Jr., Anne Lastman employs Opus Dei style of SHORT subliminal sentences -- emphatic strategic opening statement – or also in the title—a BRAINWASH STRATEGY– so that this is what the reader will remember and do, no matter what other detailed analysis she presents in other parts of the book.  Just like Vatican Pied Piper John L. Allen Jr., the Devil’s Twin par excellence!

“We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom  What Vatican Opus Dei Bullshit!  The Catholic Church as Bride of Christ is Vatican Devil’s Bowels’ strategy!  Catholics worldwide are not limping; they are in fact so wealthy they can afford to go to the Vatican every week for Angelus with Pope, by the hundreds of thousands and fill up St. Peter’s Square and St. Peter’s Basilica.  So Go fuck yourself, Anne Lastman, go join your Holy Father John Paul II in the fires of Hell with the Devil – YOUR very own Opus Dei “Father of Lies!

This is exactly what John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI-Ratzinger did throughout their papacy – they blamed the media for making the priest pedophilia as media “sensationalism” instead of meeting and talking with victims, they were busy patching up the crushed image of the “Bride of Christ”.   Read here the spectacle in St. Peter’s Square when Benedict XVI blamed the Devil for pedophile priests.

And John L. Allen Jr. blamed the “twilight age” of John Paul II for not knowing enough about his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, therefore he couldn’t do anything about it.  John Paul II lived up to 2005, read his masterpiece defence of the fastest tracking saint here

Priest pedophilia in Boston erupted in 2002 on his way to his last World Youth Day to Toronto.  We Bostonians forced Cardinal Bernard Law to resign as Archbishop of Boston, the only Cardinal to resign.  And John Paul II PAPAL FARTED at us by taking g him into the Rome to be the High Priest of St. Mary Major basilica.  Then Pope Francis went to visit this Basilica as his first official outing as Pope only to embrace again criminal Cardinal Bernard Law.

The Vatican want the world to believe that it is the Bride of Christ and Protestants are right in persistently saying that the Catholic Church or the Vatican is the Harlot of Babylon because she has slept and continue to sleep with despots and hoarded Mammon moneys – as modeled very well by the recent Bishop of Italy who was caught smuggling 20 million Euros in a private jet, read more here.

No, Anne Lastman, the Catholic Church is NOT the Bride of Christ, this imagery is the biggest insult to Christ for 2,000 years as his name is dragged into the Vatican bullshit of Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils like the Borgias, read here the top 10 most evil popes

It IS NOT the church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised but rather the hundreds of thousands of children who were sodomized by thousands of Catholic priests and those Princes of the Church Cardinals and Bishops and the Popes from the Vatican Palace – continued to live in the lap of luxury while these children continue to suffer “a living Hell”…most of them in poverty and they received very little monetary compensation for all the suffering the Catholic Church and the Bride of Christ caused to them.!

Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood

















and now Anne Lastman blames some “clinical explanations”  as she write “This is a very clinical explanation for sexual abuse”…but there’s no need to waste time on this Pied Piper version.

At last, a female Vatican Pied Piper has arrived on the scene!

Anne Lastman is featured by AD2000, owned by Opus Dei to segue Australians about the half—a-century crimes against Aussie children sexually abused by the JP2 Army, the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions of the Vatican Catholic Church all the way down under in Australia.  This is how far successfully nthe Vatican Evil Empire has reached!

Shut up, Anne Lastman, go fuck yourself in Hollywood or in the Vatican Titanic where everyone “lie for a living”.  You too, Anne Lastman, lie for a living, with your pathetic list of theological degrees.  Read our article,   Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living”

Argo, fuck yourself.  Anne Lastman, fuck yourself.  Opus Dei,  fuck yourself.  Pope Francis, fuck yourself.  Saint John Paul II, fuck yourself. Catholic Church, fuck yourself.  Harlot Bride of Christ, fuck yourself!

Anne Lastman bears false witness to Christ and is the best female Vatican pathological LIAR up to this day!!!  HELLO!?!

 It's not Roman Catholic, Stupid!

The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics

The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Pope has no authority in Rome.

But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powers

The Pope is not Roman.  Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Vatican is not part of Rome.
The Pope is not a citizen of Rome.

The allegiance of Catholics is to the Pope and the Vatican or the Magisterium… The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore, it is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.

Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI has no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman.

The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read here  .

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.

Christ said, “I am the way, the truth and the life” and “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.  It’s time the world sets itself free with the truth.  It’s time the world sets itself free from the Vatican. It’s time the world sets itself free from Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger whose crimes against humanity are pending at The Hague.

It’s time the world sets itself free from John Paul II the false “blessed” and false “saint” of children because he never bothered to protect one child from his thousands of bestial sodomy priests of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army during his 27 years papacy… for best example and greatest papal proof, John Paul II didn’t protect or bother to meet with the children of Boston raped by the 80 pedophile priests Cardinal Bernard Law transferred from one parish to another during his last World Youth Day in Toronto, an hour flight away, read here

 In the U.S. alone, there are more than 6,100 Vatican sex maniac rapists priests all protected by the Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Vicars.  Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston and Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles are the most famous enablers of the JP2 Army, read more here NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy



Anne Lastman

Anne Lastman, BA (Psy/Rel Stds), Dip Ed, M Rel Ed, MA (Theol Stds) is a Member of the Australian Counsellors' Association (Level 3), of the Federation of Victoria Counsellors and of the ACA College of Loss & Grief (Level 3). She is the founder of Victims of Abortion Trauma Counselling and Info Services (PO Box 6094, Vermont South, 3133).

A revised second edition of her book Redeeming Grief has just been published (see page 16).

There is a sense of shame which hovers over the Catholic Church at this moment. It's a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised. It's the one church which is the focal point of child sexual abuse allegations by its ministers and others within its ranks. And yet I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing. We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom. There is much pain, shame, guilt in this time, and enduring this can unhinge. Loss of faith is possible.

Defined, sexual abuse is the forceful intrusion or violation into the sacred space of sexuality in the life of a person, but in this instance, a child, in the context of one in whose trusting care the child or children were situated.

This is a very clinical explanation for sexual abuse, but behind these words there is an immensity of pain and distortion. However, there is still much more to the experience and more and more the voices of those who have lived with the experience report dimensions which had hitherto been unacknowledged. (OUR COMMENT;  BENEDICT XVI BLAMED THE DEVIL AND NOW ANNE LASTMAN BLAMES CLINICAL CAUSES..)

Brutalising (BLAH< BLAH< BLAH)

For these voices, sexual abuse has meant the brutalising indignity and dishonour of innocence. There is a suffering within these voices which has a dimension which is indescribable. Indeed, it almost appears chameleon like because as soon as someone nears what appears to be a description, a new dimension of this suffering is discovered and the essence of this suffering becomes again elusive.

By its very nature sexual abuse is a violent and soul-destroying act whose evil can only be equated with past crimes of human sacrifice and genocide. The violence inherent in the act of this type abuse is also manifested in the physical, living realm of society, because the victim carries into life, family and then society, the reactions to this abuse.

During the act of sexual abuse, the child's innocence dies and in its stead is imprinted a dread of God, authority, parents, siblings, family, loss of trust, loss of normal developmental mandate and a distortion of what should have been sequential growth, and in its stead a skewed view of what life means.

Sexual abuse is not something which happens while the child is unconscious and unaware but the abuse is carried out while the child is consciously present and has to bear the whole psychological, emotional and spiritual violence while fully conscious. This makes the abuse horrendous because it leads to the setting up of psychological strategies for survival which then distort true development for happiness and life-fulfilling and life-managing capabilities.

That there is now to be a Royal Commission into this type of abuse is a good thing but already the powers that be have established what it is that they wish to investigate, namely a situational aspect only, i.e., "institutions". Why institutions? Is this what causes sexual abuse? Institutions? But who makes up institutions?

When discussing institutions we can discuss the organisations, buildings, the managements, the staff, the furniture even, the sporting equipment, the scouting rules and equipment, the camping ideals. But who is it that makes these up if not other human persons? The church? Who makes up the church if not human beings? Buildings, pews, lecterns, missals, tabernacles, candles, incense, flowers, these do not offend. Who is it that offends except another human being within this institution or other named organisations. And having rationalised that buildings, sports fields, pews, sports equipment, even tabernacles, do not commit abuse, then why is this commission prepared to look only into "institutions"?

After the commission's inquiry into the institutional abuse, what then? Will that mean there will no longer be any abuse of children? Once all the perpetrators of all institutions, which of course must include government agencies, schools and kindergartens, scouting bodies, sports bodies, legal bodies, medical bodies, hospitals, even child minding centres (indeed anywhere that children are to be found) and churches of all denominations, synagogues, temples, mosques. What then?

What happened?  (BLAH< BLAH< BLAH)

From where did the perpetrators making up the populations of these above-mentioned "institutions" emerge? How did the baby who was born innocent of any crime grow up to become a perpetrator? And where did he/she grow up? What happened between innocence and molester? We need an answer to this question, "What happened?" It is only with the possibility of being able to determine the "why" and the "when" that an answer can be found.

Sexual abuse of children, especially of the incest variety, has been a universal taboo. Claude-Levi Strauss stated that "the prohibition of incest stands at the dawn of culture" ( The Elementary Structures of Kinship, 1969) and if this is true then it means that all cultures declared taboo the interference of children by near kinsmen. The sexual violation by a parent of the child or extended member of the family is incest and has been prohibited because it has written within it something morally, genetically, psychologically, indeed intrinsically wrong.

However, more than the taboo itself there is and has been an inherent strong repulsion against incest which has served to protect children from harm by those who should protect them. Research has shown that a perpetrator and victim are often immersed within their social sphere, functioning in what appears normality and without any signs of disturbance to the societal norm.

Clinical studies have shown that a perpetrator is often a man or woman who functions, lives, and moves within their sphere of society and passes unnoticed and is even somewhat unremarkable (Cavallin, "Incestuous Fathers: A Clinical Report", American Journal of Psychiatry, 1966).

So the question is again, from where did the perpetrator emerge except a family where all was not as it should have been or as it appeared to be. Again research gives one answer that perpetrators come from a psychology where they were themselves abused and whose own nearest kinsmen (most especially fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers and occasionally females) sexually abused them. And the abusers before that were themselves also abused. Transgenerational trauma continues until there is a resolution (Schützenberger, The Ancestor Syndrome: Transgenerational Psychotherapy and the Hidden Links in the Family Tree, 1998).

Reasons (BLAH< BLAH< BLAH)

Many reasons are posited for why parents sexually abuse their own children and again research seems to point to an attempt by abusers to repeat their own story in order to gain mastery or make meaning of it. However, because of the nature of the "drug" (sex) it becomes addictive leading to further intergenerational and transgenerational transfer of this psychological aberration.

Other reasons proffered are that perpetrators are looking for an absent closeness and love from their own parents whose emotional abandonment and neglect left an imprint of incomplete development. Completing this task (which in due course becomes sexualised) is their idea of closure or repair of their psychosexual dysfunction. Sexualisation of this task further adds to the confusion.

There is copious literature on the sexual abuse of children and research into this has been in existence for at least fifty years. This abuse research was not about "institutions" but the initial source of all abuse. Yes, institutions do unintentionally employ perpetrators, but the perpetrators did not become perpetrators because they worked in a particular institution for they already come from situations where the taboo has been broken.

What becomes possible for society to do today is to be more aware of children showing signs of crisis and to protect them from the immorality which surrounds them, removing from their vision images which should not be found in a child's mind. The voyeurism of our day begins with children not being protected against images brought to them in their own homes, in shopping centres, in movies, in games, in open pornographic images in newsagencies. In short, when a disturbance is found in the child we should intervene.

Children need to be taught, age appropriately, the beauty of their own bodies and that no violence may be done to that body. Sexual abuse occurs because abusers have lost their sense of the beauty and holiness of their own bodies. This has been lost and now they can only act according to their own internal scripts.

A child cannot live with the "secret"of abuse and so will act out the pain, fear and dissonance. A child will give clues that all is not right in his or her life and it is important when these clues are seen that appropriate measures be taken. Gently, by the right people, and so discreetly that no further harm will be felt by the victims who won't want to feel they have betrayed or hurt their family, for this is one of the biggest fears preventing children from speaking out.

Victims may also need to "let go" of attachment to the perpetrator, although when doing this it is important to remember that children have a need to remember some positives from childhood and parents in order that they can master the awfulness of their situation.

All children need to believe that their parents are good so that they can see goodness in themselves also; otherwise it is frightening for them to believe that they might become "bad" too. The threat of loss of family and the fear of not being believed are also reasons to proceed slowly so that children's confidence is not thwarted.

This last fear is implanted by the perpetrator during conditioning phase of the abuse.

I began with mentioning that the Church is walking the road to Calvary and indeed it is; but this is the Church's enemy's ploy to divide and conquer and sadly the media plays right into their hands because it has the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and its priesthood in its sights. 

For a priest to have abused a child, it is my opinion that his own psychosexual development was disturbed or interrupted. He did not become an abuser since becoming a priest but this anomaly was found in him from his own history. Had it been a celibacy issue the priest would become attracted to a woman (in the normal sense) and not a child. Being attracted to a child speaks of his own trauma in this area as a child.

Celibacy is not the reason for clerical abuse, for other Christian denominations with married clergy also have paedophiles within their ranks. The Jewish faith, indeed all religions and organisations, are afflicted with this grievous wound. The family where a husband and wife have intimacy between them has the largest amount of sexual abuse of children so it is not celibacy or the "institution" called the Catholic Church which perpetuates the abuse. In my opinion, and through much study and analysis of literature over the past many years, I have concluded that sexual abuse is the result of an abuser's own traumatic stored imprint of memories of abuse which can be activated or triggered at any time.

Traumatic memories  (BLAH< BLAH< BLAH)

Traumatic memories are stored differently from normal day to day uneventful events. These are stored as imprints, rather than narratives, because to store memories as narratives there has to be a mastery of language and usually when childhood sexual abuse begins mastery of language is still incomplete.
Traumatic memories are stored both in mind or in the body (somatic) with all its sensate forms and when a new traumatic experience occurs (a trigger or situation similar to the abuse) these activate the original wound and bring to mind a stored pain not as an adult, but the stored pain of the child at the time of abuse.

This is why I believe there is a "seizing" of sequential emotional development at the time of abuse. And perhaps this is why it is possible to see a previously non-abusing individual suddenly become an abuser. There is a trigger of some kind, whether age, smell, touch, vision, image, or a fleeting memory, which immediately leads to past trauma that now requires attention.




USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”?

Read about the impotent Zeus statue of St. Joseph who overlooked and did nothing during the 50 years of sodomy in College Notre Dame here, BOYCOTT Oratory of St.Joseph in Montreal

The “Holy Father“ Pope and his copy-cat “holy fathers”  Catholic priests cannot clone Dolly the sheep and therefore they cannot clone Christ either, read our related article, OC Diocese buys Crystal Cathedral as flesh-factory of Christ... for wealthy God-flesh-eating Catholics
Well, the black magic holy words of a team of “holy priests” cannot clone Christ the Son God either, read about the Divine Trinity
Please take a look at the worse Roman Catholic Church pedophile priests attacks against more than 15,500 Americans … compared to the September 11, 2001 attacks against 3,000 Americans at the Twin Towers in New York.
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

Priest pedophilia - 15,736 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests covered-up John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = Vatican Trinity (together with Cardinals, Bishops and Vicars worldwide)
9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day   

Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent  ... compared to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who coverd-up pedophile priests The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way


 The cloning process that produced Dolly



1-MINUTE  black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests
Our comment: Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today. The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate God’s flesh. Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches “For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone
In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. Paul

See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone

Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified
Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,


They came sick and they left sick.

There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,

for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter or Paul did.

Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here

BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles

Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror

JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Australia:  A compilation



NSW Enquiry: Session 2 Week 2 Day 3 (Or: The Graveyard’s Full)

Lewis Blayse
Bishop Michael Malone, speaking to the NSW government inquiry into clerical child sexual abuse in the Newcastle-Maitland diocese, said he asked his predecessor, Leo Clarke, what the skeletons in the closet were. Bishop Clarke pushed a wooden box across the table and told him to also look in a briefcase in the corner of the room. “I asked what’s in the briefcase and he said ‘oh well, you’ll find out’,” Bishop Malone said.
The skeletons were paedophile priests, notably Fletcher and McAlinden (see previous postings). The elephant in the room, which went un-noticed, was that they were being protected. Malone may have continued his predecessors practice. Only the fly on the wall could be sure. Perhaps, Malone was just reluctant to open the can of worms. In the end, he let sleeping dogs lie.
The public interest in Malone’s evidence was reflected in the public gallery, which was full to over-flowing.
Bishop Malone admitted that the diocese had stored confidential documents dating back to the 1970s confirming McAlinden was a known pedophile, with allegations reaching as far back as the 1950s. Although Bishop Clarke, had formally removed McAlinden’s right to practice as a priest in 1993, in mid-1995 he was still being paid by the diocese, had been traveling the world for some time and was in the Philippines masquerading as a priest and carrying out the work of a priest.

NSW Enquiry: Session 2 Week 2 Day 2 (Or: Nobody Needs to Know)

Lewis Blayse
Lawyers for the Catholic Church at the NSW government enquiry into clerical child sexual abuse in the Newcastle-Maitland diocese, appear to have been emboldened by the recent decision of the enquiry Commissioner, Margaret Cunneen, to hold “in-camera” hearings for Adelaide Archbishop Wilson.
[As a reader comment by “James” notes in one newspaper: “In camera = in secret. Calling it ‘in private’ is a euphemism. Whatever their rationalization, it looks bad.”]
Lawyers for Fr. Hannigan and Fr. Searle both tried to gain a gag order on evidence relating to these two priests. Elizabeth McLaughlin, for Harrigan, wanted a non-publication order which was rejected. Then Searle’s lawyer, Lachlan Gyles, tried the same thing. This time his move was opposed by both Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox’s lawyer, and the Counsel Assisting the enquiry. It, too, was rejected.
Mr. Gyles has had better success in the past at suppressing information. When the publication the Australian Financial Review obtained information under Freedom of Information laws on the money given by the Federal Government to Ford and General Motors, these organisations, and the Australian Government, moved for a suppression order to stop the newspaper publishing the information.

NSW Enquiry – Week’s Wrap-Up (Or: Master of Law and Letters)

Lewis Blayse
The first week of the second session of the NSW government enquiry into clerical child sexual abuse in the Newcastle-Maitland diocese heard further evidence from Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, more local police officials and the current Bishop of Newcastle-Maitland, Bill Wright. Bishop Bill Wright tried to right the wrongs with, what the media described as an “emotional” apology to victims.
It saw an example or two of apparently-skewed reporting in that minor errors by Mr. Fox were prominently reported by some corporate media outlets, while other, more serious, errors were not well-covered. The chief example was that Inspector Fay Dunn contradicted testimony by Chief Inspector Wayne Humphrey that she had authorized a search of Detective Chief Inspector Fox’s office while he was on leave.
Further, Mr. Humphrey withdrew part of his sworn affidavit in which he had accused Mr. Fox of refusing repeated requests to hand over evidence. He said the statements were “unfair to Mr Fox,” and apologized for making “an error on my part.” The original allegation received wide coverage, while the retraction did not.
In 2009, Bishop Malone released some documents to a victim, which were passed on to local journalist, Joanne McCarthy, and then on to police. The documents have been released to the public by the enquiry. They clearly demonstrate cover-ups for two serial offenders, Fr. Fletcher and Fr. McAlinden (see previous postings).


The Maltese Connection (Or: The Forgotten Children of Malta)

Lewis Blayse
Malta was a source of “child migrants” to Australia. Most attention has been placed on the child migrants from the U.K., largely because there were 7,000 from the U.K. and about 300 from Malta.
In both cases, children were promised a good life in Catholic Church Children’s Homes in Australia. The reality, of course, was very different, with many suffering all of the known forms of abuse at the hands of their supposed “carers”.
Maltese boys were placed in Castledare Junior Orphanage, Clontarf Boys’ Town, St Joseph’s Trade and Farm School, Bindoon, and in St Mary’s Agricultural School, Tardun. Previous postings have covered some of the abuses at these Christian Brotherhood institutions.
About 50 girls were sent out to Western Australia and were placed in the St. Joseph Girls’ Orphanage, Subiaco and Nazareth House, Geraldton. Nazareth House was run by the Sisters of Nazareth (see previous posting) who were responsible for abuses at other institutions they ran in Australia. It closed in 1977 and is now a residential aged-care facility. St. Joseph’s was founded by the Spanish Benedictine Monks and closed in 1974. It catered for girls from six to sixteen years of age.


The NSW Enquiry Continues (Or: Bias or Lazy Journalism?)

Lewis Blayse
In her opening address to the second session of the NSW government enquiry into clerical child sexual abuse in the Newcastle-Maitland diocese, Commissioner Ms Cunneen said: “The sexual abuse of children should no longer be a crime for which the conspiracy of silence continues to the grave. It has a devastating and long-lasting effect on victims and their families and on the community generally.” Ms Cunneen then encouraged anyone with information about such crimes to contact the commission.
Yesterday, proceedings were dominated by evidence from Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, whose revelations triggered the enquiry and the Royal Commission. In the first session last month, Mr Fox gave evidence and then was followed by several other NSW police officers who were critical of him (see previous posting). In the present session, the process was extended by a couple more officers.
Fortunately, Mr. Fox was afforded the dignity of another appearance to reply to some of the criticism and to expand on his previous testimony. This set back those who would wish that, in formation of public opinion, quantity would outweigh quality of evidence.
The two priests specifically referred to in the enquiry’s Terms of Reference were Fr. McAlinden (see yesterday’s posting) and Fr. James Fletcher. Detective Chief Inspector Fox focused on Fr. Fletcher in this appearance. In 2008 Fr Fletcher pleaded not guilty in the district court but a jury found him guilty of all nine charges. Two appeals against his conviction failed and Fr Fletcher died in jail.


Castledare Boys’ Home (Or: Shoveling Asbestos)

Lewis Blayse
The Castledare Boys’ Home was one of the notorious facilities operated by the Christian Brothers in Western Australia. Like the others (Bindoon,Tradum and Clontarf), it is worthy of renewed attention by the Royal Commission.
It was a destination for “child migrants” (see previous posting) from the U.K. and Malta. The Northern Ireland government is currently trying to contact Irish “child migrants” to these institutions (see previous posting). In 1994, the Parliament of Western Australia was presented a petition with 30,000 signatures calling for an enquiry into the Christian Brothers’ institutions.
Castledare was opened in 1929 to house what the Brothers then called “sub-normal boys”). Later it changed to a facility for boys who were state wards, orphans and child migrants. The abuses which occurred there were typical of the other Christian Brothers’ Homes in Western Australia. A very full account is given in the “Voices” organization’s submissions to the U.K. government and the 2004 Australian Senate’s enquiry (see references below).
U.K. Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, have both apologized to the “child migrants” sent to these Christian Brothers’ Homes. The Maltese Prime Minister, Mr.Gonzi, unveiled a memorial to Maltese “child migrants” to Australia. It is located in GrandHarbour, and notes that there were 310 such children.

Papal Positions on Paedophilia (Or: Over To You, Mate)

Lewis Blayse
All three of the last Popes have proclaimed they are against the crimes of their paedophile priests, even if they have tended to see their actions as more of a sin than an actual crime. It has been described as a “filth” and the “smoke of Satan,” etc.
Pope Francis has added to the usual initial statements about rooting out this evil from the Catholic Church. Finally, the Vatican State has just made it a crime. It is too early to decide if his words are as hollow as his predecessors’.
Comments from most sources have remained skeptical. For example, SNAP says the new law against paedophilia represents “tweaking often-ignored and ineffective internal church abuse guidelines to generate positive headlines, but nothing more.”
SNAP also pointed to his acceptance of Cardinal Bernard Law. “One of the first actions he took was to visit perhaps the most high profile corrupt prelate on the planet, who remains a powerful church official despite having been drummed out of Boston for hiding and enabling crimes by hundreds of child-molesting clerics.”
Lawyer Geoffrey Robertson has called on the Pope to institute a process where de-frocking of paedophile priests is automatic once their crimes become known. This is prompted by the notorious case of Father Stephen Kiesle, which tainted both of Pope Francis’ predecessors.


Father of victim targeted by Church

ABC News
An employee of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese was ostracised by the clergy and lost his job of ten years because he supported his son, who was the victim of a paedophile priest.
EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: The New South Wales Special Commission of inquiry into child sexual abuse was today told that an employee of the Maitland Newcastle Diocese lost his job because he supported his son who was the victim of a paedophile priest. The employee known as B.I. had a senior job with the diocese for more than 10 years. His son was abused by Father James Fletcher who was convicted and died in jail in 2006. The whistleblower police officer who sparked the inquiry, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox gave evidence today that BI told him that after his son reported the abuse to police he was ostracised by senior clergy and treated unfairly by Bishop Michael Malone.
PETER FOX, DETECTIVE CHIEF INSPECTOR (voice over): He confided me very early on that. He felt the diocese would ultimately refuse to renew contract and try to terminate his employment as such, which is ultimately what occurred.
EMMA ALBERICI: DCI Fox also told the inquiry that the victim's mother had told him that Bishop Malone felt he'd been handed a poisoned chalice when he became bishop of the Maitland Newcastle diocese in 1995.

Victim’s father lost church job

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 10, 2013
The father of one of James Fletcher’s victims lost his job with the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese when his son made a formal complaint against the paedophile, according to police whistleblower Peter Fox.
Detective Chief Inspector Fox told the special commission of inquiry a Hunter husband and wife suffered reprisals from the clergy during investigation and trial of Fletcher – who was convicted of sexually abusing their son.
The inquiry heard the man told the chief inspector he began to feel “more and more alienated” at the diocese office in Hamilton where he worked in 2002.
“He felt that because he sided with his son he was being made to pay the penalty by the diocese,” Chief Inspector Fox said.


NSW inquiry hears church worker fired for supporting his abused son

ABC News
By Dan Cox
A New South Wales inquiry into child sexual abuse has heard a Catholic Church worker lost his job because he supported his son, who had been the victim of a Hunter Valley paedophile priest.
It is the fifth week of the Special Commission's public hearings in Newcastle, with senior policeman Peter Fox giving evidence for a 10th day.
The second stage of the inquiry is investigating his claims that senior Catholic clergy tried to cover up abuse by two priests, James Fletcher and Denis McAlinden.
Detective Chief Inspector Fox today told the inquiry he has heard several stories of reprisal from the Church, after victims went to police accusing priests of sexual abuse.

McAlinden's file 'so big you could not jump over it': Malone

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 11, 2013
The former bishop of Maitland and Newcastle Michael Malone, who yesterday claimed he could not recall looking at paedophile priest Denis McAlinden's file, this morning agreed under cross-examination that he did see the file.
Bishop Malone agreed with counsel assisting the special commission of inquiry, Julia Lonergan SC, that he did look at the paedophile's personnel file and told a victim it was: "So big you could not jump over it."
When asked by Ms Lonergan asked why he was reluctant to reveal that he opened the file, Bishop Malone said that he didn't look deeply into it and had "no idea" what he saw.
He said he knew about the abuse allegations in 1995 but did not contact police until 1999 through a professional standards committee, which acted as a church conduit.
"You must remember I was being torn by the knowledge [the two women] didn't want police involved," Bishop Malone said.

Bearing False Witness

Express Milwaukee
By Joel McNally
You’d think lawyers suing a major religion that proclaims itself to be the guiding authority on moral behavior in every aspect of life would have the easiest job in the world.
Defendants wouldn’t even need to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They’ve already declared themselves the world’s foremost authorities on the truth.
So why have thousands of victims of sex crimes by Catholic priests around the country had to fight in the courts for years to get access to the facts about sexual predators and the church authorities who covered up their crimes?
It’s because the facts slowly emerging expose the completely false picture the church is still trying to present in court that puts protecting its enormous financial assets above accepting moral or legal responsibility for horrendous crimes.
This is after years of truly unholy, hardball legal tactics of lying and attacking victims, hiding behind legal loopholes and statutes of limitations and drawing out cases through endless legal stalling to intentionally bankrupt victims seeking compensation.


Abuse inquiry begins hearings in Adelaide

Herald Sun
THE royal commission into institutional child sexual abuse has begun private hearings in Adelaide.
Royal commission chief executive Janette Dines said the face-to-face meetings involved people telling their stories to one or two commissioners in an informal setting.
The sessions will continue throughout July.
She said people who had come to similar meetings in Sydney and Brisbane in recent weeks had described them as positive experiences.
"We understand how difficult it can be for people to come forward and talk about what happened to them," she said in a statement on Tuesday.

Catholic church concealed pedophile priest Denis McAlinden's abuses

The Australian
DAN BOX From: The Australian July 01, 2013
THE Catholic church received repeated reports that a pedophile priest was abusing children, some as young as four, but failed to pass these on to police for decades, an inquiry has heard.
Church authorities instead actively concealed his abuse and encouraged the priest, Father Denis McAlinden, to move to other dioceses in Australia and overseas, where he was able to continue abusing children.
Even after NSW Police issued a warrant for the priest's arrest in 1999, the inquiry heard, church authorities did not initially provide his address, and the priest ultimately died six years later without being charged.
The NSW Special Commission of Inquiry has heard that the first recorded report of McAlinden's abuse was in 1953, when the parents of one his victims reported it to the then-Bishop of Maitland.

Church knew of 'serious risk' to children

The Age
A child abuse inquiry has heard members of the Newcastle Catholic diocese knew about allegations against one priest since the 1950s.



7 News
July 1, 2013
Cardinal George Pell must be asked to stand down following his failure as a moral leader after the Catholic Church's child sex abuse scandal in Australia, a victim's advocacy group says.
Commission of Inquiry Now (COIN) has started a petition to pressure the church to ask its most senior prelate in Australia to stand down.
The petition says Cardinal Pell has failed Australia's five million Catholics and the Australian people in general as a religious and moral leader.
"Practically every day, the Australian people learn about the hideous crimes of child sexual abuse taking place within the Roman Catholic Church," the petition at says.
Katrina Lee, spokeswoman for the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, said she did not want to comment specifically on the petition, which had about 120 signatures at 4pm (AEST) on Monday.

VIDEO: Bishop's 'unreserved apology' - inquiry

Newcastle Herald
By JASON GORDON July 1, 2013
MAITLAND-Newcastle Bishop Bill Wright has issued an ‘‘unreserved apology’’ to the victims of child sexual abuse by priests, and acknowledged that some members of the church ‘‘failed to act’’ in protecting them from these ‘‘predators’’.
Bishop Wright was allowed to make an opening address to Monday’s hearing of the Special Commission of Inquiry after opening statements from Commissioner Margaret Cunneen and counsel assisting, Julia Lonergan.
The inquiry switched its attention on Monday to what the church knew, and did or didn’t do with allegations concerning the abuse inflicted by disgraced priests Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher. It is also exploring whether the church hindered or obstructed police investigations or conspired to cover up illegal activities.
In an extraordinary opening address, Ms Lonergan indicated that the inquiry had received written documents from the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese which suggests that senior church clergy not only knew about the ‘‘abhorrent’’ sexual abuse by Denis McAlinden, they went to great lengths to cover it up.



7 News
By Dan Cox, ABC
Updated July 1, 2013
A New South Wales inquiry into child sexual abuse in the Hunter Valley's Catholic Church has heard that a boy was told to repent his sins after telling his priest he had been abused by clergy.
Part two of the inquiry got underway this morning and is investigating claims by senior policeman Peter Fox that the church did not cooperate with police over abuse allegations against two priests - Father James Fletcher and Father Dennis McAlinden - and instead tried to protect them.
In her opening remarks, counsel assisting the commission Julia Lonergan said the inquiry will hear evidence that a boy abused by McAlinden between the ages of five and nine told his Singleton parish priest about it during his first confession.
"This boy was given penance apparently for his sin in being abused by that priest," she said.


Priest offered to hand himself in: inquiry

Newcastle Herald
TRANSCRIPTS: Special Commission of Inquiry
By JASON GORDON July 5, 2013
PAEDOPHILE priest Denis McAlinden offered to hand himself into police if senior clergy saw fit, but none of them did.
The chilling offer came in a letter penned by McAlinden to then Maitland-Newcastle Bishop Michael Malone in 1995.
The letter was tendered to the Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle Friday, and later released to the Newcastle Herald.
To read the letter, click here.
It follows the release of numerous other letters which suggest that senior Hunter clergy not only knew of McAlinden's offending, they failed to alert police.
The December 8 letter was penned by McAlinden in Western Australia as he sought to save himself from church moves to strip him of his priestly duties.


Church paid pension after priest sent to UK

The Australian
[Letters presented to the Special Commission of Inquiry - Newcastle Herald]
DAN BOX From: The Australian July 05, 2013
THE Catholic church continued to provide a pension to a pedophile priest after agreeing he would retire to England rather than have his victims go to the police, an inquiry has heard.
The arrangement is revealed in a series of letters tendered to the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry, which also detail how the priest, Denis McAlinden, attempted to manipulate his superiors' response to his crimes.
In one 1993 letter sent to the church's Sick Clergy Fund, the late bishop of Maitland-Newcastle, Leo Clarke, stated that "Fr D McAlinden has retired from active priestly duty" and is living in Skegness. He should receive $12,158 per year, Clarke wrote, more than the minimum stipend paid to a parish priest.
In a May 1995 letter, Clarke said McAlinden had admitted to child abuse and "an agreement was reached by which Fr Denis was to return to England and . . . not to act as a priest".
The letter shows that Clarke subsequently discovered the priest had in fact travelled to The Philippines and was again working in the church.


Priest Faces Imprisonment of 12 Years for Sexually Abusing Boys

Austrian Tribune
On Wednesday, a former priest, who was also a Catholic boarding school director, was found guilty by a court in Steyr, an Austrian town. The report said that the same is the first conviction when it comes to an Austrian clergyman ever since the Catholic Church faced a wave of similar allegation in different nations in 2010.
The priest has been sentenced for a period of 12 years. He was charged of sexually abusing children. A total of 24 boys were abused by him, not only sexually, but physically as well.
Victims themselves reported that they had been abused by the 79-year old defendant, sexually. Also, they were kicked, hit and whipped by him. He pulled out their hair and even forced the fellow students to mob them.
It has been claimed by the attorney of the defendant that an appeal would be made by him. The accused priest admitted to the crimes, which occurred in the boarding school of the Kremsmuenster abbey, province of Upper Austria, in the 1970s, 80s as well as 90s.


Letters reveal Church's knowledge of paedophile priest's behaviour

Newcastle Herald
Read the letter to one of his victims here
Read a letter to Reverand Pedro Bantigue here
Letters presented to the Special Commission of Inquiry
By JASON GORDON July 4, 2013
THESE are the letters that show how much the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese knew about the behaviour of paedophile priest Denis McAlinden.
For decades, the region’s most senior clergy knew about his offending, shared information among themselves, and became increasingly worried that victims would go to police.
They saw fit to ostracise McAlinden, pictured, strip him of his priestly duties and send him overseas, even warning senior international clergy of his tendencies, but they never took the information to police.
The letters are among dozens so far tendered to the Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle. Commissioner Margaret Cunneen on Thursday agreed to them being made public.
In one, a psychiatrist hired to evaluate McAlinden’s state of mind said the priest admitted to becoming ‘‘a little over familiar with children’’.


Abuse victims hold private meetings with royal commissioners

ABC News
A royal commission on institutional responses to child abuse is starting face-to-face, private meetings between commissioners and abuse victims in Adelaide.
Chief executive Janette Dines said the sessions would not provide direct evidence to the inquiry, but would give the commissioners a deeper sense of what the victims had endured.
"They're completely confidential, no one from an institution will ever be present," she said.
"What we attempt to do, recognising that this is a very difficult thing for people, is to make the session feel as secure and as relaxing and safe as possible."
Ms Dines said feedback had been positive in Sydney and Brisbane from those who took part in the private meetings.


Abuse an ongoing problem, Royal Commission into sexual abuse told

Herald Sun
SEXUAL abuse of children within Australian institutions continues today, a national royal commission has heard.
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse chief executive Janette Dines said it was unclear how large the inquiry would be but about 5000 people had made contact.
"It's certainly bigger than anything that's been attempted before in this country," she said.
"Many of the people coming to is in a private session are talking about their experience for the first time - sometimes in 50, 60 or 70 years ... Some people are talking about abuse that happened a long, long time ago but others are much more recent."
The commissioners began private sessions in Adelaide on Monday and will be here until the end of the month. The informal face-to-face appointments give people the chance to tell their story.

Destroyed evidence was gay porn, Detective Peter Fox tells inquiry

DAN BOX From: The Australian July 09, 2013
THE detective at the centre of a state government inquiry into church child abuse has been forced to defend his public claim that Catholic priests destroyed evidence during a police investigation.
In a 2012 interview with the ABC's Lateline program, which led to the establishment of the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox claimed priests had destroyed evidence "before we were able to secure it."
Under cross-examination this morning, Mr Fox said this evidence was gay pornography found in a presbytery and reported to him in 2003, when he was investigating a pedophile priest, Father Jim Fletcher.
A different priest, Des Harrigan, subsequently admitted to destroying this material Mr Fox said, although he made no record of the conversation at the time.
Elizabeth McLaughlin, representing Father Harrigan, said her client disputed Mr Fox's account of what took place, which he has since repeated under oath and in a formal report to the NSW Ombudsman's office.

Paedophile priest's parish expanded despite abuse accusations

ABC News
By Dan Cox
A NSW inquiry has heard a paedophile priest was allowed to continue running private reading classes at Hunter Valley Catholic schools despite being accused of child sexual abuse.
The special commission of inquiry at Newcastle Supreme Court is investigating whistleblower police officer Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox's claims the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese covered up abuse by two priests, James Fletcher and Denis McAlinden.
Inspector Fox has told the commission that in 2003, the bishop of Maitland-Newcastle at the time, Michael Malone, "defied his suggestion" to have Fletcher stood down as a priest while the abuse investigation was underway.
Inspector Fox said he strongly suggested the priest have minimal contact with children by moving him to a diocesan office job.

Victims fear retribution

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 4, 2013
Whistleblower Peter Fox knows of three Hunter sexual abuse victims who refuse to come forward to police because they fear retribution from the church.
The detective chief inspector told the special commission of inquiry yesterday that reprisals from members of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese not only extended to victims but church officials, including a Lochinvar nun whose order ostracised her because she gave evidence against paedophile priest James Fletcher.
The sister told Chief Inspector Fox she was asked to leave the order – St Joseph’s of Lochinvar – after her evidence assisted in the prosecution of the sexual predator in 2005.
During his second day in the witness box, the chief inspector said he knew of victims and their families who were no longer welcomed at church, whose cars had been vandalised and eggs thrown at their homes after reporting the abuse.

Vatican knew early of paedophile priest

Sydney Morning Herald
July 4, 2013
Catherine Armitage
Senior Writer
The Pope's representative in Australia knew of ''serious accusations'' against the notorious priest Denis McAlinden from at least 1995, the inquiry into alleged cover-ups of paedophilia by two Hunter region priests has heard.
Leo Clarke, then bishop of the Maitland-Newcastle diocese, wrote to the Holy See's diplomatic representative in Australia in 1995 seeking his help with a ''very delicate matter'' relating to ''serious accusations concerning a priest of the diocese, McAlinden'', counsel assisting the inquiry Julia Lonergan, SC, said on Wednesday.
The letter referred to steps being taken to remove McAlinden from the priesthood. It said during an interview with Father Brian Lucas, that ''Father McAlinden admitted that the allegations were true''.
Former bishop of the Maitland-Newcastle diocese: Leo Clarke. Photo: Supplied
The Manuka, ACT-based Apostolic Nuncio, as the papal ambassador is known, was also informed that McAlinden had agreed to seek counselling in England.
According to the evidence Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox asked Bishop Clarke, by then retired, about rumours he'd heard that the bishop might know about more victims of McAlinden. Bishop Clarke told him "no", Chief Inspector Fox said.

Church sorry for 'legal abuse'

Bendigo Advertiser
By Barney Zwartz July 3, 2013
The Catholic Church has apologised for "legally abusing" a sexual abuse victim who lost a landmark compensation case after the church argued it could not be sued.
Asked for $750,000 in compensation for the abuse of John Ellis, the church instead spent almost exactly that sum "vigorously defending" the case, and later pursued him for those costs. Instead of giving him $750,000, it sought $755,000 from him.
Mr Ellis reveals correspondence between him and the church in a submission to the Victorian inquiry into how the churches handled sexual abuse. His evidence, posted on the parliamentary inquiry's website on Wednesday, is a reply to Sydney Archbishop Cardinal George Pell's evidence last month.
Mr Ellis says the cardinal provided "false and misleading" testimony to the inquiry about his case.
In the Ellis case, the NSW Court of Appeal found in 2007 that neither the Sydney archdiocese trustees nor archbishop were liable for child sexual abuse by a priest. Asked to identify who should answer his claim, the archdiocese refused to do so, saying the person liable was the priest who abused him.

Church aware of paedophiles

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 2, 2013
Senior church officials knew Denis McAlinden abused an 11-year-old girl in 1953 and still allowed the priest to move between Hunter parishes where he continued to sexually abuse children over four decades, a sex abuse inquiry has heard.
The shocking facts were recounted by counsel assisting – Julia Lonergan SC – who told the special commission of inquiry, internal church correspondence showed clergy members had “extensive knowledge dating back to the 1950s of the serious risk to children posed by McAlinden”.
Part two of the inquiry, which began yesterday, will for the next three weeks examine whether church officials hindered police investigations into paedophilia by failing to report offences, discouraging witnesses from coming forward, alerting offenders about possible police action and destroying evidence.
One of the men who knew of the priest’s paedophilia, Monsignor Patrick Cotter, extracted a confession from McAlinden in 1976 after he sexually abused a primary school student in Forster.

Special commission of inquiry into Catholic Church...

Herald Sun
Special commission of inquiry into Catholic Church sex abuse cover-ups to proceed in Newcastle
EVIDENCE of more than 50 years of Catholic Church cover-ups, including a paedophile priest sent overseas to escape scrutiny, is to be aired finally at a special commission of inquiry in Newcastle.
The inquiry's second chapter got under way yesterday. The senior counsel assisting the commission, Julia Lonergan SC, said documents from the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese showed that as far back as 1953, paedophile priest Denis McAlinden sexually abused a young girl.
Her parents reported the abuse to the church to no avail.
Inquiry told police reluctant to prosecute church
A later victim - a boy who was abused for years from the age of five at the hands of McAlinden - told his own parish priest what was happening during one of his first confessions, but it never went further.
"This boy was given penance, apparently for his sin in being abused by that priest," Ms Lonergan said.


An inconvenient truth of church and courts protecting perverts

The Telegraph
A DAUGHTER repeatedly violently raped by her own father from the age of nine summons the courage to tell police what he did to her. He is let off by a NSW judge with a good behaviour bond as long as he attends a treatment program for incestuous paedophiles.
A boy born to a surrogate mother in Russia and bought for $8000 by the sperm donor and his Australian partner for their sexual gratification is subjected to vile abuse for six years from infancy.
A little boy constantly raped by the late serial paedophile priest Dennis McAlinden between the ages of five and nine tells his parish priest in Singleton about the rapes during his first confession.
He is given penance "apparently for his sin in being abused by that priest," says Julia Lonergan, SC, counsel assisting the NSW commission into child sexual abuse in the Hunter Valley's Catholic Church.
These are three stories of paedophile atrocities which appeared in this newspaper this week. There are countless others which haven't.
While the community regards paedophilia as the most heinous crime, it seems authorities do not, whether church leaders who allowed paedophiles free rein, or courts which fail to jail them.



7 News
By Dan Cox, ABC
Updated July 3, 2013
Documents tendered to a New South Wales inquiry into child sexual abuse in the Hunter Valley show senior Catholic Church officials knew about abuse by two paedophile priests, but failed to tell police.
The inquiry was sparked by Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox.
He claims the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese did not co-operate with police, who were investigating priests James Fletcher and Denis McAlinden over child sexual abuse allegations.
Counsel assisting the commission today tendered numerous documents which Peter Fox said would have proved helpful with his investigations into the men.
The documents show the former Maitland-Newcastle Bishop Leo Clarke tried to defrock McAlinden, rather than tell police about the allegations.


7 News
By Dan Cox, ABC
Updated July 3, 2013
A New South Wales inquiry into child sexual abuse in the Hunter Valley's Catholic Church has heard an angry victim went to a presbytery accusing priests of doing "filthy things to little boys".
The inquiry is examining whether the Maitland-Newcastle diocese helped or hindered the police investigation into two paedophile priests, James Fletcher and Denis McAlinden.
The probe was sparked by senior policeman Peter Fox, who is giving evidence in Newcastle.
He told the hearing that in 1998 a victim of Fletcher was drunk and angry with the world - the night he went to a local presbytery yelling that priests do "filthy things to little boys".
Peter Fox said a priest heard the comments and told him about it during a phone call, but he was surprised when it was not included in the priest's official statement to police.


Bishops attempted to defrock priest Denis McAlinden to hide pedophilia

The Australian
DAN BOX From: The Australian July 03, 2013
SOME of Australia's most senior Catholic bishops, as well as the pope's representative in Canberra and potentially the Vatican itself, were involved in an attempt to defrock a pedophile priest rather than report his crimes to police.
Three successive bishops in Newcastle, NSW, also had personal knowledge that Father Denis McAlinden was abusing children, while bishops in England, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea were also warned about the allegations against him.
In an exchange of letters with the priest during the 1990s, the late bishop Leo Clarke asked him to petition the Holy See in Rome to request his formal laicisation - effectively ending his career as a priest.
"Your good name will be protected by the confidential nature of this process," Clarke wrote.
"A speedy resolution of this matter would be in your interest as I have it on good authority that some people are threatening to take it to the police."

Church 'put lives of sex abuse victims at risk'

The Age
July 2, 2013

Barney Zwartz
Religion editor, The Age.
The Catholic Church in Melbourne put the lives of clergy sexual abuse victims at risk, including telling one suicidal victim to ring back in four days, according to evidence to the Victorian inquiry into how the churches handled abuse.
Another victim who was told his statement to Melbourne Response independent commissioner Peter O'Callaghan, QC, was completely confidential then found it used by the church to try to discredit the victim during the trial of his civil damages claim.
Many clients have been significantly further damaged as a result of going through a church process.
The evidence of law firm Lewis Holdway, which has represented 200 victims over 17 years, was one of 10 submissions published under parliamentary privilege on the inquiry's website late on Monday.

Lewis Holdway says another life put at risk was a child in real danger from a paedophile priest, whose mother was told she had to wait until she got a letter from Mr O'Callaghan.

It says some parishes – including Ballarat, Healesville and Doveton – that had a succession of paedophile priests need special support that they have not received, and asks the inquiry to investigate claims that a paedophile ring of priests may have operated in some parishes.

Porn found at priest residence: inquiry

The West Australian
Pornographic homosexual magazines and videos were found in the presbytery of a Hunter Valley Catholic priest later convicted of sexually assaulting a boy, a police whistleblower has told a special NSW commission of inquiry.
Detective chief inspector Peter Fox says a member of the Branxton Lochinvar parish told him he came across the material when he helped Fr James Fletcher move items from Branxton to Lochinvar in early 2003.
In the course of investigating child sexual abuse allegations against Fr Fletcher, Det Insp Fox asked him later that year about the magazines and videos.
"He said they belonged to a priest who had previously lived in the presbytery," Det Insp Fox told the commission on Tuesday.
"Pornography is not illegal but it's highly unusual that a member of the clergy have this type of material."

Abuse victim raged outside presbytery: inquiry

Newcastle Herald
By IAN KIRKWOOD July 3, 2013
A VICTIM of paedophile priest James Fletcher threw a bottle at the Nelson Bay presbytery in an angry outburst about ‘‘the things priests did to boys’’, the Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle has heard.
Resuming his evidence under questioning from counsel assisting the commission, Julia Lonergan, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox was taken through his recollection of the matter, which took place in 1998.
The bottle thrower was Fletcher victim AH.
Mr Fox said that a priest who was present when the bottle was thrown, Father Robert Searle, had initially confirmed that AH had yelled drunkenly about the things that priests did to boys.
In a phone conversation, Mr Fox said Father Searle had also said AH’s outburst was perhaps understandable ‘‘in the light of what we now know’’.

Priest used confession to groom victim

The Australian
DAN BOX From: The Australian July 03, 2013
A PEDOPHILE Catholic priest groomed at least one of his victims during confession, using deliberately suggestive questions to encourage the schoolgirl to talk about sex.
Witness statements tendered to a NSW government inquiry into church child abuse, as well as the text of a letter sent by Father Denis McAlinden, reveal how he systematically groomed girls as young as four.
In one statement, a victim told police she was 11 years old when McAlinden befriended her through her school choir and started taking her in his car for drives in the NSW Hunter Valley.
"When we were stopped, Father McAlinden took my underpants off from under my dress, which I think was my school uniform as I had been at school," her statement said. The priest then raped the girl.

Former Catholic priest charged with child sex offences in Sydney's west

ABC News
New South Wales police have charged a former Catholic priest with indecent assault offences against children dating back to the 1970s.
Police arrested the 70-year-old man at his home at Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains at about 3:00pm (AEST) yesterday.
He was targeted as part of Strike Force Nemesis, a team investigating child sex offences allegedly committed in the state's south coast and Sydney's western suburbs.
The former priest has been charged with five counts of indecent assault on a male.
Inspector Maureen Deegan says the victims were all children.


Priest charged with abusing boys in 1970s

9 News
A former Catholic priest is out on bail after he was charged with sexually abusing young boys more than 40 years ago.
The 70-year-old from Wentworth Falls was charged on Tuesday with five counts of indecent assault against three boys, aged between 11 and 15, which allegedly occurred between 1971 and 1982.
The victims are now aged in their fifties, police said.
Acting Detective Inspector Adam Wilson said the victims were abused at parishes in Blacktown, St Marys and Richmond, as well as on church property in Shoalhaven on the NSW south coast.
He said the investigation into the abuse claims, which were first reported to police in December last year, will continue under Strike Force Nemesis, the unit investigating historical abuse.

Paedophile priest destroyed porn after bishop’s tip-off

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 3, 2013
Paedophile priest James Fletcher destroyed a collection of homosexual pornography hidden inside his Lochinvar presbytery when he was under police investigation for the repeated sexual abuse of a young boy.
The church member who helped Fletcher move documents, that included the pornographic magazines and videos, tipped off Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, who was leading the Maitland investigation in 2003.
Chief Inspector Fox told the special commission of inquiry the information “gave weight” to the investigation and linked Fletcher’s “interest in this sort of activity” to the “most ugly” homosexual abuse suffered by the child.
The detective said he did not believe another member of the church who claimed ownership of the material after Fletcher denied it was his.


Police action not what victims wanted: Bishop

ABC News
Dan Cox
The former Bishop of the Hunter Valley's Catholic Church has told a New South Wales inquiry he did not take child sexual abuse allegations to police because it was not what the victims wanted.
Former Bishop Michael Malone is the first Church witness to come under examination at the inquiry.
He was the head of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese from 1995 to 2011.
Senior policeman Peter Fox sparked the Special Commission with claims the Church protected two paedophile priests, Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher.
Bishop Malone will be back in the witness box this morning.


Bishop: Where are the skeletons?

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 11, 2013
The former head of the then Maitland Diocese denied knowledge of the existence of church letters that exposed paedophile priests as far back as the 1950s.
Bishop Michael Malone said he had never seen a series of letters filed in the diocese office that were found by the special ­commission of inquiry staff investigating ­concealment of child sex abuse in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese.
“I’ve seen letters and statements in the last two weeks I’ve never seen before,” Bishop Malone told a packed gallery at yesterday’s inquiry.
Counsel assisting the inquiry, Julia Lonergan SC, asked Bishop Malone why, in his 16 years overseeing the diocese between 1995 and 2011, he had never seen the documents on paedophile activities by priests Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher.
“I didn’t have time to go trawling through archives,” the bishop said.

Bishop given 'poison chalice': NSW inquiry

Herald Sun
MICHAEL Malone believed he had inherited "a poisoned chalice" when he became bishop of the Maitland/Newcastle Catholic diocese, an inquiry into child sexual abuse has been told.
Whistleblower cop Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox told commissioner Margaret Cunneen Bishop Malone used that description when commiserating with the mother of a boy who had been repeatedly sexually assaulted during his teenage years by Hunter Valley priest James Fletcher.
Det Insp Fox said the mother told him in 2002 there was animosity between Bishop Malone and his predecessor Bishop Leo Clarke because Bishop Clarke had not revealed the extent of "indiscretions" and "bad decisions" that had taken place in the diocese, possibly for decades.
But the mother felt Bishop Malone was just "going through the motions" speaking to her and was not showing genuine pastoral care, Det Insp Fox said.

Destroyed evidence was gay porn, Detective Peter Fox tells inquiry

DAN BOX From: The Australian July 09, 2013
THE detective at the centre of a state government inquiry into church child abuse has been forced to defend his public claim that Catholic priests destroyed evidence during a police investigation.
In a 2012 interview with the ABC's Lateline program, which led to the establishment of the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox claimed priests had destroyed evidence "before we were able to secure it."
Under cross-examination this morning, Mr Fox said this evidence was gay pornography found in a presbytery and reported to him in 2003, when he was investigating a pedophile priest, Father Jim Fletcher.
A different priest, Des Harrigan, subsequently admitted to destroying this material Mr Fox said, although he made no record of the conversation at the time.
Elizabeth McLaughlin, representing Father Harrigan, said her client disputed Mr Fox's account of what took place, which he has since repeated under oath and in a formal report to the NSW Ombudsman's office.

Royal Commission into child abuse comes to Perth

ABC Perth
[with audio]
The Royal Commission into child abuse in Australian institutions will come to Perth on July 30 and WA people who wish to give evidence or tell their story are being encouraged to register their interest.
Geoff Hutchison spoke to the CEO of the Commission, Janette Dines, to get some insight into what to expect if you are interested in telling your experience.
You can telephone 1800 099 340
Or write to GPO Box 5283, Sydney, NSW, 2001
Or email


Royal commission reaches out

The Age
July 9, 2013

Barney Zwartz
Religion editor, The Age.
From the twitterati to lonely late-night-radio listeners, reaching the vast and diverse number of Australians affected by child sexual abuse is the biggest challenge facing the royal commission in its early stages, according to its chief executive Janette Dines.
She said the commissioners were acutely aware that in hearing victims' stories they were ''bearing witness on behalf of the nation''.
The biggest obstacle to fulfilling this duty was that such different sections of the community had to be engaged - from those late-night-radio listeners who could not be contacted any other way, to disabled people, remote indigenous communities and young Twitter followers, Ms Dines said.
''We are going to have to hire someone who works 24/7 on social media. I don't think a lot of royal commission CEOs go on late-night radio or television or hold meet and greet sessions in regional centres with local groups who can amplify the message and plug the gaps.''
Considerable care was being taken to protect the mental health of commissioners, staff and witnesses. She said vicarious trauma was relatively little understood, and had been listed this year for the first time in the manual of psychological disorders.
Counsellors were proactively preparing commissioners and staff, debriefing them after sessions, and organising regular checks from mental health professionals.

No time for abuse files: bishop

The Australian
DAN BOX From: The Australian July 11, 2013
THE former Catholic bishop of Newcastle has claimed he was unaware of documentary evidence dating back decades that one of his priests was abusing children, despite the files being stored in his own office.
Giving evidence yesterday to the NSW special commission of inquiry into church child abuse, Michael Malone said he had been too busy to access the files, which contained allegations of abuse dating back to 1954.
"I don't know where (the inquiry's) investigation team found all these letters. Presumably they would have accessed the archives of the diocese, and that's a luxury I didn't have," he said.
"I was bishop of a large, busy diocese."
Bishop Malone said he had not seen many of the documents, which included letters to and from abusive priest Denis McAlinden, until a few weeks ago.

No time for abuse files: bishop

The Australian
DAN BOX From: The Australian July 11, 2013
THE former Catholic bishop of Newcastle has claimed he was unaware of documentary evidence dating back decades that one of his priests was abusing children, despite the files being stored in his own office.
Giving evidence yesterday to the NSW special commission of inquiry into church child abuse, Michael Malone said he had been too busy to access the files, which contained allegations of abuse dating back to 1954.
"I don't know where (the inquiry's) investigation team found all these letters. Presumably they would have accessed the archives of the diocese, and that's a luxury I didn't have," he said.
"I was bishop of a large, busy diocese."
Bishop Malone said he had not seen many of the documents, which included letters to and from abusive priest Denis McAlinden, until a few weeks ago.

Clandestine culture corroding the church's credibility

Border Mail
By Catherine Armitage July 7, 2013
The bishop showed the policeman into his bedroom. It could hardly have been a more genteel setting, a Catholic retirement facility at Lake Macquarie on the NSW central coast. He was cordial and welcoming. He’d laid out church documents on his bed in preparation.
But then the bishop duped the policeman. Ultimately, a paedophile priest got away, according to evidence at the NSW government’s special commission of inquiry into alleged cover-ups of child sexual abuse by two priests in the Hunter region.
The evidence before the inquiry is that senior church figures knew of recurring sex abuse allegations against paedophile priest FatherDenis McAlinden from 1954 but dealt with them by moving him around Australia and removing him from the priesthood instead of going to the police.
Senior clergy identified in church correspondence and witness statements tendered to the inquiry include bishops John Toohey, Leo Clarke and Michael Malone of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese and Father Brian Lucas, now general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Clarke involved the pope’s ambassador to Australia, Archbishop Franco Brambilla.


$45m fund boost to help victims of child sex abuse

The Age
July 14, 2013
Chris Johnson
National Political Correspondent
Survivors of child sexual abuse taking part in the current royal commission will be given more support, following a $45 million injection into community-based service providers.
The federal government will on Sunday list 28 support services around the nation that are sharing in the grants, to be used to help people wanting to submit evidence, attend royal commission hearings or cope emotionally with the proceedings.
The money will help those who have been personally affected by child sexual abuse and the families and carers of victims.
In January former prime minister Julia Gillard established the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and hearings began in April. The six-member commission, headed by Justice Peter McClellan, is inviting people who wish to share their experiences of child sexual abuse in an institution to contact it.
Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin said it was hoped the new funding would make it easier for those who wanted to share their experiences with the commission. ''The Australian government understands the importance of ensuring that survivors of child sexual abuse and affected family members are supported to participate in the royal commission,'' she said.


“Georgie” Goes Holiday Shopping in Rome (Or: Beats Wal-Mart)

A photo essay today.
Australian cardinal “Georgie” Pell flies out to Rome tomorrow for a three-month holiday, two months of it at the fabulous “Domus Australia” mansion in the centre of the City. Apparently, he intends to spend a lot of time “reading”, but surely he will have some time to do some shopping, especially at “Gammarelli’s”, which is frequented by the Pope.

Georgie will, unlike mere bishops, be entitled to go upstairs where the individual fitting rooms are located. Downstairs, commoners tend to buy off-the-rack items. Below, we see a Belgian bishop selecting his summer wardrobe.

Below, we see the helpful staff at Gammarelli’s, who will tend to your every need.

In the past, it has been a feature of shopping at Gammarelli’s that patrons have had to wait in line a lot, because the Pope is served first. The lines should be a lot shorter now that Frank is in the job. Old Benedict used to take a lot of time to choose an outfit. Last November, the queue was really bad (see below), and he was only choosing a new pair of gloves.

Gammarelli’s is not only popular with the clergy. Its extensive range of gear attracts many celebrities, such as the one below.

One of the most popular shopping items is red shoes in the style made famous by Benedict.

If you have trouble finding Gammarelli’s, just ask a friendly local cop for directions.

Of course, you can usually get directions also from most of the locals.

Just across the road from Gammarelli’s is the almost as popular DiRitis. Don’t be put off by its window display, which features choir boy outfits. It has a full range inside the shop.

Here, you can get a real bargain on things like the cord used to hold your neck-cross. It is a steal at only $100 (cross not included).

You can also get monograms on almost anything.

Want something for a friend? Cuff-links are always popular, at only $540.

Still looking for something nice? Try this silk damask buskins trim, at only $500.

For something really special, why not try some gold-woven trim, at only $800 for a 33cm length, 3cm wide.

Another favourite specialty shop is Barbiconi, usually known as “Barbi’s”.

Here, you can get some good stuff.

You can pick up a simple staff (crozier), for only $4,800. This one is probably most suitable for your underlings.

This one might cost a tad more (remember, if you have to ask the price, your dioscese probably can’t afford it).

Need to cheer yourself up? Buy a hat! Ask for the mitre, only $550.

This lovely hat (biretta), in faille silk, is a steal at a mere $830.
Don’t leave your gorgeous robes on the floor! Don’t forget to pick up some coat-hangers. Only $50 each!

Being caught unprepared for summer showers could ruin your shopping trip! Pick up an ombrellino for only $2,000. That’s less than $5,000!!!

And guess who you might meet when choosing a hat!!!

This outfit is “Barbi’s” most popular. St. Margret Fabric set for $1,850.00 (3 pieces: stole, cope, humeral veil).

When choosing, always look for this label, in case something that catches your eye is actually made by atheists in China.

Now, the serious shopper will be looking to pick up some fine jewellery. Bishops-R-Us have some good, off the shelf stuff for the budding bishop. For the more discerning shopper, there are the personalized rings, prices on application.

Don’t forget the cologne either! (see recent posting).
Then, you might like to visit one of the many specialty bookstores to get some reading matter like the good Cardinal. Here, you can even get a transcript of Pell’s evidence to the Victorian enquiry. Below, we see the Belgian bishops discussing this transcript.

You might even cross paths with Georgie in “Barbi’s”!

The new guy in the Vatican keeps going on about austerity, and is carrying this a bit far by not spending the summer in the papal summer palace. Instead, he will be staying at St. Marta’s hotel in Rome, in this room.

Georgie stayed in a similar room during the conclave, but this is a holiday/pilgrimage so it’s Domus Australia. You can take a tour with Vatican Sightseeing, which usually includes such notable palaces as Domus Germany, Domus Ireland, Domus Ghana and the very-popular Domus Boston.
Finally, don’t risk your back. For bulkier purchases, most stores have a free home-delivery service.

Happy shopping, Georgie. Don’t forget the credit cards!
Read more here:
TOMORROW: The serious aspects of Pell’s Roman holiday
That’s all I can say
Lewis Blayse (né Lewin Blazevich)


July 29, 2013 news updates

Click on the title to read the full article.

Bearing False Witness  (The title of Anne Lastman as “the false witness” is inspired by this)

Express Milwaukee

By Joel McNally
You’d think lawyers suing a major religion that proclaims itself to be the guiding authority on moral behavior in every aspect of life would have the easiest job in the world.
Defendants wouldn’t even need to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They’ve already declared themselves the world’s foremost authorities on the truth.
So why have thousands of victims of sex crimes by Catholic priests around the country had to fight in the courts for years to get access to the facts about sexual predators and the church authorities who covered up their crimes?
It’s because the facts slowly emerging expose the completely false picture the church is still trying to present in court that puts protecting its enormous financial assets above accepting moral or legal responsibility for horrendous crimes.
This is after years of truly unholy, hardball legal tactics of lying and attacking victims, hiding behind legal loopholes and statutes of limitations and drawing out cases through endless legal stalling to intentionally bankrupt victims seeking compensation.

Judge to head inquiry into church's handling of abuse allegations

The Worthy Adversary

Posted by Joelle Casteix on July 28, 2013
Your question of the day:
You see a child being sexually abused and beaten on a street corner. Whom do you call? Answer: The local university, your bishop, your commander or the leader of the closest nonprofit.
Ridiculous? Of course it is. Utterly absurd? Yes. Child endangerment? You bet. So let’s try again with the correct answer: You call law enforcement. Why? Because law enforcement is in the investigation business. Universities, churches, corporate entities and other nonprofits are NOT.
So why do we act so absurdly when we witness abuse on the Penn State campus, at the local parish, or a college campus? Because we were (wrongly) told and convinced it is the right thing to do.
We need to re-calibrate our thinking: institutions should never be in the sex abuse investigation business. When it comes to crime, our loyalty is to justice and accountability, not institutions.

Woman tells Catholic abuse inquiry of ostracism for speaking out

ABC News
By Dan Cox
A woman whose son was sexually abused by a Catholic priest has told an inquiry into clerical abuse in the Hunter Valley that she was ostracised for speaking out.
The special commission of inquiry has been examining claims the church covered up abuse by two priests in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, James Fletcher and Denis McAlinden.
Fletcher died in jail two years into a 10-year sentence for abusing a boy know to the inquiry as AH.
AH's mother today told the inquiry she was subjected the prank phone calls, had eggs thrown at her house and was shunned in the street after the allegations were raised.

Busy day at Special Commission of Inquiry

Cootamundra Herald
By Ian Kirkwood July 26, 2013
A SENIOR cleric, a victim’s mother and a Taree parish priest gave evidence yesterday to the Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle.
The day began with the general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Father Brian Lucas, resuming a period in the witness box begun on Wednesday.
Just before 12.30, a woman known as BJ – the mother of James Fletcher victim AH – took the stand, telling in emotional terms of a campaign of ostracisation she said followed AH’s decision to press charges against his long-time tormenter, who was also a close family friend.
The day finished with Taree priest Father Desmond Harrigan, who was mentioned in earlier evidence this month given by whistleblowing police officer Peter Fox in relation to the Fletcher investigation.
After application from Father Harrigan’s counsel, Elizabeth McLaughlin, supported by various other counsel, commissioner Margaret Cunneen granted a non-publication order over all of Father Harrigan’s evidence, which was given before a gallery of about 50 people.



More from Lucas (Or: What? Me Remember?)

Senior Catholic priest, Brian Lucas continues to have a poor memory, just like his colleagues. Ms Maria Gerace, a victims’ lawyer, challenged Lucas’ assertion that he could not remember anything about the McAlinden case. As she wryly noted, the single thing Lucas could recall was the one fact that meant he was not guilty of any offence in relation to misprision of felony or similar laws relating to the concealment of evidence or failure to report crime.
Mr. Lucas is a lawyer as well as a priest. In a 1996 speech, entitled “Are our Archives Safe? – An ecclesial view of search warrants”, distributed to church lawyers, Lucas gives a sub-heading reading :” To shred or not to shred – Is that the question?”. Perhaps, he could have added another sub-section headed: “To remember or not to remember – What was the question again?”
This is not the first time Lucas has had memory problems. In 1992, he was part of a committee investigating a “Father F” in the Armidale diocese. In his court hearing in 2004, “Father F” admitted in a meeting with Lucas he molested boys between 1982 and 1984. A letter written by Father Peters (a committee co-member with Lucas) to Bishop Kevin Manning of Armidale just eight days after the 1992 meeting with the priest describes in detail “Father F’s” admissions.
Despite the existence of this letter, Peters denied, in writing, to the ABC “Four Corners” program, that “Father F” had made the admissions. Peters has consistently refused to explain the discrepancy. Maybe, it was just a memory thing.


Why Pell Should Return to Australia (Or: HELP!!!!!)

To: His Most Highly Revered and Eminently Adored
The Cardinal George Pell of Australia, D.D., M.Y., G.O.D., I.M.A., T.W.I.T.
The Cardinal’s Suite
Domus Australia, Rome.
Dear Georgie,
Please come home — all is forgiven (just joking!)
Seriously though, things are really bad here at the moment. The NSW enquiry situation is going from bad to worse. Shows what happens if you leave things to mere Bishops. We really do need your input, guidance, wisdom and grace or whatever.
The memory loss thing is getting out of hand. Poor Brian has been caught out again with remembering some things in great detail while having a blank on everything else. It might have been a bit believable with poor old William and his anesthetic excuse, but Brian is being questioned in the media and at the enquiry for his truthfulness on this matter, unrelentingly.
Of course, it did not help things at all when it was revealed that Brian took no notes of meetings, and advised others to do the same. To cap it all off, it did look very much like he was more concerned with protecting priests and the church’s reputation. Even our smart (and expensive!!!!!!!) lawyers could not help out here.
Everyone knows of your particularly good memory and attention to detail. They also know you are a man of words and would record everything. Only your appearance could stem the tide of incredulity on this whole memory and records thing.


NSW Enquiry – Week’s Preview (Or: The Church’s Last Stand)

The final scheduled week of the NSW government enquiry into cover-ups of child sexual abuse by clergy in the Newcastle-Maitland Catholic church diocese, ends with the “in camera” evidence of Adelaide Archbishop Wilson. We will only know Wilson’s details from what the Commission chooses to release in its report. This, as has been pointed out before, is less than satisfactory.
Most of the week will feature non-clerical employees of the diocese. William Callinan was a school principal. He is the one whose lawyer indicated that his recollection of events was different to that of Bishop Malone. This specifically related to whether or not Malone informed Callinan about the dangers posed by a certain priest. This should be interesting since it will put Bishop Malone’s credibility on the line.
Other witnesses due to appear work for the diocese’s in-house PR unit. This is the so-called Zimmerman Services. It is a bit like the Melbourne Response set-up. Here, victims supposedly can tell their story to church officials and receive “healing”. A PR unit by any other name smells the same, so look for facile arguments about all the church is doing to help victims and protect children.
Zimmerman director, Sean Tynan, will appear. His organisation is supposedly responsible for “Record Keeping: storing and managing relevant diocesan records relating to child protection matters, including investigations and volunteer declarations. “ This will undoubtedly be a focus of proceedings.

Hiding evidence just as bad as crime itself: campaigner

Camden Haven Courier
By Natasha Wallace July 26, 2013
Priests should be jailed for concealing evidence of sex abuse because they are effectively aiding and abetting a crime, a child protection campaigner has said.
The executive director of advocacy group Bravehearts, Hetty Johnston, was responding to testimony by high-ranking Catholic priest Father Brian Lucas that he did not take notes while interviewing about 35 priests from 1990-1996 who were accused of sex abuse, nor did he refer the matters to police. ''He should be jailed. That just aids and abets offenders to continue to offend and it is just as bad a crime, in my view, than committing the crimes itself,'' Ms Johnston said.
''The person didn't only not do their job but their moral obligation. It is absolutely the most appalling, atrocious response.''
Father Lucas is the general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, which oversees the National Committee for Professional Standards responsible for procedures in dealing with abuse complaints. Retired psychologist Stephen Paull, who has 25 years of experience in child protection in the NSW education department, said it was ''absolutely grossly negligent'' both legally and morally not to take notes at such meetings.


Inquiry: AH's mother 'ostracised' by church after Fletcher revelations

Newcastle Herald
By IAN KIRKWOOD July 26, 2013
THE mother of AH – whose complaints led to the jailing of paedophile priest Jim Fletcher – has told the special commission of inquiry of being pushed into a wall in a court room toilet during the Fletcher trial.
In another incident, she said a man ‘‘rammed his supermarket trolley’’ into her legs at a supermarket checkout.
She said the man’s wife came back to them and apologised saying she had to understand because the man was ‘‘upset’’ about what had happened to ‘‘Father Jim’’.
‘‘I said, ‘He’s upset?,’ ’’ the mother, known by the pseudonym BJ, told the special commission of inquiry sitting in Newcastle.
BJ took the commission through what she described as a campaign of ‘‘escalating’’ isolation and ‘‘ostracisation’’ from the Catholic establishment once news that AH had gone to the police became known.

Woman tells Catholic abuse inquiry of ostracism for speaking out

ABC News
By Dan Cox
A woman whose son was sexually abused by a Catholic priest has told a NSW inquiry she was ostracised for speaking out.
A woman whose son was sexually abused by a Catholic priest has told an inquiry into clerical abuse in the Hunter Valley that she was ostracised for speaking out.
The special commission of inquiry has been examining claims the church covered up abuse by two priests in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, James Fletcher and Denis McAlinden.
Fletcher died in jail two years into a 10-year sentence for abusing a boy know to the inquiry as AH.
AH's mother today told the inquiry she was subjected the prank phone calls, had eggs thrown at her house and was shunned in the street after the allegations were raised.
She described an altercation in a supermarket where a man rammed a shopping trolley into her leg because he was upset at the allegations levelled at Fletcher.


Inquiry: Victim's mother tells of family's pain

Newcastle Herald
By IAN KIRKWOOD July 26, 2013
THE mother of victim AH said it would have been unbearable if paedophile priest Jim Fletcher had not been convicted on her son’s evidence.
The woman, BJ, who gave evidence to the Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle on Friday, finished her evidence after lunch by explaining to the commissioner, Margaret Cunneen, the toll that Fletcher’s crimes had taken on her son and her family.
Ms Cunneen said BJ had described the conviction as a "good result" and she asked what BJ would have felt had the trial resulted gone the other way.
BJ said her son had shown enormous courage to press charges and to continue with the trial despite the publicity and stress it put on him.
"The legal process didn’t let us down, the Catholic Church did,’’ BJ said.


Onus on victims to tell police

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 26, 2013
One of the Australian Catholic Church’s most senior priests has spent a second day defending his decision not to report paedophile priests, including Denis McAlinden, to police on the basis it would betray victims’ trust.
Father Brian Lucas, a non-­practicing barrister and the general ­secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, said he faced a constant dilemma when victims refused to go to police.
He told the special commission of inquiry, which is investigating how the Catholic Maitland-Newcastle Diocese dealt with paedophile priests Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher, it was his role to encourage offending priests to resign from ministry.
Father Lucas, who was also part of a committee that designed a protocol for bishops in dealing with allegations of criminal behaviour in the 1980s and 1990s, said he was “mostly ­successful” at persuading ­paedophiles to resign.

Hiding evidence just as bad as crime itself: campaigner

Brisbane Times
July 26, 2013
Natasha Wallace
Priests should be jailed for concealing evidence of sex abuse because they are effectively aiding and abetting a crime, a child protection campaigner has said.
The executive director of advocacy group Bravehearts, Hetty Johnston, was responding to testimony by high-ranking Catholic priest Father Brian Lucas that he did not take notes while interviewing about 35 priests from 1990-1996 who were accused of sex abuse, nor did he refer the matters to police. ''He should be jailed. That just aids and abets offenders to continue to offend and it is just as bad a crime, in my view, than committing the crimes itself,'' Ms Johnston said.
''The person didn't only not do their job but their moral obligation. It is absolutely the most appalling, atrocious response.''
Father Brian is the general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, which oversees the National Committee for Professional Standards responsible for procedures in dealing with abuse complaints. Retired psychologist Stephen Paull, who has 25 years of experience in child protection in the NSW education department, said it was ''absolutely grossly negligent'' both legally and morally not to take notes at such meetings.


Church's secrecy gives public little reason for confidence

Brisbane Times
To people unschooled in legal and canonical niceties, mounting evidence about the Catholic Church's approach to child abuse surely beggars belief.
Australians will soon need to decide whether they still trust the church to do what is best to protect children or whether new laws are needed to ensure police and other investigators become involved whenever there is potential risk.
By placing so much weight on protecting its own reputation and respecting the privacy of victims, the church looks increasingly out of step with community expectations.
Those concerns have been raised by evidence to commission of inquiry into Hunter region paedophile priests from Brian Lucas, general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference since 2002, qualified lawyer and ordained priest.

During six years from about 1990, Lucas's work with the Archdiocese of Sydney included dealing with about 35 priests accused of sex crimes.
Lucas admitted he had never taken notes during the meetings, in some instances ''so that a subsequent legal process that would compel production of them cannot be successful''.

Priest didn't hear accusation of priests doing 'filthy things' to children

Maitland Mercury
By ELLE WATSON July 29, 2013
A former Nelson Bay priest has denied telling whistleblower Peter Fox that a sexual abuse victim accused priests of doing "filthy things" to children in the 1990s.
Charlestown priest Father Bob Searle was working as the Nelson Bay parish priest in the late 1990s when he said a drunk parishioner came to the presbytery about 7.30pm and yelled: "Nobody loves me".
The man, known as AH who was abused by paedophile priest James Fletcher, read a statutory declaration to the commission of inquiry into alleged cover-ups of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church last week.
Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, who's claims of a church cover-up sparked the inquiry, has previously told Commissioner Margaret Cunneen that Father Searle told him AH was drunk and yelling about priests doing "filthy things" to young boys.


Abuse inquiry enters 8th week

ABC News
The inquiry into child sexual abuse in the New South Wales Hunter Valley will hear more evidence from senior Catholic clergy when the public hearings resume this morning.
The inquiry has previously heard a victim of paedophile priest James Fletcher went to a Nelson Bay presbytery drunk and angry, accusing priests of "doing filthy things to little boys".
Peter Fox, the senior policeman who sparked the special commission, said the parish priest at the time, father Bob Searle, told him about the incident but did not include the victim's comments in his official statement.
Father Searle is expected to give evidence this morning when the eighth week of public hearings gets underway.
Father William Burston will also give evidence after the commissioner gave him a week's reprieve because he had been "harassed" outside the inquiry by members of the public.


Inquiry: Good and bad priest files kept

Newcastle Herald
By IAN KIRKWOOD July 29, 2013
PRIESTS’ files were divided into ‘‘good’’ and ‘‘bad’’ sections according to a longstanding secretary to the past three Bishops of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese of the Catholic Church.
Elizabeth Doyle told the Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle that she joined the office of the late Bishop Leo Clarke on January 4, 1993.
Since then she had served as secretary or executive assistant to Bishop Clarke, Bishop Michael Malone and the current Bishop, William Wright.
Asked by counsel assisting Warwick Hunt about the diocese’s filing systems, Ms Doyle said that in her early years she had no recourse to the files but believed they were all stored in the one cabinet ‘‘upstairs’’ in Bishop Clarke’s office.

Centres Against Sexual Assault see more clients ...

Herald Sun
Centres Against Sexual Assault see more clients but miss out on Federal Government funding
SEXUAL assault support centres - including Ringwood East's Centre Against Sexual Assault - are seeing up to 20 per cent more clients due to the Royal Commission but won't be getting any ­extra funding.
The Federal Government recently announced 28 ­organisations across Australia would share in $45 million to support victims of sexual abuse who present to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
But none of the state's Centres Against Sexual Assault received funding, spokeswoman Carolyn Worth said.
"I think there's something quite bizarre about having a specialised service system in Victoria that deals with victims of sexual assault (CASAs) and (the Government) funds relationship agencies (instead)."




 CSC Holy Cross Congregation delay $18 million compensation payout. Brother Andre & Saint JOSEPH giant GOLDEN COW STATUES could not help victims of CSC pedophiles

People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY and STOP LIGHTING CANDLES to St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”


did NOTHING to stop pedophile priests of the Congregation de Sainte-Croix happening right before his very eyes for 50 years

If you live in Los Angeles, or elsewhere in the USA or in the world, and are planning a “pilgrimage” to the Oratory of St. Joseph or flying to the Vatican, DON'T GO and instead DONATE that pilgrimage money to the Red Cross or your local charity - or sponsor a poor student and pay for his or her school supplies and school lunch for a year, or feed a homeless person for a year at McDonald's,  instead of flying to Montreal to see the Oratory or the Vatican Mammon Beast - and God will listen more to your prayers in your act of mercy rather feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast or St. Joseph Oratory Mammon Beast copying the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy.

Children are better sex educated reading the Los Angles files rather than wasting their time to attend the wizardry of the Mass where priests ceaselessly reiterate those old horrid stories of extinct people in the Bible, read here the Immoral Bible 
It’s more important and more relevant for children to know the story of Eleuterio Ramos and all JP2 Army Vatican sex maniac rapists  priests of the 20th century - than the ancient Bible stories irrelevant mythical figures like Jonah being swallowed by a whale, read here the Los Angeles Files

BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles

Wealth of Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror  

READ our latest articles:
- Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns as Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s deceitful to say “Roman Pontiff” of “Roman Catholic Church” is here

Billion Dollar Christ & Apostles in Red now playing in Vatican. Evil impact of Papal Conclave: epidemic violence against women & perpetuity of poor countries

BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles

Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror


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