Thursday, July 12, 2012

May 1 & September 11 anniversaries for SNAP and JP2 Army victims. SNAP ad in New York Times should be framed and permanently exhibited in all churches, schools and children venues: U.S. Catholic Bishops and Child Sex Crimes

Updated August 2, 2012

We suggest that during the bi-annual September 11 and May 1 commemorations of victims of JP2 Army and SNAP, there should be viewing of films of documentaries or movies about pedophile priests like this new movie, "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God,"  that's being released about the abuse and cover up of sex crimes against over 200 deaf children at St. John’s School in Milwaukee, and it will have its world-wide premier September 8 at the Toronto International Film Festival, see news articles updates below. We wrote about it in our other blog, Benedict XVI the Liar strikes again as Vatican rejects American lawsuit by Terry Kohut who was raped with other 200 deaf boys by a rapist-priest

September 11 is coming up and it is the ideal time to catch children's attention worldwide as New York City has its own 9/11 ceremony, SNAP and all dioceses where the JP2 Army -John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army thrived should also read out the names of each victims (like they do at Ground Zero).  We suggest the 2 songs of His Truth is Marching on and We shall overcome.  But there should be no Rosaries and no Eucharists for these are "magical" weapons of the Vatican Evil Empire .  Each victim must carry their portrait as children and a little cross. 

The best place to hold these commemorations are outside the churches across the USA, Europe, Australia where JP2 Army existed.  The stories of the evil Achilles Heels of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Cardinal Bernard Law and Cardinal Mahony who covered them up should also be told for all generations to come.

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NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy .  See the images of Paterno and Cardinal Bernard Law ... a sharp contrast between Sports that has morals and the Vatican that is amoral ...


Melinda Gates versus Benedict XVI: who’s more “like Christ”? Melinda Gates saves lives of 200 million women while Benedict XVI sits in out-of-touch-with-reality Vatican Throne


Updated July 14, 2012

2 Anniversaries for SNAP and victims of JP2 Army

We suggest that September 11 and May 1 should be the bi-annual anniversaries of SNAP and all victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  One in the Fall on September 11 to coincide with 9/11 commemoration in New York City where names of 3,000 victims are each read and remembered; and it is also the beginning of school year and this will alert all children of potential authority-figures sexual predators.  And one in the Spring on May 1, the anniversary of 3 world leaders who led the most heinous crimes of the latter half of the 20th century, the beatification of John Paul II, the death of Osama ben Ladin and Adolf Hitler.  May 1 will recap almost the end of the school year when children can celebrate that they have overpowered potential authority-figures sexual predators even holy priests.  It will prepare them for summer camps and summer holidays when they must continue to be vigilant against pedophiles.  It is reasonable to have twice a year marches of victims holding their photos when they were abused by priests and small crosses and candles.  These bi-annual marches and commemorations are the only way to make children comprehend and understand about potential sexual predators no matter how holy priests they may appear to be.   Movies of sexual predator priests should also be shown, because the tricks and trade of pedophiles are similar should be no Eucharist, no holy images of saints and no recitation of the Rosary because, after all, they all failed to protect altar boys and girls who were abused in rectories named after saints and the Rosary could not defeat the John Paul II Army as John Paul II was too busy creating the Luminous Mysteries, read our related article Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century . 
With this worldwide bi-annual march, children around the world will instantly understand and comprehend that "holy fathers" priests can be like Fr. Marcial Maciel and Cardinal Bernard Law and Monsignor Lynn can cover-them-up, that they all can be both holy and evil at the same time.  Children will be so alerted and they'll be careful not to trust anyone in authority, not even religious authorities or “Holy Father” priests who were protected by Popes John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger!  We cannot protect children enough from sexual predators…and a bi-annual march by SNAP and JP2 Army victims will awaken children all over the world about the followers of JP2 Army lurking everywhere!    John Paul II is the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts and Rapists!  To understand why May 1 should be SNAP’s and victims of JP2 Army anniversary, read USA 9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day
The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer 
JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army  before me, JP2 Army  behind me,
JP2 Army  in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army  above me,
JP2 Army  on my right, JP2 Army  on my left,
JP2 Army  when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down
JP2 Army  when I arise

See origin of JP2 Army Prayer
To remember the JP2 Army is protect children forever from predator pedophile priests and from all kinds of pedophiles so that they are able to pierce through their theological mask as "representative of Christ" and it will empower children to see through John Paul II writings which are heartless, read our related article Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive... and they also made complicit Cardinal Bernard Law thrive, read our related article here

May 1 & September 11 must remind the world that Boston was the first epicenter of the JP2 Army where it first exploded in early 2002, when John Paul II went to Toronto for his last World Youth Day in July 2002 (an hour’s flight to Boston) where he proudly refused to address the evil priest pedophilia and that is when Paris Arrow saw the vision of the John Paul II Millstone  May 1 & September 11 must remind the world that John Paul II papal farted at us Bostonians by elevating criminal Cardinal Bernard Law into Rome after we forced Law to resign in disgrace as Archbishop of Boston because as he admitted in public, he covered-up and transferred 80 pedophile priests from one parish to another hence endangering thousands of children to be sodomized by the Boston JP2 Army

All names of victims of JP2 Army should be read (just like they do at the 9/11 commemorations in Ground Zero in New York City).  All names of Popes and Cardinals and Bishops— with the numbers of pedophile priests they condoned and covered-up should also be read.
Duty of New York City
It is the duty of New York to also forever commemorate each year together with the 3,000 victims of 9/11 -- the more than 100,000 victims of the JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  New York must remember and commemorate these two American histories in the latter part of the 20th century.  No American child should call John Paul II a “blessed or a saint” in deference to their fellow American brothers and sisters who were sodomized by the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. Most of all New York should remove its statute of limitation for the filing of charges on child sexual abuse, read our related articles here
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

JP2 Army – 100,000 victims - 6,100 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity

Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland

SNAP’s ad should be framed and permanently exhibited
SNAP’s ad in New York Times: “U.S. Catholic Bishops and Child Sex Crimes.  More than 6,000 priests are accused of sexually molesting more than 100,000 children”
This NYT ad should be framed and placed in every Catholic churches and all children's venues must remind all Catholics - and the world - forever that John Paul II (and Cardinal Ratzinger) who reigned as the longest pope for almost 27 years (after St. Peter) was not a living saint because he said and did nothing to protect children from pedophile priests hence they are aptly called JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.  John Paul II loved the Host or Eucharist but he also used it as a tool to protect predator priests of the most heinous crimes against children in the history of Christendom with Fr. Marcial Maciel and Cardinal Bernard Law as his evil Achilles Heels, read more here
See full ad below with related articles
It is quite timely that on May 1, when Benedict XVI (who had no clue) beatified John Paul II, it was the same historic day that Osama bin Laden and Adolf Hitler were declared dead, hence these three most significant leaders of the 20th century shared the same historical day of May 1, read our coverage here
Read our related articles:
John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome

John Paul II Galaxy size ego usurps Mary statues. ‘The Holy Father’ John Paul II ousts Baby Jesus from the arms of His ‘Holy Mother’ Mary!
Vatican Titanic no longer the Barque of St. Peter
Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse

The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
JP2 Army victims around the world
The 4 cornerstones of the Vatican: Narcissism, dysfunction, disconnection, elitism


1. More than 6,000 priests and 100,000 victims

2. Admission from bishops that priests and bishops sexually abuse children:

3. Zero tolerance:

  • According to the policy of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Diocesan/eparchial policy is to provide that for even a single act of sexual abuse of a minor*—whenever it occurred—which is admitted or established after an appropriate process in accord with canon law, the offending priest or deacon is to be permanently removed from ministry and, if warranted, dismissed from the clerical state. … The diocesan/eparchial bishop is to exercise his power of governance, within the parameters of the universal law of the Church, to ensure that any priest or deacon subject to his governance who has committed even one act of sexual abuse of a minor as described below (see note) shall not continue in ministry. ” (,%20p%2011-12.%20)
  • And was first announced in 2002 by then-President, Bishop Wilton Gregory: “Today, we have seen the passage of an important document in the history of our Conference of Bishops. From this day forward, no one known to have sexually abused a child will work in the Catholic Church in the United States.” (
 4. Openness and transparency:
 5. Dozens of culpable bishops
Because of the on-going secrecy surrounding child sex crimes and cover-ups in the Catholic Church, no one knows exactly how many bishops are ignoring, concealing or enabling wrongdoing, now and in the past.
But here's what we do know:
 --In 2002, using information that was already in the public arena, the Dallas Morning News found 109, out of the 272 active bishops ignoring, concealing or enabling wrongdoing.
Now, 27 of them are still in the same office today and 7 of them have been promoted or moved to a different diocese.
 -- Three complicit US bishops have essentially been promoted and now live and/or work at the Vatican
--Two complicit auxiliary bishops who were harshly criticized in a Philadelphia grand jury report were promoted to head their own dioceses.
--At least 8 US Cardinals have hidden the crimes of child molesting clerics
 --At least 22 US bishops have been accused of molesting children themselves
AK Anchorage- Archbishop Roger Schweitz
AL Birmingham  (formerly of Charleston, SC)- Bishop Robert Baker 
  • In February, a spokesman denied a lawsuit's allegation that the diocese was employing a "known priest-pedophile." Later, the spokesman acknowledged that the accused priest (Rev. Paul Seitz) remained on the job, after having been suspended in the mid-1990s, moved to a smaller parish and ordered not to be alone with children.   (
  • In 2000, Bishop Baker transferred Rev. John Bench to a diocese in Florida, after paying a settlement to the family of a young girl the priest admitted abusing. The bishop relented after the family protested.
CA San Bernardino - Bishop Gerald Barnes
CA San Diego - Bishop Robert Brom 
CA San Jose - Bishop Patrick McGrath 
CT Hartford - Archbishop Henry Mansell
Washington DC - Cardinal Donald Wuerl 
FL Saint Petersburg - Robert lynch
IA Dubuque - Archbishop Jerome Hanus
ID Boise - Bishop Michael Driscoll 
IL Chicago - Cardinal Francis George 
LA Houma Thibodaux - Bishop Sam Jacobs 
LA Lafayette - Bishop Michael Jarrell  
LA New Orleans - Archbishop Gregory Aymond  
  • Allowed a teacher, Brian Matherne, to remain on the job despite the fact that he had been accused of sexual abuse in 1998. Aymond did not inform police of the investigation because the victim was being “uncooperative.” Matherne was later tried and convicted after he admitting to molesting at least 17 boys during his time in New Orleans. (
MA Boston - Cardinal Sean O’Malley 
  • In 2008, it was disclosed that, for the second year in a row, O’Malley was violating the US bishops’ child sex abuse prevention policy. According to other officials, O’Malley was failing to train kids how to avoid or stop being victimized. Every child was supposed to receive the training, yet only 20% of  kids did. O’Malley also failed to discipline a single individual for flaunting this national requirement.  (
  • In 2006, in a case with disturbing parallels to many earlier Boston pedophile priest cases, O’Malley moved very slowly against, and gingerly with, a prominent Catholic hospital official who faces multiple allegations of sexually harassing employees. A high-ranking human resources official at the hospital “accused O’Malley of improperly interfering in the investigation to help the accused, giving him advance notice of the probe, providing him with an adviser, and telling of the reprimand before consulting with the board,” according to the Boston Globe.
  • The Cardinal’s actions “have made a mockery of the investigation. It is nothing short of shameful,” the human resource official wrote. “Perhaps most troubling” was what she called the "near absence” of concern for the women complainants that she said was shown by the church hierarchy.  (
MD Baltimore - Archbishop William Lori (formerly of Bridgeport, CT)
  • In 2002, while Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT, Lori allowed two priests – Fr. Stanley Koziol and Fr. Gregory Smith – to work for decades despite the fact that they had been both subject to child sex abuse allegations. Lori removed only after public pressure. (
  • Last December, a Connecticut newspaper disclosed that Fr. Jean Marie DeGraff was arrested in October for allegedly molesting at least one child in Canada in 2010 and 2011. From 2007 to 2008, DeGraff worked at St. Mary Parish on Greenwich Avenue and other churches in western Connecticut, and during that time he had been the subject of allegations of abuse. Rather than remove Fr. DeGraff, Bishop Lori instead sent him to Canada where he was able to abuse another child. (
MO Jefferson City - Bishop John Gaydos
MO Kansas City - Bishop Robert Finn 
NE Omaha - Archbishop George Lucas 
NJ Newark - Archbishop John J. Myers 
NM Santa Fe- Michael J. Sheehan
NY Albany - Bishop Howard Hubbard
NY Booklyn -Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio
NY New York - Cardinal Timothy Dolan 
  • Last year, Fr. Jaime Duenas was arrested for repeatedly abusing a 16-year-old girl over three days at her parish job. Then, Dolan posted on his blog a statement essentially attacking the girl and questioning why she went back to work the second and third days. Despite SNAP’s protests, Dolan’s callous post is still up. (
  • Last year, the public learned that there was child porn on a Bronx assistant principal’s school computer. At that time, it was also revealed that Catholic officials – including Dolan – had kept silent for nine months about the child porn, giving the criminal and his supervisors ample time to destroy evidence, fabricate alibis, intimidate witnesses, threaten whistleblowers and thwart law enforcement.  (
  • In 2010, Dolan told parishioners that Msgr. Wallace A. Harris wouldn’t return to his Harlem parish and left the impression that Harris is stepping aside because of alleged health problems. However, Harris is an accused pedophile priest who was temporarily suspended in 2008 and who faces at least ten men who report that he abused them as kids, and was resigning due to lawsuits. (
  • Last month, newly disclosed secret Milwaukee archdiocesan records showed that Dolan and his staff paid up to $20,000 to some proven, admitted and credibly accused child molesting clerics. Dolan had at least three options:  First, work to get predators charged, convicted and imprisoned. Second, work to get them housed in remote, secure, independent treatment centers. Three, work to get them quietly defrocked to save church officials money and enable the predators to quietly move onto new homes and jobs among unsuspecting families and co-workers. Dolan chose the most problematic of these options.
  • In 2002, Dolan (like his peers) pledged to be 'open & transparent' about clergy sex crimes. But the next year, Dolan secretly paid predator priests. In 2006, when confronted about it by a reporter, Dolan lied.For six years, Dolan let his deception stand uncorrected. And when confronted last month with a clear memo showing the "settlements," Dolan kept silent. Days later, instead of answering questions, he went on the attack.  (
  • On Sunday, Dolan finally responded, repeating his 'charity' lie, and attacking the New York Times and our group.If Dolan thinks this is the right approach - secretly paying admitted, serial predator priests to quietly move elsewhere among unsuspecting families, neighbors and co-workers, why didn't he say so in 2003 or why won't he say so now?
NY Rochester - Bishop Matthew Clark
  • Bishop Clark, who famously in the 1990’s wrote that pedophile priests were “afflicted, but not sinful,” allowed at least six priest who had been credibly accused of abuse in the 1970’s and 1980’s to continue to live and work in the diocese, despite complaints from their victims.
  • The priests were Rev. Thomas Burr, Rev. Foster Rogers, Rev. David Simon, Rev. William Lum, Rev. Thomas Corbett, and Rev. Joseph Brodnick. (
OH Youngstown - Bishop George Murry
PA Erie - Bishop Donald Trautman
TX Galveston/Houston- Cardinal Daniel DiNardo
  • In November 2007, a victim reported having been sexually abused by Fr. Stephen Horn (between 1989 and 1993). DiNardo found the victim credible and suspended Horn. For two months, however, DiNardo kept the allegation and his determination secret from parishioners, police and the public (despite US bishops’ repeated pledges to act quickly and openly with sex abuse allegations). The delay gave Horn, a credibly accused molester, ample opportunity to fabricate alibis, destroy evidence, intimidate victims, threaten witnesses, or even flee the country, as some pedophile priests have done.Part of DiNardo’s secrecy and delay occurred in the weeks between when the Pope announced that DiNardo would be named a Cardinal (October 2007) and when DiNardo was promoted amid much pageantry (November 24). Some Houston Catholics have speculated that DiNardo did not want the news of Horn’s crimes to “rain on (DiNardo’s) parade” (
  • In 2010, DiNardo did nothing when it surfaced that a Houston priest, Fr. Walter Dayton Salisbury, had been convicted of child sex crimes, moved to Maine, lived in public housing and sat on a town’s public housing board.  (
TX Lubbock - Bishop Placido Rodriguez
TX San Angelo - Bishop Michael Pfeifer 
TX Tyler - Bishop Alvaro Corrada del Rio
TX Victoria - Bishop David Fellhauer
VA Richmond - Bishop Francis DiLorenzo
WA Seattle - Archbishop J. Peter Sartain
Retired List
CA Los Angeles (now retired) - Cardinal Roger Mahony 
  • Mahony has been repeatedly accused of shuffling prolific serial predator Oliver O’Grady around from parish to parish, allowing him to abuse more children than if he had defrocked O’Grady when he had originally been made clear of the warning signs. (
  • For years, Mahony stayed secretly let an admitted child molesting cleric live in his archdiocese (in a picturesque religious complex overlooking the ocean), despite the cleric’s being wanted on criminal charges in Canada. In 2005, when SNAP and others demanded that Mahony and his colleagues turn over Franciscan friar Gerald Chumik to law enforcement, Mahony let Chumik move from Santa Barbara Mission Church in Santa Barbara to Missouri, For 14 years, Chumik has been a fugitive from his native Canada. (
  • In October 2005, (more than three years after Mahony pledged “openness” about child sex abuse and cover ups), Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley said “Three years ago, I urged Cardinal Mahony to provide the fullest possible disclosure of evidence of sexual abuse by clergy. Despite two court rulings ordering full disclosure, Cardinal Mahony continues to claim ‘confidentiality privileges’ that no court has recognized.” (
CA Santa Rosa (now retired) - Bishop Daniel Walsh 
  • Walsh rejected the recommendation of his own advisory panel concerning predator priest Joseph Alzugaray. (One of Alzugaray’s victims was paid a settlement of a million dollars.) The board recommended that Alzugaray be removed for repeatedly abusing a young girl, yet Walsh declined to do so. Walsh did not offer any reasoning or motive for his decision, saying only “I will not comment on my decision.” (
  • When Fr. Francisco Ochoa was accused of abuse in 2005, Walsh notified the priest first, before informing the police. This days-long delay gave Ochoa enabled to escape the country and return to his native Mexico before authorities could arrest him. Ochoa remained free until he died in 2009. Walsh did this despite the fact that Ochoa himself had admitted to the bishop that he had a history of abusing kids. (
NH Manchester (now retired) - Bishop John McCormack 
NY New York (now retired) - Cardinal Edward Egan 
  • In 2003, Egan became the first US prelate to refuse to say mass for the devoutly Catholic, hand-picked, distinguished lay panel chosen by bishops to look at the church’s child sex abuse crisis. According to the New York Times, Egan also “interfered with” and prevented the US bishops’ ‘watchdog’ on clergy sex cases from speaking in his archdiocese
  • In 2007, he let a principal of a prestigious New York Catholic high school to remain at work, despite the fact that disturbing sexual images were found on his computer. In this case, it was a priest who contacted the diocese, who then let the principal to stay on the job for five months. This only came to light after the priest came forward to the media. (;jsessionid=CB7472EFBBD6E76B4B72EB7151E501A5)
  • In an interview with Connecticut Magazine last year, Egan rescinded the pathetic ‘apology’ that he had made to victims of clergy abuse in 2002. He went further to say that he didn’t believe church officials had done anything wrong, that he was “proud” of the way they handled things, and that he didn’t believe that there was much that was actually hidden. (
PA Philadelphia (now retired) - Cardinal Justin Rigali 
VA  Richmond - Walter F. Sullivan (retired) 
  • In 2002, Rev. John E. Leonard (with allegations dating back to 1996) was removed after allegations of old abuse when he was at St. John Vianney Seminary; but was reactivated by Bishop Sullivan after he overruled the review committee. There was a big outcry from the committee, including one resignation.  A civil suit in 2003 was later dismissed on SOL. Criminal charges were brought in 2003 and Leonard was sentenced in 2004 to 2 consecutive 12 month jail terms (suspended) and probation. He was removed again in 2004 and then resigned from priesthood. (
WA  Yakima (now retired) - Bishop Carlos Sevilla  

6. Bishops and their fight against statute of limitations (SOL) reform

National - Bishops fight against changing SOL “arguing that it is difficult to get reliable evidence when decades have passed and that the changes seem more aimed at bankrupting the church than easing the pain of victims.” (

CA - Bill 1626 extends SOL and requires more rigorous background checks for those working with children. 
CO - House Bill 081011 (2008) Eliminates SOL. Rep Joan Fitz-Gerald 
CT - House Bill 5473 removes SOL
MD - Professionals who work with children don’t have mandatory reporting.
NJ - Bill would remove SOL. 
NY - One-year window in SOL.
OH - Senate Bill 17(2006) would have given victims a one year “look-back” window.
PA - House Bill 832 removes SOL. House Bill 879 give two-year window to SOL. 
WI - 2009 Assembly Bill 453 (Child Victim Act) extends SOL to 17 years after victims 18th birthday. 

7. Predatory priests still in ministry 

Because of the on-going secrecy surrounding child sex crimes and cover ups in the Catholic church, no one knows exactly how many admitted, proven, credibly accused child molesting clerics are still on the job.

Just last year, a grand jury found, “By the (Philadelphia) Archdiocese’s own account, at least 37 priests remain in ministry despite reports that they have engaged in improper behavior with minors.”
As many as eight of them have not been publicly identified nor removed from ministry as of May, 2012.
But here are some of the cases that we do know about:
CA, Fresno - Fr. Eric Swearingen 559 434 7701, pastor at Holy Spirit parish in Fresno
  • In a civil trial in November 2006, jurors (by a 9-3 margin) found Fr. Swearingen guilty of molesting Juan Rocha when Rocha was a child. (On other counts concerning diocesan complicity, jurors deadlocked, so technically, it was a mistrial.) Fresno Bishop John Steinbock insists Fr. Swearingen is innocent. The priest is now pastor at Holy Spirit parish in Fresno. (
CA, San Diego - Fr. Jose Alexis Davila at St. Jude’s Catholic Church
MO, St. Louis - Fr. Vincent Bryce 314 256 8801, Aquinas Institute
MO, De Soto - Fr. Alex R. Anderson 636 337 2212, pastor at St. Rose of Lima parish (
  • Three men who don’t know each other came forward separately with accusations that Anderson sexually abused them when they were kids. Two never filed lawsuits. The third did file a countersuit, after Anderson sued him for slander. (Church officials later paid him $22,500. Anderson insisted that he would not drop his slander suit unless a number of conditions were met. None of them were. He dropped his suit anyway.) (
  • Anderson’s parish, St. Rose of Lima, has a parochial school.
PA, Philadelphia – Msgr. John A. Close
  • Last week, Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput announced that once-suspended Msgr. John Close will soon be back on the job. Close faces at least two allegations of having molested boys. (What are the odds that there are two mistaken allegations against the same cleric?) He’s also been a chaplain at four institutions and been listed in the Official Catholic Directory as “in residence” at three others, a highly unusual work history for an archdiocesan priest (and the kind of assignment often given over the years to proven, admitted or credibly accused child molesting clerics). (
KY, Owensboro – Fr. Louis Francis Piskula of Blessed Mother Catholic Church
We in SNAP are a support group with a skeletal staff. These are just some of the cases we’ve been able to document through public records. We suspect there are dozens more. And despite bishops’ “zero tolerance” pledges – in 2002 and even earlier – each year, we’ve seen cases like this surface time and time again. Here are just a few from recent years:
2011 - MO, Kansas City – Fr. Michael Tierney
2011 - CA, Los Angeles – Fr. Martin P. O’Loghlen
  • In the mid 1990s, he admitted molesting and raping a girl (and being a sex addict). Nevertheless, he was re-elected as head of the Sacred Hearts' Western US Province and then-Cardinal Roger Mahony put him on his abuse review panel.
  • Only a year and a half ago, when a New York Times reporter began making inquiries, was O’Loghlen suspended from Holy Name of Mary church in San Dimas in the Los Angeles archdiocese. (
2009 - NJ, Newark – Fr.. Michael Fugee
Here’s a list of other similar cases we released and posted on our site in 2003:
And remember – every day a proven, admitted or credibly accused child molesting cleric stays on the job, he or she has access to more children and has the ability to destroy evidence, intimidate victims, threaten whistleblowers, discredit witnesses, fabricate alibis, and even flee the country.

But what about the possibility of mistaken or false allegations? Learn more here:

Our very deep gratitude to the anonymous donors who paid for this ad.

July 11, 2012

ROME - Bishops fail to meet deadline, SNAP responds

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
Posted by Barbara Blaine on July 10, 2012
Almost half of the world's bishops have failed to meet a Vatican deadline to submit child sex abuse policies. That shows how little Catholic prelates care about kids’ safety.
These policies will largely be vague and unenforced, but the fact that hundreds or thousands of bishops refuse to even write them down and turn them in on time shows how little or nothing is changing in the church hierarchy's response to the ongoing child sex abuse and cover up crisis.

Majority of bishops' conferences, except Africa, draft abuse policies

U.S. Catholic
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The majority of bishops' conferences in the Americas, Europe and Asia have complied with a Vatican mandate to draw up anti-abuse guidelines, said the Vatican's top investigator of clerical sex abuse.
Without counting Africa, "more than half of the conferences responded" by the May deadline, Msgr. Charles Scicluna of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said in an interview with the Italian monthly Catholic magazine Jesus.
All those who did not send in their proposed guidelines would be getting "a letter of reminder," he added.
The Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, quoted from the interview July 10 and said that the congregation received an encouraging number of responses from Anglo-Saxon countries, "but also Europe, Asia and Latin America have high percentages of responses."

Victims of Abuse Urge Vatican to Shut Down Legion of Christ Schools

by Annie Urban
July 9, 2012

A group of 77 women who attended a high school run by the Legions of Christ is calling on the Vatican to shut down the program. In a letter to the Pope’s envoy, the women described the psychological abuse that they suffered while “trying to live like teenage nuns,” including anorexia, stress-induced migraines, depression and suicidal thoughts.

The women who signed the letter suffered a wide variety of traumatic experiences. They were forced to follow strict rules, detailing how they should walk, sit, pray and eat. They never had more than five minutes between activities so that there was no time for self-reflection. They were prevented from making friends, had to obey strict silence for much of the day, and had very limited contact with their families.When the girls developed health problems, including anorexia, migraines, sight problems, they were forbidden from telling their parents and were prevented from seeing a doctor or going to a hospital. In the end, the abuse suffered by these women cost them many years of psychological treatment costing tens of thousands of dollars.

On the blog 49 weeks a year, some of the women have been sharing their stories:
Sarita wrote: “One of the most damaging aspects of the PC was the manipulation of conscience and God’s Will. Everything was considered God’s Will: the norms, the schedule, your director, and your spiritual director. If you were told to do anything you were expected to obey instantly with a spirit of supernatural obedience and without questioning.”

Tricia wrote: “The continual need to find fault with each and every action and report my failings not only to my confessor but often to my spiritual director and sometimes even peers created a deep sense of insecurity and self loathing. The Regnum Christi Movement implemented several activities to find and express oneʼs faults to the point of creating a scrupulous conscience. More importantly, the danger that persists is that you begin to have a disgust for yourself.”
July 9, 2012


The church harboured "Father F" who admitted offences against children

Broken Rites
By a Broken Rites researcher
Article originally posted December 2011,
last updated 7 July 2012

This is a classic case-study in how the Catholic Church authorities in Australia kept quiet about this priest (let's call him Father F) for thirty years until the matter was finally exposed in a television program in July 2012.
In the early 1980s, in one parish in northern New South Wales, altar boys alleged that they were being sexually abused by Father F. But the two leaders of this diocese — Bishop Henry Kennedy and Monsignor Frank Ryan — ignored the complaints. The two leaders protected this priest, helping him to avoid a criminal conviction.
Former altar boys of Father F have said that their lives were damaged not only by the abuse but also by the church's cover-up and the code of silence.
Eventually, the church was forced to pay compensation to two of Father F's former altar boys — Damian Jurd and Daniel Powell. But, despite this compensation, Damian and Daniel no longer wished to continue living, and they died at the age of 28, each of them leaving two young children. Damian and Daniel did not know each other (they were from different parishes) but their tragic stories are remarkably similar.

Time for renewal...

Alachua County
Time for renewal, reformation, and rebirth in 21st Century Catholicism
Dear Most Holy Father:

As a survivor of clergy sexual abuse in the early 1960s in Birmingham, Ala., I approached the local diocese, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and John Paul II, in 1993, to report the priest who sexually abused me for four years. I was virtually ignored.

As a result, this monster priest was allowed to remain in ministry until his crimes were finally made public by The Decatur Daily (Ala.) in 2002 after I reported him. He was forced into retirement in June of this year as a result of my relentless pursuit for justice.

For the past 19 years, I have been an outspoken critic of the hierarchy of a broken church in need of renewal, reformation, and rebirth in the 21st Century. Consequently, I have written numerous letters challenging the church's hierarchy to admit culpability in the cover-up of clergy sexual abuse crimes. John Paul and you failed miserably in meeting my challenge.

The Roman Catholic Church is in dire need of becoming truly "spiritual" in exercising its brand of Christianity in the 21st Century. I offer the following recommendations for your consideration:

1) Rescind the canonization process for Pope John Paul II. He is unworthy of this exalted declaration as it has been proven that he failed miserably in protecting children from being sexually victimized by predator priests.


Abuses At Legion Of Christ-Run High School, Immaculate Conception Academy In Rhode Island

Huffington Post
VATICAN CITY -- Dozens of women who attended a high school run by the disgraced Legion of Christ religious order have urged the Vatican to close the program, saying the psychological abuse they endured trying to live like teenage nuns led to multiple cases of anorexia, stress-induced migraines, depression and even suicidal thoughts.
The women sent a letter this weekend to the pope's envoy running the Legion to denounce the manipulation, deception and disrespect they say they suffered at the hands of counselors barely older than themselves at the Rhode Island school. For some, the trauma required years of psychological therapy that cost them tens of thousands of dollars.
A copy of the letter was provided to The Associated Press by the letter's 77 signatories, a dozen of whom agreed to be interviewed about their personal problems for the sake of warning parents against sending their children to the program's schools in the U.S., Mexico and Spain.
"I have many defining and traumatic memories that I believe epitomize the systematic breakdown of the person" in the school, Mary told The Associated Press in an email exchange. She developed anorexia after joining in 1998, weighed less than 85 pounds when she left and dropped to 68 pounds before beginning to recover at home. "The feelings of worthlessness, shame and isolation that are associated with those memories are still vivid and shocking."

News updates for August 2, 2012

Oscar winner’s ‘explosive’ film about abuse at Milwaukee’s St. John’s to premi

SNAP Wisconsin
[with video and links]
Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director

I am very pleased to announce that Alex Gibney’s new documentary, which details the abuse and cover up of sex crimes against over 200 deaf children at St. John’s School in Milwaukee, will have its world-wide premier September 8 at the Toronto International Film Festival. The film widens from the story of survivors, to the secret involvement of the Vatican and Pope Benedict XVI, to the explosive revelations in documents obtained by the New York Times, to the activism of survivors to bring this case to the world, helping to set off a still continuing avalanche of new cases from around the globe.

At the very center of the film, of course, are the remarkable survivors from St. John’s. This is really their film. I was honored to help Alex and his outstanding team on this project in any way I could because I believe that his special artistry, skill and passion as the world’s leading documentarian would do justice to their remarkable story.

Oscar winner's 'explosive' film about abuse at St. John's to premiere at Toronto film festival

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
By Duane Dudek of the Journal Sentinel
Aug. 1, 2012

"Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God," a documentary about a pedophile priest at St. John's School for the Deaf in St. Francis will have its premiere in September at the Toronto International Film Festival.

The film was directed by Alex Gibney, who won an Oscar for his Iraq war documentary "Taxi to the Dark Side." It is set for wider release this fall.

The film chronicles the sexual assaults of as many as 200 deaf boys over three decades by Father Lawrence Murphy and includes testimony by some of of his victims.

It cites Pope Benedict XVI - then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - as being aware of complaints against him. A release for the film described it as being "explosive."


Vatican Titanic is no longer the Barque of St. Peter. Vatican Ending

Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...

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