Lombardi as a loyal dog puppet of Benedict XVI announced today in his article "Credibility and transparency" that "...the Holy See and the Church...absolutely necessary to remain firm, and – drawing inspiration from the Pope’s following of the Gospel standards of truth and moral strength – to show a firm determination to continue to give a coherent witness to moral values. This is all hogwash because Pope Benedict XVI as Cardinal Ratzinger with John Paul II - for over a quarter of a century - ruled the Vatican as the pair of hands that condonned and covered-up thousands of pedophile priests with Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston as its poster boy and Fr. Marcial Maciel as its poster boy for serial pedophile priests, read more here 9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/05/911-victims-5000-jp2-army-100000s-may.html
The only justice for all the tens of thousands of abused children is for The Hague to find Benedict XVI guilty and for the United Nations to withdraw the membership of the Vatican as a country because it is only one building for a group of homsexual GAY men made up of the Pope and Cardinals and a few Opus Dei controllers of the Vatican Bank and Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard despots' ill-gotten wealth and therefore perpetuate poor countries and the rape of thousands of women and the perpetuation of child soldiers, read more here Hague Is Asked to Investigate Vatican Over Child Abuse. Bravo to SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights!! Court Filing details http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/hague-is-asked-to-investigate-vatican.html
Lombardi is a pathological liar when he announced "drawing inspiration from the Pope’s following of the Gospel standards of truth" because Benedict XVI as the Holy Father never followed the Gospel's standards and he never even wanted to meet the victims of Italian pedophile priests who walked all the way across Italy to speak with him at the Vatican doorsteps, read more here Benedict refuses to meet Italian victims of JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/
We put in bold the Vetican deceptions of Jesuit Lombardi, the puppet spokeperson of Benedict XVI and the janitor of Opus Dei Joaquin Navarro-Valls who controlled all the media spectacles of John Paul II the Great and ignored and downplayed all victims of the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read more of him in our related article, John Paul II, Patron of Pederasts and Opus Dei – analysis of Joaquin Navarro-Valls’ reasons for JP2 beatification at Opus Dei conference in Rome http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/john-paul-ii-patron-of-pederasts-and.html
The Vatican maybe the wealthiest country on the planet but it is the most evil and most corrupt. The Vatican is morally bankrupt and it has no moral voice left whatsoever and this Gregorian University Conference by those pedophile Jesuits are PR stunts to try to salvage the Vatican Titanic Ship that is quickly sinking before the eyes of the World. One of the most notorious Jesuit pedophile priest was the personal spiritual advisor of Mother Teresa, just to show that she too was callous hearted towards children and she was obssessed with those Pharisees Opus Dei and John Paul II the Great who hoarded her millions and deprived the poor of those donated money, read more here http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/07/mother-teresa-was-not-living-saint.html We will copy the full excerpt from this book soon.
Benedict XVI was welcomed as a head of state in Germany and Spain because those Presidents and Kings have vested interests and hidden wealth in Vatican Swiss Banks, read more here Benedict used Hitler as mask in German Parliament. Nazis and Vatican are a “band of robbers” http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/09/benedict-xvi-uses-hitler-to-divert.html Shortly after his German visit, the MSM revealed that the German Catholic Bishops Conference owned the pornographic distributor in Germany. Of course the German Parliament applauded Benedict XVI because his pornographic managers Bishops raked in billion of dollars into the German economy, read more here Catholic Church owns 100% German Porn Industry “Weltbild" since 30 years…so much for the Theology of the Body of Blessed John Paul II http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/catholic-church-owns-100-german-porn.html
The financial corruption at the Vatican is just beginning to be revealed like a scratch on the surface lately by Vigano, the Vatican Nuncio to Washington, read news below.
The Vatican has no Gospel values whatsoever as its deception strategy is to simply throw out any numbers that it has this deficit this year - here and there any number to deceive the Catholics and the world -but actually it has surplusses. And those Peter's Pence collections are not distributed to the poor but hoarded by the Opus Dei, read more here Vatican trail (theft) of Peter’s Pence Collection: “Render unto Rome: The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church” http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/06/vatican-trail-of-peters-pence.html
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John L. Allen Jr. the Pied Piper fooling people again...when will Catholics ever learn to give their money to Red Cross and not to the Vatican Mammon http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2012/02/john-l-allen-jr-pied-piper-fooling.html
SO WHAT, new 22 Cardinals and Pellini. FOCUS:Benedict's crimes against humanity,Vatican violation of human rights. Again,no new Jesuit voting Cardinal http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2012/01/benedict-appoints-22-new-cardinal.html
Lombardi Editorial: Credibility and transparency
Vatican Radio
Credibility and transparency
In these years of heated debate and strong criticism towards the Holy See and the Church, it is absolutely necessary to remain firm, and – drawing inspiration from the Pope’s following of the Gospel standards of truth and moral strength – to show a firm determination to continue to give a coherent witness to moral values. The matter is especially urgent in two fields that attract a great deal of public attention: the issue of the sexual abuse of children, and that of economic-financial transparency.
In the first sphere, the actions taken by the Pope, and the commitments developed in various local Churches that have been harshly tired by the scandal, have set in motion a series of initiatives: to listen to and help the victims of abuse, to examine the causes of abuse; and to raise awareness of, and work to prevent sexual abuse of children. By promoting these initiatives, it can be confidently said that we are heading in the right direction. The Conference being held this week at the Gregorian University of Rome – “Towards healing and renewal” – with the participation of over 100 episcopal conferences and 30 religious orders, and with the launch of an international centre that will continue its drive, is new proof of that. The Church intends to render justice to those harmed by abuse; to be itself renewed; and to be able to help a society and a world where sexual abuse is rampant, to effectively fight this scourge.
In the second sphere, the Holy See is working to insert its institutions into the international system of control over economic activity in the fight against money laundering, organised crime and terrorism. On several occasions the Vatican’s financial institutions, in particular the Institute for Works of Religion, have been accused unjustly: recently in the United States, a legal case against the Institute for Works of Religion—the third in three years—was dismissed due to its total groundlessness. And now, a series of new regulations will guarantee that activities carried out in the service of the Church are completely safe and transparent.
The road is a long and difficult one but the way is clear and the will to do what is right is assured. And the Church’s witness to the Gospel will greatly benefit from it.

Vatican corruption news
Vatican officials contest corruption charges
Chicago Tribune
Philip Pullella
10:27 a.m. CST, February 4, 2012
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - In the latest twist of a messy internal conflict shaking the Vatican, four clerics in the office that manages the tiny city-state Saturday rejected charges of corruption, mismanagement and greed levelled by a former deputy governor.
The four said in a statement that charges made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, currently Pope Benedict's ambassador in Washington, were "either the fruit of erroneous evaluations or based on fears not backed up by proof."
Vigano was transferred to the United States against his will last year after he denounced what he saw as a web of corruption in the management of Vatican City, a 108-acre (44-hectare) sovereign city-state surrounded by Rome and where the pope rules as a monarch.
In letters to Pope Benedict and his number two, the secretary of state, Vigano complained about what he said was nepotism and cronyism linked to the awarding of contracts to outside companies at inflated prices.
The letters, leaked to the media last month, read like a Renaissance drama of court intrigue, rivalry and petty bickering that has embarrassed the Vatican.
By issuing Saturday's statement, the Vatican again confirmed the authenticity of the letters, saying they had been "published without authorization" and had caused "great sadness" among past and present administrators.
As deputy governor of Vatican City from 2009 to 2011, Vigano was the number two official in a department responsible for maintaining the city-state's gardens, buildings, streets, museums and other infrastructure.
The statement was signed by Vigano's former boss, Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, as well as the current governor and two other clerics in the department. All of them are Italian.
In their seven-point statement, the four attempted to dismantle one of Vigano's charges - that contracts for building and maintenance were awarded under an established system of cronyism at inflated prices to Italian companies with Vatican connections.
They said contracts for "significant" works, such as the current restoration of the colonnade in St. Peter's Square, were awarded by an ad hoc committee on the basis of bids, while smaller works were carried out by outside companies known to the Vatican and at prices applied in Italy.
Vigano, in one of his letters to the pope, said Vatican-employed maintenance workers were demoralized because "work was always given to the same companies at costs at least double compared to those charged outside the Vatican."
The statement, however, did not mention one of Vigano's most shocking accusations: That when he took the job he discovered that the cost of the Vatican's nativity scene in St. Peter's Square was an exorbitant 550,000 euros ($720,000)in 2009.
He chopped 200,000 euros off the cost for the following Christmas and, in the process, made enemies inside and outside the Vatican because of his insistence on transparency and cost-cutting.
The four officials also attempted to contest Vigano's implicit assertion that his strict style of management helped turn Vatican City's finances from a deficit to a surplus during his tenure.
They say the turnaround was mostly due to the management of investments and "excellent" results from the Vatican Museums.
Vigano has not made any public comment on the controversy but the unprecedented leaking of such high-level letters and the ensuing public spat among cardinals, bishops and monsignors has provoked much consternation in the Vatican.
In one letter, Vigano writes of a smear campaign against him by other Vatican officials who were upset that he had taken drastic steps to clean up the purchasing procedures.
In another, before he was transferred away from the Vatican,
he begged to be allowed to continue his crusade and denounced a "vulgar and insolent" cleric behind a plot to destroy him.
The four clerics said they had written the statement to contest the impression that Vatican City's administration was "an untrustworthy entity in the hands of dark forces."
(Editing by Alessandra Rizzo)
Vatican Downplays Corruption Charges
America Magazine
From CNS, staff and other sources | FEBRUARY 13, 2012
F ederico Lombardi, S.J., director of the Vatican Press Office, criticized as “partisan...partial and banal” an Italian television news program that on Jan. 25 broadcast portions of letters addressed to Pope Benedict and Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state. The letters were apparently signed by Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ², right, and written when he was the secretary general of the commission that governs Vatican City. One of the letters, dated April 4, 2011, said that when Archbishop ViganĂ² took office almost two years earlier, he discovered “chaotic management” and overspending. The letter complained of a “media campaign” by opponents of his efforts at reform and implored the pope not to remove him from his job “even for promotion.” The pope named Archbishop ViganĂ² nuncio to the United States in October 2011. Under his leadership a Vatican City budget deficit of nearly $9.8 million in 2009 turned into a surplus of $28 million in 2010.

Vatican infighting on alleged corruption now out in Italian media
GMA News
Agence France Presse February 4, 2012
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican on Saturday fiercely refuted claims by one of its top officials of widespread corruption and waste in the management of the Holy See, rejecting the accusations as utterly groundless.
"The claims are the fruit of erroneous judgements, or based on groundless fears, openly contradicted by those called as witnesses," the head of the Vatican's governorate, Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, said in a statement.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, former secretary general of the governorate and current envoy to Washington, had sent strongly-worded letters warning Pope Benedict XVI of corruption, which were published in January in Italian media.
In a rare public rebuke of another top Vatican official, Lajolo said he was "greatly embittered" by the publication of the letters and accusations made.
"The claims cannot help but give the impression that the Vatican governorate, instead of being an instrument of responsible governing, is an untrustworthy entity, controlled by dark forces," he said.
Lajolo rejected the "baseless suspicions and accusations" the claims had provoked in the media on publication, describing some as "laughable" and pointing the finger at "a certain type of unprofessional journalism."
In extracts from the letters to the pope written in 2011, Vigano said he had faced a "disastrous" situation when he became head of the governorate in 2009 and said his transfer to Washington was "punishment".
"My transfer is causing disarray and discouragement among those who believed it was possible to resolve the numerous situations of corruption and waste" in the Vatican, he said.
Much of his criticism was focused on a Vatican financial committee that includes the head of the Vatican bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi. He said the bankers were favouring "their interests" more than the Vatican's.
In one financial operation by the bankers that went wrong, the Vatican made a net loss of 2.5 million euros ($3.2 million), the archbishop said.
He was also highly critical of the cost of basic technical services and said construction contracts for Vatican buildings were always going to the same companies for tariffs that were more than twice as high as in Italy.
He said other cardinals in the Vatican "knew the situation well". — Agence France Presse
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