Opus Dei and communist...No problem! as long as you are a faithful catholic!
St. Josemaria Escriva’s major book The Way squares well with Communism.
According to the article "Walesa and Pope John Paul II - Behind The Media Hype"
”…the Solidarity movement was a false opposition movement designed to harness the growing Polish opposition to Communism and give it an outlet that would protect Communist direction as it went underground.” read more excerpt below
To understand Opus Dei’s true history one need to read this book - Beyond the Threshold by one of its former numeraries Maria Tapia who later on went to study and teach at Harvard, more excerpt from her book below. Read our related articles http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2007/08/john-paul-ii-and-josemaria-escrivaism.html and http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/odan-letter-to-pope-john-paul-ii-to.html
THE Father = St. Josemaria Escriva
THE Father Josemaria Escriva versus HOLY Father the Pope
As we can see from this excerpt from Beyond the Threshold
Josemaria Escriva is called as THE Father by Opus Dei members
while the Pope is the HOLY Father
because HOLY Father is a “common” title as the Dalai Lama and others have it too.
This means that the Holy Father is below in rank to THE Father Escriva.
Anyone talking to a bona fide Opus Dei member will notice in the course of their conversation, they seldom call their founder by his name but always as "THE Father" and the Pope as "HOLY Father".
St. Josemaria Escriva said very often: “There are many popes and they come and go but there is only one founder of the Opus Dei…I am THE Father and I have countless sons and daughters that number and shine like the stars in Heaven…” Escriva wanted to replace Abraham the Father of Nations!
Escriva’s galaxy-size ego and narcissism is the biggest since the fall of Lucifer and he is using John Paul II as his front and mask, read our related article John Paul II Galaxy size ego usurps Mary statues. ‘The Holy Father’ John Paul II ousts Baby Jesus from the arms of His ‘Holy Mother’ Mary! http://stella0maris.blogspot.com/2011/06/john-paul-ii-galaxy-size-ego-usurps.html
Modus operandi on numeraries and unity by Opus Dei
"To strengthen this unity, therefore, Monsignor Escriva decided that some members of the women's government, including Marisa Sanchez de Movellan, Maria Teresa Arnau, Lourdes Toranzo, and Pilar Salcedo, come to Rome as simple numeraries. As those in positions of authorities were transferred, the vacant positions were filled with others whom the Father carefully selected.
Every time one of these numeraries arrived, she had a private conversation with Encarnita Ortega by order of Monsignor Escriva. The session lasted for hours and sometimes for days. We would have had to be deaf and blind to not hear the newly arrived person sob and then see her with red eyes. Frequently, she was requested to write down the matters where she did not measure up to the unity of the Work.
Although we did not know the topic of these conversations, months later, we found out, because Encarnita herself commented on them to those of us who formed the central advisory, explaining that "it was providential" that those numeraries had come to Rome and that the scoldings were necessary "to cut off the evil at the root." By evil, of course, is understood "lack of unity."
We must have repressed any questions we had about this procedure, reassuring ourselves that it was necessary to preserve unity. Today I am forced to recognize that it has an alarming resemblance to Stalin's tactics when he required party members to confess errors of "wrong interpretations" of Communist dogma. Making those persons feel guilty created a kind of dependence on the source of truth -- in our case, Encarnita and Monsignor Escriva.
One could fill books on the topic of Opus Dei unity. In Opus Dei the theme of unity is relevant under any heading. It is discussed so frequently because it is considered the treasure of the Work. The chapter entitled "To Love Unity" in the Opus Dei book Cuadernos [13] hammers away insistently in every paragraph. "We must love the Work with passion. One of the clearest indications of this affection is to love its unity, which is its very life. Because where there is no unity, there is decomposition and death." You must "care for, watch over the unity of the Work, and be ready to defend it from any attack, if that should occur." One could never criticize, much less contradict, Monsignor Escriva, because that would have meant lack of unity. The same doctrine is applied to the counselors in the countries where Opus Dei operates. The regional directress, in principle, ought to accept the approach expressed by any of the ecclesiastical assistants, either counselor or regional priest secretary, lest she be on the brink of a fault against unity.
Clearly, Encarnita was the woman numerary "with the best spirit" in the Work and, further, the one who "enjoyed the Father's complete confidence." There was a halo of sainthood around Monsignor Escriva. All his old articles of clothing from handkerchiefs to underwear were kept, and it was "an enormous piece of luck" for one of us to get anything that the Founder had used. For example, I still have a pair of very unusual desk scissors that he used until one of the points broke. Curiously, out of habit, I had them in my study until one day, a Dominican friend, Friar Jose Ramon Lopez de la Osa, who was spending some time in Santa Barbara, criticized those scissors. I said to him reproachfully: "Don't insult the scissors that used to belong to Monsignor Escriva." No more than three days had elapsed when he appeared at my house and deposited genuine paper scissors on my desk saying, "You can throw out the 'blessed' [he used a different word] scissors of the Founder."
This required special permission from the Father, because women numeraries could not hold a child, let alone hug or kiss one, because such acts stir maternal feelings which might undermine our commitment to chastity."
Another strange practice was doing over pages of Noticias that had already been mailed to the various countries where we had members. Generally, the reason for this was that we wanted to touch up a photograph, perhaps someone in the photo. If the person's name appeared in the text, it was deleted and a few lines were reprinted. The corrected pages were distributed to the countries with a covering note from the central advisory simply saying, "Please, destroy such and such pages and replace them with the pages enclosed. Inform us when you have carried this out."
Obviously, this is the way Opus Dei erases from its archives any persona non grata, who no longer belongs to the Work. Therefore it can be said later that "there are no records of that person in its archives." Such procedures duplicate the practices of totalitarian security forces. The difference is that Opus Dei is supposed to be an institution within the church."
Walesa and "Pope John Paul II - Behind The Media Hype"
Walesa to join OWS Protesters
"Lech Walesa, the former Polish president who successfully led his country to independence of Soviet rule has lent his endorsement to Occupy Wall Street.
The New York Daily News reports that the 68-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner is planning on flying to New York to join the protestors. When he will make the trip is unknown.
Walesa was Poland's first popularly elected president, ruling between the years of 1990 and 1995. He had worked his way up through shipyard unions to eventually help found the Solidarity movement that helped bring down the Communist regime in Poland."
Pope John Paul II - Behind The Media Hype
By Joel Skousen
World Affairs Brief April 8, 2005
Copyright Joel Skousen.
Partial quotations with attribution permitted.
Cite source as World Affairs Brief
http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com .
Excerpt -
"Typical headlines read: "Pope John Paul Dies, World Grieves" ... "Pope Championed Communism's Collapse, Mideast Peace" ... "Bush Hails Pope as 'Hero for the Ages'". A tremendous piece of disinformation has been foisted upon the world: that Pope John Paul II was a champion of human rights, a defender of liberty, and an ardent anti-Communist. I don't take this contrarian view lightly, but something is very wrong when the liberal/leftist media goes to such extreme lengths to praise a world leader who appears to represent every moral and political principle that same media despises and denigrates on a regular basis. This simply does not happen unless the leader either doesn't really represent those values, or he serves an ulterior purpose for a hidden media agenda.
As Polish Cardinal, Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul's real name) collaborated with the Communists, even while appearing to oppose them. Polish dissident Adam Reed (probably a pseudonym to protect his real identity), who escaped Polish Communism and started a new life in America, describes the early collusion that the Polish Catholic Church (under the guidance of Cardinal Wojtyla) engaged in with the Soviet occupiers. "This bit about Wojtyla having to do with the fall of Communism is a bit of puffery. Poland had a different kind of Communism, a Communist state with an officially established, tax-supported Roman Catholic State Church. Its Communist Party was run from within by PAX, a Roman Catholic lay organization whose role was similar to the role of Opus Dei in Franco's Fascist Spain. The head of PAX, Boleslaw Piasecki, was generally regarded as the country's unofficial dictator, appointed by the Soviet NKVD/KGB, with the official Communist government largely front men for PAX.
"PAX was not organized by the Polish Communist Party, but by the Soviet NKVD/KGB. At the close of WWII, Piasecki, a long-term admirer of Franco (his pre-war organization was called the 'Falanga'), convinced the NKVD representatives in Poland that Poland would be most readily governed through a close copy of Franco's Roman Catholic totalitarianism. PAX was set up by Piasecki on the model of Opus Dei, under NKVD control. Korbonski (who was then the Homeland representative of the Free Polish government-in-exile in London) writes in his history of this period, that 'Piasecki became the Soviets' most trusted tool in Poland.' The Communist leaders of the government and the party came and went over the years, but Piasecki (on behalf of NKVD/KGB) stayed in control of Poland from 1944 through the 1970s.
"When I [Reed] was growing up in Communist Poland, lessons in the Roman Catholic catechism, taught by Roman Catholic priests, were compulsory in the Communist government schools. Regular attendance at Mass was compulsory in the People's Army. And so on - there was hardly any place in the world where the Church was more established than in 'People's Poland.'
"The Church's relationship to the party and the government on the one hand, and to KOR [Worker's Defense Committee] and Solidarity [Lech Walesa's false anti-Communist labor union] on the other, was always flexible and complex. Once it became evident that Solidarity had some chance of success, the Church first hedged its bets and then turned around. And, as in the case of other fallen dictatorships, the Church eventually re-wrote the textbooks to give itself credit for their fall." [End of Adam Reed quote.]
After the Pope's death, Lech Walesa made an astounding comment in an interview with NPR, according the Pope over half of the credit for the rise of Solidarity. Of course, what he didn't say was that the Solidarity movement was a false opposition movement designed to harness the growing Polish opposition to Communism and give it an outlet that would protect Communist direction as it went underground.
Other sources from Poland have stated that there were many Marxist priests who participated in KOR and Solidarity, who were considered dissidents against both the state and the Church (which was still trying to maintain its image as anti-Communist). But, in fact, they were acting with the approval of the Church hierarchy, just as the Catholic Church has allowed Latin American Jesuits to foment radical Marxism throughout South and Central America without restraint.
Reed proffers the following explanation for the Church's selection of Wojtyla as Pope in 1978: "At the time of Wojtyla's election as Pope the cardinals were concerned about the likelihood of a global Communist takeover, and selected a pope who was experienced in collaboration with Communist authorities. It was a smart thing to do, but hardly a sound foundation for moral authority."
Else Loeser, another Polish skeptic concerning the Pope's ostensible anti-Communism, points out another indication of duplicity on the part of Cardinal Wojtyla. She hearkens back to the reactionary environment within Poland in the 1920's and 30's, when in response to the surging threat of German nationalism, the Polish government forced all Germans living in Poland to change their names to Polish variants, and confiscated much of their property. Loeser reports, "Cardinals Wyszynski and Wojtyla, in their so-called 'Letter of Reconciliation' in 1965 [a reconciliation of the Polish bishops with the German bishops over German charges that the Polish church enforced these Communist edicts upon German Catholics in Poland], claimed that the Germans were permitted to retain their names, that nothing was taken from them." This was a brazen falsehood, boldly contradicting a fact amply documented in history. Loeser asks, if Wojtyla could make such a bold-faced lie, what can we trust about the rest of the Pope's rewriting of history during the dark days of Communist occupation?
I would add, how can we trust what the media says when they publish such statements and fail to offer a word of challenge to the obvious historical falsehoods, known to millions of German Poles still living?
There's more. The courageous Czechoslovakian defector Jan Sejna (who has in his possession copies of the secret Czech intelligence files with names of Communist agents posing as reformers:a list which Vaclav Havel's government and others thereafter have tried to suppress, because their names or friends' names are on it) writes that the Catholic Church was very much involved in the false "fall of Communism" in his country. Jan Malina, reporting on Sejna's evidence, writes, "In regards to 'reactionary sects', Czechoslovak [communist] intelligence had three clerical agents within the Vatican in the late 1960s. They were located, Sejna asserted, within the sections responsible for foreign policy, finance and ideology.
"While you're swallowing the truth about this evil communist strategy, I would like to point out to the fact that communism is still very much alive, only now it is successfully pretending to be 'tame' and 'not a threat' to our western Christian societies.
"After the 'collapse of communism', the STB secret police and its cadres remained mostly untouched. The communist military intelligence service ZS GS [Intelligence Service of the Supreme Headquarters] was never cleaned up from communist officers. Their files are to this day classified, and the West, NATO and the United States are being deceived into believing that these communist criminals, the communist military espionage officers, are somehow the thing of the past. Not so...
"This policy [to 'subdue attempts of the reactionary church officials to activate political clericalism that's supportive of the right wing opposition movements and groups'] was applied to many aspects of the religious public in the Czech Republic. For example, [in] the Ecumenical Council of Churches (the Czech Catholic Church is an observer of this communist founded and still operational group), the chairman till recently was Mr. Vladislav Volny. [Here Mr. Volny's STB secret police file information is listed, including his numbers and code name Rudolph]. To become an agent or secret collaborator, the person had a controller and was recruited to further the communist cause, to cause any problems to the enemy [in this case it would be religion and people who trust in God] and to help bring such people to the communist 'justice.'
"What is also alarming, when we take a look at the Czech version of the Catholic Church, with the blessing of the Karol Wojtyla's Vatican, is the fact that till his death in 1992, the Prague's Archbishop was one Cardinal Frantisek Tomasek. [Also on the STB registry of agents:code name Novak].
"Many priests participated in Solidarity, many cooperated with communist secret services. But didn't [Pope] John Paul challenge the politicians in Krakau and even protect the first free 'union of workers?' [Answer is yes, but the Solidarity Union was a front, not a true opposition movement.] Through Wojtyla's relationship, the CIA was able to send millions of dollar through the Vatican to support the 'Solidarnosc.'" [End of Malina quote.]
This false image of the Pope being an anti-Communist works primarily because the media primed the public to consider Solidarity in Poland as the real anti-Communist opposition. Everyone was saying it, so how could it not be so? Thus, American conservatives ignorantly assumed that anyone associated with boosting Solidarity must also be on "our" side.
Conservative anti-Communists should have known, after the Jan Sejna revelations about Czechoslovakia's fraudulent "velvet revolution," that only false anti-Communists are allowed to rise to public acclaim. This applies now to the case of the constant world-wide media campaign promoting and praising the Polish Pope. I'm surprised by how many solid constitutional conservatives have been taken in on this barrage of generalities without substance that praise the Pontiff. They obviously don't know about the facts presented by Polish defectors. The media knows what conservatives want to hear. Even Congressman Ron Paul, the champion of US constitutional conservatives, read a eulogy of the Pope to the US Congress. He is usually savvier about these kinds of deceptions, but not this time.
I realize the risk I take in challenging something so universally accepted by the world, but that's what I must do when deception is present. I think, perhaps, that conservatives have been enticed by the illusion that here is their chance to honor one of the few anti-Communists that has been lauded by the world. They don't seem to see that this strange anomaly is actually too good to be true."
"The documents say he wrote reports and informed on more than 20 people and some of them were persecuted by the communist police. He identified people and eavesdropped on his colleagues at work while they were listening to Radio Free Europe for example."
Similar accusations first surfaced 16 years ago, but this is the first time a state institution has published a comprehensive investigation of Lech Walesa's contacts with the communist secret services.
The authors allege that, as president in the 1990s, Lech Walesa, tried to cover up his past by removing incriminating pages from his secret police file.
'Fairy tale'
The accusations have sharply divided Polish society. Poland's current president, Lech Kaczynski, who fell out with Mr Walesa when he worked as one of his advisers in the early 1990s, said in a national TV interview he was convinced Mr Walesa was an agent.
But Prime Minister Donald Tusk says the accusations are politically motivated.
When I put the book's claims to Mr Walesa himself, he told me it was full of lies.
"Nothing like that happened. I had no influence over what the secret police did and wrote. You will not find any signature of mine agreeing to collaborate anywhere. This is all insinuation and part of the communist secret service campaign against me," he said.
Mr Walesa said a court had cleared him of any suggestion of collaboration when he ran for a second term as president in 2000. He believes the communist authorities falsified his file after he became leader of the Solidarity movement in 1980, to discredit him in the eyes of the world.
"They have created this little fairy tale that Lech Walesa was a brave fighter but in his youth he had a moment of weakness and worked for the secret police. They had to turn up something about me, so they went into ancient history, making it difficult to prove one way or the other," he said.
Many eminent Poles have also come to Mr Walesa's defence. They fear the book could even damage Poland's reputation because Lech Walesa, whose trademark walrus moustache still makes him instantly recognisable, is the one living Pole most foreigners know of.
Reputation undimmed
The book's co-author, Piotr Gontarczyk, argues he had a duty to reveal what he believes is the whole truth about him.
"No serious person denies the importance of Lech Walesa in Polish history. He will remain forever the legendary Solidarity leader. Nobody in their right mind can take that away from him. We have just filled in the unknown gaps in his biography from the 1970s," he told me.
On the streets of Warsaw, the people I asked said the scandal had not influenced their opinion of the great man.
"No, I didn't change the way of thinking about President Walesa," a 49-year-old worker for a non-governmental organisation said.
"In my opinion he deserves much more respect than condemnation actually and it's maybe true that as a young worker he surrendered to the temptation of the secret service, but then with all his work he showed that this was a mistake."
"He was the face of the whole change and for me it really doesn't matter. I think that some people now would like to destroy him, but I think he already has his place in our history," one young mother said.
This scandal has dominated the front pages and television news in the past few weeks.
But it seems to have done little damage to Lech Walesa's reputation.
According to a recent survey, 60% of Poles say even if he did collaborate with the communist police in his youth, he remains a living legend for what he achieved afterwards in helping to bring down the communist regime.
This article was written in '95. We now know Walesa was a communist agent and he even admitted it in an interview February of this year. Now he is coming to join forces with Gorbachev praising the rise of the NWO and to aid the OWS October Revolution? Does anyone else realize how these lies were all created to bring about an economic global depression and resultant revolution? It is not ancient history!
"Lech Walesa, the former Polish president who successfully led his country to independence of Soviet rule has lent his endorsement to Occupy Wall Street.
The New York Daily News reports that the 68-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner is planning on flying to New York to join the protestors. When he will make the trip is unknown.
Walesa was Poland's first popularly elected president, ruling between the years of 1990 and 1995. He had worked his way up through shipyard unions to eventually help found the Solidarity movement that helped bring down the Communist regime in Poland."
NOW HE CHANGED HIS STORY AGAIN and admits to being a communist agent in the seventies.
"In February 2011, in an interview with Monika Olejnik about the Smolensk disaster, Wałęsa finally admitted that he had signed a "commitment to cooperation" with the secret police Służba Bezpieczeństwa in 1970,[52][53][54] simultaneously downplaying the importance of the fact. Although marking a significant change of tone compared to Wałęsa's previous statements, the declaration went relatively unnoticed, and did not receive international media coverage"
Gorbachev sees “new world order” developing via OWS....
Former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev says he believes that protests now going on in many places signal the emergence of a “new world order” movement.
The 80-year-old Gorbachev told 3,600 people at Lafayette College in eastern Pennsylvania on Wednesday night that global governments need to work toward a “more humane and more just” world.
The (Easton) Express-Times reports that Gorbachev said opportunities at the end of the Cold War were “not used properly.” He said with the breakup of the Soviet Union, some U.S. leaders and scholars aimed for a new American empire, and the result has been continued poverty, environmental and development problems.
But Gorbachev says many Americans are now pushing for change, and the protests everywhere are a sign that a “new world order movement is emerging.”
coming from the mouth of Mr NWO himself..i take his comments with a grain of salt..OWS is not a NWO..far from it..but will it help bring one in?..now thats a question..
Mikhail Gorbachev Says Occupy Wall Street Signals an Emerging New World Order
"The Grand Design" filmed in 1968 (which has dominated foreign policy since)
Why the US and our military have always been at a disadvantage against communism.A very enlightening film especially for those who believe Communism fell.
A lecture by G. Edward Griffin.
US Foreign Policy the Grand Design as taught at U of Michigan in the sixties.
'If all out war developed between the major powers all would lose.
Since the communists have nuclear weapons victory over communism is impossible,so let's grow up and face life the way it really is. For over own safety we must conduct our foreign policies in a way to reflect that we must not frighten the communists and avoid temptation to even embarrass the soviet system. it is in our own interests to to feed the beast. We must help them.and not expect to get paid so they will not get aggressive.We must see they put down internal communist revolts.
Final step in realistic goals for this new age.We should encourage them to gradually move towards us ideologically and economically to form a world union and world government and move towards them in the same way. To create an all powerful world government.We are assured the communists will not try to seize world government control. We must therefore give up things we would rather retain such as our sovereignty and merge for a world currency.we must turn over our weapons and armies to this world government.The result will be a mixture of all world governments.
We must get used to giving up our way of life in America and put away our own nationhood. This was formulated by the intellectual elite . The plan includes that old timers among us will pass away and or become a lesser voice. The youth will be conditioned to abandon the concept of our national sovereignty. Carnegie Endowment monies are solely to promote the Grand Design. We must endure limited wars without any victory until we can achieve the Design .It is our policy not to win wars against any communists because we cannot even embarrass them. We benefit from study as to how they control their populace. NYT 1961 Editorial "We must seek to discourage anticommunist revolts. Our survival in this century must consist of transferring loyalty to our sovereignty. Dulles' ,Toward World Unity is quoted . Legitimate American objective funded by CIA is to see an to nationhood .The choice is either world government or the bomb.Growth of United Nations and World Court will bring in the world government. Complete control planned and our disarmament to be turned over to the UN.
Blueprint for the Peace Race no state can challange it.Disarmament is behind the Grand Design and establishment of permanent UN world army. 'The UN needs Nuclear power' for the Grand Design to prevent nuclear war.Grand Design has nothing to do with partisan politics,they are world politicians. 'The American voter for the past two decades has had to make his choice between Grand Designer 'A' or Grand Designer 'B'.i.e. Republican or Democrat ' "..........okay that means since at least the thirties we have been politically headed for the NWO...........
If you do not want to watch all at least listen to the highlighted films
WWII has been going on all around us for decades. Communist weapons are propaganda, internal subversion and blackmail to spread communism throughout the globe and in every country. Psychological weapons have been dropped on us everyday.Let There be a World by Felix Green , Communist Chinese propagandist author used as an example .All disaster movies are used for psychological war.Terrorists and terrorism go back to communist methodology for takeovers and control. Communists have mastered the art of "total warfare"."It is inconceivable that the forces of slavery and the forces of freedom can coexist side by side indefinitely in our lifetime."
"The power of world communism has been moving steadily upward since 1941 and we are going to lose , unless we must first wake up to the reality of the Grand Design."
LOL To win ..."To win against global communism we must stop all trade and aid to communist regimes!" see film #7 and #8
We promised full support via Radio Free Europe and then never followed through in Budapest during a revolt by anticommunist Hungarian Freedom fighters !
This why they,"...... will never trust the US again."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_ok1xRI7s4&feature=related guess we lost!
"The Grand Design" filmed in 1968 (which has dominated foreign policy since)
Why the US and our military have always been at a disadvantage against communism.A very enlightening film especially for those who believe Communism fell.
A lecture by G. Edward Griffin.
US Foreign Policy the Grand Design as taught at U of Michigan in the sixties.
'If all out war developed between the major powers all would lose.
Since the communists have nuclear weapons victory over communism is impossible,so let's grow up and face life the way it really is. For over own safety we must conduct our foreign policies in a way to reflect that we must not frighten the communists and avoid temptation to even embarrass the soviet system. it is in our own interests to to feed the beast. We must help them.and not expect to get paid so they will not get aggressive.We must see they put down internal communist revolts.
Final step in realistic goals for this new age.We should encourage them to gradually move towards us ideologically and economically to form a world union and world government and move towards them in the same way. To create an all powerful world government.We are assured the communists will not try to seize world government control. We must therefore give up things we would rather retain such as our sovereignty and merge for a world currency.we must turn over our weapons and armies to this world government.The result will be a mixture of all world governments.
We must get used to giving up our way of life in America and put away our own nationhood. This was formulated by the intellectual elite . The plan includes that old timers among us will pass away and or become a lesser voice. The youth will be conditioned to abandon the concept of our national sovereignty. Carnegie Endowment monies are solely to promote the Grand Design. We must endure limited wars without any victory until we can achieve the Design .It is our policy not to win wars against any communists because we cannot even embarrass them. We benefit from study as to how they control their populace. NYT 1961 Editorial "We must seek to discourage anticommunist revolts. Our survival in this century must consist of transferring loyalty to our sovereignty. Dulles' ,Toward World Unity is quoted . Legitimate American objective funded by CIA is to see an to nationhood .The choice is either world government or the bomb.Growth of United Nations and World Court will bring in the world government. Complete control planned and our disarmament to be turned over to the UN.
Blueprint for the Peace Race no state can challange it.Disarmament is behind the Grand Design and establishment of permanent UN world army. 'The UN needs Nuclear power' for the Grand Design to prevent nuclear war.Grand Design has nothing to do with partisan politics,they are world politicians. 'The American voter for the past two decades has had to make his choice between Grand Designer 'A' or Grand Designer 'B'.i.e. Republican or Democrat ' "..........okay that means since at least the thirties we have been politically headed for the NWO...........
If you do not want to watch all at least listen to the highlighted films
WWII has been going on all around us for decades. Communist weapons are propaganda, internal subversion and blackmail to spread communism throughout the globe and in every country. Psychological weapons have been dropped on us everyday.Let There be a World by Felix Green , Communist Chinese propagandist author used as an example .All disaster movies are used for psychological war.Terrorists and terrorism go back to communist methodology for takeovers and control. Communists have mastered the art of "total warfare"."It is inconceivable that the forces of slavery and the forces of freedom can coexist side by side indefinitely in our lifetime."
"The power of world communism has been moving steadily upward since 1941 and we are going to lose , unless we must first wake up to the reality of the Grand Design."
LOL To win ..."To win against global communism we must stop all trade and aid to communist regimes!" see film #7 and #8
We promised full support via Radio Free Europe and then never followed through in Budapest during a revolt by anticommunist Hungarian Freedom fighters !
This why they,"...... will never trust the US again."
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