Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vatican proposes new global financial body - the papal Golden Cow greed is limitless

As if we do not have enough "world bodies" wasting money on multinational corporations lobbyists and administrators fees, the Vatican has come up with another proposal for a NEW "global financial body". It may look good on paper but the Vatican is trying to cover-up its own worst crimes - the monopoly of the world's wealth and power all hoarded in its SECRET Vatican Swiss Banks. It is amazing how the Vatican can play with words to fool people centuries after centuries. Of course the Pope and his Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda writers have all the time in the Vatican to write Pied Piper words.

Imagine a few hundred GAY men - half the population of a USA High School - control the world's wealth - and they forbid the existence of women and children at teh one building of the Vatican. It is time the Vatican loses its religious power and evil empire...

The Vatican’s main money machine of course is the sorcery and magic of Christ's flesh in the Eucharist that make 1.2 billion Catholics worship the pope as their Golden Calf bringing to him each week billions of dollars - only to make him an evil tyrant dressed in immaculate white and red shoes.

And now the Vatican is sending a former Swiss Guard to preach in the USA about this new global financial economy body, read details here

BOSTON Opus Dei-Swiss Guard seminar on Pope & CEO: WORLD DOMINATION AGENDA proof that Opus Dei controls the world's finances http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/opus-dei-seminar-on-pope-and-ceo-world.html

Boston to host former Swiss Guard’s seminar -based on the new “Vatican Trinity” on Thursday November 03, 2011, 7:30 - 8:40 AM. 10 questions to ask him http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/boston-to-host-former-swiss-guards.html

Vatican proposes new global financial body

Published Date: October 25, 2011

Move would 'provide more equality, better regulate financial markets'

In response to the global financial crisis, the Vatican is proposing the creation of a world authority capable of regulating financial markets and controlling inequalities produced by unchecked free market “ideology.”

The proposal came in a 41-page document issued October 24 by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, called: “Toward Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority.”

The document calls on world leaders and governments to recognize that the world has become more and more “interconnected and interdependent” thanks to globalization.

It urges them to leave behind “anachronistic and surreal” nationalistic self-interests and help establish a global ‘rule of law’ on the supranational level, supported by more intense and fruitful collaboration.”

A global authority should have “universal jurisdiction” and would be born from the reform of the UN and its agencies. “The fruit of such reforms – says the document — ought to be a greater ability to adopt policies and choices that are binding because they are aimed at achieving the common good on the local, regional and world levels.”

The creation of this authority should happen gradually and by consensus, and it should step in “only when individual, social or financial actors are intrinsically deficient in capacity, or cannot manage by themselves to do what is required of them”.

Its decisions should be made in the interest of all, not only to the advantage of some groups, whether they are formed by private lobbies or national governments”.

According to the Vatican, global governance, through select ‘clubs’ such as the G8 or the G20 countries, should be gradually substituted by a system of global “shared government,” where in addition to “horizontal coordination” between states there is an independent, global authority.

A key step in this process would be reform of international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund. The Vatican advocates the creation of a “Central World Bank”, similar to national central banks, to “regulate the flow and system of monetary exchanges,” with an eye to the involvement of “emerging and developing countries.”

The document puts the blame for the current global economic crisis mostly on the “ideology” of an “economic liberalism that spurns rules and controls,” thus creating bigger and bigger inequalities that run the risk of creating a “climate of growing hostility and even violence, and ultimately undermine the very foundations of democratic institutions.”

source: http://www.religiousindia.org/2011/10/25/vatican-proposes-new-global-financial-body/

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