Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bishops ‘drama’ & pretence debate over gays in tiny rich Vatican ‘country’ while West Africa, USA, Canada fight against Ebola. Hypocrite Gay Bishops!

Pope Francis keeps preaching about the Gospel of the Poor yet he is nowhere near poor West Africa in the fight against Ebola.  If Pope Francis really means it about helping the poor other than lip-service to them, he should partake in the fight against Ebola after all the Vatican Roman Catholic Church is the wealthiest institution on the planet and he should donate some billions of dollars – looted from hundreds of countries through the years via the Vatican Concordats, read more here  Pope Francis should dip a small bucket of maybe 2 or 3 billion dollars – especially from the hundreds of billions of dollars and assets of the Vatican in the USA.  Francis must walk the talk from his Vatican Circus and show not only his teeth but the Vatican Billions that can make a difference in the lives of the poor.

Vatican assets in the United States of America

         The Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today (1983) possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”

   -  stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion

     -   There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in com­plete secrecy

   -   The hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic lay­persons

   -   The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see list below

Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only multiplied – exponentially – through the decades since that book was written in 1983 – that’s 31 years ago.

Read more excerpts on the Vatican Billions and updates here   

Nobel Peace Prize denied Opus Dei Beast PR Lobbyists

Thank God the Nobel committee did not give him the Nobel Peace Prize despite massive Vatican Opus Dei Beast PR campaign and Opus Dei lobbyists in Nobel boardrooms. It went to a young 17 year old girl named Malala who is 60 years younger than Pope Francis and has accomplished more for poor children than his Vatican Roman Catholic empty talks on the Gospel of the Poor, read more here - Washington Post (predicted Pope Francis win Nobel) says ‘Vatican stuns Catholic world with greater openness towards gays” – WTF Bishops & Priests are Gays

Read also Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

While big countries in West Africa and the USA and Canada are busy fighting Ebola that threatens the world, Pope Francis and his wealthy oligarchs are fiddling their fingers about homosexuals, the divorced and how to talk about SEX for 1,2 billion idiot Catholics -- whether the Roman Catholic Church should change its doctrines on masturbation, intercourse, and gays.  Read our related article Washington Post (predicted Pope Francis win Nobel) says ‘Vatican stuns Catholic world with greater openness towards gays” – WTF Bishops & Priests are Gays

The HYPOCRISY of Pope Francis and his Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team that controls all the puppet bishops in the world are showing their true chameleon colors at the Vatican in the Synod of Bishops and they must perform to show the world that they are in control of the hundreds of Vatican Billions.  As this image below says, “Corruption: It’s amazing what fiction can do” – Vatican fiction on SEX!

Roman Catholic bishops parrot out words from the new Cult of Pope Francis which was launched by Crux.  How pathetic - look at all the all-male oligarchy of the Vatican in the Synod of Bishops battling over vain words on homosexuality when almost all of those bishops are gays themselves and the priests assisting them are gays.

John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers in overdrive

John Allen of Crux is at it again in his deceitful title Synod of Bishops 2014: The drama is back and romantic reminiscence of Vatican II.  

Corroborating with John Allen is American female Vatican Pied Piper, Josephine McKenna, who’s deceiving idiot Catholics about the Synod of Bishops as well with her catchy title – US archbishop urges both sides to cool down at Vatican.  Both and all Vatican Pied Pipers are out to deceive idiot Catholics into believing about the (pretend) between the bishops – to avoid appearing that they are all slaves yes-men of the Opus Dei Beast.  The fact is Pope Francis and the bishops are all puppets of the Opus Dei Beast playing out – the movie script of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team that controlled the movie production to the letter of Satanas St. John Paul II. 

Synod of Bishops 2014: The drama is back


By John L. Allen Jr.
Associate editor October 15, 2014

ROME – True old-timers in the Vatican press corps still love to reminisce about how much fun it was covering the Second Vatican Council, a gathering of the world’s Catholic bishops from 1962 to 1965 that launched the Church on a course of modernization and reform.
It was a gripping story, filled with colorful characters. There were the great lions of the reform camp, such as Cardinal Leo Suenens of Belgium and Giacomo Lercaro of Italy, facing off against the old guard, personified by Italian Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, whose episcopal motto Semper Idem, “Always the Same,” was an entire ideological program in miniature.
Underneath the drama was the sense that something momentous was happening — a Church that had seemed frozen in place was suddenly on the move. Whether it was doing so in a wise or haphazard fashion is a matter of debate to this day, but no one denied that the plates were shifting.
Over the past two weeks, that kind of drama has been back on the Vatican beat.

US archbishop urges both sides to cool down at Vatican

Religion News Service

Josephine McKenna | October 15, 2014
VATICAN CITY (RNS) After two days of fighting between happy liberals and angry conservatives, the Vatican on Wednesday (Oct. 15) dispatched a leading moderate from the U.S. church to tell both sides to temper their expectations about impending changes in church doctrine.
Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, stressed that a working document on family issues released on Monday (Oct. 13) is simply that — a draft document still subject to amendment by about 200 bishops and lay delegates meeting at Vatican City.

Monday’s midpoint report from the two-week Synod on the Family raised expectations that the Catholic Church was poised to revolutionize its teaching on homosexuality, divorce and cohabitation, saying gays and lesbians have “gifts and qualities” to offer the church.
On Wednesday, Kurtz, flanked by Spanish Cardinal Lluis Martinez Sistach and Italian Archbishop Rino Fisichella, urged both sides to take a breath.

“The working document is an important moment, but it is a moment,” Kurtz told journalists. “It’s at the surface of the synod discussion. I see the synod as a process. My focus is going to be on the document that will be the fruitfulness of the whole process and that includes our amendments.”

The Vatican Concordats usurp billions of dollars from hundreds of countries annually - read more in  Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?

Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush

Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America

Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence on complicity in court and ending of its $1B religious tourism

Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

JOIN the JESUS REVOLUTION  – set Christ free from Eucharist Satanic Mass. Set all nations free from Vatican Concordats. End Vatican as “country”.  End VA Swiss Banks secrecy . Read more

‘Married couples are stealing show at Synod of Bishops’ - SOB John Allen writes to make idiot Catholics feel-good about all-male Vatican oligarchy


Screen Shot 2014-10-06 at 6.25.27 PM

VATICAN CIRCUS for IDIOT CATHOLICS. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunts: Vatican Bank’s profit plummet 97%. Pope Francis life in danger for tackling abuse & mafia LOL

Satanas St. John Paul II sued the rosary as the main cover-up to his bestial JP2 Army       

 New Zealand. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war against terrorism”

Jesuits transferred Marcos Gold & Billions of Dollars to the Vatican Treasury.  The JESUIT ORDER - MASTER OF EVASION AND CONSPIRACIES

Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush

Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America


17 year old versus 77 year old Pope Francis the clown-in-white of the Vatican Circus


Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence on complicity in court and ending of its $1B religious tourism with Oratory of St. Joseph

Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

Stupid Catholic Women. Legion of Christ. Opus Dei. Pope Francis Hypocrisies

It took 9-months for Jesus to be in Mary' womb before He was born-

Read Pope Francis in Israel clones Christ where he was born 2,000 years ago 

HOAX of Eucharist - instant reincarnation of Christ's flesh and blood

 is the worst Satanic Mass & sorcery of mankind

 Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore 

they cannot clone Jesus the Son of God the Creator of the Universe!


Christ wants to be set free from Vatican and popes and priests  

Christ inspires and tells us that he wishes to be freed from the slavery of the Eucharist and be freed from the golden tabernacles in all Vatican Catholic churches worldwide – because all these are tools of the Vatican Mammon Beast to subdue people with feel-good theology – which are only pathological lies – that perpetuate their poverty and injustice and violence - via the Vatican Concordats, read more here in our article, Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

This post and blogs are inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword defends us from Goliath bullies of Opus Dei Beast Mafia.  St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain.  Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”.   Beware, Francis-Maniacs for the demise of the Vatican Temple akin to the Temple of Solomon is at hand!

The Vatican is the Devil reincarnated in Pope Francis 

and Opus Dei Beast and 

Jesuits Mercenaries are Demons' Angels

St. Michael the Archangel stands over the Vatican Mammon 

Beast now ruled by Pope Francis and the heads of the Beast =

 John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Opus Dei & Jesuits

Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?

There are two opposite faces of Pope Francis, has anyone notice?  When he laughs in front of crowds and when he says the Eucharist Satanic Mass.

Look at these photos he had in South Korea as he showed all his teeth laughing - versus - when he holds a crucifix in the procession and at the Eucharist Satanic Mass, he looks very grim.

Pope Francis celebrates a mass and the beatification of Paul Yun ji-Chung and 123 martyr companions at Gwanghwamun Gate in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, Aug.... 





Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina as the Godfather in the Dirty Wars - Silence of Pope Francis-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio on Argentina 42 pedophile priests.  

WHAT THE JESUITS CONTROL. Chilling Facts You Need To Know About the Jesuits. Francis: First Jesuit Pope 

Top Ten Myths About Pope Francis’ First Year

Pope Francis pointing at his loco crazy head 
ruled by Opus Dei Beat PR Deceits Team

GRIM LIAR Pope Francis - Popes and priests have no powers to re-produce or manufacture ants and dogs - and therefore they cannot reproduce or clone Christ's flesh-and-blood either in the mass - hence it is Eucharis Satanic Mass because popes and priests claim to be greater than God that they can "re-create" God Himself!.  Satan's pride is smaller than Pope Francis's pride.

Pope Francis celebrates a mass and the beatification Paul Yun ji-Chung and 123 martyr companions at Gwanghwamun Gate in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, Aug. 16...

In Israel, Pope Francis clones Christ’s flesh & pleas for children’s protection after canonizing 2 popes who protected JP2 Army pedophile priests in 20th century

Laughing THIEF

When Pope Francis laughs,  he is in his role as a thief – because he is laughing all the way to the bank - secret Vatican Swiss Banks with his biggest theft in mankind’s history  and as he enslaves nations and billions of poor people with the Vatican Concordats, read more in our related article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

When he is grim, he is in his role as the Opus Dei Beast’s pathological liar, the pretender and impostor of Jesus, because he cannot re-produce ants and dogs and therefore he cannot clone Christ’s flesh-and-blood in the Eucharist either.

Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

LIAR Pope Francis, skip ‘forgive’ BS. Set poor nations free by returning your loot hidden in secret Vatican Swiss Banks. Set Jesus free from Vatican & Eucharist

Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence and ending of its $1B religious tourism  with Oratory of St. Joseph

Pope Francis is like the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican fake country.

Francis in-name-only

Pope Francis, YOU took Francis of Assisi’s name – but that’s all there is, isn’t it?  You are “in name only” – nothing else.  There’s nothing similar in essence or substance or in person between you and St. Francis - and if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are already preparing for your sainthood like they did with documents for John Paul II’s 27 years papacy, you’re being duped big time.  You should have retired into a simple cave like poverello St. Francis of Assisi – who even refused to be a priest to clone the flesh of Christ because he knew as he wrote his canticle to the moon and stars - that no one can clone the Creator of those millions of stars in the firmament. Ever saw these images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”? Can you clone one of these with your papal infallible words?  You cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either. 

Images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation” 

Eagle Nebula

The "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula, as seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Image credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/Arizona State University
› Larger view

You cannot clone an ant or a dog or one of the stars 

therefore you cannot clone Jeus the Son of God 

either in the sorcery of the Eucharist.

St. Francis denounced the wealth of his merchant father while you embraced and vowed to the Vatican Mammon Beast worse than a Satanic Mass. St. Francis embraced a leper but you exploit the sick for your political photo-ops (and at your age caught their virus).  You hypocritically preach about the poor but you actually mock them because at the same time, behind closed doors in the Vatican art chambers, you have private audiences and photo-ops with royalties of Europe who are the 1% wealthiest of the globe, photos with despots and imperialists like President Obama who steal the wealth of Third World countries, read here how the Philippines protested Obama’s visit as he plants more bases only to serve American hegemony, read here - .  

Your photo-op with Obama actually perpetuates American Imperialism in the Philippines and in other Asian and European countries.

Why do you think your founder St. Ignatius Loyola specifically wrote in the constitution of the Jesuits that no Jesuits must accept to be a high ranking bishop or cardinal?  Jesuits were meant to be companions of Jesus, not companions of the Devil, the father of lies who came to steal, kill and destroy.  Ignatius had no choice 500 years ago to go to the world to proclaim the Good News that he needed the ships of the Vatican and the European monarchy.  But today, the Jesuits have amassed more wealth than any religious congregation, you have all the universities and schools you want or need.  There is no need to continue serving the Pope, the Father of Lies the reincarnation of the Devil!  But you set your sight on the highest throne in the Catholic Church and now the favorite words of St. Ignatius haunts you:  What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, if he suffers the loss of his soul? and you have committed the worst Pope Crimes more than all popes combined – you canonized John Paul II despite his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

Jesus the Jew vs. Roman Pope Francis 

Amazing how Jesus has lose his Middle East roots and Jewish identity (albeit born in Bethlehem, Palestine, a Muslim country) and lose His Biblical mission as a poor itinerant preacher for He has become Roman Catholic and hostage of the most tiny country - the Vatican City where He is also the most caged captive in gold tabernacles by tyrant evil popes – those 2,000 year old chameleons Pretenders and Impostors of Jesus and con-artists CON-Christ popes.  

From mass murderers, thieves, pedophiles, gays, adulterers like the Borgias, to John Paul II the Great Saint of Pedophiles, to Pope Francis the Worst Thief of Mankind – all popes use Christ as their mask, disguise and bait to serve one master alone –the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast ruling in the Vatican Palace - with only one goal - to preserve the Vatican Billions in secret Vatican Swiss Banks because the Vatican owns Switzerland.  Hence there’s the unique Swiss Guard Army wherein all Swiss young men are required to go and serve at the Vatican before they can become bankers, investment managers and civil officers in Switzerland because the Vatican pope is its sole monarch. Believe it or not!  

There was a former Swiss Guard who came to Boston to recruit investors as he was the CEO of an investment company, read about him in our other blog

Pope Francis, the two new pope saints John XXIII and John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and all popes definitely do not resemble one iota Jesus the Poor Carpenter of Nazareth and Poor Fisherman in the Sea of Galilee!  All movies portray Jesus as tall, lean and handsome but all popes, his assumed ‘Vicar of Christ’, have been FAT like COWS podgy, white and really hideous and repugnant they need the long white papal robe to constantly segue attention from their ugliness. Just look at the porky ass of Pope Francis that control 1.2 billion Catholics and the media world with his duck dance of wibble wobble Opus Dei Beast PR stunts.  Look at this gigantic poster in Rome of porky ass Pope Francis with the two fat popes new saints he canonized –John XXIII and John Paul II the 27 years globetrotting narcissistic pope – who said nothing and did nothing to protect children from his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army aptly named after his 27 years globetrotting papacy - and 1.2 billion stupid Catholics now adore them as their new fat Catholic Golden Cows.

                    Jesus of Nazareth  


the poor fisherman of the Sea of Galilee

3 FAT well-fed cows - ROMAN POPES 

Popes do NOT resemble Jesus Christ one iota

-- Popes  are CON-Christs and con-artists

-- Popes  are Pretenders & Impostors of Jesus

-- Popes  are LIARS & HYPOCRITES 

-  Popes  cannot clone Christ, ants or dogs 

Popes  are sorcerers in the Eucharist

 - Popes  are false magicians 

Popes  cannot clone or re-produce Jesus the Son of God

Popes are fat popes cannot reincarnate Jesus the Creator of the Universe 

Read Pope Francis the con-artist "CON-Christ"

The Popes' Master is the Vatican Mammon Beast - 

because he is the owner of Switzerland 

and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks 

- hence there's the Swiss Guard Army.

HOAX of Eucharist - instant reincarnation of Christ's flesh and blood

 is the worst Satanic Mass & sorcery of mankind

 Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore 

they cannot clone Jesus the Son of God the Creator of the Universe!

It took 9-months for Jesus to be in Mary' womb before He was born-

Read Pope Francis in Israel clones Christ where he was born 2,000 years ago 


Christ wants to be set free from Vatican and popes and priests  

Christ inspires and tells us that he wishes to be freed from the slavery of the Eucharist and be freed from the golden tabernacles in all Vatican Catholic churches worldwide – because all these are tools of the Vatican Mammon Beast to subdue people with feel-good theology – which are only pathological lies – that perpetuate their poverty and injustice and violence - via the Vatican Concordats, read more here in our article, Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

This post and blogs are inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword defends us from Goliath bullies of Opus Dei Beast Mafia.  St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain.  Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”.   Beware, Francis-Maniacs for the demise of the Vatican Temple akin to the Temple of Solomon is at hand!

The Vatican is the Devil reincarnated in Pope Francis 

and Opus Dei Beast and 

Jesuits Mercenaries are Demons' Angels

St. Michael the Archangel stands over the Vatican Mammon 

Beast now ruled by Pope Francis and the heads of the Beast =

 John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Opus Dei & Jesuits


Pope John Paul II: La-la-la-la-la-la — I can't hear those things you're saying about sex abuse

I am John Paul II the GREAT – I refuse to hear about my JP Army 
– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army 
- I hide them in my Achilles Heels - no one can see them

Read Pope Francis the CON-Christ and biggest THIEF of mankind

Read more here - John Paul II Millstoneread here

The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer

-- more important than the Eucharist and the Rosary

JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army before me, JP2 Army behind me,

JP2 Army in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army above me,

JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left,

JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down

JP2 Army when I arise

The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable - read more here -

Mary with John Paul II
$ 180.55
€ 119.00

Many statues of John Paul II are being carved to equal those of Mary, Jesus and St. Joseph...the narcissim and grandiosity of John Paul II can only be equal to that of the Devil who refused to bow down to Jesus but wanted to be his equal on this earth.

John Paul II is LUCIFER reincarnated :" He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result he takes his seat in God's temple, displaying himself as God.  (2 Thessalonians: 2-4)


Our Lady wants to be set free from the 


of Satanas John Paul II who has usurp her 


Jesus from her arms

TWO-FACES of  Pope Francis

Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina



Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?

Rear more -

Francis in-name-only

Pope Francis, YOU took Francis of Assisi’s name – but that’s all there is, isn’t it?  You are “in name only” – nothing else.  There’s nothing similar in essence or substance or in person between you and St. Francis - and if the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are already preparing for your sainthood like they did with documents for John Paul II’s 27 years papacy, you’re being duped big time.  You should have retired into a simple cave like poverello St. Francis of Assisi – who even refused to be a priest to clone the flesh of Christ because he knew as he wrote his canticle to the moon and stars - that no one can clone the Creator of those millions of stars in the firmament. Ever saw these images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation”? Can you clone one of these with your papal infallible words?  You cannot clone an ant or a dog or a star and therefore you cannot clone Christ either. 

Images of NASA “Hand of God and Pillars of Creation” 

Eagle Nebula

The "Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle nebula, as seen by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. Image credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/Arizona State University
› Larger view

You cannot clone an ant or a dog or one of the stars therefore you cannot clone Jeus the Son of God either in the sorcery of the Eucharist.
St. Francis denounced the wealth of his merchant father while you embraced and vowed to the Vatican Mammon Beast worse than a Satanic Mass. St. Francis embraced a leper but you exploit the sick for your political photo-ops (and at your age caught their virus).  You hypocritically preach about the poor but you actually mock them because at the same time, behind closed doors in the Vatican art chambers, you have private audiences and photo-ops with royalties of Europe who are the 1% wealthiest of the globe, photos with despots and imperialists like President Obama who steal the wealth of Third World countries, read here how the Philippines protested Obama’s visit as he plants more bases only to serve American hegemony, read here - .  Your photo-op with Obama actually perpetuates American Imperialism in the Philippines and in other Asian and European countries.

Why do you think your founder St. Ignatius Loyola specifically wrote in the constitution of the Jesuits that no Jesuits must accept to be a high ranking bishop or cardinal?  Jesuits were meant to be companions of Jesus, not companions of the Devil, the father of lies who came to steal, kill and destroy.  Ignatius had no choice 500 years ago to go to the world to proclaim the Good News that he needed the ships of the Vatican and the European monarchy.  But today, the Jesuits have amassed more wealth than any religious congregation, you have all the universities and schools you want or need.  There is no need to continue serving the Pope, the Father of Lies the reincarnation of the Devil!  But you set your sight on the highest throne in the Catholic Church and now the favorite words of St. Ignatius haunts you:  What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, if he suffers the loss of his soul? and you have committed the worst Pope Crimes more than all popes combined – you canonized John Paul II despite his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, read here Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years

Please take a look at the worse Roman Catholic Church pedophile priests attacks against more than 15,500 Americans … compared to the September 11, 2001 attacks against 3,000 Americans at theTwin Towers in New York.

Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

Priest pedophilia - 15,750+ victims - 6,100 pedophile priests covered-up by John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = the Vatican Trinity.

9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day    

CRUX is a new attempt to make it like EWTN in the web

Read Mother Angelica Diamond Bride of Christ


the "slimy bastardCardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep." But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the evil Achilles Heel of John Paul II


Satanas John Paul II and serial pedophile priest Marcial Maciel, 

Christ wants to be set free from 


Catholic Vatican tabernacles worldwide 

-- because popes and priests have NO

 powers to clone ants 

and dogs and God!



Wall Street Journal brainwash idiot Catholics for Pope Francis’s visit - to attend his Eucharist Satanic Mass & stupidly give millions of dollars to Vatican Mammon

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow
Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: Wall Street Journal “Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S.” to goad big American business donors and American idiot Catholics to give millions to Vatican Mammon Beast.
It’s very easy to detect the American journalists who are part of the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team at the Vatican – they all speak positively and fanatically about Pope Francis -- in order to brainwash and entice American idiot Catholics to give blindly and stupidly millions of dollars to the voracious evil Vatican Mammon Beast. Take the Wall Street Journal title Speculation Grows Over Potential Visit by Pope Francis to U.S. and its first paragraph to instantly programme American idiot Catholics that there is an “’intense’ speculation” of Pope Francis’s visit (see news articles below with our comments and emphases). Its purpose is to incite a pop star hype - to attend Pope Francis's Mass - like attending a concert of porno naked singer Miley Cyrus.

Philippines idiot Catholics. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day “Pope Francis: No to clergy sex abuse” is a pack of pathological lies

PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.

Paris Arrow
The Vatican circus for idiot Catholics stretches far and wide as if the Octopus Dei Beast Tentacles has engulfed the four corners of the globe. Across the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand (to placate the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army earthquake being unraveled by the Royal Commission in Australia) to the Philippines, the Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team is brainwashing millions of idiot Catholics keeping them ignorant about truth of Vatican Evils and making them feel-good Francis-Maniacs about their podgy ass fattest-clown-in-white Pope Francis. Last month, it was in New Zealand. Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war against terrorism”.

Stupid Catholic nuns 

worshipping the Opus Dei 

new Golden Cow ROMAN Saint John Paul II.  

Nuns wave as Pope Francis is driven through the crowd after presiding over a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 27, 2014. Pope Francis has declared his two predecessors John XXIII and John Paul II saints in an unprecedented canonization ceremony made even more historic by the presence of retired Pope Benedict XVI.

Stupid Catholic nuns 

worshipping the Opus Dei Beast 

new Golden Cow ROMAN Saint John Paul II.  

Vatican assets in the United States of America

         The Catholic Church in the United States, with “assets of more than $100 billion, today possesses more than ten times the combined wealth of IBM, Exxon, General Motors, and U.S. Steel.”

   -  stock it controls on the New York and American stock exchanges, and property, gold reserves, and paintings—are probably $50 billion to $60 billion

     -   There is no accountability for these funds to anyone except the Vatican. Everything is done in com­plete secrecy

   -   The hierarchy has learned to act indirectly through Catholic lay­persons

   -   The hierarchy acts through Catholic politicians – see list below

Note that this Vatican fortune in the USA has only multiplied – exponentially through the decades since that book was written.

Read Vatican Circus in South Korea: Pope Francis tells idiot Catholics to ‘combat allure of materialism’ but Vatican owns expensive shops only for 1% wealthiest on earth

The Pope and Vatican Swiss Banks control Wall Street and Wars

Two-faced Pope Francis: Laughing THIEF & Grim LIAR. Two completely different faces that reveal his inner soul. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Vatican?

The Vatican Concordats give the Bible to the people 

and steal their land and billions of dollars and assets 

Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

Ex-nuncio’s Vatican trial won’t be criminal but a charade. Jail in the Vatican is a joke; it’s sitting on lap of luxury of Vatican Billions

Pope Francis met Joel Osteen, Doug Coe, powerful evangelicals. Protest Pope Francis speech in Congress in 2015 visit. Idiot Catholics, beware of Jeb Bush

Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & televangelists to prepare for USA presidential election. God forbid Jeb Bush wins! Bush is the curse of America

Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré Redemptorists pay $20 million to victims of JP2 Army for fear of evidence on complicity in court and ending of its $1B religious tourism

Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.

‘Spotlight’ movie is Opus Dei Beast PR stunt propaganda for the Vatican & publicity for Boston Globe Catholic website - to salvage Vatican Titanic


Christ wants to be set free from the Vatican and all gold tabernacles in all Catholic churches worldwide because  priests and popes have no power to clone Christ’s flesh-and-blood in the Eucharist Satanic Mass.


Irish Times cartoon shows duplicity of priests. Sacrament of Confession’s absolute choice to protect pedophiles. Priests’ callousness towards children’s security and well being  - read here

"Do not use, out of order"  
Remarks: System broken
Signed:  J.C.

The "odious" sacrament

The Failure of the Sacraments

There’s an elephant quietly sitting in the nave that everyone on all sides of the clergy sex abuse crisis have been diligently ignoring, even the victims themselves. No clergy or even would-be reformers have really remarked on it yet, although it should be more obvious with each and every sad story. More importantly, it is a troubling issue that touches on the very heart and soul of Catholicism.

The monstrous truth is simply this: what the clergy sex abuse crisis clearly demonstrates is that the sacramental system has failed.

This is not just a case of hierarchical reneging of responsibility.There’s more to this than some bad apples. This is nothing that a few reforms can fix, some screening of seminarians or more pastoral responses by bishops. It is nothing less than a fundamental challenge to the entire Catholic Church, and it shows that the spiritual principles the whole structure is supposedly based on simply do not work.

Think about it. The offenders here are Roman Catholic priests, highly trained men. But unlike other professionals, these men are supposedly set apart and dedicated to lives of the spirit. They claim to have the power to forgive sins and make God appear.

They not only administer the sacraments to others, but also receive them themselves daily. That means, among other things, frequent confession to other priests. Moreover, many of these men belong to religious orders or are otherwise under close spiritual direction. They are supposed to confide everything to their confessors and superiors and to obey them unquestioningly.

So what went wrong? When an abusive priest goes to confession, does he start, “Bless me, father, for I have sinned: I buggered an altar boy three times this week”? And does the confessor tell him to say 3 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys and not to do it again?

According to their own theory, confessors have the power to forgive sins, but also to refuse to do so if sorrow is insufficient. Moreover, they are to appoint penances – if they wish, they can require satisfaction or significant signs of reform from the penitent before absolution. Some sins – such as solicitation for sex in the confessional – are even deemed so serious that only higher prelates, sometimes only the Pope or his appointed delegate can forgive them.

Yet the abusers continue to abuse. So are the sexually active priestslying to their confessors? This would mean that not only do the perpetrating priests remain in a state of mortal sin and are automatically excommunicated, they perform the sacraments in that state which is itself a grave sacrilege.

Or, even worse, are all the abusive priests linked? Do they only go to confession to like-minded perps who will understand? Is there then an organized network of sexually perpetrating priests, all busily enabling each other? This adds collusion and conspiracy to the sinand would indicate that the very structure itself is rotten to the core.

The evidence available suggests that perhaps both scenarios are true to varying degrees in different situations. Either way, however, the result is much the same.

The sacraments are meant to unite believers with Christ. Not just to remove the accumulations of sin like the weekly laundry, but togradually improve the recipient. They are intended to sanctify and uplift the faithful, increase devotion to God, charity to fellow humans, and moral stamina in the face of evil.

If the sacraments actually worked like this, wouldn’t we hear ennobling stories of clerical reform, of some molester inspired to truly repent and devote himself to the cause? But rather, the stories are depressingly the same, of priests caught time and again, transferred, treated, and now finally, laicized often against their will, with no regret or even acknowledgement of their evil.

What this means, each person must decide in their own conscience. But perhaps the fall off in confessions over the years itself tells the story. Why should anyone, lay or not, risk a ritual that seems so impotent in promoting reform and may, instead of granting grace, actually expose them to greater human wickedness?

The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer
-- more important than the Eucharist and the Rosary

JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army before me, JP2 Army behind me,

JP2 Army in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army above me,

JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left,

JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down

JP2 Army when I arise

To remember the JP2 Army is protect children forever from predator pedophile priests and from all kinds of pedophiles so that they are able to pierce through their theological mask as "representative of Christ" and it will empower children to see through John Paul II writings which are heartless, read our related article Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive... and they also made complicit Cardinal Bernard Law thrive, read our related article here

Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

JP2 Army – 100,000 victims - 6,100 pedophile priests (Los Angeles, Boston, etc)- John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity

Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland

Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent ... compared to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who covered-up pedophile priests The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!

The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church 

FRANCIS UPDATES:John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers toot Francis-mania…while Hans Kung points out “the Pope and his ‘double’” shadow pope Ratzinger!

Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests in Ireland

John Paul II's official spokesman Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls reveals the true reasons why there's the Pope and the Pedophile Scandal should shut down – it’s operated by the Legion of Christ whose founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel is member of John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

John L. Allen glorifies U.S. bishops' thinker-in-chief propaganda the Catholic Church's totalitarian ways

Premier Vaticanista John L. Allen Jr describes his unlimited access into the Vatican and Papal apartments

John Paul II Titanic Ship hit not only by American iceberg of priest pedophilia, also Irish iceberg, German iceberg, Austrian...Canadian icebergs....

John Paul II miraculously cures his German barber of hernia in Rome… as the John Paul II Pedophile Priest Army jolts Germany

John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy. Vision of Paris: St. Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at World Youth Day in 2002

New book shows un-saint-liness of John Paul II and his major flaws and faults: Crossing the Threshold of Confusion
The Roman Catholic Church is no longer « Holy ». All Catholic churches, sacristies, rectories are not «holy» but potential priestly pedophile places

Reasons why priest pedophilia is eternal: John Paul II the Great “Saint”, “The Conscience”of the ‘Age of Benedict XVI’, “Holy Father” Marcial Maciel

The Nazis and the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army were both an inherently evil all-male elite hierarchy born from the Devil's bowels

Vatican Pope controls Wall Street and all Stock Exchange and all wars in nations.

Wall Street Journal is a liar about vocations in seminaries

Amnesty International Report Vatican “Torture, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment” on tens of thousands of children sexually abused by priests


The black belt means she is pregnant

The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra

 Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way


9-months gestation of Jesus - the Son of God 


The cloning process that produced Dolly


1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests


Pope Francis, all Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and 

priests cannot clone cats and dogs and therefore

 they cannot clone Christ either.  

Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today.

The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate - or clone - God’s flesh.Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches

 “For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone

In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. PauL l

See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul

No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone

Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified

Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,

They came sick and they left sick.

There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,

for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter or Paul did.

Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here

Sacrament of Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims

Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stops

The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.

The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.

The Pope has no authority in Rome.

The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.

The Pope has no power in Rome.

The Vatican is not part of Rome.

The Pope is not a citizen of Rome.

The allegiance of Catholics is to the Pope and the Vatican 

or the Magisterium… 

The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore, 

is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.

Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman. 

The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read here .

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.

The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.

The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.

The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.

But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powers






    Read our related article, Rosary could not defeat JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the 20th Century ... unlike the Battle of Lepanto in the 16th Century

    I am the Holy Father of Jesus, Son of God.
    Enabler of Pedophile Priests
    St. Joseph with candles in the Votive Chapel of the Oratory of St. Joseph


    I am the Holy Father of Jesus, Son of God.


    Enabler of Pedophile Priests

    St. Joseph with candles in the Votive Chapel of the Oratory of St. Joseph

    Giant Saint Joseph could NOT help young students victims! His giant statue is only a few nearby the College Notre DAme where hundreds of students were sodomized by Holy Cross Brothers of Saint brother Andre. 


    Saint Brother Andre said nothing and did nothing 
    to protect young students victims of his Holy Cross Brothers

    Giant Saint Joseph could NOT help young students victims! 

    Oratory candles could not stop CSC pedophiles and bestial lust for 50 years from 1950 to 2001. 

    Give your money to the homeless shelters of Montreal

    Stop lighting candles! God does not need candles. 

    The poor need to eat. The homeless need a shelter. Homeless people NOT allowed in Oratory

    It’s acts of mercy that I want, says the Lord, not material sacrifices and candles! 

    God does not need your candles!

    Saint Joseph does not need your candles.

    People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY of St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. 

    God will listen more to your prayers - through your acts of charity - because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre.   

    God said in the Bible:  It isn’t material sacrifice that I want, but acts of mercy.  

     If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, buthow many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”   

    Christ also said, when you pray, go to your room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret, and he will hear your prayers

    STJOSEPH DU MONT-ROYAL - L'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal

    Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror ). .


    Giant statue of St. Joseph said nothing and did nothing to save hundreds of students - at College Notre Dame - which he can see day-and-night - across the small street in front of him -- being sexually abused by Brother Andre's pedophile priests and brothers

    Vatican Bank closes thousand accounts/criminal transactions BURNT to leave no trail of crimes further/future investigations...drowned by loud Francis-maniacs at St. Peter’s Square

  2. Oratory of Saint Joseph pedophile priests! Montreal: Second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross cannot protect children!
  3. .

    IDLE SAINT JOSEPH (Oratory) versus First Nations Idle No More native people.

  5. Looking Left: No tangible progress in combating Catholic sexual abuse
    Washington Square News

    Posted on March 7, 2014 | by Nina Golshan
    It has been almost one full year since Pope Francis was elected to take Pope Benedict XVI’s place in the Vatican. He has been hailed by both the Catholic community and its critics for his openness to bringing much needed reform to the outdated ethos of the church. His forthcoming attitude has alleviated some concerns about how the Vatican can reconcile its beliefs with those of its more youthful and liberal followers. However, for all of his efforts to reconnect, Francis has failed to truly address the patterns of sexual abuse and exploitation by clerics supported by the Vatican.
    In a recent interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Francis made comments defending the church’s response to reports of sexual abuse, claiming that it is “the only public institution to have acted with transparency and responsibility. No other has done more. And, the church is the only one to be attacked.” It is true that the church has been under scrutiny for quite some time — last month, a UN committee issued a report criticizing the Church’s policies on a range of issues, calling for the removal of any known sexual abusers and release of records of sexual assault allegations against clerics.

  7. It is also true that he has publicly acknowledged the problem, and in December he created a committee to evaluate methods to protect sexually abused children and more effectively screen men seeking to become priests for sexual deviance. This committee, however, is strictly advisory, and there is almost no information available regarding how it has gone about measuring the breadth of the problem. The “transparency” Francis speaks of does not exist.


    Read our compilation of articles defying Pope Francis statements in his interview,  Who’s the liar: Pope Francis or UN? Vatican secret thousands/files covered-up by Bishops versus UN open/thorough investigators. Francis Pinocchio nose getting bigger

    Women.Legion of Christ.OpusDei.Francis Hypocrisies...Legion of Christ feeds Vatican Mammon Beast. Opus Dei Mafia of Cardinals and Bishops. G-8 Cardinals are phony reformers recycling old Vatican Deceits
    Vatican Vipers attack UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The Failure of the Sacraments. Letter to a Christian Nation (USA) - read our related article

    Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

    Vatican rebuffs UN! Catholic Church not the moral authority of the world. Holy See defies UN Convention it ratified in 1990. Vatican Titanic sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy

    UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children.. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope

    Fr. Marcial Maciel's Swiss Bank accounts: Angelo Sodano with Carlos Slim´s help has set his nephew up in business with a swiss registered company

    USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”?

    John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies! Cardinal Dziwisz book: “JPII knew nothing” about bestial pedophile priest Fr. Maciel is Vatican Titanic Deceits

    Heil SatanasJP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children 


    Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims

    Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s neck

    Vatican Bank closes thousand accounts/criminal transactions BURNT to leave no trail of crimes further/future investigations...drowned by loud Francis-maniacs at St. Peter’s Square

    Benedict XVI –Ratzinger, God’s Rottweiler

    Occupy The Vatican... like Occupy Wall  Street  

    NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy  

    See the Vatican-owned 23 million Euros gay apartment with the largest gay sauna in Europe where a Vatican Cardinal lives right on the first floor to welcome those wealthy gay clients of Rome and Europe .

     Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns as Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s deceitful to say “Roman Pontiff” of “Roman Catholic Church” is here

    Read our latest articles - Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

    The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable


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